Which hair extension is better - capsular or tape? Compare and draw conclusions. Luxurious hair in an hour: the best hair extension techniques How to choose a hair extension technology

Hair extensions are a quick way to increase the length and volume of hair, but to get a good result, you need to choose the right technology for the procedure, taking into account their features, pros and cons.

Lengthening methods

The main difference between different types of service is the method of attaching strands to natural ones.

  1. . Tapes up to 4 cm wide with an adhesive strip along the edge are glued to your own hair at the roots.
  2. . Fixation is carried out with keratin resin capsules. They are heated with tongs and “soldered” to native hair at the base.
  3. . The technology is also called lengthening with clips or rings. Overhead products are attached to small structures with a diameter of 2-3 mm with clips.
  4. . The donor and natural hair bundle is threaded into the sleeve, clamped with tweezers, forming a small knot.
  5. On a pigtail ( , ). On the lower zone of the back of the head, a small pigtail is woven next to the roots, a tress is sewn to it - a long hair ribbon of the selected color, length and density.
  6. . This is an easy procedure to perform (artificial strands are simply woven into natural ones), but it takes a lot of time.

The extension technology that will be used in a particular case is chosen by a specialist after assessing the length, density and general condition of the hairline.

Types of technologies

Hot methods involve gluing donor and native hair with keratin resins using tongs, which are heated to the required temperature. This provides a secure, hidden and elastic fixation, but does not go unnoticed for the health of the hair.

The list of such methods includes:

With cold varieties, temperatureless types of fixation are used.- usually solid fasteners or chemical compounds that do not require heating, less often the material is simply woven into the hair. They are almost non-traumatic, but less reliable and require frequent updating.

These technologies include:

How to choose the best?

It is not recommended to choose the extension method on your own. To do this, you need to assess the condition of the hairline and take into account contraindications, which only a master can do. Before visiting the salon, you can consider the features of different techniques, choose several suitable options and discuss them with a specialist.

Building and each technique have contraindications for use. Usually these are serious allergic reactions, dermatological diseases, chemotherapy, alopecia caused by disorders in the body. In case of chronic or acute illnesses, you should consult with your doctor before visiting the salon.

In the video below - an overview of the features of various extension technologies:

What to do - cold or hot?

hotter cold
  • create a strong, flexible, almost imperceptible fastening, which is invisible to the prying eye and allows you to wear hairstyles of varying complexity.
  • practically does not harm the hair, and the strands can be easily removed. The exception is clip-on extensions - curls can become thinner from constant friction against the metal, but there will still be less damage than with hot extensions.
  • temperature exposure damages the hair, weakens and thins them;
  • it is difficult to remove molten resin without harm to native hair;
  • after such a procedure, you can not expose your hair to high temperatures, use masks, balms and styling products.
  • it will not be possible to make high hairstyles, since the attachment points will be visible to the prying eye;
  • you should not count on a long-term result - the correction will need to be done every 1-1.5 months.

Capsule and tape: pros and cons

Common methods of hair extensions are tape and capsule technologies, so the choice most often has to be made between these options.

tape capsular
  • sparing effect on "native" hair - no heat treatment, uniform load;
  • no lifestyle restrictions - with extended strands you can take a steam bath and go to the pool;
  • the procedure is fast, and the curls can be easily removed.
  • ease of hair care;
  • invisibility of fasteners, which allows you to do different hairstyles;
  • the ability to grow hair pointwise in any place - at the temples, bangs, nape;
  • long-term result - you can wear hair on capsules for up to six months.
  • short-term result (correction is necessary after about 2 months);
  • difficulty in hair care due to wide fasteners, the inability to do high hairstyles;
  • do not use products containing alcohol, as they can dissolve the adhesive.
  • serious damage to natural hair, which is burned during heat treatment and weighed down with artificial strands;
  • you can’t use masks, balms, as well as a hairdryer, tongs and curling irons, as well as go to a bath or sauna;
  • the procedure is not suitable for girls with oily hair, as under the influence of sebum, the capsules will quickly collapse.

In the video below, a master with many years of extension experience compares capsule and tape extensions:

Express Questions about which method is better

The most gentle, safe and discreet

Cheap and expensive

Tape and tress hair extensions are the cheapest. Depending on the quality of the materials and the pricing policy of the salon, the cost can be different - an average of 10-15 thousand rubles.

The most expensive is considered to be using keratin-based resin. It requires the use of high-quality materials, an ultrasonic device and a highly qualified master.

Particularly popular and modern

The most popular methods are capsular, tape and tress hair extensions. They are available in most salons, even in small towns.

Ultrasonic extension combines the advantages of cold and hot methods, therefore it is considered the most modern.

Regardless of the chosen method of hair extensions, you need to remember that the result is largely influenced by the skill of the specialist and the quality of the materials used in the procedure. Saving in this case is not worth it, otherwise, instead of a beautiful, thick hair, you will get grief from wasted money and hopelessly damaged "native" hair.

Hair extensions are one of the most requested salon treatments and are becoming more and more popular every day. Indeed, this is a simple solution to a common problem. After all, many girls who naturally have thin hair, or those who do not want to grow their own, run to beauty salons for "chic hair."

Of course, after the extension, the hairstyle acquires the desired volume and length. But what method of hair extensions is the best today - you need to figure it out.

Capsule or tape?

Capsule hair extensions today is the most popular way to "acquire" beautiful hair. Various technologies are used - German, English, Spanish and Italian technology. They differ little from each other, and the essence is as follows: strands of artificial hair are attached to their own with the help of keratin capsules. If the extension was done by a professional in a beauty salon, then the fastening of the strands is reliable and inconspicuous. Such strands are attached to hair of any length. The main thing is that they should not be shorter than 5 cm.

Hair extensions can not only be styled, but also dyed, as well as use any masks, balms and cosmetics. You can go to the correction with the capsule method of building up much less often. But the extension procedure and correction last much longer than tape extension, are more complex and expensive.

Despite the fact that tape extension is considered to be the “last century”, this procedure has a lot of fans to this day. The essence of this method lies in the fact that artificial hair is attached to its own using an adhesive polymer. It looks like double sided tape. "Native" strands with this method deteriorate less than with the capsular, since there is no thermal effect. The procedure takes less time, and the strands themselves are easier to remove. But you need to go for a correction at least once every two months.

In addition, tape extension has many limitations. You can not visit a bath or sauna, dry your hair with a hot hairdryer, use balms or hair sprays, otherwise the glue will dissolve.

Another advantage of this method is its cost. It is much cheaper than capsule extensions.

Which of these methods to choose is up to you. But if you want to keep up with the times and can boast of healthy curls, then capsule extensions should be preferred.

Cold or hot?

With cold hair extensions, the use of chemicals or high temperatures is excluded. The strands are attached thanks to adhesive capsules and rings on adhesive tape. The fastener is almost invisible. After three months, you need to come to the correction. The master will carefully remove the old strands and attach new ones.

The advantages of cold extensions can be considered the duration of the procedure - it takes no more than 2 hours, as well as hypoallergenicity, the absence of "chemistry" and the absence of any restrictions when wearing strands. There are also disadvantages to cold extensions: it is not suitable for girls with short and weak hair, as well as for those who suffer from changes in blood pressure.

Hot hair extension- this is the fastening of artificial strands with the help of resin or keratin, which form a capsule when heated. With the help of tongs, the capsules are securely attached to the hair. Extensions can be applied even to short strands, including at the temples. There is practically no irritation with this method of building, which means that it is suitable even for people with sensitive skin.

Hot extensions are not suitable for girls with oily hair, as fat can melt the capsules. You can not use some shampoos and balms. You also need to know how to comb your hair to avoid combing strands. But straightening or curling is not recommended.

What is the safest method for thin hair?

Fine hairs are the most vulnerable, so hair extensions should be as safe as possible for them so that they do not get damaged and become even thinner. One of the most harmless ways of extension for this type of hair can be considered ultrasonic extension.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that keratin capsules are melted by a cold method, namely with the help of ultrasonic exposure. Capsules are firmly fixed on the hair and do not comb out. And most importantly, naturally thin hair is practically not damaged in this case.

What kind of hair is best for extensions?

Four types of hair are used today for extensions: European, Slavic, South Slavic and Asian. They differ in quality and.

  • Asian - the cheapest version of artificial strands. They are more rigid in structure and tend to get confused often, so they need to be carefully combed several times a day. After 3-4 corrections, such hair becomes brittle and loses its original appearance.
  • European hair is the "middle" option among the entire range. They are softer than Asian ones and look like natural ones. But their disadvantage is that they are “worn” only until the first correction.
  • Slavic type is the best. They are soft, silky, the strands are matched exceptionally well. They even single out the “Lux” class among Slavic hair. These are the most expensive strands that can never be distinguished from natural ones.
  • South Slavic hair can be called a variety of Slavic hair. Their only difference is that they are slightly stiffer in structure. And they are “collected”, of course, in the South of Russia. They lend themselves well to styling, and you can wear them even after 2 corrections.

Today, hair extensions are in high demand. With its help, girls with thin and sparse hair get a great opportunity to give their hair a thick and voluminous look. But today, hair extensions can occur using several techniques, each of which has its own distinctive features.


This method is one of the most popular today. It is characterized by fixing artificial hairs to natural ones with the help of hot resin. Hot building technology can be presented in two forms, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Italian technology

When fixing strands using this technology, resin and special clamps are used. It is they who heat the resin to the desired temperature. At the fixation sites, hot devices form small capsules.

The advantages of the technology include:

  • capsules do not interfere with normal hair combing;
  • the hair is not tangled; you can walk with artificial hair for about 6 months.

The procedure is not without drawbacks, which include:

  1. Under the influence of a high temperature regime, natural curls are burned, as a result of which their appearance deteriorates.
  2. After the manipulation, it is forbidden to visit the san, bath, as the capsules may melt, and the attached hairs will fall off.
  3. On so often you can use thermal styling devices. This should include a hair dryer, straightener, pins.

On the video - hot Italian hair extensions:

Choosing Italian hair extension technology is for those ladies who want to get a lasting effect and may not visit a bath for a long time and use a hairdryer.


The essence of the procedure is that the process of fixing unnatural hair is carried out using resin and a glue gun. Fastening is observed in the back of the head with a small ball.

The advantages of the method include:

But as for the minuses, they are also available:

  1. Often, hairs fall out of the ball, because the attachment site according to English technology is not very reliable.
  2. The influence of high temperature indicators still negatively affects the condition of the hair and even the scalp.
  3. It is forbidden to use thermal devices and visit the bathhouse, sauna.
  4. Glue tool involves the use of glue. It is completely unclear what effect he will have on his native hair.

On the video - English hot hair extension:

It is difficult to answer which of the presented methods is the best. We can only say that today the masters do not particularly welcome them. This can be explained by the fact that they are trying in every possible way to minimize the harm to their own hair, and to do this under the influence of high temperature is simply unrealistic.

What are the pros and cons of hair extension types. This article will help you understand:

It will also be interesting to learn about what For this it is worth clicking on the link to this article.

Which is better: clip-in hair or hair extensions

Of course, it is better to use clip-in hair extensions than extensions. This choice is due to the fact that hair clips are cheaper and more convenient, but most importantly, they do not harm the hair. Whatever extension method you choose, it will still injure the hair. In addition, clip-in hair can be removed and put back on at any time, which is hardly possible with extensions.

On the video, what is better hair with clips or extensions:

Despite the fact that artificial hair extensions are not a useful procedure, they are still very popular today. And this is not surprising, because with its help you can very quickly and conveniently create strands of any length. But before you decide on this procedure, remember that it is harmful, so you should not apply it to very weakened and lifeless hair, as this will greatly aggravate an already deplorable situation.

However, alas, nature has not rewarded everyone with such wealth, so modern girls are forced to wait for their hair to grow back for months or even years.

But the blessing today, the beauty industry allows you to get the cherished long hair in a shorter time thanks to extension procedure, but you need to choose the safest hair extensions.

What is?

Hair extension is a hairdressing procedure, the principle of which is to attach additional curls to existing hair in order to make them longer.

Which hair extension is safer? Extension may have a different technology depending on the method:

  • Hot method, which includes, for example, Italian and English extension technologies.
  • Cold method, which includes such types as tape, using metal beads, etc.

Harm from the procedure

Our hair is our wealth, so we do our best to protect it from various external influences. But, unfortunately, in pursuit of healthy and long curls, girls often face a difficult choice.

Arguing about whether it is harmful to build up is useless, because disastrous effect for the hair is obvious here. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that everything depends on various factors.

Therefore, this article will help you choose the most harmless hair extensions by indicating this procedure.

For example, it is important to take into account the qualifications of the master you contacted: it is obvious that a hairdresser with little experience will do the job less efficiently than the real one. Also the sensitivity and structure of the hair: strong hair will more easily endure the procedure, and their recovery will be faster.

And, of course, the degree of harm during extension depends on the method of the procedure you have chosen and the corresponding ones. When performing such a complex procedure as building, be sure to contact a professional.

Do not try deal with it on your own, especially when it comes to building.

The most painless hair extension

In order to identify which hair extension is the safest, you need to consider in detail each one separately.


Let's start with the most popular method - hot building. The popularity of this method was brought by a special technology (we note that it was in Italy that this industry received a huge impetus in its development).

The name of this technology is capsular extension. It differs from others in that during the procedure itself, artificial ones are attached to natural ones using special capsules.

At the same time, hairdressers promise us hair lengthening up to 60-70 centimeters, which will last 2-3 months. But is it safe?

It is clear that hot extensions bring some harm, since thermal exposure is extremely stressful for hair. However, it should be noted that the capsules used in this method are based on keratin.

Keratin- a natural fibrillar protein that is part of the hair structure. It is he who gives it the necessary strength.

Everything must be taken into account: the date of manufacture, composition, brand, country of origin, etc. And, of course, if you want your hairstyle to last as long as possible, the capsules do not roll, and the ribbons do not come off, choose a good one. verified specialist.

Tape technology

Now let's take a closer look at technology. Since it refers to cold extension methods, the master will not use heat here.

And the complete absence of thermal exposure makes this type completely harmless to your curls. Gluing new strands is carried out using a special adhesive tape.

This procedure takes not for long, and the effect of it, as experts say, lasts up to 2.5 months. In addition, if you get tired of long hair, you can unfasten the artificial strands yourself whenever you wish.

afro extension

In another way, extensions or simply rightfully considered one of the safest. The process proceeds as follows: first, the hairdresser weaves thin identical braids from natural hair.

Then wefts are sewn alternately to each pigtail. It should be ensured that all wefts are sewn evenly and neatly, otherwise the hairstyle will not look natural.

The service life of such a hairstyle is relatively short - 1.5 months, however, when performing it, no artificial materials are used that can in any way harm the health of the hair.

Clip in hair extensions

And for those who absolutely do not accept any effect on the hair, there is another option - false hair. on hairpins. This method cannot be attributed to extension, but the effect of it is the same - long luxurious hair.

The method does not require the possession of any special skills and abilities, as it is quite simple to perform. You just need to make a bouffant of natural strands and attach false hair with clips to them.

But here, too, there are downsides. It is not recommended to wear such for too long, as the head may feel heaviness. And it will take a decent amount of time to complete the hairstyle. Although the effect is worth it.

When buying false spans, try to choose those that are as close as possible to your natural tone.


In conclusion, it should be said that this article analyzes the safest extension methods.

Which one is right for your hair is up to you and your specialist to decide. Remember that such a matter must be approached wisely, and then your time, money and efforts will bear fruit.

I have shoulder length hair, but I always wanted to have long, waist length hair. So, I decided to build up, it seems that today it is not very expensive. I want to ask for advice - does it hold on, does it not spoil your hair much? Tamara, 25 y.o.

Hello Tamara! Let's figure it out together which hair extension option is better: more effective and durable, harmless to your own curls.

Extension is the most fashionable hairdressing service today. And this is not surprising, because in one procedure you get a whole shock of long, natural hair that looks natural, can be styled in almost any hairstyle, or braided. Extended strands can last up to six months, then a correction is already necessary, which is a replacement (fixing) of individual strands.

First of all, experts advise to comply with a number of requirements necessary for successful hair extensions:

1. Required wash your hair before extensions.

2. Before coming to the procedure, sign up for a consultation. This preliminary examination of your hair, as well as the recommendations of the hairdresser, will give you the opportunity to understand what you want and (importantly) what to expect from extensions.

Can after all, not only increase the length, but, for example, add colored strands in the manner of effective coloring. 😛

3. Remember that if the length of your own hair is less than 10 centimeters, then the master will most likely refuse to grow them. There is simply nothing to attach new strands to.

There is 2 completely different ways fastening strands, each of which is used in hair extensions - hot method and cold method.

Which hair extension is better, cold or hot?

Is hot extensions better or...?

With hot building, the process of fixing additional strands is reduced to using resin or keratin, these heated substances, when solidified, form capsules, thanks to which new hair bundles hold quite securely. In this general form of hot building, one can distinguish 2 subspecies - Italian and English. In the first case, keratin is used as a fixative, in the second - resin.

Standard The "service life" of the strands extended by the hot method is 3 months. In the future, you will have to come to the correction.

What is a good method?

1. Hair is well kept.

2. As a rule, the capsules are almost invisible.

3. Hair combing is practically impossible.

And yet, there is significant disadvantages :

1. Hot way is, first of all, thermal effect on hair. It turns out that native strands suffer. In addition, in this case it is not only elevated temperature, but also pressure, chemical effects. In general, whole 3 troubles at once for your native curls. 😥

2. Some problems arise with the removal of extended strands. Sometimes native curls have to be cut.

3. With the "keratin" method the capsule should be protected from exposure to masks, hair balms, because they contribute to its softening and strength.

4. When using resin, you can not visit the sauna and bath, since the capsule does not tolerate such thermal effects.

Cold - what is good and what is bad?

Cold build-up is called "cold" because thermal effect is excluded here. A special glue is responsible for fixing here, it can be different depending on the technology. And there are also a lot of methods within this subspecies.

Most often you can find in our salons application technologies metal clips and tape extension(it is - German technique ).

Let's stop in more detail on the belt method, as the most common in Russia.

Tape version works like double sided tape. It turns out a fairly strong connection, while the place of fixing the hair is actually not visible. In this case, only natural strands are used. Therefore, this procedure is quite expensive.

Cons of tape extension- this is mainly a complete sealing of the junction. As a result at the attachment point, the hair "does not breathe", which leads to damage to their structure, brittleness. Sometimes after such a build-up one feels heaviness of hair.

A few words about cold extension using metal rings (clips).


1. No chemical, thermal damage.

2. The procedure is enough fast, since the master only needs to select the strands and clamp the ring at the attachment point.

Minuses yet there is also:

1. Their hair at the junction is rubbed with a metal element are damaged.

2. In the cold with such a build-up it is quite cold (for Russia this is true!)

3. This way cannot be used on thin hair, the ring just won't hold.

4. Enough weak fastening, when combing the hair is strongly combed out, which means that the build-up quickly loses its “presentation”.

What is the best hair extension to choose? As you can see, in any case there are advantages and disadvantages. It turns out that it is impossible to completely avoid the risk of damage to one's own hair; with any choice, the junction will be subjected to one or another negative effect. Therefore, if you already have damaged hair, or you have recently done a perm, it is better to postpone extensions. In a few months, you will be able to treat your curls with nourishing masks, special products, and then you will feel only the positive features of extension.

Beautiful curls to you!