Fighting a double chin: how to achieve a clear oval face. An overview of effective ways to lift the oval face: the fight against ptosis and flabbiness of the skin A clear contour of the face with injections

Over time, a person's face undergoes natural changes, the skin loses firmness and elasticity, becomes flabby and begins to sag. Getting rid of ptosis, wrinkles and irregularities is not as difficult as it might seem, for this it is enough to tighten the oval of the face using one of the many methods. The specific method of correction is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient.

Injection techniques

It is possible to prevent sagging of the face, eliminate the first fine wrinkles and slight flabbiness of the skin using the simplest injection techniques. The essence of such cosmetic procedures is the subcutaneous injection of drugs, minerals and vitamins. Getting directly into the dermis, they have a general healing effect, normalize local processes and enhance collagen synthesis. At the moment, two main methods of this direction are practiced in cosmetology:

  • Biorevitalization. The introduction of hyaluronic acid in order to restore water balance and moisturize the skin. The procedure improves tone and elasticity, helps to slow down age-related changes.
  • Mesotherapy. The introduction of complex preparations based on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, products of synthetic or animal origin. The purpose of the procedure is to nourish the skin, normalize blood circulation and cell nutrition, and increase collagen production.

Injections of this type are carried out on a course basis and form temporary results for up to six months, then it will be necessary to make a correction. The average cost of one session is about 2000 rubles.

injection plastic

Moderate ptosis and swollen contour of the face with soft tissue deficiency can be easily eliminated by means of injection plasty. The principle of carrying out procedures of this kind is to fill the voids that led to the sagging of the skin with special liquid implants of various nature:

  • Hyaluronic acid injections. The introduction of concentrated hyaluronic acid into problem areas to create the necessary volume and tension of the skin. Positive results are achieved due to the physical presence of the biodegradable substance, as well as the processes occurring in the zone of its introduction (attraction of water molecules). Additionally, hyaluronic acid provides skin hydration. The positive effect persists for 15-18 months, during which the injected substance is completely decomposed and excreted from the body.
  • Polylactic acid injections. Imply the introduction of a synthetic substance identical to natural. It compensates for the lack of volume, provides skin tightening, stimulates the production of natural collagen, which temporarily maintains the results achieved after the biodegradation of polylactic acid. Positive results from injections persist for 2-2.5 years.
  • Liquid Silicone Injection. Liquid silicone is an analogue of the biodegradable drugs described above. It does not decompose and is not excreted from the body, however, it also provides only a temporary result. The effect of its use lies in the physical replenishment of the deficiency of soft tissues, due to which the tension of the skin is achieved.
  • Fat injections. A natural implant obtained from the patient's own fat reserves during liposuction. Before the introduction of fats, their preliminary purification is carried out.

It is important to know not only how to improve facial contours, but also how much it costs. The average cost of injection plastics is about 12-20 thousand rubles and directly depends on the type of filler used.

Hardware methods

It is quite possible to form a tightened oval of the face without surgery and violation of the integrity of the skin with the help of hardware techniques. A distinctive feature of this direction of cosmetological impact is minimal trauma and high results. Hardware techniques optimize local processes (blood circulation, lymph flow, oxygen supply to cells) and enhance collagen production:

  • vacuum massage. The principle of operation is based on the creation of a negative pressure area.
  • Ultrasonic massage. It helps not only to tighten the oval of the face, but also to cleanse the skin, break down accumulations of fatty deposits. The main acting force during this procedure are ultrasonic vibrations.
  • Photorejuvenation. It is carried out with the help of light pulses penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis.
  • Thermage. A technique based on radio wave radiation. The impulses sent penetrate into the depth of the skin, contribute to the compression of collagen fibers in size, and as a result, form the effect of a tightening.
  • Laser lifting. Carried out with the help of light pulses, it enhances the production of collagen and activates the body's internal resources necessary for accelerated cell regeneration.

Correction of the oval of the face by such methods implies a course effect. The most budgetary methods are hardware massages (from 2,000 rubles), more expensive are laser lifting and thermage (from 5,000 rubles per session).

Thread lifting

Correction of the oval of the face is also carried out with the help of a thread lift, this method is considered to be less traumatic, but quite effective. As a result of its implementation, violation of the integrity of the skin is carried out in a minimal amount, while the rehabilitation period is minimized, as well as the risks of side effects. In modern cosmetology, two methods are used to tighten the oval of the face:

  • Band reinforcing. It implies the introduction of mesothreads into the soft tissues of problem areas. For their production, synthetic, biodegradable materials are used, which completely decompose into components over time. Despite this, they manage to create a framework of collagen fibers in their place.
  • Thread lifting. It implies the introduction of threads (biodegradable or non-absorbable) into soft tissues in order to tighten the skin. Such threads tighten problem areas and have an additional rejuvenating effect by stimulating the work of fibroblasts.

The average cost of thread lifting is about 25 thousand rubles.

Video: thread facelift procedure

Our grandmothers tightened the oval of the face at home. They did without any creams, cosmetics from the store and used homemade masks. They just need to be used regularly.

These masks are very beneficial for the skin. They have not only lost their relevance, but have become more popular. Before we give examples of tightening masks, mixtures, let's talk about precautions aimed at eliminating sagging facial oval.

Perform the following procedures:

  1. Hold a pencil in your teeth and write ten letters in the air.
  2. Straighten your shoulders and rotate your head in one direction and then in the other. Next, tilt your head forward, press your chin to your chest, and then tilt your head back.
  3. Perform water procedures for the flexibility of the skin in the chin area, gradually replacing rinsing with cold or hot water. Do this procedure, combining with light massaging of this zone.

On the video you can get acquainted with the following exercises, which will be very useful:

Mask Recipes

  1. With egg white

By making such a mask, you will get a tightening effect. Beat the protein and add milk, honey or oils to the mass. This mixture will perfectly tighten the skin. But it should not be used for dry skin.

  1. With egg yolk

Such masks have a nourishing effect and a lifting effect on dry and sensitive skin. They can be applied to any type of skin. Also add milk, honey or oils to this mass. The main thing in this composition is fresh homemade eggs, which can be replaced with quail eggs with more useful substances.

  1. with gelatin

To make such a mixture, melt the gelatin in a water bath. Different ingredients are added for different skin types:

  • fruit puree from peach, strawberry, kiwi for oily skin;
  • cream, sour cream, jojoba, olives for dry skin;
  • eggs, herbal decoctions, honey, milk for combination and normal skin.
  1. With sea kelp

For facial skin, a useful source is seaweed, which is easy to find in a pharmacy. They have an excellent tightening effect and eliminate other skin problems: excess oiliness, rashes, pigmentation. The method for making a rejuvenating mask is described below.

Pour warm water over dry algae (1 tablespoon) and leave to swell for several hours. This must be done in the morning. Apply the composition before going to bed. After acquiring the algae of its original form, they must be crushed and then applied to pre-cleansed skin. You can add other components to this composition: honey, egg, oils. The procedure should last at least 30 minutes. Such masks are recommended to be done twice a week.

  1. With white clay

Stir 1 tsp. wheat germ, 1 tbsp. l. grape juice, 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical white clay. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Then after 20 minutes, rinse with water, blotting the skin with a towel.

The main rule for using home remedies:

  1. Freshness. Do not cook them ahead of time, as the ingredients spoil quickly and will not be of any use.
  2. Alternate recipes from time to time so that the skin does not get used to a particular product.
  3. Do courses of ten to fifteen procedures. Then, leave the skin to rest for a month or replace the composition with other substances with similar properties.

When to start using masks?

Masks must be chosen correctly so that the skin receives a tightening effect. Do not miss the time of applying these masks. Timely started skin care will give the effect much earlier. So, the use of masks must begin when:

  • noticeable dryness of the skin;
  • fine wrinkles become deeper;
  • the facial contour loses its expressiveness;
  • age-related pigmentation occurs;
  • age approaches 35 years.

To increase the effectiveness of face lifting masks and creams, it is necessary to combine them with massage, which improves blood circulation and skin color.

On the proposed video you will see all this.

Massaging rules

  • Wash your hands and face thoroughly, and then apply moisturizer.
  • To warm up the cheeks, run your fingertips eight times over the cheeks and temples from the wings of the nose.
  • While smoothing the forehead, do not press too hard and move your fingers up and away from the eyebrows.
  • From the center of the chin, make smoothing movements to the earlobes.
  • Pat your cheeks and chin with the back of your hand.
  • Finish massaging with a massage under the jaw with the back of your fingers.

Do this massage in the morning every day for 30 days, combining them with tightening evening masks 3 times a week. After a short time, the flabbiness of the skin will disappear and it will tighten.

Massaging rules are clearly visible in the video:

Contrast massage

Contrasting massage is also very effective. To do this, take two bowls: one with moderately hot water, and the other with cold salted water (2 tablespoons per liter of water). Take a small terry towel and soak it in salty cold water. Having rolled it into a tourniquet, squeeze it out and, patting on the chin, walk along the facial contour. Next, soak it in hot water and repeat the steps again. Alternately change the temperature and in one session make such movements up to eight times daily, before the main lifting massage.


Such tightening exercises in the following video will help you get a healthy look on your face:

Gymnastics will also tighten the oval of the face. Let's consider some of them:

  • The development of the muscles of the neck and face is facilitated by head rotation in various directions, puffing out the cheeks and facial exercises.
  • Regeneration processes in the body are stimulated by a contrast shower or body wrap.
  • Exercises for “lazy people”: draw out the following sounds: “o”, “and”, “y”.
  • The mood will also improve with the following exercise: open your mouth as much as possible and try to reach your chin with your tongue.


The oval of the face is not difficult to correct with the help of Facebook building (translated from English as face building). Each representative of the weaker sex can tighten the clear contours of the facial oval. All you need is discipline, diligence and desire.

After face building, use a cream with a tightening effect. So you will achieve a greater effect.

Watch this video, it will help you get rid of the fuzzy contour of the face oval.

Every day, take time to do this and after 2 or 3 weeks you will admire the excellent result. It is very important to do all this comprehensively and not be lazy.

  • Methods for correcting facial contours and double chin
  • How to correct the oval of the face with makeup: general rules
  • Correction of the oval of the face and double chin: photo instruction
  • Overview of facial contouring products

Loss of clarity of the contour of the face can be the result of various factors: age-related changes, excess weight, structural features of the face. However, almost every woman who is faced with sagging skin and the appearance of a second chin wants to get rid of these problems faster. There are several methods that are used to fix the problem. Each of them in its own way will help to restore a clear oval of the face.

Methods for correcting the oval of the face and double chin without surgery

There are several ways to make the oval of the face clearer and get rid of the second chin. Some are more radical, others do not involve serious interventions. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. There is no universal solution. What non-surgical ways to correct the oval of the face should I pay attention to?

Lipolitics injections

The procedure is painful and expensive, but the result is impressive. With the help of injections into the problem area, the doctor achieves the splitting of fat cells, which often cause sagging skin and the appearance of a second chin.

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Depending on the characteristics of the body, the age of the patient and the severity of the problem, it may take from 2–3 to 8–9 procedures to forget about the fuzzy oval and restore beautiful facial contours.


Massage is suitable for those who have an indistinct oval of the face - a consequence of flabbiness of the skin, and not excess weight.

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This method of correction can be resorted to at home. The main principle is to move from the center of the chin to the ears, as if pulling the skin with your fingers.

© Getty

Thread lifting

Thread lifting is a kind of compromise between cosmetic and serious surgical procedures. It can be considered by those who can no longer get the desired result from massage and injections, but are not ready for radical surgery. The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. During this time, the doctor draws special threads under the skin through the punctures, which tighten the tissues from the inside and, accordingly, eliminate sagging, minimizing the visibility of wrinkles. Bruising and swelling may persist for several days after the procedure, but the effect of rejuvenation and a clearer facial contour will be noticeable immediately.

© Getty

For those who prefer contouring with makeup to any intervention, we will tell you what products will be needed and how to apply them in order to visually tighten the oval of the face.

How to correct the oval of the face with makeup: general rules

It will be possible to noticeably correct the oval of the face with the help of makeup only if the scale of sagging is not too large. With moderate signs of ptosis, you can visually hide them using the play of light and shadow. If you think this option suits you, stick to the basic rules of contouring with correctors.

Among the disadvantages of such a correction is a short-term effect. All steps will have to be repeated again the next day, because, like any other make-up, this one will need to be removed in the evening. In addition, it is very important to use a primer and other products, taking into account the type of skin, otherwise the result may be smeared during the day.

Necessary tools and accessories

In order to correct the oval of the face, you will need a certain set of tools.

Contouring technique depending on the shape of the face

Photos before and after

If everything was done correctly, the result will be visible to the naked eye, as in the photos below - before and after applying makeup.

Before © site

After © site

Correction of the oval of the face and double chin at home: photo instruction

  1. 1

    Prep your skin for makeup application with Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream. Apply Kiehl's Eye Treatment with Avocado to the under eye area. where to find?

    © site

  2. 2

    Even out skin tone. High Definition Foundation from NYX Professional Makeup is suitable for this. where to find?

    © site

  3. 3

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  4. 4

    In order for the sculpting to look harmonious, it is important to take into account the natural shape of the face. This will help you apply corrector and highlighter correctly, taking into account the nuances of your appearance.

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  5. 5

    Contouring can be done with cream or dry correctors. In this case, we used Urban Decay's Naked Skin Shapeshifter palette.

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  6. 6

    The first point with a brush must be placed at the intersection of two lines: the first goes horizontally through the lower points of the nostrils, the second - vertically from the tail of the eyebrow.

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  7. 7

    If the face is oval, then from the point of the first touch of the brush, blend the pigment towards the middle of the ear. If the shape of the face is more elongated, then the earlobe should be taken as a guideline for shading. And if, on the contrary, the face is more round, then the upper edge of the ear.

  8. 8

    Darken the temple area, the contour of the lower jaw and the hairline. Blend well after application. Makeup doesn't have to be like makeup.

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  9. 9

    Add highlights. To do this, you can use both correctors of lighter shades, and concealer, liquid highlighter or foundation.

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    In this case, the concealers from the Conceal, Correct & Contour palette from NYX Professional Makeup were used.

    Add highlights to the forehead, top of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, chin, and under the eyes.

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  10. 10

    Set your creamy finish dry with Urban Decay's Naked Skin Shapeshifter Palette.

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  11. 11

    Then add some highlighter to highlight areas.

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  12. 12

    For a fresher look, add Giorgio Armani's Fluid Sheer Blush.

    How to make the oval of the face clearer, return the previous outlines or change them?

    There are several ways to combat gravitational ptosis (sagging skin), wrinkles, loss of volume in the cheeks and chin. Eliminating all these imperfections and restoring a flawless feminine facial contour is called remodeling.





    RecoSMA - natural rejuvenation and facial remodeling

    RecoSMA- effective and safe procedure of laser lifting. The laser acts on the layer of skin that keeps tissues from sagging. Thanks to this effect, RecoSMA fights wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, models the oval of the face, making it clearer. Double chin, drooping eyelids and other signs of gravitational ptosis can be corrected with this procedure.

    Thread lifting - skin tightening and protection against sagging

    Special Resorblift threads form a soft tissue scaffold that supports the skin and prevents sagging. The threads are compatible with human tissues, safe and hypoallergenic, over time they dissolve and are excreted from the body.

    Thus, thread lifting is a safe and non-traumatic alternative to plastic surgery for skin tightening.

    Contour plastic - correction of age-related changes in the oval of the face

    Contour plastic is the modeling of the face with the help of gels based on hyaluronic acid. With their help, you can get rid of nasolabial and interbrow folds, wrinkles in the mouth. Also, contour plastic is used to change the shape and size of the lips, hyaluronic acid gives additional volume and makes the lips more seductive.

    New: Sculptra (Sculptra). Among the variety of drugs for contour plastics, the new biostimulator Sculptra (Sculptra) occupies a special place. After all, its main advantage is a long-term (up to 2 years or more) effect after the procedure, while other drugs give results for 6-12 months.

    Cannulas – effective modeling

    The cannula is an elastic needle with a special curved shape that allows you to most effectively position the hyaluronic acid filler under the skin. Cannulas are used to correct wrinkles on the forehead, nasolacrimal sulcus, and to model the contour of the face.

    The technology provides the most durable effect of skin tightening and eliminates facial asymmetry.

    Spacelifting: a clear oval face

    When age-related changes are pronounced, then a surgical skin tightening is required, which will lead to the acquisition of a clear oval of the face. Today in Linline this problem is solved by the most modern methods.

    Spacelifting is an innovative low-traumatic operation in which nerves and blood vessels are not damaged. In plastic surgery, there is a concept of facial spaces: it is with them that the surgeon works during spacelifting. With the help of a special tool, the doctor penetrates into the right space, moves the tissues and fixes them in the right position. Thus, the cheekbones, cheeks, neck and cervico-chin region are tightened, nasolabial folds, corners of the mouth are corrected. The overall tone of the skin increases.

    There are no visible scars after the operation, and the rehabilitation period passes as quickly as possible.

    Endoscopic facelift: surgical 3D facelift

    The operation is performed under the control of the endoscope, through small incisions. Excess tissue is redistributed, excess adipose tissue is excised. Subcutaneous structures are tightened. Soft tissues are fixed in a tightened position, which leads to recovery the former contour of the face, smoothing large wrinkles. Removes droopy eyebrows, the contours of the face become clear. Such a lift has no age restrictions, but the need for it arises no earlier than 35–40 years. The positive effect will last for a long time: at least 5 years.

    Every year, despite regular care, the skin undergoes irreversible changes, and the time comes when a facelift becomes the only way to get rid of wrinkles, sagging, sagging cheeks.

    There are many options to restore youth, and although plastic surgery is the most effective way, you can resort to more gentle procedures that do not require the intervention of a surgeon. What method should be preferred and is it possible to achieve the desired results at home?

    Indications and contraindications

    • numerous age wrinkles;
    • the appearance of pigment spots;
    • sagging;
    • the appearance of a second chin;
    • deep nasolacrimal grooves;
    • strongly lowered corners of the eyes, mouth;
    • looseness of the skin;
    • sagging cheeks.

    Regardless of which procedure will be used to get rid of defects, one should not forget about contraindications. You will have to give up the dream of quickly becoming young and beautiful and resort to another method of rejuvenation in such cases:

    • inflammation on the skin;
    • abundant placers of acne;
    • chronic or infectious diseases at the peak of exacerbation;
    • pregnancy;
    • blood clotting is very poor;
    • treatment with aggressive or blood-thinning drugs;
    • breastfeeding the baby;
    • oncological problems.

    Important! To completely eliminate complications after a facelift, be sure to visit a doctor who will find out if there are any contraindications.

    A facelift can be performed by several methods, and the most popular, despite the discomfort, is injection. The introduction of special compounds allows not only to get rid of skin defects in a short time, but also to force the cells of the epidermis to work actively.

    Procedures for lifting the oval of the face can be completely painless - using special devices or even home remedies. Which method will bring the greatest efficiency in facelift, can only be determined by a specialist after a thorough examination. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the condition of the skin, but also the age of the patient, the presence of contraindications, and health characteristics.

    If simple methods of lifting the face oval are ineffective, the specialist will certainly recommend plastic surgery. The main advantage of such manipulations is that the skin remains smooth and taut for many years.

    For women who cannot overcome the fear of plastic surgery or the introduction of drugs by injection, hardware cosmetology is recommended, which can carry out a facelift quickly and painlessly. What is the essence of the procedure? Special devices stimulate the work of epidermal cells, forcing them to produce collagen - a substance responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin.

    There are several ways to carry out manipulations without trauma to skin tissues:

    • Photorejuvenation. It is carried out with the help of pulses that penetrate deep into the epidermis.
    • Laser lifting. Laser beams of different power penetrate the tissue and stimulate the production of collagen.
    • Ultrasonic massage. Manipulations are carried out by ultrasound waves, allowing not only to activate the work of cells, but also to clean, get rid of excess fat deposits.
    • Thermage. During the procedure, radio wave radiation is used, which forms the effect of a tightening.

    Each of these methods is practically safe and rarely leads to side effects.

    If there are no special defects on the face, and wrinkles need to be smoothed out, it is recommended to resort to the introduction of special formulations into the dermis tissues. Most often, a facelift is performed with hyaluronic acid - after manipulations, unpleasant complications rarely occur, and the cells intensively begin to produce the substances necessary to moisturize the dermis. This method also has a small drawback - the effectiveness is rather short, and you will have to visit a specialist annually.

    The introduction of polylactic acid also has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin - it quickly smoothes out and acquires a healthy shade. The effect lasts for at least two years.

    Liquid silicone is only slightly inferior to hyaluronic acid and polylactic acid in terms of effectiveness. The only drawback of the composition is that it provides a short result.

    Important! Salon procedures, regardless of which method was used for tightening, have a common drawback - if the skin is very sensitive, you will have to endure some discomfort. It is the fear of injections that makes some ladies refuse this method of rejuvenation.

    The use of special threads to change the relief of the skin has many female admirers, because this method practically does not lead to injuries and provides excellent results. How is the procedure carried out?

    Threads are inserted into small incisions, which create a strong flexible frame, which stretches the epidermal tissues. Depending on the composition, the material may eventually dissolve or remain in the layers of the dermis.

    Face lift surgery is the only way to get results that last for years. Despite this, not all ladies are in a hurry to a plastic clinic. There are several reasons for this - the high cost of manipulations and the fear of a rather traumatic procedure.

    When choosing a clinic for plastic surgery, you should not save money - a lot depends on the experience and skills of a specialist. A failed operation can lead to facial asymmetry, the appearance of deep scars, swelling and even inflammation.

    Is it possible to get a lifted face without facelift surgery? Of course, the results, as after surgery or salon procedures, are not to be expected, but it will be possible to partially rejuvenate the skin, especially if simple manipulations are regularly carried out at home.

    What can you use on your own? For regular face care we recommend:

    • tightening face creams (usually they are used by ladies after 50 years);
    • home-cooked tonic and nutritional formulations;
    • a mask for the correction of facial contours based on vegetable raw materials;
    • professional preparations;
    • complexes of special exercises;
    • peelings (you can cook scrubs yourself);
    • facial gymnastics;
    • massage.

    Important! You can’t count on instant results, but if you make a habit of daily thorough care, then after a few months you can enjoy your fresh and radiant look in the mirror.

    We advise you to learn more about facial skin care after 50 years. Indeed, in some cases, you can do without surgery. This will be especially relevant for those who have contraindications to cosmetic surgery.

    Any specialist will answer the question of exactly how it is possible to most effectively deal with defects on the face - only lifting the oval of the face with operations can completely remove all flaws. Of course, you should not rush to a plastic surgeon. If you go to the salon in a timely manner, you can get rid of defects with more gentle methods.

    With a small number of wrinkles, the introduction of fillers is sufficient - they almost do not injure the tissues of the dermis and are rarely rejected. Another advantage of the injection method of rejuvenation is a small risk of side effects.

    The last place can be given to home formulations - although they are able to briefly push back age-related changes, completely smooth out wrinkles or force cells to produce collagen, they will not succeed.

    If you ask a specialist about what exactly to give preference to in order to smooth the skin or get rid of flabbiness and sagging, then each cosmetologist will certainly answer that this can be determined with accuracy only upon examination. Each body is individual and has its own characteristics, therefore, if there is a need for rejuvenation and facelift, it is recommended to immediately go to the salon for a consultation.

    Experienced cosmetologists are also not advised to trust specialists who offer inexpensive services, even with home visits. In an effort to save money, you can fall for scammers who often do not even have permission for such activities and use low-quality facelift preparations. Be sure to contact proven salons with a good reputation - this will avoid troubles and complications.

    We should not forget that a combination of salon procedures and home manipulations will help preserve youth. Independent use of compositions prepared at home, professional help from a cosmetologist - this is often quite enough to look fresh and young for a long time.

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