How to win the Aquarius man and win his heart? How to Train an Aquarius Man How to Train an Aquarius Man

If a guy was born under the sign of Aquarius, it will be quite difficult to win the heart. The horoscope says that the volley man is a tester by nature. He is interested in everything new and unknown. Aquarius is ruled by the element of air. He seeks to get to the heart of the matter.

Aquarius is by nature quite benevolent and sociable, so getting to know a representative of this zodiac constellation will not be difficult. It is better to start a conversation with a man in a circle of close friends. Here the guy will behave much more relaxed.

A girl who decides to conquer an Aquarius man and like him should focus on his curiosity. Making hints without talking about feelings, a girl is able to capture the attention of a guy. After a nice conversation, you should leave, and then unexpectedly appear.

Aquarius, because of his curiosity, will be interested in where the girl could have disappeared. All this time, the guy's thoughts will be occupied only by her. Returning to the field of view of a man, the girl needs to transparently hint at what she was doing during her absence, but there must be something unusual and fun in this. Some time will pass, and after the next disappearance, the man will begin to look for meetings with the girl.

Aquarius men are one of the most complex natures. There are no clear methods on how to win a guy's heart. There are only guidelines and recommendations.

Aquarius men are like air. And just as the wind constantly rushes to boundless distances, so Aquarius can never sit in one place for a long time. Today he talks nicely with a girl, and tomorrow she won't even know where he disappeared to. Some time will pass, and Aquarius will return just as suddenly.

It should be remembered that the Aquarius man is a rebel by nature. He likes confident girls who have their own opinions on various issues. A woman must have a great mind. An Aquarius man will be pleased to talk with her. If the opinions of a man and a woman are the same, then she has every chance to get close to Aquarius.

How to please an Aquarius man

Before you launch an offensive to win the heart of Aquarius, it will be very useful for a girl to look at herself from the side. A smart, elegant woman with a developed mind is capable of conquering a man. When communicating with Aquarius, a woman must be able to speak beautifully and correctly formulate thoughts.

If the above does not contradict nature and character, then the girl has a chance to win the heart of an Aquarius man.

How to get an Aquarius man interested

To capture the attention of a representative of this zodiac sign, a girl should ask questions about his hobby. A man must understand that a woman is interested in him without a shadow of guile. It is this type of the fair sex that Aquarius is interested in. A woman should be some kind of mystery that a man will definitely try to solve. Aquarius will know for sure that the girl is not indifferent. Originality plays a big role in conquering Aquarius.

Aquarius man is cynical. He looks at the events of life from the side. Noticing a flaw in others, a representative of this sign will immediately express his irony. But not all Aquarius men like to taunt others.

Is it possible to win the heart of a married Aquarius?

Aquarius men love freedom and are not easily forced into marriage. Usually they often change partners, looking for the perfect soul mate. But even having found her, they are in no hurry to tie themselves to family life. They ponder for years about the decision to marry or not, not daring to make the final choice. Only after making sure that the girl is reliable in all respects, they become family people.

It is impossible to beat off a busy Aquarius. Do not try to seduce a man if he has a girlfriend. If he is married, then it is forever. Aquarius will be faithful, even if he is not around. When choosing a life partner, Aquarius does not think about betrayal, and it is useless to seduce him. He can easily charm others with his charm, but he will not go beyond easy flirting. His dreams and tasks are to improve living conditions and the family hearth.

Aries woman

Aries woman attracts a man with unusualness and brightness of character. Representatives of the sign are bold, charismatic, and this attracts the attention of Aquarius. The signs are suitable for each other, but due to the selfishness of the character, conflicts are possible.

Taurus woman

Union with a Taurus woman is difficult. This sign, in order to fall in love with an Aquarius man, will have to try hard. They are completely different. Taurus is a down to earth sign that loves comfort and coziness. Aquarius is the complete opposite.

Gemini woman

The union of Aquarius with a twin girl is favorable. Both signs love to explore the unknown, are curious and freedom-loving. A man in a twin is attracted by giving him freedom, bright humor, easy character. Together they will find mutual understanding.

Cancer woman

An alliance with a Cancer woman will be difficult. The signs don't understand each other. Aquarius can be intrigued by an extraordinary command, extravagance. No need to show a sensitive nature and resentment.

Leo woman

From a relationship with a female lion, Aquarius can lose his head. The girl only needs to do everything in her favorite manner - dress beautifully, behave regally and calmly. For the sake of a lioness, Aquarius can forget all grievances.

Virgo woman

In a relationship with a virgin, Aquarius will have misunderstanding. Signs tend to different things.

Libra woman

In relations with a woman - Libra, harmony will reign in Aquarius. A man will like the mind and non-conflict of the sign.

Scorpio woman

The magnetism and mystery of the Scorpio girl will not leave the Aquarius man indifferent. Scorpio has a strong personality. Aquarius will love this.

Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius girl will not have to make great efforts to conquer the Aquarius man. They have mutual magnetism. The union is light and carefree. They have a lot in common.

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman and the Aquarius man are not at all similar. It is not easy for them to get along with each other. Capricorn can captivate Aquarius by showing him devotion, fidelity and prudence.

Aquarius woman

Two Aquarians easily get along together. They have common interests. The girl of this sign will surround her beloved with care, and the man loves it very much.

Pisces Woman

Pisces girl is a dreamer. She will awaken Aquarius's interest in fantasy. Both signs get along great.

The fall of the fortress can be more successful and faster if the type of man, the features of his character and behavior are determined in advance. Astrology can help in this matter, and for this you just need to know the zodiac sign of your chosen one.

Aquarius man - how to win him?

It is immediately worth noting that if the man you like was born under this sign, then his conquest can be quite difficult, but there is nothing impossible in this. The main feature of such a man is the constant desire to learn new and unknown, so the main thing is to interest him from the very beginning.

The first stage is getting to know. Often it happens quite easily, since Aquarians are very sociable and friendly. But at the same time, they are also quite superficial in relationships, not ready to quickly tune in to seriousness, sometimes loyalty to a partner is alien to them. Therefore, think well whether it is worth looking for intimacy with such a guy, even if Aquarius is a man, how to conquer him is already your idea X.

Perhaps the main thing when meeting with Aquarius is to successfully play on his natural curiosity. In this case, a woman can be helped by speeches with riddles, stories about herself with subtle hints, and so on. But after warm communication, it would be nice to disappear from the man’s field of vision for a couple of days, which will only arouse his interest more strongly.

Aquarius man's ideal woman

It is worth saying that by their nature, men of this sign are rebels, which determines their sympathy for confident women with a strong opinion of their own. If an attractive Aquarius man has appeared on your horizon, how to win him is not a problem, you just need to show your mind, ingenuity, your own opinion on the essence of things. Moreover, if there are no unnecessary reasons for disputes between you, and opinions on some things coincide, you will very quickly become a close friend for the Aquarius man.

Also important for him is an elegant appearance, the ability to operate with his knowledge, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly formulate his thoughts.

We conquer the heart of Aquarius with gifts

It just seems that men love gifts less than women. On the contrary, they are just waiting for the manifestation of female attention. So, it's a sin not to use it. Find out and become the most beautiful and irresistible for him. And Aquarians love to receive gifts so much that they will be ready to give the whole world in return. 😛

First date with an Aquarius guy: winning his heart

The next step in achieving the goal of the Aquarius Man is, of course, the first date. If a young man has been clearly interested in a woman for a long time, but does not call for a date, then the woman may well take the initiative into her own hands. You should not be afraid that this will scare him, because in fact such a bold step will only interest the Aquarius man. But a woman should not immediately give out a carload of information about herself, because you need to remember that Aquarius needs a riddle. It will be much more effective to sincerely take an interest in his hobbies. Such a step will only help the man understand that they show sympathy for him and are interested in him, but the woman still remains a mystery to him.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that Aquarius men are somewhat cynical. Yes, and about the events that are taking place, they often speak from the point of view of an outside observer, often using sarcastic and playful remarks. However, if Aquarius realizes that he offended someone with his jokes, then he will definitely ask for forgiveness.

And in conclusion: everything interesting and new undoubtedly attracts Aquarius men, so you should always be ready to show your imagination and a non-standard approach to life.

The time period from January 21 to February 18 belongs entirely to the constellation Aquarius. Although the name of the zodiac sign demonstrates an affinity for the water element, in fact, "pouring water" refers to Air.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a contradiction that Aquarians are intertwined with contradictory qualities that confuse potential partners. It is not surprising that many of the fair sex are interested in how to win an Aquarius man and tie him to themselves.

Aquarius by nature are quite extraordinary. Sometimes it seems that they are a little strange, but you should not be so categorical already. It is better to deal with all the qualities of men of this sign in order.

The planets that are responsible for Aquarius will help us with this.

The natural duality of men is provided by the influence of two patron planets - Uranus and Saturn. Such dualism does not always benefit Aquarius, forcing them to rush from one extreme to another:

  1. Uranus is responsible for the powerful intellect of the representatives of the zodiac constellation. The flip side of the coin is the excessive frivolity of men, the desire for something new, unusual, and, finally, incredible indiscipline.
  2. Saturn endows Aquarius men with the ability to easily and naturally overcome obstacles, the desire to act and conquer new peaks.

As a result, you get a workaholic who has ambitious plans, but lacks discipline skills. In addition, Aquarians are extremely stubborn, "hardheaded" and have subtle intuitive abilities.

What attracts such a "subject" of lovely ladies? Direct, open behavior and sociability. A man easily makes contact, wins the attention and location of women without any problems.

If you fell under the charm and "charm" of Aquarius, you will not be bored. Representatives of this zodiac sign create a relaxed atmosphere around them that makes girls feel at ease.

Aquarius men are able to support almost any topic of conversation, captivate their interlocutors with a fascinating conversation.

The beginning of an acquaintance almost always leaves women confident in the frivolity of Aquarius (which, in fact, is true) and unwillingness to build a serious relationship.

And yet, the men of this zodiac sign do not lose hope of meeting the one with whom he will live a long and happy life. Perhaps it is you!

First of all, astrologers advise to remember that the representatives of this zodiac constellation are characterized by heightened intuition and incredulity, so one should not deceive and tell a lie.

Women who are used to embellishing their life story will be deeply disappointed. Aquarius, having learned about the lie, simply does not want the further development of relations.

How to communicate with an Aquarius man? If you want to make a favorable impression on him, follow these simple recommendations of astrologers:

  1. Try to be sincere and honest with a man. However, excessive frankness can also do harm, as the aura of mystery and suspense, which attracts Aquarius, will collapse.
  2. Men under the influence of Uranus and Saturn are not happy with women who encroach on their freedom. Therefore, persistence and obsession are excluded. Moreover, it is important to show Aquarius your independent position, the desire to achieve significant heights in life.
  3. Since these natures are staunch perfectionists, try to show your own desire to develop in all areas of activity - both in career and personal growth.
  4. At the beginning of dating, Aquarius men like to create a certain distance. This does not mean indifference to you, just a person needs to maintain a distance with the interlocutor in order to carefully study the personality traits, carefully asking questions on topics of interest to him.
  5. It will take all your wit and subtle jokes to destroy such an invisible barrier between you and a man, because people under the influence of the constellation Aquarius are great at humor.

To gain confidence in an Aquarius man, stock up on great patience, do not expect instant results, be a true friend. Do not go on about emotions, arranging tantrums and scenes of jealousy. Just accept all the eccentricities of your partner and believe in the success of the attempted conquest of this height.

How to win an Aquarius man?

Women who have shown interest in representatives of this zodiac sign often ask how to conquer Aquarius. The ways to resolve this issue largely depend on which constellation the fair sex itself belongs to. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Aries woman

There is a lot in common between the representatives of these signs, so it is not difficult for a woman to conquer Aquarius. The female Aries is also a bright personality, an integral nature with numerous hobbies.

Together, these freedom-loving individuals can create a wonderful creative union, but sometimes their inherent selfishness becomes a significant obstacle. And here, one of the couple will have to sacrifice a little their own freedom for the sake of the partner.

Astrologers' tips on how to quickly conquer an Aquarius man to an Aries woman are as follows:

  • stick to unusual topics of conversation;
  • try to listen to the opinion of a man;
  • Subtly respond to changes in the emotional background of the chosen one.

Taurus woman

Lovely ladies born under the sign of Taurus are easily rubbed into the trust of a partner. However, Aquarius appreciates sincerity and openness, so it is better not to resort to such a skill. In general, Aquarius men like Taurus women for their desire to create a cozy atmosphere, a quiet haven where you can wait out the life storm.

To make Aquarius her husband, a woman needs:

  • hide jealousy and distrust;
  • demonstrate their hospitality and cordiality;
  • become less grounded and learn to dream.

Scorpio woman

Aquarians appreciate the love of order in Scorpions. In addition, men are attracted by the intellectualism of women, the ability to understand politics, book novelties, and the economy. Talk about your own observations, news, share various information, and then the man will not be able to tear himself away from you. However, arguing with Aquarius is still not worth it.

When answering the question of how to win an Aquarius man to a strong Scorpio woman, remember the following things:

  • do not be afraid to meditate in his presence;
  • always come to the rescue, provide support;
  • accept your partner as a whole - with advantages and disadvantages.

Pisces woman

Creativity is power! Unusual and extraordinary will help you easily conquer Aquarius. However, one of these partners must become a support, otherwise the relationship simply will not stand the test of reality. The dreaminess and sensitivity of Pisces attract the extraordinary Aquarius, who wants to fulfill all her fantasies.

How to win and keep an Aquarius man for a fish woman? Follow these guidelines:

  • dream with a man;
  • be sure to ask for help and support;
  • try to expand the circle of acquaintances, hobbies and passions.

Libra Woman

Use your own trump card - intelligence. Surprise your chosen one with mental abilities, but do not try to seem smarter than a man. Let him be the think tank in your future relationships and possibly marriage.

Do not hint at a wedding, marriage, because such obsession will only annoy the freedom-loving Aquarius. The best option is to surround your beloved with all sorts of attractive moments and miracles so that he believes in an ideal future. Something else to remember:

  • do not hint at a wedding;
  • communicate more and talk with a partner;

Cancer woman

In such an alliance, the dominant role belongs to the woman. However, such dominance will not suit every man. It is important for a girl to be able to restrain herself, to be softer, and love for secrets and riddles will help glue relationships together.

To strengthen a relationship with an Aquarius man, you need:

  • take care of your appearance
  • show care and kindness;
  • do not allow a man to sit on his neck.

virgin woman

Virgos have not only an excellent sense of humor, but also thriftiness. When the first charm of female wit subsides, the Aquarius man will be able to appreciate the coziness and comfort in your home. However, do not forget that very soon your quiet apartment will become a place of attraction for friendly companies.

If you want to conquer Aquarius, follow the following tips from an astrologer:

  • be freer in relationships and emotions;
  • don't forget to take care of your man's buddies;
  • be more tolerant of the whims of the chosen one.

Aquarius woman

A rather difficult alliance for both partners. With a good scenario, ordinary flirting turns into a strong relationship, since a man and a woman complement each other perfectly. Mutual selfishness can destroy an alliance or marriage, so someone will have to give in.

To make her beloved Aquarius her husband, an Aquarius woman will need:

  • spend a lot of time around;
  • be aware of his hobbies, share them;
  • share your own feelings and experiences.

lion woman

The lioness wants to legitimize the relationship by all means, but Aquarius is not always ready for marriage. Promise your chosen one freedom in the status of a husband and then you will achieve complete success. However, do not forget to stick to this promise so as not to reject a man who is ready to create a family.

To the question of how to quickly conquer an Aquarius man to a Leo woman, astrologers answer this way:

  • stay extravagant and bright;
  • support your lover's hobbies and choose your own hobby;
  • Keep your promises to your chosen one.

Sagittarius woman

Both partners are rather extravagant, however, Sagittarians are characterized by sharpness in speech, so you should watch your own words. The main thing for a woman is not to rush things, to be independent, to come up with unusual solutions to standard problems and to show erudition.

How to win and keep an Aquarius man for a Sagittarius woman? Experts offer the following solutions:

  • be yourself;
  • find an interesting activity that you will like;
  • be open to the new, so as not to bore Aquarius.

Capricorn woman

Capricorn is a spiritually strong sign of the zodiac, radiating calmness and confidence. Such qualities appeal to the controversial Aquarius, because he knows that you will not call for no reason, support him in moments of disappointment. A man will help to reveal the many talents of a Capricorn woman.

To successfully build a relationship with Aquarius, a woman needs to follow these recommendations:

  • ask for help, especially in creative pursuits;
  • demonstrate softness, but do not bend;
  • open up gradually so as not to lose male interest.

Twin woman

The "twin" is inquisitive, restless and dual in nature. It is these qualities that will help build family well-being. A Gemini woman is always ready for new activities, travel, and the realization of fantasies. Aquarius, who loves novelty and curiosity, will definitely appreciate this.

Astrologers, answering the question of how to conquer the Aquarius man to the twin woman, advise:

  • do not try to hold it, reconcile with the natural desire for freedom;
  • be active, support the desire of Aquarius to travel;
  • tolerate all his quirks.

So, it is difficult to find a more controversial nature than the Aquarius man. He is in no hurry to part with a free lifestyle, but he is always ready to enter into a serious relationship with a woman he likes. It will take a lot of strength to keep your chosen one, but you will never be bored, because his creativity and desire for creativity will spread to his future life partner.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on the upbringing of children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Text: Sasha Gluvein

You may not believe in astrology, but from this, men born under different constellations are unlikely to become similar ..

Do not take this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​what awaits you.

Aquarius is generous, open to communication and always interested in other people, taking an active part in their lives. As a matter of fact, he is happy only when he feels himself needed by someone. He has many acquaintances, in whose problems he is ready to plunge headlong, sparing no time and effort.

Somewhat passive and timid by nature, Aquarius usually prefers to wait until the woman herself takes the first step. If she wants to be on a date with him, she will have to take the initiative in her own hands and at the same time act very carefully so as not to frighten off a potential gentleman! But this does not at all speak of his indifference to women. It's just that for him, passion is unthinkable without friendship, and friendship does not appear overnight. If you want to seduce an Aquarius, be more mysterious! In other words, take turns showing him a variety of traits of your character, be unpredictable. Especially effective is the world-old technique “From an angel to a demon” or “From touchy to a whore”. Your task is to look impregnable, then ready to have sex with him anywhere and anytime, but never cheap. Repeat this cycle several times. A combination of sexuality and ... intelligence acts on Aquarius "deadly", so in between lovemaking, have highly intelligent conversations with him and you will be appreciated.

Aquarius is not created to live and work in constant tension. He is quite creative, but to call him a conscientious employee is to sin against the truth. From time to time, Aquarius needs to be "cheered up", but this must be done extremely tactfully, because men born under this sign do not tolerate being commanded.

Aquarius hates a showdown for a long time for any reason - and prefers to hide in his shell at the slightest misunderstanding, a vulnerable soul lurks behind his external coldness.

This man is an innovator by nature, he does not have any respect for customs and traditions, he prefers to invent and implement new ones invented by himself. Its motto is: "There is no monument to conservatism in any country in the world."

Trying to "tame" Aquarius is, in most cases, a waste of time. He wants to be free like the wind. Naturally, she loves to travel. The independence of Aquarius often plays a trick on him - despite the abundance of acquaintances, he has very few real friends.

Aquarius is very easy on money - often they flow through his fingers like water. However, he is able to earn well, if only the funds are needed not by himself, but by one of his relatives.

This man falls in love easily, but is in no hurry to propose, trying to find his ideal. The one who can "ring" Aquarius will be very lucky. He is witty and gentle, wholeheartedly enjoys life and is well versed in people. Aquarians make good husbands - they rarely cheat and flirt solely out of curiosity and the desire for novelty.

Aquarius and sex

For Aquarius, a woman is much more than a "sexual object", he is interested not only in her body, but also in her soul and her thoughts. He goes "to rapprochement" extremely carefully, slowly, enjoying the love foreplay. It can be assumed that the act itself will be performed with the same virtuosity, but alas, this is not always the case. Aquarius is an addictive nature, he can be so absorbed in preparing for intercourse that he will forget for what, in fact, this erotic performance was started.

In principle, Aquarius is a good lover. He makes sure that his partner gets an orgasm, too, but sometimes he runs out of steam too quickly, like champagne that is not drunk on time.

Each of his erotic fantasies is worthy of being realized immediately, but sometimes Aquarius is only enough to dream alone and engage in self-satisfaction. His tendency to masturbate sometimes affects sexual function in general, there may be problems with potency (more precisely, with its absence) or delayed ejaculation.

Aquarius will never turn down an offer to try something new. The bed for him is a stage on which he tries his best not to play the same role twice. He is a real “erotic expert”, he studies with interest all the literature on this topic that he can get his hands on, and buys the “Kama Sutra” by no means out of theoretical interest.

From the point of view of Aquarius, making love in the same position is an extremely boring activity, he does not look for easy ways and is ready to experiment with the most intricate positions. How does his partner feel about this? Options are possible. Sex with Aquarius is like playing Russian roulette. You can hit the jackpot in the form of a multi-orgasm, or you can stay with nothing, acquiring only bruises, bruises and sprains.

If you met an open and extraordinary Aquarius man and decided to achieve his location, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this creative "air" sign. Remember, the more creativity, originality and quirkiness you show, the more chances you have to fall in love with this freedom-loving man. He is not interested in your branded outfit and your feminine "tricks" and lures. Your personality and your creative nature are important to him. These are the men who are not at all interested in the material world. They have different values ​​in life. He needs a self-respecting woman who will have the same values ​​​​and views on things as Aquarius. If you are such, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve the love of an Aquarius man.

The man is a dreamer. He is very attracted to everything new and unknown. He dreams of becoming the discoverer of some phenomenon or process. He really strives to do something useful for society. He dreams of becoming a part of human history. But the other side of this behavior is that Aquarius, like a child, endows himself with non-existent opportunities and abilities. And if something does not work out for him, he easily falls into a rage. He changes before our eyes and becomes a despotic tyrant, both to himself and to those around him. Therefore, be prepared that you will always quarrel. And after quarrels, you will have to calm Aquarius for a long time and convince him that he is really original and unique.

If you are not afraid of such prospects, and you decide to continue to win the heart of this difficult man, then you should know that Aquarius loves to watch science fiction films and read the same literature. Therefore, if you want to invite him on a first date, then the best option for this would be going to the cinema to see the premiere of some sci-fi tape. Aquarius will appreciate your love for this genre of cinema, he will see you as a like-minded person. In addition, after watching the film, you will have something to discuss and philosophize about the future.

If everything works out for you, as you planned, then Aquarius himself will invite you to the next date. In no case do not try to look for meetings with him again yourself, this can scare the most freedom-loving representative of the Zodiac circle. Remain an unsolved mystery for him, do not let him into the secret depths of your soul. Intrigue him with your omissions and unpredictable actions. You can’t hang yourself on his neck and immediately confess your love. This may seem to Aquarius an encroachment on his freedom, and he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis independence above all else. Therefore, you should not put pressure on him. It is better to take a wait and see position and spend more time conquering this difficult man. Although, if you do everything as recommended above, then he himself will win your heart.

Like all representatives, Aquarius is a very freedom-loving sign. Like Gemini, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He is very sociable and talkative. He easily makes new acquaintances. He loves to argue and discuss on a variety of topics. He likes to spend time in cheerful and noisy companies. He knows how to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable and natural. Therefore, if you do not like all of the above, then you have no place next to Aquarius. If you prefer a more measured, calm and stable life, then you should look for another man. Aquarius will never become a homebody and an exemplary family man.

Aquarius can look for that ideal woman for a long time, the image of which he built in his fantasy. He firmly believes that such a woman exists. He needs a devoted companion with self-respect, who will understand him perfectly and sincerely share all his bizarre ideas and plans. She should make him feel important and appreciated. This woman should not pressure, control and criticize Aquarius. It should create around him an atmosphere of trust, independence and understanding. But remember, Aquarius will never reveal his true soul to anyone to the end. No matter how close a person you are to him, there will always be something unsaid and a certain distance between you. So if you are the same independent and freedom-loving, then Aquarius will be the perfect couple to create a lasting marriage.

How to find an approach to an Aquarius man

If you understand and accept the main leaps of your Aquarius man, then life together will bring more joy. For example, if you want to discuss a serious issue with your chosen one, wait until Aquarius stops dreaming and is adequate. Otherwise, at best, he will thoughtlessly nod his head at words, at worst, he will flare up and quarrel with you. Remember, daydreaming is sacred for Aquarius, with the help of it he relaxes and tunes in to everyday affairs, for him it is like meditation for yogis. By not letting him dream, you will deprive him of his life force.

Know that love and friendship are equal for this sign. Therefore, it is very important to have a joint hobby, heart-to-heart talk or just gossip. And by the way, that's why they agree to an official marriage without enthusiasm, why marry a friend, because we are so good.

Aquarius man understands the words literally, you will flirt or play unwillingly, he will not play along with you. Do not expect that he will persuade you to change his mind, turn around and leave to have fun alone.

The Aquarius man loves to experiment on people. And if you allow him to conduct experiments on you and do not be offended by them, you will soon win his love and respect. Since he will understand that you unconditionally trust him

Ten commandments how to behave with Aquarius

You must be:

  • original and creative;
  • freedom-loving and independent;
  • patient and restrained;
  • full of self-respect;
  • devoted and sincere.

You are not allowed:

  • restrict his freedom;
  • question his ability and originality;
  • be boring and monotonous;
  • live with material values;
  • be strict and domineering.