Anastasia Kvitko: photo from Instagram. Anastasia Kvitko: photos before and after plastic surgery Anastasia Kvitko instagram

Nastya Kvitko before plastic surgery: biography of the model

Anastasia Kvitko was born in 1994 in Kaliningrad. Anastasia Kvitko does not like to talk about her childhood, let alone show her photos before the operation. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in the past the girl did not consider herself a beauty and had complexes because of her plump figure, which often became the subject of ridicule at school. Because of this, she decided to take care of her body and went to the athletics section. The fact that she lived on the fifth floor in a building without an elevator also helped her lose weight. Daily jogging up and down helped her keep herself in good shape.

To the great surprise of Anastasia, one day she was noticed by a famous photographer from Moscow, who invited her to become a model.

After that, she moved to the capital and started Instagram. And a little later she moved to Miami, flattered by the offers of designers and photographers from the United States.

In America, Nastya is very popular, receiving invitations to photo shoots and TV shows. And most of all, Latin American television loves her, because girls with outstanding forms are held in high esteem there.

Often the star is filmed in underwear photo shoots, and these pictures once again demonstrate how the body of Anastasia Kvitko has changed before and after plastic surgery.

In addition to work, the girl manages to check in at secular parties in order to once again present her mouth-watering forms to the world.

Anastasia Kvitko: before and after the alleged plastic surgery

To date, there is no evidence that Anastasia Kvitko has undergone plastic surgery aimed at entraining her breasts or buttocks.

In addition, in all interviews, Nastya actively denies this, arguing that she was able to get her forms solely thanks to her hard work in sports.

Judging by the pictures on Instagram, in which the girl poses in corsets, she acquired unreal body proportions with the help of his constant wearing. After all Anastasia Kvitko even before plastic surgery could boast of a luxurious bust and voluminous buttocks.

At the same time, many users are sure that Nastya could not do without plastic surgery: her wasp waist looks too unnatural against the backdrop of prominent hips and breasts.

They back up their loud statements with photos of Anastasia Kvitko before and after plastic surgery. It is not known whether the photos before and after Anastasia Kvitko confirm the appeal to surgeons, but it is obvious that the cosmetologist worked on the lips of the beauty. Judging by the slightly raised upper lip and voluminous mouth, the model did not do without hyaluronic acid.

These are good genes, I always had a big beautiful butt. I have an athletic figure, and you can see by the calves that I have always been involved in sports, which cannot be said about Kardashian

Anastasia Kvitko vs. Kim Kardashian

Today, Anastasia Kvitko regularly pleases her fans with new photos and selfies that she posts on her Instagram page. At last count, more than two and a half million people subscribed to it. Remarkably, the new photographs of the girl are followed not only by men, but also by the fair sex.

Nastya has already managed to get the nickname "Russian Kim Kardashian". Indeed, the girl has many external similarities with the American celebrity: the same outstanding breasts, voluminous buttocks and a waist that stands out against their background.

In addition, most often both stars flood social networks with belfies - images of their fifth points.

Nastya herself is condescending to such comparisons, believing that she will soon overtake her American counterpart in popularity. Moreover, despite the many photos allegedly confirming the change in the body of Anastasia Kvitko before and after plastic surgery, she continues to say that she avoided surgery. But Kim Anastasia accuses of operations on the face and

Anastasia Kvitko is a well-known Russian model with curvaceous forms reminiscent of the popular American actress, model and TV presenter Kim Kardashian. Anastasia's fame was brought by her Instagram profile, where the subscriber count has already gone into the millions. The girl advertises underwear, clothes, nutrition for athletes, and also regularly pleases fans with pictures of a very frank nature. The model currently lives and works in the United States. According to Anastasia Kvitko, the parameters of her figure are: 95–63–104.


Nastya Kvitko was born in Kaliningrad, she lived with her parents on the fifth floor of a multi-storey building. As a child, she loved to draw and learned to sew well. She studied at a regular public school.

In general, Anastasia does not like to remember her childhood, because her peers treated her very coolly because of her excess weight. To get in shape, the girl enrolled in the athletics section. A little later, she got a job at the New Stars modeling agency, but did not achieve much success for the same reason - the agency's management made her lose weight even more, and Anastasia was forced to terminate the contract.

Modeling career

The beginning of the modeling career was laid in 2011, when the famous photographer Anvar Norov, who specializes in shooting model tests, came across pictures of Anastasia in one of the social networks. The man was impressed by the non-standard figure of Anastasia: magnificent breasts, a wasp waist, large buttocks.

Anvar Norov offered the Kaliningrad woman the cooperation of Time for Print, roughly speaking, Anastasia posed for the photographer for the highest quality pictures, which later formed the initial base of her portfolio. The photo shoot made a splash on the Internet, and the novice model was invited to shoot for the photo shoot "Girl of the Day" by the official news public of the social network "VKontakte" ("Vkurse"). In 2013, Anastasia Kvitko's career took off sharply after moving to Moscow. In the capital, Anastasia was instantly bombarded with offers. One of the most resonant was the photo shoot for the hip-hop magazine RHYME Magazine.

In August 2014, she started a page on Instagram. This was a breakthrough. Every day, the army of fans of the “Russian Kim Kardashian” was replenished with thousands of new subscribers.

In the winter of 2015, Anastasia Kvitko was offered a job at Kanye West Clothing, a fashion company. The fashion designer is Kanye West, husband of Kim Kardashian, a famous American rapper who is raising three children with Kim. Kanye West is actively collaborating with Adidas - as part of the brand, the rapper is promoting his YEEZY clothing line.

In January 2016, Anastasia Kvitko moved to live in Miami, where she was offered a job at an advertising agency. There she was also offered to lose weight, but the girl, who made magnificent forms her trademark, refused. In the US, the model advertised Colombian-made shapewear and corsets. In the spring of 2016, at the Cameo nightclub in Miami, Anastasia Kvitko presented her solo show with the support of Mia. In mid-2016, the model moved to live and work in Los Angeles.

Scandals and rumors

On the Internet, serious disputes flare up around the figure of Anastasia Kvitko. Many followers do not believe that the girl did not have plastic surgery. One could call these words ordinary envy, if it were not for the photographs of a very young Anastasia that surfaced on the Web, which show that her natural data is not at all so impressive.

However, the girl’s accusations of liposuction and surgical breast and buttock augmentation are hasty, after all, she is only 17 years old in the “early” photographs. Anastasia assures that the success of her figure lies in the genes and regular exercise in the gym.

Personal life of Anastasia Kvitko

Anastasia Kvitko is a success with the strong half of humanity. Already at school, classmates did not deprive the spectacular girl of attention. The boys accompanied her home, carried her backpack. In her youth, she began dating a guy who inspired her confidence, admired her full figure. Anastasia always listened to his opinion. Together they left Kaliningrad for Moscow in order to succeed and build a career. But, apparently, this relationship has not stood the test of time and popularity.

In the summer of 2016, Nastya Kvitko began dating millionaire Arseniy Sharov, ex-husband of Alena Vodonaeva, ex-member of Doma-2. , Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj and plus-size model Ashley Graham.

Anastasia Kvitko now

In 2016, Anastasia Kvitko starred in the video for the song "Ay mi Dios!" ("Lord") popular in the US and Latin America hip-hop artists El Chacal, Yandel, and Pitbull. In the clip, the Kaliningrad girl played a girl who cheated on her DJ boyfriend. The finale of the story is sad - the heroine of Anastasia dies.

"Ah My Dios" (video with Anastasia Kvitko)

The girl confidently builds a career as a model, enjoys popularity and gladly provokes subscribers to a heated discussion of her figure, posting candid shots.

More recently, a new model has appeared on the social network, causing a sensation and a storm of discussion - Anastasia Kvitko. With one voice, social media users dubbed the young model "Russian Kim Kardashian." And the point is not at all in the outward resemblance of Anastasia to the famous party girl, but in the non-standard forms of the girl who challenged Kim herself.

In a model from Kaliningrad

The Kaliningrad model was born on November 25, 1994, and since childhood she has suffered from her overly “curvy” figure. The girl even developed a complex, because of which Anastasia exhausted herself all the time with training and various diets, dreaming of losing weight.

The first guy who never got tired of admiring the girl's figure helped Nastya gain self-confidence. Anastasia begins to post her photos on social networks, and to her surprise she gains a bunch of "likes" on the Web.

A striking photo of a young girl is noticed by fashion photographer Anvar Norov, who offers Anastasia to work together. By this time, Nastya is already 17 years old, and she calmly leaves her hometown and moves to Moscow, where they immediately begin to vying with each other to offer her to hold photo shoots on very favorable terms.

At this time, the media began to actively join the promotion of Anastasia Kvitko, praising the virtues of the “Russian Kim Kardashian”.

The resulting popularity brings a good income, and Anastasia begins to travel around the world with pleasure, and chooses sunny Florida as her place of residence.

Anastasia already has plans for the future: she wants to become a popular model, while not exchanging for one-time photo shoots, but concluding contracts only with well-known companies on a long-term basis. Now the girl is critical of the numerous proposals of photographers, arguing that she can easily distinguish professionals from ordinary amateurs.

Photo by Anastasia Kvitko on Instagram

Official Instagram page

Anastasia Kvitko (@anastasia_kvitko)

Why the Kardashians should be afraid

The outstanding parameters of the Russian model (95-63-105) have long been out of competition, and in the battle for the figure, 21-year-old Nastya gives odds to 35-year-old Kim Kardashian.

Nastya knows her strengths very well, and therefore she prefers shots in the Belfi style (that is, when the focus is on the buttocks). Already, Anastasia has more than three million followers on Instagram, and her new photos are gaining about 50 thousand likes per day.

Nastya works tirelessly, quite often posting new photos: every day the model takes several dozen shots, confessing to the press that there are more than 16,000 pictures on her phone showing her charms.

About Kim Kardashian herself, with whom Anastasia is so often compared, the girl responds very skeptically, expressing in one interview doubt about the naturalness of the forms of the American star. Nastya claims that Kim's curvaceous forms are the result of plastic surgery, and her own forms are natural and are the result of good genetics and regular visits to the gym.

But some stubbornly continue to look for photos of Anastasia Kvitko before and after plastic surgery. Maybe the young girl had smaller forms than now, but this is not necessarily the result of plastic surgery.

Anastasia Kvitko (on Instagram - anastasiya_kvitko) is a Russian model. The girl was born in Kaliningrad in 1994. The star does not say anything about her childhood. Many speculate that she hides her past in order to avoid exposure related to her appearance. The fact is that the girl is known as the “Russian Kardashian”: she has very prominent hips and breasts. Anastasia declares that such a figure is the merit of sports and genetics. In particular, she claims that the fact that she lived on the fifth floor and never used the elevator helped her to train her hips in her youth. Such statements are all the more unconvincing, but Kvitko does not give up.

No one can say for sure what Anastasia Kvitko was like before and after plastic surgery, there are no previous photos on Instagram. Someone claims that she was overweight and only reduced her waist, and in another source they post an alleged photo of our heroine in Kaliningrad, which shows that she was thin, but did not even have a hint of the forms that she has now.

Anastasia Kvitko posts one candid photo after another on Instagram, thus gaining fame for herself. And it really works. Now the girl lives in Miami, and she is invited to popular American shows. She recently starred in the video of the famous American rapper Pitbull.


The official Instagram website of Anastasia Kvitko has more than 6 million followers, and their number is constantly increasing. On Instagram, she constantly posts pictures from professional photo shoots or ordinary selfies in lingerie, swimsuit, dresses and tight suits.

She really pays a lot of attention to sports. This is evidenced not only by pictures from the gym, but also by a flat stomach. Often, when compared to Kim Kardashian, the girl declares that she is better than Kim and will soon become more popular, because she pays much more attention to her health, unlike Kim.