Who is the father of Gurchenko's daughter Lyudmila Markovna. The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Maria Koroleva, died: causes of death (photo)

Chapter 16

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko started an affair with a 22-year-old student of the screenwriting department of VGIK Boris Andronikashvili. They signed, a year later their daughter Maria was born, and about a year later they divorced.

Lucy ran into Boris Andronikashvili by chance, at the self-service counter in the dining room of VGIK. Seeing a textured, burning brunette in front of her, the girl dropped the tray. Here he is - the Englishman Laurence Olivier reincarnated as a student - the man of her dreams, who played Hamlet and Henry V, who shone in the films Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Hamilton ...

Boris Andronikashvili Born October 28, 1934 in Moscow in the family of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak (pseudonym Boris Andreevich Vogau) and actress Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili from the Georgian princely family of Andronikashvili. In 1937, his father was arrested on charges of state crimes. Subsequently, after many years, literary critics will define Pilnyak as "the head of an entire school or trend in Soviet literature," which they will call "ornamental prose." The mother, fearing for the fate of her son, sent him to Tbilisi to her grandmother, who adopted her grandson and gave him her last name - Andronikashvili. In his youth, he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi Naval School. But then he decided to change his profession and already in the early 1950s he left for Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film criticism department of VGIK, from which he graduated in 1959.

At the time of his student life, almost half of the students dreamed of a handsome man with Georgian roots. And he fell in love with a girl two years older than him. Lucy did not hide her close relationship with Andronikashvili, on the contrary, she lived as if for show. Not surprisingly, there were many envious people who wanted to disrupt the relationship of this couple.

And soon the young people became parents, in 1959 they had a little miracle - daughter Masha. Alas, happiness did not last long; as the wise men say: only good things pass quickly...

And soon it became clear to Lyudmila Markovna herself that a career was more important for her than diapers.

An actress shouldn't be a mother. Everything must be given either to the profession or to children. Personally, I chose the first path. Although it may be very cruel, - the actress once bitterly admitted.

But for sure, the fact of the birth itself left a negative imprint on her, which took place not in Moscow, where her young husband lived, but in Kharkov, with her parents. In addition, she dreamed of giving birth to a boy, whom she was going to name Mark in honor of her beloved daddy. So one can even imagine the deep disappointment of the actress when, on June 5, 1959, she was notified that a girl had been born. Yes, and the situation in the maternity hospital, as biographers write, did not contribute to calmness and true joyful anticipation - women in labor in the ward recognized their popular countrywoman and immediately divided into those who like her and her work, and those who simply hate her for the very fact of existence . Lucy had to move to another room. And little Mark will indeed one day appear in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko, but her grown daughter will give birth to him.

In the book Applause, Lyudmila Markovna writes in this way, briefly and strangely: “In 1959, Masha was born to me. And my mother came to visit me in Moscow on her vacation. Since then, she has spent all her vacations with us. Always came with full baskets. “Use, mustache, take the children. Daughter and my cranberry unuchenka. They are our joy. There is no one greater than us in the world, Lyalyusha.

Alas, the marriage of the star couple broke up. Lusya Gurchenko went forward along the road of creativity, stuffing more and more bumps, getting more and more worldly experience. And the "dark eagle" Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of a writer and actress, cousin of Georgian directors Georgy and Eldar Shengelaya - also did not remain without his favorite work. But in the end, their child turned out to be deprived of the care and affection of the closest people ... Her fate and relationships with her parents are so ridiculous, strange and even tragic that we will devote a separate chapter to this woman, whose existence the general public did not know for many years.

Lyudmila Markovna later spoke about her wife, paying tribute to his inner talents:

- Despite his refined appearance, from which you do not expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small.

Boris Andronikashvili and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Perhaps it was this complexity of character, education and intelligence that became the reason that pushed Lucy away from her chosen one. He really was well brought up, brilliantly educated, had a sense of humor, was well-read and musical, charming and talented. And she, hoping to find the ideal man in Boris, in the end wanted to live not with a sort of Georgian Laurence Olivier, but with a simple shirt guy, like two drops of water similar to her ideal man - Mark Gurchenko, a village illiterate self-taught accordion player. But, it was said that Boris was not a righteous man either, and more than once hurt his young wife with his betrayals.

E. Mishanenkova in her book about the great actress describes this difficult period of her life in this way, which brought the first experience of true love and real motherhood.

“But this time everything was much more serious - not a fleeting love, but a strong passionate feeling. And her chosen one, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, was an outstanding person - the son of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak, who was shot in 1938, and his beautiful wife, actress Kira Andronikashvili, who came from a princely Georgian family. And of course, he was “tall and swarthy”!

And at first it seemed that here it is - happiness. Love, marriage, child. Career collapsed, but is this the main thing? But next to her is a person who is smarter than her, stronger, who supports and understands. Yes, and his mother is so extraordinary - from Kira Andronikashvili Lyudmila Gurchenko was in a quiet, but no less strong delight from this, and even after many years she remembered her as a woman of "beauty, intelligence, talent and femininity unsurpassed." Who knows, if Kira Georgievna had not died a year after the birth of her granddaughter, perhaps the marriage of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Boris Andronikashvili would not have ended so quickly and so sadly.

The first bells began to appear quite quickly, but Lyudmila Gurchenko did not notice them at first.

“Maria was born in Kharkov. Weak, painful, and even with a birth defect. The girl was immediately handed over to Lucy's parents. And the young mother herself returned to Moscow. Here began the test of the harsh prose of life. Three or four concerts a day, in different parts of Moscow. Factory, plant, trade union committee, police. After the performance, home - by subway. There were no new film roles. The family needed money. But what about Boris Andronikashvili, her husband? Helped, supported in difficult times? Unfortunately no. She learned about her husband's infidelity from her friends. Gurchenko did not humiliate herself to questions and clarifications. She immediately filed for divorce.

Only relatives knew about Lucy's personal drama. In public, she always kept her face. It was part of the profession. She crossed out Boris Andronikashvili not only from her own, but also from Masha's life. The theme of the unfortunate father and his relatives was closed forever. Gurchenko recalled the Georgian roots of her daughter only in moments of irritation. Having burned herself once, Gurchenko decided: sacrificial love is not for her. No more faith in men. And most importantly, no children.

In one of the interviews, the great actress admitted:

“I had to give up a lot. When Masha was just born, she had to bandage her breasts with a towel to burn the milk. Because it was necessary to work hard, because the husband turned out to be a scoundrel ...

It is perhaps worth saying a few more words about how Andronikashvili's fate developed after her divorce from Lyusya.

After breaking up with Gurchenko, Boris met Nonna Mordyukova for five years and even wanted to marry her, but the wedding never came to a head. The second wife of Boris Andronikashvili was the artist Rusudan Khantadze, with whom he lived until the end of his days in 1996. In marriage, they had a daughter and a son.

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Most recently, the talented actress Lyudmila Gurchenko left our world. Unfortunately, the circumstances of her death opened the veil of secrecy over her personal life. The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko and the last husband of the great actress could hardly share the inheritance that they inherited. It did not disappear from the eyes of journalists.

However, scandals and investigations have revealed a lot in the fate of the daughter of a great actress. This is what we will talk about today in this article.

Is it hard being the daughter of a celebrity?

Maria Borisovna Andronikashvili (married as Koroleva) today is already an elderly woman who has experienced a lot of grief and misfortune in her life. She is the daughter of a talented actress, whom the whole country knew, while Maria Borisovna herself is a completely non-public person. She hardly gives interviews and is often embarrassed to talk about her fate that is difficult to say. Yes, and journalists often mercilessly misinterpret her words.

It is difficult to be the daughter of a man who gained fame and millions of fans during his lifetime. How difficult this burden is, Maria Borisovna Andronikashvili knows firsthand.

But let's start in order...

Birth and divorce of parents

Little Masha was born back in 1959. At that time, the famous "Carnival Night" had already appeared on the screens of Soviet cinema, in which her beautiful mother shone in the title role.

The father of Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter was as young as the actress herself. They met at the university, where Boris Andronikashvili studied at the screenwriting department.

A stormy romance began, which ended with the wedding and the birth of Masha.

According to Maria herself, her mother dreamed not of a daughter, but of a son, she wanted to name him Mark in honor of her father. However, a girl was born.

Gurchenko's relationship with the father of his child did not immediately work out. The point, rather, is the tough and uncompromising nature of the actress herself. She has always been a born leader, and her husband could not accept the role of a supporting player.

By the way, Boris Andronikashvili was the son of the repressed writer Boris Pilnyak, and his mother came from a noble Georgian family. Even before the arrest by the NKVD, the mother managed to send her son to Georgia, where he was urgently changed his last name, which would help the boy avoid trouble in the future due to the arrest of his parents.

Difficult childhood

From the age of 4 months, Masha lived with her grandparents in Kharkov (parents of L. M. Gurchenko). So the parents of the future star of the Soviet screen themselves decided, who dreamed that their daughter would make a worthy career.

At the age of three, the daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko returned to her mother. However, her life was difficult. The actress herself admitted that she was no mother. She dreamed of the stage, of applause, of filming a movie, everything was subordinated to her work, so the girl lived on her own, often left alone because of the tour and filming of her mother. So Masha almost did not have to recognize maternal affection and love.

In addition, she had a chance to go through a series of endless novels by Gurchenko, some of which ended in marriages. In general, she had a positive attitude towards her stepfathers, and with one of them she was generally able to make strong friends. It was the actress Constantine Cooperweiss.

Independent life

However, not everything in Mary's life was so bad. The absent mother was replaced by a loving grandmother - the mother of Lyudmila Gurchenko. The girl did not study well, but, fearing the wrath of her mother, she hid her negative marks from her.

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko understood that her mother secretly hoped that she would repeat her stellar fate. But Masha herself did not dream of a stage. She could not become a musician, as Lyudmila Markovna wanted this. On the contrary, Masha entered a medical school and graduated with an average result.

She deliberately dressed in such a way as not to please her mother, who loved elegance and was charming until the last day of her life. Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna dyed her hair in light shades, wore stunning dresses and high heels, used cosmetics. And her daughter strove for simple clothes (trousers and sweaters), specially changed the color of her hair to eggplant-lilac, did not want to resort to cosmetics.

Daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko: personal life, marriage and children

Maria Borisovna married early. Her chosen one was an ordinary person. Two children were born in the marriage - son Mark and daughter Elena. The weather children were named after the parents of L. M. Gurchenko.

After the birth of her son and daughter, Maria Borisovna left her job forever, content with the modest role of a housewife.

Mother, on the one hand, was happy with her grandchildren, but, on the other hand, it was in them that she wanted to see the continuation of herself and her own talents.

Relations between Gurchenko and her son-in-law, who found it difficult to accept his star mother-in-law, began to develop just as difficultly.

The daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko testifies that due to the conflict between her mother and husband, their family almost fell apart. She and her husband officially divorced and married some time later.

The tragic circumstances of the death of Mark Korolev

Another tragic event happened in the life of Maria Borisovna. In 1998, her eldest son Mark died of a drug overdose. The grief of the mother was great, it was aggravated by the fact that Maria Borisovna herself waged a long struggle with her son's illness.

There is a legend that Gurchenko did not come to the funeral of her grandson. However, this is not true, the famous actress was very upset by his death, as she connected her hopes with Mark (named after her father). However, at the funeral, the actress tried to be inconspicuous and not attract attention to herself.

The death of her son crippled the health of Maria Borisovna, who generally gave up on her appearance and the impression she made on people.

Strengthening the relationship between mother and daughter

The aggravation of relations between mother and daughter occurred due to the new and last marriage of Gurchenko. In fact, this was already the sixth union that Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko concluded. The new husband could not settle down with his wife's relatives. Neither with the mother-in-law, nor with the daughter of Gurchenko Maria Borisovna.

The housing problem exacerbated the situation. The fact is that the mother of Lyudmila Markovna, Elena Alexandrovna, dying, bequeathed her apartment not to her daughter, but to her granddaughter. But Lyudmila Markovna could not make such a decision of her mother. A long and difficult trial began between Gurchenko and her daughter, which ended with the division of property.

After the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko

According to Maria Borisovna herself, she learned about the death of her mother from a media release. Immediately, journalists became interested in her, who did not really let her say goodbye to a loved one. The process of dividing property with an unloved stepfather was difficult and painful. Today it is completed. However, peace in the family did not appear.

Maria Borisovna reluctantly gives interviews, although she is still present at some public events in memory of the great actress Gurchenko. Some people, seeing her face aged from life's adversities, mentally ask themselves the question: how old is Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter? She is now 56 years old.

Lyudmila Markovna did not want to grow old, she was afraid of this and tried in every possible way to hide her wrinkles, her daughter is not afraid of her appearance, perhaps because she is not a great actress, whose name is known to millions of fans.

The fate of Maria Borisovna Koroleva is not simple. But she does not complain about her and in her rare interviews she tries not to blame her late mother for anything. After all, the fate of Gurchenko is the path of a great woman who dreamed not of a maternal vocation, but of the applause of fans. Gurchenko got her way. Many remember her, but only one of the women on earth can call her the word "mother".

Both parents of the future star worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. The girl was brought up in a creative environment, she began to sing early. When her father, spitting on his unconscripted age and disability, went to war as a volunteer, Lyusya remained in occupied Kharkov together with her mother. In order to somehow get food, the girl began to sing in the market. Most of the money and food could be obtained from the invaders, so little Lucy learned German operettas and partly the repertoire of Marika Rökk.

After the liberation of her hometown, Lucy will go to high school, as well as to music. At the end of them, she will have no doubts: she needs to enter the theater.

A wedding in darkness

Gurchenko will enter VGIK the first time. Two years before graduation, he will start acting in films. But she will launch her first fishing rod into the profession even earlier - at the age of 18. It was then that a well-known director will notice a young beauty with sharp features and a wasp waist. Vasily Ordynsky.

Ordynsky lost his head in a boyish way from Lucy at first sight. And she realized that he could become her personal director, and after a short friendship, she agreed to marry him. Surprisingly, none of her or his entourage knew about this marriage.

Ordynsky tried to justify the hopes of the young actress and invited her to audition for his new film, but the commission cut down the beauty, and her husband could not resist. Then Lyudmila was severely disappointed and resolutely filed for divorce, having lived with the director for a little over a year. Rumor has it that he let her go with clenched teeth, loved her all his life and silently patronized her acting career.

fall in love with the beautiful

Disappointed in marriage for the sake of a career, proud Lucy put an end to such a relationship, and let her heart go free. There he was pierced by Cupid's arrow. Once in the dining room, the future star met with a student of the screenwriting department Borey Andronikashvili. A stately black-haired young man gave her such a look that the girl's tray fell out of her hands.

Gurchenko collapsed into this novel, as if into an abyss. A new relationship, a new wedding, the envy of all the girls of the course: she fooled such a handsome man! Everything was great in the family: a beautiful couple showed up everywhere together. Gurchenko idolized a beautiful man and thanked God that fate brought her to her. High love was crowned with the birth of Masha's daughter. And this was ... Lyudmila Markovna's first disappointment. She adored her dad all her life and was expecting a boy - to name him Mark.

Busy with the child, Lucy did not immediately notice that her husband constantly disappears not at all in the classroom and at work. He loves parties, drinking and friends too much. And “real friends” began to inform the young mother that her husband also starts endless romances on the side.

She did not stoop to scenes of jealousy and showdown. She rejected this narcissist as another of her disappointments, put an end to sacrificial love and promised herself: no more children.

A dash in life

Two years after the divorce, in a bohemian WTO restaurant, Lyudmila meets a charming young major Sasha Fadeev Jr., the adopted son of the famous writer. Their acquaintance was short, but the beautiful courtship of a new person and Lyusina, fatigue from loneliness, shortened the path of the young to the registry office. They signed as soon as they met.

This marriage did not last long. The WTO restaurant, in which Fadeev spent more time than in the family, became an abyss between lovers. The movie star herself considered this marriage a dash in her romantic biography, assuring that it was her mistake, and she and Sasha did not give anything to each other.

Two stars

They were led to an equal marriage of accomplished celebrities by a common corridor in which they did not get to know each other at all: what was to get acquainted, and so the whole Union knew both Gurchenko and Kobzon. He drew attention to her earlier, and she, taught by past marriages, resisted. This only provoked the stately and handsome star. For several months, Kobzon courted beautifully, looking for the key to the heart of Lyudmila Markovna. Found.

Of course, a happy family was predicted for the couple, because they suit each other so well. Only a few understand how hard it is to get along under one roof for two deep personalities, two real talents. There are constant strife, conflicts due to professional activities, quarrelsomeness in everyday life, disagreements ... In his last book, “Lucy, stop!” Gurchenko will write that Kobzon needed directors of his appearance, style and repertoire, but nothing can replace real taste. She filed for divorce. He didn't mind.

Papa Kostya

This man met Lyudmila Markovna by chance, and their acquaintance was short. But it was he who helped the woman, who was almost disappointed in love and family values, to believe in happiness again.

She was already under forty, her daughter was 14, when the flame of love, lit by a young pianist, fluttered in the heart of a talented actress. Constantine Cooperweiss. Masha will call him dad (although he was only 10 years older!)

For almost twenty years, this man sensitively felt all the moods of the star wife, knew his habits, indulged his weaknesses. For almost twenty years she adored him, relied on him, understood that he was in her complete power. The more devastating was the blow from the news: Kostya has another.

Gurchenko will note in his book: what a subtle artist Cooperweiss! How he played - she didn’t even move her ear, she had no idea that he could change, love another woman.


Nearly 60 years old, Lyudmila no longer thought to look for a spouse. She remembered only her father as the main and beloved man of her whole life. And in the early 90s, on the set of Sex Tale, she met Sergei Senin- a producer who was 25 years younger than her. Despite this, it was he who, like no one else, was similar to Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko - both externally and in character traits. It was he who saw in his wife a perky little girl, and called her "daughter."

By the end of her life, Lyudmila Markovna found what she was looking for - true happy love. She left in an instant, being at home with her beloved husband. He will later tell that Lucy only had time to scream - and fell dead. The called ambulance had no choice but to declare death.

c.f. Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov

Lyudmila Gurchenko, the legend of Soviet and Russian cinema, still excites with her screen images and complex, by no means angelic character. Did she know how to forgive insults and be condescending to other people's weaknesses and mistakes? Lyudmila Markovna was a woman of a strong disposition. For example, she could get along quite abruptly with her own daughter Maria Koroleva, and it's no secret to anyone that she had her own reasons for that.

Lyudmila Gurchenko never hid the difficult relationship with her daughter. She, as a creative person, not deprived of God's talent, was sometimes annoyed by a certain earthiness of Mary, who, without hiding this, was rather cold about her career as an actress. Therefore, she chose a different path in life: she became a nurse. Of course, mutual irritation, petty grievances gradually accumulated. Ultimately, they led to a sensational court because of the apartment.

The first court proceedings began in 1993. The reason for the contention between the star and her daughter was a Moscow one-room apartment in the center of Moscow, in Volkov Lane, which belonged to the late mother of Lyudmila Gurchenko, Elena Alexandrovna. At one time, a 70-year-old old woman, having arrived from Kharkov to the capital, did not want to live alone. That is why she settled in the three-room apartment of her granddaughter Masha, to whom, by the way, she bequeathed her own housing. When Lyudmila Gurchenko found out about this, she became indignant, rightly believing that it was through her efforts that a prestigious Moscow apartment was obtained. However, most of all, Lyudmila Markovna was outraged by the fact that Maria's husband had already managed to make her a working office.

// Photo: Blog of Stanislav Sadalsky

The conflict over the apartment began back in 1993, and already in 1999 a court was held, by decision of which two-thirds of the apartment went to Lyudmila Markovna, and one-third to her daughter. However, Gurchenko was not satisfied, and once again went to court. In the future, mother and daughter could not agree on a price for a long time - the artist wanted to buy out her daughter's share, because it was almost impossible to exchange a one-room apartment. Initially, Gurchenko offered her daughter for a share of 10 thousand dollars, but Maria refused, explaining the decision that the apartment was dear to her as a memory of her grandmother. As a result, Maria Koroleva completely abandoned her share, and the apartment completely went to the famous actress. Of course, family relations were completely ruined, and mother and daughter tried not to meet again. After litigation, Lyudmila Gurchenko and Maria Koroleva did not communicate for more than five years.

Guided by generally accepted standards of thinking, many tried to condemn the star and find in her behavior not only a share of selfishness, but even a lack of parental feelings. In his book Stop, Lucy! Lyudmila Markovna recalls: “That's it! I go anywhere. I will earn money and buy my mother a one-room apartment. She missed her grandchildren very much. I talked to them from morning to evening. Loved Marika. In general, having agreed, she went to live with Masha. Masha came for things. I said that I would earn money for an apartment for my mother so that they would expand their area. When a year later they arranged a one-room apartment in the center, on Presnya, my mother refused to live there: “Lyusya, there are workers nearby.” I almost lost my mind. And who have we lived with all our lives? Side by side? And who is dad? And from what wilds, surrounded by ordinary people - accordion players, aunts Man, Dus, Sonya and Roz - did we “crawl out”?

// Photo: Elizaveta Klementieva / TASS

After the death of Lyudmila Gurchenko, friction on property issues between the widower Sergei Senin and the daughter of the artist was not without. There were numerous rumors that Maria Korovleva intended to sell the house of the famous actress.

“I am outraged by rumors that I allegedly put my late mother’s house up for sale. This is not true, ”Maria Koroleva told Starhit in 2011. I didn't and don't intend to sell anything. My goal was not to cash in on the state of my mother, but to give some kind of security in the life of my granddaughter, whom I am raising with my daughter Elena. I don’t want to comment on my relationship with Sergey, this is our personal matter. I can only say that we have sorted everything out peacefully.”

Now, it seems, the conflict between the widower and Gurchenko's daughter has flared up with renewed vigor. Let us recall that after the death of Lyudmila Markova, her inheritance was divided between her daughter and the widower through the court. At the same time, the apartment turned out to be the property of both Gurchenko's relatives. The initiative to create a museum in it came from Senin, but the Queen seems to have her own plans in this regard.

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The creation of the post-war generation of Soviet rocket launchers P-1 and R-2, which were tested at the Kapustin Yar test site, was a real breakthrough in domestic rocket science. But already after the first launches, it became clear to the designers that this site was too small.

On old German films from the Second World War, charming fraulein and frau sing and dance. Sometimes blond babies are nursed. Women are touching and tender. The fairy-tale world in which they flutter, squeezes out tears of tenderness from the audience.

From time immemorial, hunting and fishing have been the main sources of subsistence for peoples living in the harsh conditions of Siberia. Evenki and Buryats, Khakasses and Altaians, Tunguses and Ulchis, even today, regard these activities as a sacred act, surrounded by many magical rituals and signs.

The people have the right to be proud of their victories. It is always easy and pleasant to talk about triumphs. They fill hearts with joy. Hope for a bright, well-fed, free future. They make you believe that no matter how terrible the price, for the sake of the common good, it was worth paying. That all the pain, blood and tears that fell to the lot of the people were not in vain. That's just "victory has a thousand fathers, and defeat is always an orphan."

In the early 1960s, during one of his trips to Syria, the Italian archaeologist Paolo Mattie discovered a basalt bowl decorated with the heads of roaring lions and a frieze depicting a king and warriors in the storeroom of the Aleppo Museum.

After the death of the millionaire Pullman, his family, fearing that the workers fired by him would desecrate the body, ordered to dig a grave deeper than usual, strengthen its bottom and walls with concrete, bury the corpse in a steel coffin, and roll everything up with asphalt.

Each actor is unlucky in his own way: some are doomed to episodes, others to serials, and others to action movies. And Domogarov, because of his appearance, for a long time got the role of heroes-lovers, before the directors saw him as a deep dramatic actor.