Charlize Theron explained why she is raising black children. Star kids style: Jackson Theron Son Charlize

We are used to seeing Charlize Theron on advertising posters and in glossy magazines in the image of a fatal beauty. In the cinema, she also often gets the role of strong and unbroken women. However, in her latest film Tully, 42-year-old Charlize appears before the audience in an unusual role as a mother of many children, and for this role the movie star has gained more than a dozen kilograms. In a new interview with ELLE, Charlize opens up about motherhood, fostering, racism and more.

ELLE magazine cover with Charlize Theron

Raising black children, six-year-old Jackson and three-year-old Augusta, Charlize knows more than anyone else how acute the topic of racism is in modern America. The actress frankly admitted that she was ready to leave the United States forever if the topic of racial discrimination was hushed up, and her children were in danger.

Theron shared a touching story about how she wrote a letter to her mother as a child asking her to adopt a brother or sister for her. The actress admitted that she did not understand why there are so many orphans around, and why few people take them into the family.

Adoption is a very important topic for me. I respect this move. I have never seen the difference between raising an adopted child and a biological child, so I don't feel like I missed something in life,

The actress said.

For her role in the movie "Monster" (Monster), which was released in 2003, Charlize received her only Oscar statuette. Then the critics almost unanimously praised the reincarnation of the actress: for the role of Wuornos, she gained extra pounds. And 15 years later, Theron had to recover for the role of a single mother, expecting the birth of her third child. The actress told how the external transformation for the new film "Tally" differed from her previous experience:

When I was filming Monster, I was 27 years old, and I just stopped snacking on the go for three weeks to get back in shape. And now the weight gain hit me hard. I ate constantly: I began to consume a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. I had depression for the first time in my life, and it took a long time to return to normal life.

Charlize Theron gained 16 kilos for the movie "Tally"

Despite the fact that Charlize went through physical and emotional stress for the sake of the role, she considers this process an inseparable part of the acting profession and is of a categorical opinion: Theron trusts the Stanislavsky system.

I've never understood actors who aren't willing to go through changes for a role. For me, the buzz is precisely in this - you put on the “skin” of another person. I can't imagine how it would be possible to play this character (from the movie "Tally". - Approx. ed.) Without gaining weight and without experiencing all the fatigue of my heroine.

Actress Charlize Theron quotes about motherhood and announced the release of this material, including in stories on Instagram and VK. The stories were accompanied by photographs of Theron with her children - son Jackson and daughter August. Readers noticed that in the pictures there was a boy in a dress, which was very surprised (some were outraged from the bottom of their hearts). We understand the situation.

The most famous Hollywood case of "dressing up" a child in clothes that are considered typical of the opposite sex is, of course, the story of the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Shiloh.

The girl, born in 2006, became the first common child of the actors. The first years of her life, little Shiloh Nouvel looked like most babies: cute dresses, long hair. However, pretty soon everything changed.

Shiloh told her parents that she wanted a short haircut and clothes that boys wear. Pitt and Jolie supported their daughter and allowed her to dress and look the way she was comfortable - at the age of eight she began to go out with her parents in jackets and ties.

In a 2008 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Pitt revealed that Shiloh prefers to be called John and he doesn't mind it at all. Jolie also said in conversations with reporters that, together with her husband, they support their daughter and do not interfere with her choice of gender identity. “She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy, to look like a boy, so we cut her hair. All her clothes are boyish. She considers herself one of our boys," the actress was quoted as saying by E! online.

Now, as some publications write, 11-year-old Shiloh is seriously thinking about changing her gender. So far, however, there is no confirmation of this. And it seems that everyone has long been accustomed to Shiloh and her choice - the attitude of society towards girls in pants is generally more tolerant. What can not be said about the boys in dresses.

Information that the adopted son of Charlize Theron, Jackson, wants to wear dresses and sequins appeared several years ago. The first photos of the boy in girls' clothes appeared in the fall of 2016. Jackson and his sister were pictured wearing pink tutu skirts and ballerinas. In this form, they went with their mother to visit.

At first, the ubiquitous commentators decided that it was all about the approaching Halloween - the photos appeared on October 30th. But then the media increasingly began to publish photos of the boy either in pink ugg boots, or in a longsleeve with sequins, or in various dresses.

Of course, versions began to multiply: someone said that Theron supposedly makes Jackson dress like a girl, someone spoke in the spirit of “this is what happens when whites adopt blacks,” and someone suggested that the boy simply does not know how you need to dress, because he grows up surrounded by women - mothers, grandmothers, nannies. However, the latest version does not tolerate any criticism - immediately after the adoption, the boy was always dressed in, say, more traditional clothes.

The world has no choice but to admit that Charlize Theron is simply letting her son be himself. And here it doesn’t matter at all whether he wants to become a girl or he just likes to wear dresses. As the authors of the blog about celebrity Industrty On Blast say, he is right achieved through hysterics and scandals.

By the way, Jackson is not the only boy from a Hollywood family who is allowed to wear dresses. Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green allow their eldest son Noah to wear dresses and any other clothes for girls.

In an interview with Hollywood Pipeline, Austin Green explained why he and his wife are okay with their son's choice: "I know some people are against him wearing dresses. I can tell them: I don't care. He's four, and if he wants to wear dresses, let him wear them. This is his life. And these are not my clothes.

And most importantly: “What else to do at four or five years old, how not to have fun. Nobody gets hurt by wearing a dress. So if he wants to wear dresses, let him wear them.” The key phrase is "no one gets hurt." Fortunately, Brian Austin Green's son lives in a world in which no one will suffer from his choice of clothes, especially himself, as it may well be in the rest of the world.

There are a lot of pictures from the paparazzi on the Web, which depict Charlize's black son in strange attire. Adopted by a Hollywood star, a boy from South Africa, Jackson, recently came out in pink boots, the same color blouse with a heart and ladies' leggings.


Earlier, Jackson was seen by reporters in a fuchsia tutu skirt with rhinestones. He also carries a backpack with Disney princesses on it.

They say that once Charlize was asked why her son looks like a daughter, to which she succinctly replied: "I am for freedom of expression." But just a couple of years ago, Jackson walked like all ordinary boys - in tracksuits, jeans and military-style T-shirts ...

Pen sharks immediately remembered the appearance of Megan Fox's eldest son Noah in a dress with a fluffy skirt. Megan's offspring also has long hair, like Jackson's. Only Noah does not braid braids, but prefers a creative mess.

The third egregious case in Hollywood, when a child of a star is trying to "change sex", is the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Shiloh, who has long been frightening the public with her "kid" look and behavior.

Shiloh prefers boys clothes, wears sneakers and a short haircut. With age, the baby began to look more like the son of a famous couple than a daughter. Jolie and Pitt even once went to see a doctor to find out if their heiress is transgender or just a tomboy. For several years now, the girl has stubbornly wanted to become a boy, wears men's clothes and plays not with dolls, but with cars and football. She does not recognize pink, preferring blue and black.

According to foreign media, the expert on gender issues did not cope with his task. He did not understand whether Shiloh had problems with self-identification or not. Sources close to Jolie and Pitt told reporters that the doctor suggested that the situation would clear up when the heiress of the actors became a teenager. It is at a transitional age that Shiloh can stop loving everything masculine and become truly feminine, like her mother.

0 18 November 2014, 18:40

Today in the press it appeared that soon they were going to take the baby from the shelter. In the wake of these messages, the editors of the site decided to recall the stars who have already become parents in this way.

In general, the adoption of children is a common and fairly familiar procedure for Hollywood residents. Everyone knows about foster kids, but there are actually much more celebrities who decide to take a biologically alien child into the family.

These actors are raising six children, three of whom - sons Maddox and Pax and daughter Zahara - are adopted. And if you believe the media, then the spouses are not going to stop there.

Next in our review is Charlize Theron, who adopted a black boy from South Africa in 2012. Since then, the celebrity and her son Jackson have been inseparable - they go shopping, cafes and travel the world together.

My son Jackson is the biggest gift for me! He is the coolest guy in the world!

Shared as an actress.

Sandra Bullock has a similar story - the movie star single-handedly brings up her son Louis, whom she "found" in one of the orphanages in New Orleans in 2010.

He is perfect. It seems that he was always present in my life. Son - this is what I will now live for,

A celebrity declared at every step then.

Later, the actress had two more babies: in 2008, the star and her second husband, Keith Urban, had a daughter Sunday Rose, and in 2010- Fahey Margaret, a girl born and born by a surrogate mother, but at the same time she is the biological daughter of Kidman and Urbant.

Let's go to . At one time, this actress experienced several miscarriages, after which she decided to adopt: in 2000, when our heroine was still married to Phil Bronshein, she took the baby Roan from the orphanage, and after the divorce, she took custody of two more boys - Laird and Quinn.

I always thought that I would take the child to raise. Despite the fact that I was young, I constantly learned how to do it - to adopt a child.

Speaking of the stars who adopted children, one cannot help but recall Madonna, who, having raised two children - daughter Lourdes and son Rocco, decided to expand her family: in 2006 she adopted a boy, David Banda, and three years later, a girl - Mercy.

The paparazzi, hunting for the family of the star, have repeatedly noted that the native and adopted children of the singer are very friendly.

Like many of her colleagues, having a biological child, she took custody of another child - a baby from China, who was named Daisy True.

Now the girl is ten years old and, apparently, with her mother they are best friends.

Perhaps some still do not know, but the American actress, singer, producer, fashion model and designer is not at all the biological daughter of Laonel Richie, who, along with Prince, reigned on the Olympus of world pop music in the first half of the 80s, but a receptionist.

The future star was born in the city of Berkeley in a Mexican family: her own mother worked as an assistant to a musician, and her father played in his band. But when the girl was only two years old, her own father died. Then Richie and his wife Brenda Harvey-Ritchie took Nicole into their family.

It so happened that his wife Deborah Lee Furness has no biological children, but they are the parents of two adopted children - the son of Oscar Maximilian and the daughter of Ava Eliot.

These children, according to the actor himself, saved his marriage, because before the adoption, the couple unsuccessfully tried to conceive a child for several years.

As for, this designer went through the adoption procedure back in 1983. Then the eminent designer took custody of the boy Moises from the Dominican Republic.

The death of his wife pushed him to such an important decision, while his son became a new meaning of life for him.

The star of the horror series Connie Britton also found her happiness in the orphanage - in November 2011, the 44-year-old actress adopted an Ethiopian boy named Yobi.

As the celebrity stated, at that time she did not have a sexual life, and the status of a single mother suited her perfectly.

Having defeated breast cancer, she seriously thought about having a child, but a worthy man never met on the way of the artist, so in 2007 the star adopted her son Wyatt.

Three years later, Crow realized that the boy was missing a brother, and then baby Levi appeared in her life.

Sheryl Crow with children

Despite the fact that she has two children from her marriage to Charlie Sheen, she also took custody of another child.

Currently, the actress devotes all her free time to her daughters Lola, Sam and baby Eloise Joni.