When to change to daylight saving time. Europe changed its clocks to winter time for the last time

Before you understand why they began to translate time at all and when it is translated in Russia, you need to understand the relationship between time zones and astronomical time. Astronomical is determined by the sun, and the surface of the Earth was divided into twenty-four time zones in the 19th century, and each of them has its own time since that time.

For the first time in Great Britain in the year 1908, the hands of the clock were moved an hour forward in summer time, and in winter, respectively, an hour ago. In Russia, from the first of June, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, they followed the same example, moving the hands of the clock forward one hour. True, according to a slightly different principle, further, according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars, on December 22, the arrows were moved back. On June 16, 1930, the clocks were moved forward one hour and the hands did not move back until 1981, when the country switched back to seasonal time. And in addition to several historical dates, the last Law on the transition to a constant "winter" time ended so far this story of time transfer in the year 2014 on the twenty-first of July.

As for winter time, as people began to call it, according to the correct one, it is zone time, which means acceptable for a particular territory of the Earth.

True, the so-called winter time has acquired its name only in countries where the hands of the clock are translated twice a year.

At the same time, when you are within Europe in winter, then move the hands of your clock forward.
Summer time is transferred by some countries to the summer period. This time is one hour ahead of normal.

The transition to winter time in Russia in 2018 will not be carried out

When time is transferred, this is fraught with many inconveniences for people, and sometimes even financial losses. That is why in Russia in the year 2014 the time transfer was canceled in general, and almost all citizens of the country approved this step.

At the same time, to this day, according to the old habitual last weeks of March and October, questions are heard in the media about the translation of the clock hands in Russia, asking the people whether the old methodology will be returned, this issue has been relevant over the years.

"There will be no such transition!" - say the deputies of the State Duma and in this they are supported by the citizens themselves. At the same time, all doctors unanimously confirm the benefits of such a decision. And economists confirm that the state does not save money from the transfer of time, so it is not advisable to transfer time in the future.

Disputes for and against the transfer of time in Russia

In Russia, disputes over the translation of time lasted for many years. Since recently there are few countries left that still turn the clocks twice a year, on the last Sunday of March and October. The clock is manually adjusted between two and four o'clock at night.

Until that time, there are many supporters and opponents of time translation. In the world, scientific research is constantly being carried out at the expense of the correct sentences for the translation of time. The correctness of both supporters and opponents is brought.

Supporters emphasize their correctness by the fact that when translating the arrows, it becomes possible to save energy resources by rationally using daylight hours. Opponents also reject the possibility of saving.

More heated debate exists in medicine. Some doctors argue that the translation of time has a bad effect on the biorhythms of the body, as well as on the well-being of a person, noting that the more acceptable time is winter, since it is closer to astronomical. Others bring the non-existence of a significant role of time translation, emphasizing this by the non-dependence of modern man on natural factors.
Sometimes, people agree with the opinion of opponent doctors, confirming their opinion with their own nervous breakdowns or chronic diseases.
There are also citizens in countries with daylight saving time who often complain about the confusion due to the translation of the arrows. There are always units of those who, for some reason, scored to turn the clock hands and were late for work.

With the approach of the cold season, many people are wondering if it is necessary to change the clock this year. Indeed, over the years, we have all become accustomed to the fact that twice a year it is necessary to change the location of the hour hands, and with them our rhythm of life.

Of course, three years ago the government abandoned this measure, and the whole country lives according to the "winter" time. But there is still quite a lot of debate and debate around the “temporary” topic, and every time there is talk that translation can return to our lives.

Given that the transition to a different type of time needs to be adjusted, which is not always pleasant, citizens want to know in advance whether to wait for the clock change.

If you believe the latest and the assurances of government representatives, there will be no changes in terms of the clock change. Despite the fact that certain officials point to the apparent economic benefits of switching to "summer" and "winter" time, their opinion will not affect the current situation. As before, starting from 2014, we will all live according to the "winter" time.

It should be noted that a fairly large number of representatives of the economic sector of the government believe that the annual movement of the clock brings benefits to the country.

The main argument is the maximum use of daylight hours and, consequently, a more rational use of energy resources.

But in fact, the potential savings cannot be compared with the expenses that the transfer of arrows entails. In addition, doctors have long proven that such a measure adversely affects the health of citizens.

Considering all these factors, it is safe to say that we will not have to change the clock.

Why change clocks?

Considering the issue of changing the clock, it becomes interesting why there was a need for this at all. The idea of ​​creating "summer" and "winter" time came up as early as 1908 in Great Britain.

The British government decided to conduct an interesting experiment with local time: in the spring, move the clock forward 1 hour, and in the fall, return the hands to their previous mode. According to the idea, the innovation was to help reduce energy costs.

Quite unexpectedly, this idea appealed to the leadership of other countries, especially during the First World War. So, already 10 years after the first experiment in the UK, clocks were translated by many states, including Russia. This allowed the government to regulate the length of the working day and increase energy savings.

It is worth noting that in our country such an innovation took root far from immediately. People simply did not understand why all this was needed, and for a long time they could not adapt to the regime change. Changing the clock invariably led to confusion and all sorts of difficulties.

Since 1917, when the first transition to "winter" and "summer" time took place, the government has repeatedly canceled and reintroduced the clock change, and also changed its dates.

Relative stability in this regard came only in 2014, when the country's leadership decided that the state would finally remain in the "winter" time. And the situation in this regard can be called relatively calm, since there are still talks about the return of the translation.

Arguments "for" and "against" the clock change

Basically, the owners of businesses and various manufacturing enterprises benefit from such a “changeable” regime. As already noted, changing the clock allows you to increase daylight hours and make the most of natural light, which means saving on electricity.

However, many adherents of different temporary regimes say that the transition also has a positive effect on the state of the environment. The logic is something like this: since electricity consumption is reduced, thermal power plants need to spend less resources, and this means reducing the level of harmful emissions into the air.

But there are many more arguments "against". Doctors are mainly trying to persuade people to refuse to change the clock. They indicate that too abrupt a change in regimen is stressful for the body. Such a shake leads to a weakened immune system and poor health. In particular, a huge number of people complain that due to the transition to "summer" time, they suffer from sleep problems, loss of concentration, and decreased performance.

Such "failures" in the body cause not only a banal lack of sleep, but also quite serious accidents on the roads, in production, etc. In addition, scientists have shown that the change of clocks leads to an increase in the number of people who are diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, as well as an increase in the number of strokes.

There are other disadvantages of changing the temporary regime, which cannot be discounted. For example, it is simply inconvenient and uncomfortable for citizens to rearrange their work an hour forward and backward, especially for people whose activities are related to air travel. Lateness, disruption of important meetings, confusion in documents - these are just a few of the problems associated with the transition from "winter" time to "summer" time.

If we talk about economic benefits, then it is also recognized as very doubtful. Calculations have shown that the transfer of clocks requires large expenses for the changeover of equipment, which practically reduces to zero all the profit from saving electricity.

What is the probability of the return of "summer" time?

Scientists have almost completely refuted the need to move clocks in spring and autumn, and even many economists agree that such a measure is inappropriate. Therefore, you should not worry about the return of “summer” time to our lives. Moreover, it is unlikely that the government will change its mind again, because the recent “leapfrog” with the introduction and cancellation of the clock shift has already caused discontent among the population.

Gradually, other countries are also abandoning different time regimes, so we will not take a step back to an inconvenient and unnecessary measure.

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The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

Ukraine may abandon the annual transition from summer to winter time and back from next year. After the European Commission announced a systematic refusal to switch arrows in 2019, a draft resolution with a similar initiative was registered in the Verkhovna Rada.

The European Commission in September presented a plan to phase out seasonal clock changes in 2019. The decision was made following a survey of 4.6 million Europeans, 80% of whom approved of these changes.

But this does not mean that all EU countries will refuse to move the clock hands. Until April 2019, the parliaments of states must decide whether they want to leave “winter” forever on the clock. The European Commission in its instructions warns that in the event of a non-synchronous solution of the “temporary” issue between neighboring states, difficulties may arise with logistics, transport links and trade.

The last mandatory change to daylight saving time in the EU will take place on March 31, 2019, and from October next year, countries that approve the abolition of the transfer of clock hands will switch to winter time for the last time, according to which they will live all year round.

Why should we give up winter time?

The Ministry of Economic Development, which has been lobbying for a refusal to turn the clock hands in Ukraine for several years, has not yet provided a clear economic justification for this innovation. But in the process of discussing this issue, Ukrainian officials and experts, in addition to following the course of European integration, more often voice such “minuses” of the annual switchover:

    spending additional funds due to changes in the schedule of enterprises and transport;

    stress that the human body experiences as a result of changing the schedule of the day, which especially affects those suffering from chronic diseases, the elderly and children.

Will the clocks be changed this year?

Despite the fact that a draft law abolishing the transition to another time has been registered in the Rada, the deputies are unlikely to have time to adopt it. Moreover, the issue remains debatable. As a result, the transition to winter time this year in Ukraine will traditionally take place on the last Sunday of October - on the night of October 28. At four o'clock in the morning, the hands of the clock must be turned back one hour.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, October 28, 2018, the countries of the European Union will simultaneously move the arrows back one hour. They will most likely do it for the last time. According to the results of the referendum, the European Commission decided that from 2019 the clock change is no longer performed.

Latest clock change

  • Who came up with this?
  • Health impact
  • The situation in Europe

Until April 2019, each EU country must decide on what time it stays - in winter or in summer. There are fears that the picture of time zones in the European Union will change chaotically. On the other hand, it can, on the contrary, be harmonized if neighboring countries agree with each other.

Who came up with this?

At the Earth's equator, the same duration of day and night is maintained all year round: 12 hours each. There are no problems with sleep disturbances, energy conservation and so on. In winter, sunrise and sunset occur at almost the same time as in summer. Unfortunately, this is not the case at other latitudes. Due to the tilt of the earth's axis, the 23.44° solstices and equinoxes fall at different times of the year. In other words, in the northern hemisphere, summer days are longer than winter days.

Sunrise and sunset times throughout the year with and without daylight savings time in Greenwich (UK). Data from the Daylight Chart program

Hence the idea of ​​​​transferring clock hands to daylight saving time was born. The idea belongs to New Zealand entomologist and amateur astronomer George Hudson. In 1895, he submitted an article to the Wellington Philosophical Society proposing a two-hour clock shift to "preserve daylight." The article was published in 1898.

The idea was noticed in England, where the aristocrat and businessman William Willett became its main propagandist. In 1907, with his own money, he published and distributed the pamphlet "The Waste of Daylight" (eng. "The Waste of Daylight"). According to his proposal, the clock should be moved every Sunday in April by 20 minutes at 2 am (only 80 minutes for April), and on Sundays in September - translated in the same way in the opposite direction. This will save England £2.5 million in lighting costs.

Purely scientific ideas from "nerds" rarely attract the attention of influential political circles. But in this case it happened. Possibly William Willett's acquaintance at the golf club, Parliamentarian William Pierce, introduced the idea to the British Parliament on February 12, 1908, but it was never adopted, although Willett promoted it until his death in 1915.

The German Empire and its ally Austria-Hungary were the first to officially introduce summer time during the First World War in order to save coal in wartime. This significant event took place on April 30, 1916.

The example of the enemy was immediately followed by Great Britain and the allies. Russia and several other countries waited until next year, and the US introduced daylight saving time in 1918.

First Daylight Saving Time in Ohio, USA

After the war, most countries abandoned the clock change, but with the outbreak of World War II, it was again used almost everywhere.

Several countries have abolished DST in recent years, including Russia and Belarus in 2011. But in Russia, the reform caused people to complain about the darkness in the mornings, so summer time was returned in 2014. The transfer of arrows was canceled in Argentina, Canada, Kazakhstan, Iceland, Turkey and other countries. Now it's the turn of the European Union.

Health impact

Scientific research shows conflicting results regarding the impact of clock shift on health. Depending on where you live and how you live, turning the arrows can give your body more daylight, which boosts vitamin D production.

On the other hand, moving the arrows increases the risk of a heart attack by 10%, disrupts sleep and reduces its effectiveness. Human biorhythms go astray and adjust to a new schedule within a few weeks (1, 2). Studies show that within a few weeks after the spring switchover, the number of suicides in men increases.

Sleep disturbances are the main negative consequence of the clock change, so now some doctors recommend abandoning DST (daylight saving time). In many countries, disputes on this topic have been going on for decades.

Saving electricity is generally called a myth: studies have shown that lighting costs practically do not change as a result of the clock change. An order of magnitude greater savings comes from switching to LED bulbs and “smart” sensors.

The situation in Europe

In Europe, universal daylight saving time was introduced in 1996: all countries simultaneously moved the arrows forward an hour on the last Sunday in March and back an hour on the last Sunday in October. Now this rule is being abolished. Tweet from European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc:

The transport industry traditionally suffers the most from switching arrows and the need to change schedules, so Violeta's joy can be understood. She hopes that the European Parliament and national governments will quickly coordinate their actions, and calls for the start of "consultations at the state level to guarantee a coordinated approach for all EU members."

Time zones in the European Union

Until April 2019, each EU country must decide on what time it stays - in winter or in summer.

The decision of the European Commission is based on the results of an online survey, which was attended by 4.6 million people in Europe. It is curious that 3 million of them represented Germany, that is, the representativeness of the survey is rather doubtful.

However, 80% of respondents voted for the abolition of daylight saving time. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on ZDF: "People want it, so we will do it." Chancellor Angela Merkel also agreed that it was "a very important issue." published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

From the moment of the widespread establishment of Soviet power in 1919 until the collapse of the Soviet Union, and later on the territory of modern Russia, the time on the clock was changed twice a year. In the spring they moved the hands by one hour to make the time summer, and in the fall they carried out the reverse operation of the transfer so that the time again became winter.

However, now (and in 2018 too) the law of the Russian Federation on the transfer of time twice a year has been canceled. In 2018, the Russians do not need to translate the hands on the clock (and change the time on electronic devices). Therefore, the answer to the question When we change the time in 2018 in Russia "- NEVER.

The transition to winter time in 2018 in Russia is canceled. The Russian government took care of this relatively recently, four years ago. This is the official refusal of the country's leadership to switch to the so-called winter time.

Why it is not necessary to switch the clock hands to winter time in Russia in 2018

Russia is not included in the list of countries that change clocks twice a year. This is due to legislation, disputes between scientists and deputies. Seven years ago, parliamentarians passed a law that abolished the transition to winter time. However, residents of many cities complained about the inconvenience of constant daylight saving time.

Citizens of the Russian Federation in most regions do not now translate the clock. Accordingly, in Russia there will be no transfer of clocks to winter time. The country is already living by this time. But in this regard, not everyone is happy with everything. Some regions switched to daylight saving time themselves. There are 11 such regions in total. Over time, confusion sometimes “scattered” one region across different time zones.

In the winter of this year, MP Anton Baryshev proposed to return summer time to Russia. According to him, parliamentarians receive many complaints from citizens about the constant winter time. Baryshev also cited statistics, according to which the number of accidents has increased in the country over the four years of constant winter time.

The risks of mortality from cardiovascular diseases have increased and cases of rheumatism have become more frequent. Nevertheless, winter time in most regions of the Russian Federation remains constant. Today, as in the good Soviet times, each time zone of the Russian Federation will have its own time.

In general, many Russians misunderstand the situation, because they say that we have switched to winter time. In fact, the country switched to summer time, since for the first time the hands of the clock were translated in the spring, and not in the winter.

However, in some regions of the Russian Federation, separately from other regions, a one-time transfer of clock hands was carried out based on the wishes of citizens. In 2016-2017 this was done:
* In the Saratov region, where the time was moved forward 1 hour.
* In the Novosibirsk region, where the time was also moved forward 1 hour.
* In the Tomsk region (also an hour ahead from Omsk to Krasnoyarsk time).
* In the Magadan region (plus 1 hour).
* In the Ulyanovsk and Astrakhan regions, which added an hour and left the Moscow time zone for Samara.
* Clocks have also been moved forward one hour in the Sakhalin Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

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* In Volgograd and the Volgograd region, the clocks have only to be moved forward one hour. Since such a wish was expressed by the majority of the inhabitants of the region at a referendum held simultaneously with the election of the President of Russia on March 18, 2018. The results were considered by the Regional Duma and received approval in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The time change in the Volgograd region will take place on the night of October 27-28, 2018.

Who and when invented to translate the hands of the clock

Benjamin Franklin, an American politician and inventor, was the first person to change the time by moving the hands. In 1784, he was an envoy to France, and decided to publish an anonymous appeal to the Parisians about saving candles from the sunlight in the morning.

But the French at one time did not support the idea of ​​B. Franklin. Officially, the New Zealand entomologist D.V. proposed to translate the arrows. Hudson. In 1895, in his article, he proposed a 2-hour shift, which would increase daylight hours.

In 1908, for the first time in Great Britain, clocks were moved forward an hour in summer and an hour back in winter. The purpose of such changes was considered to be significant energy savings. In the United States, the transfer to "winter" and "summer" time has been carried out since 1918.

In Russia, they began to translate time from July 1, 1917, then the arrow was moved forward an hour (by decree of the Provisional Government), and the arrows were moved back an hour by decree of the Council of People's Commissars (December 22, 1917 according to the old style) on June 16, 1930 by a decision of the Council of People's Commissars Decree time was introduced in the USSR, the clock was moved one hour ahead of standard time, the arrows were not turned back, until 1981, when the country switched back to seasonal time.

Since 1997, they began to switch time to "winter" from the end of October, and to "summer" from the end of March. On February 8, 2011, the President of Russia, the post was then headed by D.A. Medvedev, it was decided to cancel the transition to winter time from autumn.

And on March 27, 2011, Russia switched to a permanent "summer" time. On July 21, 2014, the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin signed the law on the transition to a permanent "winter" time, the new norms came into force on October 26, 2014.

Which countries change their clocks to winter time?

Summer time is used to some extent in 81 countries around the world. In particular, almost all EU member states continue to switch arrows (with the exception of Russia, Belarus and Iceland).

In Africa, seasonal time adjustment is carried out only in Burkina Faso, Morocco and Namibia. In South America, time manipulation is relevant for Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay, and in Asia and the Middle East, for Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus, the Philippines, and Syria. In addition, clock hands are tightened in the United States and Canada, as well as in Mexico, Cuba, Bermuda and the Bahamas.