What are the advantages of marriage for a woman. Is it worth getting married and getting married: the pros and cons of marriage

Have you ever thought about what family life has given or taken away from you? And about what advantages and disadvantages has the status of a married lady brought you? Well, or at worst about the positive and negative aspects of official marriage?

Not? Occasionally? Or every half hour? - Underline the correct answer.

Marriage: a sober view from the outside

No, we will not explore the disadvantages and advantages of marriage as such, because for someone family life honey in seasoning with gingerbread and pistachio ice cream, and for someone - a collar around the neck and shackles on the hands and feet. Moreover, these two can live in the same territory and be connected by a common seal 🙂

We are all different. We all have our own concepts, priorities and requirements. Give someone coffee in bed, someone a pink Ferrari, someone rejoices at the newly appeared free garbage service performed by her husband, and someone is sad because of the advice of an annoying mother-in-law, well, some are just happy in marriage - serenely and in a good way ordinary (every day, regardless of the weather and the whims of the spouse).

We'll consider example of an ideal family(wife - caring, loving and economic, husband - non-drinker, earning and faithful) in an ideal vacuum (apartment, cottage, job, relatives in another country), who entered into marriage by mutual desire (their own, and not my father's, mother's - neighbor) and do not even think about the leftist and divorce.

So, We meet the pros and cons of marriage from an unbiased and objective judge.

Pros of marriage:

1. From now on there are two of you, and two heads, as you know, will come in handy in the household. Yes, and "We", you see, sounds much stronger and more solid than just "I". My husband and I are doing repairs, my beloved and I are going on a picnic, we are a family (and let all unmarried friends bite their elbows to bloody calluses).

2 . you never won't be bored, because now you have a partner at hand in a constant order for heart-to-heart talks, quarrels, food and bodily pleasures 🙂

Note: we specifically do not display the "bed" and everything related to this exciting activity in a separate paragraph. We are all grown-up girls and we understand what it means to have constant, legal and not burdened by sad consequences sex for the female soul, skin and moral satisfaction.

3. Being with her husband, you can always count on his participation, love and support. From now on, such concepts as grief, joy, debts, peace, friendship, chewing gum, are common and separable. And the husband is a chic vest who will not only listen, sympathize and regret, but also caress, give a massage and run to the store for red wine and chocolate (this is if you have PMS).

4. Responsibility for your life, your stomach and wallet now lie on two shoulders at once (well, or four, if you count the left and right 🙂), which means that stability and confidence in the future will finally appear in your life. Isn't this happiness?

5. Marriage in our country involves a certain social security: after all, before that you were just two lovers (no one to each other from the point of view of the state), and now you are the closest relatives, i.e. people with a common surname, certificate and property.

This means that you have the right to:

  • on his car, yacht and credit card,
  • be the first to be admitted to intensive care if he (God forbid) is hit by a scratch on his beloved Porsche (left by you, by the way).
  • for alimony in the event of a divorce (even for ideal people, even in ideal conditions, alas, not everything is cloudless and smooth).

6. Visa(especially Schengen) you, as a married lady, will get it sooner and more likely.

7. Having signed, you can finally change legal name, and with it citizenship and a photograph in the passport.

8 . Now you don't need to do miracles of acrobatics in bed, scratch his back, groan and gasp until you lose your pulse, i.e. in every possible way pretend to be a mistress ready for any sex exploits, ending already at one male glance. After all, now he is yours, yours forever - with all the offal, cockroaches and room slippers. 9. Now you can just make love- the way you love it, see it and deserve it.

10. Wedding ring like nothing else sobers up unwanted admirers and suitors.

11. And most importantly, now you have someone to wake up with every day, raise children and die on the same day.

Disadvantages of marriage:

  1. Marriage suggests rejection of many well-established and beloved habits (albeit harmful, albeit from those from which, in fairness it should be noted, it was high time to get rid of). Something like: sleeping until dinner, throwing things in secluded corners, eating only sandwiches and pizza. All, that's it, carefree times have sunk into oblivion.
  2. Marriage not only empowers but also responsibilities. And this is washing, and cooking, and cleaning and ironing. So the daily preparation of breakfast, lunch, dinner and a couple of snacks is now on your fragile shoulders.
  3. In addition to her husband you get his last name, which, alas, is not easy to refuse (he will be offended). So from now on you are not the great-great-great-granddaughter of Count Orlov, but a simple peasant girl from the average Petin family.
  4. With the advent of the stamp in the passport the number of relatives celebrating anniversaries/sick/needing attention/giving advice is multiplied. Hence: additional cash spending, nerves and headache.
  5. Husband and marriage certificate provides for a common not only his property, but yours too. Now there is more than one owner in the three-room apartment in the city center donated by your parents.
  6. Family life is essential narrows the circle. You won’t have time to look back, how methodically and purposefully the husband will drive away the “badly influencing” girlfriends and friends from the house.
  7. Now the beloved does not call every half an hour and does not send cute / funny / loving sms. He no longer needs to win you over with expensive gifts, grand gestures, and masculine deeds. After all, now you completely and completely belong to him, to him alone.
  8. From the husband's point of view, before marriage was "good" and "great" after becomes wrong and not so necessary. Have you dined in restaurants before? Now it's "expensive and not very tasty." Have you bought fur coats and diamonds before? Now they give pots and flower stands. Previously, you shamelessly spent your entire salary on shoes, cosmetics and clothes? Now you are accountable for every penny spent and live in savings mode (even if the chickens don’t peck money in the family). Such is married life.
  9. Sex after marriage although it is constant, it is very monotonous. By trial and error, you have found positions that satisfy both, you no longer need to capture each other's imagination, you just make love. No experiments and splashes, only one silence and grace, which in bed sometimes set the teeth on edge.
  10. Just yesterday, a fan showering you with compliments today brings another girl (single) to work, and for some reason the seller from the grocery store does not make such crazy discounts as before, and does not volunteer to bring the bags to the entrance. And all because now on your ring finger flaunts symbol of fidelity to another man- wedding ring.


We have tried to highlight the most important pros and cons of marriage. To some they will seem ridiculous and far-fetched, to someone they will open their eyes to the real state of things, but someone will just smile.

We wish you healthy attitude to marriage, mutual love and an ideal husband! 🙂

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Official marriage - a union registered with the registry office. An unregistered union (cohabitation) is called a de facto marriage. Within the framework of this article, the pros and cons of official or legal marriage will be considered.

  1. The principle of equality

In accordance with the law, all life situations must be resolved by the spouses, based on the principles of equality. This, among other things, concerns the issues of fatherhood, motherhood, upbringing and education of children.

In addition to the advantages, the official marriage union also has disadvantages (under certain circumstances). So, the key disadvantages of a marriage registered in the registry office include:

  1. joint property

As mentioned above, property acquired during the period of marriage between citizens who have registered their union is considered jointly acquired and is subject to division. If the citizens do not formalize the union, then in the event of parting, each of them will remain with their property.

  1. Foreclosure

In accordance with the law, if one of the spouses cannot cope with the obligations assumed, the recovery can only be levied on his own property. However, if the property of a citizen is not enough, then the representative of the creditor has the right to demand in court the allocation of a share from his official spouse, which, in the event of a divorce, would be due to the debtor and levy execution on her.

  1. Alimony payments

In accordance with family law (namely, Articles 89 and 90), spouses are required to support each other financially. In the event that one of the spouses refuses to provide financial support to the other, then it can be demanded in court. Thus, the following persons have the right to apply to the judicial authority: a disabled needy spouse, a pregnant wife or raising a child under 3 years of age, as well as one of the spouses who cares for a child with a disability.

Drawing conclusions

Summing up the above, we can conclude that official marriage relations have more pluses than minuses. However, the disadvantages are significant - that is why, before registering a marriage, it is necessary to take them into account, and, if necessary, discuss all the features in advance and prepare documents (for example, a marriage contract).

Foreword : all description This applies only to women and does not claim to understand the male half. Although the opinions of men will be very useful for further research on the topic and the development of a model of an ideal marriage.

The reason for writing this post was the author's feeling that the majority of relationships in marriage do not work out very well. Getting married is much easier than keeping this marriage in the original attractiveness that it looked like at the very beginning.
The author also has confidence that marriage, like any self-developing process, can be studied in order to optimize it and create some kind of ideal model of marriage. The method of analysis used in this study is the analysis of many private opinions on this matter, as well as many special cases of the development of marriage at all stages.
The author considers the institution of marriage to be very important and the basis for building society as a whole. Marriage is like a part of the holographic model of the whole society.
The author does not claim to be unshakable in the results of his research.

Chapter first.
Analysis of initial data. Do I need marriage? The ratio of advantages and repulsive properties..

1.1. Advantages

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1. a constant sexual partner, the acquisition of a constant feeling that you are a desirable woman.
2. the care of obtaining funds for living is distributed between two adults, ideally this headache disappears altogether - where to get the money.
3. the opportunity to have children and the opportunity to raise them in a complete family, when children feel both male and female influence, see the behavior patterns of a man, a woman and a model of their interaction with each other.
4. the ability to share responsibility for decision-making.
5. a sense of security, a strong shoulder and the acquisition of the opportunity to feel weak.
6.acquisition of a sense of family, ideally good communication of relatives on both sides.
7. part of household duties, which is traditionally better for men, can be removed from their fragile shoulders.
8. Holidays and weekends are held in the family circle.
9. the ability to love your own man and take care of him.
10. unlimited access to the resources of male logic and male thinking.
11. increase in the number of friends at the expense of the husband's friends.
11. You learn a lot of new things from what you didn’t know before, but what your husband knows and teaches you this.
12. Going together towards some common goal is easier than going there alone.
13. the ability to delegate conversations with strangers to your husband so that they can talk in their "male" language.

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Repulsive properties:

1. a sharp change in the established routine of life. Starting with the schedule of getting up, waking up, laying down, eating, and ending with the time schedule for communicating with friends, relatives, the Internet.
2. A sharp change in the way of life will lead to the fact that things that were previously obtained with ease will no longer be easily obtained, because. the algorithm developed and proven for years to solve them will be violated. And the second half will want to blame that now something has ceased to turn out. because of her appearance in life, all these metamorphoses happened.
3. increase in the number of household chores. For example, you need to cook much more food, because. it is impossible to feed a man with one banana and a leaf of lettuce, men eat much more than women; an increase in the amount of washing and ironing, including clothes and bed linen; it will not be possible to keep a mess at home for a long time in order to maintain a creative mood.
4. you need to come to terms with the emergence of new things that will take up a significant place in the house.
5. often you will need to collect not only your own and not his socks, shirts scattered around the apartment, as well as more often twist toothpaste and shampoo.
6. have sex even if you don't want it, but your husband wants to and enjoy sex at the same time.
7. It will be necessary to praise not only yourself
8. admit that you are not the smartest and you do not know everything in the world better than anyone, but accept someone else's opinion
9. share responsibility for solving problems that didn't exist before
10. think about the other person more than about yourself, feel what he wants and try to give it to him
11. give a man a sense of belonging, confidence that you belong only to him
12. stop dating and flirting with other great men
13. look combed even at home.
14. be able to humble yourself in front of a man in order to give him the opportunity to be a giver.
15. become necessary for a man so that he understands that you are the best gift in his life (you first need to understand how to do this)
16. be able to agree with another opinion or at least hear it even if you strongly disagree with it
17. communicate with his relatives and friends.
18 you lose the opportunity to be alone with yourself for a long time, as well as the opportunity to "score on everyone and everything" when you want it.

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Now I’m thinking after reading all the pros and cons, on which side will the scales tip? For or against?
And maybe I forgot some main argument that would be decisive?
Or maybe brought some extra?

Perhaps it is necessary to expand and refine this "list of internal issues before making a decision", but in any case I consider it useful before marriage. In order not to rush into it as if into some kind of adventure with the intention "maybe everything will work out" (we don’t build a business like that, although it affects our lives much less than marriage), but weigh the pros and cons and understand at least approximately whether you need this and what resources you are ready to invest in it, and which are not, as well as what your partner is ready to invest in your joint venture to build a happy life for both of you.
You need to work with a profit, otherwise one of the partners will definitely want to dump.

Despite the fact that at present the popularity of official marriage has fallen, in the soul of each of the men and women dreams of officially legitimizing their relationship with their beloved partner, with whom they have been running a common household for more than one year and living “under the same roof”.

Any woman and every man, making a fateful decision about marriage or marriage, inevitably thinks about the pros and cons of an official marriage.

No one can unambiguously highlight the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution. For each they are their own. It can only be said with certainty that there are two lists of pluses that representatives of each gender identify for themselves separately. When preparing to enter into an official marriage, they should definitely be taken into account.

"Pros" of official marriage for men

  • A man receives invaluable and disinterested help and support from his official wife at a difficult moment in life.
  • He will have the opportunity to have his own home-place where understanding is always waiting for him, and, most importantly, delicious food and love.
  • Understanding a woman gives him the opportunity not to be distracted by everyday problems.
  • The opportunity to use the knowledge of your wife and her help in your work or hobby for free.
  • Often, an officially registered marriage is required for employment in a highly paid job, especially related to traveling abroad. In this case, the feeling is given not the first place. A man is looking for a reliable partner with whom he will be comfortable living and working in a foreign country. Surprisingly, such marriages are among the strongest.

"Cons" of official marriage for men

  • The inability to start a relationship (close) "on the side." Most women do not want to be "in a second role" and do not want to meet with "married men" at a convenient time only for them, and be alone on holidays and weekends.
  • The presence of a mother-in-law, as a factor worsening relations with his wife. Since, according to the mother, the son-in-law does not treat her daughter (wife) properly. And he also does not listen to the everyday advice of his mother-in-law. There are rare cases when mother-in-law and son-in-law are great friends and "live soul to soul" together.
  • Catastrophic reduction of free personal time. This is especially reflected in meetings with friends and girlfriends, to whom the wife does not favor. As a result of the increase in the "experience" of family life, these meetings become extremely rare or come to naught.
  • Constant reporting in their affairs and location. Not every man agrees to such a compromise solution and control. For the most part, a man is quite a freedom-loving and independent person. Often it is this reason that leads to family strife, quarrels and divorce.

"Pros" of official marriage for women

  • The opportunity to always be with your loved one, as his official wife.
  • The background of the thought before marriage: in case there are children, and the husband leaves for another, he will always support his kids, well, she will get something from him. In addition, she expects that in the event of a divorce, she will receive half of his fortune. This is a case of marriage of convenience on the part of a girl, when a man is much older than her and is rich, or she does not love her betrothed, and he is “crazy” about her.
  • A common “plus” for a woman is to tell her girlfriends, classmates, and generally everyone, everyone, that she is already married, while the rest have not yet met with anyone.
  • Being in an official marriage, a woman wants to know everything about her spouse, even his past life (before her). She needs this in order to get to know her husband better and help him at a critical moment in his life. To be needed by a loved one is the goal of life for many wives.
  • Being in an official marriage, a woman can afford not to take care of material well-being. Usually that is entirely the prerogative of her husband. It is he who should make sure that the family has prosperity, and that she and her children have everything they want.
  • Sometimes an official marriage is concluded to travel with her husband to distant countries for his employment. Many women like this union. He "promises" stability and prosperity.

"Cons" of official marriage for women

  • Excessive participation of the mother-in-law in the life of the spouses and reading her notations to the daughter-in-law, if, in her opinion, the wife treats her son (her husband) inappropriately: she cares for him badly, cooks the wrong food, restricts his freedom.
  • The desire of her husband to know everything about her life before meeting him. She does not want this and often refuses him such information. The past belongs only to her, and he should not know anything about it. The only exception is the moment when people from the past begin to harm her present happiness.
  • At the end of the “candy-bouquet” period, a woman often stops receiving unexpected signs of attention from a man (pleasant little things as a gift, including flowers). Having become an official wife, they plan all expenses with their husband together, running a joint household and having one common budget.


Analyzing the results of a study of the “pluses” and “minuses” of official marriage, both for men and women, psychologists state the fact that there are incomparably more positive aspects than negative ones.

It should be noted that many respondents noted the celebration of the wedding and its celebration as a neutral factor requiring significant financial investment. But, nevertheless, most couples, especially very young ones, do not represent any other alternative for themselves than a wedding banquet. Every bride dreams of a "white outfit" in which she will feel like a fairy princess.

In the psychological characteristics of many people, a “stamp in the passport” is a guarantor of long and happy family relationships.

Is it worth living in a civil marriage - we analyze all the pros and cons

Today more and more people choose cohabitation as an intermediate , before going to the official. And there is nothing wrong with that, if such a decision suits both. Another thing is when such relationships drag on, and this begins to cause concern, especially for women. That's when we start weigh all the pros and cons and think about the pros and cons of a civil union. Unfortunately, very often the ideal image of a loved one is broken down by the little things of life.

  • The undoubted advantage is that people can get to know each other better and decide if they are suitable for each other. . This can best be understood just during a joint residence, when all the habits and character traits of a loved one are manifested.

After the "test of civil marriage" it will be possible to conclude: are you able to live your whole life with this person?

Of course, each couple is free to choose how to live and build relationships. But my opinion is that civil union is just a kind of relationship but not family.

Legal civil marriage

In accordance with the current Family Code, a man and a woman who carry out unregistered cohabitation, do not have marital rights and obligations to each other , but at the same time, children born in such a union have the same rights as those born in an official one. Let us consider in more detail how the most important legal issues in a civil marriage are resolved.

Division of property upon separation

Property relations of spouses not governed by family law , the rules of civil law apply to them. That is, the property acquired during the joint life will be divided according to the principle of common shared ownership. Simply put, property goes to the person who legally owns it . For example, if the wife was only engaged in housekeeping, and the husband worked and registered the car, apartment and other property for himself, then when parting, the spouse will receive all the property.

An exception may be the situation when a non-owner spouse can prove that he invested his own funds in the acquisition of property.

But in the event of the death of one of the spouses, the second by law will have absolutely no rights to inherit , since family law ties were not registered.

This is how it turns out that in a civil marriage you will not receive a fair division of property upon breaking off relations.

What if there is a child in the family?

A couple living in a civil marriage, as a rule, thinks least of all about the appearance of a child. This is due to the fact that this type of relationship is initially considered as something temporary and unreliable .

However, life is unpredictable, and the birth of a child in a civil union has become quite common: according to statistics, every fourth child is born in such a relationship . And sadly, often it is he who becomes the cause of contention between spouses.

Since the relationship of the couple is not officially registered in any way, unplanned pregnancy causes many couples to break up . If for an unofficial spouse, the unborn child is not desirable, then the woman risks being left “with nothing” with a meager allowance and a baby in her arms. But it also happens that pregnancy becomes an occasion to finally formalize your relationship. However, practice shows that most women do not dare to have a child in a civil marriage .

A child born in an unregistered union has all the same rights and obligations as a baby born in a registered family.

The registration process itself does not present any difficulties, it takes place in almost the same way, additionally father's consent is required to register a child under his own name.

If a woman receives a certificate as a single mother, then if the father later wants to give the child his last name, it will be necessary issue a certificate of paternity .

Do spouses need official marriage - we study the advantages and disadvantages of registration

Who would not say anything, but most women still I want guarantees and stability . Of course, anything can happen even in a marriage. But formalized relationship , to a greater extent give a woman confidence and a sense of comprehensive security, not only for herself, but also for her unborn child.

From a legal point of view, in our state, a couple in a legal relationship, of course, has more legal rights:

  • The main advantage is the solution of the property issue in the event of a divorce : it does not matter to whom this or that thing is framed, if it was acquired during marriage, then this joint property is divided in half after a divorce (or proportionally, depending on who the child remains with).
  • For women, it is also important that the spouse is automatically recognized as the father of a child born in an official union., as opposed to cohabitation, when paternity is required.
  • A couple in a legal union will be more likely to receive housing when resolving issues with the queue for an apartment.
    If you go to the hospital, then only the official spouse will be allowed to see you, because according to the law, only close relatives and the legal husband or wife are allowed to see the patient.

The only downside I see is red tape arising in the event of a divorce . After all, if the spouses cannot come to a common decision, the divorce procedure can drag on for years.

It is up to you to decide which marriage is better - civil or official.

But before deciding on a joint cohabitation, think about the consequences of illegal relationships for you and your unborn child.