Epic works of the peoples of Eurasia. Azanbeck Janaev

Epic works of nations Eurasia

Epic works of antiquity


"Epos about Gilgamesh"



« Iliad "- ancient monument of ancient Greek literature. In Iliad, the events of the Trojan War are described. In her, according to Homer, the most outstanding heroes of Greece - Achill, Ajax, Odyssey, Hector, and others, were helped by the immortal gods - Athena, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon.

Achille-spear. Drawing on a red-chicken vase.

Middle V century BC.

From the collection of the Vatican museums.





Ancient Indian epic telling about the great hero of the frame and his struggle with the evil demon of the king Ravana.

"Battle of Rama and Hanuman with Ravana."

India. 1820

From the collection of the British Museum.

Epic works of Middle Ages


"Song of Roland"

"Song of the campaign against Albigians»

Roland is the French Marcgraf, the hero of one of the most famous works of world literature, the poems of the Staorofrantsuz heroic cycle dedicated to the king of Karlu Great.

"Roland brings vows loyalty

Karl Great. "Medieval manuscript.

France. About 1400


"Poem about my Side"

Monument of Spanish literature, heroic EPOS, created at the turn of 12-13 centuries. The main hero of the poem is the valiant LED, a fighter against the Maurus, the defender of his people. The main goal of the life of Sida is the liberation of the native land. The historic prototype of Sid served as a Castilian military leader, nobleman.

Banis banner. Spain, XIII century.

The banner who brought victory by Spanish weapons is revered as a relic.

Embroidery depicts the early Spanish Saint-Westgot Bishop of Isidor Seville, more famous for the scholarship than the military valiation.



"Word about the regiment of Igor"

The epic - Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of the hero.

Frame from the full length

cartoon Studio"Mill"

"Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych"



"Kidnapping Bull from Kougalnga"

Beowulf is an epic poem of Anglo-Saxons. Its action takes place in Scandinavia before the resettlement of Angles in Britain. The poem talks about the victory of the Beowulf warller over the monster of Grendel and devastated the country to the dragon.

"Fight Beowulf with a Dragon."

Illustration for the book H.-E. Marshall

"Stories about Beowulf."

New York, 1908


"Song of Nibelunga»


"Song of Nibelungah" - created by an unknown author at the end of the 12th and early 13th century, a medieval German epic poem. The legend of Nibelungah, which constitutes the plot of the poems, has developed in the era of the resettlement of peoples. The basis for the legend was the ancient Germanic heroic Saga (myth) about Siegfried - the winners of the Dragon and the liberation of things of the Virgin Brungilda, his struggle with evil and tragic death, as well as the historic Saga about the death of the Burgundy Royal House in 437 in the battle with Hunnam Attila.

"Fighting Siegfried with Dragon."

Wood carving on the portal of the Norwegian Church. the endXII century


« Elder Edda »


Kalevala - the name of the country in which the heroes of the Karelian Finnish folk epic live and act.

"The Day of the National Epos Callava" is a national holiday, celebrated on February 28. On this day, in Finland and Karelia, each God's "Kaleval Carnival" happens.

Gallen-Callel A. "Vynyamyarden defends Sampo from the Loukhi Witch." 1896

From the meeting Art Museum Turku.






"David Sasunsky"

Medieval epic (8-10th century), telling about the struggle of heroes from Sasun (area in historical Armenia, this an hour - in Turkey) against the Arab invaders. For the first time, the Epos was recorded in 1873 by Garginsky Researcher Srvantdztyenzizt's mouth of a simple Armenian peasant named Crapo.

Kochar E.S. Monument to David Sasunsky in Yerevan. 1959





The hero of the epic is the hero, which united Kyrgyz. Epos "Manas" is included in the Guinness Book of Records, as the longest epic in the world.

Sadykov T. Monument Hero of the Epos "Manas" in Bishkek. 1981

Epos of the peoples of Russia



Peoples of Altai

"Ural Batyr"

Peoples of Caucasus

Nart Epos.

The basis of the epic is the legends on the exploits of the heroes ("NARTS"). Options for Nart Epos are found from Abkhaz, Adygov, Balcarians of Ingush, Karachay, Ossetians, Chechens and other peoples of the Caucasus.

Tuganov M.S. (1881-1952).

Illustration of K. nart Eposu.

"Magic Spere of Aqama".




Epos "Ideeee" is based on the real historical events that took place during the collapse of the Golden Horde. His heroes are real historical characters, for example, the darkness of the Golden Horde, which became the founder of the dynasty, which ruled the Nogai Horde. His straight descendants of the men's line were the princes of Yusupov and Urusov.

Family coat of arms of yusupov. In the second part

The coat of arms in the golden field of Tatar holds the hammer in the right hand.
Basics of literary studies. Analysis of the artwork [ tutorial] Esalnek Asia Yanna

Heroic Epos.

Heroic Epos.

This paragraph speaks of various forms of heroic epic.

Historically, the first type of narrative genres was the heroic epic, which in itself is heterogeneous "because it includes works similar to the problem orientation, but different in age and the type of characters. The most early form of the heroic epic can be considered the mythological epos, the main character of which is the so-called first-class, cultural hero, performing the functions of the organizer of the world: he mines fire, invents crafts, protects the genus from demonic forces, fights monsters, sets rites and customs. Closest to this type of heroes character greek mythology Prometheus.

Another version of the heroic epic is distinguished by the fact that the hero combines the features of the cultural hero-or brave warrior, a knight, a hero, warming for the territory and independence of the tribe, people or state. Such heroes include, for example, the characters of the Karelian-Finnish epic, known as the "Kalevala", or the Kyrgyz epic, called "Manas".

The most mature forms of heroic epic belong to the Greek "Iliad", the Spanish "Song about Side", the French "Song of Roland", Serbian Unitary Songs, Russian epics. They depict the heroes in the struggle for nationwide interests, mostly in battles with foreign conquerors. Of course, such heroes are extremely idealized and represent not real historical persons, but the utopian world who went into the past, in which the mood of the singer and his listeners merged, and all the narrative received emotional-elevated color.

The works of the heroic epic in different variations are found practically in all peoples in the early stages of the development of verbal creativity, but chronologically at different times. So, "Iliad" of Homer is dated to the VIII century to our era, Russian epics - the XI-XV centuries of the Christian era. In this case, different peoples have such works have different names: epic, Duma, epic, songs about acts, saga, runes, Olonkho, etc.

It follows from the above, that about the neck of typological quality, which gives the basis of calculating works to the genre of the heroic epic, is, firstly, in emphasizing the strength, courage, courage of the hero, secondly, in focusing the goal and the meaning of its actions, their focus on the general Fortunately, whether it is an arrangement of the world or the fight against enemies. Such aspirations German philosopher of the beginning of the XIX century G.V.F. Hegel called substantially, that is, non-profitable, and that period, when the heroes and their works, the "heroic state of the world" began to appear. Objective prerequisites for the occurrence of heroic type genres could be founded and later, especially in connection with the understanding of national liberation wars, in particular the fight against fascism in the 40s of the 20th century. The reflection of these processes is easy to find in works different writersDeeded by World War II.

From the book World of King Arthur Author Sapkovsky Angeay

A. Anglo-Norman Patriotic Epos (1137 -1205) Arturovskaya Legend In publication Jeffrey Montmautsky unexpectedly acquired political sound. The story of the "Mighting King of England, Wales, Ireland, Normandy and Brittany", about the king, who "won Gallia, Aquitain, Rome and

From the book a book for such as me by Fry Max

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Epos Saga on Hrolda leather belt (Icelandic Saga) The story of the Hroalde and People from the Walrus Cove is ends. The libraries of the Mac Lot (Irish Saga) and the people of Mac-lot, who could not have failed to return to the Blessed Island Ship and raised

From the book of world artistic culture. XX century. Literature The author of Olesin E.

From the book the theory of literature Author Khalizhev Valentin Evgenievich

North American epic The Creator of the District of Yoknapatof (W. Falkner) in the Literary Consciousness of the United States at the end of the XIX century. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "great American novel", which would reflect the phenomenon of American life, the features of the American "Universum". This idea

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§ 3. Epos in the epic family of literature (etc. - EPOS - the word, speech) The organizing began the work is the narration of characters (actors), their destinies, actions, mindset, about events in their lives that make up the plot. This is a chain of verbal messages.

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Heroic Paphos 1 On the way to friends to the name of acquaintances, where he just joked and laughed, the young man at the metro station expected a train. Sideways from the crowd as it and naturally for a person who is in a hurry especially nowhere, passed through the very edge of the site, in soft

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Ilya Kukulin subversive Epos: Ezra Pound and Mikhail Eremein Ezra Pound - one of the significant poets of the 20th century. However, the radical poetics of Pounda, on the one hand, and its launched cooperation with the Mussolini regime, on the other, the possibility of the opportunity as much as possible.

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Roman Epos In this paragraph, the reader learns that it became a prerequisite for the development of romance genres, it will get acquainted with the main types of novel in European literature and will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe romance structure, which it has developed in the XIX century. Incidentally from the XI-XII centuries in

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The heroic epic of the epoch of the Mature Middle Ages finally established in the era of the heyday of the Middle Ages "Song of Nibelungakh" was recorded by an unknown author at the beginning of the XIII century. on the meduneless language. She reached us in several manuscripts. The song consists of two

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Song of Roland French Epos. F. De La Bart's translation "Song of Roland" is one of the most ancient works of the French heroic epic. Since the events in this epic are based on legends, and not on real facts, I will first tell you about what happened on

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The heroic character in the literature the ability of a person to make a feat, overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable, always attracted people. The most first literary characters were heroes - Gilgamesh, Achille, Roland, Ilya Muromets ... It is the hero that is capable

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Tsvetaeva M. and Epos and Lyrics of modern Russia Vladimir Mayakovsky and Boris Pasternak If I speaking about modern poetry of Russia, I put these two names nearby, then because they are nearby. Can, speaking of modern poetry of Russia, call one of them, each of them without

MBOU "SOSH №1 (with in-depth study of individual subjects)

"Artistic traditions of the peoples of the world"

Performed: Filippova E.Yu.

a history teacher

Theme lesson:

"The heroic epic of the peoples of the world. The concept of heroic epic "

The concept of heroic epic

"Epos" - (from Greek) Word, narration, one of the three clans of literature, telling about the various events of the past.

Heroic Epos. The peoples of the world are sometimes the most important and only testimony of past epochs. He goes back to K. ancient myths And reflects a person's ideas about nature and the world.

Initially, it was formed orally, then, faster than new plots and images, he was entrenched in writing.

The heroic epos is the result of collective folk creativity. But this does not reduce the role of individual narrators. The famous "Iliad" and "Odyssey", as you know, were recorded by the only author - Homer.

"Tale of Gilgamesh" sumerian epic 1800g.do N.E.

"Epos about Gilgamesh" is set out on 12

clay signs.

As the scene develops the epic, the image of Hilgamesh is changing. The fairy-tale hero-boat, coming by his strength, turns into a person who has known the tragic shortness of life. The mighty spirit of Hilgamesh is rebelled against the recognition of the inevitability of death; Only at the end of their wanders, the hero begins to understand that immortality can bring him the eternal glory of his name.

Gilgamesh (Sumer. Bilgames - Possible Interpretation of this name as a "ancestor hero"), a semi-per-end rule ruler Uruka, Hero of the epic tradition of Sumer and Akkada.

Hilgamesh with a lion from the palace

Sargon II in Districs

8th century BC e.

"Mahabharata" indian Epos middle I thousand AD.

"The great legend of the descendants of Bharata" or "Tale of the Great Battle of Bharatov." Mahabharata is a heroic poem, consisting of 18 books, or Parv. In the form of an application, it has another 19th book - Harivans, that is, "Pedigree Hari". In the current editorial office, Mahabharata contains over one hundred thousand shling, or a two-dealer, and in the volume of eight times superior to "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer, taken together.

The Indian literary tradition considers Mahabharata with a single work, and its authorship attributes her to the legendary sage Krishna-Dvipyan, Vonya.


The main tale of the epic is devoted to the history of an irreconcilable hostility between Kauraawa and Pandavas - the sons of two Dhrtarashtra and Panda brothers. In this hostility and the struggle caused by it, according to the legend, the numerous peoples and tribes of India, North and South are gradually involved. It ends with a terrible, bloody battle, in which almost all participants of both sides are dying. Winning such an expensive price unites the country under their power. Thus, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe main legend is the unity of India.

Medieval Epos.

"Song of Nibelungakh" - Medieval German epic poem written by an unknown author at the end of the 12th and early 13th century. It belongs to the number of the most famous epic works of humanity. Its content comes down to 39 parts (songs), which are called "AVTENTIURS".

The song is told about the marriage of the Dragon Coating of Zikfrid at the Burgundian Princess of the Crimchild, his death because of the conflict of Crimhilde with Brungilda, his brother's wife - Gunter, and then about the revenge of the Crimchilde for the death of her husband.

There is reason to believe that it is composed of an epic around 1200, that the place of its occurrence should be sought on the Danube, in the area between Passau and Vienna.

In science, various assumptions were expressed regarding the personality of the author. Some scientists considered him with a spielman, stray singer, others led to the thought that he was a spiritual face (maybe in the service of the bishop passau), the third - that he was an educated knight of a low kind.

In "Songs about Nibelunga", two initially independent plots are united: the tale of the death of Siegfried and the tale of the end of the Burgundy house. They form as far as two parts of the epic. Both of these parts are not fully coordinated, and the famous contradictions can be noticed between them. Thus, in the first part of the Burgundy, the overall assessment is obtained in general and look rather dark in comparison with the siene hero of Siegfried, the services and the help of which they so widely used, whereas in the second part they appear as a valiant attack, who courageously meeting their tragic fate. . The name "Nibelung" in the first and in the second parts of the epic is used differently: in the first fabulous creatures, Northern Klade Korad and Bogatyr in Siegfried, in the second - Burgundy.

Quarrel kings

Court of Court Brungilda

The epic reflects first of all the Knight's worldview of the era of staucheunes ( Stauggy (or Gagenstaofen) - the imperial dynasty, which ruled Germany and Italy in the XII - the first half of the XIII century. Foreufen, especially Friedrich I Barbarossa (1152-1190), tried to implement a wide external expansion, which ultimately accelerated the weakening of the central government and contributed to the strengthening of the princes. At the same time, the epoch of staucheunes was characterized by significant, but short-lived cultural lifting ).

Death Zikefrida


Funeral Zikfrida

Halen throws gold to Rhine

Crimchild shows Helen

head of Gunter.

Epos in artworks of different genres


  • A. Borodin. Bogatyr symphony;
  • N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Sadko", "Tale of the Invisible Grade Kitege and the Devronia", "Pskovtyanka";
  • M. Mussorgsky. "Pictures from the exhibition", play "Bogatyr Gate", Opera "Hovanshchina";


  • V. Vasnetsov. "Bogatyry."


  • Kalevala - Karelo - Finnish poetic epic. Consists of 50 runes (songs). Karelian folk epic songs were based on. The treatment of "Kalelava" belongs to Elias Lonnrot (1802-1884), which tied individual folk epic songs, producing a certain selection of options for these songs and smoothding some irregularities.
  • The name "Kalevala", given by the poem Lonnrotom, is the epic name of the country in which Finnish folk heroes live and operate. Suffix lLA means place of residence, so Kalevalla. - This is the place of residence of Kalev, the mythological springchalter of Bogatyrey Vynyamyarden, Ilmarinena, Lemminkyainen, sometimes called his sons.
  • In Kalela, there is no main plot that would associate all songs between sobody.

Vynynyameinen protects Sampo from

Loukh witch.


Despite the fact that the heroic epic of the peoples was stamped in a different historical setting, he has a lot of common features and similar signs. First of all, it concerns the repeatability of those and plots, as well as the general characteristics of the main characters. For example:

1.EPOS often includes the plot creation of the world , how gods create the harmony of the world from the initial chaos.

2. Suggest the wonderful birth of the hero and his first youthful feats .

3.New watching the hero and his tests before the wedding .

4. Description of battle In which the hero shows the wonders of courage, resourcefulness and courage.

5. The glorification of loyalty in friendship, generosity and honor .

6. Heroes not only protect their homeland, but also high appreciate their own freedom and independence .

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Heroic epic of the peoples of the world Outstanding monuments The heroic epic "The first victories over nature was in the people the feeling of their sustainability, pride, the desire of new victories and prompted the creation of a heroic epic" M. Gorky "Tale of Gilgamesh" or "Poem about everything I saw" (about 1800g. .), One of the most poetry works telling about brave folk herowho went to search for wisdom, happiness and immortality. The Hilgamesh Epos is a hymn about friendship, which does not just contribute to overcoming external obstacles, but transforms, ennobles. "Mahabharata" or "Great Tale of the descendants of Bharata", created in the middle of the first thousand n.E. On Sanskrit - the ancient Indian literary language. One of the largest literary works in the world, Mahabharata is a complex complex of epic narratives, Novel, Basen, Proverbs, legends, cosmogonical myths, hymns, crying, combined for large forms of Indian literature, the principle of framing, consists of eighteen books (Parv ) and contains more than 75,000 two-mounted (fill). One of the few works of world literature, which itself claims that there is everything in the world. Bhagavad-Gita (SanskR. भगवद् गीता, "Divine Song") - a monument of ancient Indian literature, part "Mahabharata", consists of 700 poems, is one of the sacred texts of Hinduism, which presents the main essence of Hindu philosophy. The philosophical conversation "Bhagavad-gita" occurs immediately before the beginning of the Great Battle of Kurukhetra, two people participate in the conversation - Arjuna and Krishna. Sri Bhagavan Urdhma-Milam Adhah Shakham Ashwattham Prahur Avyami Chhandamsi Yasya Parnangi Jas there Veda Sa Veda Vit Sri Bhagavan Uvacha - the Supreme Lord said; Urdhma-Mula - then the roots of which are directed up; Adhah - down; Shakham - that branches of which; Ashwattham - Banyan Tree; Prachukh - say; Aviayam - Eternal; Chhandamsey - Vedic hymns; yasya - which; Parnangi - leaves; yah - which; there - then; Veda - knows; SAH - that; Veda-Vit - Discovered Vedas. The Merry Lord said: Scriptures talk about the eternal tree Banyan, whose roots are directed up, and the branches down, whose leaves are Vedic hymns. With this tree, the man comprehends the wisdom of the Vedas. Three-Vidham Nauchpasyedam Dvarram Our Atmans Kamakh Krodhas Tatha Lobhas Tasmad Etten Triah Tyadet Three-Viduham - including three types; Naukasya - Hell; Idam - these; Dwarm - gates; Our death; Atmans - Souls; Kamakh - lust; Krodhah - anger; Tatha - as well; Lobhah - greed; Tasmat - therefore; etc - these; Triam - Three; Casting - yes Leave. In the hell lead three gates: lust, anger and greed. And every sensible person must renounce this defects, for they lie down the soul. Knight's epic in the Middle Ages in many nations Western Europe The heroic epic was formed, reflecting the knight's ideals of valor and honor. Beowulf (England) "Song of Nibelunga" (Germany) "Song about my Side" (Spain) "Senior Edda" (Iceland) "Song of Roland" (France) "Kalevala" (Karelian Finnish Epos) "Beowulf" An Anglo-Saxon epic poem, the action of which takes place in Scandinavia before the resettlement of Angles in Britain. Named by the name of the main character. The text was created at the beginning of the 7th century and preserved in the only list of the XI century. This is the oldest epic poem "barbaric" (German) Europe, preserved in full. The main content lies in the legends on the victory of Beowulf over the terrible monsters of Grendel and his mother, and on the Dragon devastated country. "Song of Nibelungha" medieval German epic poem written by an unknown author at the end of the XII - early XIII century. Its content comes down to 39 parts (songs), which are called "AVTENTIURS". It tells about the marriage of the Dragonoborza Siegfried at the Burgundian Princess of the Crimchilde, his death because of the conflict of Crimchilde with Brungilda, his brother's wife - Gunter, and then about the revenge of the Crimihild for the death of her husband. "Song of Roland" is an epic poem written in Starofranzus. The work tells about the death of the Arilar Troops of the troops of Charles the Great, who returned in August 778 from the conquering campaign to Spain. "Elder Edda" Song Edda is a collection of ancient-being songs about the gods and heroes of Scandinavian mythology and history. For the first time, the songs were recorded in the second half of the XIII century. In the songs about the gods there is a rich mythological material, and the central place in the songs about heroes occupies a person (hero), his good name and post-mortem glory.

Applied files

Epos (from Greek. "Word, narration") reflects the historical past, folk life.

The epic faces man and society. Epos include: a fairy tale, fables, story, essay, poem, story, novel, epic.

The overall feature is objectively - narrative.

A distinctive feature - life appears from different sides, at various points. The hero of the epic work is a generalized image. As a rule, the Hero had a prototype - a particular person. Epos is the most important and only witness of a distant era who preserved the popular memory. He goes back to the oldest myths and reflects the mythological representation of a person about the surrounding reality. It arose in oral form in the generation of obstellers, the circulation of images, plots, and then was fixed in the book form. Each translator brought these works to us in its own way. Those. Epos is the result of collective creativity, therefore there is no authorship, except for the "Illiad" and "Odyssey" of Homer. In the genres of small epic shape (bass, fairy tale, story, essay) - one episode from the life of the hero is shown.

In the genres of medium shape (tale) - a number of episodes are presented, i.e. Life period. Big epic shape (novel, epic, poem) - reveal life Path, character of the hero.

The main topic of the ancient epic is the life of the kind, the key points of its history. The modern epic is an individual creativity. But now the hero performs patriotic debt. Heroic songs and legends gave rise to the genre of the poem. Outstanding monuments of the heroic epic:

I. Sumerisk - "Tale of Gilgamesh" 1800g. BC.

II. Indian - "Mahabharata" 1000 years BC - Battle of 2 gods for domination in the kingdom at the top of the Gang River.

III. Knight's Epos.

Beowulf - England

"Tale of Nibelunga" - Germany

"Song about my Side" - Spain

"Elder Edda" - Iceland

"Song of Roland" - France

"Kalevala" - Karelian Finnish Epos

Vladimir-Kiev and Novogorovsky

"Olonkho" - the lesion of the Yakut people.

Nart Epos of Caucasian peoples (valiant tribe)

"David Sasunsky" - Armenian

"Manas" - Kyrgyz.

People's Epos inspires poets, artists, directors, musicians to create new works. The American poet Logfello based on the Indian epic wrote the "Song of Gayavate".

Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure".

Unknown Russian Saucer "Word about Igor's regiment."

M. Lermontov "Song about merchant Kalashnikov."

He did not go around the epic and composers. The epic symphony genre has developed in music. For example, "Bogatyr Symphony" of Borodin; Epic Opera M.Morusorgsky "Hovanshchina", "Sorochinskaya Fair", "Prince Igor" Borodina, Operas-epic and operas of the fairy tales of the Roman Korsakov "Sadko", "Pskovtyanka", "Tale of the invisible Grad Kityag".

The huge trail left an epic topic in fine art. All the pictures of Vasnetsov are known: "Three heroes", "after traveling", "Vityaz on the crossroads", " Ivan Tsarevich" other.

20. Features of Orthodox worship. Three circles of time. Ticket17.1.

Christian worship is absorbed in 2000, the Orthodox and Catholic Church. The church service is akin to theatrical action and unites many arts. The inner decoration of the temple (icons, fresco, utensils), vocal and choral music, bell ties, the word prayer plays a major role.

Everything is designed to serve not only aesthetic pleasure, and the spiritual transformation of man. National traditions are influenced by the church service. In Central Africa, the service is accompanied by the sounds of Tamamam, in Ethiopia, it is accompanied by a dance of priests, in India in the service included a rite of bringing flowers to the gift.

In Orthodox worship, there are three circles of time: daytime (daily), weekly, annual. The church day begins in the evening when the first star rises in the sky, freshen the birth of the Savior (Bethlehemskaya). Therefore, the first worship of the day is called evening. It consists of reading psalms and hymns, thancing God over the past day. Ladan's fragrance symbolizes a prayer that rises to heaven. In antiquity, the evening connected with other prayers and lasted until the morning. Hence her name-proposed vigil.

In the morning hours marks the morning. In the temple, the light is quenched and 6 psalms are reading, in which God is praised.

The basis of day worship is liturgy. For her, bread and wine are preparing, the name partitioned people to eternal life. During the liturgy, they ask God to save the soul, peace, weather, fertility of land.

The weekly circle is dedicated to the holy or sacred events. For example, Friday is dedicated to the Cross and Events of Calvary, Saturday - Google.

The Orthodox church year is marked by a variety of holidays. The main -12, the so-called the two-month: Christmas of the Virgin-September 21, the Christmas of Christ-January 7, baptism on January 19, the resurrection of Christ-Easter, the Ascension -nu 40 day after Easter, Trinity, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

21. Christian holidays. Ticket 4.1.

Religious holidays are celebrated throughout the year by representatives of all world religions. The Orthodox church year is also marked by many religious holidays, but the main one is twelve, the so-called "the two-month".

Among them: The Nativity of the Virgin (September 21); Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27); Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 4); Christmas of Christ (7 Just); Baptism of the Lord or the Epiphany (January 19); Presentation of the Lord (February 15); Annunciation (7APrel); Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (a week before Easter); Resurrection of Christ-Easter; Ascension (40 day after Easter); Trinity (50 day after Easter) Transformation (August 19) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28).

There are in the Christian calendar and memorable days of saints.

One of the main holidays of Christianity is Easter. This is the memory of the victim of Jesus Christ, about his death on the Cross and Resurrection. His death, his voluntary victim, the sins of people redeemed Christ and presented them to the immortality of the soul, eternal life. Easter holiday is celebrated on the lunar calendar, so the day of the holiday falls at the interval between April 4 and May 7.

At Easter, cakes are accepted and painted eggs. According to legend, Holy Maria Magdalina presented the Roman emperor at Easter painted egg with the words: "Christ is risen!". Since then, it has been done to paint eggs and exchange them, i.e., be Christ: congratulate each other and hug around three times.

Easter celebrations begin with a cross move.

The procession is a solemn procession from one temple to another.

The Resurrection of Christ's home celebrates a festive breakfast with Koulich.

For a whole week, the holiday is accompanied by a bell ringing.

The image of the holiday was repeatedly used in the visual art of Russia and Western art. The most interesting picture of I. Repin "Procession for Easter".

22.Muslim rite Hajj. Ticket 18.1.

Motherland Islam city Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Islam appeared in the seventh century n. e. Prophet Islam-Muhammed. The word "Islam" translates "submission to God." Now Islam has 400 million adherents. The center of Islam became the city of Mecca. It is located on the Arabian Peninsula in the Valley. On the square of the Big Mosque (Mella House) there is the main shrine of Islam Kaaba-building from a gray stone-shaped cube, covered with black brocade with embroidered spokes from the Quran. Inside Kaaba is the shrine of Islam-Clean Stone, which symbolizes the key from the Heavenly Temple. He brought him to the Earth Adam, expelled from paradise. But at first he was white color. It made him the sins of a person.

It is believed that a person who saw heaven through this stone, be sure to fall there after death. Therefore, every Muslim seeks, at least once in his life, get to Mecca.

70 days after the post, in the sacred month of Ramadan, Muslims make a haj-pilgrimage to Mecca. There are no poor and rich here. Pilgrims unites the God of Allah.

Hajj begins with a crucible cleanliness, people dress in white clothes. She reminds of humility before God and about Savane, in which a person will appear after death before Allah. The ritual includes the transition of pilgrims through the Mina Valley to Mount Arafat. Here they listen to the sermon, pray and run to a brightly lit mosque.

The next day, after the morning prayer, pilgrims go to the valley and throw 7 stones in a pillar that symbolizes Satan.

Then follows the rite of the sacrifice of animals, in memory of the readiness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son. After that, they should generously feed the poor and everyone. Many Muslims instead of sacrifice bring a cash contribution to the mosque. Then they return to Kaaba bypass almost run 3 times and slowly 4 times around it. It symbolizes the search for water among the hills.

At the same time, rites take about 2 million people. Now Saudi Arabia is forced to introduce restrictions on the entry of pilgrims, as during the Hadja a few years ago, people died in a pressure. Muslim, who made a hajj, gets the right to wear White Chalm and the honorable prefix to the name-Hadji.

23.History and traditions of carnival holidays. Ticket17.2.

Carnival-favorite holiday of many nations of the world. Many believe that this word happened from the Latin "Kearub of Navalis", which means "fun chariot", that is, the ship of festive processions. Other scientists believe that it happened from the word "Karna Vale" -poty meat and is associated with the time of the coming post in Western European countries. Back in the distant times, our ancestors were applied to animal skins, they put on masks and danced the winter and meeting the spring.

Particularly popular carnivals became in the era of the Renaissance. During this celebration, the business life of the city was stopped.

Italy is considered homeland carnival. The main character - "King", chinno squeezing on the wagon. His heroes surround him italian comedy Owls del Arte: Plut Harlequin, Coward Captain, Promotional Lovers, Cailing Colombin, Pulchinell and others.

Venetian carnivals were especially famous. Now there are real wonders. In late February, all tourists come here. Hundreds of people in indescribable outfits and mysterious masks pass along the Venice embankment.

Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro is not less popular and famous. He is 350 years old. 16 National Schools of Samba prepare a song, dance, sew the costumes, create decorations.

The festive procession lasts 4 days. During these days, the jury connects the scenery, costumes, skill of samba or lambad performers.

Headders of dancers reach 10 -13 kg. And they cannot be removed until the carnival procession is completed. Brazilian carnival absorbed Indian, Portuguese and Negro traditions. Currently, the carnival moved from the streets to special stadiums "Sambadroms", the participants sing and dance to exhaustion. They are prohibited from rhythm, sit down or stop singing. Heat at this time of year can reach 30 degrees of heat.

Peculous carnival processions are held in Las -Vegas. They are involved in the blond beauty-copies of Merilin Monroe, mechanical giants, kin-kongs, actors, circuschi.

In Switzerland, also love carnivals. Here in February, the stuffed winter is harnessed and arrange the "Witch parade", and in March you will meet the sounds of flutes and white ghosts.

In Spain, you can see the Parade of the "Fallas" parade, which are playing scenes from ancient Greek mythology and the life of modern politicians.

In Belgium, "Feline Carnavals" are held in the city of Brugge. In the Middle Ages, cats were dropped here with high towers, considering them the embodiment of unclean strength and now, residents of the city ask for for forgiveness. For the carnival, residents dressed in costumes of cats and richly treat their favorites.

In Russia, carnavals introduced Peter I. Now the carnival processions resumed to New Year's and Christmas holidays.

24 The benefit of Christian temple architecture.19.2

Each religion is represented by its temple, which presents a particular model of the world. No civilization of the world did without a temple having a cult value. Even in primitive society, stone structures that serve the place of worship for the forces of nature were built near the housings of people.

Christian temples did not arise immediately. The beginning of Christianity is associated with persecution and persecution, so believers committed divine services deep underground, in the catacombs. Only with the adoption of Christianity as official faith, the widespread construction of temples will begin.

The basis of the Catholic Temple has become a basilica (from the Greek-royal house) -cougy building, separated by rows of columns on the part, i.e. Need. Temples are built from the west to the East, since there is, according to their presentation, the center of Earth-Jerusalem. A semicircular attachment is also looking to the east. It is the altar, the sacred part of the building. The altar shares the earthly and celestial part of the temple. The appearance of the Basilica is simple and strict, but the inner decoration is distinguished by pomp and solemnity. Walls are decorated with frescoes (painting on wet plaster), mosaic (drawing collected from multi-colored stones or colored glass-smalts), sculpture, luxurious objects for church service.

In Orthodox Christianity, a cross-dome type of a temple has a shape of a cross with a dome in the center. There are no little things in Christian temples devoid of religious meaning. The building itself resembles a ship that carries believers through everyday adversity in eternity. Very important number of domes. It is deeply symbolic: one dome means a single God, the 3rd Holy Trinity, 5-Christ and four evangelists, 7-sacred sacraments of the church (baptism, communion, etc.), 13-Christ and 12 apostles, 33-98 of the life of Christ. The shape of the dome is also important. Ancient-tender, resembles a valiant past, about the defenders of the Fatherland. Bulbous- symbolizes the flame of the candle.

Masives and color of domes. Golden are devoted to Jesus and the main church holidays, a symbol of heavenly glory. Blue with stars are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Green are devoted to the Trinity and symbolize the Holy Spirit. The temples dedicated to the saints are crowned with green or silver domes.

Since the XVII century, tent temples begin to build russes. For example, the Church of Ascension in Kolomensky near Moscow. Then they will be prohibited.

A bell tower or bell is being built next to the temple. We will get acquainted with the temple itself.

Lifting up the stairs, we will enter the focus. Here, there were previous Christians, excommunicated for sins from the church. The main part is the altar. On the right side, the sacred clothes are stored. The altar is separated from the rest of the temple by the iconostasis-partition with icons. Sometimes in one temple there are several altaries, which are consecrated in honor of memorable events. The temple is the house of God, believers come to him to communicate with him.