Shymkent artist paints healing pictures. Amazing paintings with powerful bioenergetics, healing mental and physical ailments Methods of healing according to Bakhtybek Talkambaev

More precisely, this direction is not so new, and has been encountered since time immemorial. Here, of course, it should be noted that under the term "Treatment with paintings" there are many types and directions, and their differences are very large. Treatment with paintings can be roughly divided into two large groups.

First option - the person himself draws pictures or magic signs. At the same time, the cure occurs either in the process of drawing, or after, when a person looks at her for a long time and even listens to mantras (adding sound therapy) These types of treatment include art therapy and kunta yoga.

Art therapy.
Art therapy is a method of treatment through artistic creation... The attractiveness of this method is for modern man is that art therapy mainly uses non-verbal ways of self-expression and communication.

Art therapy is one of the softest and at the same time profound methods in the arsenal of psychologists and psychotherapists. Drawing, sculpting or describing in literary form your problem or mood, you seem to receive a coded message from yourself, from your own subconscious.

The method of art therapy can be attributed to the most ancient and natural forms of correction of emotional states, which many people use on their own - to relieve accumulated mental stress, calm down, and concentrate.

Kunta Yoga
Yoga magic symbols. Each symbol generates certain astral vibrations, so by meditating on the symbols in a certain order, you can enter into resonance with Shakti, cosmic energy. In other words, Kunta Yoga is a purposeful restructuring of the subconscious through mental exercises.

Second option- when the picture is painted by other people. This picture already contains energy - and a person simply absorbs its vibrations.

In this case, we can also consider several directions.

One of them is when pictures are drawn by different artists and people just look at them. An inner state of comfort is obtained.

Wikipedia informs us that
“The treatment of the sick in the monastery began precisely at the altar: either Saint Anthony would perform a miracle and help the sick, or the altar would serve as spiritual consolation to the unfortunate. In the Middle Ages, meditative paintings, to which the Isenheim altar belongs, were considered "quasi medicina" ("quasi medicina"), people believed in their healing properties: identifying themselves with the images in the picture, the patient was filled with spiritual strength that helped him cope with bodily suffering. "

Treatment with art (note from 09/18/2008)

A team of researchers led by Professor Marina de Tommaso from the University of Bari, Italy, found that beautiful pictures can reduce pain, writes the Daily Telegraph today, citing New Scientist. Scientists hope that the new results will convince hospitals and hospitals to be more concerned with decorating their rooms.

In the course of the study, a group of people, both their men and their women, were asked to look at 300 paintings by masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli, as well as to select from them 20 paintings each that they find the most beautiful and most ugly. At the next stage, the subjects were shown these pictures or did not show anything, leaving a large black wall for pictures free, and simultaneously hit the participants with a short laser pulse comparable in strength to touching a hot frying pan.

It has been found that when people see pictures they like, pain is three times less intense than when they are forced to look at an ugly picture or a black wall, according to vokrugsveta. Ru.

Another direction is when a picture is drawn for a reason, but especially for something. Here a shining example can serve as prayed icons (this is the same picture), fulfilling desires. Pictures from the Liken Magic ™ series also belong to the same direction. We will dwell on them in more detail, since this is a completely new direction in alternative medicine ..

Liken Magic ™

Series of paintings "Liken Magic" ™ first appeared in June 2008. They are created by two artists with the gift of clairvoyance. One of them can communicate directly with the angels (patrons) of another person. The difference between paintings in this series from others works of art lies in the fact that the paintings are created individually for the person - the client.

They carry only the energy and vibrations it needs. They are designed for a wide audience, because they benefit people in various situations: from the treatment of diseases (oncology, infertility, alcoholism, etc.) to finding a partner and business success.

The picture is always individual, since there are no two absolutely identical people and even the same person changes over time. Several patients may have the same symptoms, but the causes of the diseases in each individual case will be different. And, conversely, with completely dissimilar symptoms, the cause of the disease may be one

These paintings can only be photographed a few months after their creation. There is the term "creation" - just like that. Drawing is one part of the process. The other part is the saturation of the drawing with the necessary vibrations for a particular person. The artist, in fact, is only a conductor of that energy and force that is transmitted into the picture by the Higher Forces.

An individual painting from the "Liken Magic" ™ series heals the whole person, and therefore, in the course of treatment, not only the symptoms to which the treatment was directed, but also other ailments often disappear. Many clients claim that after receiving the painting, they feel calmer, more balanced, and even happier.

In addition, they notice an increase in immunity, a surge of vitality, clarity of thought and an improvement in general condition.

Many diseases can be fixed on the subtle plane even before any physical symptoms appear. For example, at the energetic level, cancer can be detected several years before its physical manifestation.

The speed of recovery depends on many factors. One of them is the attitude of the patient. Some people are willing to take responsibility for treatment, while others are not. In addition, much depends on whether the disease is acute or chronic, on the state of the immune system, on the age of the patient and on his immediate environment.

Usually, a person's attitude plays a decisive role in treatment, much more than the severity and duration of the disease itself.

Back to Liken Magic ™... If we imagine the picture as a vessel with energy (moreover, in different people- they are different colors) - then the energy from a self-replenishing vessel is transferred to a person. As it turned out, the picture also periodically turns off - this is necessary so that the person gradually gets used to new sensations, to new vibrations.

I would like to note that most likely, the energy is directed not only to the treatment of the disease itself (that is, those symptoms that are visible) but also to the cause of the disease. And the cause of any disease (in the understanding of the authors) is wrong thoughts.

This means that in the process of treatment with a painting, thoughts, sensations, a person's attitude to himself, to the world, to people change. There is a big (huge) inner work on oneself.

If we take physical, chemical and biological laws, then at first the work is carried out at the internal level (at the level of changing DNA, putting chromosomes in order, gene, etc.). And only then does it manifest itself on the physical plane.

To believe or not to believe?
To think about this question, I would like to give a short article and my thoughts on this matter. They will be a little emotional. People have always been wary of the new, but this did not prevent the new from taking its place under the sun. Any thought and action has the right to exist.

An article from the magazine "I Love" (for 2007 or 2008?):

"Dose of Negative"
Scientists from Moscow, under the leadership of Candidate of Biological Sciences P. Gariaev, created a device that simulated the effect of curses. For this, the researchers took seed-growing arabidopsis. The results of the experiments horrified scientists. The verbal treatment of arabidopsis was similar to an irradiation of 40 thousand roentgens.

From such a shock "dose" DNA strands were torn, and chromosomes disintegrated, and genes were mixed. Most of the seeds died, and in the survivors, the genetic apparatus began to develop unnatural programs - monstrous mutations began, which doomed the plants to serious diseases and premature death.

Surprisingly, the results of the experiment did not depend on the volume of the spoken words. The effect was caused not by the power of sound, but by the meaning of what was said - a sharply negative attitude towards the plant. Draw your own conclusions ...

My conclusion (and thoughts on the paintings):
If we believe (and this is scientifically proven) that the negative expressed in simple words, destroys DNA, scatters chromosomes and mixes genes, then a natural question arises. Why can't we believe that a beam of good positive energy does the opposite? Heals DNA, improves it in the right way, connects the mixed chromosomes, and puts genes in the right place.

Why? Because you believe in the bad more than in the good. Because the negative force is stronger and it takes several times more positive thoughts to neutralize it.

What makes a painting from the Liken Magic ™ series created by extraordinary people? She is the charger, the perpetual motion machine, the source that sends good positive energy and the vibrations that this person needs. As their authors say: “It is up to scientists to prove and verify how paintings work (act). Our business is to create them. And be glad that they are just acting! "

Behold the beautiful

Already at the dawn of human civilization, priests, and then doctors, philosophers, teachers used different types art and creativity to heal body and soul. They pondered the secrets of the influence of painting, sculpture, theater, etc., trying to determine their role, both in the restoration of body functions and in the formation of the spiritual world. So, in Ancient Greece fine arts were seen as an effective means of influencing a person and his health. The galleries exhibited sculptures embodying the noble qualities of a person, mercy and kindness. It was believed that contemplating beautiful sculptures, a person absorbs all the best that they reflect. The same applies to the paintings of great artists.

What are healing pictures and drawings?

It is now well known that a person receives more than 90% of information about the world around him through sight. From what information enters his brain, including what colors a person sees, his mood, behavior, reaction to the world around him, physiological processes in the body depend.

So, the Australian doctor David Evans, as an experiment, recommended a group of his patients to enjoy their favorite music for several hours a day or to look at albums with reproductions of paintings. famous artists radiating positive, healing energy. After a while, he discovered that patients who regularly received the "art dose" required fewer analgesics than others.

Healing drawings are drawings that radiate powerful healing energy, help to overcome diseases and mental trauma through contemplation. In the process of treatment with drawings, thoughts, feelings, and a person's attitude towards himself and people change.

To believe or not to believe?

The success of any treatment consists, first of all, in the patient's faith in his healing. Although when contemplating pictures and drawings, many healing processes are triggered in the body as if "automatically", you still need to believe and hope for a cure. Scientists have long proven that a psychological factor plays a greater role in curing a disease than a physiological one.

How do healing drawings appear?

Perhaps, the process of the appearance of medical drawings cannot be described in words, and yet I will try.

Self-development and helping those in need is the meaning of my life. Self-development for me means constant movement forward, the knowledge of what has not yet been recognized. Every day I study, and every time something new is revealed to me. This process, as I understood it, has no end, at least as long as I live.

How do healing drawings arise and appear? First, images or the "picture" itself appear and most often they appear spontaneously in my mind: I can see them, as it were, in front of my eyes, for example, in the process of meditation, or when I am traveling in transport, as if thinking about something (in fact - nothing), sometimes before bed, or after reading a book on spiritual practices. In some cases I deliberately tune in to see the necessary images, symbols or "picture", but always, in all cases, before that I read a prayer and ask higher power about support. And I begin to see ..., there is a feeling that I am in a stream of blindingly bright white light. And then there is an inexplicable strong desire to transfer what he saw to paper.

Let me give you an example. Those who are familiar with the books of OSHO (Sri Rajneesh) know that it is impossible to simply read his books, you want to study them, but, in my opinion, you should study with them, and nothing else. This happens to me, I hope, and many, many people.

When I was studying on his wonderful "Orange Book", my vision intensified blue... I noticed that more often than usual I began to look into the sky (as the great Master advised), one of his meditations is called: "Just look into the sky!" I looked ..., and soon the drawings "came", two of which are given below. I called them “Heavenly Flowers of Silence and Peace”.

I would like to accompany these pictures with words from the OSHO meditation: "Meditate in the sky, and when you have time, just lie on the ground and look at the sky. Let this be your contemplation. If you want to pray, pray to the sky. If you want to meditate, meditate on the sky, at times with open eyes, at times - with closed. After all, the sky is inside - as big as outside. "" When you see something blue, the blue of the river, just sit quietly and look at this blue, and you you feel that you are in tune with her deeply in tune. Great silence will descend on you when you meditate on the color blue. Blue is one of the most spiritual colors, as it is the color of silence, constancy. It is the color of peace, rest, relaxation. Therefore, when you are really relaxed, suddenly there is a blue glow inside you. And if you can feel a blue glow, you immediately feel relaxed. It works both ways. "

Heavenly flowers of peace and quiet

Therapeutic effect: the mind calms down, the human biofield is strengthened, blocks and tension leave the body. It has a positive effect on the sixth chakra (Ajna), promotes the development of imagination, intelligence, spirituality.

Therapeutic effect: normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, promotes the removal of mucus from the nasopharynx, provides control over the emotional state, brings calm and pacification.

We work with a drawing

Important! You should always work with only one drawing, depending on what problems you want to solve for yourself.

Next, treat the drawing with love. Know that the drawing has a favorable energy of fullness, which, when a person comes into contact with him, easily gives off. Tune in to positive health. Forget the bad. Mentally ask the Creator for health for yourself and your loved ones. Get into a comfortable position, relax. Only after that, carefully begin to examine the drawing, which should be hung in front of you on the wall or placed on the table at a distance of no more than 1 meter. In the process of examining, you may feel the movement of energies, warmth or coolness, slight dizziness, you may have a desire to make some body movements, inhale or exhale. This means - there is a healing. When you feel attuned to the pattern, this will speak of the greatest effect of its impact.

You should look at the drawing for 5-10 minutes, every day. Determine the duration of the course of treatment for yourself. For example, 21 or 40 days.

It is good if you read prayers or health mantras throughout the entire time.

Do you like to sort through photos? Old black-and-white or color photographs neatly folded into a family scrapbook can evoke a storm of memories. People, objects, the smallest details ... nothing leaves our eyes. A camera is not an artist's brush, it is able to recreate a complete picture of reality and convey the entire gamut of colors. That is why photographs are so valuable in psychotherapy: you yourself can put mood in their objective reality.

The human brain is a kind of community of different receptors, the reaction between which is determined by our personal perception. Agree, each of us perceives the world in his own way, and as a result - puts his meaning in a certain object.

For example, if you see a picture of a swing for children, you may experience positive emotions. Think about childhood, and so on. And I perceive the swing in a negative way, because when I was six, I rocked one girl, Tanya (I still remember her name), who accidentally fell. By the way, she was more fortunate - she got off with a slight fright, but I had to go through a real "pop therapy" ...

Or, for example, a shot of a lemon. Some will see him bright color others will taste sour. Our brains are very susceptible to such pictures. For example, if you look at a photo of some yummy, more saliva will appear in your mouth, and some will even have a rumble of stomach. As you can see, we not only give a positive or negative assessment, but also include physiology.
However, after studying the reaction of people to different photographs, scientists came to the conclusion that there are universal images that can not only evoke pleasant emotions, but also have a beneficial effect on a person's physical condition - heal ailments, increase or decrease muscle tone, and even normalize blood pressure.

These healing photographs depict nature. All that is required of you is to contemplate the selected picture for at least 5-7 minutes about 6 times a day. Later, when you feel that the photo evokes the desired reaction in you, the specified time can be shortened.


Bakhtybek Talkambaev is a doctor of science and art according to UNESCO international standards, an art therapist, artist, poet, scientist, healer from Kazakhstan, whose practice is based on ancient knowledge and verified by personal twenty years of experience. This unique master not only treats patients with his paintings, but also creates methods by which his patients are engaged self-healing.

Bakhtybek developed an art-therapeutic technique for an individual artistic vision of the world around him about twenty years ago. And he uses it for the same amount of time in the treatment of children and adults. His unique method is based on ancient scientific knowledge, including the research of Leonardo da Vinci.

The master's paintings carry ornamental and symbolic symbols, which are not only a mysterious message to man, but also a kind of communication channel with the energy of nature, which gives strength and health.

His patients include young children, people with psychological disorders, cancer patients and even drug addicts. The healer, working with them according to his own method, reveals an extraordinary talent in many patients. And along with his own works, the works of his students are exhibited in his gallery.

"Everyone who starts painting, - says Bakhtybek, - not only becomes healthy and successful, but also gains inner freedom and confidence, opens up the boundless possibilities of the creator and creator. "

Healing technique according to Bakhtybek Talkambaev

It is noteworthy that everyone can draw using this technique independently and without special material costs. All you need is a sheet of paper lined with squares and gel pens. Drawing daily, you can "work through" your negative charges, those that we "took" from our ancestors. And immediately there will be an improvement in mental and physical condition.

And all that is needed for the creative process is to completely free yourself from the control of the mind and give complete freedom to the subconscious and the hand. "Let the hand draw, not the mind!", - says the master, thanks to the technique of which it is possible to really change your life in better side, get rid of diseases and mental disorders without pills.

By drawing and painting over each square at his own discretion, the patient works out his generic problems. Bakhtybek claims that "the smaller the strokes, squiggles, geometric shapes, the more thoroughly the problems are worked out, the better the formula of life changes".

The healer reads a drawing of each of his wards, where generic information is reflected in each column of the matrix: the first column carries information on the father's side, the third on the mother's side, the middle one is responsible for personal information.

And drawing using this technique, the patient notices how his mood improves, unnecessary thoughts and negative emotions go away, fatigue recedes and a solution to unsolvable problems comes to mind. And many patients note that they have "blood pressure returned to normal, fatigue disappeared, excess weight went away, headaches stopped bothering me, reaction to negative events changed, psycho-emotional background changed, which positively influenced personal life and other areas of life, peace of mind came."

A special world of people with incurable diseases

There are many people living on the planet suffering incurable diseases before which medicine and healers are powerless. And here, as it is not surprising, art therapy again comes to the rescue, which helps to maintain the psycho-emotional background of patients suffering from Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and mental retardation.

In 1983 in San Francisco (California, USA) by artist Florence Ludins-Katz and psychologist who worked with mentally retarded people, Elias Katz
the center-studio Creativity Explored was founded, where organizers, instructors and volunteers tried to create a special world for special people.

For 34 years, the studio has turned into a small art town with a huge art workshop, where unusual artists create their masterpieces. Every day, from early morning in the workshop, life is in full swing. The artists, and there are over 130 of them, work each in their own group with their own instructor.

Each of these groups has its own creative atmosphere. Art therapy has become the meaning of life for these people, united them and made them friends. Even the language barrier is not a hindrance to communication: all holidays, birthdays, and sometimes even weddings are celebrated collectively.

Numerous exhibitions and auctions play a significant role in the lives of these masters, bringing them the constant joy of communicating with their admirers. And also the famous chocolate factory Recchiuti has acquired and is successfully using the designer find of one of the studio's artists.

Their works are hung on the high asbestos walls of the studio, which for the most part seem to sparkle with positive, iridescent multicolor. Visitors, finding themselves in such a kind of gallery, do not go home empty-handed, but will certainly acquire for themselves something from the creations of these unusual masters.

Hello my dear readers! How all the same time flies inexorably fast. It seems that recently autumn has delighted us with its beautiful multi-colored leaves, as winter crept imperceptibly with its frosts and snow blizzards. Today I will have an unusual article for you. I will reveal a little secret - this topic very closely related to my old childhood hobby.

As a child, I was very fond of painting, I loved to draw portraits of people, nature, animals. And she drew from somewhere from the age of 10 until the time she graduated from school, then there was no time for drawings, she entered the Polytechnic College as a chemist-technologist. But that's another story, let's not dwell on this.

Today I will show you Afremov's paintings and reveal in them as a method of treatment for getting rid of chronic fatigue and depression. You can read about the rest of the methods and folk recipes here. This method that I propose is called art therapy, or painting treatment.

An effective method of treating chronic fatigue - art therapy, medicine has become known for a long time. In many medical centers to this day, exhibitions of paintings by famous artists are organized, which, as noted by experts, have a beneficial and calming effect on the psychological state of patients, especially those preparing for operations.

The work of Leonid Afremov, which we will consider today, has been repeatedly discussed on the pages of the competent medical press as a cure for stress and chronic fatigue. The artist's paintings and their reproductions are successfully used by psychologists and psychotherapists during treatment sessions with patients complaining of constant fatigue, hopelessness, and doom.

They claim that after procedures using bright art Afremova's recovery is much more effective and occurs earlier than during the usual course of psychotherapy. His paintings fascinate and bring back to life, give resurrected hope for a better future.

The amazing bright world of Leonid Afremov does not leave a single person indifferent. The modern impressionist artist is known in all corners of the planet, his paintings are recognizable and unique for their special, characteristic only of him, style of creating paintings.


Let me tell you a little about Leonid Afremov. Leonid hails from the Belarusian town of Vitebsk, where he was born in 1955, graduated from a comprehensive school and an art school founded by the great Marc Chagall.

The passion for drawing manifested itself very early, the boy attended all kinds of circles and took part in various exhibitions, which presented his first works created under the influence of Modigliani, Chagall, and while studying at the Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute at the faculty fine arts and graphics - also Borovsky.

Until 1990, the artist was engaged in design work, raised with his wife Inessa two sons - Dmitry and Boris, and when during the perestroika period Jews flocked to Israel, he joined them with his entire family.

A real burst of creativity began there, and since 1992 Leonid Arkadyevich could not even imagine a day without working on paintings, on organizing the first exhibitions.

Leonid Afremov traveled a lot across continents until he accidentally found himself in the small Mexican town of Playa del Carmen and literally fell in love with the local nature. So the whole family, adult sons, who opened a company to sell their father's paintings, ended up in Mexico, on a forest ranch 26 km from the nearest settlement.

A talented creator likes to work in the deserted silence, creating his paintings with a palette knife - a knife in the shape of a spatula and oil paints, bright, glowing, expressive or soothing, delightfully colorful with an unusual style and positive charge.

The main motives of creativity

Autumn of Leonid Afremov is one of the main themes of his painting. A real rest for the soul - a half-empty autumn park in the golden placers of falling foliage, among the crimson - a lost couple, wandering in sleepy alleys, wet with rain.

Here is the "Oak Alley" in a sunny-scarlet palette of colors, calm and pacifying. It seems as if you are wandering past the eternal giants, bringing thoughts and feelings in order, and from their wise centenary constancy, confidence in the future appears, the feeling of vanity and daily turmoil disappears, and reviving power comes to replace them. The same feeling from other canvases of this theme - "Autumn haze", "Falling leaves in the forest", "Blue fog", "Autumn leaves", "Night alley" and others.


An amazing relaxing effect in paintings with the main leitmotif of rain. A frozen pond, a lonely shop gets wet under endless cold streams, bare trees chill with dampness, and only lovers feel good together under one umbrella, they have reliable lights of the hearth in front of them - this is the painting "Inside the Rain".

The melody of pouring water quietly sounds in the soul from contemplation of the paintings "Rain in the City", "Rain", "Rustle of Rain", "Autumn Rain", "At the Bus Stop", "The Scent of Rain", "On the Steps" and many others.


Thoroughly curing chronic fatigue, an optimistic mood comes into the soul during the revision of canvases with flowers. Delicate, sweet, painted with rich variegated shades, Afremov bouquets finally expel depression and melancholy from everyday life, causing the desire to fill your own life with vivid emotions, decorate it with significant events, just do not stand still and move on. Such are the paintings "Bouquet", "Flowers", "Vase with Sunflowers", "Smile of Spring".

Urban landscapes of Leonid Afremov are already an awakening from a dull somnambulistic state, a desire for action, deeds, a desire to be in the thick of things. Here is the “City” with the embankment flooded with the reflection of the lanterns, the same “Night in the Old City” with myriads of iridescent star bursts, or “Walk” through the crowded quarter with inviting signs, pavilions right on the sidewalk, and landscapes from different parts of the planet: “In Venice ", a series of paintings" Amsterdam "," Kiss in St. Petersburg "," Castle ".

Music, dance, sports

And now the overwhelming expression of dance, music, racing is bursting upward, picking up in a whirlwind of movement a soul striving for new achievements, renewed, washed with pure thoughts and aspirations.

Afremov's canvases with the central figure of a person of art or sport evoke special admiration for exquisite grace, especially paintings about ballet and dance. Let's take a look at the works "Tango", "Classical Tango", "Ballerina". Graceful curves of the neck, arms, virtuoso pas, excellent posture - everything calls for self-improvement, changing one's appearance, and improving the inner world.