The husband became impotent after a stroke. Normalization of sex life after a stroke

They understand a disorder, a persistent disorder of cerebral circulation, which is manifested by signs of neurological pathology.

The disease in the most undesirable way affects the "male strength" - potency, since it almost always entails extremely life-threatening damage to the parenchyma of the brain and the peripheral nervous system, which suffers from a lack of proper control from the central nervous system.

How does a stroke affect potency?

Severe, widespread ischemic stroke can easily cause the so-called spinal (also called cortico-spinal) impotence. Sexual (sexual) disorder implies cases of impotence or simply weakening of erection, sexual impotence, which are based on pathologies of the brain and spinal (spinal) genital centers. Violations of this nature are inherently associated with severe exhaustion, partial disappearance or absolute loss of excitability. Spinal impotence is classified into several variants according to the type of course and pathogenetic mechanism:

  1. Increase in neurological excitability of centers that have a direct effect on erectile function and ejaculation.
  2. Increasing the activity of the ejaculatory and lowering the threshold of excitability of the erection center.
  3. The disappearance of the excitability of the center responsible for ejaculation - in this case, it is customary to talk about spinal aspermatism.
  4. Decrease in the physiological activity of both centers.

Accordingly, sex after a stroke is, in principle, allowed, but its quality, like the quality of all life, is significantly reduced. Again, this statement is true only when a small area of ​​the brain parenchyma is affected. With extensive damage to this organ, the patient will have no desire to make love.

In addition, it is simply dangerous for his health - activation of the sympathoadrenal system will lead to a significant crisis.

Suggested ways to fight

Restoration of potency in patients with acute cerebrovascular insufficiency can be started only after discharge from the hospital. Please note that during the first months, active loads are categorically contraindicated for the patient, and this applies to both physical and psychological. After the activity of damaged fibers is normalized, it is permissible to implement one of the proposed methods:

  1. Implementation of sports exercise complexes;
  2. Increased resistance to stress;
  3. Taking stimulating pills, drugs for sexual arousal.

It often happens that in order to restore sexual activity, the patient has to use all of the above methods together.

The changes that occur in the human body after a stroke do not directly affect the functioning of the intimate organs, however, damage to the central nervous system causes damage to the peripheral innervation and the autonomic system. And this, in turn, has the most unfavorable effect on the work of the genitourinary system.

Whatever it was, but in the first months after a stroke, the patient should observe sexual rest. It is allowed to start having sexual intercourse only with the permission of the observing doctor.

No stress

Potency largely depends on a man's stress resistance. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding negative emotions and psychological states that make you very nervous and worried. For the complete rehabilitation of the intimate function, one must learn how to relax correctly and quickly. Relaxation should be combined with special treatments:

  1. Meditation helps to restore masculine strength. It can be combined with relaxing music. It is also good to listen to the sounds of nature.
  2. Brief walks in the fresh air can help you relax and relieve stress, but fast movement should be avoided. A man's breathing should be calm, even and smooth. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to significantly speed up the processes of rehabilitation and renewal.
  3. Useful for restoring potency and yoga. For this purpose, a whole complex of special asanas has been developed and implemented in practice. Their implementation helps to multiply the circulation of blood throughout the body. Moreover, after completing the course, there is an increase in sexual activity.

When a person after a stroke has sexual intercourse for the first time, his behavior will change significantly - he will become more self-confident and positive, but sex should not be harmful to health. You need to sensibly assess your strength and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Sports training

After an acute cerebrovascular accident has occurred, many doctors in an urgent form recommend that patients perform special health and sports complexes that will help in the rehabilitation of male strength and in no way harm the work of the cardiovascular system. The entire program can be characterized as follows:

  1. In the first month, all forces must be thrown into the restoration of the sensitivity of peripheral nerve endings. The implementation of these intentions, according to the recommendations of leading specialists in the field of neurology, should be carried out through the Su-Jok and. Manual influence is carried out manually, but not directly on the peripheral organs - pressure is performed on certain points. It is thanks to this that it becomes possible to restore the movement of the nerve impulse through the body.
  2. After the rehabilitation of adequate sensitivity, you should start implementing a set of exercises - but here you cannot do without special sports equipment. For example, it is easy to restore blood circulation to the pelvic organs (in fact, the genitourinary system) and extremities by rolling a special ball.
  3. After working with the ball, they begin to sort out the beads, which are preliminarily laid out on the floor. The essence of the exercise is for the patient to bend over each ball separately. The inclinations carried out significantly accelerate blood circulation. In turn, the increase in blood flow becomes the cause of the acceleration of metabolic metabolic processes. In the course of all these changes, the functioning of the pelvic organs is restored, and the man becomes capable of performing a full sexual intercourse.

To have sex, banal restoration of potency is not enough. A man must subjectively assess the state of his cardiovascular system.

The question is not here in the passage of numerous studies, the results of which make it possible to assess the state of the circulatory system. A person must decide for himself how well he feels.

We must be aware that intimacy is a significant load on the body, which is accompanied by the activation of the symptoadrenal system. The level of arterial pressure rises, the pulse and respiration rate significantly increase. In fact, having intercourse is comparable to the significant physical exertion that all stroke sufferers avoid. That is why it is worth asking yourself the question - will sexual contact be harmful to health, as it is usually fatal.

Taking aphrodisiac drugs

Many men prefer to avoid performing a set of sports exercises and psychological rehabilitation, and immediately begin medical recovery. Special drugs that, according to the modern classification, belong to PDE inhibitors - these are Viagra, Levitra and Cialis - help to rehabilitate the sex life.

Their mechanism of action is to expand the vascular lumen. In turn, an increase in the diameter of the vessel is associated with an increase in the volume of blood arriving at the genitals. Accordingly, this creates a strong sexual arousal. The effect of taking such drugs is one-time. In the event that the patient stops drinking them, the potency, accordingly, decreases.

It is important to focus on contraindications:

  1. The presence of cardiovascular failure, even the most insignificant. Otherwise, there is a risk of another stroke manifest.
  2. These funds can further aggravate the situation if they are used too often - the so-called resistance is formed.
  3. If a man has already decided to normalize sexual intercourse by using these drugs, then you should not abandon all other methods. Only their combined use can provide the really desired result, and return a person to a full life without harm to health. After all, it is not good to rehabilitate male strength to the detriment of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, methods have been developed that help to successfully get rid of problems. You just need to show a little patience and willpower. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming!


A patient who has suffered a stroke will first need to take care of the health of his cardiovascular system. No other problems should worry him more than the consequences of the catastrophe of a cardio-neurological nature.

Yes, the loss of male power is undoubtedly a very serious problem, but it is not worth it to risk your health and even your life because of it.

It is very difficult for a man to realize the loss of his strength - especially if acute cerebral circulation failure has occurred (unfortunately, now there are disappointing statistics - strokes have also begun to occur in 40-year-olds with a frightening prevalence).

Question. Good day! I'm 55 years old. My name is Nikolai. Recently I had a stroke and I am very worried that now for the rest of my life I will remain impotent, a person who will never again experience the joy of sex and will not deliver her wife. Please tell me is it possible to restore potency after a stroke? And what should be done for this?

Answer. Good afternoon, Nikolai! A stroke is not a sentence for a man. Of course, this condition always negatively affects potency and knocks him out of his usual way of life for several months. But over time, you can partially or even fully restore potency and return a persistent erection and bright orgasms. Only in rare cases, after a stroke, irreversible changes occur in the tissues, which lead to impotence that does not respond to treatment.

Erectile dysfunction after a stroke develops due to the intake of specific medications, impaired transmission of nerve impulses and blood flow, and also due to emotional depression. An important role in restoring potency is played by the actions of the person himself and his compliance with the recommendations of a specialist.

In the first six months after illness, doctors advise to completely abandon sex. At this time, it is better to do the restoration of the body and change the usual way of life for a healthier one. Outdoor hiking, moderate physical activity, eating a balanced diet, quitting bad habits, and other measures can help you feel better. It is also recommended to protect yourself after a stroke from stress and anxiety, mental and physical fatigue. If necessary, for this, it is even advised to abandon the usual place of work, changing it to a less nervous and responsible one.

To restore potency, massage and remedial gymnastics, the use of alternative medicine, yoga and meditation are suitable. In some cases, it is necessary to take special medications, but only after consulting a doctor. Usually, dietary supplements and homeopathy are prescribed, and six months after a stroke, in some cases, it is possible to use Viagra, Cialis and other drugs similar to them in action.

After the restoration of a man's body from a stroke, it can take quite a long time before the return of good potency. Sex in this case is only beneficial: it normalizes metabolic processes and blood circulation, improves overall well-being and increases self-confidence.

But if there are serious problems with blood vessels or there is a high risk of recurrent stroke, then sexual activity is contraindicated. Do not neglect this advice. And in the case of sexual activity in the first time after recovery, give the initiative and active activity in bed in the hands of your partner.

The restoration of male potency after a stroke is an important step. After suffering a disease, a person experiences many adverse reactions. Many complications are accompanied by irreversible processes. To avoid such troubles, you must follow all the recommendations of doctors. Only these rules will help you return to your usual life.

Characteristics of the problem

A stroke can occur at any age. Pathology is accompanied by impaired blood circulation in various vascular areas of the brain. When a vessel ruptures, a violation of the activity of the nerve endings of this area is observed. After the prevention of the pathological process, difficulties often arise with the normalization of the impaired functions.

If the vessels carrying blood fluid to the pituitary gland are damaged, this organ malfunctions. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of sex hormones. With the correct activity of the pituitary gland, a man has a normal testosterone level. Testosterone promotes the development of male secondary characteristics. Also, this substance is responsible for the activity of the reproductive organs. Under the influence of testosterone in a man, the prostate gland and testicles function normally. All these processes are involved in the formation of male potency.

If, during a stroke, the integrity of the vascular fiber that feeds the pituitary gland is violated, the nerve endings do not fully perform their function. Nerve endings stop transmitting impulses to the reproductive system. This phenomenon is accompanied by the cessation of testosterone production by the prostate gland. Testicular sperm production is also reduced. In some cases, there is inadequate blood circulation in the small pelvis. For this reason, there is a violation of male potency.

Signs of the development of the disease are varied. The following symptoms indicate the presence of a problem:

  • the disappearance of sexual desire;
  • change in the duration of intimate contact;
  • various disorders during erection;
  • failure of spermatogenesis.

The pathologies of potency can be judged by the loss of sexual desire. The disappearance of libido occurs due to the cessation of the work of certain parts of the pituitary gland. It stops transmitting the excitation signal to the peripheral nerve roots. The endings cease to irritate the vessels of the small pelvis. The blood circulation is not increased. There is no blood flow to the penis. The erection disappears.

Intimate pathologies can be accompanied by a change in the duration of intimacy. The duration rate is individual for each man. Stroke can significantly shorten the duration of sex. In rare cases, ejaculation may occur prior to making contact. Such an ailment develops due to improper signal transmission. The impulse bypasses the area responsible for arousal. Under its influence, the hormone of pleasure - endorphin - is released into the blood. Endorphin causes an instant reaction of the gonads.

Additional signs

The presence of pathology is also evidenced by various problems in the process of contact. During sexual intercourse, the strength of arousal can change. In rare cases, an erection may suddenly disappear. Such a violation leads to additional psychoemotional stress. The disease occurs due to a failure in the circulatory system. For persistent arousal, a certain amount of blood is required in the cavernous bodies of the penis. The blood is retained by the bodies thanks to special sphincters. The activity of these valves depends on the intimate muscles. Muscle work is directly related to the nervous system. With a stroke, signal transmission may be lost. In this case, the sphincters release some of the blood from the cavernous bodies. The power of arousal decreases.

You need to take care of your health from a young age, do not ignore poor health

Stroke can also cause problems related to spermatogenesis. In this case, the quality of the semen deteriorates. The content of healthy and active germ cells decreases in the ejaculate. There is also an increase in the viscosity of the sperm secretion. The pH of the ejaculate also changes. In this case, the man loses the ability to fertilize. If such an ailment overtook a man at a young age, infertility of the first degree is diagnosed.

For this reason, a stroke has a negative effect on male potency. After the transfer of the disease, an additional examination of the body is carried out. It allows you to establish what complications have arisen after the illness. After determining the available consequences of a stroke, the specialist selects the necessary treatment.

The influence of pathology on intimate life

Not all patients understand what negative consequences a stroke has on potency. The restoration of an intimate life is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Failure in the activity of the nervous system;
  • undergoing drug therapy;
  • psychoemotional pathologies.

A stroke is accompanied by a malfunction of the nervous system. During the cessation of blood circulation in one of the parts of the brain, some of the nerve cells die. This leads to the formation of tissue that does not fully perform the required work. The signal arises in the centers of the system. The transmission is carried out through the roots of the brain to the ends of the peripheral organs. When a pulse hits the damaged area, its interruption is observed. This is what causes various complications after the transferred impulse.

The disease is accompanied by negative consequences due to drug therapy. To restore the signal, you need to take a number of medications. All medications have various adverse reactions. The drugs needed to eliminate the consequences of a stroke often negatively affect male potency. They reduce blood flow to the pelvic vessels. This causes a malfunction in the activity of the genitals.

The negative impact of a stroke is also observed on the psychoemotional state of the patient. When part of the brain fails, many people experience depression. Depressive states are fraught with a general weakening of the body. Also, this ailment causes a decrease in libido. The man's sexual activity disappears. There may be other associated problems.

Stroke is also dangerous and other possible complications. Initially, the patient may become sensitive to various parts of the body. If the consequences occur on the genitals, the man loses the sensitivity of the foreskin. Moreover, sexual contact is not accompanied by ejaculation. Interest in sex disappears.

Suggested ways to fight

Moderate exercise under the supervision of a doctor strengthens the body

Restoration of potency after a stroke is carried out only after discharge. During the first months, active physical and psychological stress is contraindicated for the patient. After the normalization of the activity of damaged fibers, you can use the following suggested methods:

  • implementation of special sports complexes;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • taking drugs for sexual arousal.

The choice of the method is carried out only after consultation with a specialist. The patient is often advised to use several methods at the same time. This will avoid possible complications.

Sports training

After a stroke, many doctors recommend performing special sports complexes. In the first month, it is necessary to restore the sensitivity of the nerve endings. For this purpose, specialists prescribe a therapeutic massage. Manual influence is carried out on peripheral organs. The pressure is applied to certain points. This allows you to restore the movement of the signal throughout the body.

After the onset of normal sensitivity, you must begin to exercise. Exercises are carried out using special sports equipment. Rolling a special ball allows you to normalize the functioning of the limbs. Fine motor skills return when fingering pencils or beads. Strengthening the workout is carried out with additional loads. The beads are laid out on the floor. It is necessary to bend over each ball separately.

Leaning accelerates blood circulation. An increase in blood flow leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes. The work of the pelvic organs is restored.

Increased stress resistance

Potency directly depends on a man's stress resistance. Experts recommend avoiding negative psychological states. To restore intimate function, it is necessary to learn how to relax properly. Relaxation can be accompanied by special treatments. Meditation helps to restore potency. It can be accompanied by special music. It is good to stage sounds of nature.

Walking in the fresh air also helps to relax and eliminate stress. When walking, fast movements should be avoided. Breathing should be even and smooth. Outdoor walks can speed up the renewal process.

Sport is the best preventive measure against any ailments

Cellular renewal depends on the supplied oxygen. Oxygen-enriched air enters the lungs. In the alveoli, the molecule of the substance joins the erythrocytes. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues. In tissues, the substance joins the cells. The cells begin to divide actively. The damaged areas are quickly restored.

Promotes the restoration of potency and yoga. A complex of special asanas has been developed. They help to increase the circulation of blood throughout the body. There is also an increase in sexual activity.

Taking aphrodisiac drugs

Many men resort to medication. Drugs related to PDE inhibitors help to resume sex life. Inhibitors cause the vascular lumen to expand. An increase in the diameter of the vessel is accompanied by an increase in the volume of blood flowing to the genitals. In this case, sexual arousal arises. The effect of such drugs is one-time. If the patient stops taking medications, the potency decreases. These drugs include Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

It should be noted that there are contraindications. The use of inhibitors is prohibited in the presence of cardiovascular diagnoses. If the patient ignores the prohibition, there is a risk of another stroke.

It should also be understood that such therapy does not have a full therapeutic effect. Medicinal substances cause a one-time reaction. A full restoration of the intimate ability of a man does not occur. On the contrary, these funds can aggravate the situation. If the potency is not normalized, it is recommended to use other methods.

Features of sexual activity

In the first months after a stroke, the patient must observe sexual rest. You can start sexual activity only with the permission of the observing specialist. At the first intimate contacts, a number of rules must be observed.

The leading role during sex should be with the woman. The man should sit on his back. Frictional movements should also be avoided. All actions must be performed by a partner. It is necessary for a man to sit on a soft surface. It will help reduce stress on muscle and nerve tissue.

After years of research, doctors have concluded that sexual activity after a stroke has a positive effect on a man's health. Sex helps to increase blood circulation. This, in turn, affects cellular renewal. Strengthening of muscle fibers is also observed. The performance of the muscle frame returns to normal. But before resuming sexual activity, you must see a doctor.

A stroke has a negative effect on the functioning of the entire body. Eliminate pathological consequences is possible only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

In medicine, ischemic stroke means a disorder of cerebral circulation, which is accompanied by signs of neurological pathology. Statistics confirm that stroke is a common cause of recognition of disability in the working-age population over the age of 40.

Functional brain damage has a high mortality rate. Approximately 30% of patients die within a month after suffering an ischemic stroke. Within a year after an acute cerebrovascular accident, more than 50% of patients will die.

The disease negatively affects the state of potency, since a stroke entails life-threatening damage to the brain and nervous system. Knowledge of the causes of cerebrovascular accident and the use of preventive measures will allow patients to avoid loss of sexual desire and other serious complications.

Causes of cerebral circulation disorders

Among the negative factors that increase the risk of ischemic stroke, doctors call:

  • atherosclerosis of the brain, when the arterial walls are abundantly covered with cholesterol deposits. In patients, there is a significant narrowing of the vascular lumen, a lack of blood supply to the brain. The risk of damage to atherosclerotic plaque increases, this process entails the release of cholesterol and thrombosis of the cerebral arteries;
  • atrial fibrillation. An abnormal heart rhythm causes blood clots to move and blockages in an artery in the brain;
  • vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. Individual blood clots can fragment and clog the vascular lumen;
  • thickening of the blood. A high clotting rate increases the likelihood of thrombus formation;
  • sharp drops in blood pressure.

The risk group includes middle-aged patients suffering from excess weight, nicotine and alcohol addiction.

Ischemic stroke symptoms

The signs of a vascular disorder differ depending on the form of the stroke. Typically, patients suffer from:

  • systemic dizziness when balance is lost while standing, sitting and lying
  • lack of coordination of movements and unsteadiness of gait
  • paralysis, tremors and loss of sensation
  • eye movement disorders
  • speech and motor impairment
  • disorders of higher nervous activity, in particular, loss of the ability to write, read

Impact of stroke on sexual health

Severe ischemic stroke can cause spinal (cortico-spinal) impotence. Sexual disorder involves cases of sexual impotence caused by diseases of the brain and spinal genital centers. The disorder is characterized by exhaustion, decrease or complete loss of excitability.

Depending on the nature of the sexual disorder, spinal impotence can take the following forms:

  • increased excitability of the centers that affect erection and ejaculation
  • an increase in ejaculatory activity and a decrease in the excitability of the erection center
  • lack of excitability of the ejaculatory center - spinal aspermatism
  • decreased activity of both centers

Other complications after a stroke

If an ischemic stroke is not fatal, then the patient suffers from:

  • cognitive impairment (memory impairment, decreased concentration)
  • complete or partial paralysis
  • dysarthria, that is, speech disorders (slurred speech)

Prevention of ischemic stroke

To prevent the onset of acute circulatory disorders in the brain and maintain sexual health for a long time, patients are advised to:

  • regularly undergo a general medical examination. If among the relatives of the patient, if there are persons affected by a stroke, he should undergo a detailed examination by a cardiologist;
  • monitor blood pressure indicators, if necessary, take antihypertensive drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • follow the rules of a balanced diet, limit the use of fried and fatty foods;
  • seek medical help in a timely manner when diagnosing cardiac arrhythmias, take antiarrhythmic drugs recommended by a cardiologist;
  • control the level of blood clotting with anticoagulants;
  • take stands that accelerate lipid metabolism and reduce the activity of the atherosclerotic process;
  • if indicated, undergo surgical treatment to increase the patency of the arteries supplying the brain.

The answer to the question about the possibility of restoring potency after a stroke is not always unambiguous. Stroke is a serious and dangerous disease that affects many areas of a man's life, including sexual. In some cases, a person can fully recover and not experience problems with potency. But sometimes a stroke negatively affects sexual function or makes an intimate life completely impossible.

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The negative effects of stroke on sexual function may include the following:

  • Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses. Stroke affects different parts of the brain. Such changes can affect areas that affect the appearance of libido and erection. Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses leads to the fact that a man for some time is not able to feel attraction and pleasure from sexual contact.
  • Side effects of medicines. After a stroke, the patient has to take a number of drugs, among the side effects of which are weakening of libido and potency.
  • Emotional depression. Another negative aspect of a stroke is emotional depression and development, which interferes with a full-fledged sexual relationship.

However, the consequences of a stroke described above are not always a sentence - some men, after some time, can restore potency and again enjoy sexual activity. What can help restore sexual function after the transferred condition? There are several answers to this question.

In what ways can the normal potency be restored?

A stroke can affect a man's health to varying degrees, and recovery from it also takes place in different ways. That is why only the attending physician should make a decision about the possibility of resuming sexual activity and the timing of when it is possible to take measures to restore potency.

Usually, in the first 6 months after a stroke, doctors recommend that patients refrain from sex and pay attention to the restoration of the body as a whole. Sometimes the period of such a restriction may be shorter or longer.

No stress

Any stressful situations lead to increased blood pressure and are categorically contraindicated in men after a stroke. Mental overstrain can have a negative impact not only on general well-being, but also on the quality of potency.

Taking medications to improve potency

Taking PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis) is not recommended during the first 6 months after a stroke. After this period, the possibility of their use should always be discussed with a doctor. In addition, the use of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra may be contraindicated when taking some other medicines in parallel.

The possibility of taking dietary supplements and phytopreparations for potency should always be discussed only with a doctor! Unfortunately, some of the components that make up such products may be unsafe for the health of a man who has suffered a stroke. And a number of such drugs are only advertised placebo.

The benefits of sex after a stroke

Most experts believe that sex after a stroke can be not only enjoyable, but also useful:

  • reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • normalizes the psychological state and prevents depression;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • gives all muscles a dosed load;
  • promotes the entry of "happiness hormones" into the bloodstream.

Sexual life after a stroke should be measured and regular.

In a relationship with a permanent partner, sexologists recommend choosing positions that are comfortable for a man or using pillows to create support for the side that has been damaged. Subject to these conditions, he will be able to experience minimal stress and maximum pleasure.

Of no small importance in the appearance of a sufficient erection is also a high-quality foreplay, which allows a man to feel the affection and tenderness of his partner.

To whom is sex contraindicated after a stroke?

In some cases, sex life after a stroke is contraindicated or unavailable:

  • the presence of significant changes in the vessels of the brain, increasing the risk of recurrent stroke;
  • large-scale damage to the areas of the brain responsible for sexual function.

Doctor-cardiologist Petrova Yu.

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