Tension headache in a child. Why does a child have a headache, causes, methods of prevention

When a child complains of a headache due to fever, severe fever or a cold, this usually does not raise questions from parents. Everything is clear here: a doctor will come, prescribe treatment, and the headache will disappear along with all the symptoms of the disease. But there are times when a baby complains of a headache for no apparent reason. Is it just a whim or a serious complaint? Do I need to call a doctor? Why did a healthy (at first glance) child suddenly have a headache? For some reason, it is believed that children (unlike adults) cannot just have a headache. This is one of the most common parenting misconceptions.

In fact, headache is a problem of all ages. It can also occur in young children, and in those who are far beyond "twenty". According to the international classification, headache is divided into 13 main groups and 162 types. And, oddly enough, many of them have nothing to do with the head. Of course, it is impossible to consider each type separately, but there are several main reasons that provoke severe headaches for no apparent reason. The main thing here is to fight not with pain, but with its real root cause.

Vascular disorders in children

One of the most common vascular diseases in children is hypertension. The term "hypertension" comes from the Greek words "hyper" and "tonos", which literally translates as "excessive" tension. Its cause is a violation of the blood circulation of the brain. With sudden pressure surges, temporary or permanent vasoconstriction occurs, which makes it difficult for the blood supply to various organs. As a result, almost all systems of the body suffer, and especially the brain. The diagnosis of "hypertension" is made in cases where blood pressure rises systematically (more than three times a month). Anything can provoke the development of hypertension: pressure drop, weather factors, heredity, sleep disturbance, etc. Therefore, adequate sleep and a healthy lifestyle are very important for the prevention of hypertension.

Before you give your baby a life-saving pill, try just taking a walk with him in the fresh air. Soothing tea with mint or chamomile, beetroot juice (1/3 cup 3-4 times a day), infusion of meadow clover flowers, hops, cloves and geraniums (1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, leave 1 hour, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day). In mild forms of hypertension, the headache disappears as quickly as it occurs. In more complex cases, medical intervention is indispensable. Advanced hypertension may in the future lead to the development of changes in the vessels and in the organs that supply them with blood.

Improper nutrition

In children under five years of age, headache attacks often occur after eating certain foods. So, for example, processed meat products (sausages, sausages, semi-finished products) contain special preservatives - nitrites, which cause vasoconstriction. And if for an adult their dosage is insignificant, then the children's body has not yet learned how to process these preservatives. In addition, the chemical tyramine found in cheeses, yeast, and nuts can trigger a headache. Also, headache attacks can provoke an overdose of vitamin A and food supplements containing sodium nitrite, aspartame and sodium chloride. In addition, it is very important how the mother ate during pregnancy. If a woman who is expecting a baby (especially in the first and last trimester) is undernourished, this leads to low blood sugar in her blood, which negatively affects the baby's brain function. And from the first days of life, such a baby can suffer from severe headaches.

When the root cause of a headache is a poor diet, attacks are usually accompanied by severe vomiting or indigestion. Let the baby drink as much as possible. In this case, a cold infusion of birch leaves will help relieve headaches (1 tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours). It is also useful to give your baby green tea with the addition of peppermint, St. John's wort or elderberry flowers. If a child is prone to headache attacks, it is very important to observe (eat at least five times a day in small portions) and avoid foods that are too high in carbohydrates. And vitamins and nutritional supplements should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, in no case exceeding the indicated dosage.

Comment on the article "The head does not hurt ... or 7 causes of children's headaches"

A child of 6.5 years old, we are studying with a speech therapist .. so during classes, when he starts doing exercises, when you need to blow on the tongue, his head starts to hurt sharply .. it stops hurting immediately after the end of blowing air .. Tell me in which direction look for a reason?

05.12.2017 06:37:56,

Hello. Daughter 2.6 years. We have headaches. Before an attack, she grabs her head and screams that her head itches. We were at the neurologist, we were prescribed 3 types of pills. Pantagam 1/2 tablet 3 times a day. Diakarb 1/2 - 3 r. In a day. Cinnarizine 1/2. 2 times a day. We have been drinking for 2 days now. During the day, the attacks became quieter and less frequent. And before going to bed, they become more frequent, both before daytime sleep and before nighttime sleep. What could it be? Should we get an MRI? Yes, and our pediatrician gave us a sore throat. But the daughter does not complain about her throat and there is no temperature.

05/06/2017 21:16:38, Anastasia

Zhanna, firstly, pull yourself together and not be upset, and secondly, take the child to the doctor. After all, your son may have VSD. We went through this that year, when my daughter was 13, then just such a diagnosis was made. The doctor prescribed Eltacin. We have already written about him below. The drug is effective, because after the course, the daughter stopped complaining about headaches, and her behavior became normal, otherwise she has been very hysterical lately. And of course, do not forget about the correct daily routine and more baby give rest.

23.08.2016 06:01:15,

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Complaint about headache- one of the most common in children.
The symptom occurs due to irritation of the pain receptors of the vessels and membranes of the brain, muscles, mucous membranes, as well as the nerves of the face or neck. There are no pain receptors in the brain tissue, so the brain cannot “get sick”.

It occurs for a variety of reasons, and there can be several reasons that caused it at the same time.

Common Causes headache in a child

  • Vascular headache.
  • Inflammation of cerebral vessels.
  • Congenital malformations of cerebral vessels.
  • Increase or decrease in intracranial pressure.
  • Toxic damage to the brain.
  • Intoxication in acute (, measles, etc.) and chronic (chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, etc.) diseases.
  • drugs, chemicals, alcohol, carbon monoxide, etc.
  • Traumatic brain injury (concussion or bruise, brain, skull bones, etc.).
  • , .
  • Inflammation of the meninges (, arachnoiditis).
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (, etc.) and eyes.
  • Pain associated with tension (tension headaches, tension of the eye muscles in myopia) and inflammation of the muscles (myositis).
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves) of the facial and trigeminal nerves.
  • Various processes in the brain that press on the brain volume (tumors, cysts, abscesses) or increase brain volume (encephalitis).
  • Some heart defects and blood diseases. I wrote about heart disease in this article
  • Deformities of the bones of the skull and cervical spine (exostoses - bone outgrowths, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, etc.).
  • Neurosis and other causes.

Clinical manifestations of headache

Headache may be pressing, aching, throbbing, arching or squeezing, occur in the morning, in the afternoon or after sleep. It is localized in various departments, it can be one-sided (the left or right half of the head hurts). It may depend on the position of the body or head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms. Headache often provoked by various external factors: emotional stress, physical activity, weather changes, inhalation of pungent odors or listening to loud music. Attentive parents usually notice the features of the onset and course headache in a child which greatly helps the doctor in making the correct diagnosis.

Vascular headache in autonomic dysfunction syndrome

Various changes in the vessels of the brain lead to headaches: spasms, stretching due to increased blood flow to the brain or its poor outflow. Vascular changes in children are most often associated with dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, the department responsible for the functioning of internal organs (heart, intestines, stomach, lungs, various glands, etc.), including vascular tone. Children with autonomic dysfunction tend to increase or decrease: blood pressure. Sometimes the vascular tone in a child is unstable, it can either increase or decrease. It is important to understand that with autonomic dysfunction, the structure and anatomy of the vessels is not changed, only the mechanisms that regulate their tone suffer.

The causes of autonomic dysfunction can be trauma and damage to the brain (, tumors, toxic lesions, etc.), various diseases (diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, mental disorders, etc.). The hereditary factor plays an important role. Predispose to the development of autonomic dysfunction features of the physique and psychological organization of the personality (high anxiety, fears, a tendency to hypochondria, depression), stress, disorders, overwork, reduced physical activity, unfavorable emotional and psychological situation in the family or school.

Children with hypotension, low blood pressure, usually suffer from throbbing or dull, pressing headaches, and children with hypertension, high blood pressure - bursting or pressing, accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Children with impaired venous outflow from the cranial cavity are characterized by morning headaches and meteosensitivity (reactions to weather changes).

In addition to headaches and changes in blood pressure, autonomic dysfunction is accompanied by disorders in the work of various organs and systems (respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired urination and thermoregulation, etc.). Typical symptoms: a feeling of lack of air, yawning, sudden deep breaths, pain in the heart, palpitations, nausea, lack of appetite, heartburn, vomiting, or, hiccups, frequent urination in small portions or, conversely, rare large portions, thermoneurosis. Children often have weakness, lethargy, sleep disorders, school performance, learning ability may decrease. Various emotional disorders are characteristic: causeless anxiety, fears and internal tension; hysterical outbursts and apathy, tearfulness, a tendency to depression, hypochondria. Often, such children have something that hurts all the time: it will stab in the left side, then in the right, then it will seize the heart, then the head will spin. However, the examination does not reveal any serious organic pathology of the organs.

The treatment of vegetative dystonia is complex, it includes the establishment of a regimen (healthy sleep, walks, moderate exercise, good nutrition, etc.), the creation of a favorable psychological environment in the family and school, drug treatment, massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, electrosleep, solarium, baths, Charcot's douche, circular douche, paraffin or ozocerite applications on the cervical region, etc.), psychotherapy, auto-training, hypnosis treatment, etc. Drug treatment is selected in accordance with the variant of the course of autonomic dystonia, the nature of the symptoms and the individual characteristics of the child. Calming agents are prescribed (motherwort, valerian, persen, etc.), drugs that normalize blood pressure, vitamins (neuromultivit, benfogamma, alvitil, alphaVIT), nootropic drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain (nootropil, pantogam, piracetam, phenibut, encephabol , aminalon, etc.), drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain (oxybral, cavinton, cinnarizine, tanakan, etc.).

Phytotherapy is widely used. A child with autonomic dystonia is observed and treated by a pediatrician, neurologist, cardiologist.

Increase or decrease in intracranial pressure

In the thickness of the human brain there are thin slit-like cavities - the ventricles of the brain. The ventricles and the space between the cranium and the brain communicate with each other through a system of holes and are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Liquor is produced by brain cells, freely circulates through the cavities and creates a certain constant pressure in the cranial cavity. This is intracranial pressure. Various pathological conditions (inflammatory processes in the brain and its membranes, injuries, tumors, cysts, congenital malformations of the brain, vascular diseases) change the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid on the brain.

Intracranial hypertension - increased intracranial pressure. The volume of fluid increases and puts pressure on the pain receptors of the membranes and vessels of the brain. This is characterized by bursting pain, felt in the depths of the head. The symptom may vary depending on the position of the body (increase or disappear with a change in posture, flexion of the neck), often accompanied by vomiting. With a significant increase in intracranial pressure occur. In infants, a large fontanel and skull sutures are open. Intracranial hypertension in them may be accompanied by an increase, bulging and pulsation of the large fontanel, divergence of the sutures of the skull, and a rapid increase in the volume of the head. Infants with increased intracranial pressure are usually restless, sleep poorly, spit up heavily. Moderate intracranial hypertension, even if it begins at an early age, does not affect the intellectual abilities of the child, mental retardation is rare and usually associated with some concomitant diseases.

With increased intracranial pressure headache they stop with diuretic drugs (diacarb, triampur, glycerin, etc.). In the case of progression of the disease, leading to a significant expansion of the ventricles of the brain, which poses a serious threat to the mental and motor development of the child, a surgical operation is performed. The cranial cavity is connected to the heart or abdominal cavity by a tube (shunt), through which excess fluid is removed.

Intracranial hypotension - a decrease in intracranial pressure - is relatively rare. Due to the decrease in fluid in the cavities of the brain, the vessels and membranes of the brain are stretched, and their stretching leads to headache. The pain usually resolves with simple flexion of the neck and lying down.
A child with changes in intracranial pressure is observed and treated by a neurologist.

Headache due to infectious diseases

Infectious diseases, including most SARS, begin precisely with headache. Its cause is intoxication - poisoning of the body with toxic substances formed as a result of the vital activity of microbes and viruses. Along with a headache during intoxication, weakness, drowsiness, deterioration in well-being, a decrease or lack of appetite, and other symptoms occur. Headache an infection is usually accompanied by a fever, so if a child suddenly has a headache, take his temperature, he may just be sick.

Tension headache

Common among schoolchildren. Cause of headache serves as tension in the muscles of the head and neck during concentrated physical, intellectual or emotional work. Usually localized in the frontal and occipital regions, disappears after rest and relaxation of the muscles. With a prolonged incorrect position of the head in relation to the body, the blood circulation of the brain becomes difficult, the nerve endings are pinched. Therefore, the occurrence of a headache often contributes to the incorrect landing of the student at the table. If you need to look closely, there is tension in the eye muscles in children with poor eyesight, if they walk without glasses or the glasses do not suit them. The eyes can also be tired in a child with normal vision as a result of spending many hours in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

Headache tension can be regarded as an unhealthy habit that can be eliminated by teaching the child muscle relaxation techniques. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate harmful effects (to achieve good posture, choose the right glasses, watch TV no more than an hour a day, relax, etc.). Targeted treatment consists of gymnastics and relaxing procedures (massage, auto-training, acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc.).


Headache with migraine appears as a result of the expansion and pulsating vibrations of the blood vessels of the brain. The tendency of the vessels to a sudden change in tone is inherited. It manifests itself clinically as attacks (paroxysms) of severe headaches, usually unilateral (the right or left half of the head hurts). Between attacks the child feels well, his condition is satisfactory.

Attentive parents and adult children are able to distinguish the upcoming attack migraines: in a child mood, attention, working capacity decrease, drowsiness appears; thirst, decreased appetite. Immediately before the attack, the appearance of an aura is typical. These are quickly passing visual, sensory or olfactory sensations (sparks, flickering, “checkers”, zigzags before the eyes, loss of visual field, numbness in the fingertips and face, various smells, and others). The aura is followed by an attack of the strongest pulsating (as if a pulse is pounding in the head) headache, which is not removed by any painkillers. Peculiarity childhood migraine in that seizures are rarely unilateral, as is commonly seen in adults. As a rule, in children the pain is bilateral. At the peak of the attack, there may be vomiting, after which relief comes and the child falls asleep. The duration of the attack is from 15 minutes to 2 hours, the frequency of occurrence is individual. Migraine is treated by a neurologist.

Headache due to meningitis

Headache can be caused by inflammation of the meninges with infectious agents: meningococcus and other bacteria, viruses (mumps, tick-borne encephalitis, poliomyelitis, etc.), fungi (candida). With meningitis, there is a severe headache, which increases with a change in body position and with any external irritation (bright light, loud sounds, touch).

Accompanied by vomiting, photophobia, hypersensitivity of the skin. A certain position of the patient in bed is characteristic, the so-called “position of a pointing dog”: the child lies on his side with his head thrown back and his torso stretched out, his stomach is pulled in, his arms are pressed to his chest, his legs are bent and pressed to his stomach.

An attempt to bend the patient's head and press it to the chest is impossible due to the sharp muscle tension. Meningitis is also accompanied by specific neurological symptoms that the doctor finds during the examination.

Treatment of meningitis is carried out in a hospital due to the serious condition of the child, which seriously threatens his life and health.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for facial sensation. The cause of its inflammation (neuritis) can be hypothermia, trauma and infection (often a virus). It is clinically manifested by bouts of severe pain in the cheeks, jaws, head, and can mimic toothache. Sometimes accompanied by tearing and salivation. If such symptoms occur in a child, it is necessary to contact a neurologist.

Treating a child's headache

Headache treatment depends on the cause that caused it. For severe headaches, painkillers are used: Paracetamol, Eferalgan, Nurofen, Ibufen, etc. The following recipes can be recommended from additional "home" remedies. Is it possible to give paracetamol to a child?

  • Peppermint, oregano and lemon balm have a calming effect. They can be brewed alone or added to tea.
  • Recipe. One st. l. a mixture of peppermint, oregano and fireweed brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/2-1 cup several times a day during headache.
  • Well tones and relieves headaches with fatigue black and green tea.
  • At headache during a cold menthol oil helps a lot. It is necessary to lubricate their forehead, temples, skin behind the ears and the back of the head.
  • Recipes at migraine-like headache. Mix 6 parts of dill seeds, 3 parts of sweet clover grass and tansy flowers, 4 parts of lemon balm herb. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1-1.5 hours, strain and drink 1/4-1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. You can add honey.
  • Mix 4 parts of valerian roots, dill seeds, 3 parts of tansy and linden flowers, agrimony herbs and lemon balm. Recipe and reception as in the previous case.
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    Good day. My daughter will be 12 in 2 months, today a throbbing headache appeared at school with numbness of the left hand, what is it
    can mean and should I be worried?

    • Hello.
      If numbness is accompanied by headaches, then there may be a number of reasons:
      - pinched nerve endings due to hernia or osteochondrosis,
      - neuralgia,
      - multiple sclerosis,
      - harbingers of a stroke (but due to such a young age, this is unlikely),
      - severe stress
      – dental treatment (for example, after anesthesia or surgical interventions).
      Numbness of the limb is not always associated with serious illnesses, sometimes it can be due to incorrect posture, when blood flow to tissues and organs is disturbed, and sensitivity is lost because of this. Then this problem is solved with a light massage and warm-up.
      In any case, it is better to see a doctor and do examinations to rule out serious diseases.

    hello, tell me please, my daughter, 9 years old, complains of a headache in the back of the head and a temperature of 37.6, what could it be ??? thanks in advance

    Can you help us? For God's sake, help, tell me. My daughter is 13. For 6 years now, she has had pulsating compressive and stabbing pains either above her left eye or above her right. Under the eyebrows. Once or twice a week. They lasted from one to four hours. Now every day. Feelings intensified. Lasts for many hours. It's been like that for 3 weeks now. How they started to do phoresis, massage sho and exercise therapy

    Hello. My girl is 8 years old .. She has been complaining of headaches for a week now, her right vein constantly hurts, the pains always begin in the evening ... What could it be from .. Please tell me (((

    Hello. A 5.5-year-old child has been suffering for 6 days with an abrupt onset of a headache that shoots in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose, lasting 5-10 minutes. The pain comes during sleep, no matter if it is day or night. Prior to this, the temperature had been high for 4 days. were at the doctor's did an MRI showed a beginning frontal sinusitis. Nothing was written down. How to help your child cope with a headache. Thank you! Regards, Anna!!!

    Hello! Tell me please, the boy is 3.4 years old! Approximately 2 weeks complains of pain Either the head, or the eyes, or the cheeks on the right side! Pain every day for a few seconds, then it lets go. Were at the pediatrician, Laura, dentist, jaw, neuropathologist. Where to go? Or get an MRI, even though it is harmful.

    • Hello. It is impossible to determine the probable pathology without examining the child, but the symptoms are very similar to trigeminal or facial neuralgia or migraine. Also one of the possible pathologies may be encephalitis. Important nuances are scrupulous collection of complaints and anamnesis. Only in this case it is possible to clarify the diagnosis - all these pathologies do not give neurological symptoms and only clarifying signs help to determine the diagnosis. An MRI can be done, and I would probably advise you to undergo this examination in order to fully exclude complex pathologies - encephalitis, neoplasms, aneurysms and other diseases. Sometimes similar symptoms are shown also at usual VVD or neurosises. Find a knowledgeable neurologist who is willing to help the child.

    Hello! My daughter is 10 years old. She has headaches accompanied by vomiting and complains that she is getting hot. After she vomits, she feels better, her head stops hurting. The next day the headache is repeated, but not so strong and weakness. The neuropathologist recommended to poison the worms, magnesium B6 for a month. Tell me what's up with my baby? The doctor didn't give a specific answer. And the child continues to suffer from headaches. Thank you!

    • Hello. The beginning hormonal restructuring sometimes causes the first migraine attacks or cerebrosthenic attacks - very similar in clinical manifestations. It is impossible to exclude various types of intoxication (helminthic invasion, sluggish dysbacteriosis), lack of trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, first of all, contact your pediatrician and take a course of anthelmintic therapy (preferably 3-5 days with albendazole, but the doctor should calculate the dose!). A course of vitamin-mineral complexes, probiotics and sorbents, consultation with an endocrinologist, a minimum of a computer and TV (if possible), more time in the fresh air. Completely exclude long-term storage products from food (yogurts, sausages, especially smoked ones, sausages), citrus fruits, nuts, concentrated tea and coffee, chocolate, hard cheeses. All of these foods can trigger migraine attacks. If the recurrence of seizures becomes more frequent, consult a neurologist again and undergo the necessary instrumental examinations. But perhaps even these drugs and preventive measures will change the frequency and complexity of headache attacks. I would like to add that migraine is practically untreated, but it is all these methods that can improve the child's condition - often even tea with lemon and a sandwich with cheese and smoked sausage causes an attack of headaches after dinner.

    Hello, my daughter is 12 years old, about a year ago she started having non-permanent headaches in the left side of her head closer to her temple, while it hurts to move, but soon everything goes away. Please let me know what could be causing this and what should I do.

    • Hello. Very often, the causes of the appearance of such symptoms is a hormonal imbalance that provokes a change in the tone of the cerebral vessels - VVD with cerebrosthenic syndrome or hypotension. First of all, you need to consult with your local pediatrician and undergo standard examinations (blood, urine, ECG, blood sugar), consultation with a neurologist. In the future, specialists will prescribe further examination (if necessary). Before visiting a doctor, you need to check your blood pressure - every day in a calm state in the morning and evening, against the backdrop of a headache. You may need to consult an endocrinologist and ultrasound of the reproductive organs. In any case, it is necessary to determine the cause of the onset of headache attacks.

    Good afternoon. My son, 5.8 years old, had headaches in January. For the first time it was against the background of the onset of the disease. Periodically, he begins to stroke his head with his hand in one place or another. There may be pain in the temples, or in the back of the head, or in the frontal part. The child describes the pain as "burning" a little. The first time we were prescribed ibuprofen, but we became allergic to it. A cyst of the right Sylvian fissure was found in a three-year-old child. They did tomography again in the summer, there were no changes, it did not increase. But before the child did not complain of pain, but now he complains. Another x-ray showed instability of the cervical vertebrae. Were at the ophthalmologist, the pressure of the eyeball is normal. What could it be? Why did the headaches appear? What can you recommend?

    • Hello. The causes of headaches can be instability in the cervical spine - most of these are headaches without a clear localization and recurring. If the cause was a cyst, these are local long-term pains with other manifestations. But in order to accurately answer your question, you need to look at the child - consult a neurologist and an orthopedist. Instability needs to be treated - it can worsen with age, and the cervical region gives unpleasant symptoms - headaches will worsen and be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness, dizziness. Usually massage courses, physiotherapy, spa treatment are prescribed.

    Hello, my daughter has very frequent (could be 1-2 times a week), strong (she starts crying a lot for no reason, takes her head, her blood vessels on the eyeball become numb, she immediately wants to sleep, I give her ibufen and she can sleep up to 10 hours) headaches in the forehead. A week ago, she already had a CT scan of her brain, no changes were found, what could it be, what should I do longer, tell me !!! the child is suffering
    Thanks in advance and looking forward to your reply
    Sincerely, Elena
    PS DAUGHTER STUDIES IN 1st CLASS, BUT HEADACHES began to bother 2 years ago they were rare 2-4 times a year, now they have become more frequent and intensify.

    • Hello. Judging by the clinic, the child develops VVD with cerebrosthenic syndrome or migraine attacks. These are complex pathologies that are practically untreatable. Now there is an aggravation of the clinic against the background of psycho-emotional stress - the first class is always not easy for children (fatigue, worries, possibly additional stress in the form of a music school, circles). It is necessary to determine against the background of what the attack develops and, if possible, remove the provoking factors. You need to be in the fresh air as long as possible, normalize SA and wakefulness, limit TV viewing and computer work, limit or completely exclude chocolate, cocoa, nuts, citrus fruits, legumes, hard cheeses, gluten-rich foods (buns, semolina , loaf), smoked meats, marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup and all products with long shelf life and containing preservatives, especially E12, monosodium glutamate. Sometimes even tea with lemon or a sandwich with smoked sausage under certain conditions can cause an attack. Therefore, it is the normalization of nutrition and daily routine that is necessary in the first place. In the future, the child will learn to live with it, but at this age you must follow all these points. Gradually, the attacks will intensify (when the weather changes, hormonal changes, seasonally - most often the attacks are recorded in December and March, against the background of fatigue, worries), so you need to protect the child from these provoking moments if possible. In most cases, seizures decrease or disappear completely after puberty ends or sexual activity begins, but not always. Be patient and support the child - weakness and drowsiness after an attack is normal. But other pathologies of the brain cannot be excluded (even with a normal CT scan) - monitor your well-being and the possible appearance of other symptoms, if the clinical picture changes, go through additional examinations.

    The child often has a headache, almost a day later, they did an MRI, they said vasoconstriction on the right. Earlier, during an attack, his eyes swelled up, vomiting began. Recently, vomiting has disappeared, but he complains of weakness in his legs and dizziness. The neurologist prescribed diakarb and finlepsin. Tell me how to cure a child or at least alleviate his suffering?

    • Hello. Your child has cerebrosthenic syndrome with frequent bouts of cephalalgia. All symptoms are caused, on the one hand, by the narrowing of the vessels of the brain, on the other hand, by their periodic spasm, which exacerbates circulatory disorders in the brain. This is a rather complex pathology, therefore, treatment does not always give the desired results. As the vessels grow and their neurohumoral regulation stabilizes, in most cases, the symptoms smooth out and the state of health improves, but worsening and the appearance of new symptoms are sometimes noted. In this case, it all depends on the degree of narrowing and the likelihood of a decrease in spasm. First of all, it is necessary to decide against the background of what the child’s well-being is deteriorating and completely eliminate the provoking spasm factors, streamline the regimen, ensure proper rest and sleep, and exclude any sound and visual stimuli. The child should be in the fresh air for a long time, if necessary - sanatorium treatment. In most cases, in the absence of aggravation of cerebrostenia - as the symptoms grow, they decrease significantly and may disappear completely - be observed by a neurologist and follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Consult about the course intake of cortexin, venotonics, nootropics and vitamins.

    Hello. Daughter 11 years old. For 2.5 years with a frequency of 1 time per week there are headaches with vomiting. The pain occurs in the first half of the day and ends only the next day. No painkillers help. During this time, everything was examined: MRI, vascular Doppler, heart, kidneys, stomach (everything is normal, they visited several osteopaths, a chiropractor, a homeopath, an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, they visited several neurologists, underwent a course with a psychologist. Everyone shrug their shoulders, make a diagnosis migraine-like headaches.Prescribed various nootropics - does not help.I have to skip school because after vomiting the child has weakness the next day.Please tell me - will this really go away after puberty or should I continue to look for doctors?Thanks in advance.

    • Hello. This is a really complex pathology - I can say with confidence from my own experience (I have migraine since the age of 8 and attacks periodically occur even now). The cause of this disease is not fully established at the moment, so it is difficult to treat. The symptoms, development and dynamics of migraine are varied and can be said to be individual, especially in children. It is impossible to say with certainty that it will pass after puberty, but gradually you can learn to feel, control and smooth them out. In most cases, such a pronounced clinic is associated with hormonal changes in the body and, as the hormonal background stabilizes, it decreases in the frequency of attacks, the severity of pain, and the duration of the pain syndrome. All these manifestations decreased only in the first year of the institute and gradually disappeared. Repeated renewal occurred against the background of chronic stress, fatigue, and then during pregnancy, but to a lesser extent than in childhood. A typical migraine is not treatable, so you should not look for doctors with an established diagnosis. After 17-18 years and in the future, even if the attacks remain, the girl will learn to feel their appearance and take the medicine in a timely manner, and it is not always anti-migraine drugs, often it is ibuprofen or aspirin. All this is individual and due to various factors, but the typical treatment, as you yourself saw, does not help, so just try to pause and resume the search for doctors after the disease worsens, the appearance of new manifestations, if everything gradually decreases - be patient and hope for a quick and full recovery spontaneously.

    Good afternoon! Daughter 11 years and 1 month old. I've had a fever for 5 weeks now. She rises, she falls during the day. From 36.5-37.7. It all started with vomiting in the morning with the remnants of undigested food. The temperature was 37.4 and did not fall at all for 3 weeks. max.37.7. didn't hit anything.
    Headaches are moderate. dizziness, slight weakness. No more symptoms! were at the pediatrician, laura, genecoolg, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, gastroenterologist. No pathology is found. Yesterday, a tooth with acute pulpitis was healed. The blood is normal, all indicators are normal, the urine is normal. Cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis excluded. passed caprology today. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity without pathologies. ECG has not yet been deciphered, but not ideal. they wrote out many more blood tests, for the Epstein virus, etc.. No one prescribed an MRI of the brain.. Tell me why the temperature can last so long, is it possible to go to school with such indicators. Who else to contact and what tests to do? is it dangerous?

    • Hello. Diagnosis of subfebrile condition of unknown etiology is always a difficult task. An increase in body temperature is a fairly common symptom and can appear with any pathology - from VVD to complex endocrinopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically take all the tests that your doctor prescribes. Perhaps there was a failure of nervous regulation after a viral infection, but such a long low-grade fever is an alarming sign, so it is necessary to look for the cause of unstable thermoregulation or a sluggish inflammatory process in the body. I think the appointment of an MRI is still unreasonable, but in the absence of other reasons, this examination may also have to be carried out. Regarding school attendance - consult with your doctor, it all depends on the general condition of the body and the well-being of the child. I think everything will depend on the indicators of analyzes and ECG. In addition, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, take tests for hormones (if necessary), ultrasound of the organs reproductive system and kidneys. Also consultation of an ENT doctor, a neurologist.

    Hello!!! Please tell me, my child is 7 years old, for the last 3 days he has been complaining of a headache. On the first day he went to bed early and slept all night. And today, it’s just that the roof has been torn off, running, jumping, yelling, and saying that his head hurts. How should I be and what should I do? Thank you in advance!

    • Hello. A severe headache in a child is an occasion to consult a specialist (the sooner the better!). There can be many reasons, so you need to scrupulously look for everything possible options. Be sure to check your blood pressure (daily control in the morning and evening). First you need to contact the local pediatrician, take blood tests (general analysis + detailed formula), urinalysis (required) - renal pathology quite often provokes persistent and intense headaches. Consult a neurologist - migraine attacks are often the cause of severe paroxysmal pain. Also, a headache appears with viral infections that occur with neurotoxicosis or other inflammatory pathological processes in the body (sinusitis, encephalitis ....). Show the child to a specialist and decide on the tactics of examination and treatment.

    Hello. A 6-year-old child periodically complains of headaches in the forehead, the pain is not acute. Were at the neurologist, speaks it because of infringement of a posture. The osteopath says there is no violation of posture. Tell me where else to go and what are the probable reasons?

    • Hello. Questions about the presence or absence of a violation of posture in a child are not decided by an osteopath, but by a pediatric orthopedist, who, if necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, prescribes an x-ray of the spine. If posture is disturbed, periodic headaches are possible, but they can also develop with vegetovascular dystonia, meteosensitivity, anemia, and other functional and organic pathologies that need to be diagnosed. We need a comprehensive examination of the child, measurement of blood pressure in the morning and evening, observation in dynamics. Often at this age, the cause of headaches is overwork, lack of physical activity, prolonged stay at the computer or watching TV and little exposure to fresh air, visual impairment!, low hemoglobin or hypovitaminosis, functional disorders of the digestive system, adenoid vegetations and other problems. And often the elimination of certain violations of the regime, rational nutrition and physical activity of the child in the fresh air - completely eliminates this symptom.

    Hello. About three weeks ago, my daughter (8 years old) began to complain of fatigue and headaches two or three times a day, but this happened for a short time and did not interrupt her classes. I attributed it to fatigue in the last days before the holidays. But now the holidays have passed, she walked a lot, slept enough, the food was good, but the complaints remained, and last night for the first time her head ached so much that she had to lie down for an hour, and this morning (the frontal part hurts with attacks) and weakness, I want to lie down.
    We are very busy: an ordinary school, a music school and choreography - except for an ordinary school, good successes are everywhere and does not want to give up anything. Tell me what to do, how to help the child? Thank you.
    Another point: this year we had to change schools, the new teacher is strict, and my daughter is often afraid of getting bad grades. Could this be part of the reason? Thanks again.

    • Hello. In this case, first of all, a complete examination of the child is necessary, because over time, without treatment, the situation will only worsen. Pass a complete examination - a blood test with a calculation of the formula, a urine test, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a consultation with a pediatrician, neurologist, oculist and, if necessary, other specialists. Perhaps the cause of the malaise is overwork, hormonal changes in the body and additional psycho-emotional factors (new school, teachers ...). In this regard, the nervous system failed, which manifested itself with these symptoms, but first of all, it is necessary to exclude the development of vascular problems and hypotension, which will only worsen with time and without adequate treatment. Consult and experts, determine the cause and eliminate it. Often it is enough to reduce the load, streamline the regime and reduce the stressful mood - all this is in your hands, including the health of the child.

    Hello, my 9-year-old son often complains of a headache, explains that his head hurts inside, the pain is not acute, as I understand it, they took tests, they took an EKG cardiogram, everything seems to be in order, the pediatrician said that we have such vessels as a flower, it’s normal, then once they withered, but they say it's okay, the pains do not go away intermittently, what else can we do and where to go, it's getting scary, help

    • Hello. At this age, headaches often occur associated with hormonal changes in the body, changes in the regulation of vascular tone, including the brain. At the same time, symptoms of meteosensitivity appear, the pain syndrome develops against the background of overwork, lack of sleep, increased visual load and exposure to other stress factors on the body (even if it tolerates these loads earlier without problems). First of all, it is necessary to normalize the mode of work and rest, limit unnecessary loads, make sure that the child spends less time at the computer or TV and spends more time outdoors. Monitor blood pressure with obligatory fixation in a notebook and answer the frequency of occurrence of headaches and probable causes. He does not focus his attention on this and the child - these are problems of active growth and physiological hormonal imbalance, which, with the right attitude and observations, will definitely pass. Consult a neurologist, after controlling blood pressure, you may need some supporting drugs, herbal adaptogens or amino acid preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. If necessary, undergo additional examinations to rule out organic pathology if headaches become more frequent or other symptoms appear. The course of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be aggravated by previous traumatic brain injuries, infections and other somatic diseases (pay the attention of a neurologist during examination). In most cases, these symptoms go away as the child grows older.

    Hello! The child began to complain of pain in the back of the head when he sits and draws for a long time. Did a neck massage. Complaints decreased, but still remained, mostly when he is naughty all day, then complains of pain in his head. We are 3 years old. The child is very capricious. Could it be due to emotional stress?

    • Hello. The child is small and will not be able to accurately tell the intensity and localization of pain, capriciousness may indicate the constant presence of discomfort. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a neurologist. Perhaps this is cervical myositis, subluxation of the cervical vertebrae with nerve entrapment, instability of the cervical spine, vascular disorders, or simply emotional overstrain. But emotional fatigue without correction at this age can lead to the development of neuroses that are difficult to treat, especially against the background of the immaturity of the nervous system or perinatal problems (difficult or rapid childbirth, chronic hypoxia, and other problems during pregnancy and childbirth). The sooner you determine the cause, the sooner the child's well-being will improve.

    My daughter has recently had headaches. We went to the doctor. They explained to me that very often, children at the age of 14 have vegetative-vascular dystonia. The main thing here is to choose the right prevention and treatment. I now take my daughter to the pool, I force her to walk more. Of the medications - eltacin is now taking. I see noticeable improvements in her condition. Yes, and she says that she feels better, that her head has ceased to bother, weakness does not appear.

    • Hello. Indeed, quite often, with active hormonal changes in the body, vegetative-vascular dystonia develops with various manifestations from headaches to rhythm disturbances. These are all functional changes and correct mode, reducing increased stress, prolonged exposure to fresh air and, if necessary, drug treatment - a significant improvement occurs. Sanitation of foci of chronic infections (caries, tonsillitis) is considered a prerequisite. You are doing everything right, monitor your well-being + vitamin-mineral complexes, herbal adaptogens: ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus (after consultation with your doctor), you may need a course of iodomarin.

    Hello! Tell me, my daughter, 9 years old, has had a headache for 4 days, a slight throbbing pain in the crown area, what could it be? thanks in advance.

    Good afternoon, my son is 6 years old and he complained a couple of times about a headache, over his right ear, for the first time it was a bunch of children at a party, noise din .. and he said that his head hurts from this noise, but after 10 minutes it is on its own passed, and yesterday I was visiting and again complained of a headache, also over my right ear .. and I began to worry about something .... there are no deviations in development. one thing is strange in the car, he turns on the music at full volume and this doesn’t make his head hurt. it was not observed. on the same evening they showed the ophthalmologist examined and said everything was fine with the child.)

    Hello. My daughter (5 years 9 months) often complained of headaches in her forehead and irritation from bright lights. There is a problem with adenoids Lor puts adenoids of 2 degrees. Appetite normal, activity too. What could be the reason?

    Hello. After an injury to the cervical spine, the child developed severe headaches. The pain is described as squeezing, throbbing in the eyes and temples. Whether it can be connected with department of a cervical backbone. Headache arose after electrophoresis with Novocaine. The child also has an encephalopathy disease.

    • Hello Anastasia!
      Headaches quite often begin to disturb children at this age. There can be several reasons and you need to understand individually and scrupulously. The most common cause of headaches in girls from 9 to 12 years old is the onset of hormonal changes in the body and changes in vascular tone both in the body as a whole and in the brain: vegetative-vascular dystonia with cerebrosthenic syndrome, meteosensitivity and other signs of hormonal instability. And, of course, this needs to be corrected. First, contact your local doctor, take tests to rule out other causes of headache: anemia, kidney disease, hypoglycemia, helminthic invasion (blood, urine and feces). The specialist will determine the need to consult a pediatric neurologist and / or endocrinologist.

  1. Hello. A 4.5-year-old daughter twice had an attack of acute headache in the forehead (slightly to the right of the center of the forehead), lasting half a minute or a minute. At the same time, she clutched her head, blinking often. Vision was not impaired. The general condition is normal, no fever, no vomiting, no other symptoms. Mood is good.
    What could it be? Which specialists to contact? What analyzes and studies are fashionable to do?
    Thank you.

    • Hello Anna!
      Any pain syndrome in childhood is an alarming sign, so the child needs a complete examination - the volume should be determined by the attending physician. The first thing to do is to contact the local pediatrician, take tests (a general blood test, preferably with a detailed formula, a general urinalysis, blood for sugar, a stool test for worm eggs). According to the clinic, the symptoms are similar to cerebrosthenic syndrome or vegetative-vascular dystonia, therefore, a neurologist's consultation is necessary to exclude organic pathology and determine the presence or absence of neurological signs. Perhaps the experts will offer you a more in-depth examination - EEG or MRI of the brain - do not refuse (this is not done unnecessarily, only if there are doubtful signs, to clarify the diagnosis). Also, this symptom can occur with renal pathology or endocrinopathy - if necessary, the specialist will prescribe an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, pelvic organs, and possibly the thyroid gland. Recurring seizures are a concern, so check your child as early as possible.

    Hello, my 9 year old daughter has frequent headaches. When she started school she had occasional migraines with nausea. How did it start summer vacation migraines ended, but they were replaced by headaches in the forehead area, the pain is not constant, it comes and goes - in waves. The headache turned into a mild one, but almost everyday. Could you help with advice on what to do, which doctors to contact?

    • Hello! These are signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, but cerebrosthenic syndrome is not excluded. Migraine does not go away, it just transforms into another disease at certain periods. This condition needs to be consulted by a specialist - first a pediatrician, and then a pediatric neurologist, if necessary, instrumental examination methods (at the discretion of specialists). Also, be sure to take a general blood test (to rule out anemia), a general urinalysis (often kidney pathology occurs with headaches) and blood for sugar. The transformation of symptoms can take place against the background of the beginning of hormonal changes in the body, and this exacerbates all existing problems. It is also possible to develop a pathology of the thyroid gland, so just in case, show the girl to the endocrinologist.

    Good afternoon! We ask for your advice. A week ago, a 3-year-old child stumbled and fell, on a dark bone, there was a small bump and abrasion above the ear. The son of course cried, but quickly forgot and played on. My husband and I decided to watch because we were not at home. There were no changes in behavior, he ate, slept, everything was the same as always. We decided everything was fine. But three days later, the son woke up at night crying and says that he hit. They thought he had a bad dream. calm down

    • Hello Julia! In this case, nothing can be said for sure: traumatic brain injuries and head injuries in children can manifest themselves with different symptoms and are delayed in time. The only way out is to be observed, and if minimal symptoms appear (anxiety, headaches, loss of appetite, which may indicate nausea, lethargy, increased fatigue), consult a specialist, preferably a neurologist, to rule out pathology.

    Hello! The child's temples do not hurt very much. Her temples don't hurt often. She also has drowsiness. Doesn't take pills. No vomiting or fever. What could it be?

    • Hello! Periodic pain in the temporal region can indicate a fairly large range of different conditions. And, not necessarily, disease. Physical and / or psycho-emotional overstrain, exposure to direct sunlight, changes in atmospheric pressure or air temperature, exposure to pressure of large volumes of water (when diving) and a number of others are only external causes that can contribute to their occurrence.
      On the part of the organism itself, the essence may be hidden in the imbalance of the action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, which affect the general tone of the organism as a whole and, in particular, the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels (including the brain). This symptom complex is known as vegetative-vascular dystonia.
      A possible situation is a violation of cerebral circulation as a result of a decrease in blood flow through the vertebral arteries. They pass in the channels formed by holes in the processes of the cervical vertebrae. And, with various orthopedic changes in this part of the spine (and maybe because of problems in the underlying ones), the arteries can be pinched by the structures surrounding them. As a result, blood flow (the volume and speed of blood entering the brain) decreases, which leads to oxygen deficiency. The cerebral cortex is very sensitive to this and creates situations of oppression of consciousness (drowsiness, lethargy, lethargy), accompanied by pain. Including, in the temporal region.
      It is rather problematic to go down a specific diagnostic path without knowing your daughter's age, the duration of these symptoms, or the circumstances of their occurrence. You should examine the girl at the neurologist and the orthopedist.

    Hello! My daughter (7 years old) began to experience headaches. This happens in the afternoon, in the late afternoon with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. We noticed that this happens due to a violation of the daily routine. We try to adhere to it strictly, but the slightest violations lead to a headache. They checked the brain on an MRI - everything is clear. The neurologist prescribed phenibut with glycine. There were no significant changes after taking the medication. The heart was checked, the same is in order. They did a duplex scan of the brachiocephalic arteries. Conclusion: echographic signs of the ICA bend on the left without hemodynamic disturbances. Slight stenosis and deformity of the VA on the right, no more than 30%. Maybe you can advise.

    • Hello! In addition to what the neurologist has already advised you, you can add not just the observance of the daily regimen, but its precise diligence. The girl also needs a day's rest - a break in business. Especially when school starts. Don't overexert it with intense mental and physical tasks. We are not talking about a protective regime, it will be enough to alternate activity and rest, a change of activity. Then, the manifestations of neuro-circulatory dystonia will not be so obvious or will completely cease to bother.
      Since the study (duplex) revealed stenosis of the right vertebral artery, it makes sense to consult the girl with an orthopedist. Perhaps there are problems with the cervical spine. Usually, the cervical region in children during routine examinations does not arouse suspicion. They start "digging" when they come with complaints. Including tension headaches.
      Usually, in children of this age, the installation type of impaired posture is detected. It manifests itself in the form of a stooped back, lowered shoulders, a protruding tummy. At the same time, to restore balance, the head is slightly forward. What creates the conditions for partial clamping of the vertebral arteries.
      And, do not forget about the possibility of exposure to direct sunlight on the girl's uncovered head.

      • Doctor, thank you for such a complete answer. For the last week we have been very strictly observing the daily regimen, headaches have not bothered yet. We hope that gradually they will come to naught. And we really have problems with the cervical region: a dislocation of the cervical vertebra and a violation of posture. But the neurologist said that this cannot cause a headache (although I doubt it). I'm very afraid school year, we go to grade 1, I'm afraid with the advent of mental and physical stress, our problems will worsen. Do you think it is worth repeating the course of phenibut and glycine at the beginning of the school year or even before studying?

        • Good afternoon! Your neurologist is really wrong. First you need to deal with the subluxation of the spine, since it is possible to infringe on the main arteries and nerve trunks. This is naturally accompanied by circulatory disorders, headaches, instability of blood pressure, dizziness. You need to contact a traumatologist in order to have an examination. Try to do this before the start of the school year. Most likely, the child will have to wear a Shants collar in order to correct problems with the spine and relieve muscle tension. Your problems with time and with the beginning of the school year can really get worse. The drug Phenibut can cause inhibition and drowsiness, in addition, it is not recommended to take it for a long time for those who have stomach problems, so at the beginning educational process it is better to refuse to take it. Try to replace Phenibut with Piracetam or its analogues, but for this you need an internal consultation with a neurologist. Taking Glycine will not bring any harm, but if you have been taking it for a long period, then it is better to repeat the course of treatment in six months. If you all want to re-treat with Phenibut, then it is better to do this before the start of the school year. Neither Phenibut nor Glycine can affect the subluxation of the spine, so you need to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

    Hello, my daughter is 2 years old, she had vomiting after yesterday once, and today the temperature is 37 degrees and she says that her head hurts and does not want to eat????

    • Hello! A slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees) in young children, accompanied by vomiting, headache, weakness, loss of appetite and a number of other general signs of malaise, may be the result of some kind of intoxication. This may be the beginning of an infectious cold (not necessarily the gastrointestinal tract). May indicate the presence of other sources of inflammation in the body. This condition can also be observed with helminthic invasion. And it can be the result of nervous and physical overwork, including heat (sun) stroke.
      Moderately elevated body temperature, vomiting (without describing its nature), headache and loss of appetite are too general signs, according to which it is absolutely impossible to lean towards a particular problem. This may well be a transient reaction (acclimatization), if not only the region of residence was changed, but also the time zone, and the nature of the diet (products that are not typical of the usual diet).
      To correct such conditions, it is necessary to protect the child from increased activity and exposure to the open sun, adjust the diet (exclude new products for the girl), transfer to a sparing diet. But don't force feed. But drinking plenty of water in the form of unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions (for example, chamomile and linden) will only be good.
      No medicines, including sorbents (coal, smectite, etc.) should be given. If the condition does not improve within a day, seek medical help for the purpose of examining and examining the child.

    Good afternoon! The child is 2.5 years old. The girl is healthy, there were no problems, and lately (for about a month) attacks have begun. wakes up at night from the desire to sign, but does not go to the potty as it was before, but cries, is afraid of me ... like a panic. It passes in a few minutes, complains that the head hurts on the side on the right above the ear. This doesn't happen every night. Sometimes he sleeps well and goes to the potty normally. The first time this was three nights raised. Then it passed, today after a daytime sleep the same thing happened.

    • Hello! The situation you describe is very similar to one of the manifestations of restless sleep in children of early (from 2) and primary school age (up to 8 years), called "night fears". They occur as a result of sudden psychomotor arousal during sleep. At the same time, the child, waking up, does not remember the dream, and does not make contact even with the closest relatives!
      The situation does not have clear rhythms of repetition, but is more possible with overexcitation during the day, and especially before bedtime. The most prone to night terrors are children with high emotional lability (“from laughter to crying and vice versa - one second”). Provokes the occurrence, as a rule, a strong fear. Remember if there was any similar case about a month ago.
      Also, children are very sensitive to the slightest changes in their usual way of life. Any changes in the family, change of residence, etc. may cause an increase emotional perception child.
      As a rule, night terrors are resistant to any medication (including herbs) effects. They pass on their own when the child gets used to the new living conditions.
      To correct the condition, strictly observe the daily routine. Take relaxing baths at night. Instead of a fairy tale, tell what the child will dream about (flowers, butterflies, etc.) - this technique is called “programmed dreams”.
      If the situation does not improve, consult a neurologist.
      And the pot (if it's not terrible) has nothing to do with it. Complaints about "pain over the right ear", most likely ... Does the child prefer to sleep on the right side?

    For about 6 months now, a child (4 years old) often complains in the morning of a headache in the back of the head, closer to the neck. They associated this with overwork. sleeps late (around 23:00). In addition, there is a history of a tendency to increased intracranial pressure. At the age of one and a half, he suffered a fracture of the skull bone. Some time ago, nausea was added to the headache, they thought it was sickness in the car (every morning we go to kindergarten for about 40 minutes), but now complaints of nausea began to appear even before the trip. Could these two symptoms be a sign of a serious illness? Which doctor will contact?

    • Hello! I don't think nausea has anything to do with headaches. Since the child is still small, he may simply be afraid of the upcoming discomfort associated with nausea from motion sickness during a trip to kindergarten. That is why he can talk about nausea in advance, and this does not mean at all that he is sick.

      Headaches in the occipital region in the morning can be associated with both overwork and stuffiness or too dry air in the child's bedroom at night. Be sure to ventilate the room for at least 30-40 minutes before putting the child to bed. In the warm summer months, it is advisable to sleep with the window open. If the microclimate in the room is too dry, then I recommend purchasing an electric humidifier and leaving it running all night. This is especially true at a time when steam heating is operating in the room, as well as during the hot summer months. If it is not possible to purchase an electric humidifier, hang several wet diapers in the baby’s bedroom, it is best to hang one of them on the side of the baby’s crib.

      Also make sure that the baby observes the daily routine. It is necessary to put the child to bed no later than 21 hours 30 minutes. Let the baby fall asleep not immediately, but it is best to spend 30-60 minutes before bedtime in bed. Read a book to your child, turn on audio fairy tales. This will help the boy tune in to sleep. But watching TV, noisy outdoor games, a computer before going to bed is not recommended. It is watching cartoons or electronic games before going to bed that can provoke headaches immediately after waking up.

      If, following these tips, within one or two months the baby does not stop complaining of headaches in the morning, then I recommend visiting a pediatric neurologist with him and, if necessary, undergoing an examination. Good luck!

    Hello, my son will be 8 years old in August, he complains of pain in his head, in the frontal part, but not often. Once at the beginning of the school year, and today. They gave Nurofen 10 ml and fell asleep after a while, tell me what could cause a headache.

    • Hello! Headaches in school-age children can have various causes. The most common of them is the onset of SARS. Usually, a day or two before the first symptoms of a respiratory disease appear, a child may begin to complain of pain in the occipital or frontal region, and may also complain that he has a "knocking in his temples." Also, a common cause of headaches in a student is overwork during the day. If such pain occurs no more than once a month, then you should not panic. Make sure that the child observes the daily routine, gets enough sleep, and rests for at least one hour after school hours before starting homework. When complaining of a headache, give the child painkillers - children's Nurofen or Panadol. You can try to get by with half the age dose recommended in the instructions, and if the medicine does not help, then after an hour give the second half of the dose. Keep in mind that it is not recommended for children to endure a headache, so do not be afraid to give pain medication.

      If the headaches are permanent, if the anesthetic helps poorly or does not help at all, if the headaches are accompanied by weakness, vomiting, loss of consciousness, then it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric neurologist. Such pains may be associated with increased intracranial pressure, vegetovascular dystonia, a previous head injury, which the child kept silent about or forgot to tell you about. In this case, the doctor will prescribe an examination (encephalogram, ultrasound of the brain), which will help identify the cause of the boy's headaches and prescribe adequate treatment.

    My daughter is 7 years old. For a week now, she has a headache every morning, at the same time. She immediately begins to feel sleepy, but due to a headache, in the left temporal part of her head, she cannot fall asleep. I have to give nurofen. Then it goes on and all is well.
    Were at the pediatrist, but she is inclined to SARS, but she does not have any obvious signs. No cough, no snot, throat clear. Literally, a week before the headaches, they were treated for cystitis. The first urinalysis showed leukocytes. Passed again today. 1.06, at the reception.
    Whether it is possible or probable a headache as that is connected with a cystitis? how to help your daughter

    • Hello. Yes, most likely in your case a headache is a residual effect after cystitis or its treatment. Very often a headache can occur in a child after antibiotic treatment. I can’t advise anything other than how to relieve pain with Nurofen. If the pain does not go away within the next week, then I recommend that you contact a neurologist for an examination. A variety of options are possible here - from increased intracranial pressure to vegetovascular dystonia. In the meantime, try to ensure your child has a restful healthy sleep. Airing the room in the evening, give the girl as much water as possible - the liquid will help remove toxins from the body, the appearance of which could be caused by the intake medicines during cystitis or the disease itself. Get well!

    Hello! My daughter is 2 years old, after an evening walk she began to complain that her head hurt, she cried a lot. Then she vomited. During the night she pulled out 5 times, there was no diarrhea. The temperature was 37.5, when she rose to 38 I knocked her down. We decided that it was poisoning and treated accordingly. The next day, profuse vomiting again. 7 times a day with a temperature of 37.3. They gave an antiemetic injection. The next day, the child felt great. the next 3 days everything was fine, but the temperature still rose to 37.2. and on the fifth day the child again complains of headaches, and the temperature is 37.5. tell me what tests we need to do? we live in a small town of good specialists No. I will be grateful for your answer!

    • Hello! The child appears to have had rotavirus. The acute phase of the disease (repeated vomiting) has already passed. Headaches and fever can be caused by intoxication of the body, which was caused by a virus. Therefore, water the child as much as possible, you also need to give him some kind of absorbent to help remove toxins from the body (smecta, polysorb, in extreme cases, activated charcoal). I advise you to take a general blood test to make sure that the disease is really caused by a virus, and not an intestinal infection. Get well soon!

    Hello! My daughter is 6 years old, often in the morning she complains of headaches. Please tell us what we need to do and what tests should be taken?

    • Hello! Headaches in children are not uncommon. Often this is the first sign of a beginning ARVI. If the respiratory symptoms do not join, and the child continues to complain of a headache, then the cause must be sought elsewhere.

      Periodic migraine-like pain may mean that the child is overworking. Make sure that the girl does not spend a lot of time at the computer or watching TV, get enough sleep, spend enough time outdoors. If the pains come after waking up and do not leave the child in the first half of the day, this may mean that he is sleeping in a stuffy room. Also, excessive dryness of the air during sleep can cause headaches in the morning. Try to ventilate the room well before going to bed and use a humidifier and perhaps the child will stop complaining of pain.

      In addition, headaches in preschool children may be a sign of increased intracranial pressure. It can manifest itself as a result of prematurity of the child, injuries received during childbirth, congenital pathologies. As a result of these factors, the baby may experience problems with cerebral circulation, which appear several years after birth. As a result, an excess of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is formed, which presses on the brain causing pain.

      If headaches do not go away within 2-3 weeks, be sure to tell your pediatrician about them. He may refer you to a pediatric neurologist for further examination to determine the cause of your child's headaches in the morning.

    Hello! My son is 7 years old (we are going to school this year), on the 5th day he complains of a headache, only in the first half of the day, in the morning. No temperature. Pain in the region of the left temple and above the left eyebrow (the son says “it hurts inside”). On the first day, when his head ached, he complained of pain in his stomach, then he vomited and it became easier, everything went away right away (they thought it was poisoning). In the following days headache without vomiting. They gave me nurofen for pain. With all this, he has a runny nose, thick snot when he blows his nose and there are a lot of them. Please tell me what it could be? Which doctor should I contact?

    • Hello! Apparently, your child is sick with SARS. The appearance of a headache in the temporal region during this disease is a completely natural phenomenon. This happens for several reasons: an increase in the amount of intracranial fluid that presses on the brain, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, intoxication of the body caused by viruses or bacteria.

      If a headache during SARS is accompanied by fever or vomiting, then this may be a sign of a serious illness - meningitis. Pain that lasts for several days and increases with bending, movement, but the child's body temperature is not elevated - can be the cause of neurological disorders and requires an early referral to a specialist - a pediatric neurologist. Also, a common cause of headaches, accompanied by a runny nose with green (purulent) discharge, is sinusitis, which, without treatment, can lead to serious complications. Therefore, my advice to you - do not postpone a visit to the doctor. First of all, you need to contact the local pediatrician, who, if necessary, will refer you to other specialists - a neurologist and an ENT specialist. Get well!

    Hello. My child, who is 5 years old, has headaches. It can be once every half a year, once every three months, once a month. That is, headaches do not become more frequent, but can occur, for example, once every half a year, then once a month , then again in half a year or in a few months. And it happens so that the child runs, plays, is generally very active and then says that he has a headache, then it hurts more and he goes to vomit 5-6 times, throws him into a sweat and he goes to bed and after sleeping a healthy child again. The attack lasts about 20-30 minutes and can happen at any time of the day, but mostly in the late afternoon or evening. Please tell me what it could be?

    • Hello! Headaches in children can have a variety of causes. Your child's pain is paroxysmal and may be due to overwork. Often, young children begin to have a headache if they spend a lot of time in front of a computer or TV. Sometimes such pains can be so severe that the child vomits. After proper rest (sleep), usually such pain disappears. Also, paroxysmal headaches may indicate an increase in intracranial pressure, which, in turn, may be a sign of a serious illness. Be sure to show the baby to a pediatric neurologist. Perhaps he will prescribe additional examinations.

    Hello. My daughter is 9 years old. Approximately 2 weeks complains of a headache. Seizures throughout the day. Especially during music lessons or lessons. Sleeps normally at night. Worried about the color of the face and lips. Now normal, then suddenly the face turns pale, and the lips turn blue. We made a REG. The result is not very good. One is up, the other is down. In all departments, a violation of the venous outflow? What does it mean? The neurologist prescribed massage, glycine, stress reduction, adherence to sleep and rest. Another neurologist prescribed Caventon and Neurobex. All this still does not help. A blood test showed the presence of worms. Drank Vermox 2 weeks ago. The head hurts and the pallor persists. We will now drink the second course of Vermox. What else to do in such a situation?

    • Hello! Violation of the venous outflow of the brain is a disease that occurs as a result of a decrease in vascular tone, their malfunction. Very often this happens in schoolchildren due to a violation of the daily regimen, lack of sleep, high mental stress, stress. Also, craniocerebral trauma, for example, a concussion in a child, which was not noticed by the parents, often causes a violation of the venous outflow. Symptoms of this disease are headaches (especially in the morning and during mental stress), pallor of the skin, weakness, dizziness. Often the disease occurs during the off-season, in spring or autumn.

      Since your child has already been diagnosed on the basis of the REG, then calmly follow the instructions of the doctors, and most importantly, try to normalize the child's regimen, increase the duration of sleep, and protect it from stress. Headaches will not go away in one day, since the pathological process itself did not develop instantly either, and it will also take time to eliminate it. Get well!

    On May 30, 2015, my son will be 6 years old. He often gets sick, laryngitis from birth, which leads to hospitalization. The child has been on hormones and antibiotics since birth. And now a headache has been added over the right eye.

    • Inessa, tracheobronchitis is accompanied by a persistent cough.
      This leads to overflow of blood vessels, including the head.
      There may be a violation of the integrity of the wall of small capillaries, which is accompanied by an insufficient supply of oxygen to a certain part of the brain.
      Due to temporary hypoxia, headache occurs.

      During the disease, bacteria often enter the nasopharynx and cause inflammation of the frontal sinus, which is accompanied by a headache.
      Temperature and discharge from the nose in the initial period of the disease may be absent.

      If the headache does not disappear within a week, show the child to a pediatric neurologist and an otolaryngologist.

    Hello! My 10 year old daughter has headaches recurring every 6-7 days. The child was examined, all diagnostics were completed, MRI, vascular doppler, kidneys, heart, stomach were examined, nothing was found. I read the previous comments, probably this is really a restructuring of the body, but why such a periodicity? We try to comply with everything: we walk a lot, the pool, but nothing helps. Whether tell or say it is possible to define or determine somehow under analyzes, what is it hormones influence and somehow to facilitate these conditions. thanks in advance

    • Hello Hope!
      The periodicity in the occurrence of headaches can be explained by the fact that the girl has weekly days that require a lot of mental and physical activity.
      There are a lot of lessons at school on one of these days.
      The disciplines studied may require increased attention and concentration from the girl.
      If a visit to the pool is added to this, then the body's need for oxygen greatly increases.

      Fluctuations in the amount of hormones during puberty are accompanied by a change in the tone of blood vessels.
      Blood flow to certain parts of the brain may decrease, respectively, hypoxia occurs.

      A blood test for hormone levels in this situation will not be entirely reliable.
      The amount of hormones may well correspond to the age of the child.
      However, it will not be possible to capture the moment of change in their number, since these fluctuations can occur at different times of the day and over individual days.
      The condition of the girl will improve after the establishment of the menstrual cycle.

    • Olga, the occurrence of a headache in a child against the background of low body temperature can have several reasons.
      The most common of these is a decrease in blood pressure.
      In this case, there is a slowdown in blood circulation through the blood vessels and an increase in heat transfer.

      The presence of helminths leads to the phenomena of intoxication of the body and the deterioration of the absorption of nutrients necessary for the production of thermal energy.

      The occurrence of anemia is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the tissues.
      It also contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes.

      A possible cause of this condition is insufficiency of liver and thyroid function.

      Regularly measure the girl's blood pressure, do a general blood test, a three-fold fecal test for worm eggs, an ultrasound examination of the internal organs and the thyroid gland.
      The results of the studies will allow you to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  2. Hello. Son is 9 years old. At the same time closer to dinner there is a severe headache at one point. Above the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose. Fifth day. After paracetamol immediately disappears and he falls asleep. No temperature. Nausea too. What could it be? Help

    • Hello Madina!
      Headache in a boy may occur due to mental stress at school and prolonged stay in unventilated rooms with a reduced oxygen content in the air.
      Perhaps in recent days a stressful situation has arisen, leading to a spasm of blood vessels.
      The provoking moment in the occurrence of headache is the development of spring beriberi, which significantly impairs metabolic processes in brain cells.

      At this age, the child may begin hormonal changes in the body, which is accompanied by a change in the tone of blood vessels and changes in blood pressure.

      The development of anemia is also accompanied by oxygen starvation of brain structures.

      You can think of infection with helminths, which leads to the phenomena of intoxication of the body.

      Violations of the liver and thyroid gland are often manifested by headaches.

      Measure the boy's blood pressure daily when he has a headache.
      Make a general blood test, a stool test for the presence of worm eggs three times a day, conduct an ultrasound examination of the internal organs and the thyroid gland.
      The results obtained will help determine the tactics of treating this condition.

Headache is one of the most common children's complaints (after abdominal pain), with which parents turn to the pediatrician.

Headache in childhood can be caused by a variety of reasons: infections, injuries, mental and physical stress, vascular diseases.

A child can begin to complain about the presence of a headache from about the age of 5, when he can already describe his feelings in words. In very young children, a headache is determined by certain signs of his behavior.

Treatment of headache in children can only be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination and assessment of the child's condition.

Types and causes of headache in children

There are several types of headaches that are typical for both adults and children.

If the headache appears as the only symptom, then in this case it is a primary headache (migraine, tension headache, cluster headache).

If headache is one of several symptoms that appear with certain conditions and diseases, then in this case they speak of a secondary headache. Such pain occurs with various infections, an increase in body temperature and disappears as the temperature decreases and recovery.

The most common causes of headache in children of a secondary nature are:

  • changes in the body or environment(lack of sleep, allergies, infections, dehydration, medication, diseases of various systems and organs);
  • Head injury;
  • Sinusitis.

If a child complains of a migraine headache, then the causes of this condition may be:

  • Physical exercise;
  • emotional stress;
  • Changing sleep patterns;
  • Starvation;
  • weather changes;
  • The use of chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits, nuts, cheese, eggs, smoked meats, tomatoes, legumes, canned food, spicy and fatty foods;
  • Drinking cold water, ice cream;
  • Smoking and drinking in adolescence.

If a child complains of a tension headache, then this may be evidence of a sudden or prolonged stress, a long stay of the child in an uncomfortable position.

Cluster headaches are more often caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve. More common in boys during adolescence.

Headache can also be acute or chronic.

Acute occurs unexpectedly and proceeds quite hard. The reasons for the occurrence of acute severe headache in a child include:

  • Extracranial infections: inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, childhood infections (scarlet fever, measles, rubella, parotitis,); ear infection; inflammation of the teeth; helminthic invasions; intestinal infections; other infectious diseases (flu, infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis, malaria);
  • Intracranial infections: meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess;
  • Injuries: bruise, concussion;
  • mental illness;
  • Mental overstrain;
  • Vascular diseases: high blood pressure, heart defects, diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands; anomalies in the development of cerebral vessels, cerebral ischemia;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Contact with toxic chemicals;
  • Intracranial hemorrhages;
  • Increased intraocular pressure;
  • Inflammation of the cranial nerves;
  • Visual disturbances and inflammatory eye diseases

Chronic headaches in children can occur as a result of various mental stresses: stress, depression, low mood.

Headache in a child can also occur from the action of cold (wind, cold weather, swimming in cold water, eating cold food and drink), from external pressure (wearing tight tight hats, swimming goggles, headbands).

headache symptoms in children

Migraine in a child manifests itself in the form of repeated headaches, which may be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In this case, the pain is localized on one side of the head, has a pulsating character. The child's condition may improve after sleep. An attack of such pain lasts 1.5-5 hours. In childhood, migraine often coexists with dizziness, fainting, and drowsiness. Quite often, migraine attacks occur in children during puberty.

Tension headaches in children are usually localized in the frontal and frontotemporal regions. The pain at the same time - aching, squeezing - occurs more often in the second half of the day. Passes spontaneously and lasts from one to several hours.

Headaches in various childhood infections occur during the acute period of the disease or precede it. The pain in this case is quite intense. But a severe headache in a child recedes with a decrease in the manifestations of the disease.

If a headache is a symptom of a neuroinfectious disease, then it is necessarily combined with vomiting, convulsions, impaired consciousness, motor and sensory disorders, and disorders in the functioning of the pelvic organs.

If the headache is caused by the presence of a brain tumor, then it is persistent in nature and appears in the morning. Such pain may be accompanied by unrelieved vomiting.

Headache in infants is usually manifested by unreasonable crying (the scream is suffering, monotonous), agitation, profuse regurgitation, sleep disturbance, vomiting with a fountain. A large fontanelle protrudes above the level of the skull.

Children aged 1.5-2 years can already show where it hurts, they can complain of fatigue and ask to lie down. They pull their hands to their heads, scratch their faces, pull their hair.

Headache treatment in children

If the child has a mild headache, then you can help him by putting him to bed and creating a quiet environment. You can put a damp, cool towel on your head. With strong emotional stress, lemongrass or eleutherococcus helps. Useful will be ascorbic acid, taking soothing decoctions of herbs.

For more severe pain, you can give the child a drug based on ibuprofen.

But if headache attacks disturb the child quite often and are accompanied by other symptoms, then parents should definitely consult a doctor with the child. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary examinations. As a rule, blood, urine, feces tests, examinations by a neuropathologist, oculist, otolaryngologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, gynecologist (girls) and other specialists are prescribed. An X-ray or CT scan may also be required. In especially severe cases, the treatment of headache in children is carried out in a hospital.

Thus, a headache in children can be quite harmless and not require the intervention of a specialist. It is enough just to change the child's living conditions, adjust the regimen of his day, adjust the diet, and provide a favorable psychological environment. But in some cases, it can be a symptom of quite serious diseases that pose a danger to the life of the child, and therefore requires immediate medical attention.


The situation when a child has a headache does not always indicate the presence of organic or physiological problems. In half of the cases, this turns out to be a consequence of overwork or emotional stress, but you should not leave the symptom unattended. If older children complain of discomfort and can somehow describe them, then in the case of infants, everything is more difficult. Headache in an infant rarely goes unnoticed and is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. The health and well-being of the baby often depends on the care of parents. At the first sign of a problem, you should contact your pediatrician.

How to understand that the baby has a headache

Usually parents are able to understand at a glance if something is wrong with their child. Any negative changes in the behavior of the baby should be alarming. In childhood, even minor malfunctions in the functioning of systems and organs are quite dangerous, so if you suspect a problem, it is better to contact a professional.

You can suspect that an infant has a headache by the following signs:

  • prolonged crying, lack of response to the usual calming factors;
  • sleep disturbance, lethargy, capriciousness, decreased interest in the outside world;
  • violent negative reaction to touching the head;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • tilting the head back, the appearance of convulsions;
  • protrusion of veins on the surface of the skull;
  • poor appetite, refusal to eat, flatulence and other malfunctions of the digestive tract.

The above symptoms may be varying degrees expressiveness. Some children have a headache so severe that they involuntarily freeze, assuming a forced position, but do not cry. With meningitis, babies are so lethargic that they constantly sleep. They try not to open their eyes even while eating.

Why does a child often have a headache

The most common cause of headaches in adolescents and children over 5-6 years of age is physical or mental overwork.

When a symptom appears, one should not exclude the possibility of the presence of pathological processes in the body. If a child has a severe headache or persists for 1-2 days, you should consult a doctor for advice, even when the causes of the condition seem obvious.

ENT diseases

Children react particularly violently to chronic or acute diseases of the ears, throat and nose. The toxic effect of inflammatory processes on the body of minors negatively affects the membranes and tissues of the brain, causing intense and prolonged bouts of cephalalgia. It is enough to find out why the baby has a symptom, and eliminate the source of the problem with the help of specialized therapy. From about 3 years old, children begin to actively watch TV and play computer games. It can also cause intermittent or persistent headaches due to excessive eye strain.

Migraine in a child

The disease mainly occurs in children from 7 to 11 years old, girls are more often affected. With this disease, the back of the head hurts on one side or the temple, there may be a return to the eye area. Feelings are pronounced and pulsating, intensified under the influence of smells, bright light, loud sounds. At the peak of severe migraine pain, nausea appears. The vomiting that follows brings relief, after which the children usually fall asleep. Attacks last from half an hour to 4-5 hours.

Often in adolescents, a migraine headache does not hurt as much as in children 7-8 years old. This is due to the strengthening of the vascular walls and increasing their functionality. By the age of 18, adolescent migraine syndrome in most cases disappears or subsides to a minimum.

Learn more about childhood migraine.

brain tumors

Neoplasms can appear in a person of any age. Their formation and growth are accompanied by a headache, which is aggravated by sudden movements. The symptom is especially pronounced after morning awakening or afternoon sleep. The picture is complemented by nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. Depending on the location of the tumor, its type and size, other specific symptoms are added - from a decrease in the functions of individual organs and systems to mental disorders.

Meningitis in children

Inflammation of the meninges, provoked by a viral or bacterial infection, is always accompanied by a headache. The condition develops against the background of an increase in temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of a small patient. The child has pain in the back of the head or other parts of the skull. It is so strong that it forces a person to take a forced position - on his side, with his legs tucked in and his head thrown back. The baby reacts negatively to loud sounds and bright lights, touching the skin. If vomiting begins, it does not bring relief. Often a characteristic rash appears on the skin.

Tension headache in children

It is typical for kids 7-10 years old, can occur in adolescents. At this age, in almost 80% of cases of headache, such a diagnosis is made. Attacks occur against the background of mental or physical overstrain in the evenings, sensations are concentrated in the parietal or frontal parts of the skull. The symptom resembles strong pressure, disappears after rest. Frequent headaches in a child of 12 years and older are often the result of prolonged work at the computer, irregular TV viewing, and incorrect body position at the study table. Sometimes they occur against the background of curvature of the spine.

Poisoning in children

In cases where a child has a headache that occurs against the background of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea and is accompanied by weakness, food poisoning can be suspected. These symptoms are often accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, a deterioration in the general well-being of the baby. The pain in the head is acute and has no specific localization. Due to intense fluid loss, dehydration may develop. The patient should be given water frequently, in small portions.

Epilepsy in children

Headache that comes on suddenly, nightmares, sleepwalking, and rapid heart rate may be the primary symptoms of epilepsy.

As the disease develops, depending on the type of disease, additional signs will join. Pathology does not always proceed with an emphasis on convulsive seizures, so parents should carefully monitor the patient and note all changes in his condition.

At an early stage in the development of neurosis in children, there may be a decrease in attention, causeless irritability, mood swings, sleep problems, weakness even immediately after a good rest. If a child has a sharp headache against the background of the listed predisposing factors, this indicates the progression of the disease. The sensations are most often intense, unbearable. They can occur in response to a light touch on the head, a change in body position, brushing hair, or no reason at all.

Congenital malformations

If a child's eyes and head hurt for no apparent reason, this may be the result of abnormal development of cerebral vessels, the result of intrauterine hypoxia, birth trauma. The clinical picture is often accompanied by a delay in the physical and mental development of the baby, malfunctions in the work of internal organs, and a change in his psycho-emotional background.

VVD syndrome

In children aged 7-9 years, frequent and persistent headaches are often the result of changes in the tone of cerebral vessels. The risk group includes all children who are prone to overwork and stress.

In most cases, the cause of problems is oxygen starvation of the brain tissue. Because of it, the patient simultaneously has a headache and is tormented by yawning. In rare cases, the problem is provoked by diseases of the liver, kidneys or heart. As the emotional background stabilizes, the underlying ailment is eliminated, or the irritant is eliminated, the symptoms disappear.

What to do if your child has a headache

Headache in children is a serious symptom that should not be ignored or treated on its own. Regardless of the clinical picture and the severity of the problem, parents should consult a specialist. The pediatrician will either help the patient himself or collect a primary history and give a referral to the right doctor.

Single and mild headaches in adolescents and children can be relieved in the following ways:

  • conditions of complete rest are created, the influence of all possible irritants is stopped;
  • airing the room in combination with a cool compress well relieves the symptom caused by hypoxia;
  • with headache and nausea or vomiting, you can give the patient a warm drink;
  • in order to quickly and without health risks relieve headaches, the patient should be offered ascorbic acid in the form of tablets or tea with lemon;
  • decoctions of valerian and motherwort - drinks that relieve soreness against the background of fatigue, stress and overstrain;
  • when a child has both stomach and head pains, a cleansing enema can help. It is especially useful against the background of poisoning or prolonged constipation. The main thing is to maintain water balance in the child's body;
  • if the pain is mild but constant, the patient should walk more and temporarily stop playing computer games and watching TV.

You should not even think about what to give the patient or how to help the baby on your own if his head hurts suddenly and very badly. An increased danger is a symptom that increases with a change in body position or is accompanied by tinnitus. When signs of confusion appear, children immediately call an ambulance.

Prevention of headaches in children

The best way to prevent the development of an unpleasant symptom in a baby is to create a clear, but gentle daily routine for him. The correct alternation of periods of study and rest, regular walks, a normalized load on the eyes and nervous system will contribute to its development and health promotion.

If a child has a frequent or systematic headache, you need to:

  • reconsider the nutrition of the baby - it should be varied, rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • protect him from stressful situations, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • regularly ventilate the patient's room, harden it;
  • to diversify the lifestyle of a small person - his day should not be limited to study and games.

Cephalgia in childhood is a wake-up call even in cases where the symptom is not associated with organic or functional pathologies. Regular or persistent attacks of headache can reduce a person's quality of perception, change his mood and attitude towards others, cause neurosis and psychosis.

  • First, ask about the nature and location of the pain.
  • Secondly, to assess his condition and other complaints that were from the very beginning or appeared later.
  • Thirdly, you will have to analyze his entire schedule during the week - from morning to evening.

Main causes of headache

There are at least 50 reasons why children have headaches. They are conventionally divided into 3 types:

Primary cephalgia is the most common symptom in children. These include migraine, tension headache, cluster pain. Those. these are not dangerous causes of pain and are most often caused by overwork, dehydration, oxygen starvation, malnutrition or hunger, etc.

Secondary cephalgia. They are divided into 8 groups:

  • traumatic nature;
  • diseases of non-vascular structures in the cranial cavity;
  • infectious;
  • caused by various substances, drugs, as well as stopping their intake;
  • arising from a violation of the normal composition of the blood;
  • caused by disease of the facial and cranial structures;
  • associated with mental disorders.

Neuralgia of the cranial nerves, facial pain, other cephalgic syndromes.

In order not to overload you with information, we will carry out such a classification. Let's divide the reasons why a child has a headache into diseases:

  • benign, which rarely lead to life-threatening conditions.
  • in need of urgent care, which can lead to serious complications if diagnosis is not started within 24-48 hours.
  • requiring emergency (in the next few minutes) measures - directly threatening life.

Causes of a "non-dangerous" headache

These diseases cause cephalalgia in a child most often. This includes:

  • tension headache;
  • cluster headache;
  • cephalgia with intoxication;
  • taking certain heart medications;
  • headache associated with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • pain caused by short-term intoxication (for example, when inhaling the smell of certain flowers, fumes from wood-shaving, plastic, carpet products). Usually in this case.

If the child often complains of a headache that is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, evaluate the conditions when it occurs:

Migraine is when the headache:

  • passes after sleep;
  • develops after the student did not have time to eat in the morning or at school;
  • appears after lack of sleep or physical activity;
  • may develop after eating chocolate, nuts, cheese, citrus fruits;
  • arises "for the weather";
  • felt in half of the head - in the forehead and temple, around the eye, can begin in the occipital region, then move to the temple and forehead;
  • appears after an attack of weakness, bad mood, increased sensitivity to sounds and smells, weakness in the limbs, "flies", goosebumps, distortion of the shape of objects;
  • coincides with menstruation.

In younger children, migraine develops more often in the afternoon, with the first attacks, the head hurts on both sides. After puberty, attacks develop in the morning, affecting one half of the head.

Tension headache - this is pain of a pressing or squeezing nature, felt on both sides of the head. Feeling such pain, the child will say that “as if a tight hat or helmet was put on his head.” This symptom appears:

  • after excessive workload at school;
  • after a long stay in a stuffy room;
  • after emotional stress, for example, after the control;
  • after prolonged sitting at a table or at a desk in an uncomfortable position;
  • after a long "communication" with gadgets.

Tension headache is not aggravated by physical exertion, only by mental exertion. Therefore, there is even a separate term “pain on September 8”: when a child, who was resting on vacation, returns to school, then by the eighth day of increased stress, his head starts to hurt.

cluster headache is another diagnosis. Its characteristics are the following:

  • she is strong;
  • felt in one side of the head - always;
  • repeats in the form of attacks lasting 15-180 minutes - no more;
  • attacks go one after another with a certain frequency (from several weeks to several months);
  • after a series of attacks there is a period of calm;
  • accompanied by anxiety, aggression;
  • at the same time, half of the nose is always stuffed up, or, conversely, a lot of snot is released from one nostril;
  • during an attack, sweat is released on one side of the forehead and face;
  • reddening of the eye on the side of the headache.

Children who suffer from this type of cephalalgia usually have an athletic build. Doctors note that they also have a common character trait: indecision in making decisions.

A short video about the causes of headaches in children

Komarovsky's video "Why does a child often complain of a headache"

Scheme of the main causes of headache, depending on the localization

Causes of headache depending on location. Click 2 times to enlarge.

Causes of headache that require urgent diagnosis

We include conditions such as:

  • sinusitis;
  • scoliosis of the cervical region;
  • Arnold-Chiari syndrome;
  • the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (liquorrhea) through the nose or ear, when the cause of cephalgia is too low intracranial pressure;
  • idiopathic (for unknown reasons) increased intracranial pressure.

When you can not waste time on diagnostics at home

  1. Stroke . Everyone heard that he is now “younger”. It's true: doctors diagnose hemorrhages in the subarachnoid space and soaking the brain substance with blood even in infants. Sometimes this happens as a result of a head injury, sometimes spontaneously, if there are incorrectly connected vessels inside the skull, and the child is also nervous.
  2. Meningitis. No less terrible diagnoses, accompanied by cephalgia, are meningitis and encephalitis. And they are often not accompanied by some kind of rash on the skin.
  3. Tumors of the brain. Quite rare in childhood, but a brain tumor can develop. It can grow and compress neighboring structures, causing a gradual increase in intracranial pressure. The tumor can disintegrate - then there are symptoms that do not differ much from a stroke.
  4. Occlusive hydrocephalus- a condition when the cerebrospinal fluid cannot normally go beyond the cranial cavity, and overflows the ventricles of the brain.
  5. Dissection of the wall of the vertebral or carotid artery.
  6. Vascular diseases: thrombosis of one of the venous sinuses, moyamoya disease, vascular anomalies, vasculitis.
  7. Arterial hypertension, including malignant (when the pressure almost does not decrease under the influence of drugs).
  8. Hypoxia is a condition where there is not enough oxygen in the blood. Acute hypoxia develops against the background of acute pneumonia, poisoning with tissue poisons (including cyanides), and heart disease. Chronic - with chronic heart and respiratory diseases, heart defects, bronchial asthma.
  9. Hypercapnia is an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This is possible with carbon monoxide poisoning, bronchostatus (a severe attack of bronchial asthma), a panic attack.
  10. Traumatic brain injury.

All these diseases should be noticed as early as possible. And call a doctor right away.

Look out for these symptoms:

  • a sharp headache (as if struck with a dagger) or one that gains maximum intensity in less than a minute;
  • nonsense, inadequacy;
  • when your head hurts and you feel sick, most often with fever, usually after a cold;
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • convulsions against the background of a headache, which can occur both at elevated temperatures and without it;
  • drowsiness due to headache;
  • slurred speech;
  • severe headache: the child lies in a forced position, does not show enthusiasm for offers to play, watch cartoons;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • severe hearing or vision impairment;
  • weakness in the limbs on one side up to their paralysis;
  • the appearance of any rash on the body in combination with a headache;
  • cephalalgia against the background of symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing when breathing, heart rhythm disturbance, chest pain, feeling that the heart "turns over";
  • headache after a head injury or stress;
  • if the head constantly hurts, while the child has lost weight for no reason;
  • cephalgia is aggravated in a certain position, as well as when coughing, straining, sneezing.

We determine the cause of pain by the leading symptom

Let's highlight the main symptom that will let you know what disease you are most likely to encounter:

no temperature With temperature


With intoxication.Then it appears on the background:
  • or colds;
  • or (if against the background of full health) - when you are in a room where there is chipboard, artificial carpets, plastic products, flowers with a pungent smell
Frontitis: begins to hurt in the frontal part against the background of a cold or after it. Cephalgia aggravated by leaning forward

intracranial hypertension. Very strong, bursting character, gives to the temples, sometimes to the eye area

Increases after running, somersaults, prolonged exposure to the sun, tilting your head down

Accompanied by vomiting: initially after food, drugs, fluids, then occurring on its own, without nausea

Head and eyes hurt


It captures half the head, is located in the forehead and temple, around the eye, can begin in the occipital region, then move to the temple and forehead.

Important: the side of the pain changes during attacks. If it always hurts on one side, rule out a brain tumor!

Sinusitis: frontal sinusitis, spheno-or ethmoiditis; possible inflammation of several sinuses at once (pansinusitis)

The pain syndrome is especially strong when waking up, aggravated by bending over, shaking the head, blowing your nose

Cluster cephalgia

Strong, always in the same direction, accompanied by anxiety, aggression.

Accompanied by nasal congestion or runny nose, forehead / face sweating, lacrimation, redness of the eye. Lasts 15-180 minutes.

Influenza, less often other acute respiratory viral infections

Accompanied by aching muscles, bones, runny nose

Paroxysmal hemicrania

Pain sensations are localized on one side, last 2-30 minutes, accompanied by redness of the eye, congestion of the nostrils on the side of pain, sweating of the forehead and face - on the side of cephalalgia.

It differs from cluster cephalgia only in the short duration of the attack.


This is a severe headache, accompanied by nausea outside of meals, sometimes with a rash. Occurs mainly after cold symptoms

Short-term unilateral neuralgic pain

They have the same symptoms - redness of the eyelid, nasal congestion / runny nose, swelling of the eyelid from the side of pain - as with cluster syndrome and with paroxysmal hemicrania.

The difference from them is that all attacks are different in time.

It is characterized by tingling sensations, lasts for several seconds, can manifest itself as one prick or several pricks.


The child does not see well what is written on the blackboard. Cephalgia occurs after a day of hard work at school

Inflammatory eye diseases

(iritis, iridocyclitis, herpes zoster in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve)

Lachrymation, pain when opening the eye, in connection with which it constantly tries to close, swelling of the eyelid


It starts to hurt after a long load on the organ of vision: reading, watching cartoons

Glaucoma attack

The eye not only hurts, it feels pressure. After this, cephalgia may begin, which is accompanied by the appearance of "flies", blurred vision, vomiting, slowing of the heartbeat, chills.

Pain in the temple area

Cluster cephalgia

Purulent otitis media

The pain extends to the ear, discharge is noted from it. Pain shooting, stabbing, throbbing

Paroxysmal hemicrania


The pain began in the ear, captured the temporal and parietal region. Swelling and redness below the ear

Tension headache

May be accompanied by pain in the heart, abdomen, joints. It is combined with the appearance of fear, a feeling of fatigue, sleep disturbance and appetite.

Primary stabbing headache

The back of the head hurts


Pain appears after stress, overexertion, negative emotions

May be accompanied by nausea, noise in the ears or head, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes

Meningitis, encephalitis

Decreased intracranial pressure

Localized in the crown and occiput. Increases with jumping, coughing, walking, increases during the day

It becomes easier when lowering the head down, bending the head forward, lying without a pillow

cervical scoliosis

Headache and dizziness

Basilar migraine

It occurs in girls of older school age. Manifested as a throbbing pain with blurred vision, tinnitus, staggering, goosebumps in the arms and legs, dizziness


The headache is severe, accompanied by nausea. Occurs during or after a cold

Tension headache Any infectious disease with severe intoxication

Headache and nausea

Migraine Any infectious disease accompanied by intoxication: tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis

Abdominal migraine - throbbing paroxysmal pain in the midline of the abdomen. Their intensity is medium. Duration - from 1 hour to 3 days. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting

Observed at the age of 5-10 years


In this case, the pain is very severe.

Tension headache

Stomach and head ache


Intestinal infection, accompanied by intoxication

Most likely diarrhea and/or vomiting

Abdominal migraine

Enteroviral meningitis

Occurs in August-September, most often after a trip to the sea. May be accompanied by diarrhea

First aid for children with headaches

  • ventilate the room more often;
  • to put a sandwich, a cookie and an apple to his school;
  • make sure that he does not sit at the gadgets;
  • immediately after waking up, do gymnastics, jogging;
  • make sure that he sleeps at least 9 hours a day;
  • be sure to feed him daily with fresh vegetables and fruits.

When an attack occurs, use simple recipe: Make the baby a quiet and darkened room, put a damp cloth soaked in cold water on the forehead. The child will sleep, and he will feel better. Just first make sure that there are no dangerous symptoms.

What can children do for headaches? The only headache pills for children are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Nothing else can be taken without a doctor's prescription. Even if you are sure that he has a migraine, it is very dangerous to give drugs with ergot alkaloids without medical permission!