My story with my nephew in the country. Story - Sergei Yesenin "Summer holidays"

The sun had not yet risen, and Mishka was already at Badger Forest. There, about three kilometers from the village, stood an empty house of Serogonians. Mishka made another walk to the village, dragged fishing tackle and, returning back, covered his tracks with spruce branches.

Now he felt safe, flooded the hot potbelly stove, boiled potatoes, ate with appetite.

The sun was already high when he went to the river to set up tops. From the high bank, the indescribable beauty of the forest river, covered with snow, opened up. The bear stood for a long time, as if spellbound, admiring the sparkling winter world. On the opposite side of the river, on a steep bank, there was a snow-covered, two-story dacha, cut into two floors from selected wood, by the former director of the timber industry, and now a tough businessman, a timber merchant. Its windows were decorated with ornate carvings, and a spacious bathhouse clung to the river below. The cottage was not yet inhabited. When Mishka left for St. Petersburg, craftsmen from the city built a fireplace in the upper room, and finished the rooms. Now there was no one here. And Mishka even thought that it would be nice for him to live at this dacha until spring. Anyway, until the snow melts, the owners will not get here. But he was immediately frightened by this thought, remembering that the police should be hunting for him.

He went down to the river, cut the ice across the channel with an ax, filled the hole with spruce branches so that the fish could pass only in one place, and cut a wide wormwood under the top.

Soon he had already finished his work and went to the hut to rest from his labors. The hut was small and cramped. But there was a special forest comfort in it. Mishka threw spruce branches on the bunk and collapsed in all his clothes on the odorous resinous bedding, rejoicing at the peace he had finally found.

Mishka woke up from strange sounds that filled the forest. It seemed that aliens landed in the Badger Forest, producing incredible, rumbling, shaking sounds of century-old pines. The bear fell off the bunk, stepped out the door of the hut.

Confused, confused, confused! - thundered and howled in the forest. - Night butterfly, but who is to blame here?

The music came from the river. The bear carefully walked towards the shore. Cars were parked at the director's dacha, thick smoke rose from the chimneys to the sky, the bathhouse was heated, the doors slammed, music blared to the fullest, and now and then bursting girlish laughter could be heard.
Mishka's heart began to beat uneasily. He hid behind the bushes and, holding back the excitement that had risen to his throat, began to observe what was happening ...

He saw how a cheerful company descended to the bathhouse. In front of them walked the director of their timber industry, followed by three long-legged girls, stumbling off the beaten path into the snow and squealing, followed by some other large, thoroughbred men. Soon the bath was full of steam.

From within it came the gasp of the stove, muffled laughter and moaning.

Finally, the doors of the dressing room flung open, and the whole merry company fell naked onto the pure virgin snow. Mishkin's director, shaking his pendulous belly, as if a wild boar was piercing the fluffy snow with his steamed pink body, dragging the company to the river, right into the wormwood, where Mishkin's top stood.

Three depicted girls were on the ice, just opposite Mishka's little fungus. It seemed as if you could reach out and take each one.
From this closeness and the sight of naked girlish bodies, Mishka, who involuntarily lived in strict abstinence, felt dizzy, and his face blazed with an unbearable heat of shame and unknown forbidden passion.

As if drunk, he got up, and, staggering, wandered to his wretched haven. And from behind teased and beckoned exciting girlish laughter and joyful squealing...

In the hut of the tar-smelters, he again fired up the stove, drank tea with lingonberry leaves and lay down on his bunk, sighing sadly over his dissolute worthless life, which now, after the morning announcement on the radio, has completely become devoid of any meaning.

The bear was left without parents early. Mother drowned on an alloy, father got drunk. They say that the wrong coil was installed at the moonshine still. It was necessary from stainless steel, and Bartholomew put copper. That's why the moonshine turned out to be poisonous.

No one in this life loved Mishka. After the craft, he walked with the girl and even kissed, and as he left for the army, his love immediately jumped out to marry a coven worker who had come from Transcarpathia and drove off with him forever.

And after the army there was work in the forest, and booze on the weekends. He was a prominent and kind guy, but there were no girls nearby, only guys remained in Vyselki, the girls all dispersed to the cities. Here you will get drunk! It would be better for him to be born a grandmother Sanya's goat! I would sit on the stove and eat peeled potatoes. Look, he's cold in his office!

Mishka felt so unbearably sorry for himself that a burning tear boiled in his eyes and fell into a spruce branch.

At night, he left the hut, the same song thundered in the country house and echoed a hundred times over the Badger Forest:

"Confused, confused, confused,
Night butterfly, but who is to blame here?

Centuries-old pines shuddered under the impact of decibels and poured snow sparkling under the light of the moon from the tops. The moon shone like a spotlight. Radiant stars shone in the vast heavenly abyss, and the night was as bright as day.

The bear, like a magnet, was drawn again to the dacha, music and fun. And he went there under the pretext of rechecking the top. She could be shot down when diving into an ice hole, or even pulled onto the ice.

The director's dacha sparkled with lights. On the banks of the bank, Mishka saw in the wide windows her fabulous feast, laden with all sorts of dishes. Someone was dancing, someone was already sleeping in an armchair. Suddenly the doors of the dacha burst open, throwing out a flurry of music and electric radiance into the frosty purity of the night.

Mishka saw someone jump out in a fiery halo onto the porch, rushed down into the darkness, the steps creaked on the eel, and in the moonlight ghostly light on the ice of the river he saw a girl, one of those three that were here during the day. She ran to the blackened polynya, in which the icy streams of the wakeful river twisted, and threw herself on her knees in front of her.

Mishka has never seen such beautiful girls. Her hair was loose over her shoulders, her high breasts heaved heavily, and tears flowed down her beautiful face.

The country doors opened again, and a man came out onto the porch:

Margot! he shouted imperiously. “Do you hear? Come back! Apparently, he called the girl, who was now kneeling in front of the hole.
- Mala! - he repeated insistently, - Malka! Get home. I'm tired of waiting.

The girl did not answer. Mishka heard only quiet sobs. The man trampled on the porch, swore and went back. The girl whispered something and made a movement towards the hole.

Mishka felt unbearably sorry for her. He jumped out of the bushes and in an instant was next to the girl.

No need! - he said in a wooden voice. - It's deep here. The girl raised her head.
- Who are you? she asked absently. She smelled of expensive perfumes, wine and foreign tobacco.
"Mishka," he said excitedly.
- Are you local?
- I live here. In the forest, - Mishka answered in the same wooden way. The girl lowered her head again.
- I'm Margo. Or Mala. Putana.
- It's a stripper, or what?
-Well no. Putana.

Mishka did not know the meaning of these words and decided that the prostitute was the name of the girl.

You, this, do not stand on your knees on the ice, - Mishka warned. - Otherwise you will catch a cold.

The girl suddenly began to cry, and her shoulders trembled slightly. Mishka, suppressing his embarrassment, took her by the elbows and placed her next to him.

Do you hear, Mishka, - she suddenly said and raised her beautiful eyes full of grief at him. - Take me away from here. Somewhere.
And Mishka suddenly felt that the former Mishka was gone, that he was now completely in the grip of those sorrowful eyes. And that he is ready to do whatever she says.

My feet are cold, she said. Warm my knees. The bear sat down and clasped his elastic knees with his unbending arms.
Mali. Her feet were bare and cold. The bear bent over them, began to warm them with his breath.

Let's go, - she said quickly. - Take me away from here as soon as possible ...

They climbed up the path into the hill. Unexpectedly for himself, Mishka easily picked her up in his arms and carried her to his forest winter hut. And she wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggled close to Mishka's chest, clothed in a sweatshirt that smelled of smoke and needles, and fell silent.
When Mishka reached the hut, the girl was already deeply asleep.

He laid her carefully on the bunks covered with spruce branches and sat down by the window, listening to the unknown feelings that had settled in his soul half an hour ago, but had already taken root as if he had lived with these feelings forever and would continue to live like that forever.
Malya breathed a little audibly. The night was bright as day. The moon shone brightly outside the window.

The swallows flew high that day. It's a good sign that it didn't rain today. Yes, and where could he come from, if the sky from horizon to horizon was clear and filled with such a radiant blue that I wanted to get off the ground and soar with the swallows there - far away into the sky, moving away from reality, worries and everything that this mortal life. And I don’t want to think about anything, I just want to feel, absorb this blueness like a sponge and understand that everything that people have pored over and racked their brains over is really very simple ... But they haven’t come up with words to describe it yet and only remain silent and in loneliness admire and think to yourself “so this is what it is - happiness ...” ...

About such thoughts flashed through Olga's head when she blissfully stretched out in a deck chair, substituted her body for the hot July sunbeams. For the third day she had been visiting her sister Lena's dacha, who, having learned about her unsuccessful vacation in Egypt, kindly invited her to her place. Olin's husband, who had the imprudence to lose the vouchers that had been prepared for so long, was exiled to corrective agricultural work at the dacha and now, instead of beach sand, he trampled the beds with potatoes, rejoicing in his soul that he got off so easily ... Olga, having firmly decided to have a normal rest at least this summer, willingly made company to her sister and her son Alexei.
The weather, fortunately, was excellent. The entire seasonal supply of rains poured out, it seems that back in May, and now July pleased with warmth and sun. In the village where Lena had a dacha, it was simply not overcrowded - everyone was in a hurry to finally escape from the stuffy, hot city into nature. Olya imagined with horror what would happen if she had to travel by train in the old fashioned way - just horror! Thank God that there was a car, and even more so that it had air conditioning, otherwise she simply would not have lived to see her happy moment ...
The beach near the river, where they all went together, was teeming with people like an anthill, everyone tried to snatch their portion of water and light, here and there numerous eateries smoked with barbecue grills, urging vacationers to give a damn about the figure and get a good dose of cholesterol flavored with an even more impressive dose of alcohol dubious origin ... In short - the summer season was in full swing.
Having managed to walk and swim a lot in the previous couple of days, Olga decided to arrange a passive rest for herself that day, completely devoting herself to wallowing in the sun and reading the book of her beloved Chase. And now, having settled down in a deck chair more comfortably, for several hours she had substituted her body under the gentle rays of the summer sun. And her body, despite her 37 years, was still very personal ... Apparently, systematic swimming lessons and going to the gym had an effect, but the men on the street turned around after her, just like twenty years ago. Age only gave her a certain charm, which happens only in adult women who have seen life and know their own worth. In any case, Olya was not deprived of male attention, although she tried not to abuse it. For all 18 years of marriage, she allowed herself only 4 fleeting romances on the side, which for a woman with her data was just a feat.
Lazy thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a melodic trill coming from somewhere from the veranda.
- Linen! Come, it seems your mobile is beeping! - Olga shouted to her sister, who was watering a flower bed.
- I'm going now! Damn them, who else would need me there! ' she said with displeasure and ran into the house.
For several minutes, slurred words were heard from there, with a very dissatisfied intonation, after which Lena appeared on the porch with a sour expression on her face.
- Here are the goats! - She spat angrily at her feet, - Well, it was necessary that these clubs from my department were so inopportunely and all at once got sick! Damn… Now I have to go to work, I’m the only one left in the department…
- How long? - Olga asked sadly.
- Fuck knows! How to get ... Maybe for a couple of days, or maybe for a month. I do not know…
- Shit...
- Yeah ... Ambush. You look after the house and Lesha until I sort out the situation, okay? I'll call you later on the mobile to clarify.
- Sure, not a problem! - Olya nodded, - come back soon, while the weather is still standing - I will wait! You call, I'm always in touch.
And Lena, swearing to herself with displeasure, went to change. She did not collect back the already scattered bags, she just threw the most necessary things into the back seat and, saying goodbye once again to her son and Olya, disappeared in the clouds of road dust raised by her “golf”.
After seeing her sister, Olga returned to the house.
- Lesha! When will you have lunch? she called to her nephew from the window.
- Yes, it's too early for Aunt Olya! Probably by three o'clock ..., - he replied.
“Well, okay,” she thought, “then I’ll go and sunbathe a little, there’s still a car ...”. And having changed into her new swimsuit, Olya went to her familiar place, taking a bottle of Sprite from the refrigerator.
Lesha met the appearance of his aunt in a new swimsuit with genuine interest. He had liked her for a long time and was main character his youthful dreams, and now seeing her dressed in only two narrow strips of fabric and covered with an even layer of tan, he generally went crazy. At the age of 16, nature was already giving its own with might and main, but he paid special attention not to peers, whom he considered to be at least beautiful, but fools, but to women much older than himself. He was attracted by their mature beauty and experience, he was ready to give everything, just to be in bed with one of them. And Aunt Olya ... She was the ultimate dream for him. Thousands of times, in his fantasies, he fucked her, thousands of times he masturbated thinking about her, and from the mere thought of this woman, the member was filled with strength and rushed out ...
Such attention, of course, could not escape the trained eye of the object of Lesha's desires. Olya had been looking with interest for a long time at how this boy turned on from his mere presence. And now, exhausted by the hot sun and in a frivolous mood, she decided to play with him a little.
Lying down comfortably so that he could see her well, she took a relaxed pose and, in order to provoke him, erotically ran her fingers over her thighs, tummy, then slightly wrinkled her breasts and let out such a long sigh that Lesha's hand involuntarily reached for swollen swimming trunks. Olya noticed this out of the corner of her eye, got up and, with the gait of a fashion model, defiled past him to the veranda, where, sticking out her ass, she began to slowly delve into her purse. From the sight of Olya's buttocks, Lesha began to quietly go crazy and, in order not to end right here, began to stroke the standing member with a stake until his aunt saw him.
Olya, having enjoyed the effect produced, swaying her hips in the same way, returned to her place and, stretching sweetly, called:
- Lesha! Can I have you for a second?
He shuddered and jerking his hand away from his trunks replied:
- Yes, of course Aunt Olya! Now! - and torn apart by a lot of conflicting feelings, he approached her.
- Lesh, can I ask you a favor? Could you rub some sunscreen on my back, it makes me uncomfortable? - with an innocent expression she asked, Unless of course it's difficult for you ... - she added with an angelic smile.
The guy just took his breath away from such an offer. And so he was always looking for an opportunity to at least briefly touch the object of his desires, and here she lies in front of him almost naked and offers it to him herself!
- Of course Aunt Ol! - he squeezed out a voice hoarse from excitement, - I will do as you wish ...
Thanks Leshenka! - Olga gave him a smile, - Hold the cream and rub it evenly into the back, from the shoulders and below ...
Olya rolled over on her back, and the guy squeezed out a little cream with trembling hands and began to massage her shoulders, exulting in his soul with delight. His hands gently walked along her neck, shoulders, back. Caressing the elastic tanned skin, Lesha mentally imagined himself with her ... How he spreads her legs, how he enters her ... How sweetly she will moan when he puts his piston hot from overexcitation into her ...
He was brought out of his sweet thoughts by his aunt's voice.
- Leshenka, does the ribbon bother you? Maybe I'd better take it off for you to be more comfortable?
And he did not have time to come to his senses as Olya had already got rid of her bra and was lying in front of him in her panties. Despite the fact that she was lying on her stomach, Lesha managed to catch a glimpse of her beautiful breasts and was stunned by such a sight. Olga, as if nothing had happened, stretched out under his arms and only quietly, like a cat, purred, which brought him into indescribable delight and confusion.
The guy's hands stroked her back without missing a single millimeter and gradually descended lower and lower. Having reached the waist, he hesitated, not knowing whether it was possible to continue further, but Holguin's voice dispelled his doubts.
- Leshenka, why did you stop? Keep going, I love the way you do it!
Inspired by these words, he continued and his hands touched Olya's elastic buttocks. Massaging them, he realized that he could no longer stand it, he felt a hot wave roll over him and his mind refused to listen to him. In order to at least somehow ease this pain in the groin, Lyosha, losing the remnants of his mind, pressed his bulging tubercle against his aunt's thigh. This was the last straw that overflowed the fragile bowl of balance, and he, unable to restrain himself any longer, violently finished right in his swimming trunks.
Olga felt a sticky hot spot on her thigh and turned around. Lyosha, not knowing what to do with himself from shame, tried to run away, but his aunt grabbed his hand tightly.
- Oh, you're my boy! So why did you endure all this time? I could do all this much nicer ...
And getting up from the deck chair, Olya pulled the boy to her. He did not know what to say, his knees were trembling, his eyes were buried in the ground, and an unambiguous spot was blurring on his swimming trunks. Olga imperiously seated him next to her, hugged him by the shoulders, and before he had time to come to his senses, she had already pulled off his panties.
- Do not be embarrassed Leshenka, I understand everything. I can see how you look at me! , Olya gently stroked the boy's hair, - Yes, and I also really like you, so why don't we make each other nice?
He listened to his aunt and could not believe that this was not a dream, and in the meantime she put her hand between his legs and felt his dignity. The guy's groin was covered in semen from a recent eruption, but that didn't bother her. Olya took the penis in her hand and began to gently massage, roll the testicles, pull the skin on the head ... The penis began to swell under this caress and Olga, seeing this, knelt down in front of Lesha.
He sat afraid to move and did not believe that this was happening in reality. His wildest dreams came true - his aunt stands naked on her knees in front of him and gives him a blowjob! His head was just spinning and the guy was just afraid to breathe, so as not to frighten away the happiness that suddenly fell on him. His fingers convulsively dug into the edge of the deck chair, only sweet moans sometimes escaped from his lips, which he simply could not contain.
And Olya, meanwhile, was having fun with his dignity. Her tongue first touched the head a little, then walked along the entire length, to the very testicles, rolled them a little and returned again to the head. Lips gently touched the pouring power of the prick, kissed her, and now she had already disappeared in her mouth. Playing with her tongue, Olya slowly inserted the penis into her mouth, trying not to miss a single vein on it, licked her swollen veins, sucked him like a delicious candy ...
Lyosha, moaning, put his hands on the back of his aunt's head and drew her head to him. Now the member entered her mouth to its full length and Olga began to suck it evenly, smacking her lips and caressing her testicles with her free hand. Lyosha, unable to restrain himself, took his aunt by the hair and began to roughly put her head on his dick. A member with a loud smack went deep into her throat, Olya choked on it and swallowed convulsively, which gave the guy even more pleasure. The dick was covered in her saliva and entered faster and faster ... Lyosha furiously fucked his aunt in the mouth, and she only moaned muffledly and squeezed his tensed hips with her hands. The head was dangling like a rag doll, the movements became sharper and rougher, and finally a hot wave covered the guy and he shot her in the mouth with a good portion of thick hot sperm ...
Olga almost choked when she received such a fountain in her mouth. She swallowed it so as not to choke, part of it flowed from her lips and dripped onto her chest and stomach, flowed between her legs ... Hot streams, tickling the skin, ran down her body, lingering on the nipples, flowed down to her thighs, flowed into her panties. Lyosha groaned with relief and released Olya's hair and blissfully leaned back. Olga, sitting next to her, took a deep breath, smearing the streaks of sperm with her hand.
- Oh, aunt! You were just great! I don’t even know what to say…” the guy said blissfully.
- You clever! - Olga answered with a smile, - But we have not finished yet. Now it's your turn to please me.
Lyosha got up in readiness. Olya pulled off her panties and lay down in front of him on the back, spreading her legs wide.
- Let's see what your tongue is capable of! Come on, don't be shy! and she smiled invitingly.
The guy knelt down and brought his lips to her hot, opened to meet him slit. Olga put her hands on the back of his head and drew him closer. Lyosha touched her cleft with his lips, licked it with his tongue, walked over swollen lips that fluttered like rose petals. The tongue touched the clitoris and Olya groaned sweetly, pressing the boy's head to her a little stronger. He grabbed the clitoris with his lips and began to gently massage and suck on it. The aunt breathed harder, the strangled moans turned the guy on and he, emboldened, ran his tongue even deeper into the pussy. He licked her like a cat grabbing a bowl of valerian, his mouth full of spicy moisture. Aunt flowed like a bitch, and he greedily swallowed her juices, never ceasing to lick and suck ...
And then a sweet cramp pierced Olya's body. As if an electric current ran through her and she, pressing the boy's head tightly to her, violently finished. She had not experienced this for a long time, no one had ever licked her with such enthusiasm as her 16 year old nephew. Olya writhed and screamed as if it were the first time, waves of orgasm pounded her body one by one, expelling more and more moans from it. This went on for perhaps several minutes, until she was satisfied and let go of the boy's head. He literally fell at her feet, taking a breath, as she had ten minutes earlier and licking the remnants of her juices from his lips.
- You're just a miracle! - Olga smiled blissfully, stroking the boy on the head, - But that's not all, right? I know there's a lot more you'd like to try - so why waste the moment?
She helped him to sit down next to her and began to gently stroke the young tanned body, play with his cock, which had already begun to tense up, and stroke it a little. He, too, having grown bolder, began to touch his aunt wherever he had dreamed before. He took her elastic, the third size, breasts in the palm of his hand, kneaded them, kissed her reddened and hardened nipples with excitement. He stroked her belly, hips, spread her legs, touched her bosom, ran his finger along the delicate petals, penetrated a little deeper. He kissed her obedient lips, on which the taste of his sperm was still preserved, their tongues intertwined together and feeling that he was ready for battle again, Lesha hugged his aunt, threw her on her back and sat on top.
Olga smiled invitingly spread her legs and took his cock in her hand, helping to enter. And then a pleasant warmth enveloped the youthful dick, when the cave of his aunt took him into herself. Olya put her hands on his buttocks and began to gently set the pace. At first, the member plunged softly and slowly, savoring every curve of the cherished bosom, entering to its full length and leaving again. Having got used to it, Lesha moved faster, the movements became sharper, breasts swayed in time with the jolts before his eyes, and sweet moans flew from the parted female lips. The groans only turned on the excited young man more and he, having forgotten about everything, took the maximum pace. An animal growl escaped his lips when he forgot about everything and hard fucked his aunt, who had already switched from moaning to screaming. Her body beat with a sweet cramp to the beat of the cock, Olga had already lost count of orgasms, they seemed to have merged into one, turning into a single continuous stream of pleasure. Having lost her head, she began to frantically shake her ass and shout:
- More Lesha! More! Moreeeeeee…

Olga woke up from an incomprehensible buzzing above her ear. Opening her eyes with difficulty, she discovered the reason - a phone rolling around the bedside table on a vibrating alert. Lyosha, who had had enough of the day, snored peacefully nearby. “How many visits we made yesterday,” Olya tried to remember with a smile, “I would never have thought that one person, especially a teenager, is capable of so many times a day!”
She went out with the phone to the veranda and pressed the receive button.
- Hi Lena! ……. Yes, everything went well, as promised. …. What are you talking about - he turned out to be a giant, so, as they say, a bottle from me! …. No, no problem, someone else….. …. Well, that's right - I'd rather do it than some kind of snot in the gateway .... ……. Well, perhaps come the day after tomorrow, I think he will just run out of steam. ….. Aha! Only you won't mind if I borrow it from you sometimes? I didn’t even have this in my youth, but I have to break away at least in my old age! …. Yeah, well, that's all for now sister! We are waiting for you.

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Vernor VINGE COOKIE MONSTER If you can't remember the circumstances of yesterday in the morning, you want to put the blame on a stormy evening. Well, what if it's not? Elena KHAETSKAYA BUGGO AND THE PIRATES It is not the first time for the reader of the magazine to travel on the spaceship "Swallow", led by the staunch captain Buggo Aneo. But this time the flight will be much more dangerous. FRANK ROGER GRANDMA'S JOURNEY TO THE MOON The moon is a hell of a lot of shopping if you don't know. And the prices, by the way, are quite reasonable. Terry McGurry RAPID Strange secrets are tricky things. And when in...

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First, a riot on board deprives Captain Barret of the ship, then the thirst for gold and the card won at the dice make him set off in search of the lost city of the Aztecs. However, did the bones fall by accident? The ancient gods of the Indian land, tempting strangers, play their own game. On the islands of the Caribbean, adventurers of all nations seek to snatch their share of the treasures of the New World. English and French pirates go out to sea fishing. Secret agents of Spain faithfully serve the king. Heretics and witches burn at the stake of the Inquisition. And only mysterious...

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Charmaine Baker is forced to look after an old sick wizard whom she has never seen in her life. It might be an easy task, but living in an enchanted house is not a fun picnic or child's play. After all, Uncle William is better known as the Royal Wizard of Upper Norland and his house warps space and time. One and the same door can lead to any place - to the bedroom, to the kitchen, to the caves under the mountain, and even to the past ... Opening this door, Charmain finds himself in a whirlpool of adventures, in which a magical dog is involved ...

I will immediately warn you that this story is real, which means that there will be no bright porn revelations here, but it will simply be what happened one summer, when I was about 14 years old, in the 89th year. It was, as I said, in the summer. My mother and I came to the village to visit her older sister Lena, my aunt. Then she was 34-35 years old.

We've been coming here every year for as long as I can remember. Therefore, for Lena, I was something like a son, because she did not have her own children. She was once married, but then divorced, and I don’t even remember her husband. Worked as an accountant. She was slightly plump, of medium height, in a word, completely ordinary. And as a woman, I did not perceive her until that summer - just an aunt.

One day, while rummaging through a closet, I came across a tattered book. It was called "The Borgia Family". Already from the first page, I realized what a godsend this was for me - still, such a vigorous "literature" (then a lot of this began to be published - perestroika - and the people, as they say, fell for strawberries). At that time, I myself had no sexual experience at all, and I was left with only erotic fantasies about girls from my class and masturbation. And only after a couple of days I thought - how did this thing get here? The solution, of course, was obvious - it was read by my aunt, the same aunt who had previously seemed to me something sexless. So, she also had a need for what I lacked so much!

I did not take any active actions (and what could I take) - I had enough new fantasies in abundance. But one day my aunt, who, of course, perceived me as a little boy, asked me to give her a massage - we often played like that in past years. "Aha!" - you say, - "No further, we already know what he will write now! I planted my twenty-centimeter one, and she howled and finished. How, how!". Well no. I just stroked her on the back, but could not distract myself from the beginning hollow between the buttocks, which slightly protrudes beyond the sweatpants (Lena usually wore them). A couple of times I ran my finger over it, and my heart was beating wildly. I don’t know what she felt during all this, but she didn’t ask me for more massage.

Further more. Once, when we all went to the river near the village to sunbathe, she, lying on her stomach, unbuttoned the harnesses of her swimsuit, and for the first time in my life I saw a real female breast, not all, of course, but only from the side, but for me it was a revelation. I could not help but tickle her chest with a blade of grass, as if playing. Lena pretended not to notice.

After all this, I finally moved on. The thought that there was a real, living woman nearby haunted me constantly. To make matters worse, we slept in the next room. I started spying on how she changes before going to bed. I won’t say that I saw a lot - a couple of times the chest, a couple of times the ass and legs (and they were completely fine), but this was enough for me for unbridled masturbation. I don’t know if Aunt Lena noticed all this, but soon, before changing clothes, she began to turn off the light, so she probably noticed.

After all, bursting with teenage hormones, I decided that I should lose my innocence with her and literally pursued her. In the morning, passing by her bed, he looked at her meaningfully, called her to rub her back in the bath, asked to watch TV with her in bed. It seemed to me that these were obvious hints. But, of course, she did not understand what I really wanted, and therefore willingly agreed, because for her I was her little nephew. I naturally went crazy, and there were more and more stains on my sheet.

Once I was watching TV with her (some kind of Soviet nonsense), as a bed scene began there, rather modest. There was nowhere to switch, and we watched it all. Aunt, an adult woman, of course, was not interested in anything there, but again I was prompted by all the same thoughts. I, as if by chance, put my head on her shoulder, and, as if jokingly, began to kiss him. The scene ended a long time ago, and I continued to do it.

What are you? - Aunt asked incomprehensibly.
I stopped licking (already moving from kissing to this) my aunt's shoulder, muttered something indistinctly about a joke and a game, and went to bed.

The next time I went to bed earlier, my aunt was watching TV. At night I woke up and went to the toilet. Returning to my room, I saw that Lena was sleeping, although the TV was still on. I was about to turn it off when I saw that the blanket had slipped, exposing both of her breasts. It was beyond my strength to pass by. I came closer with thoughts like: "Now or never!", then, of course, I got scared, but I decided that if I stroked her a little and rubbed my household, no one would know anything. And I ran my hand over my chest. The aunt did not wake up, but rolled over in her sleep on the other side. I ran away in horror to my room, not even trying to imagine what would happen if she felt something, woke up, and tomorrow she would tell her mother. But none of this happened. In the morning everything was as usual.

Summer was coming to an end. We had to leave soon. One day, in the late afternoon, our friends took us in a car to pick mushrooms. Already after picking mushrooms, on the way back, during the shaking, my hand accidentally fell on my aunt's thigh (and it was hot and she was wearing a skirt this time). A little later, I realized what chances this gave me, and with each jump of the car over the potholes (and there were a lot of them on this lane), I ran my hand deeper and deeper, and already my entire palm was between Lena's legs. And suddenly my aunt put her hand on my thigh. I don’t think she did it consciously, but then I decided that she understood everything and didn’t mind.

Already in the evening, as usual, watching TV, Aunt Lena began to change clothes, telling me not to watch. Of course, at first I pretended not to look, but when she undressed, but had not yet put on her nightgown, I opened my eyes and looked at her. Before that, I had never seen a completely naked woman. My heart almost jumped out, my hands shook, and my penis stood up like steel. She, of course, did not see this, smiled, said: "What are you spying on, a hooligan!" and got into bed.

And I'm with you! - I said, hastily undressing to my shorts and crawling under the covers to her. She wanted to say something, but for some reason kept silent.
Inflamed by the "events of the day", invented reciprocity, thoughts of an imminent departure, I could no longer restrain myself. I started stroking her leg and slipped the other one into my panties. Then, no longer able to restrain myself, I put my hand under my aunt's nightgown, and, looking at her face (she was attentively looking at the TV or pretending to be watching), began to caress her thigh (she was still looking at the TV, not at all without changing his face), and then he suddenly felt something furry under his fingers. And when I realized what it is - I finished. I've only had this orgasm a couple of times since then.

I lay and felt how the member twitches, and the sperm flows down the legs. The brains, which had been switched off before from an overabundance of hormones, suddenly turned on. It was embarrassing and scary that the aunt would scream, call her mother, hit. And she turned in my direction, somehow looked tired and said: "Go to bed." I went to my room, and she went to the kitchen, telling everyone that she wanted to drink tea.

So it all ended. Three days later we went back to Moscow. The aunt didn't tell anyone. Soon I got myself a girlfriend from among the yard girls, tear-offs - "always do not mind." (Although I could not repeat the sensations of that summer evening very soon). Everything became like everyone else. And when we arrived in the village, my aunt and I talked as if nothing had happened.

Or maybe there was nothing like that? It's not incest, is it?

In general, our aunt and uncle called us to the dacha, since my mother did not see her, so to speak, and at the same time to the bathhouse. At first, I wanted to stay at home with Leon, since our car was being repaired and there was nothing to drive. But my uncle said that he would pick us up and take us back, or, in extreme cases, we would call a taxi. Or the option was that more relatives would come to the dacha, where their son was driving - he would take him. We went - me, Leon, my husband and my mother. And our stroller.
We arrived, Leon immediately fell asleep in the stroller, we made a circle around the garden, then put the stroller on the veranda. Leon was sleeping. Mom and aunt went to the bathhouse, these relatives arrived.
I tell this boy - will you take us?
He, yes, your husband will go to the bathhouse and take him.
I think it's great, we'll be home by 10 pm.
Retreat - the boy is 18 years old, he received his license a week ago, his parents gave him a car, but he rides in his area and only on business.
He left for our younger brother to bring him to the dacha. We are waiting for him ... he is not. Then the calls came from him and his little brother, the connection was bad there, the conversation was cut off constantly, this boy’s aunt and mother almost went into hysterics - it turns out that he took his little brother and instead of going to us, sorry, he took it to the city center to take his classmate. And he got into an accident, he was wrong, he didn’t miss the car driving along the main one. Thank God, they were all fastened with seat belts. Nobody flew out through the windshield. The car is now not on the move. . Well, tell me why the hell did he go there, especially in such weather and with such little experience?! I *** from today's guys, like adults! Repair car for 60 thousand, mom is a teacher, dad is retired, moonlights as a security guard.
The uncle and parents of this boy went there to sort it out. My uncle drank, so they called a friend, and his wife is at home with contractions and Small child with a temperature. They left, leaving me, Leon, husband, mother and aunt. We call a taxi - the answer is - at night and in the evening, cars do not go to the gardens. Kapets. I didn’t take things for the child, only what was necessary, but I took it for three hours, it was hot in the house, the child was sweating. There’s nothing to change into… It’s my own fault, I didn’t foresee. But most of all, my husband surprised me. I say, call at least one of the friends of your acquaintances, maybe there is an opportunity to come for us. It's so Friday, everyone is walking. Didn't even try to call!!!
In short, at one o'clock in the morning a friend came for us, whose wife is in labor, and took us home. My kitten in this house in this closeness got so tired (((We won’t go to this dacha without our car anymore !!! Many words, I just got nervous yesterday like everyone else. My lion cub didn’t sleep all night ((and my husband doesn’t care, sleepy as if nothing had happened(((
The moral about today's youth is that show-offs are more expensive than money. A car would not show off in front of friends and the nerves of the parents would be intact.