Music producer Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life, creativity. Fadeev Maxim: biography, creativity, the Fadeev family is alive or not

Producers are among those people who are constantly in public, they are often credited with various novels, especially with their wards stars, and Maxim Fadeev did not stand aside. However, in this case, the conversations and rumors about him and Glucose, Linda and the members of the Silver group are absolutely groundless. They are all separate individuals who have never been seen in a love relationship with Max. Maxim Fadeev's wife is a real beauty, he has lived with her in a happy marriage for more than 20 years.

Maxim Fadeev's wife photo

The personal life of Maxim Fadeev is something secret, not as bright and rich as his work. His wife's name is Natalya, and ex-wife Galina stayed with him in a short marriage, after which she went to a close friend, today nothing is known about her and no attention has been paid to this person since Fadeev divorced her.

In Kurgan, Maxim created the Convoy group, it was 1988, and a little later, for his video, he recruited girls, among whom was the same Natalya. At that moment, Fadeev immediately realized that this was his future wife, the rest was not long in coming. In the same year, Sergei Krylov persuaded Fadeev to go to Moscow. It was a difficult period, I had to live in different corners and even starve. It even happened that Natalya took out one potato over the stove, cooked it and had dinner with Maxim.

Acquaintance with the famous banker with Lev Geiman bore fruit, the man invited Max Fadeev to write songs for his daughter Svetlana, Linda's project soon appeared, it was a real sensation on the stage. Natalya was engaged in work on the image, the joint efforts of husband and wife brought stability, the family began to feel material well-being. Having saved up money, they bought a two-level apartment in Northern Butovo, and later in Fryazino, later Maxim and Natalya bought housing for their parents. Natalya Fadeeva, the wife of Maxim Fadeev, often recalls the trials of poverty that she had to go through, how terrible it was. The first pregnancy occurred in 1997, but the girl died as a result of a medical error. It was the strongest stress for the woman, the wife of Max Fadeev was on the verge of life and death, as this caused very heavy bleeding.

Maxim and his wife went to a small town in Germany in 1998, there was a period of serious crisis, when the businessman went bankrupt. Maxim Fadeev had a contract, but he gently suggested that Linda leave the stage, starring in a video in a straitjacket. Svetlana's father got angry and threatened Fadeev.

The work of Maxim Fadeev with Glucose also gave rise to various rumors, but his wife still recalls that she did not treat any woman with whom Max worked jealously. Natalya sings very well, although the producer never wanted her to be a singer, it was she who sang Glucose's first album. Such projects are widespread in Korea and Japan, when a singer enters the stage and the phonogram sings, this is a delicate studio work.

Nobody needs a deaf musician, many representatives of show business turned their backs on him, Maxim Fadeev, his wife and son again experienced difficult times. There are many artists who remained loyal only to him and continued to work. Fadeev even wanted to go to the taiga to die slowly, this illness was painful for him, but there was a Chinese doctor who performed effective treatment and helped restore his hearing. A new branch of life has come, the wife and husband overcame the disease and survived everything.

Photo of Maxim Fadeev's wife Lately can often be seen on the Internet, a man gives his wife a thousand and one roses on her birthday. They bought a house in Bali and they are all resting there together, in 2018 they are waiting for new projects and further serious work.

Maxim Fadeev is a famous Russian singer, songwriter, director and producer. At the beginning of his career, the outstanding musical abilities of Maxim Alexandrovich and his unique sense of style were rejected by the masters of the Russian stage, but the difficulties tempered the character of the musician, who gave the Russians many wonderful songs and opened them to Linda, Glukoza, Yulia Savicheva, Pierre Narcissus and the Serebro group.


Maxim Fadeev is one of two sons of Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev, a professional musician and teacher who worked as deputy director of the Kurgan Music College, and Svetlana Petrovna Fadeeva, a singer and music teacher at the House of Culture. Maxim was born on May 6, 1968 in the city of Kurgan, from the age of five he studied music, since even then he understood that his life would be connected with it.

Freedom-loving, very difficult, but kind character Maxim, according to him, inherited from his grandfather, in whose veins gypsy blood flowed. Congenital heart disease did not bother the future artist, he grew up brisk and restless, loved outdoor games. Secretly from his parents, he went in for sports, went to boxing and aikido sections. After graduating from school, Fadeev entered a music school and studied at once in two departments, at the piano and conductor.

As Maxim Aleksandrovich said in the Boris Korchevnikov show, of which he became a guest in October 2019, life in the provincial Kurgan was not at all conducive to the development of creative abilities, and authority had to be earned. One of the fights in which the future producer participated almost cost him his life. Beaten, with broken fingers and a cut tendon on his leg, Maxim was abandoned by his offenders in the suburbs of Kurgan and miraculously escaped death. Rehabilitation took a year, but the trauma in his soul did not heal for several years. Maxim felt depressed, and the help of loved ones helped him get out of the emotional hole.

Perhaps the gift of writing songs that penetrate the soul was discovered by Fadeev after he experienced clinical death at the age of 17. During a complex operation, the young man's heart stopped for several minutes. It was an experience bordering on mystical: “I felt that I became as light as a speck of dust. And I could move freely in a second to any point that I think of.

The first song "Dance on broken glass" Fadeev composed in the late 80s. In 1992, she was included in the collection of early songs with the same name, recorded together with the Convoy group, where Fadeev was a backing vocalist in the early 90s.

Young Max Fadeev and the Convoy group (1992)

The beginning of the creative path

In 1990, Fadeev was able to achieve participation in the competition of young performers "Yalta". The unusual song of the lyrical composition "Julia", which was originally performed by Batyr Shukenov, the charismatic soloist of the A-studio group, drew attention to the artist from Kurgan.

On the advice of Sergei Krylov, a famous singer and showman who was struck by Fadeev's talent and originality, the young musician moved to Moscow and worked for some time as an arranger for pop stars, in the bands of Valery Leontiev and Larisa Dolina.

Maxim Fadeev - Game without fire

Producer activity

The beginning of the formation of Maxim Alexandrovich as a producer is considered to be his acquaintance with Svetlana Geiman, the daughter of a banker and public figure Lev Geiman, whom the Russians recognized in 1994 as the singer Linda. The fateful meeting took place while working on the composition "Playing with Fire", for the arrangement of which, on the advice of Fyodor Bondarchuk, Fadeev was invited.

After Maxim showed the sketches of his songs to Svetlana, he became her producer, and her father Lev Geiman financed the project “singer Linda”. To work on the debut album of the girl, Fadeev invited musicians from the Kurgan group "Convoy", with whom he collaborated before moving to Moscow.

The record "Songs of Tibetan Lamas" gave Linda incredible popularity, and the album "Crow" that followed was sold out in huge numbers. The result of the collaboration between Fadeev and Linda was six albums, two of which shone with shades of precious platinum and gold, but in the late 90s their collaboration ceased.

Many years later, becoming a guest on the YouTube show Irina Shikhman, the singer said that the reason for her departure from Fadeev was the producer's self-interest. According to the singer, in 2017 Fadeev offered her to record another album together, but she refused, and sang the reason for the refusal in the song "Answer 21". Be that as it may, the singer Linda became the first star discovered by Maxim Fadeev.

Linda's response to Max Fadeev

For several years Fadeev lived in Germany and the Czech Republic, in the period from 2000 to 2003 he developed the Monokini and Total groups he created. Although Fadeev's new wards became popular, he managed to reach the level of the previous project not with them, but with the singer Glucose, who became the main discovery cultural life Russia in the early 2000s. The producer wrote the first song for the Glucose project on his son's children's synthesizer.

Fadeev went on a tricky move, already tried by the Gorillaz group. He did not reveal the name and appearance of the singer, but created an animated character with whom a young audience could identify - a hooligan-looking girl in dark glasses with the same platform boots and a Doberman on a leash. The fact that the actress "Yeralash" Natalya Ionova is hiding behind the pseudonym Glucose, became known only a couple of years later. Later, the producer said that he saw Natasha on the set of the film: despite her young (she was 14) age, she was drunk as an insole, and she vomited from the balcony right onto the windows of the director's office.

In 2003, the Monolith Records production machine was launched, a label founded by Maxim Alexandrovich, later renamed MALFA (read as Malfa).

Maxim Fadeev - Will I be happier? (2019)

In the early 2000s, Fadeev became the producer of two seasons of the Star Factory show project, which revealed to the Russians the names of many outstanding performers: Yulia Savicheva, Pierre Narcissus, Irakli Pirtskhalava, singer Kuki and, of course, Elena Temnikova, who became the soloist of the main creation of the famous producer , the group Serebro , which received world recognition and took third place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. But cooperation with the "manufacturer" Polina Gagarina did not work out. Later, the singer said that she was afraid of the producer, considered him a heavy and dark person.

After the success of "Silver" at Eurovision, the producer focused on this particular group. In its original form, Elena Temnikova, who occupied the unspoken position of the leader, performed in the team, as well as Olga Seryabkina, whom Fadeev saw at Irkali's backup dancer, and Maria Lizorkina.

Max Fadeev announces the winner of the second "Star Factory"

In this composition, the girls sang for three years, after which Anastasia Karpova took the place of Lizorkina. In 2013, Kapova was replaced by Daria Shashina, after which the composition of Serebro began to change faster than that of the scandalous VIA Gra. By that time, according to the listeners, the format of the group had changed radically: from the original project "Silver" it returned to the format of "singing cowards" familiar to Russian listeners, but already tired of them.

In 2013, Fadeev signed an agreement with the finalist of the show "Voice" Nargiz Zakirova, cooperation with which continued until 2019.

In 2014, Elena Temnikova left the Silver group (later she said that the reason was the intimate relationship between Fadeev and Seryabkina, which affected relations within the team), Anastasia Karpova temporarily took her place, then she was replaced by Polina Favorskaya, who in turn replaced by Tatyana Morgunova. A spectacular acquisition was Ekaterina Kishchuk, who replaced Shashina.

Maxim Fadeev and Silver - There is no more attraction

Finally, at the beginning of 2019, Seryabkina left the group and began solo career under the name Molly and under the auspices of the Fadeev label. The producer announced the restart of "Silver". Elizaveta Kornilova, Marianna Kochurova and Irina Titova were selected through online casting. However, the new composition of "Silver" did not please the fans, and the group's popularity began to decline.

In addition to working with performers, writing creation songs and video clips, Fadeev’s list of creative victories includes the full-length animated 3D film Savva, shot by him according to his own script. Also, the famous producer was a mentor for several seasons of the show project “Voice. Children ”, in which the chairs of other star teachers were occupied by the singer Pelageya and Dima Bilan.

In 2018, Yulia Savicheva also left the producer - the singer decided to move to a new team. In 2019, cooperation with Nargiz ended in a grandiose scandal and mutual accusations of violated rights and unjustified hopes. By October 2019, the MALFA label's wards included, in addition to Silver and Molly, such performers as ISAIA, TEREZA, appledream, FIKA, MAGNETUS, KAMI XXO.

Personal life of Max Fadeev

The events of Maxim Fadeev's personal life are worthy of becoming a script for a television series, because on life path the famous producer had to face many difficulties, find out what the betrayal of loved ones is and defeat the disease, which was of a mystical nature and almost deafened him.

Fadeev entered into his first marriage before moving to Moscow, his wife was a native of the city of Kurgan named Galina. According to some reports, Galina left the future producer for his friend, and when she expressed a desire to return, it was too late - Maxim did not forgive her.

With his second wife, Natalia, the musician met in 1990. When selecting girls to participate in the filming of the video clip of the Kurgan group "Convoy", he saw a thin, clear-eyed brown-haired woman, and, according to him, he immediately realized that this was his future wife.

With Natalia, Maxim went to Moscow, she was always his true friend and supported in all endeavors. The marriage of Natalia and Maxim withstood the test of both poverty and unthinkable wealth. Once Fadeev promised his wife that he would never leave her, and intends to keep his word.

The artist calls Natalia the only person whom he unconditionally trusts, one of his most beautiful songs, “Natasha”, is dedicated to her. In the fall of 1997, Natalya gave Maxim Alexandrovich a son, Savva.

Maxim Fadeev - Natasha

In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, Fadeev shared with fans a tragic fact from his past, it turns out that even before the birth of Savva, he and his wife lost their first child, a daughter, due to a medical error.

The son of the producer is difficult to attribute to the golden youth. Savva with early years he knows what work is, he earned his first money when he was barely ten, distributing brochures. Savva Fadeev plans to devote his life to directing.

The reverently tender relationship between father and son was almost violated by Olga Seryabkina, an affair with which was attributed to Maxim Alexandrovich. The producer was repeatedly suspected of having ties with his wards, but the media never provided confirmation of this information. Elena Temnikova hinted at his relationship with Seryabkina. Both the producer and Molly denied these rumors, in turn accusing Temnikova of jealousy and the desire to promote themselves on their behalf.

Max Fadeev is a very large man and has been struggling with excess weight for almost his entire life. Moreover, judging by the photo in his youth, he used to be slim. Most likely, Fadeev gained weight due to heart problems, surgery and clinical death - after such health problems, the road to sports was ordered to him.

At some point, the producer weighed 150 kilograms with a height of 180, which is classified as third degree obesity. According to Fadeev, it was extremely uncomfortable to function with such a weight. By the 50th anniversary, which the artist celebrated in 2018, he lost 70 kilograms, provoking rumors about the disease. Fadeev lost weight, severely restricting himself in food, completely eliminating high-calorie dishes and components from the diet, began to eat small portions, but often, and also became interested in swimming, which burns more calories than running.

Max Fadeev now

Against the background of the ongoing scandal with Temnikova and Seryabkina, the ambiguous situation with the expulsion from the MALFA family of Nargiz Zakirova laid an ugly stain on the reputation of Maxim Fadeev.

Back in the summer of 2019, Fadeev announced that he had terminated relations with Zakirova unilaterally, and, according to some reports, the financial issue became the reason for the disagreement between the producer and his ward. "Connoisseurs" of Russian show business predicted Nargiz the fate of her predecessors, creative career whom Fadeev allegedly broke: Linda and Elena Temnikova. The latter, in an interview with Irina Shikhman, said that Fadeev allegedly did not allow radio stations to take her new songs into rotation.

Interview with Max Fadeev

Including in order to clarify the situation with the artists of his label, in October 2019 Fadeev agreed to become a guest of Boris Korchevnikov in his author's show "The Fate of a Man" and shared previously unknown facts of his biography. Maxim Alexandrovich spoke about a miraculous recovery, that he was afraid of losing his hearing, and that, after an illness, he could not hear well in one ear. The musician considers one of his most best songs the composition "Breathe", which he wrote for the girls from the Serebro group. According to Fadeev, this song was written by him at a time when he heard almost nothing and was ready to commit suicide.

In November 2019 and February 2020, Fadeev gives solo concerts in both capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg), the program includes as already famous songs, and new creations of the master.

In the fall of 2019, the producer, according to some media, survived a heart attack. The next day, he posted an appeal on his YouTube channel in which he announced the termination of contracts with all the artists of his label without any exception and a revision of the company's policy, which previously provided for the release of mass-market music products. The only exceptions were Nargiz and Oleg Miami, another former entertainer label. Both MALFA are suing.

Official statement of Maxim Fadeev

Fadeev said that in the future the activities of the MALFA company will be aimed at creating an exclusive, very expensive product in every sense. As Fadeev himself says, after the reorganization the label will produce one, maximum two artists. The words of Maxim Alexandrovich were accepted with understanding by his fans, who expressed the hope that their idol would be able to cope with the next obstacles that arose again on his way, and in the future would not allow conflict situations to arise.

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On the personal front of the famous music producer Maxim Fadeev, there is only one love all his life.

He fell in love at the age of 23, and this continues throughout his life. While still a member of the Convoy team, the guys were preparing for the filming of a video clip and announced a female casting. At the screening, Max suddenly told everyone that he saw his future wife.

Maxim was not at a loss and immediately approached Natalya to get acquainted, informing her that she would be filming. It immediately became clear that just when the guys started work, the girl wanted to go to her grandmother in the village. Fadeev began to persuade her to stay. Surprisingly, he quickly managed to convince Natasha. After three months of a tender romance, Fadeev has already proposed to his beloved.

Their love grew into a happy marriage that has lasted for over 25 years. The couple do not mind sharing their family photos and talking about the recipe for their happiness.

However, on the way of their marriage, there were also very difficult, tragic moments.. Fadeev told about one of them while participating in a project called "". Maxim refused the fee for participation and told that once he and Natasha experienced a real tragedy - due to a terrible medical error, the couple lost their long-awaited first-born, daughter. The musician then emphasized that it was for this reason that all the participants in the musical show became family to him.

At a certain period, the Fadeev family left to live and work in Germany. It happened for personal reasons. Natalya Fadeeva became pregnant again, and the family decided that the birth would take place abroad. Due to the fact that they lost their daughter through the fault of doctors, the couple stopped believing in domestic medicine. Therefore, Maxim and his wife moved to Germany, to a city near Nuremberg in Bavaria.

When the time came for the birth of the baby, Natalya went to a good and reliable clinic at the local church. It is surprising that their own son was born in the church. The couple decided to call him a beautiful old name from the Bible 0 Savva. The family lived in Germany for several more years. until the child is six. The wife of Maxim Fadeev, Natalia, has the best memories of that time.

Fadeev claims that while the family lived there, Savva spoke excellent German, and when, upon returning to Russia, he began to study at a special German school, the language was quickly forgotten.

Now Savva is already sixteen years old He's graduating next year. The guy plays the piano perfectly, and most importantly, he knows how to write wonderful poems, incredibly talented and very mature.

His parents suggest that his professional career will be somehow connected with literary activity. Books, historical stories or fantasy are his passion. But at present, Savva is most drawn to poetry. The work of the son of Maxim Fadeev truly impresses his father.

The guy tries to be very independent. And if Fadeev at one time worked at a vegetable base, then his son began by delivering magazines to houses for money. The guy made the decision himself. Maxim emphasizes that Savva can fully rely on the support of his own family, but if at the same time he wants to work and get some money with his own work, even small money, he believes that this deserves recognition and respect. Therefore, as a father, he is very proud of his son.

Maxim Fadeev is a very famous Russian producer who managed to gain fame and recognition with his talent and hard work. Thanks to his work, new stars lit up in the pop sky, among which there were many young people who managed to prove themselves with better side. He himself does not stop there for a minute, he understands that he must move forward for himself and for the sake of others. But that's why he decided to do show business? After all, here, in this area, you need to have a strong will, understand that there is a lot of competition, know your own strengths. Let's now look at how it all began, and who was Maxim Fadeev originally.

Height, weight, age. How old is Max Fadeev

Answering the question height, weight, age. How old is Max Fadeev, you can immediately note that he is a man of a very solid build. And he himself is no longer so young, but still quite energetic and inventive. To date, the man is 49 years old, his height is 180 centimeters, and his weight is 92 kilograms. It is difficult to call him a macho man or a Hollywood handsome man, but at the same time he is striking in his charm, kindness and charisma. In addition, he loves his job very much, he is always ready to do something new, also to find fresh talent to conquer the stage. Let's now take a closer look at how it all began, and how Maxim decided to connect his life with music in general.

Biography and personal life of Max Fadeev

The biography and personal life of Max Fadeev deserves some attention, because it will allow you to understand how and when Fadeev was able to fall in love with the world of music. The future producer was born in the city of Kurgan. He began to get involved in music from the age of five, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that he became a professional. In addition, his entire family is closely connected with music, if only because his mother taught in the choir, and his father is also famous composer. Already at a young age, the boy played various instruments, including the bass guitar. His ascent includes various life turns, among which were performances in various musical groups.

Since the nineties, Fadeev decided to try himself as a producer. He then listened to one young girl, who later everyone recognized as Linda. After that, Maxim Fadeev began to actively engage in producing activities, promoting young talents, allowing new people to enter the stage. Almost every one of his projects is of high quality. Especially considering that Maxim is very strict with his wards, he does not allow them to get carried away with star fever, sometimes he even treats them harshly if this happens. As for the producer's personal life, he met his love when he was twenty-three years old. The young man then fell in love without memory, and after a while, the lovers got married. Today the couple has a son.

Family and children of Max Fadeev

The family and children of Max Fadeev are the most important thing in life. Today, the family consists of himself, his beloved wife Natalia and son Savva. Fadeev himself loves children very much, so he dreams of creating his own children's music center, where he could teach a generation of rising musicians. The family itself plays a huge role for Fadeev, he has repeatedly said that for the sake of his relatives he is ready for a lot to make them proud of him. He hopes that his son will take an example from him, will also follow in his musical footsteps. So, it's safe to say that Maxim is fully successful not only as a producer and musician, but also as an exemplary family man, husband and father.

The son of Max Fadeev - Savva

Max Fadeev's son Savva appeared in Maxim's marriage with his wife Natalya, who at one time worked as a make-up artist for the singer Linda. The boy today is very actively engaged in musical activities, namely, he plays the piano, learns the world of music, and in general gets used to hard work and the fact that everything in this life can be achieved if you really want it. The boy still cannot say what he wants in life, but he enjoys musical creativity, strives for good results. In principle, one should not expect anything else, given that he has connections in the world of show business.

Max Fadeev's wife - Natalia

Max Fadeev's wife Natalya became his chosen one when they were both young. They met when Fadeev was engaged in the promotion of the later famous singer Linda. Natalya herself was then a make-up artist for a future star, thanks to which she and Maxim met. A passion flared up between the young people almost immediately, which grew into something more serious. After some time, the couple got married, have been together for many years, they have a common son. Natalya supports her husband in everything, understands how important it is for him to do what he loves. They try to spend everything together free time, go to resorts, try not to hide anything from each other. The spouses have repeatedly said that it is very important for them to be together, to raise their son with dignity and always work together.

Instagram and Wikipedia Max Fadeev

Like any public person, Maxim Fadeev strives to be in the public eye. The most important resource for this in our time is, of course, the Internet. Maxim has his own Wikipedia page (,_Maxim_Alexandrovich), which tells about his life, creative way about how he achieved his goals. But there are facts of a general nature, which will allow you to get acquainted only superficially. If fans want to know more about him, then the best option would be to turn to the Instagram page (, where the producer uploads his photos, shares his plans for the future, talks about his life as he sees fit. Thanks to social networks, each idol becomes a little closer for his fans. Instagram and Wikipedia of Max Fadeev are always at the service of those who want to get to know the producer better, find out what he is doing now and what he plans to do next.

48-year-old Maxim Fadeev rarely shares the details of his personal life. Last year, he shocked fans with an unexpected confession: the producer said that he had lost his first child due to the mistake of doctors. In memory of the deceased heiress, Fadeev refused the fee for participating in the project “Voice. Children". The other day, Maxim gave an interview in which he spoke in more detail about a difficult period in the life of his family.

The death of his daughter was a real tragedy for Maxim and his wife Natalia. After the couple's newborn heiress died, the producer's wife almost died. Natalya was so worried about the loss of her child that she could not recover. This had a negative effect on her well-being and severely crippled her.

“Natasha barely survived. She had terrible stress, which resulted in heavy bleeding. I called the hospital and they told me this: “Get ready, boy. She lost a lot of blood. Very weak,” Maxim Fadeev told reporters.

It was winter outside. Fadeev ran out of the house in one sweater, caught a taxi and went to the Cherkizovsky hospital. The clock was about twelve at night, and everything was closed. Maxim was afraid that he would not be able to see his wife, who, according to medical specialists, was dying. However, after some time, Fadeev saw an old woman in the window of the emergency exit door. She promised him to find out about Natalia and walked away.

“She was gone only two minutes, but they seemed like an eternity. How I was shaking then - and now I can not describe! The first thing I saw on the face of the old woman when she returned was a smile. And I realized that Natasha is holding on, ”said the producer.

The woman told Fadeev that his chosen one was alive, and let him go with God. Maxim did not have money for a trip home, because of the unrest he experienced, he felt tired and incredibly weak. The producer sat down on a huge snowdrift to rest, and did not notice how he fell asleep. He spent the whole night in the snow. Maxim woke up only when it began to get light.

Fadeev also admitted to reporters that such things do not go unnoticed. In the future, it was precisely because of this story that he decided to participate in Voice.Children for free. This project became special for Maxim, the producer loved him. He also told "Caravan of stories" who invested his own funds in the program.

Later, the long-awaited son Savva was born in the Fadeev family. Now the heir of the producer is 19 years old. The young man is studying at the directing department of one of the capital's universities and is already taking his first steps in the world of show business. So, Savva made the first photo session of SEREBRO with the new soloist Ekaterina Kishchuk. In addition, he shot the group's video for the song "Broken".