Biography of Viktor Tsoi. Viktor Tsoi - biography, photo, personal life: the last hero at what time Viktor Tsoi was born

Tsoi Viktor Robertovich is the legendary Soviet rock musician, singer, guitarist and the author of the songs, the founder and soloist of the cult group "Cinema". In addition, Viktor Tsoi became known thanks to his work in the cinema, playing in the famous films of the era of the restructuring "Assa" and "Needle".

Family and childhood

Viktor Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad. His parents were Valentina Vasilyevna's physical education teacher and Engineer Robert Maksimovich. The Korean surname and appearance Victor is obliged to grandfather from the Father - Korean, who came to the northern capital from Kazakhstan. Victor was the only child in the family.

He read a lot from early childhood, loved to draw and sculpt, and in the fifth grade carried away the game on the guitar. When the boy was eleven, his parents divorced. Father left the family, but in the year the former spouses agreed again. But the warmer relationship from Victor was always with her mother. "I completely trusted him ... I was wondering myself how talented people are formed. The main thing, I wanted to help twit reveal, develop his ability, "she later wrote.


In parallel with the secondary school in 1974-1977, Victor went to "artist". According to the drawing teacher, the boy had excellent abilities, but he was not at all inclined to regular and painstaking work: "If he wants - draws, and draws great, but if he does not want - do not force."

After graduating from the eighth grade in 1978, Victor entered the art school named after V. Serov. Paying more and more time to music by music and not wanting to draw campaign posters and generally do that it does not bring moral satisfaction, Victor scored his studies and was expelled from the School for unsuitability.

Then in 1979, the young man entered the SGPU-61 and received a profession of a cutter on a tree. In the same years, he imbued with respect for the iconic Soviet singers and actors Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky, and later, a serious passion for the work of Bruce Lee was added. Victor began to engage in karate and imitate his idol.

Start of creative activity

For the first time, Victor began playing a group of another 13-year-old schoolboy - it was the team "Chamber No. 6" headed by his companion on "artist" Maxim Pashkov. According to the memories of Pashkov, Victor loved her music very much, but he didn't know how to play the guitar at first. Throwing around the three, the guys bought him in the Bas Guitar commission store: they thought that it would learn to play easier on it, because there are "only four strings." The third participant of the group knocked into a pioneer drum, and together they performed hard rock in the style of Ozzy Osborne and "Black Sabbath". The guys are adults and were very quickly progressed in the game.

In the late 1970s, Victor met Alexei Fishbyin, who played in the amateur group of Piligrims. They began to communicate a lot and began to play together with Mike Naumenko (Zoo) and Andrei Panov, famous for the nicknamed pig. At the turn of the 1970s and the 1980s, the pig was considered the "main Panke of Leningrad", and he had a new punk group "Automatic satisfactors" in his apartment, which included Viktor Tsoi and Alexey Rybein. Thanks to numerous departments, the group gained fame and outside of Leningrad and began to regularly go to Moscow to the villages of Artemy Troitsky.

It was sometimes possible to get to Moscow at the "dogs" - several trains with transfers, and during one of these trips singing in the car TsOi noted Boris Grebenshchikov, the leader of the rock movement of the time. Later he wrote about this meeting: "When you hear the right and necessary song, there is always such a shiver of the discoverer who found gemstone Or Amfor God knows what century - I then had the same thing. " Grebenshchikov promised his support to the young musician, and later I introduced to Andrei Tropillo, Sergey Kurekhin and other famous people.

In the summer of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky organized a new group called Garin and hyperboloids, and in the fall, this group became a member of the Leningrad Rock Club. But soon, one of the founders, Oleg Valinsky, left to serve in the army, and the group changed its name to a laconic "cinema".

"Garin and hyperboloids" - my mood

Formation of the "Cinema" group

Having gained a new name, the group immediately began working on the record of the first album. The patronage of BG and in this case played an important role: it was he who brought Victor and his team to the studio Andrei Tropillo to the house young techniqueAnd also "shared" the missing musicians from his group "Aquarium".

The album was ready in the summer of 1982. The total duration of the songs on it was 45 minutes, which determined its name - "45". During the work on the album, the Panel played its first electric concert at the festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, and the entire concert was under the drum machine, because the "Cinema" had no drummer.

In the fall of the same year, the group recorded several songs with a drummer "Zoo" at the studio Andrei Kuskov, including the songs "Spring" and " Last Hero"But this entry for an unknown reason was rejected by Tsoem and did not get distribution.

Cinema - the last hero (1990, Live in the Olympic)

On February 19, 1983, a large joint concert of the "Cinema" and "Aquarium" teams was given, on which the songs "Electric", "Aluminum cucumbers" and "Trolleybus" were performed. At the same time, Yuri Kasparyan entered the main structure of the group, and soon after that, Alexey Rybin left the group.

After rehearsals with the new guitarist, the album "46" was recorded, which was planned as a demo recording of the future album "Head of Kamchatka", but slowly began to crawl among the listeners as an independent album. Unfortunately, the musical activity had to be blinking for a short time: in 1983, Viktor "hung" a call to the army, and to avoid him, the singer simulated a suicide attempt and left for a month and a half to the examination in a psychiatric hospital on a buckle.

After discharge, Tsoi wrote the song "Tranquilizer", and in the spring of 1984 the "Cinema" group spoke at the second Festival of the Rock Club, where the title of the laureate was awarded. The festival opened with the composition "I declare my home by a nuclear-free zone", which was recognized as the best anti-war song. At the same time, in 1984, Georgy Guryanov ("Gustav") joined the group as a drummer, back vocalist and an arguer.

The flourishing of musical career

In the summer of 1984, the "Cinema" group began writing the album "Head of Kamchatka" in the Anthrop studio Andrei Tropillo, and again, Boris Grebenchikov came to the rescue, to whom Sergey Kurekhin joined. Soon the final, "golden" composition of the group was formed: Viktor Tsoi, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov and a new participant - Bass Gitarist Igor Tikhomirov.

In 1985, in the same Studio "Anthrop", the Group began to work on the album "Night", but the case was slowing slowly: the musicians wanted to find a new sound and receptions of the game. Leaving for a while working on this album, Viktor Tsoi moved to the studio Alexey Cherry and quickly, a week with a little, recorded the album "This is not love". "Night" came out a little later, in January 1986, and the famous songs "saw night" and "Mom Anarchy" entered it. With the filing of Andrei Tropillo fans of Lyubovy called this album "Music conjunction" - music, "Which plays Spana."

Life as a movie. Documentary film about Victor Tsoe

In the same 1986, work began on the album "Blood Group". The American girlfriend of musicians, the famous rock enthusiast of Joanna Stingray brought a home -2-channel portable studio "Yamaha MT 44" to Leningrad, and the musicians firmly settled at Gustav at home. Here the whole group, according to Artemy Troitsky, "hanging out, rehearsed, painted paintings and - from time to time - he listened and recorded new songs."

In 1987, the album "Blood Group" was published, and wide recognition and real glory collapsed on the group. On the wave of popularity, playing the famous joint concert with the "aquarium" and "Alice" in DK Miit in Moscow, the musicians "Cinema" went to the triumphant tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. At the end of 1988, the album "Star named Sun" was recorded, and in 1989 the group acquired a new producer - Yuri Aisenshpis.

"I liked his work, I liked my sincerity, my energy, and from the very first minutes of communication I liked the author: calm, thorough, benevolent," recalled Eisenshpis. The new producer began to organize numerous performances and shooting on television: the popularity of "cinema" quickly gained the All-Union scale, youth "film" began.

The album "The Last Hero" was recorded in 1989 in France. On June 24, 1990, the last concert of Viktor Tsoi and a cinema group was held at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, where in honor of this event, for the first time after the Olympiad-80, the Olympic flame was lit. After that, Tsoi and Kasparyan closed from everyone at the cottage under Jurmala and began to work on a new one, the last album. He came out after the death of Viktor Tsoi and received the informal name "Black Album".

Work in the cinema

The debut work of Viktor Tsoi in the movie became a role in the graduation film Sergei Lysenko "End of Vacation", shot in 1986. This film consists of four clips of the Movie Group, interconnected by the narrative with another story in which Victor also played one of the main roles. After the film "End of Vacation" in 1986, Tsoi starred in the film "Yia-Hha" directed by Rashid Nugmanov, a short non-player film about the Leningrad Rock and his "fathers".

In 1987, the musician took part in the shooting of the cult painting "ACCA" directed by Sergei Solovyov, in which the brilliant cast was involved: Stanislav Govorukhin, Tatiana Drubich, Sergey Bugaev ("Africa"), Alexander Bashirov, Alexander Domogarov et al. And although the role Victor in this film was not great and only one of his song sounded ("Change!"), Many people learned and loved him after this execution, and the song "Change!" became an unofficial anthem of restructuring.

Fragments of films with Viktor Tsoem

The top of the acting career of Tsoi can be considered the main role in the full-length art film Rashid Nugmanov "Needle" with the participation of Peter Mamonov - the film was filmed in Alma-Ata, and for the sake of filming the "Cinema" group had to interrupt concert activities. And this victim was not in vain: the film received several prizes at prestigious film festivals, became one of the leaders of rolled products, and Viktor Tsoi was recognized as the best act of 1989 on the results of the survey of the Soviet screen magazine.

Victor Tsoi's personal life

Viktor Tsoi was calm in character, but a rather closed fellow personality. According to the memories of Alexander Titov, "he was a man with absolutely nonsense, who could not serve himself, even shy in the company."

On March 5, 1982, visiting common buddies, 19-year-old Tsoi met Mariaan Igor Rodovanskaya, who turned 23 years old on that day. At that time, Marian was far from a musical life. She worked in a circus head of the workshops of the producer and dreamed of entering the Mukhinskaya school and get an art education.

She had several acquaintances of musicians, whose creativity she treated is cool, but Viktor Tsoi became a happy exception. Later, in his story, the "point of reference" of Marianna wrote: "The feeling that I experienced, hearing him for the first time, rather can be called amazement, and not delight ... I did not expect from a nineteen-year-old Tsoy such a bump!". The girl loved Victor and was seriously fascinated by his music, soon threw the Circus and became the administrator of the "Cinema" group, a reliable assistant and comrade of musicians.

In February 1984, Maryan and Victor got married. Almost all famous rock performers were walked at their wedding: Boris Grebenchikov, Mike Naumenko, Alexander Titov, Yuri Kasparyan, Georgy Guryanov (Gustav) and many others. "A hundred permanent apartment was hampered in our unfortunate apartment," Maryan recalled. On August 5, 1985, the only child of Viktor Tsoi, son Alexander.

In 1987, the couple was separated, but officially divorce was not issued. The last period of life, Victor lived in Moscow with a translator and Cynovic Natalia Razlogova, who after his death re-married and went to the United States. Natalia was not only the last love of Victor, but also his good and loyal friend. Film and Estete, she had seriously influenced the external image of Tsoi: according to Yuri Aizenshpis, "he turned out of the hungry and evil in the impudent and mysterious."

In order to have the official place of work, as required in the USSR, and to avoid criminal prosecution for the "Tuneshi", Viktor Tsoi, as many other people associated with informal art, had to look for some not too burdensome position.

For example, in the summer of 1986, Victor was a cleaner in a bath on veterans avenue, where he needed to wash the room, placing water from the brand. The work took only one hour a day, but this hour came in the evening when the musical life was in full swing - and it was uncomfortable.

In the autumn of the same year, Sergey Firsov invited Tsoi to work as a fireman in the Kamchatka boiler house, where they were both spent the time until 1988. In this famous boiler room at different times, other famous musicians were worked at different times: Alexander Bashchev, Svyatoslav Oregon, Andrei Mashnin, etc., also held "parties" and informal concerts. It was necessary only from time to time to throw coal into the furnace, and in the rest of the fireman could feel, according to Tsoi himself, "completely free." Now in this boiler room there is a club-museum of Viktor Tsoi.

The death of Viktor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident on August 15, 1990 at 12 pm 28 minutes. This happened on the "Education - Talsi" highway near the village of Kesterciems in Latvia, not far from that summer cottage, where they worked on the album with Casparyans. According to the official version, Victor fell asleep, and his dark blue "Moskvich" flew to the oncoming lane and ran into the Ikarus bus.

The funeral took place on August 19 in Leningrad, among the thousands of the crowd of fans. The death of Viktor Tsoi caused a real shock and a wave of suicides among movie fans.

He songs remain popular and in demand to this day, and he will forever remain one of the "pillars" of Russian rock. After the death of the musician, about a dozen films was released using previously filmed materials about Victor Tsoi and the Movie group, the most famous of which were the "last hero" Alexei Teacher (1992) and Tsoi - "Cinema" "Natalia Otlogova and Evgenia Lisovsky ( 2012). In June 2018, the premiere of the art film Kirill Serebrennikov "Summer" about the youth of Tsoi (at the same time, in August 2017, filming were frozen because of the case of the embezzlement of silvernikov budget funds).

Viktor Tsoi has established several monuments: on the highway "Circus - Talsi" on the spot of his death, the railway station in Okulovka Novgorod region (previously this monument was stood on Nevsky Prospect in the courtyard at the Aurora cinema, and then inside the cinema itself), monument -Barefield at the Kamchatka boiler room and monument in Barnaul. In 2017, a new monument was established in Karaganda.

The monuments in Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Moscow are expected to install in Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Moscow, there is a "spontaneous" memorable wall with photos of Tsoi, numerous inscriptions "Tsoi alive" and quotes from his songs. Similar walls also exist in the city of Dnipro (previously - Dnepropetrovsk) in the Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as in Minsk and Mogilev.

In honor of Viktor Tsoi, the streets are named in four settlements of Russia, as well as two squares - in St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk. In addition, his name is the asteroid number 2740.

  1. "Head of Kamchatka"

From the very childhood, Istor Tsoi was fond of music and drawing, in a very young age he already played a bass guitar in the rock group "Chamber No. 6". The musician, the author of many songs, actor and artist - he became a real legend of the 1980s. His songs used mad popularity, the film "Needle" with the participation of Central Bank became one of the leaders of the rolled, and the young people of the entire Soviet Union imitated manners famous musician And they tried to even look at him.

Cutter on wood and frontman group "Cinema"

Viktor Tsoi was born in Leningrad in June 1962. His mother taught physical education, and his father worked as an engineer. Talents of Thailand appeared already in children's garden: He drew well and besides, it could easily repeat any melody, even the most difficult, backing the tact with the palm. Educators advised to give the boy into an artistic or music school. But learning drawing Tsoi began only at 12 years old. Before that, he changed several schools: every time the mother changed his job, the boy passed into a new educational institution with her. In the 1970s, Tsoi first took part in the rock project - the group "Chamber No. 6" - where he played on the bass guitar.

Viktor Tsoi. Photo:

Viktor Tsoi with his family. Photo:

Viktor Tsoi (left) in art school. Photo:

Four years later, Tsoi entered the art school named after Serov, but soon he was expected to failure. Tsoi switched to the evening school, settled to work at the plant, and later he studied in vocational school with a specialty "Tree Cutter". From his study, he remained a habit of cutting wooden Japanese figures of Netck. Profession Viktor Tsoi chose no coincidence: he was still fond of fine art. However, like music. The circle of his communication of the 1970-80s is the iconic for the Leningrad Underground Figure: Alexey Rybin from the Piligrim Group, Andrei Panov from "Automatic Satisfactors", Mike Naumenko from the Zoo team and Boris Grebenshchikov.

Viktor Tsoi himself participated in the Moscow Rock-apartment: at different times he played in several groups. And in the summer of 1981, Tsoi first performed on stage in the Leningrad Cafe "Telum". It is believed that after these concerts, the Garin and Hyperboloids Group was formed, its name arose by analogy with the novel of Alexei Tolstoy "Garina's hyperboloid engineer". The team included Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky. However, soon Valina called on the army, and the composition has changed its name: the "Cinema" group appeared.

"Head of Kamchatka"

The first album of the team released in 1982. He was recorded a month and a half. We worked at different times of the day: the musicians and the case had to skip work and study. The first plate "Cinema" was called "45" - just such, 45 minutes, there was the total duration of all album songs. Boris Grebenchikov helped with the record: participants of the Aquarium group were made in the role of session musicians. And a year later the musicians of two soviet Rock Groups They performed together on stage - in a big joint concert.

Viktor Tsoi. Photo:

Group "Cinema". Photo:

At this time, the guitar player was changed in the "Cinema" group. Alexey Rybin left the team after a quarrel with Tsoem, and Yuri Kasparyan took his place. All summer of 1983, the group rehearsed: the musicians were preparing for the Leningrad Rock Festival. After the speech, the song of Tsoi "I declare my home by a nuclear-free zone" recognized as the best, and the group itself became the laureate of the festival. The songs of the festival program later came out with a separate album: he was called "Head of Kamchatka".

In 1984, Viktor Tsoi married Marianna Rodovanskaya - they met while the musicians of the Movie group recorded their first album. The legends of the Leningrad Rock Club were walked on them with their wedding: Boris Grebenshchikov and Alexander Titov, Georgy Guryanov and Yuri Kasparyan. A year later, Viktor and Marianna born the son of Alexander.

Viktor Tsoi and Son Alexander. Photo:

Viktor Tsoi and his wife Marianne and Son Alexander. Photo:

At the 1985 Rock Festival, the "Cinema" group again made a triumph. Inspired by success, Tsoi, together with the musicians, began to record the next record. Soon there was an album "This is not love", which went throughout the Soviet Union. The name of Viktor Tsoi became aware of young people. The musician finished work on the album "Night" and made new songs at the Joint Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club and the Moscow Rock Laboratory. At this time, Tsoi, the already famous performer, worked in a bath on veterans avenue. And later he got a coalsel in the boiler room, now there is a club-museum "Boiler room. Kamchatka. "

Viktor Tsoi - Actor, Artist and Rock Legend

Viktor Tsoi not only wrote and sang songs, but also starred. His film was the graduation work of the director Alexei Teacher - the documentary "Rock". Oleg Garquash, Boris Grebenchikov, Anton Adacinsky, Akvarium, Auktsyon, DDT, "Cinema", also starred. Later, Tsoi was invited to shoot more and more. He starred in the films "Ya Hha!" Rashida Nugmanova, Assa Sergey Solovyov. In the picture of Nugmanov "Needle", the musician played a major role - moro. For the year, the film was watched more than 14 million Soviet spectators, and the Journal of Soviet Screen recognized Viktor Tsoi the best actor in 1989.

"Well, it's interesting sometimes to portray, say, Hama. I hardly lead myself in my life. But still it is not far from the real character, the film was done without any costumes and hairstyles. I went down the street and entered the frame. We had, of course, the initial literary scenario, then Rashid wrote a directing, with significant changes. In the end, almost nothing left from the original. "

Viktor Tsoi about the filming in the film "Needle". From the interview with the newspaper "Young Leninet"

In parallel with music and filming in the cinema, Viktor Tsoi continued to draw. He entered the group "New Artists", which appealed to the legacy of the avant-garde of the 1920s and foreign projects - pop art, comics, graffiti of American artists. It affected Viktor Tsoi's works - bright, expressive, with deliberately simplified forms. He had no workshop, and he painted where he had and what would have to. Often - on pieces of paper, cardboard and even polyethylene. Viktor Tsoi participated in exhibitions of his creative association and even in the New York Exhibition leningrad artists - In total, 10 of his paintings went to America.

In the United States, a joint album of several Soviet rock bands "Red Wave" came out - there were songs "Aquarium" and "Alice", teams "Strange Games" and "Cinema". The record helped to release the American singer Joanna Stingray, who met Tsoem during a trip to Leningrad. In the spring of 1989, the album "Star named Sun" was released - the only record that the musicians of the Movie group recorded in a professional studio.

In 1988-1990, Tsoi gave dozens of concerts throughout the country. He toured in Denmark, spoke on the largest rock festival in France in Bourget and on the Soviet-Italian rock festival Back in the USSR in Melfiniano.

On August 15, 1990, Moskvich, which drove was driving Viktor Tsoi, hit the bus at high speed. This happened on the track of the sloc - Talsi, in Latvia. Later it was found that the musician fell asleep behind the wheel. He was buried at the Bogoslovsky cemetery in Leningrad. The last plate "Cinema" called the "black album" was released after the death of the frontman group. On August 15, the fans of the rock band celebrate the day of memory of Viktor Tsoi.

Name: Viktor Tsoy (Viktor Tsoy)

Age: 28 years

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Place of death: 35th km of the Highway Circle Talsi, Latvia

Activity: musician, composer

Family status: was married to Marianne Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi - biography

On August 19, 1990, the famous musician, Kumir Million - Victor Tsoi, who tragically died in a car accident was buried in Leningrad. This death can be called symbolic for the country, because exactly a year in a huge Soviet state did not become. The musician itself is called the latest hero.

His work became the fact that it was necessary to young people in the eighties, which ineptly and unconsciously sought to freedom and change. The name of this musician Viktor Tsoi. Over twenty years have passed since his death. The topic of freedom has lost its best relevance. But the songs of Tsoi sing to this day.

Viktor Tsoi - childhood

Viktor Tsoi emerged like nothing. The usual Leningrad boys from a simple family, far from the world of art. He loved to draw, sculpt and cut out of the tree. But one day he took a guitar. And in a matter of years he climbed the Zenith of Glory.

Victor was born in Leningrad, in 1962. His father - Robert Tsoi - once arrived from far from far in the northern capital, where he met his future wife Valentina. The mother of the rock musician was a teacher, father - engineer. Parents divorced when Viktor was eleven. But a few years later, Robert Tsoi returned to the family.

This married couple from the outside looked quite unusual: Eastern man, poorly speaking in Russian, and a chille woman with a long oblique. It should be said that Viktor Tsoi was born in an international country, where the word "Natsman" was not an insult. In addition, he was born exactly that historical period when the multi-million public was presented in anticipation of something new, strong, unique.

FROM early years Vitya was a calm and balanced boy. The parents of his peers treated him quite favorably. Against the background of hooligan and unmanaged classmates, the future legend of the Soviet rock, oddly enough, looked extremely beneficial. In general, Vitya Tsoi little differed from simple Leningrad boys. Unless, the eastern cut of the eyes and silence. However, already in primary school He began to show rare artistic abilities.

Why didn't Viktor Tsoi become an artist? And why did he turn into the legend of Russian rock? In the seventies, the adolescence and adolescence of Tsoi, millions of young Soviet people were infected with the idea of \u200b\u200bRock-n-Rola. Liverpool Four thundered around the world, leaving behind not only beautiful songs, but also a special mood. The first rock bands appeared in the USSR. Millions of boys were dreaming the future rock musician. Some of them managed to organize their group. Units have become famous. And only one - Viktor Tsoem. There is a view, according to which this musician had a rare and valuable gift - to feel his era.

Viktor Tsoi and "Chamber №6"

"As a boat, you will call, so she sails." These words were guided by novice musicians in the USSR at the end of the seventies. Have a musical education, or even possess the initial skills of the game on musical instruments, relying at that time, not so important. The main thing is the desire and sonic name of the group.

The first group, which, together with his friend of childhood, created Viktor Tsoi, was called "Chamber No. 6". Then the future celebrity was fifteen years old. What attracted adolescents the name of the Chekhov story is unknown. But if someone had said someone at that time, he would become famous for the group with the name "Cinema", he would hardly believed. Too just such a name sounded ...

The group "Chamber №6" Tsoi founded with his friend Maxim Pashkov. Together they studied at art school. Together, they from time to time are aimlessly broken on the guitar. And it was Maxim Pashkov that he taught the first guitar games lessons. Victor, despite his restraint, was a person sociable. Friendship meant a lot for him. And each of their friends he studied the best. So, he learned about the classics of Rock from Maxim Pashkov. And, as they testify relatives and relatives, in his youth, he was influenced by his friend.

Viktor Tsoi - Student Years

After the end of the eighth class of the Central Education School, Tsoi entered the art school. Serov. The specialty of the restorer was always in demand in Leningrad. Choose this particular school Tsoi decided, because for several years he studied at an art school. Yes, and about the bread, the urgent should think.

As a schoolboy, he painted everywhere and always. In the lesson of geography or biology, he indulged in his favorite lesson, and was more like a future painter than a musician. Tsoi loved also cut the wood figures. But Wooden Netske, which he made with his own hands and gave friends, turned into a real value only during an excitement around the "Cinema".

Complete the school of Tsiu failed. Music by then completely seized his essence. From the school, Viktor was deducted. Subsequently, teachers noted not only his talent, but also a complete reluctance to obey, to do what does not bring moral satisfaction.

The most amazing in the biography of Tsoi in the eyes of his friends and loved ones is a sudden glory. This man never seemed bright person. Among friends, he did not occupy a leading position. He was slightly closed and revealed only when it was about music. Victor read a lot, and resided constantly in a state of some serenity. Especially strange it seemed to people who knew this man since childhood, his sudden takeoff and glory, which did not subscribe today.

"Garin and Hyperboloids"

The name of this group suggested Tsiu Boris Grebenchikov. The founders of her - Viktor Tsoi and Alexey Rybin. Most rock groups had pronounced leaders. It took some time to understand who is the true leader of Garin and hyperboloids. They were Tsoi. About the conflict of the legends of the Russian rock-n-ring with Alexey Fishinist is written quite a few. Perhaps two leaders are not easy to exist. One way or another, together with a fishery, he founded the group "Garin and hyperboloids". They were together with the origin of the "Cinema". But in 1983, the Tsoi and Rybin route were separated.

Eastern people are customary to attribute multi-climb and trick. Tsoi, I will half Korean, destroyed this stereotype. He expressed briefly, concisely, sometimes unnecessary straightline. Sincerity, simplicity was present in his songs. And it was they who conquered the hearts of millions of fans.

Viktor Tsoi - the biography of personal life: the last hero

In the year of the foundation of the "Cinema" group, her leader was only nineteen years old. The name Tsoi chose the most abstract and unobtrusive. Musical group "Cinema" could change subsequently. This name did not oblige. At the beginning of the eighties, Tsoi may have not had a clear installation regarding his musical career. In addition, he was far from liberated by man. It was then, at one of the parties, he met Mariaina - the girl powerful and decisive. She not only became his wife and mother of the sole son, but also played a significant role in his creative biography.

1985 became complex both in the creative and in the personal life of Tsoi. IN hometown His popularity slept a little. He seemed to be in the shadow of Leningrad Rockers Boris Grebenshchikov and Mike Naumenko. But in 1986, Victor received an offer from the director Sergei Solovyov. Shooting in the film "Ass" changed his life. In Moscow, Tsoi met his new love, after which I left the family. Woman with whom Viktor Tsoi spent last years His life is Natalia Razlogova.

Viktor Tsoi died on August 15, 1990. Since then, a whole generation of fans of his work has grown. These people have never seen Tsoi on stage and did not hear his songs live. But on the tomb of the musician, in the theological cemetery, there are always live flowers. And they bring them those who were born after the death of the leader of the Movie Group. People need a hero. Simple, sincere and honest. Even today, when it would seem, the topic of freedom lost its relevance.

Viktor Tsoi: discography

Head of Kamchatka
This is not love
Blood type
Last Hero
Star named sun
Cinema (Known as a black album)

Viktor Tsoi - the legend of the Russian rock, an incredibly talented musician, founder and leader of the "Cinema" group, the work of which still admire millions of fans to this day.


Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962. The singer Eastern roots - his father, Robert Maksimovich, by the origin of Korean. Pope Viktor was an engineer, mother, a native of St. Petersburg Valentina Vasilyevna - a physical education teacher at school.

Since childhood, Little Vitu pulled to the world of art - at first the boy was carried away with drawing, then the parents gave it to an art school. Three years passing there, Victor stopped visiting it.

Viktor Tsoi in childhood

After graduating from the ninth grade, the young man decided to continue his art education. Then Tsoi entered the Leningrad Art School on the artist-designer. However, love for drawing quickly cooled, leaving the place of music, and the guy stopped visiting couples. In the second year, he was expected to failure.

After the deductions, Victor did not work for a long time at the factory, and then entered the professional lyceum to the specialty of a carpeting on a tree.

In his youth, Victor was a fan of creativity Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky. Then, Tsoi began to imitate Bruce Lee, under whom Victor became interested in oriental martial arts.

Musical career

In the summer of 1981, a new group "Garin and Hyperbolide" was formed, which included Viktor Tsoi, Alexey "Fish" Rybinsky and Oleg "Basis" Valina. The same fall, the team became a member of the Leningrad Rock Club. Soon Valina was taken to the army, and the remaining participants of the group decided to promote the promotion at the Music Olympus - they changed the name of the group on the "Cinema" and began to record a debut album.

The first record was recorded under the guidance of the famous Boris Grebenshchikov at Andrei Topillo's music studio. Musicians from the Aquarium group helped write the album of the newly minted group.

The album released in 1982 was called "45". The number 45 denotes the total duration of the songs in the album. After the release of the plate, the group begins to conquer the first fans, the musicians begin to invite musicians in Moscow and Leningrad.

In the same year, the group records two new songs, the "last hero" and "spring", but both compositions were rejected and Victor took their own. Also for 82 years, the team gives concerts in the capital.

February next year was marked by a joint concert of the group "Aquarium" and "Cinema". Successful performance brought both groups of new fans. However, this year the composition of the "Cinema" radically changed. Because of a quarrel with Tsoem, Alexey Rybin left the group, and all summer the team in the new composition spent on rehearsals with a new guitarist.

The result of the work was the album "46", which was initially intended as a demo-recording of the album "Head of Kamchatka", but thanks to Alexey Cherry, labor was perceived as a full-fledged album of the group.

In May 1984, the "Cinema" group presented a new record "Head of Kamchatka". An album was recorded in the studio of Andrei Topopillo, the producer of the record was spoken by Boris Grebenchikov again.

The group recorded this album in a new composition: a constant leader Viktor Tsoi, guitarist Yuri Kasparyan, Bass-guitarist Alexander Titov and the drummer Georgy "Gustav" Guryanov. In the same year, the group with an updated composition has become a real sensation for Russian rock, becoming a laureate at the second Leningrad Rock Festival.

Next year, the musicians again produced Furore at this festival. Inspired by success, they decide to record the fourth album called "Night". On the album, the participants of the group worked longer than expected initially, therefore, before the "Night" release, the magneto-album "is not love" releases in 1985.

Viktor Tsoi and the "Cinema" group

In November, the group was changed again - Igor Tikhomirov became bass guitarist, changing Alexander Titov. After that, the composition of the group did not change until its dissolution.

In the winter of 1986, Andrei Topillo Samizdat produces the long-awaited plate "Night". In the same year, in the summer, the group went to Kiev to shoot in a movie "End of Vacation". Upon returning "Cinema" together with the "Aquarium" and "Alice" gives a concert in the capital. In the same year, the Red Wave plate is published in the United States ("Red Wave"), which includes the records of the "Cinema" group, Alice, Aquarium and Strange Games.

In the summer of the same year, Tsoi works in the bath. It was necessary to work only an hour from 22.00 to 23.00, but it was at this time that the musician worked with the group, so in this position Tsoi was long forgotten. Later, Viktor comes a proposal to work by the fireman in the Kamchatka boiler house, which he agrees.

A new wave of popularity group brought an exit in 1988 by the album "Blood Group". Then the fans from the group began to appear far beyond the Soviet Union. The group performed with concerts in Italy, Denmark and France.

The following year, the "cinema" pleased the listeners with the new plate "Star named Sun", which for the first time for the history of the team was recorded in a professional studio.

The success of the group increased every day, the number of fans with an incredible speed grew, the whole world seemed to capture the "CINOMANIA". However, the 1990 tragic events broke all the collective plans.


Also, Victor became famous as a talented actor.

In 1986, the artist played in two films - the documentary film "Yia-Hha" Rashid Nugmanova and the picture "End of Vacation". The next year brings fans the documentary "Rock" with the participation of Tsoi. The famous kinocartine "ACCA" came out in the same year. The next major work of Victor became a role in the dramatic thriller "needle", for which the performer received the title of the best actor in 1988.

Personal life

The leader of the "Cinema" group married Marianne Tsoi. Soon after marriage, in August 1985, the pair had first-mentioned Alexander. With the mother of his child, Victor lived for a long time - in 1987, Tsoi left Marianna to Natalia unknown. With Natalia, the artist met on the set, then the girl was an assistant director. There was a relationship between them, which led to the destruction of the family and move Victor to Moscow. Officially married Mariana was dissatisfied.

Victor and Marianna Tsoi and Sasha's son

Tragic death

Victor did not become aged 29 years. On August 15, 1990, a car accident occurred at noon. As is known from the police chronicle, the car of the singer moved along the slot-talci highway at a speed of 130 km / h. The singer, failing to cope with the control, flew to the oncoming and ran into the "Ikarus" bus. The people who were in the bus were not injured, but Victor received serious injuries and died on the spot.

The actor was absolutely sober and did not use alcohol. The analysis showed that Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, possibly from overwork. The news of the death of the legendary musician shocked the whole world. Some fans committed suicide by learning about the terrible death of their idol. Thousands of fans came on the funeral on August 15.

June 21 marks 50 years since the birth of the legendary rock musician, the founder of the "Cinema" group Viktor Tsoi.

Singer, poet, composer and film actor Viktor Tsoi was born on June 21, 1962 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

Father Victor - Korean, originally from Kazakhstan, worked as an engineer, mother - Russian, a native Leningrad, was a physical education teacher.

Victor from early childhood was a tendency to drawing, so in the fourth grade (in 1974) parents identified him in an art school, where he studied until 1977.

Music, like drawing, was one of the permanent hobbies of Victor. The first guitar parents presented him in the fifth grade. During his studies at the art school, he met Maxim Pashkov, with whom later organized the group "Chamber No. 6".

In 1978, Viktor Tsoi entered the Leningrad Art School. V. A. SEROVA, for the formed branch. But the fonts and posters were in a burden. Much more satisfaction brought passionate music.

In 1979, he was expelled from the School of "for failure," after which he went to the plant and entered the evening school. Later he studied in SGPU No. 61 in the specialty of the "Tree Cutter", after the end of which, by distribution, he worked for a long time in the restoration workshops of the Ekaterininsky Palace-Museum in the city of Pushkin of the Leningrad Region.

In 1980, Tsoi began to perform at the apartment concerts in Moscow, together with the participants of the "Automatic Satisfactors" group. In 1981, his scenic debut was held as a bass guitarist in the Leningrad Cafe "Telum".

In the summer of 1981, a group "Garin and Hyperboloids" arose, where Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin and Oleg Valinsky. In the autumn of 1981, the Group entered the Leningrad Rock Club. After the departure of Oleg Valine group, renamed the "Cinema".

In 1982, the "Cinema" group debuted on the stage of the Leningrad Rock Club, after which the first album of the group was released, the producer of which was Boris Grebenchikov (leader of the Aquarium Group).

In the autumn of 1982, Viktor Tsoi worked in the garden-park crash on a tree.

On February 19, 1983, a joint concert "Cinema" and "Aquarium" was held, which sounded such songs as "aluminum cucumbers", "electric train" and "trolleybus".

In the spring of 1983, Alexey Rybin left the group, the reason was disagreement with Viktor Tsoem.

In the spring of 1984, the "Cinema" team spoke at the second festival of the Leningrad Rock Club and received the title of laureates, and Viktor Tsoi's song "I declare my home-free zone" was recognized as the best anti-war song.

In the second half of 1984, the second composition of the Movie Group would be formed, which included: Viktor Tsoi (guitar, vocal), Yuri Kasparyan (Guitar, Vocal), Georgy "Gustav" Guryanov (drums, vocals), Alexander Titov (bass, vocals ). After some time, Igor Tikhomirov came to the place of Titov.

In the summer of 1984, the group recorded the album "Head of Kamchatka", then the albums "not love" (1985), "Night" (1986), songs from which "Anarchy Mom" \u200b\u200band "saw night" quickly became popular.

In the spring of 1985, the "Cinema" group became the laureate of the Third Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club, and a year later, at the next, fourth, the rock festival, the "Cinema" group received a prize for the best texts.

In 1986, the Movie and Aquarium Groups made a concert program in the United States and there they also recorded the Album "Red Wave".

In the fall of 1986, Viktor Tsoi arranged to work as a driver to the famous boiler house "Kamchatka".

In the spring of 1987, the last speech was held at the Festival of the Rock Club, where the group "Cinema" received a prize "for creative majority."

In addition to musical creativity, Viktor Tsoi was known for his own works in the cinema. He starred in the films "Ya Hha!" (Director Rashid Nugmanov), "End of Vacation" (director Sergey Lysenko), "Rock" (director Alexey Teacher) and "Assa" (director Sergey Soloviev). In the film Rashid Nugmanova "Needle" (1988) Viktor Tsoi played Moro's main role.

He continued to engage in painting. In 1988, the exhibition Leningrad held in New York modern artists 10 paintings belonged to Viktor Tsoi's brushes.

In 1988, the album "Blood Group" was released and the album "Star named Sun" was recorded, which was released at the end of 1989 - the first and last album in the history of the group, recorded in the professional studio.

In the summer of 1989, together with Yuri Kasparyan, Viktor Tsoi traveled to the United States, and in the spring of 1990 visited Japan.

On June 24, 1990, the last concert of the "Cinema" group took place in the Luzhniki. A special salute was arranged and the Olympic torch was lit.

On August 15, 1990, at 12 pm 28 minutes, Viktor Tsoi tragically died in a car accident, returning from night fishing in Jurmala at the car "Moskvich". Central Machine crashed into a flight bus "Ikarus". According to investigators, the singer fell asleep.

He is buried in St. Petersburg at the Bogoslovsky Cemetery.

As for the personal life of the musician, in 1984, Tsoi married a girl named Mariana, who since 1982 he worked as an administrator of the "Cinema" team. On August 5, 1985, they had a son Alexander. The couple broke up several years before the death of Tsoi, but officially spouses did not divorce.

On June 27, 2005, Viktor Maryan Tsoi's widow after severe and prolonged illness died.

After the death of Viktor Tsoi, the musicians "Cinema" decided to "modify" and release the last compilation. In December 1990, a black album was released on Viktor Tsiu. The "Cinema" group ceased to exist.

In 1990, the "Wall of Viktor Tsoi" appeared in Moscow in Krivarbat Lane. She was written by quotes from the songs of the Movie Group. The fans of the singer were going at the wall twice a year on June 21, on his birthday, and on August 15, on the day of death.

In 2006, the Tsoi Wall was painted by the ART Destroy Project movement, but then fans.

On August 15, 2002, in Latvia at the 35th kilometer of the Talsi Education, a monument was established on the site of the death of the musician (the authors - the artist Ruslan Vereshchagin and the sculptor Amiran Hablashvili).

In the Petrograd district of St. Petersburg, there is a club-museum of Viktor Tsoi "Boiler Kamchatka", where the musician was listed by a regular coach. It opened at the end of 2003. A small scene is located in the former boiler room on the site of the boiler, and the Museum Foundations are kept guitar, posters, photos, plates, tickets from the concerts of the "Cinema" group. The club is considered one of the traditional pilgrimage sites of "kinomans".

In 2009, it was announced the start of the competition for the manufacture and installation of the monument to Viktor Tsuyu in St. Petersburg.

On November 20, 2010, the legendary rock musician in Barnaul (Altai Territory) near the Corps of the Altai State Pedagogical Academy.

And on June 21, 2012, to the 50th anniversary of the birthday of the musician, the alley of the glory of Russian rock, the central place in which the wall of the memory of Viktor Tsoi will take.

Material prepared on the basis of information of open sources and RIA Novosti