Which is better truth or compassion according to the play. Which is better: truth or compassion? Which is better, truth or compassion? What do you need

What is truth? This question occupies the minds of philosophers, writers, sometimes we also think about this issue. For me, the truth is not easy, though, the truth is the only one, you can’t argue with it. Regardless of the person, his beliefs and outlook on life, the truth remains the same for everyone. Truth cannot be good or bad, it just is, and it is unshakable. What is compassion? This is a sincere feeling, it is not selfish. Compassion means to take part of the suffering of another person, to suffer with him.

At first glance, Gorky's work "At the Bottom" does not seem interesting, there are few events, no beautiful life inhabitants. But if you read carefully, put yourself in the place of each character, if you feel the characters, it becomes clear how much the author has invested in his characters.

The monotonous life of the rooming house, it was like a stagnant pond. They all suffered, but each suffered separately from the other. Once together, they lived each on their own. The appearance of the wanderer Luke woke them up. He did not bring fresh ideas, thoughts, he simply paid attention to everyone. Gorky is ambivalent about this character, Luka is described as a kind, cunning old man. It seems like he says good words, but unpleasantly. Why? And this is unpleasant because Luka did not sympathize, he felt sorry for the inhabitants of the rooming house. He did not feel their pain, he spoke kind words, but his heart remained cold.

And yet, Luke changed people, they began to think. The terrible thing is that Luke did not instill hope in these people. Hope makes not only dream, it sets a goal and awakens the desire for this goal. Luka gave the bed-seekers an illusion, an illusion is passive, it does not call for itself, it immerses oneself into oneself. When Luke left, the inhabitants returned from their illusory worlds and saw how terrible they live, hopelessness, poverty, illness, it would seem that everything is as before, but all this has become simply unbearable. Luka gave the children a beautiful toy and then took it away, it broke their hearts.

Another main character, truth-seeker Satin. His words are harsh, but true, he does not pretend. But is it really that good? How did she help at least one of the overnight stays? Why is he so passionate in a monologue about a man, absolutely indifferent to the death of the Actor?

Reading the play, it becomes scary from the soullessness of people, it becomes bitter and insulting. It is terrible that an inhuman society kills and maims human souls. But the main thing in the play, in my opinion, is that Gorky made his contemporaries even more acutely feel the injustice of the social structure that destroys people, destroys them, made them think about a person, his freedom.

Which is better, "bitter truth" or "sweet lie"? I dont know. How can one tell this bitter truth to a seriously ill person and extinguish the spark of hope in his eyes? Does he want to hear the words: "You are dying"? I think that the most important thing is to love a person, then the heart will tell you what to say.

Which is better, truth or compassion? But can you choose? Truth is not chosen, it is either accepted or not. And compassion is what we should live for. Do not flatter, do not regret, namely, compassion, sharing suffering with others, taking away part of their pain. If we understand this, we will be human.

Which is better, truth or compassion? It is impossible to give a definite answer. "At the Bottom" touches upon and reveals several problems to readers: lies and truth, merciful deception and bitter truth. In my opinion, compassion is still better, because it is precisely this that gives hope for life to any of the characters in the play “At the Bottom”.

Each of them: Satin, Bubnov, Nastya, Actor, Kleshch were "at the bottom of life" through their own fault. A person chooses his own destiny, he must have a goal, a dream, in order to have something to strive for. But the heroes don't have that... They don't live, they just exist, they spend the rest of their lives in a dark, dirty rooming house. Day after day, the same thing: darkness, emptiness in the soul, complete indifference to everyone and everything ... But it was like that until a certain moment. . .

With the advent of a new character - Luke, it seemed that now everything will work out: people will get out of this hole on their own - they just need to be pushed. It is Luke who shows compassion, gives hope, consoles. He, like no one else, has an influence on these low people. Being near death, Anna listens to the old man, believes in his words of compassion, they help her - the woman dies with the hope that in the other world everything will be fine for her: no suffering, no poverty. Luke's words did not pass by the Actor: a person who has lost all hope suddenly understands the meaning of life, that not everything is lost, you can still fix everything and start from scratch. But, alas, this is not to be... Just as you instantly gain hope, just as quickly you can lose it. Compassion is not just words that have an impact while you hear them - it is a spiritual upheaval, a constant desire for striving and change.

It would be a mistake to say that it was Luka who was to blame for the death of the Actor, that it was the words of compassion that ruined the man. He helped people. What if he did not console the inhabitants of the “bottom”, but, on the contrary, once again showed the truth of their life, the place that they occupy in society? This would not change anything in better side, only pushed to the "extreme step" of solving all problems - suicide.

The author does not accept a naive belief in a miracle, but it is precisely the miraculous that the characters of this drama imagine, for some in a marble hospital, for others in honest work, for others in love happiness. Luke's speeches had an effect because they "fell on the fertile soil of cherished illusions."

The characters of the work, of course, touched the truth, but did not get rid of the feeling of hopelessness. Their circle of existence is closed: from indifference - to an unattainable dream, and from it - to death and emptiness.

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“The arrival of Luke only for a minute accelerates the pulse of a fading life, but he can neither save nor raise anyone” (I.F. Annensky) (based on the play by M. Gorky “At the Bottom”)

The meaning of the image of Luke in Gorky's play "At the Bottom"

Which is better, truth or compassion? (according to the work of M. Gorky)

Which is better, truth or compassion? (based on the play by A.M. Gorky "At the Bottom")

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Which is better, truth or compassion? based on the play At the Bottom (Gorky A. M.)

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Is it really necessary for a person to know the absolute truth, or can staying in illusions and fantasies be much better and even more saving for him? This question is asked by the great Russian writer and playwright Maxim Gorky in his play At the Bottom.

The heroes of Gorky's work are ordinary people who, by the will of fate, are forced to fight for their survival, to save every penny, labor and sweat, in order to somehow make ends meet. Among them there are both once famous or noble people (Actor, Baron), and those who have been starving all their lives (Anna). But, despite the filth and lawlessness surrounding them, they still try to remain human, adhere to moral guidelines. In their conversations, they raise issues that contrast sharply with the disgusting conditions of their living in their loftiness and originality.

The goal of their dialogues is to search for some universal truth of life, and each of the heroes of the play sees it in his own way.

The first position is the acceptance of the disappointing truth as it is, without softening embellishment. On the side of this position is Bubnov, once the owner of a dyeing workshop. This hero is skeptical, cynical and cruel, there is not a drop of compassion in him - even to the request of the dying Anna to be quieter, he replies: “Noise is not a hindrance to death ...”

The second position on this issue is the position of the eccentric wanderer Luke. He tries to show the need for pity for every person. He consoles the dying Anna with the words that after death she will finally find peace. Luka tells the actor about a free clinic where they treat drunkenness. Some inhabitants of the rooming house perceive Luke's words with hostility, accusing him of giving people only empty hopes, completely closing their eyes to the true state of things. But is this truth so good? And is it worth reproaching the wanderer for his sincere desire to help the inhabitants of the rooming house, even with a kind word?

A saving lie is sometimes necessary. Anna needs her - her days are numbered, she is dying, and the cruel truth of Bubnoy would only make her death more painful. But then, do the other heroes of the play really need false hopes and compassion, and didn’t they lead some of the heroes to an even more tragic death? Although the majority of the inhabitants of the rooming house are not guilty of their fate, they are weak-willed in themselves, they do not want to correct the situation in any way. The actor, after the disappearance of Luka, who decides that there is no salvation, commits suicide; Bubnov still does not move beyond bilious and cynical reasoning. All heroes are united by the inability to do anything to rise from the social bottom.

We can say that only one hero in the play is truly right - Satin. He sees no point in once again "chewing" obvious things, in illusions and blind consolation. Neither compassion nor any truth is worth anything without the desire to act, to fight the difficulties of life, without a person's firm self-confidence.

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“Which is better: truth or compassion?” - essay on the play "At the bottom"

Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" asks fundamental questions, the answers to which mankind is still looking for. One of those questions is:


The heroes of the work, the inhabitants of the rooming house, are people with different beliefs, ideals and past. Some dream of freedom, others dream of love, and still others don't believe in anything at all. But all of them are united by the search for the meaning of their worthless existence.

Luke's arrival gives hope to the desperate inhabitants of the rooming house. These people, with no present or future, gain faith through Luke's sweet lies.

Luke himself is well aware that he is deceiving these unfortunate people, however, he does this with good intentions. His position is conscious and thoughtful. Luke seeks to comfort people in every way. It does not matter for him whether these words are true or false, the main thing is the result. After all, the bitter truth can finally finish off a person who is at the bottom of his life, push him to suicide.

The main opponent of Luke is Satin, who prefers to accept the truth, no matter how bitter it is, to accept all the absurdity of the world around him.

For him, living a lie is tantamount to a loss of self-respect, tantamount to recognizing oneself as weak and defeated. And Satin strives to hold out to the end, remaining a strong man.

The end of the play is dramatic. The philosophy of compassion is failing. All those whom Luca sought to help could not find a way out of their life's dead ends. The preaching of compassion did not change the lives of the heroes.

However, the philosophy of Satin, which did not develop into concrete actions and actions, as a result, is no different from empty promises. a better life. The world of the inhabitants of the rooming house is filled with a sense of hopelessness. In the life of the heroes, nothing has changed. Truth and compassion alone cannot bring the desired relief.

One should strive to find the golden mean, when the blade of truth becomes not an instrument of ruthless murder, but an instrument of merciful healing of the human soul.

Composition "At the bottom - Gorky" "Which is better: truth or compassion?" - essay on the play "At the bottom"

Attention, only TODAY!

"Bitter truth" and "sweet lies" always stand side by side, and each person decides for himself what to choose. No matter how much time passes, and the problem of truth and lies remains unresolved, this topic is eternal in literature, so various authors often turn to it.

M. Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" raises the problem of truth and lies. In the work, two heroes are opposed - Satin and Luke. The first believes that it is always necessary to tell the truth, because "truth is God free man”, people who lie are “weaklings” for Satin. Luke argues that it is necessary to sympathize with people, and compassion, in his understanding, is often a lie - a lie for the good. It seems to me that both heroes were right about something, each person needed his own approach. Klesch and the Actor, for example, needed the “bitter truth”, they needed such an impetus that would provoke changes, could “stir them up”, it was the truth that would initiate their struggle and, perhaps, they would get out of this “pit”. Someone needed a soothing, "sweet lie" like Anna.

Anna, after the words of Luke, was not afraid of death and "with a light heart" went "to another world." For another hero of the play, the Actor, the lie turned out to be fatal. He wholeheartedly believed in the best, in his recovery from addiction, but soon even the illusory hope for something good collapsed, and with it the life of the Actor collapsed. In desperation, he decided to commit suicide. In fact, Luka was not to blame for the death of the Actor, and the deterioration in the situation of the inhabitants of the rooming house. He wholeheartedly tried to help these people, Luke really worried and sympathized, he thought that with his mercy and pity he could “reach out” to people and their souls. Luke wanted to give them hope and faith so that they would start acting, striving for something. His goodness was based on deceit, but for Luke this was not a lie, because, in his opinion, what is human is true. Only Satin was able to understand the “philosophy” of Luke, saying: “Man is the truth!”

Thus, "saving lies" do happen, but rather rarely. In most cases, the “bitter truth” is better than any deception, because one cannot live forever in illusions. A person who is aware of the criticality of the situation, who knows the true state of affairs, begins to fight, and often it is the “bitter truth” that helps him avoid many problems.

Option 2

Probably, those people who read the work and even thought about it were divided into two types. Some shared the side of truth, while others, on the contrary, were for compassion. But it’s definitely impossible to find out which is better in my opinion. Everything will directly depend on the situation or on the consequences of the choice.

This problem was considered by Gorky in his work "At the bottom". Everything happens in one shack, in which there are not even conditions for existence, and never have been, but people still lived here. Many people live here only because they have nowhere else to live, and here at least they will not die alone. And among them there is one guy named Luke, who is trying to change the life of each of the heroes. He tells them that when they die, they will find themselves in a wonderful place where they will have all the conditions for living and there they will definitely find their happiness. The guy understands that he is deceiving everyone who is here, but he does not have and will not have another way to cheer them up and help them. And he is sure that the lie helps them calmly complete their existence here and move to another world. Anna was dying in agony and pain, and he assured her that she would receive medical assistance there and she would never get sick again. One man used to be a great actor, but the vodka ruined him and he was fired from his job. After that, he began to drink, and now death has come for him. And Luka assured him that there was a special hospital there, in which they would definitely help him and he would never drink again and they would take him back to work.

And this is better than the truth, which sometimes does not please a person at all, but rather scares even more. He even gives people hope and they leave happy. In addition, he himself believed in this world, where everyone goes and lives well and happily there, but one day he found out that this world simply does not exist and then committed suicide.

Many agree with this main character, sometimes a person needs to be told what he wants to hear and it doesn’t have to be, really.

Not every person will be able to determine when another person tells him the truth, and when he is deceiving. Of course, in some situations this can be understood, but there are situations when it is not clear to the last whether a person deceived you or not. Sometimes fiction and truth are very close to each other, and it can be very difficult or almost impossible to distinguish one from the other. In this case, a person must learn to weigh the truth and lies, and then it will become clear where the fiction is, and where he is telling the truth.


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>Compositions based on the work At the bottom

Which is better truth or compassion?

One of the best dramas by M. Gorky is the play "At the Bottom", which was published in 1902. In it, the writer raised a question that was and will remain relevant: What is better - truth or compassion. If the question was about truth and lies, it would be easy to answer that the truth is better, more important and more correct. But truth and compassion are difficult to oppose to each other. The author himself is a humanist by nature and prefers the truth. He put his opinion into the words of Satin, who defends the pava of man throughout the play.

This character is opposed by the elder Luka, who, as if by chance, ended up in the Kostylevs' rooming house. With his appearance, many guests who have lost hope for a better existence feel much better. In fact, he is a very kind and sensitive person who pities people and sympathizes with them. However, his compassion is sometimes associated with a lie, a comforting one, but a lie nonetheless. In his play, Gorky shows the tragic consequences of such compassion. Perhaps Luka is not at all a rogue or a charlatan, as some guests suspect. Perhaps he sympathizes with all his heart, but this only instills deceptive illusions in the souls of vulnerable people.

Sateen has a different truth of life. Despite the fact that he is now a gambler and cheater, he is a true philosopher at heart. AT past life he was an intelligent and highly educated telegraph operator. Defending his sister from one scoundrel, he ended up in prison for almost five years. And after the prison ended up in this rooming house. In all the disputes that take place in the play, he proclaims the cult of man. It is he who exposes Luke's wrong approach. He considers lies, however comforting, to be the religion of slaves. But for a real person - there is truth. He does not accuse Luka of bad intentions, and he perfectly understands the good motives of the old man. At the same time, he still says that compassion only humiliates a person and gives him false hopes.

The author himself agrees with Satin. He believes that a person should have the courage to accept the truth as it is. It makes a person stronger and more confident. With this work, the playwright also tried to show that truth can serve as an impetus for positive changes in a society that by that time was mired in lies and injustice. The conclusion is obvious. Only truth can elevate a person and make him happier. A person must choose what he needs, and compassion with an admixture of lies does not lead to good.

Lesson topic: Which is better: truth or compassion?

(based on the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom")

Class: 11

Lesson type: lesson-seminar with elements of discussion.

Goals: I .Educational:

    Continue studying Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

    Create conditions for expanding students' knowledge about the analysis of a work of art.

II .Developing:

    To create conditions for the development of expressive reading skills of students.

    Create conditions for improving the skill of analyzing a work of art.

III . Personal:

    To create conditions for awakening in students a sense of pride in a person.

Equipment: 1. M. Gorky "At the bottom"

2.Screening of the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom"

3.Presentation, projector

Literature: 1 . M. Gorky "At the bottom".

2. Severikova N.M. etc. Literature: Proc. Benefit for Wednesdays. Specialist. Proc. head.–4th ed.– M.: Higher School, 1983.–S.335–359.

3. Russian literature of the XX century. Essays. Portraits. Essay. Proc. Allowance for students 11 cells. general education institutions. In 2 hours. Part 1 / Comp. E.P. Pronin; Ed. F.F. Kuznetsova. - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 1996. - P. 41.

4. Volkov A.A. A.M. Bitter. A guide for students. - M .: Education, 1975.

5. Fedin K. Gorky among us. Paintings literary life.– M.: Soviet writer, 1977.

Lesson structure: 1. Organizational moment. (1 min.)

2. opening speech teachers. (2 min.)

3. Work on the problems of the play. Drawing up a diagram. (26 min.)

4. Viewing an excerpt from the screen version of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" (5 min.)

5. Conclusions. (6 min.)

6. Tests

7. The results of the lesson: a) homework; (3 min.)

b) grading. (2 minutes)

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys! We continue to study the work of M. Gorky, or rather his play "At the Bottom".

II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Teacher: Today is not an ordinary lesson. We will answer questions, reflect, share our thoughts, argue. Currently, the question is more and more relevant: “Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie? truth or compassion? We will try to answer this question with you.

The play begins with a description of the gloomy life of the Kostylevo rooming house, which is depicted by Gorky as the embodiment of social evil. The author describes this shelter of the poor. Gathered here different people: men and women, old and young, healthy and sick. These people have a terrible present, but no future. And of all these lodging-houses, Gorky singles out two: Satin and the wanderer Luka - these are two opposite philosophies.

III. Work on the theme of the play. Drawing up a diagram.

Teacher: Guys, what did we learn about Luke from the play? What is he? Who is he?

Student: Luka the Wanderer, came from afar. He always speaks in aphorisms and proverbs. He gave hope to all the inhabitants of the rooming house, reassured them, and was kind to everyone. His life beat him a lot. But Luka did not stop loving people.

Teacher: What do we know about Satan?

Student: Satin spent 4 years in prison because of his sister (he stood up for her), used to be a telegraph operator, read a lot. He drinks a lot, plays cards and gets into fights. Believes in a person.

Teacher: Now let's draw a diagram of negative and positive traits the character of Luka and Sateen and find out which of them is depicted by Gorky as a positive hero, and who as a negative one.

Luke satin

+ / - + / -

sympathetic deceitful truth-loving cruel

patient proud distrustful

kind contentious




Teacher: So, it turns out that Luke and Sateen have something good and bad, and it’s impossible to say for sure who is positive and who villain. What is Luka's relationship with the inhabitants of the rooming house (with Anna, Natalya, Ash, Nastya, Kleshch, Actor)?

Student: He treats everyone kindly. He promises Anna rest and peace in the next world, he persuades Natalya to believe Ash and run away with him, Ash tells about Siberia, where you can earn a lot of money, he just listened to Nastya and pretended to believe, gave the Actor hope that he would be cured at a free alcohol clinic.

Teacher: How does Satin feel about the inhabitants of the rooming house?

Student: He mocks everyone, makes fun, tells them the harsh truth right in the face, destroying the hopes of the “bottom dwellers”.

Teacher: What does Satin say about work, labor?

Student: That work should bring joy, only then will it work.

Teacher: How does Luke feel about all people?

Student: Luke is presented by the author in the form of a wanderer, more reminiscent of a preacher or a minister of a religious cult. He is wise and carries light and human warmth. Already from the threshold, he addresses the heroes as normal people: “Good health, honest people!” He treats everyone with warmth and understanding: “I don’t care! I respect crooks too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad: they are all black, they all jump ... "

Teacher: Good. What does Luke say about man?

Student: Luke says: "He - whatever he is - is always worth his price ..."

Teacher: How does Anna Luca calm down? What does he tell her about death?Student: " You will rest there!..” “Death, she is to us - like a mother to small children”

Teacher: What does Luca promise the Actor? What hope does it give him?

Student: He tells the Actor that in some city there is a free clinic for alcoholics.

Teacher: Did the Actor trust Luca? How has his behavior changed?

Student : Yes. The actor believed Luke. He stopped drinking and started saving money for the trip.

Teacher: What way out does Luka offer Vaska Pepl?

Student : He suggested that Vaska go to Siberia and start a new life there.

Teacher: How did the story about Siberia affect Pepel?

Student : He wants to improve: “... we must live differently! It is better to live! It is necessary to live like this ... so that I can respect myself.

Teacher: What is Luke's answer to the question "Is there a God"?

Student : "What you believe is what you are"

Teacher: How do you understand it?

Student : That is, you can believe whatever you want, and with this faith it will be easier to live.

Teacher: The play is about truth. How does Luke speak about the truth?

Student : "The truth is like a butt on the head ..."

Teacher: Correctly. How does he explain his lies?

Student : “It’s true, it’s not always because of a person’s illness ... You can’t always cure the soul with the truth!”

Teacher: What does Kostylev say about the truth?

Student : He says that not every truth is needed.

Teacher: Good. How does Bubnov feel about the truth?

Student : He says: “Tell the truth as it is. I'm always telling the truth! I can't lie. Why?"

Teacher: What does Satin say about truth? Read his words.

Student : "Falsehood is the religion of slaves and masters, truth is the God of a free man."

Teacher: Luke tells the parable of the righteous land. What is it about? Why did he tell her?

Student : He tells a parable about a man who believed in the existence of a righteous land. When a certain scientist proved that there is no such land, the man hanged himself out of grief. With this, Luke wants to once again confirm how saving lies are sometimes for people and how unnecessary and dangerous truth can be for them.

Teacher: Does Luke believe in people and love them?

Student : Luka loves people. He pities them and does not believe in them, killing his will to get out of the “bottom of life” with his pity.

IV.Viewing an excerpt from the screen version of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom"

Teacher: How does Satin assess the truth and what does he say about a person? The film will tell us about this - the screen version of the play "At the Bottom".

Guys! Luke's life-saving lie. Gorky rejects this philosophy of saving lies; it plays a reactionary role.

Instead of calling for a fight against an unrighteous life, he reconciles the oppressed and the disadvantaged with the oppressors and tyrants. This lie, according to the author of the play, is an expression of weakness, historical impotence. This is what the author thinks. Do you agree with this position of Gorky. What do we think?

Student : On the one hand, I agree with Gorky. But on the other hand, Luka is the only one who treats the inhabitants of the rooming house humanely, humanely (for example, with Anna). Even Satine respects and protects him.

Teacher: So, let's answer the main question of today's lesson: which is better: truth or compassion? Truth or lie?

Student : I think that in some situations it is permissible to lie out of compassion for one's neighbor (for example, to a seriously ill or dying person), in other cases it is better, of course, to tell the truth.

V .Conclusion.

Teacher: In the play, Gorky contrasts false humanism, which preaches universal humility, humility to fate, and true humanism, the essence of which is in the struggle against everything that oppresses a person, depriving him of dignity and faith in his own strength, against the slave life of mankind. These are the two main truths that Luka and Satin argue about in the play - characters who immediately stand out from the general crowd of the inhabitants of the rooming house with their philosophical approach to life, the ability to speak wisely and the ability to influence people.

However, at the beginning of the play, another, third, "truth" is given - the truth of Bubnov. Bubnov is too categorical, for him there is only black and white, while there is much more black. He lives and acts on the principle of "tell the truth as it is." Bubnov tries to bring everyone who is in a rooming house to clean water, giving out his truth: “But I ... I don’t know how to lie! Why?" To the Actor, and Medvedev, and Ash, and Nastya, this character tells the bitter and painful truth, but the consequences of this truth are unpredictable! He is indifferent to his own fate, especially to the feelings of others, his outlook on life is too skeptical, full of pessimism, and life itself seems to him complete nonsense; “All people, like chips, float along the river. It's like that! They are born, they live, they die. And I will die, and you ... What a pity! True, Bubnov kills in a person any desire to be a person: “Everyone will die anyway,” so why go out of your way in vain, it’s better to immediately think about death.

But the righteous Luke sincerely wants to alleviate the suffering of people, help them, support them, instill Orthodox humility in their souls. Luka knows who and what to promise, his speeches have a beneficial effect on the ears of the embittered residents of the shelter and plunge them into a pleasant oblivion, making them even more passive and divorced from real life. But Luka bypasses Bubnov, Satina, Klesch, obviously realizing that his pity can satisfy only the weak and those who doubt the possible happiness of people.

But Luke's preaching only brings harm. The inhabitants of the rooming house are already driven to despair and live only by illusions, and Luke creates even more of them. He does not name a path capable of lifting from the bottom, he does not believe in the possibility of these unfortunates, and therefore resorts to sublime, but senseless deception. Luke's affectionate words only lull, bewitch, but they do not incite to fight, do not give strength and desire to actively act to change their own deplorable situation. Luke's call to hope for the best pushes the roommates to inaction and humility, and he himself quietly leaves, leaving the unfortunate in complete confusion, with a bitter sense of hopelessness.

Satin tried to understand Luka and soberly assessed his role: "Not a charlatan Luka," as others thought, "but compassionate," "a crumb for the toothless." He comes to the conclusion that Luke's speeches, permeated with Christian morality, do not bring any benefit, but only lull the soul, deceive it. And Satin sharply criticizes lies: "Lie is the religion of slaves and masters, truth is the god of a free man."

And, if Luke claims that a person must humble himself, endure and wait for a miracle. Satin proclaims the idea that a person should be, first of all, free and proud, should act, fight for a happy life, not losing heart and working hard. The truth of Satin is closest to the thoughts of the author himself: through the mouth of Satin, Gorky expresses his own faith in man. The actual answer to the author's question: Which is better: "truth or compassion?" not in the play. This question everyone decides for himself.

VI . Tests

VI .Results of the lesson:

a) homework;

Write an essay - reasoning on the topic: "Man is a great position"

b) grading.