Mulyavin biography personal life. Vladimir Mulyavin's wife: Svetlana Penkina - a successful but short life of one of the most beautiful actresses of the ussr

We are standing on the porch of the Pesnyarov studio. The musicians, Volodina's former colleagues, smoke and talk aloud. Last year, in September, Mulyavin Jr. resigned from the ensemble, having worked for a year and three months. Even then, there was talk: they say, the musician is cool, but there are problems. They recalled that Volodya had already rewound his term in the late 90s: he was given a year and seven months for exceeding self-defense. Mulyavin Jr. himself said that he defended the girl. Ironically, in prison he met ... with his father's colleagues. "Pesnyary" performed in the correctional institution with a chef's concert, and Valery Daineko recognized Mulyavin in the crowd of prisoners. Volodya was very similar to his father.

But, despite his imprisonment, Volodya, according to people who knew him, remained a good guy. Therefore, the current term under Article 328 of the Criminal Code for drugs, let alone death in a prison hospital, came as a shock to everyone. But not a complete surprise ...

We accidentally found out that Volodya died, - the guys admit. - Common acquaintances called. But he has not yet been buried. We went to Moscow cemetery, there is no grave yet. They say that the body was cremated, it will be given out for burial later. He must be buried in his mother's grave. This is in the same cemetery as Mulyavin, only to the side ...

He was a musician from God, he was great!

A year ago, the girl left Volodya. It seems to be even in some kind of church ... I also could not stand it all.

We talked with him constantly, each gave his own reasons. Not that they were pressing, just talking ... After all, all adults.

We were not taken to the doctors. The agreement was this: if you want, work ...

Yes, everything was fine, we went to the gym together, did fitness. Volodya even recovered. The girls began to pay attention to him ...

Vyacheslav SHARAPOV, head of the state ensemble "Pesnyary":

Before "Pesnyary" Volodya worked as a plasterer

The first time I saw Volodya was at my father's funeral in 2003. And I felt sorry for him: thin, in bad clothes ... It was clear that his life was hard. The good guy disappears.

Where did he work then?

In some construction companies ... Plaster. Meanwhile, Volodya was a good musician. That's why I invited him to the ensemble. And also out of respect for the memory of my father. We couldn't get enough of him for two months. He had changed, even outwardly it was clear that everything was getting better ... I am not a doctor, not a narcologist, but then I began to notice strange behavior.

They say that from the first day of work you had his letter of resignation, and the agreement was this: do you sign the statement as soon as there is a reason?

This statement was not written immediately, but 8 months later. In the summer of 2005, the situation in Ushachi became open, Volodya could no longer control his condition ... And then, at my request, he really wrote a statement with an open date. It lasted 4 months. And when we went to the shooting in Moscow to record Mikhail Shvydkov's program "Life is Beautiful", and Volodya, right during the recording, leaving the studio in a normal state, returned with a changed face, I realized that it was impossible to continue like this ... No, he behaved absolutely adequately, did not allow himself any absurdities. On the train on the way back, he started to have some hallucinations ... We did not advertise anything. But musicians from other collectives have already begun to notice strange changes that suddenly happen to Volodya ...

Although the audience perceived him great at concerts. As soon as it was announced: “Vladimir Mulyavin, son of the legendary musician”, the audience burst into applause. True, Volodya did not sing, he did not have the same gift as his father ... From this he experienced psychological discomfort. After all, everyone expected this from him: now he will come out and give out. Although in a low voice he sang very beautifully and cleanly. I'm sure I would sing.

And Mulyavin himself had no idea of \u200b\u200binviting his son to work?

We once discussed with him, but, in my opinion, Volodya was then serving a sentence. Vladimir Georgievich, of course, felt guilty for not giving something to his children. Here the youngest son Valera received his - both love and care. I often saw them together, they practically never parted with their father, Mulyavin did not cherish the soul in this guy ... But the elder ...

And besides his sister Marina, did Volodya have relatives?

No. Mother died in 1999. And with my half-brothers and sisters, communication was not close. Marina is much older than Volodya, and she was like a mother to him ...

When you invited Volodya to the ensemble, did you know about drug problems?

Rumors reached me, but we talked with Volodya frankly, and he assured me: no, no, everything has long been forgotten.


After the birth of his son Volodya Mulyavin left the family

Volodya is the second child of Mulyavin, born in marriage with his first wife Lydia Karmalskaya. Karmalskaya was older than Mulyavin, together with her an unknown musician came to Minsk and was able to get a job at the Belarusian Philharmonic.

Lydia worked in a genre of artistic whistle, which was rare even at that time. At first, her career was even more successful, and she helped her husband in many ways. Mulyavin and Karmalskaya's daughter Marina was already growing up, "Pesnyary" thundered throughout the Union, and then the news - an addition is expected in the family. Mulyavin really wanted a son. But, oddly enough, his birth was accompanied by rather tragic circumstances. Volodya was born on June 22.

This is how daughter Marina recalled the events of those days in an interview with a Russian newspaper

"If you give birth to a son, I don't know what kind of happiness it will be." And my mother got pregnant, despite the doctors' ban. They told their father: "If your wife gives birth, she will not survive." Mom decided to leave the child. She was not allowed to give birth herself, they planned to have a cesarean section. But labor started earlier. Mom was taken to an ambulance to a regular hospital. Fortunately, she survived ... And when the day of discharge came, all the doctors, the smart mother, the midwife with the newborn in her arms were waiting for her father, but he did not come ... He was two hours late ... ". When the offended mother asked why ... "I thought you were really going to die," my father replied. After that my mother filed for divorce. "

Volodya grew up practically without a father. Mulyavin immediately had a new family. In the second marriage, a daughter, Olga, was born. In addition, in the mid-70s "Pesnyary" toured all over the Union, giving 2 - 3 concerts a day. And sometimes - and eight! With such a concert schedule, there is no time to raise children. And in 1980 Mulyavin married Svetlana Penkina, in this marriage the son Valera was born. He is 24 today.

On June 6, the actress Svetlana Penkina-Mulyavina, the widow of the founder of the legendary Pesnyary ensemble, would have turned 66, but in October 2016 she was gone. Her departure went unnoticed for many - the actress has long stopped acting in films, lived alone, led a secluded life and did not give interviews. Even those fans who fell in love with her after the release of the films "Walking in the throes", "Take care of women" and "Solar Wind" gradually forgot about her.

Svetlana Penkina was born in Belarus in the family of a teacher and a military man. After school, she entered the acting department of the Minsk State Theater and Art Institute and, while still studying, began acting in films. Professional success came to her very early and swiftly: her graduation work in the film "Walking Through the Torments", where she played the role of Katya Bulavina, brought her all-Union popularity and recognition.

Actress Svetlana Penkina-Mulyavina

In the 1970s-1980s. the actress starred quite a lot. Her most notable works were her roles in the films Dust in the Sun, Take Care of Women, The Solar Wind and The Age to Come. As a famous actress, she met her future husband, founder and leader of the Pesnyary ensemble, Vladimir Mulyavin, who was then also at the peak of his popularity.

The actress later recalled their first meeting in 1978: “I went to the dubbing of the film“ Walking Through the Torment ”, and Volodya and the guys were recording a new disc there in a sound studio. I remember that I was amazed at my first impression: childish insecurity, huge radiant eyes ... And shyness, surprise. For myself, I noted that for sure this person is not what they say about him. " Three years later, they met again during the Pesnyary tour in Grodno, and after that they never parted.

Svetlana Penkina in the film * Walking through the agony *, 1974-1977

Svetlana Penkina in the film * Walking through the agony *, 1974-1977

Svetlana became the third wife of Vladimir Mulyavin. In 1981 they got married, and a year later their son Valery was born. Nobody believed in this union - both were strong personalities with difficult characters. Mulyavin's friends did not approve of his wife's too active participation in all his affairs. The musicians of the Pesnyary ensemble called her capricious and capricious: “For example, on a tour in America we are late for the plane. And she's still not there. The team is on the nerves. It turns out that Sveta went to buy boots. Then she also made a scandal - why didn't we carry some bags to her? Mulyavin, of course, tried to influence his wife, but a woman is a woman ... She made rope out of him. At times it seemed that Sveta had bewitched him with some kind of charm. At least without her on tour it was one person. Upon returning home Georgievich was unrecognizable - the exact opposite. "

Still from the movie * Walking in agony *, 1974-1977

Svetlana Penkina in the film * Walking through the agony *, 1974-1977

Svetlana Penkina in the film * Walking through the agony *, 1974-1977

Be that as it may, the spouses themselves considered this marriage a happy one and loved each other. Soon after the wedding, the actress decided to end her film career. She starred in two episodic films and left the movie forever. Svetlana was really actively involved in her husband's affairs and accompanied him everywhere. She devoted her whole life to him, which is why one day Nadezhda Babkina asked her: "Sveta, have you thought at least once that you sacrificed yourself?" But the actress herself did not think so.

Shot from the movie * Take care of women *, 1981

Svetlana Penkina in the film * Take care of women *, 1981

They spent 20 years together, until the tragic death of Mulyavin in 2003 as a result of a car accident. After his death a museum of the founder of the ensemble "Pesnyary" was organized in the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, and Svetlana became its director.

Still from the movie * Solar Wind *, 1982

Svetlana Penkina in the film * The Coming Century *, 1985

In her last years, Svetlana Penkina-Mulyavina led a secluded life, she lived alone in a rented apartment. They did not immediately find out about her death - only a few days later, relatives sounded the alarm due to the fact that she did not answer calls. It was found that the woman died of a heart attack. At that time she was 65 years old.

Svetlana Penkina and Vladimir Mulyavin

Svetlana Penkina at the opening ceremony of a monument to her husband in Minsk, 2006

The head of "Pesnyarov" regretted that he had abandoned the artist of the artistic whistle Lydia Karmalskaya

January 26 marks 15 years since then, how did you die artistic director and the soloist of the Pesnyary ensemble Vladimir MULYAVIN. The musician's eldest daughter Marina recently released a book of memoirs, where she first talked about her father's relationship with her mother. - the first wife of Vladimir Georgievich Lydia KARMALSKAYA.

- Marina, was does your parents have a beautiful wedding?

They quietly signed in Kaliningrad. Dad at that time was an 18-year-old boy who played the guitar, and mom was already a sought-after artist of artistic whistle - a rare genre on the stage. They drank a "wedding" bottle of wine for a month and finished it only when friends came to visit ... Mom did everything to make Dad a soloist. When they divorced 17 years later in 1975, dad had the title of Honored Artist of Belarus and was a laureate of numerous competitions.

- You were already 15 years old at the time of your divorce. Who did you blame for this situation?

Girls always love dads. Therefore, I blamed my mother more for what happened. Although he cheated on her, and my mother, trying to save the marriage, in 1974, despite the ban on having children, still decided to have a son, whom my father so wanted. Dad filed for divorce, because mom with little Volodya in her arms simply did not have time to do this. I often think of my mother's story that in her youth a friend Anna Argoshe guessed that she would be left alone and go blind. The prediction came true.

- What kind of relationship did the parents have after the divorce?

They remained friends. Dad visited Mom and sometimes even stayed overnight. At the moment when my grandmother, my father's ex-mother-in-law, died, he was also with us. Mom then said: "It was as if you felt with your heart that something would happen." As an intelligent woman, she understood that my father is primarily a creative person, a musician, and then the head of the family. With a second wife Svetlana Slizkoy, because of which, in fact, he left us, quickly divorced. Then he married an actress Svetlana Penkina... Mom remained alone - she could not find a replacement for such an interesting person. It's not that easy, and she didn't want to. Dedicated herself to raising my little brother.

Marina MULYAVINA (pictured) wrote a book about parents in collaboration with musicologist Olga BRILON. Photo from the site

- Did you have a conversation with your father, even after years, about why he left his wife with baby on hands?

Yes, one day. It was hard for him to discuss this topic. He only remarked: "Such women are not left and they are not abandoned." Daddy's eyes said more. He repented that he left his mother, as well as for many other actions. He has always been a decent person.

- Your book about parents came out right after the death of your father's third wife, stars of the film "Walking in the throes" of Svetlana Penkina

I even told Penkina about the date of the book presentation. Svetlana also wrote memoirs, but did not have time to release them. Now the fate of the publication will be decided by her father and son Valery Mulyavin.

- And what is your relationship with your paternal brother?

We are still one family, we have never had any disagreements with Valery. My brother is one and a half years older than my son. He is a child for me, to whom I once washed the ass. When Svetlana Alexandrovna was alive, we decided everything together. By the way, after the death of her father, she asked to be buried next to him at the Moscow cemetery in Minsk. They even prepared a place for her. And my mother is buried next to my younger brother Vladimir.

The musician named his youngest son Valery in honor of his brother, who was a musician in Pesnyary, and in 1973 died on tour in Yalta. Photo from personal archive

- They wrote that Penkina suffered from alcoholism and died precisely from hard drinking ...

Svetlana suffered from heart failure, she needed a stent. And she, after the death of her father, was afraid of hospitals like fire.

- What do you think, was your father proud of his son Vladimir, on whom he pinned his hopes, and dreamed that he continued the dynasty?

Volodya was a talented musician, and dad said that he outplayed him. But because of the surname Mulyavin, his brother had to leave the Belarusian state ensemble "Pesnyary", which at that time was headed Vyacheslav Sharapov... Volodya was very worried about this, but, like his father, he kept everything to himself. He could not understand why he could not find a place in the team where his father worked. (Vladimir Mulyavin died in 2006 from drug use in prison. - N. M.)

- Marina, do you regret not becoming an artist?

Having such parents, one must either be better than them, or look for oneself in another profession. Mom could, but she didn’t teach me artistic whistle, although she always said: “You need a whistle so that the corners of your lips do not drop. Whistle into the jar 15 minutes a day. " I do not regret at all that I did not become a singer. I got married in 1979, now I have two grown sons and two grandchildren. None of them became an artist, we only sing at home. Children, however, play the guitars inherited from their grandfather. He gave one to my eldest, and the youngest inherited the instrument from my brother Volodya.

Before her death, Penkin saw her husband's double

Galina Ivanova has been for over 45 years a devoted fan of the creativity of Vladimir Mulyavin and the Pesnyary ensemble. The fan was close friends with Vladimir Georgievich.

In 1998 when Mulyavinaeverything was thrown, I came to Minsk for his birthday, - Ivanova recalls. - It was on this day that he was summoned to the Ministry of Culture of Belarus. We with Sveta Penkina were waiting for him at home. Volodya returned with his head bowed and said that he had been removed from the post of artistic director and appointed Vlada Misevich

With Svetlana and little Valera. Photo: Archive "SB Belarus Today"

- Galina, what do you think, which of the women Mulyavin loved the most??

Once he admitted: “If it were possible to repeat life, I would have stayed with my first wife,” meaning Lydia Karmalskaya. But he also loved the third, Svetlana Penkina. When they met, I immediately said to Sveta: “I knew Mulyavin before you, I loved, I will love”. In it, by the way, the people's artist was always visible. She emphasized that she gave up her career for the sake of Volodya. But if you look at her acting biography, then, except for "Walking in agony", there is nothing interesting there.

- Why do you think Penkina died so early, at 65?

There are many versions. On the eve of Sveta's death Igor Nikolaevappeared in the image of Mulyavin in the TV show of reincarnations "Exactly." He conveyed it very clearly, even listened to my advice. And from that moment Sveta stopped answering the phone. Maybe after 13 years she saw her late husband on the screen and her heart could not stand it? She didn’t drink anymore, but went into a trance differently - with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

Just a fact

  • The Belarusian Orchestra named after Zhinovich has restored the Pesnyars program “Vianok”. The scores were lost, but the collector had a run-through of all 15 songs of the concert.

People's Artist of the USSR, creator of the legendary ensemble would have turned 70

Their songs have become classics for a long time. "Vologda", "Mowed Yas Stables", "Belorussia" ... Yes, for one only "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" "Pesnyars" could be loved forever. Creating the ensemble, Vladimir Mulyavin could not have imagined that very soon he would become famous throughout the Soviet Union. In 1970, the collective won the competition for young pop performers, sharing the second place with Lev Leshchenko (no one got the first then). Young Belarusian songwriters, as if they were handsome, became the object of adoration of their fans.

Vladimir Mulyavin loved fame, women and ... vodka. He was immensely talented in music and ... unhappy in his personal life. Three wives, four children, a constant struggle with alcohol addiction ... Mulyavin crashed in his own car exactly two weeks after his 62nd birthday. Lost control of the Mercedes at a sharp bend a few kilometers from the capital of Belarus. They say that on this day the singer was drunk ... Then there was a clinic in Moscow, there was hope for recovery. But the miracle did not happen. Vladimir Mulyavin died in a hospital in Moscow without ever seeing his friends. “I am bitter that I didn’t say goodbye to Volodya,” Vladislav Misevich, a longtime friend of Mulyavin, a musician of the first, “golden” line-up of Pesnyars, admitted to FACTS. "After all, I never told him a lot ..."

"Volodya got married for the first time at the age of 18"

- Until now, the artists remember the scope with which Mulyavin celebrated his birthdays.

As for the scope, it was in the early days of the Pesnyars. The way Volodya celebrated his birthday depended on his wives. After all, he had three, and not every marriage turned out to be successful. I believe that the late Lydia Karmalskaya was the best wife of Mulyavin. She gave birth to two children from Volodya. Unfortunately, the son died tragically in prison, and we still maintain relations with our daughter. When Volodya and Lida just got married, Pesnyary earned a living, traveling through the villages. We, musicians, lived in Minsk in a hostel, and Volodya already had a room in a communal apartment. We celebrated all holidays and birthdays there. Lida was a hospitable hostess.

- Mulyavin got married very young.

He was only 18, Lida was six years older. Very beautiful woman. She had, however, a small flaw: she was limping - she had had polio. Lida worked in a rather rare genre on the stage - artistic whistle. Was well known in the Soviet Union. She often toured with Pesnyary, which Volodya was only glad to see. He admitted that he could not live without his wife. By nature, he was not a womanizer, like all artists, including me.

- Frankly

In this sense, Mulyavin was different from us. I didn't run after women, he needed a family. And although not everything went well with the wives, he always strove for home. Therefore, the breaks between divorce and the next marriage were short. A few months later there was a candidate. Mulyavin liked to repeat: “I can't live without women for five minutes…” The last one, Svetlana Penkina, appeared not without my help. We starred on "Mosfilm", in the musical film "Disc" by Alexander Stefanovich, and Svetlana - in the TV series "Walking Through the Torment", where she played Katya. The actress lived in a hotel at the studio. My friend invited Volodya and me to visit. Penkina was there too, Mulyavin met her, but things did not go further. And after a while, fate brought them together again. In Grodno "Pesnyary" performed with a concert, and Penkina was from this town. They met already as old acquaintances. Volodya then divorced his second wife, and Penkina was free.

- Who was Mulyavin's second wife?

A university student, a girl from a simple family. Having received a technical education, Svetlana did not work. To be honest, in contrast to Volodya, she liked to take a walk better than ours. They had a daughter, but family life did not work out. Sveta did not interfere in Volodya's affairs, she tried not to go on tour with us. I walked right and left. In the end, Mulyavin got tired of it, and he filed for divorce. Then Svetlana just got drunk. And when Volodya met the beautiful Penkin, his head began to spin. Who would have thought that the second Svetlana would not be so defenseless.

"After strong shocks, Mulyavin grabbed his head, but then again broke down."

- Almost all the musicians of Pesnyarov take offense at Penkina.

Now Svetlana lives in poverty, lives with the youngest son of Mulyavin Valera in a tiny, wretched apartment in Minsk. Until now, there are disputes between the musicians of the ensemble, who is to blame for the collapse of the Pesnyars: Volodya or Svetlana. As far as Mulyavin was rational and firm in the leadership of the team, he gave in to his wife. As a result, he completely allowed Penkina to completely take control over himself. Sveta poured vodka into his glass when this was no longer possible.

- At that time, apparently, everyone drank.

But Mulyavin was responsible for the leadership of the team, and we elected him. I personally had a hand in this when it was necessary to defend his candidacy before the administration of the Minsk Philharmonic Society. After all, Mulyavin did not have a higher musical education, although he was surprisingly talented! He built Pesnyary brick by brick, and his wives methodically destroyed us. (In the photo the first composition of the Pesnyars: (sitting from left to right) Valery Mulyavin, Valery Yashkin, Vladislav Misevich, Leonid Bortkevich, (standing from left to right) Vladimir Mulyavin, Leonid Tyshko, Alexander Demeshko. 1971)

- Was Mulyavin rich?

No, absolutely. Volodya lived in an ordinary "kopeck piece", although in the center of Minsk. True, we all had an unspoken agreement to leave apartments to our previous wives. Mulyavin did the same. When he got divorced for the second time, he hastily built a cooperative apartment, living conditions were poor. Money came and went. You yourself understand if a person suffers from such a disease

- They say there was a time when Mulyavin tried to overcome alcoholism.

After strong shocks, the threat of the collapse of the team, Volodya took his head. Before the 25th anniversary of Pesnyarov, I did not drink for a whole year. We celebrated this date, and Mulyavin fell through. In 1991 Volodya was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. It was quite unexpected for him. Then they hinted to him that he needed to comply. Volodya lasted several months. He perfectly understood that it was a disease, but did not want to be treated. In the end, Pesnyary simply fell apart. “Belorusskiye Pesnyary” is actually the last line-up where old people like me play. But if Mulyavin had been able to withstand then, he would have been with us now. After all, Volodya is by nature a fairly strong man and did not suffer from the head, he never suffered from star fever. So the guys and I remembered him and said that now he would be absolutely at home.

- Do you think he would have moved to Moscow?

It wasn't necessary. We left because after Mulyavin's death they wanted to return us to the state structure. But times have changed, we wanted to work for ourselves, that's why we drove off to Moscow, becoming “Belarusian Songs”. It's a shame for Vova. By the way, in the last few years I have not been drinking with Mulyavin in principle, which very much annoyed Penkina. She considered it an insult.

- You worked as the director of Pesnyary for some time.

Then another attempt was made to stop Volodya. We offered him a way out: "We are working, you are being treated." By that time, Mulyavin had already begun to appear on the stage in an indecent form. He seemed to have stopped, again began to steer the Pesnyars, but he fell through. Several times was on the verge of death. The last case turned out to be fatal.

- So he got behind the wheel drunk?

I know it. And everyone knows in Minsk ... Dozens of times got behind the wheel after drinking. He didn’t drive a car very well when he was sober.

- Did Penkina force her husband to be treated?

She herself drank and poured him quite often. Volodya also had a sister, a dear little man. At one time she lived in Sverdlovsk, but divorced her husband and came to Minsk. Volodya bought an apartment for her and his niece. Sometimes, when Mulyavin "rebelled" against Penkina, he went to his sister. She put him in order, returned to normal life. Penkina hated her and did everything to prevent Volodya and his sister from communicating. Then she deprived Mulyavin of communication with us. He was lying after the accident in a hospital in Moscow, and Penkina gave false information, they say, he is recovering, everything is fine. As a grenadier, I stood at his ward: just let "these" try to come! .. It's a shame, Volodya burnt himself. But how much else he could do.

"During perestroika, an article about us called" Pesnyars "was ruined by women and vodka"

- Did Mulyavin create during drinking?

There have been such things. I remember once I came to his house, Volodya was writing a military program. Already in the morning gave in. I say to Sveta: "Do you see what state he is in?" “You cannot understand this! she replies. - You are not a creative person! The musician needs such an excited state, he's a genius! "

- Is it true that Pesnyarov at one time wanted to make a Ukrainian team?

During one of the first trips to Kiev, the Minister of Culture Rostislav Babiychuk summoned us to talk. This was in 1971. Volodya says: “I know you are a Russian person, from Sverdlovsk, but you glorify the Belarusian song in such a way! Just a unique case. I have a proposal for you and your guys - do the same for the Ukrainian song! I'll give you an apartment on Khreshchatyk, the guys - cooperatives. " At that time, we had not received anything from the Belarusian authorities, only promises. They said that we would think about it, but then this story was hushed up. Mulyavin became close to the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Peter Masherov, and we began to live like Christ's in the bosom. They no longer dreamed of any other republic.

- Do you remember your last meeting with Vladimir Mulyavin?

We didn't work together then. Volodya was again given Pesnyars, I left for Belorusskiye Pesnyary. But the organization was still one - Belconcert. Even our offices were opposite. Volodya was constantly recruiting new musicians. For a long time, no one was held back because Mulyavin drank. In order not to see all this fuss, we decided to leave for Moscow. Our last meeting with Volodya took place in the corridor of the Philharmonic Society: we exchanged greetings and dispersed. As if 30 years of collaboration didn't exist. Then, however, there was a step towards reconciliation on his part. In Moscow, with a great delay, Mulyavin celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Pesnyars. His administrator called when we were touring the Urals. “Come to Moscow tomorrow,” he says. “Volodya wants you to participate too ...” But that was impossible. In addition, we understood that Penkina would not let us go on stage under any circumstances.

- You met Mulyavin while serving in the army?

In 1964, Vladislav Misevich continues. - I served in the staff orchestra, and Volodya - in the song and dance ensemble. Mulyavin is four years older than me. We had only one base - the Officers' House, and there we met. After three years of service, Mulyavin came up to me and asked: "Do you want to continue working?" It was an honor for me, I looked at Volodya as my idol. Then, over the years, we did not exactly become equal, but communicated without hesitation, like men. Although in terms of his human qualities and talent, Volodya remained at an unattainable height for me.

- They say that Mulyavin liked to use his crazy charm.

It's just a pearl from it! And he knew it very well. The shadow of this charm fell on us. What was his famous smile worth! It was impossible not to love Volodya. We will come to Ukraine - they say that Mulyavin looks like Taras Shevchenko. In Belarus - to Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas at the same time. We made a program on poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, everyone said: "Mulyavin is a poetic poet!"

- Have you caught the time when Mulyavin was without a mustache?

In the army. But as soon as he quit, he immediately dropped his mustache. At first he said that he was too lazy to shave, but after everyone began to praise that he was very good, he left it forever. In all fairness, on our crazy touring schedule, we didn't spend much time on looks. Sometimes they gave several concerts a day. First, we were paid 33 rubles for the concert, and Volodya was given a percentage for the leadership. Then in the Soviet Union, sports palaces began to be actively built. Speaking there, we received double rates - 66 rubles. This prosperity lasted three to four years. The allowances for palaces were removed, leaving only 20 rubles. If at the time when we received 30 rubles, vodka cost 4 rubles 12 kopecks, then later, at a rate of up to 20 rubles per concert, we had to pay 10 rubles for alcohol. So, from 15 bottles of vodka, we went down to two (laughs). That's all our wealth.

- Should drink less

Before, almost all musicians lived like that. So none of us got rich. Only now we feel more or less normal. And Mula would live well.

- I mean, Mulyavin?

Close friends called Volodya Mulei. Yes, we miss him now. When perestroika began, everyone was allowed to write, an article about us with the name "Pesnyars" was ruined by women and vodka. "

- It's true?

Maybe yes

Svetlana Penkina is a popular Soviet actress who gained fame after her role in the movie "Walking Through the Torment".

The birth of a star

The future actress was born on 06.06.1951 in the capital of the Byelorussian SSR. Father - A.P. Penkin (colonel) and mother - V.E. Penkina (teacher) had nothing to do with the world of art.

However, this did not stop them from developing in their children a craving for cinema and theater.

First height

From an early age, Sveta, who has an outstanding appearance, cherishes dreams of a big stage. Moreover, the little-eyed girl had a natural acting talent.

Parents did not interfere with the happiness of their temperamental child and immediately after graduation, Svetlana went to study at the Academy of Arts, located in her hometown.

The gifted girl fell into the group of the former head of the university, Alexander Butakov.


In 1971 he made a creative debut in the biography of Svetlana Penkina. She played a role in S. Tretyakov's film "The Day of My Sons", being a student of a theater university. And almost immediately, the young actress starred in the film "The Lion's Tomb". And after that, for four years Svetlana did not act in films.

Back in the ranks

After a long break, the actress goes headlong into work and amazes the directors with her ability to work.

In 1975, Svetlana starred in the film by Kh. Kakabaev "The Color of Gold" (Zoya).

And almost immediately the actress got a role in the short film by V. Stankevich "At the Blue Bay".

The role that brought glory

When Svetlana was 26 years old, V. Ordynsky invited her to his thirteen-part project "Walking through the agony". The film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by A. Tolstoy. (this was her thesis).

The girl brilliantly played the role of Katya Bulavina and, as they say, woke up famous. Fragile, sophisticated and incredibly graceful, Svetlana reincarnated as her heroine and immediately won the love of the Soviet audience.

Photo: Svetlana Penkina in the film "Walking through the agony"

The series has gained great popularity, largely due to the excellent cast: A. Lazarev and many others. dr.

After the release of the film on the screens, Svetlana became a very popular actress. The most famous directors offered her roles in their films, but the newly minted star very often refused.

After Wandering in Torment, Penkina starred in the films Dust in the Sun and Order Number One.

New heights

The musical comedy "Take care of women" immediately fell in love with the Soviet audience and became a hit. The actress played one of the main roles (Olga) and the ranks of her fans were enlarged. It will not be superfluous to add that this film is still popular.

In 1982, the famous actress starred in the film "Solar Wind", which tells about the girl-scientist Lydia. After the release of the film, Svetlana goes on maternity leave to raise her little son. For three years, the actress has not starred in any film.

When Svetlana turned 34, she played in the television series "The Coming Century" (Vika).

The actress did not star in any more films. However, the actress could be seen in news clips or documentary projects.

Personal life

Svetlana did not disclose her personal life, being in an active search. The thing is that the actress dreamed of a reliable husband and children, and many fans were not suitable for creating a family.

She was very beautiful girl, but remained free until the age of 30.

Photo: Svetlana Penkina with her husband and child

When the re-sounding of the lines in the film "Walking Through the Torment" was taking place, S. Penkina met the men's collective "Pesnyary". The guys were recording a new hit in a nearby recording studio and accidentally ran into a charming actress.

It was then that fate brought Sveta to her future husband, the head of Pesnyary, musician Vladimir Mulyavin.

Svetlana was 10 years younger than the twice-divorced Mulyavin, but this did not bother her at all. When the film "Take care of women" (1981) was released, the man proposed to his chosen one. Svetlana agreed, and soon the young people were legally married.

Already during the wedding, the girl did not want to change her surname. But in order not to offend her beloved, Svetlana took a double surname (Penkina-Mulyavina).

As eyewitnesses say, when meeting, Svetlana always introduced herself as Svetlana, the wife of Vladimir Mulyavin.

Photo: Svetlana Penkina with her husband Vladimir Mulyavin

In 1982, the couple had a son, Valery. For his sake, Svetlana left the cinema for three years and selflessly changed diapers, cooked cereals.

Family life brought the spouses a lot of joy, because their marriage was built on mutual love. Svetlana practically did not quarrel with her husband, and even in the most controversial situations she was ready to seek compromises.

Working together on projects brought them closer together, and trips to rest, performances and raising a son brought incomparable joy.

In 1987, Vladimir and Svetlana worked on the play "With the Whole Voice", which was staged based on the works.

In the spring of 2002, Svetlana's beloved husband got into a monstrous car accident. For seven months, doctors fought for the man's life.

After Vladimir's death, the museum of the Pesnyary ensemble was founded.

Cause of death

Svetlana Penkina-Mulyavina lived an interesting life and died at 65, having outlived her husband by fourteen years.

For several days, the woman did not call her son and did not answer his calls. In the end, the worried Valery arrived at his mother's apartment and found her lifeless body.

Photo: monument to Svetlana Penkina

After the autopsy, the cause of death became known - cardiac arrest. However, for some reason a criminal case was opened.

The official date of death of the actress is 10/20/2016. Svetlana Penkina was buried in the capital of Belarus, at the Eastern Cemetery.

Her photograph was placed on the stand of the best graduates of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.

Selected filmography

  • 1971 - Lion's Tomb
  • 1974 - Walking in agony
  • 1977 - And we had silence ...
  • 1981 - Take care of women
  • 1982 - Solar Wind
  • 1985 - For the coming century

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