Why does the baby roll. Baby rolls up when crying

- an inevitable phenomenon. Toddlers are not yet able to adequately express their condition, therefore, in this way they express discontent, fear, anger and other strong emotions. From a behavioral point of view, this phenomenon is more or less clear, but it happens that the somatic component is connected to it and the child rolls up and even turns blue when crying, which extremely frightens the parents. Such attacks in medicine are called affective-repiratory paroxysms, they consist in holding the breath at the height of the exhalation and the inability to inhale for a while.

Why does the baby roll up when crying?

Roll-ups are nothing more than early manifestations of hysterical attacks and fainting. They appear in babies in the first or second years of life and, as a rule, go away by eight. Sometimes parents perceive this as a kind of theatrical scene, played out by the child in an attempt to manipulate adults, however, this is not so. It is impossible to simulate an affectively respiratory attack, it is of a reflex nature, and when crying strongly, the child really "rolls up" and sometimes even loses consciousness. At the same time, respiratory arrest lasts no more than 30-60 seconds, which is enough to change the color of the skin.

The child rolls up when crying - reasons

The most prone to affective-respiratory paroxysms are children who are irritable, hyperactive, capricious and easily excitable. Severe stress, anger and even discomfort - hunger or excessive fatigue - can provoke an attack. Sometimes the parents themselves stimulate the onset of such seizures - if the child is constantly protected from disorders, if he is allowed to do everything, then the slightest refusal can cause such an overly violent reaction.

If the frequency and nature of the reactions worries parents, then perhaps the question of why the child rolls up when crying can be answered by a neurologist after conducting a series of studies. Do not postpone the visit to the doctor, because according to some reports affective-respiratory seizures can develop into epileptic seizures.

What to do when the baby rolls up?

The first thing that parents should do when a child has an attack is to pull themselves together and avoid panic. Paroxysm is stopped by external actions, for this it is enough to pat the child on the cheeks, sprinkle with water or blow in his face - this will restore the reflex of correct breathing.

It is important not to delay and stop the attack at the initial stage. After the resumption of normal breathing, the baby needs to be distracted and calm.

Such attacks occur during a period of strong emotional overexcitement, if the baby has disorders of the nervous system or diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels. This condition is called affective-repiratory paroxysm (ARP). At the time of the attack, the child stops breathing for a period of 30 to 60 seconds. Such children are prone to fainting.

If a child rolls up while crying, he needs help.

Seizures also appear after injuries and falls from a height.

Roll-downs appear in children under the age of three, but can continue up to eight. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Character traits. Hyperactive, easily excitable and capricious children are prone to ARP.
  2. Parenting manners. If parents protect their child from stress and frustration, allow the baby to do whatever he wants, then the prohibition will provoke anger and an attack.
  3. Emotional overexcitement. Fear, anger, stress and even hunger provoke an attack.

A neurologist can establish the exact cause after examining the baby.

In severe cases, during an attack, the muscles tighten, then the baby bends in the shape of an arc. Without help, ARP goes into an epileptic seizure.

What if the baby rolls up while crying?

Roll-up is a reflex. If you cry a lot, your baby may faint. During an attack, parents need to act like this:

  1. Calm down yourself, do not yell at the child and do not get nervous.
  2. To regain breathing, spray water on your face or pat your baby on the cheeks.
  3. Distract your child after they breathe normally.
  4. If cramps appear when rolling up, turn the baby onto its side so that it does not suffocate.

It is advisable to stop the attack at the initial stage. To do this, avoid moments of irritation for the child, namely fatigue and hunger. Do not push your baby if it takes a long time to dress. If the child is crying and naughty, do not yell at him. Try to explain how to behave correctly in this situation. If that doesn't work, distract with toys or games. Children quickly switch over and forget about the reason for the tantrum.

In infancy and young age, all babies cry. This is a way to communicate your concerns to parents. But what if the baby rolls up when crying? Of course, you need to react, help the baby come to his senses.

Due to the immaturity of the nervous system in infants and older, children are hypersensitive. And if a newborn cries more often, based on his needs, at an older age, too strong emotions may be the cause of crying.

Sobbing attacks are especially common in melancholic babies. They are deeply vulnerable, because of any failure, everyone is in tears.

Crying can indicate intense emotional excitement or emotional distress. So, previously calm kids can become moody and tearful when they start going to kindergarten. Changing the circle of friends, a large team, the need to adapt to a new social environment are sometimes overwhelming challenges for a baby.

Children sometimes cry when their plans are not implemented or failures occur, quarrels with peers. By sobbing, they try to draw the attention of their parents to their problems. Infants have the same reaction when they are thirsty, hungry, or just pooped.

Capricious children on a subconscious level know that if they cry, their parents and grandparents will fulfill all their wishes. Therefore, demanding crying for any reason at a newborn age develops into tantrums at an older age.

Some babies cry for lack of attention. You should hug the baby to you, stroke him on the back, on the tummy, the suffering will stop immediately.

After the age of one year, some children have a very heightened sense of justice. Babies start to cry when they are unfairly punished. Even the act of one of the parents towards a child, which, according to the baby, is unfair, can be expressed in crying.

Reasons for crying babies

Newborn babies always cry on business. Their tears are evidence that certain circumstances have arisen, needs, because of which they experience discomfort.

In some cases, you can determine what exactly a child needs by looking at his nose. If it is too hot, the crumb is overheated. Too warm clothes should be removed from him. When the nose is cold, the baby is cold. He may even start to hiccup due to lack of warmth. You should dress or cover it up warmly.

Also, babies start crying invitingly when they want to eat. Later, irritated and angry notes appear in their voice.

Children often have crying attacks before going to bed due to fatigue. You should turn off the light, eliminate all loud sounds, take the baby on handles, shake it a little. He will calm down very soon, he will sleepy with his nose.

Discomfort is a common cause of rolling in crying. So, if a child has itching due to prickly heat, he will cry with strain. In order not to bring it up once again, you need to take good care of it: change diapers on time, bathe at the optimal temperature comfortable for the baby, regulate the temperature regime in the nursery, do not overheat the baby so that there are no diaper rash and rash.

Babies cry when their teeth are cut, their tummy hurts, they are tormented by migraines. In each of these cases, mom is the best ambulance. It is enough to use the medicine prescribed by the pediatrician, giving it to the child, and there will be no tears.

In some cases, babies react sharply to an uncomfortable psychological environment. If conflicts and loud swearing are frequent in the family, they react to this extremely negatively - they begin to cry loudly and hysterically.

It happens that a baby is just bored. He begins to sob, as if urging his family to come up, entertain him with a rattle, and pay attention.

How does rolling manifest?

When a child walks in crying, he may have an affective-respiratory attack.

Its causes are breath holding, fading for a short time. On inhalation, breathing stops, for a minute all respiratory organs stop working. Air stops flowing to the lungs. The skin turns pale, the lips or face turn blue.

In some cases, the condition is aggravated by fainting, convulsions. The body bends in an arc, the child freezes and cannot move. What if this happened? We need to help him come to his senses. If the child rolls up while crying, you should blow on his face, sprinkle with water.

At the same time, hug the baby, caress him so that he calms down. You need to try to eliminate the cause of the attack. If the child is unconscious, you should lightly pat him on the cheeks. If the seizure is similar to an epileptic one, you need to put the baby on its side. This will prevent him from suffocating if he vomits or begins to sink his tongue.

These attacks occur between the ages of 1 and 3. If they are rare and then disappear altogether, there is no reason to be afraid. In cases where seizures are repeated frequently, it is likely that the baby's response to stress is the onset of epilepsy. It should be examined, and then the doctor will probably tell you why the child rolls up in crying.

The constant crying of a child after the age of 3 should alert parents. It is likely that you will need the help of a psychologist.