The whole truth about checks and price tags (or ways to deceive customers in supermarkets). How to choose good dietary supplements

1. Appetite awakening

The sense organs are the most active allies of marketers. How many times have they told the world: “Don’t go shopping hungry!” Because the more you want to eat, the more unnecessary you buy. But even if you're not hungry, supermarkets have a range of ways to whet your appetite.

For example, the smell of freshly baked goods has proven itself very well: it tempts the buyer to spend a larger amount. Properly set lighting works well: the products on the showcase look festive, bright, juicy and exciting.

But one of the most powerful ways to induce salivation and the accompanying urge to buy something to chew on is through free tasting samples. Firstly, they smell, beckon and you want to buy them. Secondly, having treated yourself for free, you begin to feel obliged to thank the store. If you didn’t get this sausage at the tasting, you wouldn’t even remember about it. And now it's in your cart. And, of course, in the check.

2. Hypnosis with music

If you heard cheerful music in the supermarket - turn on attentiveness to the maximum. Melodies at a fast pace are launched where it is important to increase the number of sales. Study Using Background Music to Affect the Behavior of Supermarket Shoppers, conducted by the American Marketing Association, proves: energetic music provokes buyers to.

Unconsciously adjusting to the driving pace, we put more expensive goods in the cart, and even more.

On the other hand, slow music is also a trick. Stores specifically select compositions with a rhythm that is much slower than the average heart rate. This forces people to stay longer at the shelves, spend more time on the trading floor and, as a result, buy more. And more by almost 30% - so, in particular, assures an American marketing consultant and author of the book “Brain Out! How marketers manipulate our minds and make us buy what they want.” Martin Lindstrom.

To protect yourself from this influence of music, go shopping with headphones on.

3. Color design

People are drawn into the shops, the walls and the entrance of which are painted in warm colors from the outside: red, orange, yellow. But inside the color situation is changing: cold shades in the interior - blue and green - make buyers spend more. CNN, citing the study How color affects your spending, published in Business Review magazine, claims that customers leave 15% more money in stores decorated in blue-green shades than in those whose walls and shelves are painted in warm colors.

4. Discount cards and loyalty programs

Do you think that discount cards are created for your savings? It must be admitted that this is partly true. But not all. The store saves much more on loyalty card holders for a number of reasons.

The discount card ties you to a specific supermarket

When choosing between two absolutely identical stores, you will surely go to the one where you have a loyalty program.

The map is following you

That is, it gives the store information about your shopping habits. Which meat price category do you prefer? How often do you buy dog ​​food? Do you like chocolate or, say, sour-milk desserts?

Thanks to the card, the supermarket knows everything about your expenses and gets the opportunity to influence them.

If you have ever received individual offers like "Buy 300 rubles worth of chocolate and get a 15% discount", you know what I'm talking about. Of course, the offer seems profitable. But it is beneficial primarily to the store, which promoted you to buy more sweets than you are used to.

The card provokes you to spend more

Many supermarkets earn points for every ruble spent in their network. Later, these points can be converted into money by paying with the accumulated at the checkout. Profitable? On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, you yourself do not notice how the store makes you spend more in order to accumulate more cherished accruals.

5. Lure goods

“Buy 10 pieces for only 100 rubles!” - good old marketing ploy. Many peck at such an offer, as a result, buying more products than they need.

There are also more subtle manipulations. The store offers some popular product at a really good price. For example, meat during barbecue season or a large pack of brand-name diapers. This is bait.

A profitable product is actively advertised in order to get buyers to look into a particular supermarket. But if you already went to the trading floor for meat or diapers, why not buy something else? It is on these related purchases that the store makes a cash register.

The benefit that he loses on the bait pays off with the extra money that customers leave in the supermarket.

6. Complementary products

You walk into the store for a pack of your child's favorite crackers. And nearby on the same rack you find children's chocolate and marshmallows. "Oh, how on topic!" - you think and throw all three items into the basket. This is how combinations work.

Some combos are obvious, such as shampoo and conditioner. Some are thinner, like disposable plastic plates and pretty paper napkins. It seems to us that we decided to buy napkins on our own. In fact, your allegedly spontaneous purchase was predicted in advance.

If your hand is reaching for a product that you didn’t plan to buy a second ago, just ask yourself: “Do I really need this?”

Leinbach Reile, author of Retail 101 and co-founder of the American Conference of Independent Retailers

7. Packaging in which food spoils quickly

Fresh bread is often sold in a paper bag. Handsomely? Fact. But not practical: bread in such a package will dry out quickly, and you will have to go to the store again. This is also one of the marketing ploys. Therefore, after returning from the supermarket, try to repack your purchases so that they remain fresh for as long as possible.

8. Products with added value

Supermarkets play with prices, raising to the eye level those products that are especially desirable to sell, and lowering inexpensive goods that are unfavorable for the store almost to the floor level. The effect of the “magic nine” is widespread, when a product with a price of 199 rubles seems to buyers a better purchase than a product for 200 rubles.

Products that explain to customers why they are worth buying sell well. For example, a product might be labeled "Grown in our area, which means it will benefit our farmers." Studies show Sales of Local Foods Reaches $12 Billion, for similar products, buyers are willing to pay up to 25% more.

Another option is products with recipes that can be prepared from them. They seem more practical to buyers, and therefore the level of their sales is higher.

9. Reusable branded eco bags

Reusable eco-friendly bags instead of bags - a brilliant marketing ploy! Firstly, they are branded: retail chains place their logos on them, turning customers into walking advertisements. Secondly, they make customers feel trust in the supermarket: “Wow, he takes care of environment!" And thirdly, they increase the amount of the average check.

Harvard Business School published a study BYOB: How Bringing Your Own Shopping Bags Leads to Treating Yourself, and the Environment proving that shoppers with branded eco bags spend more. Imbued with concern for nature, they first give preference to more expensive natural and organic products, and then, already at the checkout, they stock up - as a reward for their own virtue.

10. Checkout counters

At checkouts, marketers place expensive and not always needed little things: chocolates, jelly sweets in bright packages, ice cream, wet wipes, disinfectant hand gels, and so on. The calculation is made on the fact that you, tired of making decisions on the trading floor, relax at the checkout and buy yourself (or a child no less tired than you) a reward. And it works.

The little things on the racks at the cash registers can be considered the concern of the store for the buyer: so you might have forgotten that you need wet wipes, but here they are! But if you went back to the trading floor, you would find similar napkins at a price one and a half times lower. It is inconvenient to return, so you buy goods at an inflated price, once again becoming a supplier of the "golden fleece" for stores.

Probably, each of us, mainly thanks to the CIS countries, heard these three wonderful letters - BAD. What do people of the post-Soviet space understand by this abbreviation:

Some are convinced that dietary supplements are weight loss products, others that they are drugs, others that they are drugs, others believe that they are placebos, and others that they are a panacea.

Thanks to Russian news and scandalous broadcasts, most Russian-speaking people can hardly explain what it is, but they are sure that dietary supplements are something bad!

What is BAD?

Definition of dietary supplement:

BAA (biologically active food supplements)- compositions of natural biologically active substances intended for direct intake with food or introduction into the composition of food products. Biologically active food supplements in most cases belong to the class of natural food components and have pronounced physiological and pharmacological effects on the main regulatory and metabolic processes of the human body. The study of the pharmacological properties of food, the role of biologically active substances and, ultimately, the creation of new types of biologically active additives, is engaged in micronutrientology.

Since dietary supplements became the target of many commercial firms (which advertise heavily and often produce them in an artisanal way) and were not initially sought after by mainstream medicine, their interpretation became ambiguous among both consumers and medical personnel. This often leads to serious misconceptions and wrong actions.

(Free Encyclopedia - Wikipedia)

And now in Russian:

For mankind in antiquity, drugs were those substances and products that he ate. People ate various roots, fruits, tree bark, leaves and stems of plants, body parts and organs of various animals (including those that are generally considered inedible from a modern point of view), the soil and water were rich in minerals and, accordingly, food was also.

As the Chinese say: "Look for your disease at the bottom of the plate"

Information about the therapeutic and health-improving effects of nutrients has been preserved in ancient Eastern medicine (ancient Chinese, ancient Indian, Tibetan), which has come down to our days. The formulations of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs of that time have a very complex, multicomponent composition and a natural, natural origin. At the same time, the widespread use of pharmacological agents in recent decades has led to an increase in the number of toxic and allergic complications, which forced science to seek a compromise between Western and Eastern medicine. One of the consequences of this integrative process has been the widespread use of biologically active food supplements, which, as a rule, are derivatives of modern technologies.

At the moment, such medicine is called "non-traditional", although for thousands of years it was quite traditional, and it would be more logical to call it "traditional", and modern "chemical" medicine - "non-traditional".

In Japan in the 50s, in connection with well-known events, a state program for the restoration of the nation was adopted, based on dietary supplements. Today, 90% of the Japanese population take dietary supplements DAILY. Thanks to this program, Japan ranks first in the world in terms of life expectancy (women 85 years old, men 78 years old).

In the USA - 80% of the population use dietary supplements (women 81 years old, men 75 years old), in Europe - 50%, and in the CIS countries - this figure is only 8% and average duration life is almost 10 years less than in Japan.

What does it say?

This does not at all mean that dietary supplements are a panacea - this means that we also have living conditions.

Dietary supplements for food are NOT medicines, they serve as an additional source in the human diet of essential, deficient nutrients (amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, fiber, Omega-3 fats) and a source of biologically active substances.

The health of a modern person, especially if he is a city dweller, depends very much on the quality of food that he is able to purchase in stores or markets. Modern scientists are sounding the alarm that our diet is not complete and adequate.

Recent studies have shown that it is deficiency states in our diet that are responsible for the development of many diseases and the exacerbation of chronic diseases. These facts were presented at the All-Russian Congress of Dietitians and Nutritionists, who believe that the nutrition of the 11th century needs to be enriched with food supplements. And we are talking not only about sick people, but above all about a healthy and active population.

Now ask yourself, what do you know about dietary supplements?

Some people say that dietary supplements are ineffective. As mentioned above, dietary supplements are not medicines, but means for maintaining and restoring health. To lose health, you have to mock your body for a long time, eating “pasta” and “cutlets” in which there is nothing but a full stomach and eyes, and it takes a long time to restore health. The cells of the body must gradually renew themselves, and turn from the old “not fed” and “unhealthy” into “healthy”. As we know from biology, tissues are made of cells, organs are made of tissues, and WE are made of organs. to treat not organs, but cells, and cells need,... At the same time, nothing but proteins, fats and carbohydrates modern man does not use. A person does not even know how, and this already solves a lot of problems (juice, tea, compote, lemonade are not water).

Biologically active food supplements should be consumed every day! Many even call dietary supplements - food, because. they make up for what we are missing from modern food, which is why most do not use them, but EAT.

I asked some of my friends the question: “How do you feel about dietary supplements?”, - and they answered: “BAD!”. Then I asked the following question: "What do you think about vitamins?", - and they answered: "Vitamins are GOOD!". So where is the logic? After all, it's basically the same thing!

How to choose good dietary supplements?

Of course, some of the bad statements about dietary supplements are not groundless. There are many companies that produce a low-quality product, and many different scams that sell all sorts of filth under the guise of biologically active food supplements. But this is not the fault of these three wonderful letters (BAA), for the most part, the people themselves are to blame, who, due to insufficient education and lack of information, buy into all this.

Before you buy dietary supplements for yourself, first of all, pay attention to the experience of the manufacturer and how well he is known in other countries of the world. In addition, an important place is occupied by the complexity of the components that make up dietary supplements, as well as. The best of them are those that, in addition to hygienic certificates, have undergone full clinical trials and have registration certificates. Preference should be given to those dietary supplements that are produced in accordance with GMP standards, which means the highest quality of the raw materials used, highly qualified personnel, modern technologies and high-tech equipment. Only 5% of goods worldwide are produced in accordance with the requirements GMP.

Oddly enough, but you can only purchase through independent distributors, because. companies selling goods through the most interested in the quality of their products, due to the fact that they do not use advertising at all, and successful implementation by means of recommendations is possible only with exceptional product quality.


Finally, we invite you to consider the following questions: Do you think the government is interested in our health? I'm not talking about highly developed countries, I'm talking about the countries of the post-Soviet space...!? Think about why the retirement age is constantly being raised?

Everything is very simple - the government wants people to pay taxes for as long as possible and at the same time, as few of them as possible live up to retirement so that there is no one to pay them later!

Now think about their attitude to dietary supplements, which, without any exaggeration, can prolong people's lives? Also think about our medicine and pharmacology, which, in fact, are also not very profitable for everyone to be healthy ...

Unfortunately, our doctors are not taught health, they are taught to treat diseases, and these are completely different things. And the most interesting thing is that the average age of life for doctors is even lower than that of ordinary people ... Notice that no one says that doctors are not needed - they are very much needed and we cannot do without them, but they are specialists in a slightly different area, which I would like to address less often.

I would advise you to take care of your own health and devote at least a little time to self-education in this area. But you need to do this wisely, and if you have some kind of serious illness or you need to go under the knife, then no Malakhov or vitamins and minerals will help you.

Calculation is perhaps one of the most beloved and widespread methods of deception, since in some cases it allows you to deceive the buyer on completely legal grounds. But it has become much more difficult to weigh the buyer today, since the seller was obliged to provide the trading floor with control weights so that the buyer could independently check the weight of the products he purchased. However, this did not eradicate the bad habit of deceiving the buyer by body kit, on the contrary, the body kit has become more sophisticated. This article is about how we, buyers in stores and supermarkets, are weighed and cheated.
And about what we can count on in such situations.

Price manipulation.

In the supermarket, a lot of goods are sold already packed and weighed, but the weight indicated on the label may not correspond to the actual weight of the product. You understand, 30-80 g is not so much, but if you take into account the total number of products where the weight is indicated incorrectly, then the numbers will be impressive.

One of the types of body kit is a body kit by adding special tools that increase the total weight of the product. This kit mainly applies to fresh-frozen fish and seafood. So, in particular, when freezing fish and seafood, a special glaze is used. It is due to the application of this glaze that the total mass increases. Surely you have come across the fact that when buying a frozen fish, it looked more like a piece of ice, and after defrosting, a much smaller part remained from a large piece (for example, instead of 1000 g, only 700 g). So you were paying for (roughly speaking) water, at the price set for the fish itself.

You should be aware that the mass of glaze applied to frozen fish products made from fish should not exceed 5% net weight, from shrimp - 6% net weight, and for fish products made from other aquatic invertebrates, aquatic mammals, algae, other aquatic animals and plants, should not exceed 8% of the mass of glazed frozen fish products. When processing fish fillets with the use of food additives, the moisture content in it after removing the glaze should not exceed 86% of the weight of the fish fillet. Such requirements are established by SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products." If you bought fresh-frozen fish in the store, which, after defrosting, has decreased in its weight by more than 86%, feel free to return this fish to the seller and demand a refund.
Manipulations in order to increase the total mass of the product can be done with other frozen products. So, for example, sometimes dumplings, manti, cabbage rolls, meatballs, meat, poultry are frozen to icing to increase their weight, repackaged and then sold. Such "savings" for the seller sometimes reach 60-80 g per 1 kg of weight.

One of the popular methods of body kit for products that easily absorb moisture and are sold in conventional, air-permeable packages is to place these products (prior to sale) in a room with high humidity. After a certain period of time, such products are saturated with moisture, which, accordingly, increases their weight, but the presentation does not change. Products that readily absorb moisture are hygroscopic and are in equilibrium with relative humidity.
in the surrounding atmosphere. With an increase in relative humidity, the moisture content of such a food product also increases, and with a decrease in relative humidity, the amount of moisture decreases.
If you had to buy flour in 5- or 10-kilogram packages, which after 2-3 days of being in a dry room became “lumpy”, then this flour underwent the above preliminary “processing”, and you, having received less than a few grams flour, they also paid for moisture. Salt, soda, starch, sugar, tea, coffee, some cereals and pasta also easily absorb moisture.

Tricks with checks.

About the price tags with a catch.
It is necessary to distinguish the price of a commodity from its value. In supermarkets and stores, they try to go to all sorts of tricks so that the price at first glance seems insignificant, and thereby hide the real cost of goods. This can be packaging of goods in small portions, this is especially often used when packing sweets and cookies, when the price of a small tray with sweets is low, but the price per kilogram of these sweets may be more expensive than in the market or in other stores. In order not to scare off buyers with high prices for goods sold by weight, such as salads or meat, sausage, cheese products, sometimes the price is indicated not per kilogram, but for 100, 300, 500 g of this product, as a result, a very attractive small amount is obtained. So, for example, you bought, as it seemed to you, a kilogram package of cookies (you didn’t look closely at the packaging, the price tag, or the receipt) at a price of 75 rubles per 1 kg. However, at home, they were surprised to see that the package contained not 1 kg, but 800 g, and the price was indicated not for a kilogram, but for 800 g, but you did not pay attention to this.

Extra items in the check.
The calculation is made on the fact that the buyer will not immediately carefully check the check, and this calculation is justified in many cases. Having laid out the purchases at home and still finding the time to look at the information on the check, we suddenly find:

  • or more than purchased, the number of goods (for example, 9 glazed curds instead of 8);
  • a product of one variety is counted as a product of another variety (for example, you bought fresh carrots at a price of 19 rubles per kg, and they counted them as fresh young carrots at a price of 33 rubles per kg);
  • or duplication of payment for the same product (for example, you bought one bread, and it was counted twice for you).

Of course, an extra item on the receipt can simply be an accidental mistake of the cashier, because the human factor must also be taken into account, but, taking into account that such cases are suspiciously common, one cannot speak of an accident.

I don't have a price tag.
Having chosen the product you need, you suddenly discover with surprise that there is no price tag for this product. There is neither a consultant nor a stationary reader nearby, where you can independently check the cost of goods. Taking a risk, you put the products in the basket, and later find out that you overpaid a decent amount for it, although you could buy almost the same product at the same store much cheaper, or the same product, but in another store.

The trick is the "old" price tag.
When paying for a product, you are suddenly informed that the price for it changed literally 10 minutes ago, so the new price tags have not yet been issued and have not had time to hang up. You have a choice: either refuse the product, or purchase it at a new price. Imagine your surprise when, after coming to the same store in a week, you will see the same product at the price that was indicated on the price tag when you bought this product. Deception? Of course. When you ask why this happened, you will most likely be answered that on the very day when you made the purchase, there was a price change, and then it fell again. That's all.

You can protect yourself from an unscrupulous seller by contacting:

  • Rospotrebnadzor, which carries out federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection. Rospotrebnadzor, among other functions, organizes the reception of citizens, ensures the timely consideration of citizens' appeals. By the way, the appeal of citizens can be in writing, in electronic form, and "in person";
  • Local self-government bodies that have the right to consider consumer complaints, advise them on consumer protection issues, and also apply to the courts for consumer protection;
  • Public associations of citizens. Citizens have the right to join public associations consumers. And, among other things, they have the right to conduct an examination of the quality, safety of goods, as well as the conformity of consumer properties of goods with information declared by sellers (manufacturers) about them. And also, such associations can exercise control over the observance of consumer rights.

Measures of responsibility for deceiving consumers (Article 14.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Measuring, weighing, calculating, misleading about consumer properties, quality of goods (work, services) or other deception of consumers, in organizations selling goods (performing work or providing services to the population), as well as citizens registered as individual entrepreneurs in the field of trade (services), as well as by citizens working for individual entrepreneurs, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine:
? for citizens - in the amount of 1000 to 2000 rubles;
? on the officials- from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
? for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

These rules will help you save money, time and nerves in the face of economic instability.

According to statistics, every second of us at least once in a lifetime encounters a violation of their consumer rights. This is the data of opinion polls, but in fact the number of victims is much higher: many do not even realize that in some offensive situations it was quite possible to “swing rights”, receive compensation, or at least avoid losses. In this article, we have collected the most important and useful rules that will definitely come in handy in practice. And also - tips on how to behave correctly in order to win with the least amount of time and nerves.

1. We buy at the price tag

Many are familiar with one of the most common “crisis” tricks: at the checkout it turns out that the price tag is the “old” price, the goods have risen in price, and the check will have a different amount. Don't worry, you have full right pay as much as indicated on the price tag. If the cashier is not ready to resolve the issue in your favor, please invite the store manager and quote:

By Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (Article 10) the point of sale is obliged to provide the buyer with reliable information about the price of the goods;

- Rules for the sale of certain types of goods (clause 19) require the store to provide uniform and clearly defined price tags. All errors, including the "outdated" value on the price tag, are store problems that the buyer does not concern.

2. We rent a marriage without a check

This is a useful safety net in case you forgot to take the check in the store, threw it away, etc., and only then discovered a defect in the purchase. In this case, we refer to paragraph 5 of Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights": the buyer's lack of a cash or sales receipt is not a basis for refusing to satisfy his requirements. The fact of purchase can be confirmed by any other evidence: testimonies, branded packaging, labels, etc.

3. We demand a refund after the end of the warranty

You can safely file a claim if manufacturing defects of the goods “surfaced” after the end of the warranty within two years from the date of purchase ( paragraph 5 of Article 19 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights").

At the same time, the seller has the right to ask you for an independent examination report confirming that the defects arose before the transfer of the goods to the buyer (that is, they are a hidden manufacturing defect). If the examination proves this, the store will be obliged to compensate you for its cost. Therefore, in practice, sellers often conduct an examination immediately at their own expense or do not insist on it at all. Please note: in any case, the examination must be independent, it cannot be done by employees of the trading company itself.

4. We repair for free without a warranty card

As in the case of a check, without this piece of paper you are not an insect at all: paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" prohibits the refusal of warranty service for reasons not related to product defects. No warranty card a prime example such a reason. Therefore, we calmly turn to the warranty workshop / service center. To confirm that the warranty has not yet expired, you can check with the date of purchase, testimonies, etc.

5. We get a similar thing for the time of repair

This valuable rule applies to durable goods, especially household appliances, gadgets, etc. If you are renting such a product for warranty repair, you can request that you be given a similar item for temporary use. Link to paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Important conditions:

The service center must provide a replacement product within 3 days and deliver it at its own expense;

The goods must have the same basic consumer properties as those handed over for repair. That is, for example, during the repair of an iPhone, you should be given a smartphone, and not an old “handset” without Internet access;

There is a limited list of goods that are not issued for temporary use during the repair period.

6. Competently use the "rule of 15 days"

    This rule states that a consumer who has bought a technically complex product and found a defect has the right to apply for a refund or a replacement for a new product within 15 days after purchase. If this period has expired, only repairs are possible, sellers usually explain. Actually, this is not the whole truth. Often they hide from the buyer that:

    This procedure does not apply to all technically complex goods in a row, but to a strictly defined list. The rest of the goods can be safely handed over and exchanged in case of defects, even if the 15-day period has passed;

    If equipment from the specified list is purchased, then in some cases the consumer has the right to demand a refund (or replacement with a new product) even after 15 days after the purchase. This is possible if a) the defect is significant, that is, it cannot be eliminated or it reappears after a previous repair; b) the equipment is handed over for repair and it is delayed longer than the due date; c) during each year of the warranty period, the product is under repair for more than 30 days.

    Note: All of these conditions are subject to paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

    7. We change or rent out an unnecessary purchase

    If you regret that you spent money on another purchase, including because it is now beyond your means, then you can win back. Thanks to article 25 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" you can exchange a quality product that does not fit or hand it in and get money if the seller does not have the right model (color, style, configuration) at the time of your request. You can use this right within 14 days after purchase, provided that the item was not in use, its presentation, labels, labels, etc. were preserved. In practice, some stores now voluntarily extend the exchange / return period to 30 days, so check with the sellers.

    Important: there is a list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned if they are of high quality, but did not suit you in any way.

    8. We demand a penalty for late delivery

    If you ordered a product through a store (for example, furniture made to order), a car dealership or the Internet and paid in advance, you will be entitled to compensation in the event of a delay in delivery. Link to paragraph 3 of Article 23.1 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and demand 0.5% of the prepayment amount for each day of delay. Such a penalty "drips" until the goods are brought, and is not limited to the maximum size.

    9. Don't forget about the "cooling off period" when shopping online

    Within 7 days after the delivery of the goods ordered via the Internet, you can refuse it without giving reasons and demand a refund. It is enough to refer to paragraph 4 of Art. 26.1 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Please note: in this case (that is, when buying remotely), we are talking about absolutely any goods, including equipment, cosmetics, etc. The main thing is that they are not in use and retain their presentation. The only exception is goods that have individually defined methods and can only be used by the customer. As a rule, these are things made to a specific order, so you cannot refuse them.

    And one more important nuance: if a written memo with a reminder of the 7-day period for refusal was not attached to the goods delivered to you, then this period is extended to three months! Reference - to the same paragraph 4 of Article 26.1.

    10. We require a full refund of the price if the defective item is partially used

    It happens that a defect is discovered after the product has been partially eaten, the equipment has been in use, scratches have appeared on it, etc. In such cases, sellers often try to keep part of the price if the buyer insists on a refund. In fact, you can firmly claim the entire amount you paid. We refer to paragraph 5 of Article 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It states that when returning money for a low-quality item, the seller is not entitled to withhold the amount by which the value of the goods has decreased due to its partial use.

    11. We receive a discount for late order execution

    When ordering any services or works - for the installation of plastic windows, the manufacture of furniture, any repairs, we often face delays. This is an absolute reason to demand a discount. More precisely, the law provides for a penalty for each day of delay in the performance of work / provision of services: 3% of the cost of this order ( paragraph 5 of Article 28 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"). The maximum amount of the penalty cannot exceed the price of the order. In practice, it is often easier to negotiate with contractors to reduce the payment for work by the amount of the penalty, that is, in fact, about a discount.

    12. We demand double compensation if the item was mutilated in dry cleaning

    This rule is also suitable for laundries, repair shops, ateliers and other places where we hand over our things for any manipulation with them. According to article 35 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" in case of damage or loss of the thing accepted from the customer, the contractor is obliged to provide a similar thing within three days or pay a double price. If the item was not valued when placing an order, then its value can be determined by appraisal examination.

    Source: Anna Dobryukha, Komsomolskaya Pravda

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Probably no one will find it strange that in our time, a country like China is commonly called the "factory of the world." Indeed, today, the markets of numerous world states are mainly filled with Chinese-made goods: Chinese bags, accessories and much more. All this is often produced at the factories of this country, specially, "on order", or at enterprises that belong to foreign companies, as well as investors located in the territory of the PRC.

It is safe to say that Chinese goods are quite popular among modern consumers. And all thanks to the low cost of production and good quality products. But what is the reason for the low cost of production in China compared to many other countries in the world? This is due to certain factors.

Let's try to look at some of them:

First, it is low wages. After all, the Chinese are ready to work almost around the clock, even for a cup of rice. Even after looking at the employment contract of their country, you can see that it contains much more standard hours than in the Russian Federation.

Secondly - building material for production - low cost. Almost all the walls are made of plywood, as it is very warm in China.

Thirdly, there is minimal bureaucracy during paperwork, in any case, it is much less than in Russia.

Fourthly - the most economical option of transportation, with the help of sea freight.

Let's say that the production of the same Chinese bags is less expensive than in Russia, France or Italy.

Currently, a huge proportion of industrial and consumer goods are made in China. If you pay attention, then Chinese bags overwhelm modern markets, unlike similar goods from other producing countries. Accordingly, it can be noted that the Chinese economy, although slowly, but quite confidently, is approaching the leading positions in terms of the volume of manufactured goods, so in the near future this country will become number one. Moreover, today Chinese goods are everywhere: in the store, in the market, in the workplace. Naturally, there remains only one question that affects the quality of goods produced in China.

In general, there are two most common stereotypes regarding Chinese products:

  • bags from China, accessories and other cheap goods;
  • All products are of poor quality.
  • But it is not always the case. After all, China is able to provide consumers with goods of different quality, it all depends on the requirements of the customer. In general, there are two types of enterprises in this country: foreign and Chinese, which are located in China.

    Goods made in China

    As noted earlier, the quality of products mainly depends on the specific order of the enterprise, which will focus its product on production, or rather on export. It can be either a small workshop located in a small town, or a large enterprise with large enough areas for production. As for the price and quality of Chinese goods, it will depend on the control system used in this enterprise.

    On those goods that are made in Chinese enterprises, there are labels and logos from a Chinese manufacturer. Also, there are products on which there is no necessary information about the manufacturer of the product.

    Goods that are made in China, but at foreign enterprises

    Here the quality of products will depend on the control of the foreign owner. Usually, foreign companies immediately set their quality standards in production, inspectors, managers and even technologists can be invited from abroad.

    Local people work in such industries, they are paid as an inexpensive labor force, but, very often, certain qualifications, experience, and skills are not required in certain areas of work. On goods manufactured at foreign enterprises, there are, moreover, they are quite bright and catchy labels, logos from a foreign manufacturer.

    In other words, we can draw the appropriate conclusions that the quality of Chinese goods depends on the manufacturer's company.