The influence of scientific and technological progress. The impact of scientific and technological progress on people How progress affects a person

A feature of modern world trade is also the strengthening of the influence of scientific and technological progress (STP) on its structure. Technology, like labor and capital, is one of the factors of production. Statistics show that the US, EU and Japan are the regions where there is a significant comparative advantage in high value-added (intellectual) value goods. From where the structure of world trade at the beginning of the 21st century looks like this (in % of world volume):

In Industr. Developed Russia, FROM CIS countries Industrial

countries 50, about 15, about 5, about


countries 15, about 10, about 2, about

Russia, CIS 5, o 3, o 10, o


As you can see, half of the world's trade is accounted for by trade in products within the "club" of the world's developed economies.

Science is a specific field human activity, in which intellectual products are created in the form of obtaining new knowledge about the objects of the material world, the objective laws of the development of nature and society are learned with the aim of their practical application in people's daily lives. In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, this specificity of scientific cognitive activity acquires a new reproductive quality. Scientific and production activity is manifested in such areas as:

a) fundamental research (laws of the universe);

b) applied research (innovative projects);

c) production complexes (science-intensive products).

For example, by controlling most of the macro technologies, the developed economies of the world hold 80% of the world market for finished products. The Russian economy alone is able to control only a fifth (20%) of the main macro-technologies in the world economy.

Finally, the general state of the scientific and technical potential in the country can be assessed by such a complex indicator as the ability to innovate, where the value of all R&D expenditures (scientific research and development development) is necessarily present. One of the directions of scientific and technological progress is the creation of new products. Where inventions and innovations come from are two aspects of the development of scientific and technical knowledge. The result of invention is new knowledge or innovation, and innovation or innovation is the improvement of methods for applying existing knowledge. In order for science to have an impact on production, the results of scientific activity must be embodied in capital. Therefore, the effectiveness of scientific potential in market conditions largely depends on the ability of the national government to compensate for possible financial risks to leading enterprises in the innovation field at the stage of obtaining the final scientific product. The stages of the "life cycle" of the product are as follows: R & D, R & D, prototype, serial (mass) production, operation of the product. At the same time, R. Vernon's hypothesis about the product life cycle states that as the production technology is standardized, the output of the product moves to countries with lower incomes, where the basis of comparative advantage is no longer R&D (the factor of capital, primarily human), but relatively low wage labor force (factor of labor - first of all, low-skilled).



Keywords: scientific and technological progress, acceleration of scientific and technological progress, post-industrial society, structural characteristics of society, technosphere, information technology, anthropogenesis, technologization of life, cyborgization, cloning, biotechnology, posthuman world

Key words: scientific and technical progress, scientific and technical process acceleration, post-industrial society, society structural characteristics, technosphere, information technologies, anthropogenesis, life technification, cyborgisation, cloning, bio-technologies, post-human world

The history of the development of mankind is connected with the continuous process of satisfaction by people of their needs and interests, which involves the creation and improvement of tools. The transition to technogenic development occurred due to the industrial revolution late XVIII in. and the scientific and technological revolution of the mid-twentieth century. V. I. Glazko

POLUTIN Sergey Viktorovich, Head of the Department of Sociology, National Research Mordovian State University, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor.

SEDLETSKY Alexander Viktorovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Management of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Penza Branch), Candidate of Sociological Sciences.


and V.F. Cheshko note that “post-industrial science of the XXI century. - the greatest achievement of human intellect, capable of both leading humanity to new brilliant heights, and destroying it. But how the course of events will turn depends on the person, society, and not on science. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that science and production began to develop in concert. Technical devices help a person to conduct scientific research beyond the human senses. Science not only changed the sphere of production, but also influenced other spheres of human activity2.

F. Fukuyama believes that the development of science and technology has an impact on the structural characteristics of society3. For example, the Internet contributed to the emergence of new social groups in society with their own subculture. Information and technical systems are becoming an indispensable part of social reality. The Internet has changed not only the spatio-temporal characteristics of human life, but also human existence itself. E. Toffler formulated the problems of society as follows, which should be solved with the help of scientific and technological progress: “Can we create a person with a stomach, like a cow, digesting grass and hay, as a result of which the solution of the food problem will be facilitated, since a person will switch to consumption lower links in the food chain? Can we biologically modify workers to match the requirements of the job, such as creating pilots with many times faster reactions or assembly line workers whose nervous systems will be adapted to perform monotonous work? Will we try to destroy the "inferior" peoples and create a "super race"? Will we clone soldiers to fight for us? Will we use genetic prediction to prevent the birth of a non-viable baby? Will we grow spare organs for ourselves? Will each of us have, so to speak, a "bank of salvation" full of spare kidneys, livers and lungs?

Having created the most powerful technique, man changed the rhythm and course of his life5. The progress of innovation activity has led to the emergence of the technosphere, which is needed

society to create comfortable living conditions in the environment. Man influences the self-development and self-regulation of the technosphere6. The technosphere, on the one hand, protects a person from adverse environmental conditions, on the other hand, contributes to the intensification of the ecological crisis. Some researchers believe that the natural world will become artificial in the future. A person needs to preserve himself in a new environment outside of nature7.

Society is becoming more and more dependent on machinery and technology. Technology adapts to society, not to nature. The introduction of progressive technology requires fundamental changes in the qualifications and personality of the worker. Specialization increases the number of different professions. At the same time, technological innovations reduce the "lifetime" of any profession.

Technological progress makes many things more accessible to humans and at the same time reduces their value. According to E. Toffler, “human relations with things are becoming more and more temporary. Such a different approach expresses the main difference between the past and the future, between a society based on permanence and a new, rapidly emerging society based on fragility.

Technical devices facilitate the work of an employee, but virtual reality created by computers changes communication between people, replaces natural communication with artificial one. Long-term connections give way to short-term ones. The new information space formed by the Internet has led to the emergence of cyber culture and has changed the sphere of social communication. A person gradually loses his individuality, loses control over himself. M. M. Kuznetsov believes that a person ceases to distinguish the real world from the one constructed by computer programs, and the harsh pressure of the media leads to the atrophy of a person’s attitude and his ability to independently use his own mind9.

Modern scientific developments use information technology. With the advent of artificial intelligence, human cognitive functions are shifted to computers, which gradually replaces the living creative mind with a computer one. Rational Machine Solutions

began to differ significantly from the humane, intuitive and emotional decisions of a person. A. I. Rakitov believes that anthropogenesis is influenced by the technologization of life, and comes to the conclusion that the era of cyborgization has begun. New technologies, especially artificial intelligence technologies, contribute to a radical increase in the intellectual and physical capabilities of society. Cyborgization, i.e. the use of artificial organs, is gaining momentum. In the near future, it threatens to become one of the most important technologies for life extension10.

Research is being carried out to develop self-regulating artificial intelligence systems. As a result, its development may lead to the fact that computers, and not a person, will control decision-making. There are prerequisites for the creation of an increasingly perfect computer "nervous system" and a central "brain" that controls machines.

According to Moore's law, parameters such as the density of elements and the speed of microprocessors double every 18 months. Software that will completely imitate human thinking is likely to appear in the next decade. V. Pride believes that a fully functional fusion of human and machine intelligence will follow11.

The society shows humanism, preserving health and prolonging the life of people with the help of medicine. However, this disrupts the process of natural selection. Around the end of the 19th century a tendency towards an increase in life expectancy at birth has emerged and is already stable. It manifested itself especially clearly in developed countries ah Europe, USA, Japan and China. Thus, according to the UN, on average in Europe from 1950 to 2005, life expectancy increased by more than 8 years: from 65.6 to 73.7 years.

There is not only an increase in the proportion of the elderly population in the age structure of society, but also the process of "population rejuvenation". The population of developed countries, thanks to the development of medicine, retains health and youthful appearance longer, which leaves an imprint on many processes of a psychological, cultural, and social nature. Do not forget that the real goal of scientists,

dealing with issues of overcoming aging - not just increasing life expectancy, but prolonging the period of healthy life and youth. The time will come when society will change significantly due to the unfavorable ecological environment, and the life of society will be artificially supported by medical devices and medicines12. Many hereditary diseases are caused by gene mutations. In this regard, medicine began to use technologies aimed at improving the human gene pool and capable of influencing demographic processes, the health of the population, its mental and other abilities and, as a result, any processes of the functioning of civilization.

Cloning also opens up new possibilities for "replicating" the most genetically successful individuals. Despite the fact that cloning of humans and primates is impossible with the existing technology developed for other mammals, but sooner or later it will still appear. The combination of this method with genetic engineering in the near future will allow the creation of people with certain qualities. Systematic work to improve the species will allow maintaining the optimal size of the new population.

But there are not only technical difficulties here, but also ideological, cultural and religious attitudes. L. Petrucci, who first began to grow the embryo in laboratory capsules, stopped his experiments under pressure from the Vatican. Today, the Vatican is again calling for an end to research into human cloning, and the US federal government is freezing funding for this research.

The abilities of the human body are being developed and improved by advances in medicine and biotechnology. The bioinnovative direction of scientific research will lead to the genetic modification of a person in the future. It is possible to move from genetically modified bacteria, plants and animals to artificially created biological systems and complex artificial organisms14.

When studying the human genome, the prerequisites for the possible treatment of many diseases appear. A negative consequence of such studies is the loss of control over the negative results of interventions in change.

human being at the genetic level. The most serious threat posed by modern biotechnology is the possibility of changing human nature (transition to the "posthuman" phase of history).

There may be products of biotechnology that are just as obvious in terms of the dangers they pose to humanity, such as new viruses or genetically modified foods. They, like nuclear weapons or nanotechnology, are the easiest to deal with, because in the future they can be regarded as a direct threat. In many cases, biotechnologies involve side effects: life extension, but with a decrease in mental abilities; drug therapy that blurs the line between what we achieve on our own and what we achieve with brain chemicals15.

F. Fukuyama points out that biotechnologies in the future can transform the life of society based on three scenarios. The first is related to the use of new medicines capable of changing the temperament of people. He believes that it is possible to improve the emotions, sensations and feelings of people. The second is based on advances in stem cell research that can regenerate any tissue of the body and significantly increase human life expectancy. In the third scenario, rich people test embryos in a certain way before implantation and, accordingly, have optimal children for themselves. One of the consequences of the development of biotechnologies is the modification of the social structure on the basis of intellectual development. Thus, on the basis of access to changing the genetic properties of a person, it is possible to form both a “higher” and a “lower” class17.

Purposeful allocation of specific qualities of people, according to F. Fukuyama, can change the essence of a person. He believes that one of the main driving forces of the historical process has been and remains the development of science and technology. It defines the horizons of the productive possibilities of the economy and the structural characteristics of society. For example, development Agriculture led to the emergence of huge hierarchical societies in which it became much easier to introduce slavery than in the era of hunting

and gathering. E. Whitney invented the cotton gin, and at the beginning of the 19th century. cotton became the main cash crop of the American South, which led to the "reanimation" of the institution of slavery there.

Development modern science had an impact on all societies where it took place. Technology provides a military advantage to the country. Biotechnology and a deeper understanding of the science of the human brain will have significant social consequences: they rediscover the possibilities of social engineering, which were abandoned by societies that possessed the technologies of the twentieth century.18

Modern sociology has developed several methods for analyzing the structure of mentalities, which include content analysis - the study of the frequency of occurrence of stable lexical constructions. V. I. Glazko and V. F. Cheshko applied it to the Internet. The first part of the study concerned the English-language sources of the Web. The greatest attention of the public is attracted by new technologies and social problems development of genetics.

Among the social problems of genetics, the relationship of genetics and gene technologies with religious and ethical teachings stands out. The issues of observance of human rights and possible discrimination associated with obtaining information about the genetic constitution of an individual received the greatest resonance. The impact of genetic theories and the technologies derived from them is more worrisome than positive in terms of potential benefits19. This fact probably reflects the general decline in the prestige of science in the eyes of modern man, who pays attention to the negative aspects of scientific and technological progress (in contrast to the public consciousness of the second half of XIX in.).

In the study of Russian-language sites, the Rambler search engine was used, with the help of which the subjects of the sites were analyzed. The frequency of occurrence of the brand "dangerous knowledge" and its lexical association with various fields of natural science was revealed. Research results show that genetics and genetic technologies are not currently associated in the CIS with a high degree of risk. The number of sites in which an association is found with the danger posed by scientific knowledge for these

terms, significantly inferior to physics and chemistry. This also applies to the cloning of humans and higher animals. The noted patterns are determined by two factors - the dominance of physical and chemical technologies over biological ones and the lag in the pace of mentality evolution from technological progress.

The greatest concern in society is the potential threat of genetic technologies to the health of an individual, environmental and socio-political stability and security. The fact that genetics and gene technologies are, from the point of view of an ordinary person, potentially dangerous things, is diagnosed quite clearly. In addition, two more features of the modern perception of the social aspects of genetics can be traced: the threat of using the achievements of this science to overcome “the inconsistency of the available human material with the requirements of modern technology and business conditions” and “the production of people of predetermined types on a mass scale”; the need for “moral self-restraint of scientists and specialists who work in fields of knowledge potentially dangerous for mankind”20.

Forecasting social development is the subject of research by many scientists. F. Fukuyama notes that the posthuman world may turn out to be much more hierarchical and competitive than ours today. It could be a world where any notion of "universal" will be lost, because we will mix human genes with the genes of so many species that we will no longer clearly understand what a person is21.

Thus, the management of innovation activity will be rational when it is associated not with the extraction of momentary economic benefits, but with the development and improvement of social paradigms. Society must take responsibility for the consequences of technological progress in the name of man's constant striving for goodness, freedom and justice.


1 Glazko V.I., Cheshko V.F. "Dangerous knowledge" in the "risk society" (age of genetics and biotechnology). Kharkiv: ID "INZHEK", 2007. C. 16.

2 See: Stepin B.C., Gorokhov V.G., Rozov M.A. Philosophy of science and technology: textbook. allowance for universities. M., 1996. 400 p.

3 See: Fukuyama, F. Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnological Revolution. M., 2004. 349 p.

4 Toffler E. The Third Wave. M.: ACT, 1999. S. 249-250.

5 See: Him. The shock of the future / trans. from English. M.: ACT, 2002. S. 6.

See: Gorokhov V.G. Scientific and technical progress // Globalistics: encyclopedia. M., 2003. S. 664.

7 See: Kutyrev V.A. Natural and artificial: the struggle of the worlds. N. Novgorod, 1994. S. 3-5.

8 Toffler E. Future shock ... S. 125.

9 See: Kuznetsov M.M. Cyberculture // Global studies: encyclopedia. M., 2003. S. 435-437.

10 See: New technologies and the continuation of human evolution: a transhumanist project of the future / ed. ed. V. Pride, A.V. Korotaev. M.: Izd-vo LKI, 2008. 320 p.

11 Ibid. pp. 85-87.

13 Ibid. S. 139.

14 Ibid. pp. 66-67.

15 See: Fukuyama F. Our posthuman future... S. 19-20.

17 Ibid. S. 31.

18 Ibid. S. 29.

19 See: Glazko V.I., Cheshko V.F. "Dangerous Knowledge" in the "Risk Society" ... 544 p.

In our time, the productive forces have reached the planetary level. The earth seemed to shrink in size. New systems of transport, communications, space technology, the Internet have entered everyday life. On television we see what is happening on the other side of the planet. The material conditions of society's life have become different. At the same time, a number of negative side effects appear in society. The way of life, the internal state of society, and the person himself have also radically changed. These changes are universal and objective. Along with the global ecological crisis, one can speak of a global social crisis. But unlike the external environment, relatively little attention was paid to the internal state of society, although the potential danger is no less significant. Even a general approach was not formulated, the processes of internal degradation of society were not described. But, as in the environment, in the social environment (society) there is a whole set of side negative phenomena.

The development of civilization, radical changes in the surrounding world have led to an internal crisis of man himself, his discord with the real world. There has been a separation of the consciousness of people and their biological basis, formed during a long evolution, from the modern pace of life and the level of technology. An increasing number of people can no longer cope with the pressures dictated by life, can not adapt to the world around them. There is a steady fatigue due to stress on the human body. The number of crimes, mental illnesses, the number of outcasts, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts is growing. And this process is constantly accelerating. The problem is that the possibilities of human adaptation to changing conditions are not unlimited. As in ecology, where maximum allowable concentrations of various substances and their lethal (lethal) doses are determined, there are also critical parameters here.

The true reason why the difficulties experienced by mankind have now acquired such enormous, truly frightening proportions, lies precisely in the fact that none of us has yet fully adapted either psychologically or functionally to the changed world and the new position of man in it. And this, in fact, applies even more to representatives of the intelligentsia, scientists, politicians and, in general, all kinds of leaders - industrial, trade union, religious - than to ordinary representatives of all sectors of society, both developed and developing countries. The essence of the problem lies precisely in the discrepancy between the reality created by man and how he perceives it and how he takes it into account in his behavior. The reality that is uncontrollably changing before our eyes, which we do not have time to keep track of, torments and frightens us. After all, all our worldview, all the incentives for our behavior, all values, the entire system of institutions and institutions and our entire way of life, in essence, have remained to us as a legacy from previous centuries. And, feeling clearly not at ease, we timidly and unsuccessfully try to adapt to new conditions, no longer able to live in the former, natural world, but not yet ready to fully acclimatize in a new, highly unnatural environment, which we ourselves have created. Our psyche and health are deeply affected by all this, the ability to make sound assessments and judgments is weakened, and, depressed, confused by all this avalanche of changes, we cannot develop a correct and consistent line of behavior. The operation of many complex systems is at the limit of human capabilities. As a result, accidents and catastrophes occur, which are inevitable companions of scientific and technological progress.

Modern problems are primarily related to the fact that we live in a time of change communication technologies. The time of motionless letters was replaced by the time of moving pictures. The book has been replaced by a TV and a computer. This led to colossal consequences, the impact of which on us we cannot fully understand, because we are “inside” the process. Indeed, it is the activity of practical reason, the most important component of which is the technological application of science, that leads to many manifestations of the crisis of modern civilization. Technique in the broad sense of the word can be understood as an objective world subjected to rationalization. Together with technology, the form of rationality that previously existed in the scientific mind is introduced into the world. Today, the comprehension of technology, its links with science and culture, relationships with man constitute the main knot of modern philosophical problems.

Mankind has been and continues to be engulfed in the process of the emergence of a mass society, a process that would not have been possible without the development of technology: this is mass unemployment, closely related to technological progress, accompanied by the destruction of crafts and the disintegration of traditional social ties, this is mass culture, disseminated by the media, both printed and electronic. In the latter case, a person loses his individuality.

Technology is, to some extent, the impetus for many social phenomena. Consider, for example, popular culture. At first glance, its penetration into everyday consciousness is noticeable everywhere, from villages to capitals. Democracy and accessibility of schooling, universal literacy, colossal circulation of newspapers and magazines, a stream of high-speed printing presses, cheap and well-made color reproductions of paintings and high-quality recordings of musical works - all this can undoubtedly be considered a positive result of the achievements of the information technology world. . But on closer examination, we pay attention to the reverse side, to the negative consequences of the introduction of new information technology into this area, such as television and the Internet, which can change the mass consciousness so profoundly that we can talk about the transition of universal literacy into its opposite and personal immunity to the written word is also the result of human existence in the modern information technology world.

The mass media have long gone beyond the capabilities of ordinary journalism, radio and cinema. Now modern television and the Internet are coming to the fore, which, thanks to communication satellites, have acquired a global audience as an object of obsessive manipulation. In this case, information technology advances are used to convey all kinds of trivia, gossip, intimate details of private life and conflict situations, turning the world into a "global village". society education spiritual knowledge

In our time, no one doubts the benefits that intellectual development provides. Unlike the specialized division of labor in industrial production, modern scientific specialization is not aimed at replacing the skilled with unskilled labour; rather, on the contrary, more specialized and qualified treatise displaces the less specialized and less skilled. Technical specialists have no inner need for a holistic view of technical and social problems, for a humanistic and versatile education. Hence the dangers for traditional cultural institutions, for political and social democracy. These dangers become all the more ominous, the more narrowly technical mastery of all planetary resources becomes possible.

Thus, scientific and information technology innovations, successful or unsuccessful, really achievable or only imaginary, act as a factor that undermines the established level of cultural life and public consciousness.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • 1. scientific and technological progress challenges the power, strength, significance and even the very existence of traditional religious and aesthetic experiences in all their forms;
  • 2. it reinforces the symbolic fetish of science and technology in people's minds, or, in other words, turns science into anti-science, rational into irrational;
  • 3. it transforms everyday relations between people, changing the social relations of production, consumption and communication;
  • 4. it transforms social ideas about what is pleasure in the fulfillment of desires, while weakening the effect of cultural traditions, depriving the individual of reliance on them, giving him the power of irrational and unceremonious, tenacious manipulations;
  • 5. The technique of elitist social planning is alienated from a person, perceived by him as a disparate chaos of momentary, one-sided decisions that have no connection with the real life aspirations of people, turning them into a faceless mass;
  • 6. The universal nature of global problems, combined with unbridled technical optimism, comes into conflict with the life experience of a particular person.

So, what brings the development of science to people good or evil? The product of intellectual labor belongs to everyone and therefore it is not easy to control for what purposes it will be used. It is clear that a surgical scalpel can save a person's life, or you can kill him. An effective drug, taken in a large dose, turns into a terrible poison. As a result of the development of gas chemistry, chemical weapons arose, the study of the properties of electricity made it possible to design an electric chair. Dynamite and TNT, which appeared in the laboratory, are used by builders laying tracks in the mountains, and revolutionaries seeking to "spur history".





Department of Medical Knowledge and BZD

Abstract on the topic:



Faculty of Information Technology

course, 2 groups

specialty: computer engineering

Lebedeva Valeria Valerievna

Lecturer: Polishchuk L. M.

Odessa 2014


Progress. Scientific and technical progress

1 Progress

2 Scientific and technological progress

The impact of progress on a person

1 Electricity

2 Computer

3 Mobile phone

4 Transport

5 Nuclear power




“Progress is the replacement of some troubles

to others, even bigger ones.

H. G. Wells

This paper discusses the role of the development of civilization, in particular, technological progress on human life and health.

Technological progress implies a breakthrough in science and technology in order to improve, simplify and improve human life, but it bears certain sacrifices made by mankind for the sake of progress. Scientific and technological progress is firmly rooted in our lives today. Modern man with mother's milk absorbs the idea of ​​its undoubted benefits. Scientific and technological progress (STP) appears to be the "great benefactor" of mankind. Consider - is it such?

Target:prove the correctness of this judgment or disprove it.


1) Consider the concept of progress.

) Show the positive and negative sides of progress.

1. Progress. Scientific and technical progress

1.1 Progress

Progress - (lat. progressus - forward movement, success) - the direction of progressive development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect.

The idea of ​​progressive development entered science as a secularized version of the Christian faith in providence. The biblical aspirations of the prophets reflected the image of the future as a sacred, predetermined and irreversible process of human development, led by the divine will. But humanity thought about progress much earlier, back in the days of ancient Greece.

Somewhat later, in the Middle Ages, R. Bacon tried to use the concept of progress in the ideological field. He suggested that scientific knowledge, accumulating over time, is increasingly improved and enriched. And in this sense, each new generation in science is able to see better and further than its predecessors. The words of Bernard of Chartres are widely known today: "Modern scientists are dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants."

Gradually, the concept of progress spread to the development of world history, took root in literature and art. The diversity of social orders in different civilizations began to be explained by the difference in the stages of progressive development. A kind of "ladder of progress" was built, at the top of which are the most developed and civilized Western societies, and below at different levels - other cultures, depending on the level of their development.

In modern times, a decisive role in progressive development began to be assigned to man. M. Weber emphasized the general trend of rationalization in the management of social processes.

In general, the classical concept of progress can be represented as an optimistic idea of ​​the gradual liberation of mankind from ignorance and fear on the way to ever higher and more refined levels of civilization. Type, direction of development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect.

.2 Scientific and technological progress

The scientific and technological revolution (progress) in the narrow sense is a radical restructuring of the technical foundations of material production, which began in the middle of the 20th century, based on the transformation of science into the leading factor of production, as a result of which the industrial society is transformed into a post-industrial one.

The modern era of scientific and technological revolution began in the 1940s and 1950s. It was then that its main directions were born and developed: automation of production, control and management on the basis of electronics; the creation and use of new structural materials, etc. With the advent of rocket and space technology, human exploration of near-Earth space began. New major scientific discoveries and inventions of the 70-80s gave rise to the second, modern, stage of scientific and technological revolution. Today it is well known that after the basic laws of the physics of atoms and atomic nuclei were discovered and studied, the specific quantum-relativistic nature of their structural components (electron, proton and neutron) and gamma quanta was revealed, new quantum ideas about the structure of matter and physics of optical phenomena, a whole series of applied sciences of the physical and physico-technical profile began to emerge and develop: radio electronics, microelectronics, semiconductor technology, nuclear technology and nuclear power engineering, plasma technology, quantum electronics (laser technology), technical cybernetics and many, many others. These new directions in applied science, in turn, served as the basis for the creation of a number of new, progressive, science-intensive branches of modern industrial production, such as, for example, the radio-electronic and semiconductor industries, and the production of electronic computers. The main directions of the scientific and technological revolution of the XX-XXI centuries, such as the discovery and use of new types of energy, primarily intranuclear, integrated automation of production, control and management based on the widespread use of computers, the creation and application of new types of structural materials, the exploration of outer space - one way or otherwise, directly or indirectly conditioned and predetermined by scientific discoveries in the field of fundamental physical science.

2. The impact of progress on a person

scientific technical civilization health

With the continuous development of science and technology and with the ever wider application of all their achievements, not only the advantages of modern scientific and technological progress have become noticeable, but also its very impressive disadvantages. The most obvious of the negative factors is the detrimental impact on nature, which entailed a violation of the ecological balance on the planet, which can lead to a planetary catastrophe. But not only the environment is being destroyed by uncontrolled scientific and technical progress. The person himself is gradually degrading, surrounded by more and more new benefits that allow him to move less and less, remember less, think less and communicate in a completely different way. Modern man is increasingly weakening physically, poisoned by the achievements of chemistry and irradiated with novelties of electronics, degrading morally, letting into his consciousness the propaganda of consumerism and selfishness of the "king of nature" and changing not for the better socially and intellectually.

So, let's look at some of the main achievements of scientific and technological revolution: electricity, computers, automobiles, nuclear power.

2.1 Electricity

Modern society now cannot imagine itself without electricity and, accordingly, electrical devices widely used in industry and in everyday life. We all believe that electricity is one big plus: lighting, heating, water supply and ventilation of industrial and administrative buildings. Without this electrical energy, trolleybuses, trams, subways, cars will stop moving, the railway will stop, favorite computers, TVs, household appliances will refuse to work. However, it requires careful operation. Rough handling of electricity can result in physical injury such as electric shock or burns, which can be fatal.

2.2 Computer

A computer is a device capable of performing a given, well-defined sequence of operations. These are most often operations of numerical calculations and data manipulation, however, this also includes I / O operations. A description of a sequence of operations is called a program. The advent of computers has revolutionized our lives. They have changed the way we approach work, study, leisure and other aspects of life. Microcomputers have come a long way in the last decades of the 20th century. Now, in the 21st century, life without a computer is hardly imaginable. They are almost everywhere: at home, on the street, at work, in a store, etc.


1)The computer brings us great convenience and facilitates our work.

)Saving paper.

)Computers help us communicate, we can talk and even see a person on the other side of the world.


1)Causes damage to the psyche and eyes.

)electromagnetic radiation

)Computer and Internet - people are leaving real life.

)"Live" communication is reduced to zero.

)There is a dependence on the computer

)Total degradation of society

Subjective complaints PC possible causes of their origin

Subjective complaints Possible causesPain in the eyes Visual ergonomic parameters of the monitor, lighting at the workplace and in the room , electromagnetic fieldHair lossElectromagnetic field, operation mode.Pimples and redness of the skinElectrostatic field, aeroionic and dust composition of the air in the working area.Abdominal painIncorrect sitting caused by an incorrect workplace arrangement.Lower back painIncorrect user posture caused by a workplace arrangement, operating mode.Pain in the wrists and fingers Incorrect configuration of the workplace, including the height of the table does not match the height and height of the chair, uncomfortable keyboard, work mode.

2.3 Mobile phone


1)You can call anywhere at any time.

) Long distances no longer interfere with your communication.

) The mobile phone is compact and convenient, it is always with you.

) Modern mobile phones are multifunctional and, as a result, it makes our life easier.


1)Since the phone emits electromagnetic radiation, and it is close to the human body, there is concern about the dangers of this radiation to health during prolonged use of the device.

)There is an opinion that a mobile phone can cause cancer. A ten-year experiment conducted by WHO specialists in 13 countries showed that active cellular users suffer from carcinoma 50% more often than others.

)Minimum communication. You can not go anywhere, not visit anyone, but just call.

)Degradation of youth and society and in general

2.4 Transport

Today, cars have become very popular and occupy an important place in the life of every modern person. It is difficult to imagine modern life without a car, manufacturers are improving cars, supplying them with the latest technologies, creating new models and brands. Of course, a car and public transport greatly simplifies the life of a modern person. Now we can move anywhere in the world, thanks to the development of transport. Not so long ago, we could not imagine moving thousands of kilometers in a matter of hours. But nothing stands - everything develops.

City, international and personal transport is certainly convenient and has a lot of advantages:

)A car is a means of transportation that does not need to wait, in which there are always free convenient and comfortable places, it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

)Airplanes, trains, buses - this is a fast and comfortable movement around the world.

)Space transport - space exploration.

But let's not forget the consequences:

)Space transport - destruction of the Earth's ozone layer and debris in Earth orbit.

)Pollution environment exhaust gases. It is not only the atmosphere that suffers - the waste from transport activities gets into the water, cars increase the noise impact. As a result, environmental degradation, which undoubtedly affects humanity, flora and fauna.

2.5 Nuclear power

Nuclear energy in nuclear power plants is used to generate heat used to generate electricity and heating. Nuclear power plants have solved the problem of ships with an unlimited navigation area. In conditions of energy resources deficit, nuclear power is considered the most promising in the coming decades. The energy released during radioactive decay is used in long-lived heat sources. The fission energy of uranium or plutonium nuclei is used in nuclear and thermonuclear weapons (as a catalyst for a thermonuclear reaction). There were experimental nuclear rocket engines, but they were tested exclusively on Earth and under controlled conditions, due to the danger of radioactive contamination in the event of an accident.


1)Electricity requires a small amount of fuel to generate electricity, so it is cheap.

)No emissions to the atmosphere.

)Ease of maintenance and operation.


1)Possibility of accidents at nuclear power plants.

2) The problem of nuclear waste disposal.

3) Promoting the proliferation of nuclear weapons.


Pros and cons of scientific and technological progress:

Makes our life more comfortable.

Facilitates the work of a person.

Increases information and mobility.

New areas of communication are emerging.

Leads to environmental degradation

Natural resources are depleted

Humanity is becoming lazier, less mobile

STP can carry a mortal danger (various types of radiation, man-made accidents).

Progress has not only a positive impact on a person, but also a negative one. I concluded that new technologies inevitably lead to new problems.

Today we are more vulnerable than a hundred years ago, when the Tunguska something flew in and missed so well. All the benefits of progress come from knowledge, but all man-made disasters and risks also come from knowledge. Thus, humanity cannot help knowing - it has become a hostage of its knowledge.

“Do you think how great a person is? The fact that he built a technocratic civilization, cut a window into the Universe, etc.? Not! He is great because he survived all this and is trying to survive further” (Strugatsky).


Kholodov Yu.A., Lebedeva N.N. //Reaction of the human nervous system to the electromagnetic field. - M.: Nauka, 1992.

- Wikipedia. Progress


Pyrkin Ivan Valerievich

4th year student, Department of Management, Belarusian National Technical University, Moscow Minsk

Morozov Vyacheslav Fedorovich

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. economy sciences, BNTU, Minsk

It is impossible not to note that scientific and technological progress is taking leaps and bounds all over the world and its influence on everything that happens in our world is very great. Every day we enjoy the benefits of this progress, and we cannot imagine how to live a day without taking advantage of them. That is, already on the basis of this proposal, we can come to the conclusion that the use of STP items every day leaves a mark on the personality of each of us and affects us throughout our lives. Therefore, this question seemed to us very interesting, and besides, not very many works have been devoted to this issue so far. No, of course, in our work we will not consider the achievements of scientific and technical progress from the point of view of whether it is good or evil. In this matter, we will not be conservatives and believe that any achievement of scientific and technological progress each time raises a person up a step. But still, much attention should be paid to the issue of the impact of the achievements of scientific and technical progress on the development of the personality of each of us.

The influence of the achievements of science and technology on us begins already in childhood. Indeed, after birth, a very active development of the human brain begins. This process was and remains almost the same as it always was, but at the present stage, starting from 3-5 years old, the brain begins to develop faster than before. Naturally, one of the main factors of such an active and rapid development of the brain in children is the achievement of technological progress. If earlier the brain did not require any special efforts to learn the elementary things that surround us, now most children who have reached the age of 3-5 are already trying with might and main to master the computer, to learn the initial skills in operating a cell phone, etc. Of course, all these technical innovations contribute directly to the faster development of the human brain. And it would seem that all this should only be beneficial for the development of our children intellectually, but as always there is this notorious "BUT".

First, computers, tablets, cell phones, laptops, etc. are not only means that help a person develop intellectually, but are also means of forming an idea of ​​the world. For example, watching some action movie or horror movie on TV can only bring harm to the child's psyche, which has not yet grown stronger and is being formed. Modern computer video games have the same effect on children and adolescents. At the same time, one should take into account the opinion of scientists that the first six years of life is the most important period in human development, and at this time the foundation of all future life is laid, self-confidence, knowledge that you are desired and loved, self-esteem, behavior in stressful situations - then based on this, direct conclusions should be drawn. Namely: the influence of modern scientific and technological advances on the formation of a person's personality begins from early childhood, and already at this age they can have a detrimental effect on the human psyche. But the greatest danger for children and adolescents is gambling addiction. Indeed, in the virtual world, the child does not need to be responsible for his actions, there he simply lives according to the scripts written by programmers and designers. As a result, the development of the child's personality occurs according to a virtual scenario, abstracted from reality. Therefore, children subsequently, getting into the world of reality, become very cruel, overly emotional, uncontrollable, and they may also have a feeling of poor health. If you do not help them in this state in time, then in the future these children may lose a number of important personal qualities such as: purposefulness, restraint, endurance, responsibility, resistance to stress, etc. It is worth noting that a lot of various kinds of research are devoted to this topic, so in this work we will not particularly focus on it.

The second, most acute, problem of the influence of scientific and technological progress on a person was the "cult of worship of annual technical innovations." It is not difficult to see how over the past few years, people have begun to literally worship some types of modern gadgets. Of course, everything can be attributed to the consumer boom, but still, if we digress and consider everything from the point of view of the theory of consumption, it becomes clear that this process does not fully correspond to this theory. According to the theory, demand increases only if there are significant changes in the consumer properties of the product, which naturally does not occur every year. That is, the mass dependence of people on annual technical innovations is evident. Or, as modern scientists call it, gadget addiction. Table 1 below shows gadget addiction rates for some European countries.

Table 1.

Average statistical data on gadget addiction by country


Gadget addiction score

Great Britain

1/3 of residents buy appliances without a specific need

19% of Poles said they feel angry when they can't use a technology

Only 4% of gadget-dependent citizens live in this country, who make unreasonable purchases of cell phones and other equipment.

Among our compatriots, the greatest losses are among the youth. 85% of residents aged 18 to 35 have gone headlong into the wonderful world of cellular communications. Half of them are also psychologically dependent on the players

It would seem how gadget addiction can affect the development of a person’s personality. But, with this type of dependence, a person has a violation of the objectivity of decision-making, which in the future may also affect the development of personal and professional qualities of a person.

The third, most dangerous, consequence of the development of scientific and technical progress for the normal formation of a person's personality is Internet addiction. Internet addiction is a mental disorder in which a person has a very obsessive desire to enter the global network and is unable to leave it in time. This disorder was first described by Dr. Goldberg in 1995. Although Goldberg did not intend to include this disorder in the officially accepted psychiatric standards, the description he offered is based on the description of disorders that are associated with excessive use of psychoactive substances. The psychiatrist identified several main symptoms of this addiction: using the Internet leads to damage to the psychological, interpersonal, social or physical status; causes distress or a stressful negative disease state. Also, the consequences of this disorder can also include the degradation of a person’s personality, a decrease in motor activity: instead of getting up and looking out the window and finding out if it’s raining outside, a person in most cases prefers to use the Internet for this purpose. At the moment, Internet addiction is very widely discussed, but has not yet been recognized as an official disease.

Also in this work, we would like to focus on a very frightening trend that shows the relationship between the development of scientific and technical progress and the statistics of the growth of suicide in the world. “Poverty and unemployment”, “the futility and hopelessness of the struggle for existence” - these words have become clichés and have long been associated with the causes of about 30 percent of suicides. In general, the economic life of society is strongly reflected in the suicide curve: recessions in the world economy in 1908, 1923, 1929-1933, 1937 clearly transformed into peaks on this curve, and during the Great Depression in the United States, the suicide rate doubled. The data of this sad statistics for Russia and Belarus should also be cited: if in the 19th century in Russia the suicide rate (per 100 thousand inhabitants) was 1.7 in 1803; 1829 - 2.6; 1838 - 2.9 (i.e., from 582 to 1626 people committed suicide a year), then at present Russia ranks second in the world in terms of the number of suicides - 37.4 for every 100 thousand people; As for Belarus, for our small, compared to Russia, country, these statistics look no less frightening - 28.3 cases of suicide per 100,000 people, given that only 9 million people live in our country. According to one version of scientists, the increase in suicides is also due to the fact that due to scientific and technological progress, people began to develop attention deficit disorder more and more, because even in childhood, some parents, instead of engaging with the child, turned on the TV, computer or something else and left without knowing what danger they put their child in the future. Based on the above, I would like to note once again that, of course, it is impossible to fully draw parallels between the scientific and technical progress and the growth of psychological deviations and the growth of suicide in people, but nevertheless it is worth noting that this trend is present.

Of course, it is impossible to see the cause of all the above problems only in scientific and technical progress, and besides, it would not be correct, but it is worth taking very seriously the fact that in many cases scientific and technological progress is a catalyst for the development of these problems.

In the end, I would like to note that the entire solution to these problems lies mainly in the person himself. Indeed, in order to solve all these problems, a person may not even need to seek professional help. For example, in order for your children to grow up as absolutely mentally healthy and full-fledged individuals, then a good and competent upbringing in modern technical conditions will be enough for this. If we talk about the prevention of computer addiction in children, you should pay attention to the fact that raising a child should be reduced for the most part to the fact that the computer is only a part of life, and not the most important gift for good behavior. The only currently proven way to prevent a child from becoming dependent on a computer is to involve him in processes that are not related to computer activities so that electronic games and processes do not become a substitute for reality. To show a growing person that there is a lot of interesting entertainment besides a computer that not only allows you to experience the thrill, but also trains the body and normalizes the psychological state. As for gadget addiction in adults, then you just need to find strength in yourself and set limits for yourself. For example, instead of a player, take a book on the road. Well, if, nevertheless, it is not possible to cope with the influence of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in these ways, then it is best to turn to professionals for help.

In general, the most important advice that can only be given to get rid of all the modern problems associated with scientific and technical progress is actually very simple: communicate more often with living people in the real world!


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