Intelligent man arguments. EGE Russian

Ege 2017. Russian. Writing on the text read. Workshop. Tasks 24, 25 / I. P. Vasiliev, Yu. N. Gus. + Arguments Sinyagina Yu.V.

Option I.

1. Express text. Formulate the problem posed by the author and its position. Comment on this problem.

1. A person must be intelligent. (2) And if his profession does not require intelligence? (3) And if he could not get education: So the circumstances? (4) And if the environment does not allow? (5) And if the intelligentity makes it a white crow among colleagues, friends, relatives, will simply interfere with it rapprochement with other people?

(6) No, no and no! (7) Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. (8) It is necessary first of all to the person. (By D.S. Likhachev )

2. Speech.

Write to which type of speech refers to text. Orally explain what the thesis put forward the author. Read the counterproofs given by the author. What is the purpose of them?


Among the suggestions of the text, find such that is connected with the previous one with the help of personal pronouns and lexical repeat. Write the number of this offer. Emphasize these means of communication in the text.

1) Parcelation 2) A number of homogeneous members 3) epithet 4) Question Proposition 5) Exclamation Proposition 6) Citation 7) Introductory Words 8) Lexical Repeat 9) Calling Proposals 10) Incomplete Proposals 11) AnaFora 12) Rhetorical Question 13) Dialogue

1. Express text. Formulate one of the problems supplied by the author and its position. Comment on this problem.

(1) Intelligentity is equal to moral health, and health is not only physical, but also mental - promotes longevity.

(2) The people say: "His father and his mother and their mother, and then you will be on earth."

(H) This applies to the whole people, and to a separate person. (4) This is wise.

(5) All that I speak with young readers, is a call for intelligence, physical and moral health. (b) We will be long! (7) How people and as a people. (8) And the reading of the father and mother should be understood widely - as revered by all the beautiful sides of our past. (9) The past is the father and mother of our modern day, the Great Co-Property, belong to which great happiness. (By D.S. Likhachev)

2. Speech.

Write to which type of speech refers to text.


Try to bring your arguments confirming the position of the author.

4. Credentials of proposals in the text

Among the suggestions of the text, find such that is connected with the previous one using the forms of words. Write the number of this offer. Emphasize these means of communication in the text.

5. Language expressiveness

Circuit the number of language expressiveness, which are used by the author in the text. Next to each selected name of the expressive language tool, specify the number (s) of the sentences (s), in which it is used.

1) PARCOULATION 2) Rows of homogeneous members 3) Syntax parallelism 4) Questionative sentence 5) Exclamation offer 6) Citation 7) Introductory words 8) Calling proposals 9) Anaphor 10) Rhetorical Question 11) Metaphor

Read the text and execute 20-25 tasks.

(1) A person must be intelligent. (2) And if his profession does not require intelligence? (3) And if he could not get education: So the circumstances? (4) And if the environment does not allow? (5) And if the intelligentity makes it a white crow among his colleagues, friends, relatives, will simply interfere with his rapprochement with other people?

(6) No, no and no! (7) Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. (8) It is needed primarily for the person himself.

(9) It is very, very important, and above all in order to live happily and for a long time, for the intelligentity is equal to moral health, and health is not only physical, but also mental - it is necessary to live long.

(11) The people say: "His father and their mother, and then you will fly on earth for a long time." (12) This applies to the whole people, and to a separate person. (13) This is wise.

(14) But first we define what an intelligence is, and then - why it is connected with the commandment of longevity.

(15) Many people think: an intelligent person is the one who read a lot, received a good education (and even the benefit of humanitarian), a lot traveled, knows several languages.

(16) And meanwhile, it is possible to have all this and be unimportant, and you can not have it to a large extent, but to be internally intelligent person.

(17) Intelligence is the ability to understand, to the perception, this is attentive attitude towards peace and to people.

(18) Intelligence needs to develop - train spiritual forces as physical strength. (19) And the training is possible and necessary in any conditions.

(20) That the training of physical forces contributes to longevity - this is understandable.

(21) It is much less understood that for longevity the spiritual and mental strength is needed.

(22) The fact is that the evil and evil response to the surrounding, rudeness and misunderstanding of the surrounding is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, human inability to live ...

(23) Pushes in a crowded bus - a weak and nervous man, exhausted, all incorrectly reacting. (24) Quarrel with neighbors - also a person who does not know how to live. (25) Aesthetically immune - also a man unhappy. (26) Not able to understand another person, attributing to him only evil intentions, eternally offended on others - this is also a person who is depleting his life and preventing the other. (27) Mental weakness leads to physical weakness. (28) I am not a doctor, but I am convinced of this. (29) Seremnnial experience convinced me.

(ZOO) Frieves and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. (31) Yes - beautiful!

(32) The person's face that is often distorted by malice becomes ugly, and the movements of this evil person are deprived of the grace, not a deliberate grace, but a natural, which is much more expensive.

(33) Social human debt is intelligent. (34) This is a debt to himself. (35) This is the key to his personal happiness and auras of goodwill around him and to him - faithful to him.

(Z6) Everything, what I speak with young readers, is a call for intelligence, physical and moral health. (37) We will be long-term! (38) Like people and as a people. (39) And the reading of the father and the mother should be understood widely - as revered by all the beautiful sides of our past. (40) The past is the father and the mother of our modern day, the Great Modern, belong to which great happiness. (By D.S. Likhachev *)

* Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachyov (1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, art historian, Writer, Academician RAS.

20. How do the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) It is necessary to abandon the desire to be intelligent, if this desire prevents confidence relations with others.

2) Intelligent can only be called a person who has a fairly high level of education, reads a lot.

3) Such quality of a person, as an intelligence, has an impact on its longevity.

4) any intelligent person necessarily owns one of the foreign languages, because it understands: it helps to navigate in the modern world.

5) The lack of a wide horizon does not interfere with some people be internally intelligent.

21. What about the listed statements are faithful? Specify response numbers.

1) Proposition 13 contains an assessment of the approval expressed in proposal 11.

2) 15-16 proposals contain reasoning.

3) The sentences 18-19 presents a description.

4) The proposals 22-26 presents the story.

5) Proposition 39 explains the content of proposals 36-38.

22.Is offer 5 Write out phraseologism.

23. In the proposals of 17-22 find such that is connected with the previous one with the help of the union and single-handed words. Write the number of this offer.

24. "Reflecting on the content of the concept of" intelligence ", about the paths of its formation, the author uses various syntactic agents, including ...... (for example, in sentence 17) and (b) ...... (in sentence 18). The author's conviction emphasizes another syntactic agent - (c) ...... (Proposals 31, 37), as well as reception - (d) ....... (Proposals 12 - 13, 34 - 35). "

List of terms: 1) Parcel 2) epithet 3) A number of homogeneous members of Proposition 4) Anaphor 5) Exclamation Proposition 6) Irony 7) Protecting 8) Contact 9) Comparative turnover

Option I.

Exemplary answers to the tasks of the Preparatory Stage No. 1


D.S. Likhachev raises the problem of intelligence. The author sets questions whether the person should be intelligent if this is opposed to the circumstances of his life, and who needs an intelligence.

Intelligentity is needed to every person, regardless of which life circumstances, in which environment, and in what environment it turns out, what profession he chose.


Reflecting whether a person should be intelligent, D.S. Likhachev asks questions from the face of an imaginary interlocutor, forcing the reader to think about what conditions can prevent the manifestation of intelligence. The author himself does not doubt that no conditions: neither the profession nor the insufficient level of education, nor the environment and the environment - do not justify the lack of intelligence, which, according to the author, is needed primarily to the person himself.

Type of speech.

In his reasoning D.S. Likhachev puts forward the thesis "Man must be intelligent." To multilaterally consider the delivered problem and attract readers to its consideration, the author uses counter-arguments expressed in the form of issues. Summing up the argument, the author strengthens the thesis, enriching his idea to the statement that intelligence is needed under any circumstances.


The title of intellectual in Russian literature is deservedly carrying heroes B. PASTNAKA ("Dr. Zhivago") and Y.Dombrovsky ("Faculty of Unnecessary Things"). Neither Zhivago nor Zybin made a compromise with their own conscience. They do not accept violence in any manifestation, whether it is a civil war or Stalinist repression. There is another type of Russian intellectual, which betrays this high rank. One of them - the hero of the story Y.Triconova "Exchange"Dmitriev. He is hard to hurt his mother, the wife proposes to exchange two rooms on a separate apartment, although the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law was not the best. Dmitriev initially indignant, criticizes his wife for confusion, boss, but then agrees with her, believing that she is right. The apartment is becoming more and more things, food, expensive heads: the density of life is growing, things replace spiritual life.

A.S.Griboyedov, comedy "Mount from the mind." It rises the problem of misunderstanding a new generation of intelligentsia. Chatsky in the company revealed crazy. The Famusov society connects this with enlightenment. The books that Chatsky read, formed the mind, developed thought, but carried freedomiff. Such a mind is terrible for the generation of conservatives. The fear creates gossip, because it is not able to fight with other means.

MA Bulgakov - the story "Dog's Heart". In this story MA Bulgakov creates the image of a genuine Moscow intellectual - Professor of Preobrazhensky. This is a person of an outstanding mind, high culture, all his life dedicated to the disinterested ministry of science, but the hero has an independent mind, his point of view on everything that is happening. So, Philipp Philippovich openly speaks of his attitude to the winning proletariat. "Why when did this whole story started, everyone began to walk in dirty calories and boots on the marble staircase?" - Professor is perplexed. "Destroy", "the colleague is trying to explain him, Dr. Bormental. "What is your destroy? .. This is what: if I instead of operating every evening, I will start to sing in my apartment, I will have breakdown." Scientific experiment with ball, transplanting a dog of human organs becomes for professor of a real catastrophe: Preobrazhensky, with his own hands, creates the "newest proletarian", a coarse, arrogant, aggressive person who does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bculture and morality, but seeking to "share". And the professor takes the opposite effect, turning him into a dog again. The image of the intellectual at Bulgakov is opposed to the image of the proletarian. The copyright position here is quite definite: any violence against nature and man, the forcing the natural process of evolution turns into the inevitable tragedy. And the story confirmed us the right of the ingenious writer.

Proposition 8 is associated with a proposal 7 with personal pronoun she is and repeat a brief adjective need.

    a number of homogeneous members 5

    interrogative sentence 2,3,4,5

    exclamatory sentence 6

    lexical repeat 2-5 (anaphor); 6, 7-8

    anaphora 2-5

Exemplary Answers

to the tasks of the preparatory phase number 2


The problem of the interconnection of intelligence and longevity. The author reflects on the question of which influence the intelligence of a person on his longevity has.

The problem of determining the factors affecting the longevity of a separate person and the people as a whole. The text gives an answer to the question that determines the longence of people and peoples.

Intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long.

The longevity of people and peoples contributes to respect for the excellent parties of the past, which determines modernity.


The author seeks to prove to young readers, as it is important to be intelligent. He argues that intelligence influences the longevity of a person, and establishes a direct dependence of longevity from human physical and mental health. And the intelligence of a person, according to D.S. Likhacheva is its moral health.

The author resortes to folk wisdom, recalling that in the understanding of the people of the longevity of a person is determined by his respectful attitude towards the Father and Mother. At the same time, the publicist calls his reader to a wide view of the problem, considering the worship of the father and the mother as a respectful attitude of a person to the past, which contains the origins of our time to which this person belongs.


Chekhov in their works responds to the moral and ideological search for modern intelligentsia. In the center of his attention - a measure of the spiritual value of a person, regardless of his profession and thesis affiliation.

He emphasizes the importance of spiritual principle in man and indicates that generations are not superfluous, people with such a reserves of spirituality can make a lot.

In his stories, Chekhov shows how the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia die.
One of these people is Dr. Smoke, the hero of the story "Pumping". It belongs to that part of the Russian intelligentsia, which Chekhov admired. In the form of Dr. Smoke, the heroism of labor, and moral human strength, and noble love for their homeland were connected.
His wife Olga Ivanovna dedicated her life to finding a "great man." With its way the topic of vulgarity, the meaninglessness of the townships is connected. Olga Ivanovna never saw the man who she was looking for, did not understand the strength and beauty of Smoke. His talent and wonderful mental qualities were noticed only after death.

If a person obeys the power of the circumstances, if it gradually goes out the ability to resist, he will eventually lose all true human, which was peculiar to him. This is a death of a human soul.
Such is the hero of the story "Ionch." This is a young man, full of unclear, but light hopes, with ideals and desires of something high. But the love failure turned him out of aspirations to clean, reasonable life. He succumbed to the vulgarity surrounding it from all sides. He lost all spiritual interests and aspirations. From his consciousness disappeared the time when he was characterized by ordinary human feelings: joy, suffering, love. We see how a man, intelligent, progressively thinking, hardworking turns into a man in the "Living Dead". We see its moral degradation.
Chekhov believes that humanity should improve their strength, work a lot, to help the suffering, strive for moral purity.

Type of speech.


Communication means of proposals in the text (preparation for the execution of task 23).

Proposition 9 is associated with a proposal 8 using the forms of words: of the past - past, Father and Mother - father and mother.

Tools of language expressive (preparation for the fulfillment of the task 24).

    parcelation 6-7

    a number of homogeneous members 1,3,5

    exclamatory sentence 6

    citation 2

    anaphora 3-4

    metaphor 9

Answers to the tasks of the training stage

Quest Number

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1) The problem of intelligence. (In any circumstances a person should be intelligent? Who first need intelligence?)

1) Intelligence is needed to each person, regardless of which life circumstances, in which environment, and in what environment it turns out, what profession he chose.

2) The problem of the interconnection of intelligence and longevity. (What is the impact of human intelligence on his longevity?)

2) Intelligentity is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long.

3) the problem of determining the factors affecting the longevity of a separate person and the people as a whole. (What determines the longence of people and peoples?)

3) the longevity of a person is largely determined by its intelligence, because the intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long. The longevity of people and peoples also contributes to respect for the excellent parties of the past, which determines modernity.

4) The problem of determining the essence of the concept of "intelligence". (What is intelligence?)

4) Intelligentity is not determined by the level of formation and breadth of the horizon, intelligence is the ability to understand, to perception, this is attentive attitude towards peace and to people.

According to Academician D.S. Likhacheva, "The basic principle of intelligence is intellectual freedom, freedom as a moral category." Included intelligent person only from his conscience. The title of intellectual in Russian literature is deservedly carrying heroes B. PASTNAKA ("Dr. Zhivago") and Y.Dombrovsky ("Faculty of Unnecessary Things"). Neither Zhivago nor Zybin made a compromise with their own conscience. They do not accept violence in any manifestation, whether it is a civil war or Stalinist repression. There is another type of Russian intellectual, which betrays this high rank. One of them - the hero of the story Y.Triconova "Exchange"Dmitriev. He is hard to hurt his mother, the wife proposes to exchange two rooms on a separate apartment, although the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law was not the best. Dmitriev initially indignant, criticizes his wife for confusion, boss, but then agrees with her, believing that she is right. The apartment is becoming more and more things, food, expensive heads: the density of life is growing, things replace spiritual life. In this regard, the other work is remembered - "Suitcase" S. Podlatova. Most likely, the "suitcase" with a rag, exported by a journalist S.Dadovov in America, caused Dmitriev and his wife only a feeling of squeamishness. At the same time, for the Hero of Dovlatov, things do not have material value, they are a reminder of the past youth, friends, creative searches.

24) The problem of fathers and children.

The problem of the difficult relationship between parents and children was reflected in the literature. They wrote about this and L.N. Tolstoy, and I.S.Turgenhev, and A.S. Pushkin. I want to appeal to the play by A. Vampilova "Senior Son", where the author shows the attitude of children to his father. Both the Son, and the daughter frankly consider their father a loser, an eccentric, indifferently relate to his experiences and feelings. Father all silently demolides, finds excuses to all ungrateful aids of children, asks them only about one thing: not to leave him alone. The main hero of the play sees how someone else's family is destroyed, and sincerely trying to help the kinderical person. His intervention helps to survive a difficult period in the relationship of children to a near person.

25) Enough people.

Pushkin in the story "Dubrovsky" casual abandoned word led to the hostility and many troubles for the former neighbors. Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet, the female family ended with the death of the main characters.

"The word about the regiment of Igor" Svyatoslav utters the "Golden Word", condemning Igor and Vsevolod, who violated the feudal obedience, which led to the new attack of Polovtsy to Russian lands.

26) Caring for the beauty of the native land.

In the novel Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in the white swans" Yegor Polushkin's modest notice does not die from the hands of poachers. Nature's defense has become a vocation and meaning of life.

In the Casual Polyana, many works are made only with one goal - to make this place one of the most beautiful and cozy.

27) Parental love.

In the poem in the prose of Turgenev "Sparrow" we see the heroic deed of birds. Trying to protect the offspring, the sparrow rushed into battle against the dog.

Also in the Romana of Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Parents of Bazarov most in life want to be with her son.

28) A responsibility. Rash acts.

In the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" Lyubov Andreevna lost estate, because all his life it was frivolously related to money and work.

The fire in Perm occurred due to the rampant actions of the Fireworks, the irresponsibility of the Directorate, the negligence of the fire safety challenges. And the result is the death of many people.

In the essay "Ants" A.Mrua tells about how a young woman bought an anthill. But she forgot to feed his inhabitants, although they needed only one drop of honey per month.

29) Theme of happiness.

There are people who do not particularly require anything from their lives and spend it (life) is useless and boring. One of these people Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

In the novel, Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" the main character has everything for life. Wealth, education, position in society and the ability to realize any of your dreams. But he misses. Nothing hurts him, nothing pleases. He does not know how to appreciate the simple things: friendship, sincerity, love. I think that's why he is unhappy.

In the essay of Volkova "On simple things" a similar problem rises: for happiness, a person needs not so much.

30) Riches of the Russian language.

If you do not use the riches of the Russian language, you can become similar to Elchukin Schukin from the work of "twelve chairs" I. Ilf and E.Petrov. She did thirty words.

In the comedy of Fonvizin "Nepali" Mitrofanushka did not know the Russian language at all.

31) Unprinciple.

In the sketch of Chekhov "left" talks about a woman who has completely changed its principles for one minute.

She tells her husband that he would leave him if he had at least one kind of ditch. Then the husband explained in detail to his wife, why their family lives so richly. The heroine of the text "left ... to another room. For her, it is beautiful and richly more important than a deception of a husband, although she says quite the opposite.

In the story of Chekhov "Chameleon" of the police officer, Columelova, is also no clear position. He wants to punish the owner of the dog, who bit the finger of Hryukina. After the craczymes find out that the possible owner of the dog is General Zhigalov, his whole decisiveness disappears.

Problems of texts of the exam in the Russian language

Problem blocks Recommended for argument literature
1. 1.Problems of creativity, art, literature, writing labor
one). The problem of the role of Russian classical literature in the spiritual life of modern society 2). The problem of moral debt of the writer 3). The problem of the responsibility of the writer in front of compatriots 4). The problem of emigration of cultural figures 5). The problem of perception of the work of art 6). The problem of the ratio of human qualities and creative obsession 7). The problem of appointment of genuine art 8). The problem of the perception of the child by the Masters of the Old School of Painting 9). The problem of the role of the book in the formation of a child's personality 10). The problem of appointment of a book 11). The problem of careful attitude to books. 12). The problem of displacement of literature by other types of art. 13). The problem of preserving the culture and spiritual freedom of society 14). The problem of the goals and objectives of the poetic (writing) creativity 15). The problem of preserving human culture and spiritual freedom of society Ray Bradbury "471 ° Fahrenheit" I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" N.V.Gogol "Portrait" A.S. Pushkin "Prophet" M.Yu.Lermontov "Prophet" A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin "A.S. Pushkin" Autumn "A.S. Pushkin" Prophet "N.A.Nekrasov" Poet and Citizen "A.S. Pushkin" The conversation of the bookSelver with the poet "N.A.Nekrasov" Elegy "(" Let us says changing the fashion ") N.A.Nekrasov" Yesterday's hour in the sixth "A.S. Pushkin" I am a monument to myself erecting
1. 2.Problems of family relationships, upbringing
one). The problem of fathers and children 2). The problem of mutual understanding of adults and children 3). The problem of attitude towards older people 4). The problem of guilt and repentance for causing close evil 5). The problem of upbringing the younger generation 6). The problem of upbringing compassion 7). The problem of comparing modern adolescents and adolescents of past times 8). The problem of moral values \u200b\u200band their choice in the education of the younger generation 9). The problem of perceiving the world of childhood by adults 10). The problem of the role of childhood in the formation of a person's personality 11). The problem of childhood memories 12). The problem of upbringing the ability to confront difficulties 13). The problem of the influence of the Epoch on the formation of moral landmarks and the main life plants of the younger generation M.Gorky "Childhood. In people. My universities "L.N. Tolstoy" Childhood. Defense. Youth "S.T. Aksakov" Children's Years of Bagrova - Grandson "I. Bunin" Figures "L.N. Tolstoy" War and Peace "I.S.Turgenev" Fathers and Children "A.S. Pushkin" Captain's Daughter " . And. INFIVIZIN "NERDOX" A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" N.A.Nekrasov "Peasant children" V.P.Astafiev "Vatukino Lake" I.S.Turgen "Bezhin Luga" M.Yu.Lermontov "Duma "
1. 3.Philosophical problems
one). The problem of good and evil 2). The problem of active life position 3). The problem of true values \u200b\u200b4). The problem of choice, which has to make a person 5). The problem of human memory 6). The problem of self-assessment of the person 7). The problem of man's place in the world 8). The problem of the significance of the human person 9). The problem of the strength of the Human Spirit 10). The problem of memory of experienced tests 11). The problem is the meaning of life 12). The problem of the joyful worldview 13). Problems of the formation of the harmonic worldview 14). The problem of determining life priorities 15). The problem of the relationship between human and peace 16). The problem of the effect of time on the nature of values \u200b\u200b17). The problem of understanding the true human values \u200b\u200b18). Retribution problem 19). The problem of the existence of eternal values \u200b\u200bin the context of time 20). Problems of manipulation by universal values \u200b\u200b21). The problem is the possibility of comparing good and evil 22). The problem of personal value 23). Memory problem Bible (Gospel) L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children" A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin "If life is deceived" A.S. Pushkin " Evgeny Onegin "A.N.Ostrovsky" Thunderstorm "F.M.Dostoevsky" Crime and Punishment "M.Yu.Lermontov" Hero of Our Time "M.A. Bulgakov" Master and Margarita "and - V. Goethe" Faust "m Serving "Intelligent Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman" I.A. Thickov "Oblomov" A.S. Pushkin "Elegia" ("Mad Years Ugasnaya Fun") A.S. Pushkin "Fathers" A.S. Pushkin "Dar in Vain , Dar Random "A.P.Platonov" Kotlovan "," Hamlet's secret man "W. Washpir" Gamlet "I.A. Bunin" Mr. from San Francisco "M. Gorky" Staruha Izergil "A. De Saint-Exupery" Little Prince "F.I. Tyutchev" Silentium! " A.I. Solzhenitsyn Matrenin Dvor M.Yu.Lermontov "And Bored and Sad" M. Gorky "On the bottom"
one). The problem of the impact of nature on human nature 2). The problem of mutual understanding of man and animal 3). The problem of homeless animals 4). The problem of the relationship between human and peace 5). The problem of the perception of nature, its beauty L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children" S.A. Jeshenin "Song of the dog" V.V. Makovsky "Good attitude to horses" L.N. Andreyev "Kusaka" with .A.Aneinin "Porosh", "Cherohamukha" N.M.Rubtsov "Star of the fields" S.A. Jenin "Goy You, Rus My dear!" F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the initial" F.I. Tyutchev "Not that Manties You, Nature" A.A.Fet "Learn from them - Oak, Bereza" V.G.Rasputin "Farewell to Matera "V.P.Astafyev Tsar-Fish", "Vastekino Lake" M.Yu.Lermontov "I go out on the road" M.Yu.lermontov "Motherland" M.Yu.Lermontov "When the yellowing Niva is worried"
Moral and ethical problems
one). The problem of honor and conscience 2). The problem of invincible rudeness 3). The problem of manifestation of arrogance, incompleteness, rudeness of people in relation to each other 4). The problem of determining the essence of rudeness 5). The problem of human nobility 6). The problem of sensitivity and soulless 7). The problem of solitude 8). The problem of conscience and responsibility of a person for their actions 9). The problem of honor and dignity 10). The problem of self-esteem 11). The problem of active life position 12). The problem of true love and friendship 13). The problem of self-dedication in relations with a loved one 14). The problem of heroism and self-sacrifice 15). The problem of human attitude to its work 16). The problem of relations with other people 17). The problem of overcoming egoism in relations between people "18). The problem of formal ties 19). The problem of human memory 20). The problem is a fool 21). The problem of debt and responsibility for the life of another person 22). The problem of self-assessment of the individual 23). The problem of the strength of the human spirit 24). The problem of the relationship of society to celebrities 25). National problem 26). The problem of memory of the lived tests 27). The problem of man's ability to sympathy 28). The problem of the relationship of sympathy and active assistance to man 29). The problem of human relationships 30). The problem of determining the essence of jealousy 31). The problem of the ratio of love and jealousy 32). The problem of overcoming jealousy 33). The problem of becoming and wrecking love 34). The problem of the tragic loneliness of a person who has chosen the path of selfless service "35). The problem of loyalty to debt 36). The problem of moral possibilities of man 37). The problem of the relationship of personality and team 38). The problem of true friendship 39). The problem of moral choice of man 40). The problem of retaliation 41). The problem of identity value 42). The problem of love 43). Memory problem A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" M .A. Bulgakov "Dog's heart" I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children" I.A. Bunin Cycle "Dark Alley" A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" A.P.hekhov "Cherry Sad" M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" M.A.Sholokhov "Silent Don" I.A. Bunin "Cold Autumn" A.P.Chekhov "House with mezzanine", "On love" "Man in the case", "Gooseberry", "Ionch "," Pumping "," Lady with a dog "," Sleshka "A.N. Ostrovsky" Thunderstorm "," Damnant "A.S. Pushkin" Peak Lady "L.N. Tolstoy" After Bala "N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" A.S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" A.T. Varadovsky "Vasily Torkin" A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" V.G.Rasputin "Money for Mary" A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman "A.I.Kuprin" Olesya "," Pomegranate bracelet "A.A. Block" Twelve "
Patriotic (image of the Motherland, Heroic Past of Russia)
one). The problem of relation to Motherland 2). The problem of determining the heroic 3). The problem of heroism and falsehegroism 4). The problem of determining the criteria of heroic 5). The problem of preserving peace on Earth 6). Problems of confrontation of evil and manson-nursery in the era of Globalism 7). The problem of heroic personality 8). The problem of the role of personality in history 9). The problem of an outstanding personality and mass 10). The problem of historical memory 11). The problem of the patterns of historical development of the state 12). The problem of heroism and resistance in the face of harsh military tests 13). The problem of sense of duty and feelings of self-preservation during the war of war 14). The problem of love for homeland 15). The problem of true values \u200b\u200bin war 16). The problem of moral assessment of the fact of war 17). The problem of war and preserving the human in man 18). The problem of objective assessment of historical events and personality 19). The problem of patriotism as a total value of 20). The problem of attitude to the past of its homeland 21). The problem of patriotism M.Yu.Lermontov "Borodino" A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" M.Yu.Lermontov "Rodina" S.A. Jeshenin "Goy You, My dear Rus!" M.A.Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" M.A.Sholokhov "Quiet Don" N.A.Nekrasov "Who lives in Russia" N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls" N.V.Gogol "Auditor" A.I. . Solzhenitsyn "One day of Ivan Denisovich" A.N. Tolstoy "Russian character" M.A.Sholokhov "They fought for their homeland" "The word about the regiment of Igor" "Tale of the time year" A.K. Tolstoy "Prince Silver" I. A. Krylov "Wolf on Psarn" "Life of the PRP. Sergius Radonezhsky "A.S. Pushkin" Poltava "N.V.Gogol" Taras Bulba "M.Yu.Lermontov" Song about the merchant Kulashnikov "L.N. Tolstoy" Caucasian captive "L.N. Tolstoy" Sevastopol stories "A .A.A. Block "Motherland" A.A.Akhmatova "Native Earth" N.S. S. Faskov "Enchanted Wanderer" S.A. Jeshenin "Rus Sovetskaya", "Russia Goaling" A.A.ahmatova "I was a voice." A.A.Akhmatova "Not with those I who threw the earth" M.A. Bulgakov "White Guard" B.L.Pasterka "Dr. Zhivago" V.V.Nabokov "Other shores" A.A.Akhmatova "Requiem" V.Shalamov "Kolyma stories" Y. Bondarev "Hot Snow" B.Vasiliev "And Zori here is quiet" V. Kontrayev "Sasha"
and society The problem of unfairness of the social structure of society. 1. I. S. Turgenev. "Mu Mu". Heroes: Mute serf Gerasim, Tatiana - his beloved, ladies, Samosogly, the decisive destinies entrusted to her fate of people. 2. I. S. Turgenev. "Hunter's Notes." The story "Biryuk": the main hero of Forestish on nicknamed Biryuk. Wildness of the peasants. Injustice of the social device of life. 3. V. G. Korolenko. " In a bad society. " Vasya, a boy from a rich family, friendly with the rejected children, - Valek and Marusi. The beneficial effect of kindness on the young hero. 4. N. A. Nekrasov. Poem "Railway". The argument of the general and the author about who built the railway. Condemnation of an unfair device of life. The poem "Reflections from the Paradinary Substitution": the peasants came from the distant villages with the past to the noble, but they were not accepted, they were driven. Condemnation of the authorities. 5. N S. Leskov. "Lefty." The main character - Lefty, Bloch "Aglitskaya" snapped, but his talent is not appreciated at home: dies in the hospital for the poor. 6. And M Gorky. Tale "Childhood": an image of "lead abominations of life." Fate Kashirini family. 7. N. V. Gogol. "Shinel". Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin - "Little Man", he defends his right to dream. 8. L. N. Tolstoy "After Bala". The hero in love after the ball sees how his father's favorite leads the beatings of the Soldier's Spreads. The separation of two Russians - Russia is rich and the poor.
What is the meaning of a person's life? 1.A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" Search for the meaning of life with a young hero, "extra person" - a person who is not accustomed to work. 2. M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". Misfortune Pechorin, Paul His own recognition, misunderstanding of the meaning of his life, he says that he felt in his soul the strength, but did not know what to attach them, failed to find them. 3. And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". Good, kind, talented man Ilya Oblomov failed to overcome herself, did not reveal his best features. The lack of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov. 4. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". The main thing in the best heroes of the novel -andree Bologkoe and Pierre Bezukhov - the desire for moral self-improvement, the desire to "be quite good, bring good to people.
The problem of upbringing. The problem of learning. What is the true goal of learning? What should be a good teacher (student)? 1. L.N. Tolstoy. "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth". The autobiographical Trilogy of L. Tolstoy, the main character of Nicholya Irtenev comprehends the world of adults, is trying to analyze his own and other people's actions. 2. V. P. Astafiev. "Horse with a pink mane." Difficult prewaging years of the Siberian village. The formation of the personality of the hero under the influence of the kindness of grandmother and grandfather. 3. V.G Rasputin "Lessons of French". Formation of the personality of the main character in the difficult war years. The role of teacher, her spiritual generosity in the life of the boy. Thirst for knowledge, moral durability, self-esteem leader. 4. Fazil Iskander. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules." The influence of the teacher on the formation of a childhood. 5. "Weaching" Vladimir Monomakh. In the chronicles, the problems of education paid a huge influence: in the "teaching" talking about the eternal moral values, about love to their homeland, respect for the elders, about the need for kindness, loyalty ... 6. And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". In one of the most important parts of the novel, the problems of education are revealed: in the "Obloma dream" it is shown as the atmosphere of laziness, unwillingness to work, think urgently a child's soul. 7. A. S. Pushkin. "Evgeny Onegin". The first head of the novel is devoted to the problem of forming the nature of Onegin. The lack of goal in life, habits to work form a "excess person", "Egoista inevitable." 8. M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". The lack of goal in life, habits to work form a "excess person", "Egoista inevitable." Pechistan himself realizes his egoism, admits that everything brings misfortune. This made it upbringing.
The significance of labor in a person's life. 1. M. M. Svavin "Storeroom Sun" Mitrash and Nastya, Little Children, during the Great Patriotic War, who remained without parents, they dear respect for fellow villagers. 2. A P. Platonov "in the beautiful and furious world." The driver of the Maltsev is entirely devoted to work, her beloved profession. During the thunderstorm, the blind, but the devotion of a friend, the love of the chosen profession make a miracle: he, hitting his favorite locomotive, again gains vision. 3. A. I. Solzhenitsyn Matrinin Dvor. The main heroine is accustomed to work all his life, to help other people and although there was no benefit, remains a pure soul, righteous.
What effect is the person on the course of history? 1. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" is one of the central problems of the novel - the role of personality in history. This problem is revealed in the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The writer believes that there is no greatness where there is no good and simplicity. According to Tolstoy, the personality of which the interests of which coincide with the interests of the people can affect the course of history. Kutuzov understood the mood, the wishes of the masses, so it was great. Napoleon thinks only about his magnitia, therefore is doomed to defeat.
The problem of human freedom and person responsibility to society. What is freedom? What person can be called free?. The problem of a recurrent relation to a person in a totalitarian state 1. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Images of Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander 1. A person who is aware of the responsibility to his homeland, people who knows how to understand them at the right moment, is truly great. These are Kutuzov, such are ordinary people in the novel, which without tiling, without high phrases, perform their duty. 2. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment." Rodion Raskolnikov creates its theory: the world is divided into those, "who the right has, that is, on personalities, and the material," creatures of trembling ". Personality according to his theory, is able to create history. He recalls Metamet, Napoleon, other great people, in the name of "great" in their opinion, the goals are committed by atrocities, they pour the blood of non-clear people. The theory of Raskolnikova suffers the collapse. And in that, in other novels, true freedom in subordinate to the interests of society, in the ability to make the right moral choice. 3. Possible brightly, the problem of freedom can be traced in a story in Bykov "Obelisk": Teacher Moroz, having a choice to stay alive or die along with students who have always taught good and justice, chooses a death, remaining morally free man. 1a. I. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelago Gulag" 2. A.A. Akhmatova. Poem "Requiem". It was written on a personal impression (repeated arrests and links of her husband and son) and under the influence of numerous meetings with mothers, native prisoners in the cross, St. Petersburg prison.
The problem of patriotism. What is genuine and imaginary patriotism? 1.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". One of the central problems of the novel is true and false patriotism. Favorite Heroes Tolstoy do not speak high words about love for their homeland, they are committed in the name of her actions: Atasha Rostov, without hesitation, persuades his mother to give the supply to the wounded under Borodino, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky gets fatal injury on the Borodino field. But genuine patriotism, according to Tolstoy, in ordinary Russian people, soldiers who per minute of mortal danger give life to their homeland. 2. Most books about war: m. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", "They fought for their homeland",
The problem of choosing a profession.
Human and nature The problem of a thoughtless, cruel human attitude towards the world of nature. How to protect the world from ecological catastrophe? 1.V. Rasputin. "Farewell to Mattera." The island, in which people lived in centuries, they want to flood. Near the problems of ecology, there are problems of moral nature, historical memory. 2.M. Bulgakov. "Fat Eggs": Professor of Peaches Randomly instead of large chickens bringing giant reptiles that threaten civilizations. "Dog's heart". Professor Preobrazhensky replants the dog to the ball part of the human brain, turning quite a pretty PSA in the disgusting polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov. It is impossible to intervene in nature!
The problem of cruelty and humanism in relation to animals. 1.V. V. Mayakovsky "Good attitude to horses. 2. Troopolsky. "White Bim Black Ear". 3. S. Yesenin "Song of the dog"
Influence of nature on man. Why not every person perceives the beauty of nature? 1M. Sentain. "Storeroom Sun" 2. The manufacture of Turgenev. The role of the landscape in them
Man and man The problem of the complexity of the relationship between people (humane attitude towards others, indifference to the fate of another person, the moral responsibility of a person in front of other people). 1.A. From Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin. "The Egoist is unwanted," Onegin is indifferent to the fate of other people, makes them unhappy and isa themselves, and other people. 2. M. Yu Lermontov. "Hero of our time." 3. K. G. Powesty "Telegram". The girl Nastya, living in Leningrad receives a telegram that her mother is sick, but things that seem important to her do not allow her to go to the mother. When she, realizing the magnitude of the possible loss, comes to the village, it turns out too late: the mother is no longer ... 4. V. G. Rasputin "Live and Remember." Husband Deserter Thai appears in the vicinity of the native village. His wife Maria is trying to save him, but the human rumor is terrible: persecuted by fellow villagers, realizing that he was driven by the circumstances in a dead end (she burden, she could not give a husband, but also live in lies scary), Maria cums the life of suicide. She is selfless, the husband is cowardly and selfish. 5.In Bykov "Sotnikov". The problem of moral choices: what is better - to save your life at the price of betrayal (as it makes the hero of the story of the fisherman) or die no hero (no one will know about the heroic death of Sotnikov), but to die with dignity. Sotnikov makes a difficult moral choice: dies, retaining the human appearance.
The problem of kindness, all apartments. The problem of responsibility for your affairs 1M. A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita." The image of Yeshua is the image of Jesus Christ, carrying the idea of \u200b\u200bgenuine kindness and all-sucking. He is about all people, even about those who carry him pain and suffering, says: "Good man," the procurator of Judea, who erected him to painful death, he forgives, leaving him to eternity. The image of the procurator of the Jews symbolizes how a person can be punished for cowardice. Because of the cowardice, he sends an innocent Yeshua to the execution, on terrible flour, for which he suffers on earth, and in eternal life.
The problem of the relationship between "fathers" and "children". Is it possible to avoid the conflict of generations? What is the genuine love of parents for children (children to parents)? 1. And S. Turgenev. "Fathers and children." A classic work that shows the problem of misunderstanding between older and younger generations. Evgeny Bazarov feels strangers and senior Kirsanov, and their parents. And, although on their own admission, loves them, his attitude brings them to grief. 2.L. N. Tolstoy .Triculties "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth". In an effort to know the world, to become an adult, Nikolek Irtenev will gradually know the world, understands that much in it is imperfect, faces a misunderstanding of the elders, sometimes it offends them (chapters "Classes", "Natalia Savishna") 3. K. G. Powesty "Telegram " The girl Nastya, living in Leningrad receives a telegram that her mother is sick, but things that seem important to her do not allow her to go to the mother. When she, realizing the magnitude of the possible loss, comes to the village, it turns out too late: the mother is no longer ...
The problem of love / jealousy, friendship / betrayal. 1.A. S. Pushkin. "Evgeny Onegin" 2. M. Yu Lermontov. "The hero of our time." 3. And S. Turgenev. "Fathers and children." 4. And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". 5. And S. Turgenev. "Fathers and children."
Man and Culture / Art The problem of perception of art. The problem of beauty perception. What is true beauty? What will help to raise the aesthetic taste of a person? The problem of spirituality in art. The problem of cultural ecology. Why should you take care of cultural monuments? 1. Articles D. Likhachev. 2. L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
What is a mass culture? How does the mass culture affect a person? How does television affect a person?
What is the role of a book in a person's life? The problem of selecting books for reading. Why did young people read less?
Can the Internet replace the book? Is it always useful?
Man and language / speech The problem of the development and conservation of the Russian language. What is a good speech? I. S. Turgenev "Russian language"
How to keep speech cleanliness? The problem of clogging by the speech by ferrous, borrowed words. The problem of the office. What is the danger of stamps in our speech?
Man and moral values The problem of genuine and imaginary values.
What is the role in a person's life playing a kindness (mercy, responsiveness, compassion)?
What is nobility? What deeds can be called noble? What is the honor of conscience? What is the role of these concepts in the life of a modern person? How to save moral dignity? What is intelligence? What person can be called intelligent?
Philosophical problems What is evil and good? 1M. And Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Woland - the incarnation of evil, Yeshua - the carrier of the idea of \u200b\u200bgood, but evil and good apologize do not make sense: Woland - the devil says that he is part of evil, which, not wanting to be good.

What is the meaning of a person's life? 1.A. S. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin Search for the meaning of life with a young hero, "an extra person" - a person who is not accustomed to work 2. M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". The misfortune of Pechorina, according to his own recognition, misunderstanding the meaning of his life, he says that he felt in his soul the strength, but did not know what to attach them to, failed to find them. 3. And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". Good, kind, talented man Ilya Oblomov failed to overcome herself, did not reveal his best features. The lack of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov. 4. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". The main thing in the best heroes of the novel -andree Bologkoe and Pierre Bezukhov - the desire for moral self-improvement, the desire to "be quite good, bring good to people.

darkover666. The problem of learning. What is the true goal of learning?
1.L. N. Tolstoy. "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth". The autobiographical trilogy of L. Tolstoy, the main hero of Nicholya Irtenev comprehends the world of adults, trying to analyze his and other things
2.V. P. Astafiev. "Horse with a pink mane." Difficult prewaging years of the Siberian village. The formation of the personality of the hero under the influence of the kindness of grandmother and grandfather.
3.I. R Rasputin "French Lessons". Formation of the personality of the main character in the difficult war years. The role of teacher, her spiritual generosity in the life of the boy. Thirst for knowledge, moral durability, self-esteem leader. 4. Fazil Iskander. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules." The influence of the teacher on the formation of a childhood.
5. "Teaching" Vladimir Monomakh. Already in the chronicle sources, the problems of education paid a huge influence: in "teaching" the eternal moral values \u200b\u200bspeak about the eternal moral values, about the love of the Motherland, respect for the elders, about the need for kindness, loyalty ... 6. and A. Goncharov. "Oblomov". In one of the most important parts of the novel, the problems of education are revealed: in the "Obloma dream" it is shown as the atmosphere of laziness, unwillingness to work, think urgently a child's soul. 7.A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin". The first head of the novel is devoted to the problem of forming the character of Onegin. The lack of goal in life, habits to work form a "excess person", "Egoista inevitable." 8.m. Y. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". The lack of goal in life, habits to work form a "excess person", "Egoista inevitable." Pechistan himself realizes his egoism, admits that everything brings misfortune. This made it upbringing.

The significance of labor in human life
1M. M. Svavin "Storeroom Sun" Mitrash and Nastya, Little Children, during the Great Patriotic War, who remained without parents, they deserved the respect of fellow villagers.

2.a P. Platonov "in the beautiful and violent world." The driver of the Maltsev is entirely devoted to work, her beloved profession. During the thunderstorm, the blind, but the devotion of a friend, the love of the chosen profession make a miracle: he, hitting his favorite locomotive, again gains vision.

3.A. I. Solzhenitsyn Matrenin Dvor. The main heroine is accustomed to work all his life, to help other people and although there was no benefit, remains a pure soul, righteous.

darkOver666Casy affects the person on the course of history?

1. L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" is one of the central problems of the novel - the role of personality in history. This problem is revealed in the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The writer believes that there is no greatness where there is no good and simplicity. According to Tolstoy, the personality of which the interests of which coincide with the interests of the people can affect the course of history. Kutuzov understood the mood, the wishes of the masses, so it was great. Napoleon thinks only about his magnitia, therefore is doomed to defeat.

darkover666. The problem of human freedom and person responsibility to society

1. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Images of Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander I. A person who is responsible to the homeland, people who knows how to understand them at the right moment, is truly great. These are Kutuzov, such are ordinary people in the novel that without high phrases perform their duty. 2. F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment". Rodion Raskolnikov creates its theory: the world is divided into those, "who the right has, that is, on personalities, and the material," creatures of trembling ". Personality according to his theory, is able to create history. He recalls Metamet, Napoleon, other great people, in the name of "great" in their opinion, the goals are committed by atrocities, they pour the blood of non-clear people. The theory of Raskolnikova suffers the collapse.
And in that, in other novels, true freedom in subordinate to the interests of society, in the ability to make the right moral choice. 3. Possible brightly, the problem of freedom can be traced in a story in Bykov "Obelisk": Teacher Moroz, having a choice to stay alive or die along with students who have always taught good and justice, chooses a death, remaining morally free man.

The problem of patriotism
1.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". One of the central problems of the novel is true and false patriotism. Favorite Heroes Tolstoy do not speak high words about love for their homeland, they are committed in the name of her actions: Natasha Rostov, without hesitation, persuades the mother to give the supply to the wounded under Borodino, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky gets fatal injury on the Borodino field. But genuine patriotism, according to Tolstoy, in ordinary Russian people, soldiers who per minute of mortal danger give life to their homeland.

darkover666. The problem of human attitude to nature 1.V. Rasputin. "Farewell to Mattera." The island, in which people lived in centuries, they want to flood. Near the problems of ecology, there are problems of moral nature, historical memory. 2.M. Bulgakov. "Fat Eggs": Professor of Peaches by chance, instead of large chickens, withdraws giant reptiles, which threaten civilizations.
"Dog's heart". Professor Preobrazhensky replants the dog to the ball part of the human brain, turning quite a pretty PSA in the disgusting polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov. It is impossible to intervene in nature!

darkover666. The problem of the complexity of people's relationships 1.A. With Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin". "Egoist is unwanted," Onegin is indifferent to the fate of other people, makes unhappy and most of themselves, and other people. 2. M. Yu Lermontov. "Hero of our time". 3. K. G. Powesty "Telegram". The girl Nastya, living in Leningrad receives a telegram that her mother is sick, but things that seem important to her do not allow her to go to the mother. When she, realizing the magnitude of the possible loss, arrives in the village, it turns out too late: the mother is no longer 4. V. G. Rasputin "Livi and Remember." Husband Deserter Thai appears in the vicinity of the native village. His wife Maria is trying to save him, but the human rumor is terrible: persecuted by fellow villagers, realizing that he was driven by the circumstances in a dead end (she burden, she could not give a husband, but also live in lies scary), Maria cums the life of suicide. She is selfless, the husband is cowardly and selfish. 5.In Bykov "Sotnikov". The problem of moral choices: what is better - to save your life at the price of betrayal (as it makes the hero of the story of the fisherman) or die no hero (no one will know about the heroic death of Sotnikov), but to die with dignity. Sotnikov makes a difficult moral choice: dies, retaining the human appearance.

darkover666. Compassion and mercy. Suitless 1) M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It tells about the tragic fate of the soldier who lost all the relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a person to life for life, forces in order to confront fate.
2) V. Hugo in the novel "Molders" tells the history of the thief. Having spent over the bishop in the house, in the morning this thief stole a silver dishes from him. But after an hour, the police detained the criminal and delivered it to the house where he was given overnight. The priest said that this man did not stole anything that he took all things with the permission of the owner. The thief, struck by heard, survived genuine rebirth in one minutes, and after that he became an honest person. 3) One of the medical scientists insisted that the laboratory staff worked in the clinic: they had to see how patients suffer. It forced young researchers to work with tripled energy, since concrete human life depended on their efforts.

4) In the ancient Babylon, the patient was put on the square, and each passerby could give him advice, how to heal, or simply say a sympathetic word. This fact shows that already in ancient times, people understood that there is no foreign misfortune, there is no alien suffering.

5) During the filming of the film "Cold Summer 53 ...", which were held in a deaf Karelian village, all the surrounding inhabitants gathered, especially children to see the "Wolf Grandfather" - Anatoly Papanova. The director wanted to drive the inhabitants so that they do not interfere with the film process, but Papanov gathered all the children, talked to them, wrote to everyone something in a notedra. And the children, the brightness of happiness with their eyes, looked at the Great Actor. In their memory there was forever a meeting with this man, which for the sake of them interrupted expensive shooting.

6) Ancient historians told that Pythagoras bought fish from fishermen and threw it back to the sea. People laughed at the eccentric, and he said that, saving fish from networks, he tries to protect people from a terrible share - to be in slavery at the conquerors. Indeed, all living things are invisible, but durable threads of causality: each of our deed, as if the dead echo, rolled around the space of the universe, causing certain consequences.

7) An encouraging word, a caring look, a tender smile help a person to succeed, strengthen his faith in their strength. Psychologists held a curious experiment, which clearly proves the justice of this statement. They scored random people and asked them for some time to make benches for kindergarten. Employees of the first group were constantly praised, and the other - they swore for inability and negligence. What is the result? In the first group made benches twice as much as in the second. So, a kind word really helps a person.

8) Each person needs understanding, sympathy, spiritual heat. Once an outstanding Russian commander, A. Suvorov saw a young soldier who, frightened the upcoming battle, ran into the forest. When the enemy was broken, Suvorov awarded the heroes, the Order went to the one who was unwellly served in the bushes. Poor soldier almost fell away from shame. In the evening he returned the award and confessed to the commander in his cowardice. Suvorov said: "I take your order for storage, because I believe in your bravery!". In the next battle, the soldiers struck everyone with his fearless and courage and deservedly received the Order.

9) One of the legends talks about how one day he was going on the land of Saint Kasyan and Nikola. They saw a man who tried to pull the cart from the mud. Kasyan, in a hurrying on an important thing and not wanting to get a paradise dress, went on, and Nikola helped the man. When the Lord found out about this, he decided to give Nikola two holidays a year, and Kasyan one at four years - February 29.

1. Man and Motherland
2. Communication of a person with his people
1. A person can not live without his homeland, as you can not live without a heart (K. Powetsky).
2. The offspring of mine I ask my example: to the scene to be faithful to Fatherland (A. Suvorov).
3. Every noble personality is deeply recognized by his blood relations, his blood relations with the Fatherland (V. Belinsky).

Man can not without his homeland
1) A well-known writer told the history of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who after the defeat of the uprising was able to hide from police dogs and after painful wandering, finally, got out to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, away from their homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was stipulated into the shackles and sent to Katorga.

2) An outstanding Russian singer Fedor Shalyapin, forced to leave Russia, all the time he had some box with him. No one guess what is in it. Only many years later, the closest learned that Shalyapin kept the handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that the native land and in the handstone of Mila. Obviously, a great singer, he had a hot schismo, it was necessary to feel the proximity and warmth of his native land.

3) Fascists, occupying France, offered to General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during the Civil War, to cooperate with them in the fight against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because his homeland was more expensive than political disagreements.

4) African slaves exported to America wounded about their native land. In desperation, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, throwing the body, would be able to be a bird, carry home.

5) The worst punishment in antiquity was considered the exile of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside of your house - Alien: Alien Earth, someone else's sky, someone else's language ... There you're quite alone, there are no one, creature without rights and without behalf. That is why to leave the homeland meant to lose everything for a person.

6) the outstanding Russian hockey player. Tretyaku was offered to move to Canada. We promised to buy him a house, pay a big salary. Tretyak showed her hand on the sky, the earth and asked: "Do you also buy it for me?". The answer of the famous athlete led everyone to confusion, and no one else returned to this proposal.

7) When in the middle of the 19th century, the English squadron was siege to Turkey's hundred Istanbul, the entire population defended his city. The townspeople destroyed their own homes if they prevented the Turkish guns to conduct aiming fire on enemy ships.

8) Once the wind decided to dump mighty oak, which grew up on the hill. But the oak just bent under wind blows. Then the wind asked at the majestic oak: "Why can't I beat you?"
Oak answered that it was not the trunk. His strength is that he is in the land in the land, rooted for her. In this frequency history, the idea is expressed that love for the Motherland, deep connection with the national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes people invincible.

9) When the threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain hung over England, then all the population, they have taken apart by hostile, rallied the axis around his queen. The merchants and nobles for their money have been equipped with an army, people of a simple title were recorded in the militia. Even pirates remembered their homeland and led their ships to save her from the enemy. And "invincible Armada" of the Spaniards was defeated.
10) Turks during their military campaigns captured prisoners and boys. Children were forcibly paid to Islam, turned into soldiers, who were called Janchars. Turks hoped that deprived of spiritual roots forgot their homeland brought up in fear and humility, new warriors will become a reliable stronghold of the state. But this did not happen: I had nothing to protect, cruel and merciless in battle, they approached with serious danger, they constantly demanded a boost to increase, refused to serve without a generous award. All the fact that the troops of Yanychar disranged, and the inhabitants under the fear of death were forbidden to even pronounce this word.

11) Antique historians talk about a Greek Athlete, who refused to fight for Athens, explaining that he needed to prepare for sports competitions. When he expressed a desire to participate in the Olympic Games, citizens were told to him: "You didn't want to divide the mountains with us, it means that you are not worthy and to share joy with us."

12) The famous traveler Athanasius Nikitin during his wanders she had seen a lot of outlined and unusual. He told about it in his travel notes "Going in three seas." But the exotic of the distant countries did not go out in him by love for the debris, on the contrary, in his soul, longing to be broken down by the longing of the house.
13) Once during the First World War at one military meeting, Nikolai-2 said a phrase that began like this: "I and Russia ...". But one of the generals present at this meeting politely corrected the king: "Your Majesty, you probably wanted to say" Russia and you ... "Nikolai P recognized his mistake.

14) Lion Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" reveals the "military secret" - the reason. which helped Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 to win over the hordes of the French invaders. If in other countries, Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia, he opposed the whole people. People of different classes, different titles, different nationalities ran in the fight against the general enemy, and with such a mighty force no one can cite.

] 5) The Great Russian writer I. Turgenev called himself anteheem, because the moral forces gave him a love for the debris.

16) Napoleon, going to Russia, knew that the peasants were strongly oppressed by landowners, therefore hoped for the support of the simple people. But what was his surprise when he was reported that the men did not want to sell a fodder for solid currency. "They do not understand their benefits?!" - Emperor exclaimed in bewilderment and confusion.

17) When the outstanding Russian peak physician came up with the device to inhale the essential vapors, he turned to one tinsmith with a request to make it in drawings. The tinsmith found out that this device is intended for operating the soldiers who fought during the Crimean War, and said that he would do everything for free for the sake of the Russian people.

18) The German General Guderian remembered the case struck him. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet artillery was captured, who alone the wolf cannon with a single shell. It turns out that this fighter fell four enemy tanks and reflected a tank attack. What a force forced the soldier devoid of support, desperately fight against enemies - this German general could not understand. It was then that he uttered a historical phrase: "It doesn't look like in a month we walked around Moscow."

Heading. "Fight and look for. Find and not surrender! "
1. Problems
1. The meaning of human life
2. loyalty to his vocation
3. Search for a life path
4. True and false values
5. Happiness
6. Freedom

1. There is nothing insurmountable in the world (A. V. Suvorov, commander).
2. Only work gives the right to pleasure (N. Dobrolyubov, literary critic).
3. To live honestly, it is necessary to get confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and begin again, and again throw, and forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness (L. Tolstoy, writer).
4. What is life? What is its meaning? What is the goal? The answer is only one: in the life itself (V. Veresaev, writer).
5. And there are no more nights with two wings on my shoulders (A. Tarkovsky, poet).
6. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of courage (A. Maklin, English Writer).
7. The meaning of life is not to satisfy his desires, but to have them (M. Zoshchenko, Russian writer).
8. If the main goal in life is not the number of years for years, but honor and dignity, then what is the difference when you die (D. Real, English writer).
9. There are no big talents without great will (O. Balzac, French writer).
10. Think and create, create and think - here is the basis of all the wisdom (I. Goethe, a German writer).
11. A man is born to live or in convulsions of anxiety or in lethargy boredom (Voltaire, French writer). 12. The person who has chosen, to a certain extent, better than the one who was forced to good (E. Berjes, English Writer).

darkover666 Arguments
Human self-realization. Life as a struggle for happiness
1) The vital drama of Evgeny Onegin, an outstanding person, caused precisely the fact that "the work stubborn him was tsen." He grew out in idleness, he did not learn to work patiently himself, achieving his goal, live for another person. His life turned into a messy existence "without tears, without life, without love." 2) all the heroes of L. Tolstoy more correctly divide not on bad and good, but on those who change, and those who have lost the ability to spiritual self-development. Moral movement, unrelated search itself, eternal dissatisfaction is, according to the thick, the most complete manifestation of humanity.
3) A. Chekhov in their works shows how smart, the full forces people gradually lose their "wings,\u003e how high feelings will fuss in them as they slowly immerse themselves in the marshes of everydayness. "Never give up!", "This appeal sounds almost every work of the writer.4) N. Gogol, the intettator of human defects, persistently looking for a living human soul. Depicting a Plushkin, who became "Spread on the body of mankind,\u003e, he passionately calls the reader who comes out in adulthood, to take with him all" human movements ", not lose them on a life road.
5) The image of Oblomov is an image of a person who only wanted. He wanted to change his life, wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, wanted to grow children ... But he had no strength, so that these desires would bring to life, so his dreams remained with dreams. 6) M. Gorky in the play "At the bottom" showed the drama of "former people", which have lost their strength to fight for themselves. They hope for something good, understand that it is necessary to live better, but nothing is done in order to change your fate. It is not by chance that the play of the play begins at the night and ends there.

7) Overcoming difficulties, intense struggle, non-residential search is the necessary conditions for the formation of a person. Recall the famous parable about the butterfly. One day, a man saw through a small gap in a cocoon trying to crash butterfly. He was standing for a long time and watched the unsuccessful attempts of unfortunate creatures to get into the world. The human heart was filled with pity, and he spread the edge of the cocoon to a knife. From the outlook, a silent insect, which with difficulty dragged helpless wings. The man did not know that the butterfly, breaking the cocoon shell, strengthens his wings, develops the necessary muscles. And he is his pity for her faithful death.

False values
1) I. Bunin in the story "Mr. from San Francisco" showed the fate of a person who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by man: he died, and without learning what life was. 2) the newspapers talked about the fate of a successful manager who became interested in the role-playing game in the Fight Club. He was dedicated to the San Knight, gave a new name, and invented life so fascinated the young man that he forgot about work, about his family ... now he has another name, another life, and he regrets only one thing that cannot be left forever From real life in that life, which he came up with 3) when Socrates was born, his father turned to Oracle to learn how to raise his son. Oracle replied that the boy does not need mentors or in educators: he has already been elected to a special way, and his spirit-genius will lead them. Later Socrates admitted that he often heard at himself some voice that ordered him what to do, where to go what to think about. Darkover666This Semi-Land Story expresses faith in favoriteness of great people who are angry with life for big achievements

The moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world 2. The role of personality in history 3. The moral choice of man 4. Conflict of man and society 5. Man and nature arguments for everyone in the hands of the fate of the world 1) V. Soloohin tells the parable of the boy, Which did not obey the unknown voice and move the butterfly. An unknown voice informed that it would happen next: a disturbed butterfly will fly to the Royal Garden, the caterpillar from this butterfly will crawl on the neck of the sleeping queen. The queen frightens and dies, and the power in the country will capture a cunning and cruel king, which will cause people a lot of trouble.

2) There is an ancient Slavic legend about the maiden plague.
One day, the peasant went to mow grass. Suddenly, the terrible maid-plague jumped on his shoulders. The man was pleasing about mercy. Deva-Plague agreed to regret it if he would wear her on his shoulders. Where this terrible couple appeared, all people were dying: and small children, and gray-haired old men, and beautiful girls, and state guys.
This legend is addressed to each of us: what are you carrying the world - light or darkness, joy or grief, good or evil, life or death?

4) A. Kubrin wrote a "wonderful doctor" story, based on real events. A man who is exhausted by poverty is ready to despair with suicide in desperately, but a famous doctor of pirogov speaks with him. It helps the unfortunate, and from that moment on his life and the life of his family is changing with a happy way. This story eloquently suggests that one person's act can affect the fate of other people.darkover666

The role of personality in history

1) "Hunter's Notes" I. Turgenev played a huge role in our country's social life. People who read the bright, bright stories about the peasants, realized that they were immorally owning people as a cattle. The country began a broad movement for the abolition of serfdom.

2) After the war, many Soviet soldiers who fell into enemy captivity, convicted as traitors of the Motherland. The story M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", in which the bitter share of the soldier is shown, forced society in a different way to a tragic fate of prisoners of war. The law was adopted about their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Bilecher-Stow wrote the novel "Huts of Uncle Toma", which described the fate of the meek Negro, scored to death with a ruthless plantator. This novel shouted the whole society, civil war broke out in the country, and the shameful slavery was canceled. Then they said that this little woman began a big war.

1. The role of art (science, media) in the spiritual life of society
2. Impact of art on the spiritual formation of man
3. Educational Function Art

1. Without Chekhov, we would have been many times poor in spirit and hearts (to Powesta. Russian writer).
2. The whole life of humanity consistently seen in the books (A. Herzen, Russian writer).
3. Consistingity is a feeling that is obliged to bargain literature (N. Evdokimova, Russian writer).
4. Art is designed to preserve the human in man (Y. Bondarev, Russian writer).
5. The world of the book is the world of a real miracle (L. Leonov, Russian writer).
6. A good book is just a holiday (M. Gorky, Russian writer).
7. Art creates good people, forms a human soul (P. Tchaikovsky, Russian composer).
8. They went to darkness, but did not disappear their trail (V. Shakespeare, English writer).
9. Art is the shadow of divine perfection (Michelangelo, Italian sculptor and artist).
10. The goal of art is condensed to convey the beauty dissolved in the world (French philosopher).
11. There is no career of the poet, there is the fate of the poet (S. Marshak, Russian writer).
12. The essence of literature is not in fiction, but in the need to say the heart (V. Rozanov, Russian philosopher).
13. The artist's work is to give rise to joy (to the paustic, Russian writer).

1) scientists, psychologists have long argued that music It can have a different impact on the nervous system, on a human tone. It is generally recognized that the works of the Bach increase and develop intelligence. Music Beethoven excites compassion, cleans the thoughts and senses of man from negative. Schumanim helps to understand the soul of the child.

5) The famous Children's writer N. Nosov told the case that occurred with him in childhood. Once he was late for the train and stayed overnight on the station Square with berthors. They saw a book in his bag and asked her to read. The noses agreed, and the guys, devoid of parental heat, hopping his breath, began to listen to the story about a lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter smooth life with her destiny.

6) When the fascists were besieged to Leningrad, the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich had a huge impact on residents of the city. Which, as evidenced by eyewitnesses, gave people new forces to combat the enemy.

7) There are a lot of evidence in the history of literature related to the stage history of "Nepal". It is said that many noble children, having learned themselves in the form of a slacker Mitrofanushki, survived genuine rebirth: began to diligently learn, read a lot and grew by decent sisons.

9) The artist serves eternity. Today we imagine this or that historical person exactly what it is depicted in the artistic work. In front of this truly the royal authority of the artist even tirana. Here is an example from the Renaissance. Young Michelangelo performs a Medici order and sufficiently behaves. When one of the Medici expressed displeasure about the insufficient similarity to him with a portrait, Michelangelo said: "Do not worry, your holiness, in a hundred years it will be like you."

10) As a child, many of us were read by Roman A. Duma "Three Musketeers". Athos, Portos, Aramis, D "Artanyan - these heroes seemed to us by the incarnation of nobility and knighthood, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent, - the personification of cunning and cruelty. But the image of the romance villain is little similar to a real historical personality. After all, it is Richelie to introduce almost forgotten The time of the religious wars of the word "Franzyz", "Rodina". He forbade a duel, considering that young, strong men should shed blood not because of the small quarrels, but for the sake of their fragile. But under the pen of the novelist, Richelie gained a completely different appearance, and fiction Dumas on the reader affects much stronger and brighter historical truth.

Scientific progress and moral qualities of a person
2) Humanity in its development has achieved tremendous success: a computer, telephone, robot, conquered atom ... But a strange thing: the stronger the person becomes, the alarming the future waiting for the future. What happens to us? Where are we moving? Let's imagine an inexperienced driver who rushes with a mad speed on his new car. How nice to feel the speed, how nice to realize that the mighty motor is suspended with each of your movement! But suddenly the driver with horror understands that he cannot stop his car. Humanity is similar to this young driver who rushes to an unknown distance, not knowing what is lighted there by turning.

3) In antique mythology there is a legend about the drawer Pandora.
A woman discovered some strange drawer in her husband's house. She knew that this subject would be a terrible danger in himself, but curiosity was so strong that she could not stand and opened the lid. From the box flew all sorts of troubles and scattered around the world. In this myth, the caution of all mankind sounds: rapid actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a disastrous final.

4) In the story of M. Bulgakov, Dr. Preobrazhensky turns the PSA into man. Scientists drive thirst for knowledge, the desire to change nature. But sometimes the progress turns on terrible consequences: a bite creature with a "dog heart" is not yet a person, because there is no soul in it, there is no love, honor, nobility.

12) Nikolai Copernicus after long-term long research came to the conclusion that the center of our universe is not the Earth, but the sun. But the scientist did not decrease for a long time to publish data on his opening, because I understood that such news would turn the ideas of people about the world order. And this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

1) The problem of historical memory (responsibility for the bitter and terrible consequences of the past)

The problem of responsibility, national and human, was one of the central in the literature in the middle of the 20th century. For example, A.Ttvardovsky in the poem "By the right of memory" calls for the rethinking of the sad experience of totalitarianism.

The same topic is revealed in the poem A.A.Akhmatova "Requiem".

The sentence of the state system based on injustice and lies, is carried out by A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich"

2) The problem of preserving monuments of antiquity and careful attitude towards them.

The problem of careful attitude towards cultural heritage has always remained in the center of general attention. In a difficult post-revolutionary period, when the change of political system was accompanied by the overtaking of previous values, the Russian intellectuals did everything possible to save cultural relics. For example, Academician D.S. Likhachev prevented that Nevsky Prospectus was built up with typical high-rise buildings. At the funds of Russian cinematographers were restored by the estate of Kuskovo and Abramtsevo. Caring for monuments of antiquity is distinguished by Tulyakov: the appearance of the historic city center, church, the Kremlin remains.

Conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments to deprive the people of historical memory.

3) The problem of relation to the past, the loss of memory, roots.

"Disrespect for the ancestors is the first sign of the immoral

D. S. Lihachev wrote: "... intelligence is equal to moral health, and health needs to live not only physical, but also mental."

A genuinely intelligent person I consider the great writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn. He lived a hard life, but before the end of his days he remained physically and morally healthy.

The problem of nobility.

Bulat Okudzhava wrote:

Conscience, nobility and dignity - What is it - the Holy Our Military.

To last his palm, it's not scary for him and in the fire.

His face is high and amazing. Devy your brief age.

Maybe you will not become a winner, but you will die like a person.

The greatness of morality and nobility is composite feat. In the work of Boris Lvovich Vasilyev "in the lists did not mean" Nikolai Plugs remains a person in any situations: in a relationship with his beloved woman, under the continuous bombing of the Germans. This is true heroism.

The problem of beauty.

Nikolay Zabolotsky reflects on the beauty in his poem "ugly girl": "Is she a vessel in which emptiness or fire shimmering in a vessel?".

True beauty is a spiritual beauty. In this, L. N. Tolstoy convinces us, drawing in the novel "War and Peace" images of Natasha Rostova Marya Bolkonskaya.

The problem of happiness.

Wonderful lines about happiness at the poet Edward Asadova:

Beauty to see in the ugly

Display in the streams of spills of rivers!

Who knows how to be happy to be happy

That really happy man.

Academician D. S. Likhachev wrote: "Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make happy others and can at least forget about their interests, about themselves."

The problem of growing up.

When a person begins to realize his involvement in solving important life problems, he begins to grow up.

True words belonging to K. D. Ushinsky: "The goal in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness."

And the poet Edward Asadov said like this:

I since grow, then from youth of the aplence,

After all, without over the years, and the matters are.

And all that did not have time to thirty,

Then, you just do not have time.

The problem of upbringing.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: "Our whole education system is the realization of slogan on attention to a person. About attention not only to his interests, his needs, but also to his debt. "

S. Ya. Marshak has lines: "Let the good mind you have, and the heart will be smart."

The educator who made his "heart smart" towards the pupil will achieve the desired result.

What is the meaning of man's life

Famous Russian poet A. Voznesensky said:

The more we take off the heart,

Especially the greater our heart remains.

The heroine of the story A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrinin Dvor" lives according to the laws of good, all-fortunemen, love. Matrion gives the warmth of his soul to people. She "is the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village. Neither the city. Neither the whole earth is ours. "

The problem of learning.

Happy that man in whose lives teacher

For Altynai, the heroine of the story of Chingiza Aitmatov "First Teacher", the inches was the teacher, in front of which "... In the most difficult moments of life," she kept the answer and "... did not dare to retreat" before difficulties.

The man for whom the profession of the teacher is a calling is Lydia Mikhailovna V. Rasputin "French Lessons". It was she who became a major person for his student, which he remembered all his life.

The problem of the significance of labor in a person's life.

In relation to person, the moral value of each of us is measured.

K. D. Ushinsky said: "Self-education, if it wishes happiness to a person, should raise him not for happiness, but to prepare for life of life."

And the Russian proverb says: "Without difficulty - you will not endure and fish from the pond."

According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky: "The work is necessary for a person as well as food, it should be regular, systematic."

Somo Problems.

The needs of a person must be limited. A person should be able to control himself.

In the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" by A. S. Pushkin Old Woman lost everything that her goldfish had helped to buy, because her desires exceeded the necessary limit.

Fair Russian Folk Proverb: "Better Tit is in hand than a crane in heaven."

The problem is indifference.

Unfortunately, many people live according to the proverb: "My hut from the edge - I do not know anything."

And some more arguments:

1) Troypolsky. "White Bim Black Ear"

Bim meets different people - good, evil, indifferent. Such as Tolik, Matrön, Dasha help the dog. There are among people and those who betrays, are killed. Because of the human malice suffers from BIM.

Ivan Ivanovich brought in Bim's kindness and faith in man. When the owner was taken to the hospital, the dog really waited for him. These two felt responsible for each other, because they were "tamed." Remembering the attitude towards himself, Bim is trusting about people when Ivan Ivanovich is taken to the hospital.

2) V. Zheleznikov. "Stuffed".

Moral lessons Tale: not be cruel to people, to animals and plants - to everything alive on earth; Protect your human dignity, not allow him to trample anyone and never; You need to learn to understand people, because disappointment hurts the soul.

Lena Zrazseltseva in difficult trials that had fallen on her adheral years, all the time Santa saw the grandfather, felt his nature, relied on his shoulder. Nikolai Nikolayevich helped her survive and not break. Lena rated it. Yes, old people need to take care, listen to their advice, appreciate their experience and willingness to divide the trouble of a loved one. In this lesson, all of us.

The theme of teenagers in relation to their peer, not like everyone else. Lena Besseltseva became the object of ridicule in the classroom. His classmates arranged a boycott, and then committed a terrible act: burned the scarecrow, portraying the girl. The iron button, redhead, shaggy and other peers of Lena, who organized difficult tests of the girl, I think, got a lesson for life.

The heroine story says to his classmates: "Honestly, I feel sorry for me. Poor you, poor people. " What did Lena Zrazseltsy mean and is she right? Yes, rights: Her peers are poor not only in the lifestyle (lack of interest, empty pastime, primitive entertainment), but also on spiritual qualities (coarse, indifferent to someone else's misfortune, envious, cruel).

3) A. Platonov. "Unknown flower."

This story about a flower, which grown among stones and clay. He worked a lot, overcame the mass of obstacles to light up alive fire. The flower really wanted to live. We needed a great power of will, relentless stubbornness to survive.

A. Platonov in their fairy tale argues that it is necessary to work much to live and not die to shine with bright flames to others and call to themselves the silent voice of the joy of life.

"The right, adults are very strange people," followed by the Little Prince, we can repeat. Often adults do not understand their children at all. Did they ourselves were not small? Why they do not always respond to children's questions, do not listen to their child?

Little prince lived alone on a very small planet, on which there were only volcanoes. Every morning, the hero cleaned their volcanoes, he was stolen the land so that Baobabs did not grow. And people instead of maintaining order on their planet, cultivate their garden, decorate their home, lead wars, insult with their greed beauty of life. The little prince argues that it is necessary to restore order on its planet and work every day.

Little prince goes to wander. It turns out to be on the planets, where the king and ambition, a drunkard and a business man, a lamprik and geographer live. The hero is not delayed in any of them, because he sees the vices, but does not understand and does not accept them. Plust and ambition, drunkenness and greed, fatalism and ignorance - all this prevents people to live. Only on Earth, having met the snake, flower and fox, a small prince, knows wisdom: "Zorko is one heart." The hero returns to his planet, to a rose, which has already managed to tame.

This tale teaches us to be "responsible for those who have tamed", that only the heart you can feel the love that a person threatens loneliness among the crowd that the one who has no roots is doomed to loneliness.

5) Sasha Black. Story "On the Lunar Night."

This story about the house, about loneliness and good luck. All heroes, except for children., Homeless and rootless. They lack happiness. And it is so necessary for everyone, because life is given to a person for happiness. The gardener dreams of how to buy a house in which he was born. Lydia Pavlovna, sitting by the sea, remembers when she was the last time insanely and just happy. But happiness is always there, you just need to be able to find it. This conclusion brings readers by the author.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is the desire for happiness, the ability to be happy in the world under the sun and the moon with other people, nature.

6) K. Pouustovsky. "Telegram".

"Be a person," says Powesty. - For good pay good! " We must not forget about the closest, most native people who need your attention, care, warm, kind words, and it may be too late. So it happened with the main character of the story of Nastya, which because of the eternal bustle, the lack of time to write and arrive during the three years did not see the mother. And Katerina Petrovna waited for her only daughter, but did not wait. The old woman was held on the last path, and the daughter was late for the funeral, looked away all night and left early from the village (it was ashamed of people). I did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the mother.

7) A.Grin. "Green lamp".

The story that a person should build his destiny himself, overcoming difficulties, and not passively wait for good luck, not to turn into a "toy" of another person. John IV at the end of the story becomes a doctor. He managed to keep his dignity and fulfilled his dream. Yes, a person is not a toy of fate, but her Creator, if he has a desire and the will of something to achieve, if he works and believes his strength.

Part 4 (Book V.N. Alexandrov, O.I. Alexandrova "Encyclopedia of Arguments")

By creating this book, we wanted to help the disciples successfully pass the united state exam in the Russian language. In the process of preparations for the composition, it turned out at first glance a strange circumstance: many high school students cannot substantiate one or another thesis as examples. Television, books, newspapers, information from school textbooks All this mighty information should seem to provide a student with the necessary material. Why is the writing writing hand helplessly freezes on the place where you need to argue personal position?

The problems that the student experiences when trying to justify this or that statement is rather caused by not the fact that it does not know any information, but by the fact that the information known to him he cannot need to apply. There are no arguments from birth, the statement acquires the function of the argument when it proves or refutes the truth or falsity of the thesis. The argument in writing to the exam in Russian is acting as a certain meaning part, which follows after some approval (the logic of any evidence is known: theorem - the rationale is a conclusion),

In a narrow sense, as applied to the writing on the EE argument, an example should be considered as defined and occupies the appropriate place in the text composition.

An example is a fact or a special case used as a starting point for subsequent generalization or to reinforce the generalization.

Quite often modern citizens are used by the phrase "intelligent person", but few people are puzzled by the question associated with the true meaning of this concept. We tend to confuse "intelligence" with "education", and these two concepts have different designations.

For a real intelligent citizen Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev seeks to assist his readers in recognizing differences between the intelligence of false and true. Today, especially the urgency and authenticity of culture, true morality and intelligence.

Often the mask of external integrity hides the mental emptiness. Likhachev argues that it consists of "intelligence ... in the ability to understand ..." people around you, and not just in the presence of knowledge. According to the author, the intelligenceity is amenable to developing and training, so it is necessary to educate it. An interesting idea also, the thought associated with the existence of communication between the mental state of a person and his physical health.

The Russian intelligentsia was peculiar to the creation of spiritual wealth over the centuries in order to fill life with moral meaning, and this despite all humiliation and persecution. An example of literary heroes becomes proof of the rightness of such judgment. Professor Preobrazhensky, the image of which was created by Bulgakov, life devoted to science. It was not difficult for him to understand that the power was captured by the chams that did not need science and culture. Evil are guided by such balls and those like, namely those that are not endowed with the ability to build anything, since they are prone only to destroy.

The final words of Lihachev used in the article are rather an appeal to each individual: "Social debt ... - to be intelligent ... Debt ... Before yourself." They deserve special attention.

Updated: 2017-02-25

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  • MA Bulgakov - the story "Dog's Heart". In this story MA Bulgakov creates the image of a genuine Moscow intellectual - Professor of Preobrazhensky. This is a person of an outstanding mind, high culture, all his life dedicated to the disinterested ministry of science, but the hero has an independent mind, his point of view on everything that is happening. So, Philipp Philippovich openly speaks of his attitude to the winning proletariat. "Why when did this whole story started, everyone began to walk in dirty calories and boots on the marble staircase?" - Professor is perplexed. "Destroy", "the colleague is trying to explain him, Dr. Bormental. "What is your destroy? .. This is what: if I instead of operating every evening, I will start to sing in my apartment, I will have breakdown." Scientific experiment with ball, transplanting a dog of human organs becomes for professor of a real catastrophe: Preobrazhensky, with his own hands, creates the "newest proletarian", a coarse, arrogant, aggressive person who does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bculture and morality, but seeking to "share". And the professor takes the opposite effect, turning him into a dog again. The image of the intellectual at Bulgakov is opposed to the image of the proletarian. The author's position here is quite definite: any violence against nature and man, the forcing the natural process of evolution turns into the inevitable tragedy. And the story confirmed us the right of the ingenious writer.
  • D.S. Likhachev - "Letters of good and beautiful."

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