Which writers were born in Mikhailovsky. Biography

On July 25, 1849, during the Hungarian campaign, he distinguished itself in the case under herrmanstadt, attacked with a squadron Ulan Kare Hungarian, at which there were two guns.

The hero of the day who received a light wound was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.

Mother - Glafira Nikolaevna, Born Tekolovich (in another writing - Tolunovich). Judging by the surname, it took place from the noble family of Serbian origin (which was not unusual in Novorossia).

Nikolai Georgievich was born in 1852, he spent his childhood in Odessa. He studied in the Odessa Richelian gymnasium.

Student years

In 1871, after graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, but only one year has studied here. Having failed on the exam at Professor Redkina, the young man decided that it was better to be a good craftsman than a bad lawyer. He left the university and in 1872 he entered. However, here the student Mikhailovsky also did not even bother himself by studying himself. Many years later, he confessed that he belonged to the number of so-called "heavy" students who saw the goal of learning is not in acquiring strong theoretical knowledge, but in obtaining a diploma that gives the right to work in the specialty. Leisure Mikhailovsky filled his student predominantly impressions of love and friendship (social and political issues at the time were alien to him). For some time he tried to study writing, but a story from student life, presented in the editorial office of one of the magazines, was rejected without any explanation. This failure discouraged a young author and for many years he hit him a hunt for literary creativity.

In the summer of 1876, Mikhailovsky worked on the railway in Bessarabia Kocheghar (the version of the student practice of the future trait engineer). Direct acquaintance with people of labor, with the exhausting physical work of the Kochigar and the driver brought a great benefit to a young man, contributed to its formation as a person.

The last year of studies of Mikhailovsky in coincided with a large historical event - the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). In the summer of 1878, when the war was still walking, Mikhailovsky finished the course and received a diploma engineer.

Home Engineering Career

Immediately after the end of the course, Mikhailovsky was sent to the senior technician in Bulgaria, Burgas, where he participated in the construction of the port and highway. In the city "For the excellent execution of orders in the past war," received the first of its orders of civil service.

Twenty years later, the impressions of the time of service in Burgas were used in the story "Clotilda" (publ.).

In winter, 1879-1880 Mikhailovsky served in the Ministry of Railways.

After the end of construction, Mikhailovsky was transferred by the head of the distance of the Baku section of the Transcaucasian Railway.

Engineer Mikhailovsky highlighted the scrupulous honesty and painfully perceived the desire of many of his colleagues to personal enrichment (participation in contracts, bribes). At the end of the city, he resigned - according to his own explanation, "Sit between two chairs for a full inability: on the one hand, the interests of state, on the other - personal hosts".

Samara landowner (1883-1886)

A lot of things in the village had to share Valeryevna Mikhailovskaya: she treated the local peasants "different common funds" and arranged to school, where he was doing with all the boys and the girls of the village. After 2 years, the school had 50 students, and she had "two assistants from young guys who graduated from rural school in the nearest large village."

With regard to a purely economic case in the estate of Mikhailovsky, they walked perfectly, however, the men with distrust and ropot met all the innovations of a good landowner, and he constantly had to overcome the resistance of the inert mass, and he entered the open conflict with local fists, which was the result of a series of arsons. At first, Mikhailovsky lost mills and thumps, and then the whole harvest. Almost arranging, he decided to leave the village and return to engineering. The estate was entrusted with the hard governor.

In the future, Mikhailovsky appeared in Gundorovka only by the departures and rarely lived here for a long time, preferring rural wilderness to the provincial city - Samara. The estate was laid and rebooted, but before the sale, his business came very soon.

Return to engineering activities (1886-1890)

At the 160-world distance, this is the only place where OB, as the peasants say, in the pipe. In other words, both shores of the river and the beds of the rocks are here. And moreover, this is the most narrow spot of the spill: the calivee, where originally was supposed to hold the line, spill the river 12 wool, and here 400 seats.

The distant consequence of the change in the initial project was the emergence of the city of Novosibirsk. The construction of the bridge across Ob required many workers' hands, and a small village, called the new village in 1891, began to grow rapidly. In the future, he received the name "Novonikolayevsky" (in honor of King Nicholas II), and in 1903 he became the city of Novo-Nikolaevsky (from 1926 - Novosibirsk).

The research of Mikhailovsky also proved the expediency of bypassing the railway main town of Tomsk: "Taking into account the transit value of the Siberian road, there was no reason to force the transit cargo of the extra 120-150 wool." In addition, the turn to Tomsk would lead to a significant increase in the cost of construction due to unfavorable conditions of the area, and the exploitation of the future line would be difficult. The Ministry of Ratings was approved by the project, which had to hold a highway at 85 km south of Tomsk, followed by the construction of a special branch to Tomsk from Taiga station.

Mikhailovsky arrived in Tomsk at the end of June 1891. His stay in the city was overshadowed by the attacks of local newspapers, fierce protests against the conclusions of Mikhailovsky on the inexpediency of laying the railway line through Tomsk. Leaving Tomsk he " he sighed, as a man, suddenly remembered in a minute of adversity, which is probably for this adversity, as the day after the day, will come and joy. This joy was that I was no longer in Tomsk, and probably never see him again» .

Head of construction of the Kroton-Sergiev Railway (1895-1897)

Mikhailovsky was the initiator, an ideologist, the organizer and builder in the Samara province of the branch "Krotovka-Sergievsk", where for the first time in Russia the cheap narrow row was used. The difficult story of the struggle for the embodiment of this project was given a rich material for the essays written by the essays in the sustroca of provincial life.

The construction of the Krotro-Sergiev Railway began in September 1895 (a report on the start of construction "the other day" was placed in the newspaper "Samara news" of September 1, 1895). Mikhailovsky, for the first time in his life, became the leader of such a big deal, introduced unprecedented orders on construction: the election of the administration, collegiality in decision-making, public control over finance. His administrative principles are pronounced in one of the service circulars:

In order for this way to come out really cheap, it is necessary first of all that the thoughts cannot be about any abuse.<…> Withdrawing the monetary part from myself, I instructed all these cases of the Commission from the selected persons, which in all its actions is reported to the general assembly of all the technicians entrusted to me. I consider myself entitled to demand from my employees, in the conduct of the money, the same attitude to the case. With this, mainly, the purpose of them is provided by the staff of young people, students, people are quite reliable, with the help and participation of which in all money matters is a complete opportunity to highlight for all the true position of this case and guarantee themselves personally from any then no complaints

Public control brought its fruits: When one of the engineers was covered on the rotten line of the rotten material for the sleepers and was accomplished on this, a kind of court was held, and the rascal lost the place.

The construction of the road itself was completed very quickly, already in the next winter, but here Mikhailovsky was waiting for a serious blow from an unexpected side. The Board of the Samaro-Zlatoust Railway categorically refused to recognize "lightweight conditions" with respect to supporting services, previously approved in St. Petersburg by all instances (it was assumed, for example, to abandon the difficult and expensive station state; it was assumed not to build on moving guard booths, limiting warning inscriptions "Beware Trains "etc.). The result was a forced return on a newly built narrow-chain road to the generally accepted operational standards of wide-rescue roads. This caused a huge overrun of 240 thousand rubles against the initial estimate and the elongation of construction for the whole year. In the Ministry of Railways, Mikhailovsky directly said that he "failed the case."

Around the World Travel (July - December 1898)

After the completion of all cases related to the construction of the Krotro-Sergiev Railway (commissioned on August 16, 1897), Mikhailovsky conceived to make a round-the-world journey. However, at the last moment he received from the St. Petersburg Geographical Society. Proposal to join the North Korean expedition to A. I. Zvegintsova.

Plans and ideas (June 1898)

Expedition Zvezntsova had its main task to study the land and waterways of the message along the northern border of Korea and then, along the eastern coast of the Liaodong Peninsula, to Port Arthur. Mikhailovsky agreed to take part in the expedition, which became an integral part of the world journey.

In Russia (July-August 1898)

To work in the North Korean expedition, Mikhailovsky invited people known to him on the work of the storker engineer: the young technique of N. E. Borminsky and an experienced decader I. A. Purenikov.

On July 9, 1898, Mikhailovsky and his satellites arrived with the St. Petersburg courier train to Moscow and on the same day with a direct Siberian train left Moscow. At that time, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway continued. Plots from Moscow to Irkutsk and Vladivostok to Khabarovsk were built and put into operation. However, the middle links of the path between Irkutsk and Khabarovsky were not yet built: the round-bayal line from Irkutsk to Masovoy, on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal; Transbaikal line from Cape to Sretensk; Amur line from Sretensk to Khabarovsk. On this segment, Mikhailovsky and his companions had to experience the unreliability of horses and water. The path from Moscow to Irkutsk, a stretch of more than 5 thousand km, took 12 days, the site from Irkutsk to Khabarovsk with a length of about 3.5 thousand km, passed on horseback and water, took exactly a month. Travelers constantly faced the disadvantage of horses to transport passengers and goods, postal stations were not able to "satisfy the third part of the requirements for them." The fee for hiring the "free" horses reached the fabulous price: 10-15 rubles for a run of 20 miles, that is, 50 times more expensive than the cost of driving around the railway. There was a shipping message between Sretensky and Khabarovsk, but out of 16 days spent by travelers on the path on the shir and Amuru, about half was held in standing in chairs and in expectations in transplants. As a result, the whole path from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok took 52 days (July 8 - August 29, 1898) and cost, with all the deprivation of travelers, almost a thousand rubles per person, that is, was more long, and even twice as expensive, Than if you go to Vladivostok a steep way around the sea.

According to Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula (September-October 1898)

On September 3, 1898, the expedition participants were delivered to a steamer from Vladivostok to the Bay of Posset, then held on horseback 12 Woolst to Novokievsk, who was the initial paragraph of the North Korean expedition. There were separate parties formed here.

The party, headed directly by Mikhailovsky, was supposed to explore the mouth and ridge of the Tumangan River, the district of the Pektusan Volcano and the upper and the Aminkkan River. Then Mikhailovsky's party was supposed to go to Kapsan, where the connection was planned to be a boss with the party of the Expedition of Zvezntsov.

Under the post of Mikhailovsky, besides the technique of Borminsky and Devntenders Purenikov, there were still three retired Russian soldiers - the people of experienced and those who knew how to treat weapons well, which would be very useful in the event of a collision with Chinese robbers - Honghuses, whose gangs came across along the whole Korean Chinese border. When Mikhailovsky's party was also translators from Korean and from Chinese: Russian Korean P. N. Kim, a teacher in the specialty, and a certain nationals of China, which the Russians called Vasily Vasilyevich. In the future, on all over the way, Mikhailovsky from time to time hired local Koreans (as a rule, as conductors). At the beginning of the travel party, Mikhailovsky had 13 horses, 8 rigging and 5 ward. The luggage, which included the reserves of the province, at the beginning of the trip was so great that three arches with bulls were needed for its transportation.

Organizational troubles and pouring rains several detained the performance from Novokievsk (September 10, 1898). On the shore of the bay, the expedition moved to the Red Selu - the last settlement in the Russian territory.

On September 14, 1898, the Mikhailovsky party on the ferry crossed the Red Seall through Toganan. Studies in the mouth and the lower course of this river showed the complete impossibility of shipping due to the lowness and a large number of caustic chalks. Then Mikhailovsky with the shortest way headed through the Korean territory to the top of the Togangan. The path flew along the mountainous terrain with close valleys, in which Korean villages often came across. September 22, the party reached the town of Musan. Hence the way walking along the top flow of the Tumangan, which was here had the nature of a typical mountain river. September 28, when night frosts began, travelers first saw Pektusan volcano. On September 29, the source of Togangan was found, which "disappeared in a small ravine" near the little Lake Ponga. This is a lake, together with the surrounding swampy terrain, and were recognized by the Mikhailovsky of the River.

Meanwhile, Mikhailovsky's staff led by the Barminsky technician fulfilled the most difficult and dangerous part of the work: descended into the crater to the lake with tools and a collapsible boat, the lake contour filmed, lowered the boat on the lake, measured the depths that were extremely large near the shore. It was not easy to get out of the crater, the boat and heavy tools had to quit. The nearest night travelers had to spend in Pektusan in the open air, with a real hazard for health and even for life because of the cooling and wrecking bad weather. However, everything went well.

The party of Mikhailovsky continued to research on Pektusan until October 3; All this day, Mikhailovsky and Bormansky conducted in the fruitless search for the sources of Amquarka. In the evening, one of the conductor-Koreans reported that this river originates at the Mountain Pektusan (which was about five versts from the big).

From Pektusan's party of Mikhailovsky headed to the West in Chinese territory, through the area of \u200b\u200bSungari's trotokov - places are fabulously beautiful, but extremely dangerous due to the possibility of hitting Honghuzov (among those who met local Chinese, the party translator found out that up to 40 Honghuzi tracks the party of Mikhailovsky from the time She came out of Musane). (p. 239)

On the evening of October 4, travelers reached the village of Shanndanon, inhabited mainly by Koreans (Chinese chadarer name). Residents who have never seen Europeans who have never before, they welcomed them and took the best fans for overnight. On the night of October 5, at the beginning of the fifth hour, Mikhailovsky and his comrades woke up from Cod of shots: Fanza fired raised in the Honghuza forest. Neighboring fanza burned, left on the open area of \u200b\u200bthe horse were under the fire. Having waited for dawn, the Russians moved under the shots to the nearby arms, climbed there and opened the retaliatory fire. Very quickly shots from the forest stopped, Honghuses moved away. Nobody suffered from the Russians, but he received a fatal wound in the groin Korean, the owner of the fzyas; one korean conductor disappeared; Two of the horses were killed, two were injured. Since the horses remained little, I had to quit almost all the baggage (Mikhailovsky especially regretted the loss of "magnificent beds").

On this day, travelers to break away from possible harassment, made a record 19-hour crossing, about 50 wools and 3 o'clock in the night were held on October 6, already staggering from fatigue, reached one of the tributaries of Amquarka. The further path was less dangerous. On October 7, travelers went to Amquanka in 9 versts from the Chinese city of Maoareshan (Linjiang).

Here Mikhailovsky took the final decision to abandon the continuation of horse travel. There was a large flat-bottomed boat - "old rotten ship" in five seedlings, with a crew of 4th Chinese. From the Korean village Tajinshan Mikhailovsky sent a letter to the head of the expedition to Zhestytsov, where he brought the preliminary results of the work entrusted to him, spoke about the Honghuz attack and explained the cause of the route change:

You don't go to Kapsan - 240 Wool, when there is still a journey ahead, you can not do on exhausted horses. The provisions our whole came out, eat Korean food and sleep without beds and beds on the floor of Korean fan. Little sleep ...

October 9 began a journey down the river. Because of the colds, rains and winds again had to endure deprivation. Numerous robes, the largest of which Mikhailovsky describes the largest of which Mikhailovsky describes as "roasting waterfall", but they were successful thanks to the art of feed-chinese. On October 18, travelers reached Lyzhu, the Korean city in 60 km above the Amquacan's mouth, and here they said goodbye to Korea.

Despite the poverty of the population and the monstrous socio-economic backwardness of the country, I liked Mikhailovsky; In their notes, he highly appreciates the intellectual and moral qualities of the Korean people. For all the time the trip was not a single case so that Korean could not restrain his word or lied. Everywhere, the expedition met the wipe and welcoming attitude towards himself.

On the evening of October 18, the last section of the road was passed down Amquan, to the Chinese port of Sakhou (now Andong). Further, the path ran along the eastern coast of the Liaodo Peninsula and was traveled in the Chinese twirl. The nature of the terrain was already quite different. The mountains moved to the west, and the entire coastline of about 300 miles and a width of 10 to 30 miles was a slightly sophisticated plain, tightly populated by Chinese peasants. On the evening of October 25, travelers reached the first settlement in the Liaodong Peninsula, engaged in Russian - bicksvo; In another two days, they were in Port Arthur.

In total, according to Korea and Manchuria, Mikhailovsky covered about 1,600 km, including about 900 km riding, up to 400 km in the boat on Aminkcan and up to 300 km on the Chinese twirl in the Liaodo Peninsula. This path took 45 days. On average, the expedition made a day of 35.5 km. Route surveying of the area, barometric leveling, astronomical observations and other works that served as the basis for drawing up a detailed route map. Mikhailovsky Vied Diary and Technical Journal of the Expedition. In addition, they were recorded up to 100 Korean fairy tales, legends and myths.

Fulling Phase Travel: Through United States to Europe (November-December 1898)

On November 9 (21), a journey on the ocean steamer began, which twice went to Japanese ports (November 11 - Nagasaki, from November 14 to 18 - Iokohama). In Iokoham, Mikhailovsky not only admired Fuji-like and whipped baubles, like most tourists, but also became good to know the life of the city. He traveled through the Japanese railway (which turned out to be a cheap narrow-chain), observed from the window of the Wagon field of Japanese peasants "with toy sites, with the striking processing of these sites." His keen look noticeed everything: "Electric lighting, perfectly embossed roads, a wonderful commercial and military port, a variety of factory pipes sticking on the horizon." He was "at the factories and in the workshops of railways and already as a specialist could be convinced of the striking perseverance and the original talentedness of Japanese technicians and masters. How rationally, they adapted to all of their railway business, which commercial leg was put on it. "

In the published notes of the Mikhailovsky about the world journey, the last highly marked date - November 18 (the day of sailing from Iokohama); Then the dates disappear (perhaps this is due to the monotony of life on a steamer in the midst of the Pacific Ocean). During a one-day parking lot in Hawaii, in the port of Honolulu, Mikhailovsky examined the city, visited the local museum, went beyond the city to admire violent tropical vegetation.

The end point of the trip through the Pacific Ocean was San Francisco, where the young American milling driver, with whom Mikhailovsky born friendship was still on the steamer, had assisted him in meeting the life of the city. Especially for the Mikhailovsky mill, organized two excursions: to a jewelry store (where it was possible to see jewels with a total value of $ 3 million) and in one of the banks (with a demonstration of building, indoor premises and numerous technical means to maintain the security regime).

Of particular interest was caused by the Mikhailovsky visit to the American farm, since he himself was a landowner and engaged in various types of agricultural experiments.

Then Mikhailovsky Raising the train all the North American Continent. In Chicago, while the trains changed, Mikhailovsky managed to inspect the famous slaughtes. In New York, Mikhailovsky did not want to stay in the English steamer "Lusitania", at that time the largest in the world, through the Atlantic Ocean went to England.

Traveling through the Atlantic coincided with the discussion of the Fasodist incident. England and France were on the verge of war. Passengers of "Lusitania" were mainly the British. The impression of this society was hard. Mikhailovsky was forced to listen to their endless conversations about the need for war, about the superiority of Anglo-Saxons over all other nations and about the upcoming height of the world in their favor.

All this society, despite the fact that the scientists and the people of the feather were between them, made a strong impression of complacency before the vulgarity, of anyone offended people. These were the owners, for no moments forgetting that all this, since the steamer, ending with the last trinket - they belong to them, and they do not need to go to anyone and no one needs to ask - all the best in the world in the world them.

Under a difficult impression of these meetings, in order to no longer hear "wild screams of these wishes and death of people", Mikhailovsky changed its original plan to stay in London. He recalculate La Mans and went to Paris, but did not stay here.

Old bourgeois system is taking off, and nowhere is dying, decomposition alive is not felt as in Paris.

Mikhailovsky rushed home to Russia.

Treatment of travel (geography, literature, folklorism)

Scientific results of their observations and research in Korea and Manchuria, who gave valuable geographical information about little-known territories, especially about the Pektusan district, Mikhailovsky published in special publications: "Reports of members of the autumn expedition of 1898 in North Korea" (1898) and in the "Warms of Autumn Expeditions of 1898 "(1901). In addition, a whole book about the journey was written on the basis of diary records (it was published initially in the form of individual essays under the general name of the "pencil from nature" in the nine rooms of the Scientific and Popular magazine "Mir God" for 1899).

During the trip, Mikhailovsky was recorded up to 100 Korean fairy tales, but one notebook with the records was lost on the way, so the number of fairy tales was reduced to 64. For the first time, they were published, together with the first separate publication of the book of travel notes, in 1903, the records of Mikhailovsky were The most significant contribution to Korean folklorism: only 2 fairy tales in Russian and seven fairy tales in English were published. In the preface, Mikhailovsky claims that his own role came down to fixing the text from the words of the translator: "I am quickly, the phrase behind the phrase, I wrote down, trying to keep the simplicity of speech, never adding anything." However, some seats of published text clearly indicate a literary processing produced by the writer. There is, for example, such a passage:

The young month shone in the distant sky. But it was dark, and gentle scorpion, like diamonds, burned around the month with their stars and everything was deeper, it seemed to penetrate the blue sky. Gloomy and lonely stood white Pektusan and far into the sky went his vertex.

Fortunately, examples of such an obvious writing invasion into the text of folk recordings are single. But Mikhailovsky, apparently, systematically used such a deeply vicious from the point of view of scientific folkloristic reception, as drawing up a consolidated text from the versions of different narrator.

Sometimes, the Mikhailovsky folklorist produced abbreviations that dominated in his time and quite shared ideas about the decency: "Of the three fairy tales, one, according to its perfect obscene, had not to record, and in one, relatively loyal wife, had to be lowered for the same reason Strong and malicious places. " Mikhailovsky can not be held even from a completely Puritan remark about the Koreans-narrator: "And in appearance, when they sat in my room, these were such honors."

At the end of the trip, Mikhailovsky was so so soaked in the spirit of Korean folk art, which he himself was able to act as a Korean storyteller, and the first listener of the newly composed of the fairy tale appeared on the Taja.

When Completely created the Earth, then a special senior patron siest sent to any state. I sent to Korea, having gone to the elder with all wealth: arable land, forest, gold, silver, red copper, iron, coal. All this elder put in the bag and went. She went, walked, tired and stopped for the night in Manchuria. They suggested him the manchors of his suli, seduced the elder and thinks: I will drink for the night, and I will step over tomorrow. He did not know that the Chinese vodka is such that it stands on the other day bold water, as a man becomes again drunk. Here the old man awakened the next day, swallowed the key water and went his way. I went and Okhmelel, - so and went drunk all day. I beat through some kind of river, and it seemed to him that he had moved amnock, and he began to scatter arable land, forests, gold, silver, copper, iron, coal. When she came to Amock, he had only the mountains and a different trifle from all the former riches. So remained Korea with nothing, and worse than the fact that the diploma to the Korean happiness of the Okhmel old man also left the Chinese.

Korean listens to me, lesibly shakes his head and says something. P. N. Translated: - Says: Everything was so. - Tell him that was not, because I myself was invented. Said, only he does not believe: he says that more like the truth is more than fiction. He says that they believe that Korean happiness has fallen to the Chinese.

Meeting with royal family

Having become famous in the metropolitan society not only as a writer, but also as a traveler, Mikhailovsky received an invitation to the royal palace. A meeting was followed from the royal family, the exact date of which is not already installed to date. Two memoir testimonies recorded on the stories of Mikhailovsky are preserved: A. M. Gorky and M. K. Kupria-Jordanian. According to the version of Gorky, Mikhailovsky officially "was invited to Anichkov Palace for the Widdling Queen." However, Nicholas II and his wife Alexander Fedorovna were present at the meeting (the latter - accompanied by some court ladies).

A few days later, Borminsky and Mikhailovsky received notifications about the awarding orders. However, Mikhailovsky, according to the memoirs of Gorky, his Order "did not receive, because it was soon administratively sent from St. Petersburg for the fact that, together with other writers, he signed a protest against the beating of students and the public demonstrating the Kazan Cathedral" (we are talking about events on March 4, 1901 G.). Kurpan-Jordanskaya adds that Mikhailovsky was not just expelled from St. Petersburg, but also "was given under the supervision of the police."

Recent months

In September 1906, returning from Manchuria, Mikhailovsky settled in St. Petersburg. Actively participated in the literary and public life of the capital. He entered the editorship of the Bolshevik magazine "Vestnik of Life", in which he collaborated with A. V. Lunacharsky, V. V. Vorovsky, V. D. Bonch-Bruhevich. Distributed 10 (27) December 1906, from paralysis of the heart during a meeting of the editorial office, where he was discussed and discussed by his drama etude "Teens".

He was buried on the Little Mosts of Volkov Cemetery. The tombstone was created in 1912 (sculptor L. V. Sherwood).

Engineering and construction activities

Public position

By the property of its nature, Mikhailovsky was a born polemicist:

Is it the point to go in life so that no one will hurt anyone? Not in this happiness. To hurt, break, break, so that life is boiling. I am not afraid of any accusations, but a hundred times more death I am afraid of colorlessness.

Life in the village and tight communication with peasants in 1883-1886. Led Mikhailovsky to a deep understanding of the problems of the village and to ideological discontinuity with population. Mikhailovsky clearly realized that the community was praised by populists is the relic of serfdom and the main brake of the country's development.

Mikhailovsky expressed their views not only in journalism, but also in artistic form: the story "Wolf", based on real history, shows the hopelessness of the situation and the death of a talented peasant who failed to leave the community. One of the head of the story is an acute satire to the editorial board of the People's Journal: the protagonist, which came there with his manuscript, does not meet either sympathy or understanding.

Mikhailovsky repeatedly expressed his indignation of the intellectual god of populic journalism. After the next ridiculous article of Economist Statistics, Karyshev, who has written to the maintenance of the community, wrote a letter to one of the leading employees of the magazine (September 26, 1894) with a very sharp characteristic of Karyshev, one of the leading magazine employees.

... Limited population with all powerlessness and weakness of the thoughts of populists. Naby so that it is ashamed to read. It's not that way and this is not so established by this huge Mahina of our life.<…> Drunk, narrow head Karyshev will understand that the case is in labor impairments, in knitted hands, in an undermineum community and in a subalkal labor, in that katorga in which Russia is languishing?!

In the same year, Mikhailovsky drew attention to the book of "Legal Marxist" P. B. Struve "Critical notes on the issue of economic development of Russia", widely discussed in the province. In the future, Mikhailovsky actively collaborated in the press bodies, in one way or another involved in Marxism, most in the magazine "Mir of God". In 1896, he became one of the founders of the Samara Vestnik newspaper, which was first in Russia acquired ambarxist orientation. In the future, Mikhailovsky supported this provincial newspaper with its materials, thanks to which it has grown sharply.

For some time, Mikhailovsky continued to cooperate with the people's "Russian wealth", avoiding an open conflict with his namesake N. K. Mikhailovsky, who stood at the head of this magazine, and the printing of his "anti-communiques" things in other publications. The rupture was still occurred in 1897, but on the basis of pure literary - after the editorial office of the Drama "Orchid".

After a personal acquaintance with the American farming (during the circulation of 1898), Mikhailovsky's views even more strengthened and once again were printed:

It should be recognized for the peasants the same right to choose themselves any type of labor, which enjoys and writing these lines. This is just a guarantee of success, a deposit of progress. Everything else is stagnant, where there is no place for the live soul, where Tina and bitter dying is all the same slave, with the difference only that the chain is chained not to Barina, but to the ground. But everything is chained by the same Barin in the name of beautiful sounds, sitting to themselves the idealist Barin, absolutely not knowing and who does not want to know, and therefore and cannot comprehend the entire size of the evil stem.

Acquaintance and communication with Gorky, who was fond of Marxism and was personally familiar with the largest figures of the RSDLP, contributed to the radicalization of the political views of Mikhailovsky. During the revolution of 1905, he was already at the RSDLP political platform (see biography).

Addresses in St. Petersburg


In St. Petersburg

In Novosibirsk

  • Garina-Mikhailovsky Square - Square in front of the Novosibirsk-Chief Station.
  • Garina-Mikhailovsky Square - Novosibirsk Metro station.

In the Samara region

  • Garina-Mikhailovsky Street in the village Sernodsk Sergievsky District
  • In March 2013, a memorial plaque was opened in the village of Surgut Sergiyevsky district in honor of Nikolai Georgievich, the founder of this settlement.

In Crimea

  • On the highway Yalta Sevastopol on the rock was established a memorial sign in memory of the work of Garin - Mikhailovsky in the Crimea.

In literature

The famous Soviet writer V. A. Chilychin (1928-1984) was written by a biographical book about Garini-Mikhailovsky "Road"

By nature, he was a poet, by profession - an engineer, in spirit - a rebellion, who sacrifted to the needs of the revolution, a round sum of money, but did not find the funeral of the writer's funeral. Then comrades in the subscription collected the desired amount of money from workers and intelligentsia.

This is a writer-engineer Garin-Mikhailovsky. Avoid readers are familiar with his works "Childhood of the theme", "Gymnasists", "Students", "Engineers". But the writer was too demanding to himself and, when he admired his early story about the boy the topic, he shrugged, believing that he was easily writing about children and it was subject to everyone.

Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolai Georgievich was born on 8 (20) of February 1852 in St. Petersburg in the family of a military hereditary nobleman. An interesting fact in the biography of this unusual person was that his baptized himself Nicholas the first and mother of revolutionary Faith Zasulich. The childhood of a little calm passed in Odessa, where the boy had a house, and near the city - a country estate.

Garin-Mikhailovsky: a summary of the work of the writer "Childhood theme"

It is known that the work of "Childhood theme" is autobiography, rather, a desk book for parents, reading which they will be able to deal with the psychology of children. And in 1990, the director Elena Strijevskaya puts the same film. The great actress Anna Kamenkov starred in the role of the mother, Leonid Kulagin played, and Sergey Golevo himself.

Garin-Mikhailovsky "Childhood of Topics" wrote so alone and directly, which makes readers experience the episode for the episode of his life. Young (and not only) parents recommend this book also because when raising children it is very important to remember itself at this age and be indulgent to their children.

And one more important point, which touched the writer Garin-Mikhailovsky in the seemingly children's theme. At some difficult moment, the protagonist decides to commit to oneself, but presenting the eyes of the mother, full of grief, their crying brothers and sisters and sisters of the Father, the boy is terrified by his thought. The book teaches love and kindness, which not so much remains on the planet

Education writer

Garin-Mikhailovsky received initial education at home under the leadership of the mother, then he entered the gymnasium, which was completed at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg. However, legal science seemed to him boring, and he could not stand the first exam on the encyclopedia of law.

The next year for the writer turned out to be more successful, the young man with brilliance passed the entrance exams in the St. Petersburg Institute of Communications. The study came to the young man in the soul, during the holidays he even worked as a fireman and went to the locomotive. Garin-Mikhailovsky tried to thoroughly explore the chosen profession. At this considerable period of life, he realized that all difficulties require not only intellectual abilities and physical strength, but also courage.

After graduating from the course of Mikhailovsky, send to Bulgaria to the construction of the port and highway. In the future, he was able to prove himself as an explacky engineer and eventually received cash.

Garin-Mikhailovsky: biography and first love

Living in Odessa, the writer survived the judicial meeting. Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky meets his future wife. It was Nada, nee Charykin, daughter of the Minsk Governor. Having studied in Germany, Nadezhda continued his studies at the Art School of the city of Odessa and lived at his sister. They met for Christmas, and the feeling immediately ran between them. Thille thinking, the young got married, having previously received a blessing from their parents. As an impressionable person, the wedding was remembered for a long time Garina Mikhailovsky.

Being an engineer, the writer went a lot and worked outdoors. And everywhere he was accompanied by a faithful wife - Nadezhda Valeryevna. Soon, six children were born with each other, and when Nikolay Mikhailovsky had to retire, he moved to his own estate with his family and began to engage in agricultural work.


But most of all his writing work at this time. From under the engineer's pen, his first essays are published, and the wife of the writer did not sit without a case - she organized a free school for rural kids. Gradually, the writhe was fascinated by Garina-Mikhailovsky, and he met the Boggymnaya Medium of the nineteenth century.

This acquaintance has become fatal for the writer. In May 1896, Romantic Stanyukovich's writer introduces a writer's engineer with faith of Sadovskaya, a woman who dies and needs help. " Nikolai Georgievich loses his head, and his life is divided into two halves: one half fully belongs to the family and children, and the other is faith Alexandrovna. Mikhailovsky does not want to divorce his wife, and the garden divorce does not give a husband. Everyone around know about the love triangle, and many friends are divided into two groups: one wants to see a writer with his wife and calls to her dinner only in such a composition, and the other half prefers to communicate with the faith of Sadovskaya. Only a small number of friends are ready to take and the other woman.

Last years and death writer

Carefree time for Garina-Mikhailovsky passes, but he cannot figure out his women.

Sadovskaya gives him a daughter, which they call Veronica, named Mother - Vera, and Father (Nikolai) - Nick. They were a beautiful pair. On Garina and in his youth, and women were seen in the ripe years, and the Veroch, who grew up in the palaces, and at all conquered everyone with his beauty. Fair to his beloved, she without regret spent all his funds on fantasy of his beloved man. But in 1901, the writer is sent to a link for two years for supporting rebellious students.

There he buys the estate in the name of his beloved woman and settles there together with her. Soon they also have children: faith and nick. However, rural idyll changes the image of Garina-Mikhailovsky's thoughts and this is acute Sadovskaya. After a while they broke up.

Anxiety occurred in 1905. The writer returns to Petersburg, again converges with his wife, is accepted for work, organizes a revolutionary magazine, but the heart does not withstand heavy loads. And once at the next meeting, feeling bad, Garin-Mikhailovsky quietly goes to the neighboring room, falls on the sofa to rest and never gets up. At the time of death, his first love was his first love - Nadezhda Valerievna.

Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolai Georgievich

Russian writer, publicist, engineer of communication, the builder of the Trans-Siberian highway, the participant of the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905). It is considered one of the founding fathers of the city of Novosibirsk.

Nikolai Georgievich Mikhailovsky was born in St. Petersburg, in the family of the nobleman of the Kherson province, the officer of the Life Guard of the Uland Regiment.

After the end of the Richelian gymnasium in Odessa (1863-1871), he entered the University of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Law, but a year later he left his studies. In 1878 he graduated from the Institute of Engineers of Emperor Alexander I.

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the young engineer Mikhailovsky was sent to Bulgaria, where he participated in the construction of the port and highway.

The construction of railways Mikhailovsky considered as a necessary condition for the development of the economy and security of the state, persistently advocated the reduction in the rest of the line due to the development of new, most favorable options and the introduction of more advanced construction methods.

Nikolai Georgievich was directly involved in the laying of the Trans-Siberian Highway. It was them that they were proposed a railway bridge over Ob, and the "option from the village of Krivosekovo" Mikhailovsky created the conditions for the occurrence of the city of Novosibirsk.

Nikolai Georgievich Mikhailovsky entered the story not only as a talented survey engineer, builder of new roads, but also as a traveler, writer, publicist, public figure. He published the magazine "Russian wealth", participated in the organization of magazines "Start" and "Century", and later founded the Marxist newspaper "Samara Vestnik". As a writer Nikolai Georgievich spoke under the pseudonym N. Garin. Literary creativity brought N. Garina-Mikhailovsky wide fame in life. His Peru

belong to the story, stories, plays, travel essays, fairy tales for children, articles. The result of the literary work of Garina-Mikhailovsky was the autobiographical tetralogy: "Childhood of the theme" (1892), "Gymnasists" (1893), "Students" (1895), "Engineers" (publs.1907), dedicated to the fate of the younger generation of the Intellectual Time .

Making a world journey, Nikolai Georgievich drove through all Siberia, the Far East, Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodan Peninsula and returned through the United States and Europe. According to the testimony of contemporaries, he wrote their works "on the irradiation" - in the wagon coupe, at postal stations, often using railway forms, pages that are eliminated from office books and posters.

K. I. Chukovsky: "Garin was low growth, very movable, silent, beautiful, in the hair of gray, the eyes are young and fast. He worked as an engineer-path, but also in his chapelur, in his impustary, uneven gait and in his unbridled meal, hot speeches always felt what was called wide in nature, the poet, alien to the screed, mercenary and petty thoughts. "

A. I. Kuprin: "He had a slim, thin figure, resolutely - negligently, fast, accurate and beautiful movements and a wonderful face, from those persons who never later forgotten. In total, the contrast was captivating in this face between premature gray thick wavy hair and a very young glitter of living, bold, beautiful, slightly mocking eyes - blue, with large black pupils ... ".

Nikolai Georgievich himself said: "Happy country - Russia! How much interesting work in it, how many magical opportunities, the most complicated tasks! I never envied anyone, but I envy the people of the future, those who live in thirty, forty after us. "(Essay M. Gorky about Garin-Mikhailovsky).

Railway bridge over Ob. Novonikolaevsk (Future Novosibirsk)

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky - Correspondent in the period of the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. ("The chronicle of war with Japan" No. 16)

Garin-Mikhailovsky Nikolai Georgievich

Automotive Highway Yalta - Sevastopol

In 1902-1903 N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky headed design and survey work for the construction of the South Coast Railway in the Crimea. The expedition conducted surveys in the directions: Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta, Simferopol - Bakhchisarai - Yalta, Simferopol - Yalta - Sevastopol. A colossal work was done: a detailed shooting of ancient coaster roads was carried out, a thorough study of rocky arrays, stone chaos. As a result, 84 route options were drawn up, and 22 of them carried out technical and economic calculations.

It was assumed to build stations in the Genoese and Greek styles, the frescoes on their walls were supposed to portray beautiful views of the Crimea. Garin-Mikhailovsky himself said that this railway will be the best monument for him, and that only two cases of their life would certainly want to fulfill to the end: the electric path in the Crimea and the story "Engineers". But these dreams did not come true. The gasket of the South Coast Railway was brought to the Russian-Japanese war began, and the story was not completed due to the death of Garina-Mikhailovsky in 1906.

Only in the 1960s on the route, mostly laid Garyna-Mikhailovsky for the railway, the automobile highway Yalta was built - Sevastopol (open in 1972). On the rocky ledge of the mountain Laspi was installed a memorial stove with bas-relief Garina-Mikhailovsky. The inscription on it reads: "In the construction of a highway through Laspinsky pass, surveys were used, which in 1903-1904. I implemented N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, a construction engineer, a well-known Russian writer. "

Since the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky went to the operating army as an engineer and military correspondent of the newspaper "News of the Day".
He left Moscow to the Far East by the fast train on April 27, 1904. Lake Baikal Raissed on May 10 at the icebreaking steamer « Angara » .

Articles N. G. Garin, who printed almost daily from April to October 1904, were subsequently a book "Diary during the war."

Image: Port Baikal. 1904 IOCM.

Someone is heard:


We rushed to the windows. The sky is all already lead. The sullen distance is already dwarmed ice. Effective distance is a low-low horizon - sullen, silent, cold, like this ice. It feels shore - sharp, dying, constantly walking in a foggy distance.

Behind the turn, in some kind of TѣSnoy Pereulkѣ - Stanzіya. Small, unfinished, taking a mass of Balyshka LѣSa. Here and the pier. Out of a log pier and overhead of Stansey draws a silhouette of the icebreaker "Baikal". He raises the grace of 27 cars. The chrome of the pier "hangar", barge, which, too, can, but already the transition, to transport almost the same amount of cargo. But the height of the icebreaker "Baikal" causes in many danger, that with such heights he can and tip over a strong side storm, for example. Although it is only impressed, and undoubtedly unlawful.

At the station, the construction engineers of the Krug-Baikal Zavodnaya Road were engineers.

When will your way be ready?

We want to finish the September.

I know the road, I know the Neimy Difficulties of Building and I say:

If you are ready to be ready to the new year, then the whole building must be attributed to the area of \u200b\u200bmiracles.

We go to visit to my friend K., see his cute family. We are left to ask, but, just that we sat at the table, bring a note from the selection of a young engineer, the assistant of the head of the manager on Baikalѣ, Slordyukha's content:

"I just found out that" Baikal "was already gone, and" Angara "is sent now."

We are swallowed already feeding soup, two, three pieces of the second, we say goodbye to the second. Tertiy whistle.

Surge, soon!

And the village of 50 Salazn, we are working as can. Sergian Ivanovich on the move annivers:

Whether we go to the step, they rush with the speed of the city - the whole difference in the minutes.

I dwell on the moment only to say goodbye and flourish the main manager, but also this delay, Jürki, how to mercury, he crashes:

Ben here under Lingiu - here is shorter!

His assistant accompanies us to Talka. Pretty and kind, he took care of him to sit down and in cars.

And here we are in ice. All the time from this movement on ice - noise, crackling, pallet.

Despite the fact that "Baikal" is still on the horizon, that we are in terms of it, the passage has already fallen in many mѣsta new huge ice floes. The nose and the "Angara" is so arranged that it is easy to climb on Etlelas, and the whole steamboat behind him - Irdie is obliged, served - crash, and we fall again in water.

On the steamer buffet, and we end our ObѣD.

All the same sloe glast, and I sit for my diary.

On Tom the shore of Lake Sergian Ivanovich, Melancholithically says:

And here we are already on the other side ...

Yesterday I slept at the station Troha, a small, inseparable wooden station, with a dining room, a bitch with a published by the public. And how can I unmistakably determine who is where to go. Persons excited, cheerful, gentle-free - this is a manchuria. Persons are sad, often with no hopeless in expressions - it is for some reason returning. As if they say, they are ugly: wait, excited and the joy will come down and can be made by your face - you will also, like us, the same dissatisfied. They know exactly some terrible mystery for us, but do not want to upset.

Uh, my God, isn't it equal! - Says Sergian Ivanovichs. - We will not return backward back!

Intended. For us, the wagons chief of stanzіi is kindly inflicted by some other persons. We worry, and Sergian Ivanovich Utites.

Tucks that the wagons are otadan on the extreme mur of the same, both and we, people.

We are immediately kind. A cute young engineer, how to say, burst into parts, goes to the main station, and in the end of the end of the KJ, the two cars. "

"All on the go, on the summer there was this well-folded person, medium height, with thick white hair ... A simple in circulation, able to speak with everyone - from the peasant to the secular lady inclusive. An interesting narrator, elegant in his engineering pressurope, he made a charming impression on most of them. " So wrote about Nicolae Garini-Mikhailovsky Theater and Literary Observer Alexander Smirnov (Treplev). February 20 was 160 years since the birth of Nikolai Georgievich Garina-Mikhailovsky.

Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852-1906)

Nikolai was born in St. Petersburg in the noble family of medium wealth. His father was Georgy Mikhailovsky, a Ulan officer from the Kherson province, who, however, almost did not live in his estate, but settled in the capital. There he married Glafir Tsvetinovich, the nobility of Serbian origin. From this marriage, the son was born, which was named by Nikolai.

In 1871, after graduating from the gymnasium, a young man entered the Institute of Communications, where he first tried to engage in writing. However, his tale from student life, the editors of one of the metropolitan magazines rejected without any explanation. This failure for many years has chopped off the young author of a hunt for literary creativity.

The last year of study of Mikhailovsky coincided with the Russian-Turkish war. He received the diploma engineer-path, he received in the summer of 1878, when the battles here had already ended. A young specialist was sent to Bulgaria's already liberated from the Turks to the post of senior technology, where he participated in the restoration of the seaport and the construction of the new highway. Subsequently, the experience gained in the Balkans and professional recognition allowed the young engineer to settle in the railway department, where he participated in the laying of steel highways in Bessarabia, Odessa province and Transcaucasia for several years.

Mikhailovsky has served before the post of the head of the Baku Park of the Railway, but at the end of 1883 unexpectedly for his colleagues he filed a resignation. As the engineer himself explained, he did it "for a complete inability to sit between two chairs: on the one hand, the interests of the state, on the other - personal, economic".

However, it is now clear that the true cause of the care of Mikhailovsky from engineering activity was his passion for the ideas of populists who actively acting in Russia at the time. Then, many Russian intellectuals were joined to this flow, which set themselves the task of the "education of a simple people."

It is from the ideas of populism and began the Samara period of the life of a 30-year-old engineer. Mikhailovsky decided to raise the peasants not with words, but by specific cases, for which in 1883, he bought the estate in the Samara province for 75 thousand rubles (subsequently the village of Gundorovka). Here Nikolai Georgievich settled together with his wife and two children. Spouses Mikhailovsky hoped to teach local peasants to handle and fertilize the land on European methods and raise the overall level of their culture. Penetrating by the people's ideas, Mikhailovsky wanted to introduce a selection in community management and attract the rich villagers, whom the classics of Marxism-Leninism were subsequently called fists.

But all the innovations of the "good landowner" eventually ended with a complete failure. Men with distrust and ropot met all his undertakings, categorically refusing to plow and sow "German." As for local fists, they barely heard about the transfer of capital "in favor of the Society", entered into an open conflict with a new landowner, having arranged a series of night arson. Only for one summer, Mikhailovsky lost mills and threshing mills, and in September, when all his granaries were laid at once, and harvested with such labor.

Almost arranging, "Good Barin" decided to leave the village rejected his village and return to engineering work. Honeying into the estate of the skilled manager, Mikhailovsky in May 1886 entered the service at Samaro-Zlatoust railway. Here he immediately entrusted the construction of a plot in the Ufa province, from which the Great Trans-Siberian Highway was subsequently began.

Writer and journalist

The time of Mikhailovsky wrote a documentary story "For several years in the village", where he outlined the story of his unsuccessful socio-economic experiment in Gundorovka. Being in Moscow, he showed this manuscript Konstantin Stanyukovich, the author of the marine novels, which had a great influence in literary circles. A mastted writer, reading several chapters, came from them delight. However, the young author considered his work still raw, requiring solid finishes.

Mikhailovsky continued to work on the manuscript in those months while the plot of the Ufa railway was laid - Zlatoust. At the same time, he began writing an autobiographical story "Childhood of the topic", which in many respects became his ticket to the greater literature. Both of these books with a slight break were published in 1892 and received a high assessment of criticism.

In order for him to be not reproached in the inattention to the main job, the routing engineer put on the covers of books pseudonym - Nikolai Garin, which occurred, according to the author, on behalf of his son George, whom he was called just Gary in the family. Subsequently, this is how he signed up their own works, and then took himself a double surname - Garin-Mikhailovsky.

The continuation of the "childhood of the topic" became the lead "Gymnasists" (1893), "Students" (1895) and "Engineers" (1907), which ultimately united into autobiographical tetragology. This cycle and today remains the most famous part of the creativity of Garina-Mikhailovsky, and the "childhood of the topic" critics consider the best part of all the tetralogy.

He wrote many articles and stories in periodicals and got acquainted with many journalists closely. Among them was the Samara reporter Alexey Peshkov, who signed his own materials with pseudonyms Maxim Gorky and Yehudiliwiel Chlamyda.

This is how bitter recalled about the restless road tray: "When the" Samara newspaper "asked him to write a story about Mathematics Lieberman, he afterwards he said that he would write him in the car, on the road somewhere on the Urals. The beginning of the story, written in the telegraph blanks, brought to the editor of the cab driver from Samara station. At night, a longest telegram was obtained with amendments to the beginning, and ... the end of the story came, it seems from Yekaterinburg. Surprisingly, he was able to write his story when he was restless ... "

Traveled Polimyr

In addition to the Samaro-Zlatoust railway, in the 1890s, Garin-Mikhailovsky also also led the plots on the laying of steel highways in Siberia, in the Far East and in the Crimea. He traveled a lot in Russia and the world, and in 1898 he made a world journey on a Russian ship.

Acquaintance and communication with Gorky, who was fond of Marxism and was personally familiar with the largest figures of the RSDLP, contributed to the radicalization of the political views of Mikhailovsky. He hid in his estate underground workers, kept illegal literature in particular the Leninskaya Iskra. In December 1905, being in Manchuria, Nikolai Georgievich brought here to distribute the party of revolutionary and propaganda publications.

The result of his trips in the Far East was the way essays "according to Korea, Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula" and the collection "Korean fairy tales". Gorky recalled: "I saw drafts of his books about Manchuria ... It was a bunch of various pieces of paper, a railway forms, lined pages, digging from the office book, a concert poster and even two Chinese business cards; All this is written by half, hints for the letters. "How do you read it?" "Ba! - he said. "It's very simple, because it is written me." And Boyko began to read one of the cute fairy tales of Korea. But it seemed to me that he reads not by manuscript, but by memory. "

In general, literary creativity brought Garyna-Mikhailovsky wide fame during life. The best of his works survived the author. The first time of the collected works of Garina-Mikhailovsky in eight volumes was published in 1906-1910.

Kip-like Nikolai Georgievich was just pretty peace. He missed not only the whole of Russia, but also many countries in the world. He wrote the story and stories in any atmosphere - in the wagon coupe, in the cabin of the steamer, in the hotel room, in the bus station. And even the death of His death, according to the expression of Maxim Gorky, "On the Go".

Garin-Mikhailovsky died from the paralysis of the heart in St. Petersburg, during the editorial meeting of the magazine "Vestnik Life". After the speech, he was suddenly bad, he went out to the next room, was prefused on the sofa - and died. It happened on November 27 (December 10) of 1906, when Nicholas Georgievich walked only the 55th year. Buried him on the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery.

Everyone in the city knew the old huge Jew with long, unwitted, like a lione mane, hair, with a beard, which was yellow from the old age, like an ivory.

He walked in Lapserdaka, in Stopanny shoes and only the one differed from the rest of the Jews, which watched his huge on the shots not down, as they say, they look at all the Jews, and somewhere up.

Years passed, generations were replaced by generations; rushed with the root of the crews; Purchable, the boys, laughing, fled, fled, - and the old Jew, solemn and indifferent, and still moved along the streets with a street look there, exactly, he saw there what others were not seen.

The only person in the city whom the old Jew honored his attention was a teacher of mathematics of one of the gymnasiums.

Each time, noticing him, the old Jew stayed and long, carefully watched him after him. Maybe the Mathematics teacher noticed the old Jew, and maybe not, because it was a real mathematician, - a scattered, small, with a monkey physiognomy, who did not know anything other than his mathematics, did not want to know. Shove in his pocket, instead of a scarf, a sponge, who wipe the board; To appear on the lesson without a cross, - it became so commonplace for him, and the pupils of students came to such sizes that the teacher was finally forced to leave teaching in the gymnasium.

Since then, he has surrendered to his science and left the house only in order to dine in the kitis. He lived in his own, who got a big house from his father, from top to bottom with tenants. But almost none of the tenants paid nothing to him, because all this was the poor, poor people.

The house was dirty, multi-storey. But the dirtier of all the house was the apartment of two rooms in the basement of the teacher himself, all the paper shown by the paper, with such a thick layer of dust on them, that if you raise her all the prosecution, then, perhaps, it would be possible to suffocate.

But neither the teacher nor the old cat, another inhabitant of this apartment, never occurred in the head: the teacher was motionless at his desk and wrote the calculations, and the cat slept without waking up, curling the ball on the windowsill with iron grilles.

He was awakened only to dinner, when the time came to meet the teacher from the kitchenette. And he met his streets for two - old, slim. For a long experience, the cat knew that the epipration of the thirty fatty dinner was cut off for him, wrapped in paper and issued to him when he returns home. And, anticipating pleasure, a cat with a high tail-raised tail, covered back, all in the shrinks of the blind wool, walked along the streets ahead of his owner.

The door to the teacher's apartment opened once and in her an old Jew entered her.

The old Jew, slowly, took out a dirty vest, thick, all the written notebook, and handed over her mathematics.

The mathematician took a notebook, turned her in his hands, asked a few questions, but the old Jew, who spoke very poorly in Russian, did not understand anything, but the mathematician realized that in the notebook we were talking about some kind of mathematics. I understood, I became interested, and, finding a translator, engaged in studying the manuscript. The result of this study was unusual.

A month later, the Jew was invited to a local university in the branch of the Mathematical Faculty.

In the hall, the mathematics of the whole university, the whole cities, and the old Jew began, and the same indifferent, with a look up, and through the translator gave his answers.

There is no doubt, "said the Chairman Jew," you really made the greatest of all in the world of discoveries: you have discovered a differential calculus ... But, unfortunately for you, Newton has already opened it two hundred years ago. Nevertheless, your method is completely independent, excellent and from Newton and from Leibnia.

When he was transferred, the old Jew asked a hoarse voice: - His writings are written in Jewish language? "No, only in Latin," answered him.

The old Jew came in a few days to mathematics and somehow explained to him that he would wish to learn mathematics and Latin. A student-philologist and student-mathematician, who agreed to teach Jew for the apartment, were among the tenants of the teacher, which is the Latin language, the other - the basics of higher mathematics.

The old Jew came daily with textbooks, took the lessons and went to learn them to the house. There, in the most dirtiest part of the city, in the dark, he climbed the stale ladder, he climbed among the corous children to his attic, donated to him by the Jewish society, and in the raw, mushrooms of the wounded cone, sang at the only window, taught the specified.

Now, in the clock, the old Jew, on the dying fun children, often stepped next to another freak of the city - the little, with the face of a monkey, a teacher. Silently they went, silently broke up and only for goodbye shook her hand to each other.

Three years have passed. Old Jew could already read in the original of Newton. He read it once, the other, the third. There was no doubt. Indeed, he, the old Jew discovered differential calculus. And, indeed, it was already open two hundred years ago the greatest genius of the Earth. He closed the book, and everything was over. Everything was proven. He knew he alone. Alien to worried about him life, walked the old Jew through the streets of the city with an endless emptiness in the shower.

He looked at the sky and saw what others did not see: the greatest genius of the land that could give the world with the new greatest discoveries and which would come in handy only to be a mixture and fun children.

One day they found the old Jew was dead in his cone. In the frozen pose, he, as the sculpture, lay, leaning on his hands. Thick strands, the colors of the yellowed ivory, the hair was crumbled along the face and shoulders. His eyes looked at the revealed book, and, it seemed, after death, she was still read it.

In the base of the story, a true fact was taken, a reported to the author M. Yu. Goldstein. Surname Jurie - Pasternak. The author himself remembers this person. The genuine manuscript of the Jew has someone in Odessa. (Approx. N. G. Garina-Mikhailovsky.)

Garin-Mikhailovsky N.G., Genius / Stories. Essays. Letters, M., Soviet Russia, 1986, p.186-189.