Interesting facts from the life of M. Saltykova-Shchedrin (Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E.)

ღ Saltykov-generin his love ღ

"Love all ages are submissive," Pushkin wrote in his "Onegin". And this as an example proved another famous graduate of the Tsarskoye Lyceum - Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin.

He lived all his life in marriage with the same woman. The name of her Lisa, in the family - Betsy. With the future spouse, Shchedrin met when he was in the Vyatka reference. It happened in the house of his immediate chief - the vice-governor of Apollo Petrovich Battle.

Lisa had a twin Anna, and Saltykov-Shchedrin from the first second of dating was fascinated by curls on the head and the gray eyes of the sisters. The spikeness of the situation was that the heart of the 26-year-old writer conquered ... 12-year-old girls.
At first, Mikhail Evgrafovich fell in love with both, but for some reason, the choice fell on Lisa. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote:

"That was the first fresh love my, then there were the first sweet alarms of my heart!"

Of course, no one in this novel believed and did not want to hear about any marriage. Especially Mikhail's mother of Olga Mikhailovna himself, which, in addition to the age of Lisa, was even confused by the fact that Betsey did not have a state. In addition, there was bad glory about both girls, which subsequently did not allow the second twin, Anna to marry, despite her delicacy and noble origin.
Soon the bolt's family was transferred to Vladimir, and Saltykov-Shchedrin, according to legend, twice they visited them, unable to survive the separation with her beloved, although he was strictly forbidden to leave Vyatka. Battin also did not welcome the tender feelings that Mikhail Evgrafovich inflamed to his daughter, he rightly believed that Bati was too young. And when Shchedrin first asked the hands and hearts of the girl - at that time she was barely turned 15, - Apollo Petrovich took a year at thought.

As a result, Saltykov-Shchedrin was forced to wait until the beloved would celebrate the 16th anniversary. But the writer's mother still refused to consent to marriage. Mikhail married her will. In response, Olga Mikhailovna did not come to the wedding, and only one of the brothers Shchedrin was present on the marriage - for the sake of decency.
In marriage, the spouses are 17 years old there were no children. But in the end, the Son Konstantin and the daughter, which was named after Mother Liza, were born. Contemporaries seriously doubted that the children were from Saltykov-Shchedrin, as they suspected a chatter in a breakdown. Mikhail Evgrafovich himself believed that at least the Son - Him, although Konstantin Mikhailovich was completely out of the writer.
In general, the relationship between the spouses was not laid, Elizabeth Apolloovna eventually became a capricious, she had a bad character, and legends went on her misfortune. However, eyewitnesses argue that it was a direct consequence of a quick-tempered nature of Mikhail Evgrafovich himself, who made his claims at first a soft and patient spouse and who constantly joined Betci by the fact that her ideals were "not very demanding", and knowledge in sciences in shallows.

"The wife of my ideals is not very demanding," Saltykov-Shchedrin commented. - Part of the day (big) in the store to see, then go home with guests to come and so that the house in the same room has a lot of raisins, in another many, many wine berries, in the third - many, many candies, and in the fourth - tea and coffee. And she walks around the rooms and hits everyone, and at times it comes into the boudoir and disguises it ... "

Despite the fact that Bottin lived with Saltykov-generous all his life, she quickly disappointed in it, called "bastard," accused of spoiled her life, "and the husband appeared only in the room to ask for money. And he, as assured the immediate environment of the writer, continued to be embedded, indulged and did not pay attention to the grooms of the merchandise and gossip around her name.
Even before death, Mikhail Evgrafovich did everything possible so that after his care, his beloved Betsy was supervised:

"Cute Kostya! - he wrote to his son, - ... Here is my covenant: love my mother and take care of her; Confirm the same and sister. Remember that if you do not save her, then the whole family will break up ... "

The Biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin is quite modest for the pioneer of the Russian satire. Perhaps some interesting facts from the life of Saltykov-Shchedrinseveral animated biographical facts, revive and complement the image of this extraordinary writer.

  1. Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in the noble family. Despite its liberal views, the future satiri was born in a secured and tropping family. His father was held by the College Assestor, and the mother led her pedigree from the rich merchant family of ground.
  2. Saltykov-Shchedrin was a gifted child. Mikhail Evgrafovich received such a rich home education that he was able to enter the Moscow Kozhalyan Institute in the ten-year-old age. Excellent studies helped him get a place in the Tsarskoye Lyceum, where they gained the most gifted young men from Russian nobility children.
  3. Satyric talent of young genius prevented him to graduate with the courage. The first satirical works are written by the future writer in the lyceum. But so evil and talented the teachers and fellow students, which received only the second category, although success in their studies allowed to hope for the first.


  4. Saltykov-Shchedrin - a failed poet. The first attempts to create poems and poems were criticized by the most close to young people. Since the end of the lyceum and before the death itself, the writer will not write a single poetic work.


  5. Saltykov-Shchedrin made a satire as a fairy tale. Satyrian works of Saltykov-Shchedrin often decorated in the form of notes and fairy tales. That is how he managed to not attract the attention of censorship for a long time. The most sharp and exposure works were presented to the public in the form of frivolous stories.


  6. Satir for a long time was an official. Many know this writer as the editor of "domestic notes." Meanwhile, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was a public official for a long time, and worked as the Ryazan vice-governor. Later, he was translated into a similar position in the Tver province.


  7. Saltykov-Shchedrin - Creator of new words. Like any gifted writer, Mikhail Evgrafovich was able to enrich the native language with new concepts that we still use in your native speech. Words such as "soft-length", "delicacy", "dullness" were born with a pen of famous satirika.
  8. Satyrian products of Saltykov-Shchedrin are based on realism. Historians with full right are studying Satirik's heritage, as the encyclopedia of the morals and the customs of the Russian depth of the 19th century. Modern historians highly appreciate the realism of the works of the classic, and use its observations in the preparation of domestic history.


  9. Saltykov-Shchedrin sentenced radical teachings. Despite the reputation of the patriot, the writer condemned violence in any form. So he repeatedly expressed his indignation by the actions of the people and condemned the murder of the king of the liberator Alexander II.


  10. Nekrasov - Close Saltykova-Shchedrin Comanor. ON THE. Nekrasov for many years was a friend and Saltykov-Shchedrin's companion. They shared the ideas of enlightenment, saw the plight of the peasantry and both condemned the vices of the domestic social device.


  11. Saltykov Shchedrin - Editor of "Patriotic Notes". It is believed that satirik headed this pre-revolutionary popular edition, and even his founder. This is not so. The magazine was created at the dawn of the 19th century and for many years was considered a collection of ordinary fiction. The first popularity of the publication brought Belinsky. Later, N.A. Nekrasov took this periodical edition for rent and was the editor of the "Notes" until death. Saltykov-Shchedrin was one of the writers of the publication, and headed the editors of the journal only after the death of Nekrasov.


  12. Satir and the writer did not like popularity. Thanks to its position, the popular editor was often invited to meetings and lunches of writers. Satir was reluctantly attended such events, considering such communication of a waste of time. Once, some Golovachev invited Satirik for lunch lists. The style of this gentleman was bad, so I started my invitation as follows: "Every month the diners congratulate you ..". Satiri answered instantly: "Thank you. Daily diner Saltykov-Shchedrin. "


  13. Saltykov-Shchedrin worked a lot. The last years of the writer were overshadowed by severe illness - rheumatism. Nevertheless, satirik came to his office daily, and worked for several hours. Only in the last month of life Saltykov-Shchedrin was supposed to be rheumatism and did not write anything - he did not have enough strength to keep the pen in his hands.


  14. The last months of Saltykov-Shchedrin. There were always many guests and visitors in the writer's house. With each of them, the writer talked a lot. Only in recent months of life chained to bed, Saltykov-Shchedrin did not accept anyone. And when I heard that someone came to him, I asked: "Pass, please, that I am very busy - dying."
  15. The cause of the death of Saltykov-Shchedrin is not rheumatism. Although physicians treated Satirik for many years from rheumatism, the writer died from an ordinary cold, which caused irreversible complications.


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relevant facts from biography

Perceiving a literary product separately from the personality of the writer himself, it is impossible to achieve the very essence, "understand the work from the inside." Only the reader is familiar with the writer, as with a good friend, may appreciate his work. But how much do we know, about Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrine, how do we think at first glance?

Literary activity

Initially, Mikhail was planning to become a poet - studied the works about the addition of poems and "tried the pen."

But after his work was criticized by the most close people, the future satirist never returned to poetry;

Mikhail Evgrafovich was an amateur to compose new words. Words "soft-length", "Punching" and "adolescence" - the creation of his feather;

The fairy tale, as the registration of criticism of social perfection, was chosen by satyric in order not to attract attention to censorship with frivolous stories.

Personal life and training

Throughout his life, Mikhail had to measure with women whom he considered his family. The mother-despot, turned away from his son, when he became a teenager, and the wrong wife and daughter mocked the writer because of his illness - rheumatism;

Already in the ten-year-old age, the gifted boy was able to enter the Moscow Nobility Institute, and then in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum;

Saltykov-Shchedrin graduated from a lyceum with a second discharge, although thanks to knowledge with ease could be claimed to first. The reason for this was satirical stories, rudely and evil ridicule the shortcomings of teachers and classmates.

Work and hobbies

Despite the difficult course of rheumatism, all his free time Saltykov-Shchedrin spent in his office for painstaking work;

Mikhail Evgrafovich was a public official for a long time: first as the vice-governor of Ryazan, and for the Tver province;

Saltykov-Shchedrin was a hunter to the card games. But every time, having defeated, reckoned the blame on the opponent, thus removing responsibility from himself;

Mikhail Evgrafovich could not tolerate his popularity, but Hunting took guests.

There is a belief that wanting to help his little daughter, Mikhail Evgrafovich decided to write an essay for her. It was appreciated by two points and issued back the student with a note: "For ignorance of the Russian language";

During a dinner, a dinner at a kind of Mr. Golovakov, the owner of the house said: "Every month a dinner congratulate you ..". What Satirik answered instantly: "Thank you. Daily diner Saltykov-Shchedrin. "

In honor of Saltykov-Shchedrin, streets and alleys are named in 13 cities of Russia, as well as the State Public Library in St. Petersburg. There are 3 memorial museum devoted to the memory of satirik. You can also see 3 monuments, 2 bust and 1 project, dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Mikhail Evgrafovich. A particularly large-scale writer and journalist is captured in the history of our country through brands and envelopes.

Activities in Petersburg

It is impossible to underestimate the meaning of St. Petersburg for Mikhail Evgrafovich. Here, in 1868-1884, he conducted a capital life filled with creative labor and social work.

In St. Petersburg, Saltykov-Shchedrin got acquainted with Nikolai Nekrasov - his future friend and comrades. After the death of his comrade, Mikhail will have to replace him and become the editor of the Journal "Patriotic Notes", where he was previously invited by Nekrasov himself as a writer;

Petersburg became the first city in which Mikhail Evgrafovich arrived after the end of his reference at the end of 1855 and receiving the long-awaited law to "live where wishes";

It is in the city of Peter Satirik writes the top of his art - "The story of one city", as well as a collection of fairy tales and "Poshekhonskaya Starin" - a novel who is partly biographical;

After entering the post of a state official, Saltykov-Shchedrin writes: "... everywhere debt, everywhere coercion, everywhere boredom and lies ..." - such a characteristic gives satir to subordinate officials and bureaucracy in St. Petersburg;

At his own testament, the great satiri is buried on a wolf cemetery, on the "Literal Mailways", next to I.S.Turgen.

Great quotes of great people

"When they start talking often about patriotism, it means that again something stolen!";

"References are stigma, to acquire which it is necessary to make some kind of readiness";

"... everyone pretended that they have something in his pocket, and no one even tried to pretend that he had something in his head ...";

"Enlightenment is being introduced moderately, if possible avoiding bloodshed";

"Russian authorities should keep their people in a state of permanent amazement";

"The severity of Russian laws is mitigated by the optional";

"The words were not closely not essential with large letters, and everything was essentially depicted in the smallest font";

On January 15, 1826, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in a small village of Tver province. The biography of this person is pierced by humanity and contempt for the reactionary state apparatus of his time. However, about everything in order.

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich: Biography of the early years

The future famous writer was born in the family of a wealthy nobleman. By the way, Saltykov is its real name. Shchedrin is a creative pseudonym. The first years of his life, the boy spent in his father's childbirth. During this period, the most difficult years of serfdom. When a scientific and technical revolution has already happened in most states, and the capitalist relations developed, the Russian empire was growing more and more in its own medieval defendant. And so that at least somehow touches the development of great powers, everything is active and more active than the state car, extensively squeezing all juices from the peasant class. Actually, the entire further biography of Saltykov-Shchedrin eloquently indicates that he sufficiently had the opportunity to observe the position of the peasants in the young years.

It greatly impressed the young man and put a fingerprint on all his further creativity. Mikhail's primary education receives in his hometown, and being ten years old, comes to the Moscow Institute of Nobility. Here he learned only two years, manifesting uncomfortable abilities. And already in 1838 translated into receiving a state scholarship for training. Six years later, he finishes this educational institution and enters the ministerial military stationery to the service.

Biography Saltykov-Shchedrin: the beginning of creative activity

Here, a young man is seriously fond of the literature of his time, the poverty reads French enlighteners and socialists. During this period, his first own stories were written: "Contradictions", "confusing business", "domestic notes". However, the nature of these works, breathing liberties and satire at the royal self-adjustment, was already set up state power against a young official.

Biography Saltykov-Shchedrin: creative recognition and adoption by state power

In 1848, Mikhail Evgrafovich goes to the link to Vyatka. There he comes to the service stationery official. This period ended in 1855, when the writer was finally allowed to leave this city. Returning from the reference, he is appointed as an official for special instructions under the public internal affairs minister. In 1860, he became the Tver Vice-Governor. At the same time, the writer renews his creative activity again. Already in 1862, he resigns from public position and focuses on the literature. At the invitation of Sergey Nekrasov Saltykov-Shchedrin arrives in St. Petersburg and is arranged in the editorial office of the contemporary. Here, and later in the journal "Patriotic Notes", where he fell on the protection of the same Nekrasov, pass

the most fruitful years of his creative activity. Many of the ages, satirical articles and, of course, the famous grotesque novels: "The history of one city", "modern idyll" and others - were written in the second half of 1860-1870.

Biography Saltykov-Shchedrin: the last years of life

In the 1880s, satirical works of the writer are increasingly enjoying glory among the intelligentsia, but at the same time increasingly persecuted the royal regime. So, the closure of the journal "Domestic Notes", where he printed, forced Mikhail Evgrafovich to seek the publishing house abroad. This ban on the seal in the native country strongly undermined the health of the elderly person. And even though they were written by the famous "fairy tales" and "Poshekhonna Starina", for several years he has become very old, the forces were rapidly leaving him. On May 10, 1889, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin died. The writer, in accordance with his request in the will, was buried in St. Petersburg, near the Mogula I.S. Turgenev.

"What is freedom without participation in the benefits of life?
What is the development without a clearly planned ultimate goal?
What is justice, deprived of fire of dedication and love "?

These words belong to Mikhail Saltykov-generous.

By the Day of Liceist, we decided to recall some interesting facts about Saltykov-Shchedrine, which was along with Pushkin, Pushchinsky and other famous individuals graduate of the famous Tsarskoye Lyceum.


Not only is Misha Saltykov-Shchedrin was a gifted child since childhood. He is also lucky with his parents. The family had a lot of teachers, so the atmosphere to identify the talent was the most beneficial. The future writer studied Russian diploma, French and German, he was told how holidays and church services are held. He spent a lot of time with ordinary people, serfs, was friends with them - and later described them in his books. In a word, his family played a significant role in the glorious future writer.

Poet and "Melnik"

Interestingly, Saltykov-Shchedrin on the nicknamed "Melnik" in the lyceum was ... by the poet. At every course at the time there was her poet. And that was the same and young Mikhail. It is curious that the verses did not like him to teachers, moreover, in the end, they were generally regarded as native. Close the young failed poet in himself and throwing literary activities, something in our textbooks and in the life of the prose itself would be quite different. But the future writer did not fell into a despondency - and glory about him, as we see, lived safely to the present day. The main thing is not to give up.

Grumble or revolution? ..

As we know, it is better not to criticize without offering constructive solutions. Otherwise, it's just draining the negative. But there is a type of criticism that pushes to change. Saltykov-Shchedrin put into fashion socially directed fairy tales, in which he revealed the shortcomings of society, trying to bring changes to their contemporaries. They were designed not to joint grinding on a bench - but on a bright future. Fucked, it would seem, with criticism on everything and all in fact, the "clever" Saltykov-Shchedrin was a romantic and idealist.

Sullen romantic

Until our time reached the writer as a romantic person and wonderful husband. He met his future wife Lizonku Boltin and loved when she was only twelve years old. Mikhail is patiently and rightly waited for a girl to grow up to offer her hand and heart. When they got married, the spouses had no children for 17 years. Perhaps this is what frustrated the spouse - a rumor was rumored with the writer with a writer, everyone spoke about her as a shameful person. The mother-in-law also did not love Lizongly and did not even give consent to marriage, believing that marriage with a 16-year-old "idleness" is just Fly.

"The wife of my ideals is not very demanding," Saltykov wrote with his characteristic irony. - Part of the day (big) in the store to see, then go home with guests to come and so that the house in the same room has a lot of raisins, in another many, many wine berries, in the third - many, many candies, and in the fourth - tea and coffee. And she walks around the rooms and hits everyone, and at times it comes into the boudoir and disguises it ... "

But all this did not prevent the writer not to land the souls in his wife and pamper her. Sometimes they say that talented people are unbearable in the family, sometimes talent and mind can be directed to love, tolerate and enjoy all over again. It is possible that this is the approach and was the secret of the family life of Mikhail Saltykov Shchedrin and his spouse Elizabeth - they lived together all their lives.

Boltaic autumn

Elizabeth Apolloovna Saltykov-Shchedrin/ Photo: from the archive

Pushkin had Boldinskaya autumn, and Saltykov-Shchedrin met his lysonko in the house of Vice-Governor Boltin. By the way, Lizonka at the end of his life was no longer fascinated by the writer and even left him until the end of the days, but called him exclusively "bastard" and considered the loser who broke her life. In the room to Mikhail Evgrafovich, she visited only in order to ask for money.


The family of Saltykov-Shchedrian was two children: the son of Constantine and the daughter, which in honor of the mother was called Elizabeth. When a little obliquely appeared on the light, Saltykov-Shchedrin with an inherent irony wrote Nekrasov: "The son of Konstantin was born, which will obviously be a publicist, for roars the most impulse." The writer generally had a very reverent attitude towards children, he laid great hopes on them, idealized them. Alas, the heirs of hopes were not justified and no memorable in history was not marked.
Konstantin Mikhailovich lived in Penza for many years, collaborated with the provincial newspapers, published memoirs "Intimate Shchedrin"
Elizabeth Mikhailovna lived a stormy life, twice married, moreover, both times - with foreigners. The second husband of the girl became Italian Marquis and Dogano, who worked for Americans and sold submarines for the IMF in Russia. It is noteworthy that all the current descendants of the writer lead their homes from his daughter. The son of Constantine has no children. But it was him Mikhail Evgrafovich who won a care of the family: "Cute Kostya! ... here is my covenant: love mother and take care of her; Confirm the same and sister. Remember that if you would not save it, then the whole family will decide ... "

Anna Litvin

Najčarobnija Novogodišnja Glazbeno-Scenska Bajka Petra Iljiča Čajkovskog Poznata Je U Cijelom Svijetu Balet "Orašar". U Klasičnim Operama Ili Baletima Često SE Nađe Jedan Ili Više Poznatih Arija Ili Plesova Koje Su Postali Vizitnom Karticom Umjetničkog Djela Koje Publika Jako Voli I Odmah Prepoznaje. O "Orašaru" Se Može Reći Da Cijeli Balet Se Sastoji OD Takvih "Hitova"! To Najprepoznatljivija Skladba Na Svijetu.