Roulette strategy “red black. Roulette: red - black Online casino red black

Many different strategies have been invented for playing roulette, but the most famous such strategy is - red-black... This strategy is especially common among online casino players, and, as a rule, it is mainly played by beginners.

The essence of the red-black strategy is simple: the player constantly bets on red (or black) and with each loss he doubles his bet until he wins - after which he starts all over again. Of course, the strategy can be used not only for red-black, but also for even / odd and from 1-18 / 19-36.

At first glance, the strategy seems to be almost a win-win, but in fact, it is mostly beginners who think so. In fact, the red-black strategy is one of the most dangerous, because you play at a very short distance. For example, you made 10 bets on black, and all 10 times came out red. Considering that you doubled your bet every time, then your loss will turn out to be extremely large.

The red-black strategy itself is very similar to the Martingale strategies. But Martingale has strategies that are much safer than this one, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Martingale strategy than playing red-black.

Now let's take a closer look at the strategy of betting on red-black with an example. Let's say a player starts with a $ 1 bet. and doubles it every time it loses. The sequence of bets will look like this (always bet on red):

The rate is $ 16. - win (red)

The rate is 1 c.u. - win (black)

The rate is 1 c.u. - loss (red)

The rate is 2 c.u. - win (red)

In this example, we had 3 winning bets and 5 losing bets, but our winnings were $ 3. (-1-2-4-8 + 16 + 1 + 2). Those. any winnings will cover all our previous bets and add $ 1 to our balance. But do not forget that in order to play this strategy, you need to have a sufficiently large supply of funds to be able to cover a long loss, for example:

The rate is 1 c.u. - loss (black)

The rate is 2 c.u. - loss (black)

The rate is 4 USD. - loss (black)

The rate is 8 USD. - loss (black)

The rate is $ 16. - loss (zero)

The rate is 32 USD. - loss (black)

The rate is 64 USD. - loss (black)

The rate is $ 128. - loss (black)

The rate is 256 USD. - win (red)

As you can see from the example, we had 8 losses in a row, after which there was one win - and in the end we ended up in the black by $ 1. To do this, we needed an amount of 511 USD. (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256). Those. this is the optimal amount for playing roulette according to the red-black strategy, since usually roulette bets are limited from 1 to 500.

Thus, playing according to the red-black strategy, the player with each win always turns out to be in the black by one initial bet (in our example, this is $ 1). But do not forget that one long series of losses brings huge damage, so before playing we recommend that you familiarize yourself with others.

As Ogi Morosco said in the movie "Once Upon A Crime": "There is no system in roulette, trust me ... If you want to win at a casino, don't go there."

Can you win at roulette on the internet?

Yes, you can. As well as in other gambling and lottery games. But as a rule, the casino wins in online roulette. Because the rules of the roulette game are designed in such a way that the player has less chances to win than the casino.

Let me give you an example. As you know, the maximum winning is 1 to 36, and 37 numbers are used (from 0 to 36). That is, if you bet 1 ruble on all numbers, then the costs will be 37 rubles, and the winnings are only 36. One ruble will always remain with the casino.

But don't despair. There are always more chances to win at roulette than at the lottery. In particular, in the USSR, in the DOSAAF lottery, only 50% was spent on the payment of winnings.

And unlike any lottery, you yourself choose the numbers on which you will bet. Moreover, you can change these numbers during the game. This is what makes roulette different from Gosloto 5 out of 36 and similar ones, where you can also choose the numbers on which you will bet, but only before the start of the draw.

Roulette Probability Theory

The wonderful science "Mathematics" is needed not only to count the change in the store. Everyone who has received higher education has probably remembered one of the branches of higher mathematics - the theory of probability.

Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the patterns of random phenomena: random events, random variables, their properties and operations on them. (material from Wikipedia)

Essentially: random phenomena are described by law! This is what we need! After all, the numbers that fall when playing roulette are random (ideally, if you do not take into account the untidiness of the casino, a crooked table, a jammed roulette, an interested dealer, etc.) knowing the sequence of the dropped numbers, we can assume with a certain probability what number will be next!

Let's look at the simplest example.

Playing for "black" or "red" (even-odd, less than 18, more than 19).

At the beginning of the game. Then if you have never spun a roulette wheel and, accordingly, not a single number fell out. The probability of "red" and "black" is 18/37 = 0.486. And the probability of Zero is 1/37 = 0.027.

If, for example, "black" falls out, then the chances of "red" in the next round increase. And they will be equal to 1 - 19/37 = 0.736. If black has dropped out two times in a row, then the chances of "red" increase to 1 - 19/37 * 19/37 = 0.865. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee of winning, but there are chances of success.
In order not to tire with calculations, I will give a plate with the results.

Table 1.

As you can see, the more black falls in a row, the higher the chances of red in the next move. BUT!!! The probability that red will fall will never be 100% EVER. In other words, there is no guaranteed win at roulette.

Roulette game statistics

And how many times in a row can “black” (or “red”, or even, etc.) appear? As many times as you like, at least 500. But according to statistics, everything is limited to 10 repetitions. Only a couple of cases are known in history when the replays were more than 10 balls in a row. Of course, we are talking about honest casinos 🙂

Roulette tactics

The basic rule of roulette is to bet on the numbers that are more likely to land. To do this, you must have statistics for the sequence of balls dropped. It is impossible to apply this tactic in a real casino. You will not be allowed to write something down and calculate something. Therefore, all of the above is true only for Internet roulettes in electronic virtual casinos.

Martingale method

The Martingale method is considered one of the win-win roulette game methods. I want to emphasize the word "win-win". Not "winning" at all. Remember that all advertised methods of playing roulette allow you not to lose for a longer time, and, if possible, win if you are lucky.
The essence of the method consists in doubling the rates in case of loss.

The first time - 1 ruble (let it be a ruble, we will support a domestic manufacturer 🙂 (if you won, an income of 1 ruble and start from the beginning)

If you lose, then we bet 2 rubles (if you won, income is 1 ruble and we start from the beginning)

If we lose again, then we bet 4 rubles (if we won, then the income is 1 ruble and we start from the beginning).

More details in the table:

Table 2.

That is, to win 1 ruble in 10 steps (we will assume that the maximum sequence of one color is 9) you must have 2047 rubles in your account! That is, you must have funds for such a bet. But, what is saddest, in the rules of many casinos there is a limitation both on the size of the maximum bet (for example, 1000 rubles) and on the ratio of the minimum to the maximum (usually 1: 100) That is, if you started the game with a bet of 1 ruble, then your the maximum rate is 100 rubles. According to table 2, this is line 7. And the probability of winning, according to table 1, will be 0.990584. And as you know, a sequence of one color can be continuous for 9 rounds in a row.

In order to at least slightly increase the probability of winning, it is more accurate not to lose until the 7th round. I modified the method a bit. The level of rates in which is shown in table 3.

Table 3.

As you can see, the income from this method is less. But the likelihood of losing is also lower. Now the bet threshold of 100 rubles is reached already in the 8th round, where the chances of success are higher.

How to use the Martingale method or the rules of the roulette game

It is necessary to analyze the dropped balls for compliance with the following sequences:

  1. Black (black-black - sequence of the same color 2 times)
  2. Red (red-red - sequence of the same color 2 times)
  3. Color change (black-red-black - color change sequence 2 times)
  4. Even (2-12 - sequence of even 2 times)
  5. Odd (33-17 - odd sequence 2 times)
  6. Parity change (28-5-14 - parity change sequence 2 times)
  7. Less (1-18) (11-8 - sequence “less” 2 times)
  8. More (19-36) (21-35 - sequence "more" 2 times)
  9. Change "more-less) (27-4-19 - change" more-less "2 times)

For example, the numbers 17-14-9 dropped out.

Let's analyze them.

17 (black + odd + less)
14 (red + even + less)
9 (red + odd + less)

What do we see? there was a change of parity 2 times, 2 colors in a row (red) and “less” dropped 3 times. Thus, the best choice, according to table 1, would be to bet on “over”. If you lost, then we will use table 2 or 3 and place bets according to them. If you won, then we analyze the current situation.

For example, the roll was 23.
And our sequence became 17-14-9-23.

17 (black + odd + less)
14 (red + even + less)
9 (red + odd + less)
23 (red + odd + more)

As you can see, “red” was 3 times in a row and it makes sense to bet on black in the next round.
Etc. If you won - analysis of the sequence; if you won, use the Martingale method.

How much can you win at internet roulette using the Martingale method?

As a rule, for 1 hour of playing, incomes increase by 10-20%. With the restrictions imposed by the casino, losses are inevitable. In addition, the maximum income of 1 ruble does not contribute to getting rich quick.

Criticism of the Martingale method

Small income if you win.
Large amounts for bets.
Betting restrictions from the casino will not allow you to advance beyond the 7th round.

Alternative methods of playing roulette

By analogy with a half game (black-red, even-odd). You can make tables of probabilities of the game by a third (columns and dozens). Where the payoff is greater and is 1 to 3. But the likelihood of winning is less.

Criticism of roulette methods

One of the main arguments from those who criticize is that the ball has no memory. And therefore, red, for example, can fall out at least 500 times in a row. That is, the probability of getting one or another number is reset after each throw. In other words, if the probability of getting red is 18/37 = 0.486, then this value is constant from throw to throw.

From this they are trying to conclude that all methods of playing roulette are complete nonsense.

But statistics show that probability theory works great when playing roulette. And only restrictions on the rules of the game introduced by the casino do not allow turning gambling into a source of income.

How to win at roulette

By following a few simple rules you can earn money on roulette. If you just sat down at the table, then miss a couple of ball throws. This will allow you to get a certain sequence of dropped numbers. And thus push back the barrier in 7 or 8 games by a couple of steps. Thus, you increase the likelihood of your winning. Resist the temptation to bet all the money, even if you get red 9 times in a row. If you are not sure what to bet on, then it is better to skip the move.

Instead of an epilogue

You can win at roulette. At the very least, you don't have to lose. But the crumbs earned are not worth the time spent on them. That is, you cannot count on playing roulette as a source of constant income. Moreover, with the slightest deviation from the rules and recommendations described in this article, you will quickly lose.

The rules of the roulette game were worked out by people well versed in mathematics. And mathematics is a science. Believe me, the knowledge of an ordinary person is not enough to come up with a method of how to win at roulette. Methods and programs widespread in the network are created with the aim of making money on those who want to get rich on the game of roulette.

Modern roulette rules are designed so that the casino will always win. As one friend of mine says: "You can win at a casino only if you have more money than a casino, but why then go to a casino?"

Hi friends! Today I want to tell you how can win at roulette.

Firstly, all of the following and described are all the conclusions and results obtained from my personal life experience.

Secondly, roulette is a game of chance for those who cannot say STOP to themselves! and the player is fond of (read gets excited) these methods will not work.

All the necessary warnings have been made, let's start.

Roulette is a gambling game for money. It appeared a very long time ago and has since been used in Russia, more often as a means of easy money, rather than entertainment and gaining status. Even such a literary classic as F.M. Dostoevsky at one time was very fond of this gambler and even wrote the novel "The Gambler" connected just with the roulette theme, but the truth is not only at the gaming table, but also in life.

In the modern world, it is very difficult to find a live roulette game. gambling establishments remained only in large cities, in the rest they were simply closed by the authorities. Therefore, the game migrated to the Internet and now exists safely there. Many casinos provide this type of entertainment.

The first thing we will look at today is the RED-BLACK game.

What is the meaning. You sit down at the table and place a bet on one of the colors red or black, for the sake of clarity, let's put that on red. The roulette spun, the ball ran and bam, a red one fell out. You are happy and contented, having won the bet, make the next one on black. Again the wheel spins, the ball runs, and bam is red again. So your previous winnings are gone. However, you do not get upset and make a double bet on red (well, black will not fall out all the time). Wheel rotation, ball running, black. Hooray!!! Once again, we rejoice at the victory in one bet. Change the color bets on red. Wheel, ball, black. But nothing you have already learned from experience, boldly doubled your bet on red. Wheels again, ball again, black again. Horror, already three times, but how much you can !!! But okay, we grit our teeth and double the bet again (we get four initial ones). Spinning, running, black again. Trouble !!! Horror!!! Well, nothing we think, again, with a half-trembling hand, we bet on red, again doubling the previous one. The heart starts to beat faster. Rotation, ball ... .. Come on, we think ... Red !!! Hurray, victory !!! Another bet in our pocket.

And here, a person with a cold mind and a warm heart will think, is such a game, such emotions and nerves worth winning in ONE bet? A person with the ardor of excitement will not even think of it. "Play on" - he thinks while he is lucky. What type are YOU?

I will explain the principle of the game, who have not yet understood. You are betting on red as an example. If it falls out red, take your winnings, from it is two of your bets (1: 2). If it comes up black, then double your bet on red. And we do this until red falls out. And then again we take our winnings in 1 bet. And everything would be fine if not for some but:

1) I believe that your pocket is not unlimited, so that you can double your bets all the time, money will run out someday. If item 1 does not work, see item 2.

2) The casino limits the range of bets you can place at the table. For example, I was able to double up a maximum of 7 times when playing in an online casino.

Thus, the casino provides itself with a profit. A few tips for playing RED-BLACK.

1) In an online casino, according to this principle, you can play no more than 5-10 minutes. Moreover, 10 minutes is the limit.

2) When registering at the casino and the initial deposit, do not take the bonuses that the casino gives you. Well, something like an extra $ 500, or 200% on your initial deposit. Pre-read the conditions on which you are given such a bonus (usually written in small small letters). In most cases, it requires wagering. For example, to place bets for a certain amount. And this amount is often 25 times more than your initial deposit. These bets must also be placed on certain casino games, which do not include roulette.

The bonus will most likely be credited to you automatically. So you should contact the support service (and it works for all the casinos in which I played, just great) and politely refuse the bonus provided. In this case, you can easily withdraw your money from the casino after the game.

If you decide to accept the bonus, then there may be problems with the withdrawal of money until you wager the bonus, according to the RULES, which are written in small small print and which I recommended to read to you earlier.

3) When installing a casino on your computer, after each game I recommend that you delete and re-install the casino. Many people remember the history of your games. Some are in your database, some are on your computer. By reinstalling the casino in this way, every time you start from a clean slate (at least the chances of this are much higher).

4) In order to increase your winnings in the casino according to the RED-BLACK principle, I recommend placing bets as follows (meaning when a different color appears). For example, the rate-withdrawn rate-increased by 5 times the rate-doubled the previous one, etc. Thus, your winnings will already be 2 bets. This can be done in view of the fact that with each move, the probability of falling out of the color you need increases.

Almost every gambling lover has been to a gambling establishment at least once in his life. In some countries, the gambling business is strictly prohibited, and all violators are punished according to the law. In this regard, a large number of online casinos have been created on the Internet, which allow a person to play and enjoy the gaming process. Today, the most famous and profitable gambling game is the roulette-playing volcanic game. It is loved by many because it has simple rules and allows you to use a huge number of different strategies that will bring the player closer to the coveted win. Many gamers like to use a red / black scheme. This article presents the basic rules for using this winning scheme.

This is how nature works, then in any situation a gambling establishment will have a mathematical superiority over the player, while the roulette rules are simple and transparent. To make it clear, you can consider a simple example, the roulette wheel is divided into sectors, their total number is 37, with one zone called zero. The player, even if he places bets on all fields for one ruble, in the end result will be able to get a profit of 36 rubles, that is, the casino will make a profit of one ruble.

The game is based on the theory of probability, which means that any number appears absolutely randomly, and does not depend on either the player or the dealer. Even before the roulette wheel was not started, the probability that one of the zones, either red or black, will fall out is equal to 0.486, and that the ball will fall into the zero sector is 0.027.

In a situation when, after starting the roulette wheel, the ball falls into the black field, the chances of falling out of the red zone next time increase significantly. When the following situation occurs, black falls out two times in a row, then, accordingly, the chances of the ball hitting the red zone increase significantly. Of course, no player can be 100% sure, the fact that his chances of getting a victory are great is a fact.

Each player may wonder how many times a zone of the same color can appear. The answer is simple enough, a lot. But, as statistics show, one sector can fall out no more than ten times. The story also tells the fact that the ball hit the same zone more than ten times, but this all directly depends on how transparent the reputation of the gambling establishment is.

The player should adhere to the basic tactics, the essence of which is that the player needs to bet only on the number that is most likely to come up. In order to correctly predict a sector or a number, you need to know the statistics of drops. By the way, the casino administration carefully monitors each player, and the use of this scheme is immediately cut off, since standing at the gaming table, a person should not have anything in his hands.

Luck also plays an important role in the game, so if a person was born under a lucky star, or fortune just smiled at him, then he will win in any case.

Thus, by using the red / black strategy correctly, the player significantly increases his chances of getting the desired win.

In this article, we will look at the top cs go roulette wheels in red and black. First, let's take a look at the game mode, explain how it works, why it has become very popular among players.
A little below there will be a list of cs go roulettes red and black without a deposit and not only. Each site will be accompanied by a promotional code, using which you can get a free bonus.

How cs go roulette sites work red, black and green

The game mode itself on all sites is called approximately the same - Double Roulette. Its essence is simple - you bet your coins, points or credits on one of three colors: red, black or green. If you bet 100 coins on red or black and win, then you get 100 of your coins back and win 100 from above. This means that on cs go roulettes, red and black doubles your bet. If you bet on green and win, then your bet is increased by 14 times. But remember that the chance of getting green is several times lower than the chance of falling out of red or black.

There are various tactics based on the theory of probability and various observations of experienced players, which help to win more and more often. It is worth noting that this mode became the ancestor of all red, black and green roulette sites, and this mode is available on almost all gaming sites.

Top roulette cs go red and black

We have compiled for you a list of the best and fair roulettes, playing on which, you can be sure of the safety of your points and filled skins. If you win, you will be guaranteed to bring yourself new CS: GO skins.

CSGO Fast- according to many players, the best cs go roulette is red and black without a deposit. Thousands of players play here, join them. Press play, log in to the site via Steam and receive a free bonus.

CSGO Polygon- roulette cs go polygon, a great place where you can try your luck and win thousands of points, for which cool skins are sold in the site store. Go to Redeem Code and enter CSGOERA to get a free bonus.

CSGO Case- a site with many game modes, however, cs go roulette is not without red, black and green. And you can get a bonus by going to the Free - Enter Code item and entering our code CSGOERA a site based on Star Wars, where you will also find a similar game mode called Drakespin. Enter the promo code CSGOERA in the "Gift Code" section and start playing for free. another site that takes its rightful place in the list of top cs go roulettes red and black. Get a bonus, enter the code CSGOERA in the Free Coins section.

Csgo massive Is one of the best and most famous sites for playing roulette. And you can get free points by going to the Affilates section and entering the promo code XGA84P