Soloist of the aria Kipelov. Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich - singer and composer: biography, personal life, discography

Valery Alexandrovich Kipelov was born on July 12, 1958 in Moscow in the former USSR - a Soviet and Russian rock musician, singer and composer. Known as one of the founders and first vocalist of the rock band Aria from 1985 to 2002. Since 2002, he has been leading his own Kipelov group.


early years:

Valery Kipelov was born on July 12, 1958 in the Kapotnya district of Moscow. During his school years, he studied at a music school, which he graduated from in accordion class. He made his first steps in music in the Peasant Children group, which performed mainly at holidays and weddings.

In 1978-1980 he served in the military Soviet army first in the Yaroslavl region in a training company, and then in the Urals near Sverdlovsk in the Strategic Missile Forces with the rank of sergeant in a communications company. There he took part in amateur musical performances, performing songs in front of officers and at holidays.

After the army in 1978-1980, Kipelov was a member of the Six Young Ensemble, which also included Nikolai Rastorguev, later the leader of the Lyube group, and Sergey Chernyakov, the future drummer of the Alpha group and the Black Coffee group. In September 1980, Kipelov and Rastorguev continued their careers in the VIA "Leisya, song", where the entire composition of "Six Young" joined. But in 1985 year VIA does not pass the state program and the ensemble is closed. Kipelov goes to the VIA "Singing Hearts", the producer of which was Viktor Yakovlevich Vekshtein. When Vladimir Kholstinin and Alik Granovsky, members of the Singing Hearts, begin to create a heavy metal project, Valery joins them as a vocalist.

Kipelov in the group "Aria":

He wrote music mainly for lyrical ballads: “Dreams”, “Without You” (co-authored with Bolshakov), “Sunset”, “Take My Heart” (co-authored with Dubinin, Kholstinin and Mavrin), “Everything that was ”, but there were exceptions: “Dead Zone”, “Follow Me”, “Dirt” (co-authored with Terentyev), “Road to Nowhere”, “Chimera” (co-authored with Kholstinin) and “The Beast” (co-authored with Dubinin and Kholstinin). After the split of Aria in 1987, only Kipelov and Kholstinin remained under the leadership of Vekshtein. Kholstinin brings his friend Vitaly Dubinin to the new squad. The group is also replenished by Sergey Mavrin and Maxim Udalov.

In 1994, Kipelov had disagreements with Kholstinin. Due to the lack of touring activities and the financial problems that arose, Kipelov worked as a night watchman. To earn professionally, Valery Aleksandrovich performs with the Master group in recently opened nightclubs. Kholstinin, who made a living by breeding and selling aquarium fish, perceives such an act by Kipelov as leaving the group, which is why the recording of a new album begins with Alexei Bulgakov. Sergei Mavrin states that he sees no prospects for success without Kipelov and leaves the group. Kipelov is "returned" by the record company Moroz Records, threatening the group with fines for breaking the contract.

In 1997, Kipelov and Mavrin recorded a solo album "Time of Troubles", it included 10 songs, including those not typical for the style of "Aria". Subsequently, Mavrin's group "Mavrin", founded the following year, performed songs from this album.

In 2001, after the release of the Chimera album, the tour, the Invasion festival, where the group was the headliner, Kipelov refuses to continue participating due to the disagreements existing in the group and announces his decision to start solo career. He is supported by guitarist Sergei Terentiev, drummer Alexander Manyakin and the band's manager Rina Li. According to Valery, the musicians agreed that no one would get the Aria brand, Kipelov and his team named their team by the name of the leader. The rest of the participants - Kholstinin and Dubinin - were going to name their team, like the last joint album, "Chimera", but after a short time they decided to return to the name "Aria", since they retained copyright on it. Kipelov's last concert with "Aria" ("Judgment Day") took place on August 31, 2002.

The day after the split, September 1, 2002, Kipelov, Terentiev and Manyakin form the Kipelov group. The group also included: Sergey Mavrin and bass guitarist of the group "Sergey Mavrin" Alexei Kharkov.

The group immediately went on the Way Upward tour, performing compositions from the Time of Troubles album and some of Aria's songs (mostly written by the band members). In 2004, the team received the MTV Russia award in the Best Rock Group nomination.

In 2005, the group's first numbered album, Rivers of Time, was released. But by the time it was released, Terentiev and Mavrin left the group, for some time Viktor Smolsky from the German group Rage played in the group as a session.

In 2007, Valery Kipelov was awarded the RAMP award in the "Fathers of Rock" nomination.

April 28, 2007 Valery took part in the anniversary concert of the group "Master" "XX Years". Later, this performance was included in the DVD of the same name.

On April 3, 2008 in Moscow and November 8 in St. Petersburg, Valery, together with Sergey Mavrin, took part in the concert of the Aria group, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Hero of Asphalt album.

On September 13, 2008, Valery took part in a concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Sergey Mavrin group, where he performed several compositions, including a duet with Andrey Lefler and Arthur Berkut.

In 2010, on November 20 in St. Petersburg, November 27 in Moscow and December 11 in Yekaterinburg, Kipelov took part in the anniversary concerts of the Aria group, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group.

On February 27, 2011, an autograph session and presentation of the group's second studio album - "To Live in Contrary"

According to the results of the "Chart Dozen" of 2013, the group "Kipelov" won in the nomination "Best Concert of the Year"

Personal life:

Father - Kipelov Alexander Semyonovich, mother - Kipelova Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Valery Alexandrovich has been married since May 12, 1978. Wife: Kipelova Galina Petrovna (Date of birth: 05/09/1960). We met while living in the same village on the outskirts of Moscow. Has two children: Zhanna (Date of birth: 08/02/1980) and Alexander (Date of birth: 03/16/1989), has a granddaughter - Anastasia Vladimirovna Komarova, date of birth: 08/14/2001; 04/30/2009 another granddaughter Kipelova Sonya Alexandrovna was born. Valery's children are also involved in music: Zhanna is a conductor, Alexander graduated from the Gnessin School in the cello class.

Views and beliefs: Orthodox Christian, baptized.

“I consider myself an Orthodox person. I don’t go to churches so often, because there are “churched” people there, those who observe all the fasts, the canons, who have risen to another level. I haven't gotten to that level yet. As far as possible, I try to keep all the commandments that our Savior left us - do not deceive your loved ones, do not sin, do not betray, sometimes it doesn’t work, but I constantly struggle with this, work on myself. I respect Orthodox Church. God is love! We sing about love, not like popular artists, but in other words, and treat our fans with love.”

Christian views also influenced Valery's work: for some time now he has refused to perform the song "Antichrist" at concerts.

In 2008, in an interview with 1ROCK magazine, Kipelov said that: “I realized that few people caught the essence of this song (the complex relationship between Antichrist and Christ), and it remained in their heads: “My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 666” . At concerts, people chanted this particular line, the dramaturgy of the text went unnoticed. And it became somehow unpleasant to sing ... well, relatively speaking, “darkness”. I don't want to flirt with such serious topics. That is, I do not refuse mysticism - it is characteristic of our genre - but I do not want to sing such lines in the first person.

In March 2011, in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper, he said that:

I realized that few people caught the essence of this song, and the fans only single out: “My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 666.” At concerts, people always chanted this line. And only her one. And it became unpleasant for me to sing it ... as if I was doing something bad. In addition, after I sang it, I had various troubles. So I don't want to flirt with such serious topics anymore.

In January 2012, in an interview with the Chelyabinsk program “Stars in the Frame”, he answered the same question as follows:

“I just realized that when you sing in the first name, that:“ My name is Antichrist, my sign is 666 ”this is too much ... Here. And when our fans started to sing along... Well, there was all this leaven in it: it was supposedly an attempt at a dialogue between the Antichrist and Christ. That is, he tells his story, that he went through the circles of hell, how, roughly speaking, he got to such a life ... But when I heard in response that it was “my sign is 666”, then I realized that this was wrong, that it was just did not understand this and sing in the first person ... in general, I did not take such courage upon myself. Some interesting events began to happen: fires, and we got into an accident. Precisely and almost at the time when we performed this song. Our conductor fell into the orchestra pit, when I already refused to sing, they performed instrumentally ... He just fell into the orchestra pit. He was not warned that a very large hole had been cut there in order for the drums to rise. They just covered it with an awning like that. They forgot to warn him that there was a hole there, that there was no floor. So he stepped there and fell .. But, thank God, everything worked out and he was not injured. Here. But there was also such a case: they played instrumentally with the orchestra precisely ... Therefore, I decided for myself that it was not worth playing all this .. These are not really toys. This is serious enough.

Musical preferences:

Kipelov's musical preferences are hard rock of the 70s: Black Sabbath, Slade, Led Zeppelin. Favorite vocalist is Ozzy Osbourne. One of my favorite bands is Judas Priest. Valery also admitted that he likes some alternative bands: Muse, Nickelback, Evanescence. Also loves folk songs, in particular "Black Raven" and "Spring will not come for me." He is fond of the work of E. V. Smolyaninova.


Release year Group Album Album type

1985 Aria Delusions of Grandeur Studio album

1986 Aria Who are you with? studio album

1987 Aria Hero of Asphalt Studio album

1989 Aria Playing with Fire Studio album

1991 Aria Blood for Blood Studio album

1995 Aria Night is shorter than day Studio album

1996 Aria Made in Russia Live album

1997 Project by Valery Kipelov and Sergey Mavrin Time of Troubles Studio album

1997 Aria Legends of Russian rock Collection

1998 Aria Evil Generator Studio album

1999 Aria Tribute to Harley-Davidson Mini Album

1999 Aria 2000 and One Night Compilation

1999 Aria Best songs Collection

2000 Aria Paradise Lost Single

2000 Aria Grand Collection Compilation

2001 Aria Chimera Studio album

2001 Aria Tribute to Harley-Davidson II Mini Album

2001 Aria Night in July Compilation

2001 Aria Truckers-2 Soundtrack

2002 Aria Calm Collection

2003 Aria In search of a new victim Live album

2003 Aria Legends of Russian rock (issue 2) Collection

2003 Kipelov Way Upward Live album

2004 Kipelov Babylon Single

2004 Aria Carefree Angel Compilation

2005 Kipelov Rivers of Times Studio album

2006 Kipelov Moscow 2005 Live album

2008 Kipelov V years Live album

2008 Aria Hero of asphalt XX years Live album

2009 Kipelov On the Verge Single

2011 Kipelov Live contrary Studio album

2013 Kipelov Reflection Single

2013 Kipelov X years. Crocus City Hall Live Album

In 1992, he helped record backing vocals for the Master group on their Talk of the Devil album.

In 1993, for the compilation "Monsters of Rock USSR" in the song "We'll Be Back" as a vocalist and backing vocalist.

In 1994 for the collection "Russian Metal Ballads vol1." The composition "The Second Coming" of the Kantor group was recorded. Valery Kipelov took part in her recording, performing as a backing vocalist.

Also in 1995, Valery, together with Sergei Mavrin, worked on the Back to the Future program, but the album was not officially released.

Session work:

1992 - Valery Kipelov performed the part of Simon the Zealot in the Russian-language production of the famous rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar.

1996 - Valery Kipelov acted as the vocalist of the Master group at the Generation 96 festival, replacing the touring Mikhail Seryshev. One of the songs sung by Kipelov was called “Around the World in 20 Minutes” and was released on the Generation 96 CD.

2002 - Performed the song "Alien" together with Sergei Galanin, leader of the group "Earring".

2005 - Recording of the composition "Black Angel (Talisman)", for the film "Running on the Waves".

2006 - Valery Kipelov, together with Dmitry Borisenkov, vocalist of the Black Obelisk group, recorded the song Someday, which was included in the group's maxi-single.

2007 - Participation in the recording of the album "The Dynasty of the Initiates" (a project of the rock poetess Margarita Pushkina), where many famous vocalists and musicians appeared: Sergey Terentyev, Anatoly Aleshin, Artur Berkut, Kirill Nemolyaev, Alexei Kharkov. On this album, Valery performed the song "Nobody", in one of the recordings - a duet with Arthur Berkut.

2013 - Took part in the international rock festival "Rock over the Volga 2013".

In culture:

In the book "Day Watch" by Sergei Lukyanenko, it is suggested that Kipelov is a potential Dark Other, since only Dark Others can sing about feelings like that (meaning the songs: "Vampire", "Time of Troubles", "Way Up" and "I free"). Valery himself considers himself a Light Other, if such existed in reality.

In the book "Six-Armed Resident" by Alexander Rudazov, Kipelov's song "Death Machine" is mentioned. According to the story, even the demons were horrified by her performance.

In the Fire Patrol series of books by Alex Kosh, the protagonist from parallel world dreams of the songs of the Aria group, and the long-lived vampire sings them during the hours of melancholy.

In the series of books "The Way of the Demon" by Glushanovsky main character with the help of the song of the group "Aria" "Paradise Lost" resurrects a lich girl, raises an army of zombies with the help of the song of the same name, calls on the god of war Ares with the help of the song "Spirit of War", terrifies fellow students at the Mage Academy with the help of "Antichrist" and dances at a ball with a vampire to the song "Vampire".

In the Hisp series of books by Pavel Mirotvortsev, the main character from a parallel world likes the songs of the Aria group, and in the first book he often sings them.

I wanted to become a professional football player, but I couldn't because of flat feet.

Valery Kipelov in the book Aria. The legend of the Dinosaur said that he and Igor Kupriyanov are cousins. Igor Kupriyanov himself, when asked to confirm or deny this, evaded a direct answer in one interview, saying that "I cannot open this secret." However, in another interview, noting that there is a bit of a similarity in appearance, that “in general, we are brothers with him, we became friends a long time ago in the city of Cherepovets,” he put the phrase “cousin” in quotation marks.

In the American division of the NTV channel, there is a TV presenter - Valery Kipelov.

Awards and prizes:

Year / Award / Nomination / Result

2007 / "Rock Alternative Music Prize" / "Fathers of Rock" / Pobeda

2008 / "Chart Dozen-2008" / "Soloist of the Year" / Nomination

2012 / "Chart Dozen-2012" / "Soloist of the Year" / Pobeda

2012 / "Russian Top-2011" / " Best Performer" / Victory

2013 / "Russian Top-2012" / "Best Performer" / Pobeda

In 2010, on November 20 in St. Petersburg, November 27 in Moscow and December 11 in Yekaterinburg, Kipelov took part in the anniversary concerts of the Aria group, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group.

On February 27, 2011, an autograph session and presentation of the group's second studio album - "To Live in Contrary"

Artur Berkut (Mikheev) is no worse than Kipelov - I’ll say this many times more \\ I deliberately inserted the coolest song of the golden eagle there - I feel fire from the TSAR album - let it be ...

According to the results of the “Chart Dozen”, the group “Kipelov” won in the nomination “Best Concert of the Year”

Personal life


  • Parents:
Father - Kipelov Alexander Semyonovich, mother - Kipelova Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Valery Alexandrovich has been married since May 12, 1978. Wife: Kipelova Galina Petrovna (Date of birth: 05/09/1960). We met while living in a village on the outskirts of Moscow. Has two children: Zhanna (Date of birth: 08/02/1980) and Alexander (Date of birth: 03/16/1989), has a granddaughter - Anastasia Vladimirovna Komarova, date of birth: 08/14/2001; 04/30/2009 another granddaughter Kipelova Sonya Alexandrovna was born. Valery's children are also involved in music: Zhanna is a conductor, Alexander graduated from the Gnessin School in the cello class.

Views and beliefs

  • Religious views: Orthodox Christian, baptized.

“I consider myself an Orthodox person. I don’t go to churches so often, because there are “churched” people there, those who observe all the fasts, the canons, who have risen to another level. I haven't gotten to that level yet.

As far as possible, I try to keep all the commandments that our Savior left us - do not deceive your loved ones, do not sin, do not betray, sometimes it doesn’t work, but I constantly struggle with this, work on myself. I respect the Orthodox Church. God is love! We sing about love, not like popular artists, but in other words, and treat our fans with love.”

Christian views also influenced Valery's work: for some time now he has refused to perform the song " Antichrist».

In 2008, in an interview with 1ROCK magazine, Kipelov said that

“I realized that few people caught the essence of this song (the complex relationship between Antichrist and Christ), and the following remained in their heads:“ My name is Antichrist, my sign is number 666“. At concerts, people chanted this particular line, the dramaturgy of the text went unnoticed. And it became somehow unpleasant to sing ... well, relatively speaking, “darkness”. I don't want to flirt with such serious topics. That is, I do not refuse mysticism - it is characteristic of our genre - but I do not want to sing such lines in the first person.

In March 2011, in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper, he said that:

I realized that few people caught the essence of this song, and the fans only single out: "My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 666." At concerts, people always chanted this line. And only her one. And it became unpleasant for me to sing it ... as if I was doing something bad. In addition, after I sang it, I had various troubles. So I don't want to flirt with such serious topics anymore.

In January 2012, in an interview with the Chelyabinsk program “Stars in the Frame”, he answered the same question as follows:

“I just realized that when you sing in the first name, that:“ My name is Antichrist, my sign is 666“” is too much… Here. And when our fans started to sing along... Well, there was all this leaven in it: it was supposedly an attempt at a dialogue between the Antichrist and Christ. That is, he tells his story that he went through the circles of hell, how, roughly speaking, he got to such a life ... But when I heard in response that it was “my sign is 666”, then I realized that this was wrong, that it was just did not understand this and sing in the first person ... in general, I did not take such courage upon myself. Some interesting events began to happen: fires, and we got into an accident. Precisely and almost at the time when we performed this song. Our conductor fell into the orchestra pit, when I already refused to sing, they performed instrumentally ... He just fell into the orchestra pit. He was not warned that a very large hole had been cut there in order for the drums to rise. They just covered it with an awning like that. They forgot to warn him that there was a hole there, that there was no floor. So he stepped there and fell .. But, thank God, everything worked out and he was not injured. Here. But there was also such a case: they played instrumentally with the orchestra precisely ... Therefore, I decided for myself that it was not worth playing all this .. These are not really toys. This is serious enough.

Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich is not just a vocalist of signs, this is a whole era of Russian rock. More than one generation of musicians grew up on his songs, people of different ages are grateful to him, he won the hearts of millions of listeners - this list can be continued forever, but the main advantage of this artist is that his work cannot be treated indifferently.

You can't become a rocker - they need to be born

The famous musician and vocalist was born on July 12, 1958 in the Moscow region. From early childhood, young Kipelov was fond of music. Tom is evidenced by the end of a music school in the bayan class and performances at celebrations with the Peasant Children group.

Like every real man, Valery Alexandrovich served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, proudly bearing the rank of sergeant. Even while serving, he tried to be closer to music, performing vocal works in front of senior employees at celebrations.

First musical experience

A very important role in creative way the vocalist was played by the ensemble "Six Young". In addition to Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich, there were no less than famous musicians and vocalists: Nikolay Rastorguev and Sergey Chernyakov. Speaking at the VIA, the guys became friends, and in the middle of 1980 they continue their career in the Leisya, song team, but, unfortunately, it lasted only five years, after which it could not pass the state program, and in connection with this it was closed.

Kipelov would not be himself if he gave up. After some time, the vocalist tries himself in the ensemble "Singing Hearts", it was there that he met Alik Granovsky and Vladimir Kholstinin - the creators of the heavy metal project "Aria".

Group "Aria": Kipelov and other members

From the very beginning, the band set a high bar for quality vocals. However, after a few years there was a split. Only Kholstinin and Kipelov remained under the patronage of Vekshtein. There was a question about the replenishment of the heavy metal band with new performers.

The updated composition of "Aria" included such performers as:

  • Sergei Mavrin;
  • Maxim Udalov;
  • Vitaly Dubinin ( best friend Kholstinin).

But, unfortunately, this team did not work long. In the mid-nineties, singer Valery Kipelov had a serious conflict with Kholstinin. This is due to the fact that the group almost completely lacked tours. Due to financial difficulties, the band members worked on the side. Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich gave concerts together with the already well-known group "Master" in little-known and newly opened clubs, and Khostynin bred and sold fish for the aquarium.

Interestingly, it was Kipelov's side job that was considered a betrayal and the reason for leaving the group, in connection with which they began to record a new album with another, no less famous vocalist Alexei Bulgakov. One of the members of "Aria" was against such a decision, as evidenced by his immediate departure from the team.

Disagreements in the group calmed down for some time only after the presentation of threats by Moroz Records for disrupting concerts. They make a radical decision to return Kipelov to the group.

Kipelov and Mavrin have had strong, friendly relations since the days of Aria. And in the late nineties, a joint album "Time of Troubles" was born, which included 10 musical compositions in a style unusual for the group.

Kipelov's departure

The return of the vocalist was short-lived. The Judgment Day concert took place on August 31, 2002, and on September 1 of the same year, the Kipelov group was born.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Kipelov clearly decided to refuse any participation in the fate of "Aria", as he was tired of eternal disagreements and omissions.

The decision to start a solo career, surprisingly, was easy for him, mainly due to the support of fellow musicians Alexander Manyakin and Sergey Terentyev. The director of the group also helped the outstanding vocalist, providing indispensable assistance in the formation of a separate team.

Behind the scenes, a decision was made for both groups to abandon the Aria brand. Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich and his group chose their name of the team by the name of the leader. The remaining members decided to name their vocal tandem in honor of the last joint album, "Chimera", but this option was losing for them. Dubinin and Kholstinin returned to the original Aria brand, because they retained the copyright. Kipelov's last concert with "Aria" - "Judgment Day" took place on August 31, 2002.

Project "Kipelov"

Initially, the Kipelov group had the following composition:

  • Valery Kipelov;
  • Sergei Terentiev;
  • Alexander Manyakin;
  • Sergei Mavrin;
  • Alexey Kharkov.

Literally from the first day of its creation, the team went on their debut tour "The Way Upward". The guys performed mostly songs from the Time of Troubles album, but some songs from Aria were also included in their repertoire.

In 2005, Mavrin and Terentyev left the already established team, while maintaining friendly relations with the group. The same year is glorious for the team with a new invited musician - Viktor Smolsky. He is the guitarist of the famous band Rage, was invited to record an album, which did not prevent him from playing in two bands at the same time until 2006, after which he finally returned to Rage.

Over the 15 years of the group's existence, a friendly and close-knit team has developed, which has repeatedly won awards in various categories, such as "Chart Dozen", "Russian Top" and many others.

Personal life

Kipelov is a vocalist of an aggressive direction in music. There is a stereotypical opinion that rockers are windy and fickle, but Valery Kipelov, whose personal life successfully developed back in 1978, completely refuted it. His lucky wife, Galina Kipelova, comes from the same village as the musician himself. A lovely couple has two wonderful children. Their daughter's name is Zhanna, she is currently 37 years old and works as a conductor in the field of music. Son Alexander is 28 years old, he, like his father, passionately loves music, this is evidenced by his studies at the music school in the cello class, and at the moment he continues his studies at the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky.

Valery Alexandrovich is not just a good father, but also an excellent grandfather. He has two wonderful granddaughters, Anastasia (16 years old) and Sonya (8 years old). Who would have thought that a famous heavy metal performer likes to go to the country with his children every weekend and cannot live without home gatherings.


As for every person, religion occupies a separate place in Kipelov's life. Valery is a baptized Orthodox Christian, he positions himself as a deeply religious person, as evidenced by the complete rejection of alcohol and cigarettes. From a young age, he goes in for sports and believes that only in a healthy body is a healthy mind.

Every person who believes in God is a little superstitious. Valery Alexandrovich was no exception. Even while performing with the Aria group, Kipelov refused to perform a hit called Antichrist. In 2009, he gave an explanation for his decision. In his opinion, every time he performed this song, something bad happened, and in order to prevent something bad, the vocalist does not plan to perform it anymore.

More than one generation of young musicians is wondering who Valery Kipelov really is. The vocalist's biography provides only general knowledge, most often leaving the most important questions unanswered. Here are some facts that will help you understand the great musician:

  1. In the mid-nineties, the tours of the Aria group were almost completely absent, and in order to somehow get out of financial difficulties, Kipelov worked as a night watchman in newly opened clubs.
  2. The ambitious vocalist also proved to be a gifted composer. Kipelov Valery Alexandrovich put his soul into writing music. Many masterpieces came out from under his pen. Mostly these are lyrical ballads ("Sunset", "Dreams", "Everything that was", "Without you", "Take my heart"), but there were compositions of a different nature: "Dead Zone", "Dirt", " Beast", "Road to Nowhere", "Follow Me" and "Chimera".
  3. Can't live without music. His favorite artist is Ozzy Osbourne, and the band that won his heart is Judas Priest. Kipelov has repeatedly admitted that he is not indifferent to folk and alternative music, especially Nickelback, Evanescence and the work of E. V. Smolyaninova.
  4. Valery Alexandrovich does not drink alcohol and is categorically against smoking, leads a healthy lifestyle, and his favorite drink is orange juice.


On the music shelf of every self-respecting rock lover, there should be at least one of the hits performed by Valery Kipelov. The musician's discography is multifaceted and can please even the most fastidious listener.

It is hard to imagine that the debut album of a still very young vocalist as part of the little-known group "Leisya Song" was released back in 1982. Since then, 35 years have passed, Kipelov has changed more than one musical group, but his popularity has remained unshakable.

When Kipelov was in the composition of the "Aria", the group released the following albums:

  • "Megalomania";
  • "With whom you are?";
  • "Hero of asphalt";
  • "Playing with fire";
  • "Blood for blood";
  • "Night is shorter than day";
  • "Made in Russia";
  • "Evil Generator";
  • "Lost heaven";
  • "Chimera";
  • "Shtil", etc.

It is worth mentioning that Valery Kipelov and Sergey Mavrin in 1997 create a joint album called "Time of Troubles", which played a big role in the popularity of the Kipelov group.

The Kipelov team itself became for Valery Alexandrovich not just musical group but also a second family. They released such famous albums:

  • "Way up";
  • "Babylon";
  • "Rivers of Time";
  • "Moscow 2005";
  • "V years";
  • "On the edge";
  • "Live in spite of" and others.

At the moment, Kipelov leads an active musical career to the delight of devoted listeners. We can definitely say that his discography will be replenished with new hits more than once.


early years

Valery Kipelov was born on July 12, 1958 in the Kapotnya district of Moscow. During his school years, he studied at a music school in the accordion class. He made his first musical steps in the Peasant Children group, which performed mainly at holidays and weddings.

After the army in 1978-1980, Kipelov was a member of the Six Young Ensemble, which also included Nikolai Rastorguev, later the leader of the Lyube group. In September 1980, Kipelov and Rastorguev continued their careers in the VIA "Leisya, song", where the entire composition of "Six Young" joined. But in 1985, the VIA did not pass the state program and the ensemble was closed. Kipelov goes to the VIA "Singing Hearts", the producer of which was Viktor Yakovlevich Vekshtein. When Vladimir Kholstinin and Alik Granovsky, members of the Singing Hearts, begin to create a heavy metal project, Valery joins them as a vocalist.

Kipelov in the group "Aria"

In 1994, Kipelov had disagreements with Kholstinin. Due to the lack of touring activities and the financial problems that arose, Kipelov worked as a night watchman. To earn professionally, Valery Aleksandrovich performs with the Master group in recently opened nightclubs. Kholstinin, who made a living by breeding and selling aquarium fish, perceives such an act by Kipelov as leaving the group, which is why the recording of a new album begins with Alexei Bulgakov. Sergei Mavrin states that he sees no prospects for success without Kipelov and leaves the group. Kipelov is "returned" by the record company Moroz Records, threatening the group with fines for breaking the contract.

In 1997, Kipelov, together with Mavrin, recorded a solo album, Time of Troubles. The album includes 10 songs, including those not typical for the style of "Aria". Subsequently, Mavrin's group "Mavrik", founded the following year, performed songs from this album.

In 2001, after the release of the Chimera album, a tour, the Invasion festival, where the group was the headliner, Kipelov refuses to continue participating due to disagreements in the group and announces his decision to start a solo career. He is supported by guitarist Sergei Terentiev, drummer Alexander Manyakin and the band's manager Rina Li. According to Valery, the musicians agreed that no one would get the Aria brand, Kipelov and his team named their team by the name of the leader. The rest of the participants - Kholstinin and Dubinin - were going to name their team, like the last joint album, "Chimera", but after a short time they decided to return to the name "Aria", since they retained copyright on it. Kipelov's last concert with "Aria" ("Judgment Day") took place on August 31, 2002.

Group "Kipelov"

The day after the split, September 1, 2002, Kipelov, Terentiev and Manyakin form the Kipelov group. The group also included: Sergey Mavrin and bass player of the group "Sergey Mavrin"

"Father of Rock" - the official title that Kipelov was awarded when he became the winner of the "RAMP" award in 2007 - was born on July 12, 1958 in the Moscow district of Kapotnya. The future legend of domestic heavy metal graduated music school accordion class. Since childhood, he was fond of hard rock and football.

Valery Kipelov with his mother. Photo:

Kipelov began his concert activity in youth. His first group was called "Peasant Children" - with them he performed mainly at weddings and other holidays. His musical career was not interrupted even in the army, where Kipelov served from 1978 to 1980 - first in a training company, and then in a communications company, with the rank of sergeant.

Sergeant Valery Kipelov. Photo:

In show business, everyone knows each other, moreover, not a single dozen years. So Kipelov has known Nikolai Rastorguev, the current soloist of the Lyube group, almost since the end of his military service. In 1980, they were part of the Six Young Ensemble together. But Kipelov didn’t like it there - he was forced to jump around the stage, and any rocker doesn’t do it very well. But the musician, according to his own recollections, tried very hard. He even took lessons from a girl who performed in the same ensemble with a folk bias.

In September of the same year, together with the west ensemble, they transferred to the VIA "Leisya, song", but five years later the group was closed due to the fact that it did not pass the state program. Kipelov, together with Rastorguev, moved to the Singing Hearts VIA, where Nikolai Noskov, the future vocalist of Gorky Park, worked at the same time.

VIA "Singing Hearts". Photo:

In "Singing Hearts" Kipelov met his like-minded people - Vladimir Kholstinin and Alik Granovsky. By the way, the head of the "hearts" was Viktor Vekshtein, he also became the producer of "Aria". The musicians assembled the composition of a heavy metal band. Noskov also auditioned for the role of vocalist, but the choice was made in favor of Valery Kipelov. The group maturing in the bowels of the Soviet stage was later called "Aria".

Aria poster. Photo:

According to legend, Kipelov's audition was organized in the toilet of the VIA "Singing Hearts" base - there was good acoustics and the future idol of millions showed the entire range of his voice, - according to opera classification - altino. This is a very high voice at the junction of male and female, which is extremely rare. Kipelov said in an interview that Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden, Rob Halford from Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne from Black Sabbath influenced the formation of his vocal style.

Love for Western ideals resulted in recorded cover versions as part of the Back to the Future project, together with Aria guitarist Sergei Mavrin and keyboardist Gennady Matveev. A rare recording of a television performance has been preserved on the Internet, which included covers of songs by Slade and Creedence Clearwater Revival.

In 1994, the year the war in Chechnya began, the musicians of Aria found themselves practically penniless. During this period, Kipelov worked as a night watchman in a warehouse. At the same time, he performed several times with the Master group, mastering the club format of concerts. Vladimir Kholstinin regarded this practice of the frontman as leaving the group and invited Alexei Bulgakov from the Legion group to Kipelov's place. At the same time, Sergei Mavrin also leaves the main team. The group did not break up only thanks to the intervention of the record company Moroz Records, which demanded that Kipelov be returned to the group, while Mavrin finally left the band. But his friendship with Kipelov did not stop. In 1997, the musicians together recorded the album Time of Troubles. Unlike the sound of "Aria", it was softer, and the range of notes was more diverse. Fans remember this album with the ballad "I'm Free".

While working on the eighth album of the Aria group - Chimera, a creative crisis occurs. Kipelov announces that he wants to leave the group. He is supported by guitarist Sergei Terentiev, drummer Alexander Manyakin and the band's manager Rina Li. The last concert of the Aria group took place on August 31, 2002. After Kipelov repeatedly participated in the anniversary celebrations of the team, but was no longer part of its permanent composition. On September 1 of the same year, the creation of the Kipelov group was announced.

In 2011, at the Rock over the Volga festival, Kipelov delighted fans with a bright duet with another famous voice - Tarja Turunen, the vocalist of the Finnish band Nightwish.

How Kipelov will celebrate his anniversary is a big mystery. The musician is known as a supporter of a sober lifestyle. She lists orange juice and tea as her favorite drinks. It is also known that the famous healthy lifestyle at home is engaged in physical education to rock music. But it is possible that even on this day, fans will be able to get his autograph, because the musician, who collected huge stadiums, travels by public transport.

Perhaps Kipelov will spend this day with his family. Since 1978, he has been married to Galina Kipelova - the girl lived with him in the same village on the outskirts of Moscow. They have two daughters and two granddaughters.