The most popular rock artists in the world. The best rock vocalists of all time

Following its long tradition of publishing lists of the world's greatest bands, songwriters, singles, concerts, singers or albums, Q magazine has announced the top 50 bands of all time.

Q magazine's regular listings sometimes seem to be designed to piss people off (who would've thought U 2's "One" could be the world's greatest song?), but this time around, a more scientific approach to compiling the top 50 list has been taken. groups of all times.

The bands were ranked according to their points based on the sales of the most popular album, the largest live performance and the total number of weeks spent on the album charts in the UK.

Thus, Pink Floyd came out on top. Their concept album1979 "The Wall" sold 23.3 million copies (sales figures for their 1973 opus "Dark Side of the Moon", which almost certainly sold out in greater numbers, were not taken into account due to inaccuracy) , their biggest live performance was at Knebworth Park in 1975. In front of 125,000 people, they spent 911 weeks on the UK charts.

"I have to say I suspected Queen would be #1," Q editor Paul Reece said, "but when you think about the huge circulations of The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon, that place belongs to Pink Floyd. "If you look at the top 10, it's all pretty predictable bands. It's a surprise to see bands like Erasure and Hootie & the Blowfish on the list. I was blown away when I saw them in it."

Surprisingly, The Beatles only finished 8th behind The Rolling Stones, U2, Dire Straits and Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band. The reason for this result lies in the lack of recent concerts (um) and the final number of released albums.

Despite the fact that the list included all the expected bands (The Eagles, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers), there were a couple of surprises. wham! They took a respectable 38th place, The Backstreet Boys - 22nd, Status Quo - 42nd, and The Shadows - 48th.

Full list of the best bands of all time of Q magazine:

  1. Pink Floyd
  2. Led Zeppelin
  3. Rolling Stones
  4. Queen
  5. Dire Straits
  6. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
  7. The Beatles
  8. Bob Marley and the Wailers
  9. Fleetwood Mac
  10. The Eagles
  11. The Beach Boys
  12. Oasis
  13. Bon Jovi
  14. Guns N' Roses
  15. Nirvana
  16. Genesis
  17. Bee Gees
  18. Metallica
  19. Boston
  20. R.E.M.
  21. Backstreet Boys
  22. Red Hot Chili Peppers
  23. AC/DC
  24. The Police
  25. Steve Miller Band
  26. Santana
  27. Simply Red
  28. supertramp
  29. The Carpenters
  30. Journey
  31. spice girls
  32. Def Leppard
  33. deep purple
  34. Aerosmith
  35. wham!
  36. Pearl Jam
  37. Hootie & the Blowfish
  38. Status Quo
  39. Simple Minds
  40. Wet Wet Wet
  41. "N Sync"
  42. Eurythmics
  43. Duran Duran
  44. erasure
  45. The Shadows
  46. Boyz II Men
  47. Van Halen

(Dedicated to Sergei Malinovsky!)

Today, there are a huge number of performers and groups that continue the traditions of the last century and create something new. But there are special names forever inscribed in the history of music - these are rock legends. The list of the best representatives of this includes those performers whose songs excite the minds and hearts of listeners so far.

Where to look for origins?

Rock music took its beginnings from such a direction as rock and roll, the origins of which stem from the blues. During its development, this direction has undergone many changes and combinations with a variety of areas: jazz, symphonic, Latin, Indian music. But, one way or another, all these directions were developed precisely in the West, from where rock began to conquer the planet with leaps and bounds. So it is worth paying attention to

Black Sabbath are another Brits who have developed and enriched the rock direction. In particular, they are the founders of heavy metal. Their music also gave rise to doom metal.

Deep Purple is a British group of virtuoso instrumentalists who captivate with their playing. Their contribution to the development of music is difficult to overestimate.

Natives of Foggy Albion

The Who - rock legends from the English capital, one of the first representatives of "hard" music, who launched the tradition of breaking musical instruments on stage after the performance. Not only extraordinary performances, but also excellent songs have written them into history as one of the greatest rock bands.

Pink Floyd is a band from London that has taken the world by storm with their acoustic experiments and philosophical lyrics. Grandiose shows also ensured their commercial success. They are among the top ten rock bands of all time, and their music has had a serious influence on many famous performers.

Other legends of foreign rock, whose homeland was Great Britain, who gave the world many great and eternal songs, are: Queen, Nazareth, UFO and many others. The countries of the United Kingdom are truly rich in talented people, not only musicians, but also other creative people.

All over the world

The legends of foreign rock are not only the British, although they own the palm, and they have made a significant contribution to the development of this direction. Americans, Canadians, Australians and Germans brought in new touches and sounds, creating new directions and enriching the music.

AC/DC is the only band from Australia to achieve such tremendous popularity in this direction. And although the band stands at the origins of the founding of heavy metal and hard rock, the musicians themselves classify their genre as rhythm and blues, distorted by hard rhythm and solo guitars. Their songs are still incredibly popular.

Kiss are Americans who are at the origins of glam rock and captivate the audience with unusual stage make-up and a grandiose pyrotechnic show at their concerts.

The Doors - Los Angeles guys in a short period of time managed to become an incredibly popular, but at the same time controversial group of the 60s. The merit of their uniqueness is in the mysterious and mystical lyrics, as well as the figure of vocalist Jim Morrison.

Among the legendary musicians and bands, it is simply impossible not to mention Van Halen, Scorpions, Guns N`Roses, Bon Jovi and Aerosmith.

Unique Phenomenon

Russian rock was born somewhat later. It has existed for a little over forty years and appeared in the expanses of the Soviet Union as a protest movement. He set fashion, divided society and united like-minded people. This cultural phenomenon marked a whole era in the history of our country, which was unique in its own way. And, of course, we have our own rock music legends, which are not much inferior to foreign ones. Modern bands in our country are trying to be more like their foreign counterparts, but meanwhile the rock of the end of the last century was incredibly original.

The best of the best

Representatives of a full-fledged rock movement, which took shape in the 80s of the last century, are groups on the songs of which several generations of our fellow citizens grew up:

  • "Kino" - a deep text and an unusual manner of performance, as well as the charismatic figure of Viktor Tsoi - and now half of the country sings the songs of this team. And the tragic death of the vocalist elevated Kino to the rank of cult groups.

  • "Alisa" - the legends of Russian rock, who successfully perform to this day. Over the years of its existence, the band has managed to try out many genres: post-punk, heavy metal, hard rock, new wave and others.
  • "Nautilus Pompilius" - amazing texts and the bewitching figure of Vyacheslav Butusov - this is the secret of the team's grandiose success.
  • "Picnic" - the rock band of the 80s changed over time, trying new genres, and eventually formed its own unique style, which includes keyboards, symphonic and folk musical instruments.

Non-format performers in the late 80s of the last century were subjected to pressure, persecution and censure for their views and the semantic content of the lyrics, but at the same time they managed to create amazing music. There are not so few cult groups of that time. "Auktyon", "Bravo", "Aquarium", "Sunday", "Black Coffee", "Secret", "Civil Defense", "Aria" - they are all rock legends of our country. Their memory will forever remain in the hearts of many fans.

Rock musicians often call their singing colleagues not just singer-vocalists, but define them with the word "frontman". In English, this simply means “a person standing in front of everyone” and very accurately reflects the task of the bearer of this proud title. It is the singing member of the rock band that attracts the most attention and most often communicates with the public at concerts. Therefore, a large share of the success of the entire group depends not only on his vocal abilities, but also on artistry and charisma. No matter how virtuosos and bright showmen the instrumentalists are, they always have to reckon with the fact that it is the vocalist of the band that often comes to the fore.

10. David Coverdale (Deep Purple, Whitesnake, etc.)

This artist was given the real honor to stand at the microphone stand as part of the cult group Deep Purple. During the casting for the team, he did not impress with anything besides his voice - the guy was overweight and completely unattractive in appearance. But, having worked on himself, David became a real sex symbol and idol of girls.

9. Brian Johnson (AC/DC)

The famous vocalist of AC / DC was also able to successfully replace the previous artist in this super-popular group. He was immediately warmly welcomed by the fans of the band, whom he has been delighting for more than 30 years. The secret of Brian's success can be called his outstanding personality, which is necessary for any rock vocalist.

8. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)

Although the leader of the Nirvana group can hardly be called the best vocalist in the world, his characteristic feature also lies in his special energy and emotionality. That is why he became the idol of millions, making them sincerely sad about the hardships of our life with his special voice.

7. Stephen Tyler (Aerosmith)

Unlike the melancholy Kurt, this man knows how to really light up and enjoy life. Which he has been doing for decades. Any of his performances is a bright and colorful show, the main character of which is Stephen himself.

6. Corey Taylor (Slipknot, Stone Sour)

We include this figure in the list of famous vocalists primarily for originality. Few people combine insane roars, rapping and pop-rock tunes in their style of singing at the same time. But it was this vocal innovation that glorified Corey and his group throughout the world.

5. Till Lindemann (Rammstein)

With a low and juicy voice of this burgher, the German language sounded at full power on the world rock scene. Lyrics in Till's native language proved to be very suitable for the brutal music of Rammstein. It was the imposing German pronunciation that became a big factor in the growth of the success of this extraordinary group.

4. Klaus Meine (Scorpions)

And this German singer is considered the best rock vocalist not at all for the popularization of his native language. He deserved such a title for his beautiful and multifaceted vocals. Klaus can give the heat both in a groovy rock thriller and melt the hearts of fans with a touching ballad sung with inspiration in a gentle voice.

3. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)

Led Zeppelin's frontman is one of the best rock vocalists of all time thanks to his strong voice with a wide range and bright manner of singing. His vocals and behavior on stage became one of the recipes for the overwhelming success of the band. Now Robert is already a well-deserved veteran of rock, but he is not in a hurry to retire yet - he continues to perform solo and in joint projects.

2. Ronnie James Dio (Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Dio)

It was the magnificent voice that made this man one of the best vocalists in the world. This is proven by recordings and live concerts of the most famous and significant rock bands with his participation. During his long career, this outstanding singer reached the highest peaks and kept the bar high until the last days of his life. Fans remember him primarily for his singing and artistic talent, although a lot is associated with the name of Dio. interesting facts. For example, the famous rocker gesture "goat" with spread fingers was invented and made popular by him.

1. Freddie Mercury (Queen)

The leader of the rating of the best vocalists of all time is the legendary Freddie Mercury from the band Queen. For his short but eventful life and creative activity, he was remembered by many. On the one hand, these are his extravagant antics, on the other hand, duets with the prima donnas of the opera stage. In any case, his most important legacy is numerous hits, known not only to fans of rock music.

Updated: 10/06/2019 13:59:53

Judge: David Lieberman

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Rock music appeared in the 50s of the last century and after relatively a short time became one of the most popular genres. A huge number of rock bands appeared, but only a few of them managed to become real legends, with huge album circulations and millions of devoted fans around the world. We present you our selection of the eleven most significant and popular rock bands of all time of the genre.

Top rock bands of all time

Nomination a place rock band rating
Top rock bands of all time 1 5.0
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
7 4.5
8 4.5
9 4.4
10 4.3
11 4.3

The Beatles

Both musicologists and ordinary rock connoisseurs are sure that the Beatles are one of the greatest musical groups in history. The success of the four young performers was simply phenomenal, no one has ever been so popular on both sides of the ocean and has not had such a strong influence on the development of musical art. The group can be called with full confidence an icon of its time.

The Beatles formed in 1960 at the initiative of the young and ambitious Liverpool musician John Lennon. The original composition of the group changed after Lennon met Paul McCartney. About a year later, 15-year-old George Harrison joined them, and over time, the group was replenished with a drummer named Ringo Starr. With their growing popularity, the Beatles moved to London, where in February 1963 they recorded their debut album in a surprisingly short time - in just one day. A year later, their second album was released, after which the Beatles came to a resounding success, nicknamed Beatlemania. The musicians gathered huge stadiums, and sales of their discs beat all records. News about the group flashed in the largest newspapers different countries, and teenagers imitated the band members in their hairstyles and manner of dressing. In 1965, the album "Help!" was released, containing the famous "Yesterday". In the same year, the Beatles were awarded the Order of the British Empire for their contribution to the culture of the country.

During its existence, the group released 13 studio albums and gave almost one and a half thousand concerts around the world.


A cult and recognizable group, a true symbol of the rebellious youth spirit of the 90s. Thanks to the work of this group, there was a huge surge in the popularity of the grunge style, which had previously been held in high esteem only in a relatively narrow circle of hardcore punk fans.

Nirvana was formed in 1988 in the US city of Seattle. The first full-length album entitled "Bleach" was released a year later, after which the group went on a national tour, visiting 26 cities with concerts. Even then, the audience extremely favorably perceived the songs of the group. But the real glory was yet to come.

The most successful album "Nevermind", which included the corrosive and unforgettable "Smells Like Teen Spirit", was recorded by the musicians for two months in Los Angeles. The initial circulation was 250,000 copies, but in the end, the surging wild popularity led to millions of copies. Also thanks to the influence of Nirvana, there was an evolution in the field of fashion, grunge became a sought-after style in clothing and design.

Although their work was accompanied by absolute success, the lead singer of the group, Kurt Cobain, suffered from depression and drug addiction, which led to his tragic death in April 1994, after which the group broke up. But, despite their relatively short stay on the musical Olympus, Nirvana is still an iconic rock band to this day.


Queen is known for its catchy compositions and original style. They were also among the first to release clips with editing and special effects. The talented vocals of Freddie Mercury and the mixture of rock with glam and jazz made the band's work especially bright.

The foundation for future success was laid in his student years with the creation of a team, then called 1984, after the famous dystopian novel by George Orwell. It featured Tim Staffell and Brian May, students of the College of the Arts. Beginning musicians gave their first concert in 1964.

1970 was a turning point when Farukh Bulsara joined the band, suggesting a new name, Queen, and taking the stage name Freddie Mercury himself. The team gradually gained popularity, but world fame came only after the third studio album "Sheer Heart Attack". Shortly thereafter, the single "Bohemian Rhapsody" was released, immediately climbing to the top of the music charts. By the time the famous "We Are The Champions" and "We Will Rock You" appeared, the band's fan base numbered in the millions.

Despite the illness and death of Freddie Mercury, the main star of Queen, the band continues to this day concert activities.

Led Zeppelin

The British band Led Zeppelin is famous for its uniquely diverse sound and mix of styles. She had a considerable influence on the further development of heavy metal, hard rock, and modern musical art in general. Evidence of the unequivocal success of the group is the circulation of albums, which is more than 300 million copies. Led Zeppelin were voted the best band of the 70s and are on the list of the 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock.

The creative team was formed in 1968 in London, at the peak of the popularity of the hippie movement. The musicians drew inspiration not only from rock and roll and similar genres, but even from folk ballads and oriental tunes. The debut album, which was called Led Zeppelin, was recorded in just 36 hours. The second album was created already on the road, during a tour of the US and the UK. Their fourth album became a landmark, which is still included in the lists of the best rock music of all time. It contained, among other things, such well-known compositions as "Black Dog" and "Stairway to Heaven".

After the death of drummer John Bonham in 1980, the band announced their end of activity, finally recording a farewell album "Coda".

Pink Floyd

True legends of psychedelic rock, who also showed themselves in the styles of art rock and progressive rock. Pink Floyd are known for their unforgettable musical style, and the use of cutting-edge technology at that time during performances. The concerts were accompanied by laser shows, animation and video. Single topic- lyrics containing powerful semantic content, most often raising acute social problems.

The group was created in 1965 by Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason, who were students at that time. The name Pink Floyd was a reference to the names of two of Barrett's idols: blues musicians Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. Syd Barrett especially stood out among the band members as a talented guitarist, composer and lyricist. Their first album, "The Piper At The Gate Of Dawn", was filled with whimsical fantasy compositions inspired by Barrett's experiments with LSD. However, soon due to the deterioration of his mental state, he had to leave the group.

In 1971, the album "Meddle" was released, containing the cult composition "Echoes". And two years later, Pink Floyd recorded "The Dark Side Of The Moon", which was included in the American rating of two hundred best albums for more than 15 years.

The album "Delicate Sound of Thunder" became famous in a special way - it was the first rock music that sounded in space, aboard the Soviet Union TM-7.

At this time, the band members are focusing on solo projects.

The Rolling Stones

Many fans and critics are sure that the work of this legendary band will not lose its relevance for many decades to come. The Rolling Stones are deservedly called the veterans of rock and roll and are considered the most important part of the world musical history. The group's success speaks for itself - the worldwide circulation of albums sold is in the hundreds of millions.

It all started in the 1960s with the passion of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards for American blues. Soon friends moved to London, where they founded a group, borrowing the name from one of the compositions of Muddy Waters. The Rolling Stones began by reimagining classic blues melodies with rock twists, but gradually developed their own unique style.

The release of their debut album and the subsequent tour were marked by mass hysteria among the band's fans. Riots at concerts and violent behavior of fans became commonplace. And with the growth of fame and the release of a number of new albums, the number of loyal fans only grew. The most successful album is "Exile on Main St", released in 1972. But most of all, the group was glorified by singles such as "Paint It Black" and "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction".

1993 was an important milestone in the history of The Rolling Stones - since then a permanent "ageless" team has been formed, which included Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ron Wood and Charlie Watts. The four musicians continued to conquer the audience with their unique charisma.

Currently, despite the fact that the members of the group are already over 70, they still gather full stadiums of listeners at their concerts.


The influence of the Australian band AC/DC on the rock genre can hardly be overestimated, its energetic compositions have served as an inspiration for many new bands and musicians performing punk rock, alternative rock, metal, grunge and other styles.

Formed in 1973, the group was named after its original members, Malcolm and Angus Young. The brothers saw AC/DC, which stands for AC and DC, on a sewing machine and decided that such an acronym perfectly conveys the raw energy of live performances at rock concerts.

Fame came after participating in the television show "Countdown", broadcast across Australia. Even then, the musicians were known for their powerful shows and provocative lyrics. Gradually, the group managed to achieve success on the British scene, and the release of the album "Highway To Hell" lifted AC / DC to the top of the world music charts.

In 1980 "Back in Black" was released containing the hits "Back in Black" and "You Shook Me All Night Long" and was hailed by critics as a milestone in hard rock history. In 2002, the band was inducted into the New York Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

AC/DC is to this day the most popular rock band in their homeland, and one of the most recognizable in the world.


Metallica is for many a living symbol of modern hard rock, their music and logo are known all over the world. The group's albums are published in millions of copies, and the adoration of countless fans sometimes reaches almost a religious level.

The band was formed in 1981 by Los Angeles aspiring musicians James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. Metallica's path to true glory began with a move to San Francisco and the recording of the debut album "Kill 'Em All" in 1983.

The next milestone in the development of the group was the release of a disc called "... And Justice for All", which went platinum and brought them their first Grammy award. But the fifth album in 1991, "The Black Album", which included the songs "The Unforgiven", "Nothing Else Matters", "Sad But True" and other masterpieces of rock lyrics, produced the greatest effect. The band has gone from being very popular to a cult one, and it looks like it will continue to have this status for decades to come.


The famous icons of world rock have been on the scene for half a century, having sold more than 150 million albums during this time and received a considerable number of prestigious music awards.

The group started in 1970 in the American city of Boston, on the initiative of old friends Steve Tyler and Joe Perry. They assembled a new team, which, in addition to themselves, also included Ray Tabano and Joey Kramer.

The first album with the name "Aerosmith" was not very warmly received by critics, but the listeners liked it, laying the foundation for further development. The next disc "Get Your Wings" went multi-platinum and brought real worldwide fame.

After the sixth compilation, the group broke up for five whole years and only thanks to the efforts of manager Tim Collins was able to reunite. Aerosmith released their most iconic hits in the 1990s. Among them, the songs “Crazy” and “Cryin’”, for which clips were shot, and, of course, the immortal “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”, which became the soundtrack of the blockbuster “Armageddon”, stood out especially brightly.


The Irish rock band is ranked 22nd on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Also during their activity they managed to sell over 170 million albums and receive twenty-two Grammy awards.

The initiator of the creation of a musical group was 14-year-old Larry Mullen, who gathered several talented teenagers in 1976, including Paul David Hewson, who took the stage name Bono. The group was first called Feedback, then The Hype, and only in 1978 the mysterious U2 was chosen for it. The name can be associated both with the American Lockheed U-2 bomber, and with the friendly slang "you too" (you too).

The album "War", released in 1983, brought serious fame to the group. The song New Year's Day soon became a recognizable hit in many countries around the world. And the fifth album "The Joshua Tree" led to the fact that the photo of the band members graced the cover of the magazine "Time". Since then, U2 has consistently drawn stadiums of fans at their shows. In addition to concert activities and recording albums, the group also took part in the creation of soundtracks for a number of Hollywood blockbusters.


The Kiss group is known for its original and colorful theatrical productions, bright makeup on their faces, extravagant costumes and no less extravagant manner of performance. In addition to hard and glam rock, the musicians experimented with grunge, art rock and other styles.

The group was formed in 1973 under the name Wicked Lester, but over time the team was reorganized. It included Paul Stanley, Jim Simmons, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss. From the very beginning, the concept of theatrical performances, the use of makeup, stage outfits and shoes with thick soles was invented.

The first Kiss album was released in 1974. Since that time, the group has shocked the audience with more and more spectacular and unusual concerts using various kinds of special effects.

The hallmark of Kiss was the song "I Was Made For Lovin' You", included in the album "Dynasty". In 1989, after the release of "Hot in the Shade", the world heard the famous ballad "Forever".

At the moment, the musicians are preparing to leave. It was announced that the band members would retire at the end of their last tour "One Last Kiss: End of the Road World".

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The direction "rock" arose in the middle of the last century and within ten years became the most popular. Many bands of those years continue to listen to this day. The names of great musicians are known all over the world, and modern representatives of the heavy current envy the multimillion-dollar sales. If we talk about sales leaders in the history of music, then the ranking of the most famous rock bands will look like this.


A rock band was formed in 1964 in the UK under the name "1984". Later, with the arrival of frontman Freddie Mercury, the band was named "Queen". The first glory came in the 70s after the release of the album of the same name. In general, the team is considered a cult, because it has become a kind of heritage of all mankind.

Favorite singles include "We Will Rock You", "We Are the Champions" and many others. Queen's discography contains 15 albums. Among the band's high-profile achievements, the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" stands out, which in 2002 was included in the Guinness Book. Until now, Bohemian Rhapsody is considered the best single of the last 50 years, and the composition "We Are the Champions" still bears the title of the most popular single in the world.

The survey involved 700 thousand people. In 2009, Mercury was ranked #1 Greatest Voice of Rock by Classic Rock magazine. After the death of the soloist, the group ended the studio activity, but continues to tour.

The Great Liverpool Four founded the group in 1960. The names of musicians are known all over the world. These are McCartney, Lenon, Harrison and Starr. The Beatles released 13 studio albums between 1963 and 1970. It is considered the most successful group that had a huge impact on the development of rock and roll.

After the release of the song "Ask Me Why", a unique phenomenon- Beatlemania. First places in the charts, worldwide recognition, commercial success - all this accompanied the group in the early years of its existence.

The famous magazine Rolling Stone put the Liverpool Four in first place in the ranking of great performers. And although the group ceased to exist in 1970, Paul McCartney and John Lennon continued solo career.

The number of soundtracks by the Australian band is amazing. Incendiary hard rock and heavy metal is relevant in the 21st century. The musicians themselves, who formed AC / DC in 1973, positioned their work as rock and roll.

The best-selling album was recorded in 1980 with vocalist Brian Johnson - "Back in Black", which sold 22 million. In general, the team has sold more than 200 million copies of collections. The discography of AC/DC consists of 19 collections recorded in the studio and 6 live.

Rock band AC / DC had a huge impact on the work of subsequent groups. In honor of the legendary musical union, the streets were named not only in Australia, but also in Madrid. The group still gathers an audience of millions.

The legendary Kurt Cobain formed the band in 1987. And although the studio activity lasted 7 years, the American group Nirvana left an impressive mark on the development of world rock. Success began with the release of the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit". And copies of the album "Nevermind" sold in the amount of 30 million.

Three studio albums, but a huge contribution and singles that do not descend from the top of the charts, numerous covers allow Nirvana to be put on the same level with the greatest rock bands in the world

The British band is famous for its unique philosophical lyrics and incredible acoustic experiments. One cannot fail to note the grandiose show programs and the individual and innovative style of album design. The unrealistic work of positioning the band brought a huge commercial success - 300 million copies of albums sold worldwide.

Pink Floyd formed in 1965 in London with vocalist Richard Wright. Over the history of the band's existence, 15 studio albums have been released. And the concert collection Delicate Sound of Thunder became the first music played in space after our cosmonauts took the record to SOYUZ.

Foreign leaders of the rock direction continue to sound in headphones, on television and in the charts. But, they are being replaced by new teams. Fresh sound, high-profile victories, phenomenal sales, millions of fans - all this is happening now, in our time. Modern rock legends are already becoming a part of the history of a world movement that is barely 70 years old.

The American band sounds in the direction of alternative rock and nu metal. The team was formed in 1996. Linkin Park has won 2 Grammy Awards, Music Awards and Globa Awards. The first global success is associated with the release of the album "Hybrid Theory", which sold 30 million copies. In 2010, this studio compilation was awarded diamond status. Linkin Park has 7 albums. A song that has a huge number of covers and remixes, every person on the planet has definitely heard - "Numb".

The band now consists of musicians Brad Delson (lead guitar), David Farrell (bass guitar), Rob Bourdon (drums) and Mike Shinoda (vocalist). Unfortunately for millions of fans, lead singer Chester Bennington died in July 2017. But the group continues to exist in a changed composition and delight fans with their creativity.

The American band performs in various genres - hard rock, alternative, post-grunge, progressive rock. The original name reflects the peculiar and exciting action when extravagant musicians perform at concerts. Interesting arrangements, rhythm and unrealistic drive bribe millions of fans. 30 Seconds to Mars was formed in 1998 by the Leto Brothers, Jared and Shannon.

Initially, it was a family project, but after a while, commercial success and instant popularity changed plans. So, 5 studio albums were recorded. The last album, called "America", further showed the versatile direction of the band. Instead of alternative rock, Jerad switched to an electro pop sound.

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