Olesya is the theme of the work. Analysis of individual works A

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a wonderful master of words. He was able to reflect in his work the most powerful, sublime and subtle human experiences. Love is a wonderful feeling that tests a person like a litmus test. Not many people have the ability to love deeply and sincerely. This is the lot of strong natures. It is these people who attract the attention of the writer. Harmonious people, living in harmony with themselves and nature, are the ideal of the writer, it is such a heroine that he displays in the story "Olesya".

A simple Polissya girl lives surrounded by nature. She listens to sounds and rustles, “understands” the voices of animals, is quite happy with her life and freedom. She is self-sufficient. She has enough of the social circle that she has. The forest surrounding her Olesya knows and understands, she reads nature as a mysterious and interesting book. “With both hands, she carefully supported the striped apron, from which three tiny bird heads with red necks and black shiny eyes peeped out. - Look, grandmother, the finches have followed me again, - she exclaimed, laughing loudly, - look how funny ... they are completely hungry. And I, as if on purpose, had no bread with me. "

But the collision with the world of people brings Olesya, it seems, some hardships and experiences. Local peasants consider Olesya and her grandmother Manuilikha to be witches. They are ready to blame these poor women for all the troubles. Once human malice has already driven them from their homes, and now Olesya's only desire is to be left alone:

As if they left me and my grandmother alone, it would be better, otherwise ...

But the cruel world of people knows no mercy. Olesya is smart and perspicacious in her own way. She knows very well what a meeting with a city dweller, "Panic Ivan" brings to her. Love - a wonderful and sublime feeling - turns into death for this “daughter of nature”. She does not fit into the surrounding world of anger and envy, self-interest and hypocrisy.

The uniqueness of the heroine, her beauty and independence inspire the people around her with hatred, fear, anger. The peasants are ready to take out all their misfortunes and troubles on Oles and Manuilikha. Their unaccountable fear of "witches", which they consider poor women, is fueled by impunity for reprisals against them. Olesya's coming to church is not a challenge to the village, but a desire to come to terms with the surrounding world of people, to understand those among whom her beloved lives. The hatred of the crowd gave birth to a response. Olesya threatens the villagers, who have beaten and insulted her: - Very well! You will all cry your fill!

Now there can be no reconciliation. Rightness was on the side of the strong. Olesya is a fragile and beautiful flower destined to perish in this cruel world.

In the story "Olesya" Kuprin showed the inevitability of collision and destruction of the natural and fragile world of harmony when it comes into contact with a harsh reality.

Olesya - “whole, original , a free nature, her mind, both clear and shrouded in unshakable mediocre superstition, childishly innocent, but not devoid of the sly coquetry of a beautiful woman ", and Ivan Timofeevich is" a kind man, but only weak. " They belong to different social strata: Ivan Timofeevich is an educated person, a writer who came to Polesie to “observe manners”, and Olesya is a “witcher”, an uneducated girl who grew up in the forest. But despite these differences, they fell in love. However, their love was different: Ivan Timofeevich was attracted by the beauty, tenderness, femininity, naivety of Olesya, and she, on the contrary, was aware of all his shortcomings and knew that their love was doomed, but, despite this, she loved him with all her ardent soul as only a woman is capable of loving. I admire her love, because for the sake of her beloved Olesya was ready for anything, for any sacrifice. After all, for the sake of Ivan Timofeevich, she went to church, although she knew that it would end tragically for her.

But I don't think Poroshin's love is as pure and generous. He knew that misfortune could happen if Olesya went to church, but did nothing to stop her: “Suddenly, suddenly, the horror of foreboding seized me. I irresistibly wanted: to run after Olesya, catch up with her and ask, beg, even demand, if necessary, that she not go to church. But I restrained my unexpected impulse ... ”Ivan Timofeevich, although he loved Olesya, was at the same time afraid of this love. It was this fear that prevented him from marrying her: "Only one circumstance frightened and stopped me: I did not even dare to imagine what Olesya would be like, dressed in human dress, talking in the living room with the wives of my colleagues, plucked from this charming frame of the old forest" ...

The tragedy of love between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich is the tragedy of people who "broke" from their social environment. The fate of Olesya herself is tragic, because she sharply differed from the Perebrod peasants, first of all, by her pure, open soul, the wealth of her inner world. This is what gave rise to the hatred of callous, limited people towards Olesya. And, as you know, people always strive to destroy the one whom they do not understand, the one who is different from them. Therefore, Olesya is forced to part with her beloved and flee from her native forest.

It should also be said about the literary skill of A.I. Kuprin. Before us are pictures of nature, portraits, the inner world of heroes, characters, moods - all this deeply struck me. The story "Olesya" is a hymn to the beautiful primordial feeling of love and the personification of the most beautiful and dear that can be in the life of any of us.


In 1897, Kuprin served as an estate manager in the Ro-Vienna district of the Volyn province. The amazing nature of the Polesie region and the dramatic destinies of its inhabitants were revealed to the writer. On the basis of what he saw, he created a cycle of "Polesie Stories", which included "Olesya" - a story about nature and love.

The story begins with a description of a picturesque corner where the hero spent six months. He talks about the uncommunicativeness of the Polissya peasants, about traces of Polish rule, about customs and superstitions. In the world on the threshold of the 20th century with its rapid development of natural sciences, technology and social transformations, traditional ideas about good and evil, about love and hatred, about enemies and friends have been preserved. Sometimes the hero thinks that he is in some kind of reserved world, in which time has stopped. Here people believe not only in God, but also in devils, devil, water. The space is divided into its own - clean, Christian - and pagan: evil forces that can bring grief and illness live in it. All these sketches are necessary in order to introduce the reader to the atmosphere of Polissya places and explain the reason for the negative attitude of the peasants to the hero's novel with the "witch".

Nature, with its beauty and charm, with its enlightening effect on the human soul, determines the whole flavor of the story. The winter forest landscape contributes to a special state of mind, the solemn silence emphasizes the detachment from the world. The hero meets Olesya in winter and spring, when the renewed nature and the revived forest awaken feelings in the souls of two people. In the beauty of Olesya, in the proud power emanating from her, the strength and charm of the world around her are embodied. A beautiful heroine is inseparable from the greatness of the pristine nature of this land, whose name seems to echo the words "forest" and "Polesie".

Kuprin sketches a portrait in which earthly and sublime beginnings are fancifully combined: “My stranger, a tall brunette about twenty or twenty-five years old, kept herself light and slender. A spacious white shirt loosely and beautifully wrapped around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seeing it, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even getting used to it, to describe it. His charm lay in those large, shining, dark eyes, to which thin, broken eyebrows in the middle gave an elusive shade of cunning, imperiousness and naivety; in the dark-pink rut of the skin, in the willful bend of the lips, of which the lower one, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a resolute and capricious look.

Kuprin managed to vividly embody the ideal of a natural person, free, original and whole, living in harmony and harmony with nature, “grown in the freedom of an old pine forest as gracefully and as powerful as young Christmas trees grow”, which is close to Tolstoy's traditions.

The heroine's chosen one, Ivan Timofeevich, is humane and kind in his own way, educated and intelligent, endowed with a "lazy" heart. Fortune-telling to her betrothed, Olesya says: “Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word. You love to take the upper hand over people, and although you yourself do not want to, you obey. "

And so different people fell in love with each other: “A month has risen, and its radiance, strangely motley and mysteriously blossomed the forest ...<.„>And we walked, embracing, among this smiling living legend, without a single word, suppressed by our happiness and the terrible silence of the forest. " The magnificent nature with its overflow of colors echoes the heroes, as if bewitched by the beauty of youth. But the forest tale ends tragically. And not only because cruelty and meanness of the surrounding world bursts into the light world of Olesya. The writer poses the question on a larger scale: could this girl, a child of nature, free from all conventions, live in a different environment? The theme of shared love is replaced in the story by another, constantly sounding in the work of Kuprin - the theme of unattainable happiness.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin often painted in his works the ideal image of a "natural" person, one who is not subject to the pernicious influence of light, whose soul is pure, free, who is close to nature, lives in it, lives with it in a single impulse. A striking example of the disclosure of the theme of "natural" man is the story "Olesya".

The story described in the story did not appear by chance. Once A.I. Kuprin visited the landowner Ivan Timofeevich Poroshin in Polesie, who told the writer the mysterious story of his relationship with a certain witch. It was this story, enriched with fiction, that formed the basis of Kuprin's work.

The first publication of the story took place in the magazine "Kievlyanin" in 1898, the work bore the subtitle "From Memories of Volyn", which emphasized the real basis of the events taking place in the story.

Genre and direction

Alexander Ivanovich worked in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, when the controversy between two directions gradually began to flare up: realism and modernism, which was just beginning to declare itself. Kuprin belongs to the realistic tradition in Russian literature, so the story "Olesya" can be safely attributed to realistic works.

In terms of genre, the work is a story, since it is dominated by a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life. The reader lives through all the events, day after day, following the main character Ivan Timofeevich.

The essence

The action takes place in the small village of Perebrod, Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polesie. The young master-writer is bored, but one day fate takes him to the swamp to the house of the local witch Manuilikha, where he meets the beautiful Olesya. A feeling of love flares up between Ivan and Olesya, but the young witch sees that she will die if she connects her fate with an unexpected guest.

But love is stronger than prejudice and fear, Olesya wants to deceive fate. For the sake of Ivan Timofeevich, a young witch goes to church, although she is forbidden by occupation and origin. She makes it clear to the hero that she will commit this brave act, which may entail irreparable consequences, but Ivan does not understand this and does not have time to save Olesya from the angry crowd. The heroine is severely beaten. She sends a curse to the village in revenge, and on the same night a terrible thunderstorm happens. Knowing the power of human anger, Manuilikha and his pupil hurriedly leave the house in the swamp. When a young man comes to this dwelling in the morning, he finds only red beads, as a symbol of their short but true love with Olesya.

The main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the story are the master-writer Ivan Timofeevich and the forest sorceress Olesya. Completely different, they got along, but could not be happy together.

  1. Characteristics of Ivan Timofeevich... This person is kind, sensitive. He was able to discern in Olesya a living, natural beginning, because he himself had not yet been completely killed by a secular society. The fact that he left the noisy cities for the village speaks volumes. The heroine for him is not just a beautiful girl, she is a mystery to him. This strange healer believes in conspiracies, guesses, communicates with spirits - she is a witch. And all this attracts the hero. He wants to see, learn something new, real, not covered with falseness and far-fetched etiquette. But at the same time, Ivan himself is still at the mercy of the world, he thinks about marrying Olesya, but he is embarrassed by how she, a savage, appears in the halls of the capital.
  2. Olesya is the ideal of a "natural" person. She was born and lived in the forest, nature was her educator. Olesya's world is a world of harmony with the surrounding world. In addition, she is in harmony with her inner world. It is possible to note the following qualities of the main character: she is wayward, straightforward, sincere, she does not know how to pretend and pretend. The young sorceress is smart, kind, one has only to remember the first meeting of the reader with her, because she tenderly carried chicks in the hem. One of the main features of Olesya can be called insubordination, which she inherited from Manuilikha. They both seem to be against the whole world: they live aloof in their own swamp, do not profess an official religion. Even knowing that you cannot escape fate, the young sorceress still tries, flatters herself with the hope that everything will work out with Ivan. She is original and unshakable, despite the fact that love is still alive, she leaves, drops everything, without looking back. The image and characteristics of Olesya are available.
  3. Themes

  • The main theme of the story- Olesya's love, her readiness for self-sacrifice - is the center of the work. Ivan Timofeevich was fortunate enough to meet with a real feeling.
  • Another important semantic branch is the theme of the opposition of the ordinary world and the world of people of nature. Residents of villages, capitals, Ivan Timofeevich himself are representatives of everyday thinking, permeated with prejudices, conventions, and clichés. The worldview of Olesya and Manuilikha is freedom, open feelings. In connection with these two heroes, the theme of nature appears. The environment is a cradle that raised the main character, an irreplaceable assistant, thanks to which Manuilikha and Olesya live far from people and civilization without need, nature gives them everything they need for life. This topic is disclosed most fully in this one.
  • The role of landscape the story is huge. It is a reflection of the feelings of the characters, their relationships. So, at the origin of the novel, we see a sunny spring, and at the end, the rupture of relations is accompanied by a strong thunderstorm. We wrote more about this in this.
  • Problems

    The subject matter of the story is varied. First, the writer sharply outlines the conflict between society and those who do not fit into it. So, once they brutally expelled Manuilikha from the village, beat Olesya herself, although both sorceresses did not show any aggression towards the villagers. Society is not ready to accept those who differ from them in any way, who do not try to pretend, because they want to live by their own rules, and not by the template of the majority.

    The problem of attitude towards Olesya is most clearly manifested in the scene of her going to church. For the Russian Orthodox people of the village, it was a real insult that the one who serves the evil spirits, in their opinion, came to the temple of Christ. At the church, where people ask for God's mercy, they themselves administered a cruel and merciless judgment. Perhaps the writer wanted, on the basis of this antithesis, to show that the idea of ​​righteousness, goodness, and just was distorted in society.


    The idea of ​​the story is that people who grew up far from civilization turn out to be much nobler, more delicate, polite and kinder than the "civilized" society itself. The author hints that herd life dulls the personality and erases its individuality. The crowd is submissive and promiscuous, and is often taken over by the worst of the crowd, not the best. Primitive instincts or acquired stereotypes, such as misinterpreted morality, direct the collective towards degradation. Thus, the inhabitants of the village show themselves to be more savages than two sorceresses living in a swamp.

    Kuprin's main idea is that people must once again turn to nature, must learn to live in harmony with the world and with themselves, so that their cold hearts melt. Olesya tried to open the world of real feelings to Ivan Timofeevich. He could not understand this in time, but the mysterious witch and her red beads will remain in his heart forever.


    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin in his story "Olesya" tried to create the ideal of man, to show the problems of the artificial world, to open people's eyes to the guided and immoral society that surrounds them.

    The life of the wayward, unshakable Olesya was to some extent destroyed by the touch of the secular world in the person of Ivan Timofeevich to her. The writer wanted to show that we ourselves are destroying the beauty that fate gives us, simply because we are blind, blind in soul.


    The story "Olesya" is one of the most famous works of A.I. Kuprin. The strength and talent of the story was appreciated by the writer's contemporaries.

    K. Barkhin called the work a "forest symphony", noting the smoothness and beauty of the language of the work.

    Maxim Gorky noted the youth, the spontaneity of the story.

    Thus, the story "Olesya" occupies an important place, as in the work of A.I. Kuprin, and in the history of Russian classical literature.

    Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

The writing


In 1897, Kuprin served as an estate manager in the Ro-Vienna district of the Volyn province. The amazing nature of the Polesie region and the dramatic destinies of its inhabitants were revealed to the writer. On the basis of what he saw, he created a cycle of "Polesie Stories", which included "Olesya" - a story about nature and love.

The story begins with a description of a picturesque corner where the hero spent six months. He talks about the uncommunicativeness of the Polissya peasants, about traces of Polish rule, about customs and superstitions. In the world on the threshold of the 20th century with its rapid development of natural sciences, technology and social transformations, traditional ideas about good and evil, about love and hatred, about enemies and friends have been preserved. Sometimes the hero thinks that he is in some kind of reserved world, in which time has stopped. Here people believe not only in God, but also in devils, devil, water. The space is divided into its own - clean, Christian - and pagan: evil forces that can bring grief and illness live in it. All these sketches are necessary in order to introduce the reader to the atmosphere of Polissya places and explain the reason for the negative attitude of the peasants to the hero's novel with the "witch".

Nature, with its beauty and charm, with its enlightening effect on the human soul, determines the whole flavor of the story. The winter forest landscape contributes to a special state of mind, the solemn silence emphasizes the detachment from the world. The hero meets Olesya in winter and spring, when the renewed nature and the revived forest awaken feelings in the souls of two people. In the beauty of Olesya, in the proud power emanating from her, the strength and charm of the world around her are embodied. A beautiful heroine is inseparable from the greatness of the pristine nature of this land, whose name seems to echo the words "forest" and "Polesie".

Kuprin sketches a portrait in which earthly and sublime beginnings are fancifully combined: “My stranger, a tall brunette about twenty or twenty-five years old, kept herself light and slender. A spacious white shirt loosely and beautifully wrapped around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seeing it, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even getting used to it, to describe it. His charm lay in those large, shining, dark eyes, to which thin, broken eyebrows in the middle gave an elusive shade of cunning, imperiousness and naivety; in the swarthy-pink rut of skin, in the willful curl of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a resolute and capricious look.

Kuprin managed to vividly embody the ideal of a natural person, free, original and whole, living in harmony and harmony with nature, “grown in the freedom of an old pine forest as gracefully and as powerful as young Christmas trees grow”, which is close to Tolstoy's traditions.

The heroine's chosen one, Ivan Timofeevich, is humane and kind in his own way, educated and intelligent, endowed with a "lazy" heart. Fortune-telling to her betrothed, Olesya says: “Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word. You love to take the upper hand over people, and although you yourself do not want to, you obey. "

And so different people fell in love with each other: "A month rose, and its radiance strangely colorful and mysteriously blossomed the forest ... And we walked, embracing, among this smiling living legend, without a single word, suppressed by our happiness and the terrible silence of the forest." The magnificent nature with its overflow of colors echoes the heroes, as if spellbound by the beauty of youth. But the forest tale ends tragically. And not only because cruelty and meanness of the surrounding world bursts into the light world of Olesya. The writer poses the question on a larger scale: could this girl, a child of nature, free from all conventions, live in a different environment? The theme of shared love is replaced in the story by another, constantly sounding in the work of Kuprin - the theme of unattainable happiness.

Other compositions on this work

“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world "(based on the story" Olesya "by A. Kuprin) The pure light of a high moral idea in Russian literature The embodiment of the moral ideal of the writer in the story "Olesya" Hymn to the sublime, primordial feeling of love (Based on the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya") Hymn to the sublime, primordial feeling of love (based on A. Kuprin's story "Olesya") The female image in A. Kuprin's story "Olesya" Lobov in Russian literature (based on the story "Olesya") My favorite story by A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" The image of the hero-storyteller and the ways of its creation in the story "Olesya" Based on the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" Why did the love of Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya become a tragedy? Can the hero's "lazy heart" be considered guilty of this? (based on the work of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya") Composition based on Kuprin's story "Olesya" The theme of "natural man" in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" The theme of tragic love in the work of Kuprin ("Olesya", "Garnet Bracelet") The lesson of moral beauty and nobility in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" (the image of Olesya) The artistic originality of one of the works of A. I. Kuprin ("Olesya") Man and nature in the work of Kuprin The theme of love in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" He and She in A. I. Kuprin's story "Olesya" The world of nature and human feelings in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya" Composition based on the story of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" Composition based on A. I. Kuprin's story "Olesya" The image of Olesya in the novel of the same name by Kuprin

The beautiful Olesya and her grandmother, ancient Manuilikha, are hermit sorceresses who happily lived in their forest corner outside the current time and social space. The catastrophe came as soon as their microcosm came into contact with the big world - the government, the church, the peasants. Kuprin inherits the traditions of the author of the story "Cossacks" and overcomes them. The peasant world is hostile to Olesya, she is a child of nature. The people are men who hammer nails into the heels of a thief, women who beat a girl in the temple of God. The journal Russkoe Bogatstvo refused to publish the story, disagreeing with the interpretation of the people as an inert mass.

"Olesya" is one of the most heartfelt, probably not only in our literature, works about love. The plot of the story is simple. The master from the city comes to the province, is enchanted by the beauty of the "savage" villager, who also loses her head from the courteous, knowledgeable inhabitant of the capital. Love relationships are developing rapidly and violently, but the heroes' romance is doomed. Belonging to different classes, different levels of education, habits of different lifestyles are all against their union. There is a break. A plot from the category of "stray", on which many foreign and domestic classics (from N. M. Karamzin to L. N. Tolstoy, I. A. Bunin) built their works. "Naturally, each writer gave this plot his own twist. - Kuprin is also original in his own way. Usually, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances, having cooled down, the man left, while the woman, in an aura of author's and readers' sympathies, was left alone with her troubles and remorse. Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya parted at the peak of mutual feelings, convinced that that separation will make them unhappy for the rest of their lives. They part, although the master is ready to disregard the opinion of the world and enter into a marginal marriage. The initiator of the separation from Kuprin is a woman, and she does not at all regret what happened.

The critics who wrote that love here is "killed" by social relations are right, but this is not the main truth about the "forest symphony". In the relationship of the main characters, psychological conflict plays a more significant role than social one. He and she, unlike readers, perceive social reality as a norm of life. Not the threats of a thieving police officer, not a woman's pogrom at the church are the main reasons that Olesya leaves Ivan Timofeevich - they are in the mismatch of their natures, in her premonition that such a discrepancy will sooner or later break their union, make them regret their former love.

In a sense, the character of Olesya is higher and wiser than the character of Nadezhda from the story "Dark Alleys" by IA Bunin. This judgment, of course, is not entirely legitimate: one story was created according to the canons of romantic poetics, the other - but to the canons of realistic poetics. But it is difficult not to compare these two close plot compositions, not to note: Olesya leaves so that Ivan Timofeevich would never look at her the way Nikolai Alekseevich looked at Nadezhda years later from the Bunin story, voluntarily or involuntarily comparing what is and what was: "Oh, how good you were! .. How hot, how beautiful! What a flock, what eyes!"

Symbolism, prediction, understatement are the effective springs of plot development. Essentially the mystical content of the character of a good sorceress-prophet. Olesya knows everything in advance, this is the guarantee of her strength and weakness, victories and troubles. She understands that she is burdened with "supernatural knowledge", inaccessible to others, knows that it is necessary to pay for this: "all paths are unhappy." After the first meeting, she "reads" the character of her beloved: "Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not the master of your word ... Love wine, and also ... It hurts for our sister." This fortune-telling predetermined her disappearance, which coincided in time with the threat of reprisals from the village. Olesya understands the peasants: after all, black power, He (Kuprin's italics) helps her ... Note, the last sentimental and tragic meeting of lovers occurs before the thunderstorm and before the threat and is not at all perceived by Ivan Timofeevich as the last, but this is how Olesya perceives her. In retrospect, everything she said then appears as a touching farewell monologue.

Olesya evokes deep sympathy, Ivan Timofeevich - sympathy. She is a whole person, he is different. Presenting a city dweller in his inner monologues - and Kuprin was a master of this form - the author points to a painful split in the character, and the monologues themselves speak of the villager's intelligence and insight. (Note that a simple, open witch is not shown in internal monologues.) Offering Olesya his hand and heart, Ivan Timofeevich has an internal dispute with himself: “I did not even dare to imagine what Olesya would be like in a fashionable dress, talking in the living room with my wives co-workers ... "Offering to transport my grandmother to the city, he says to himself:" Frankly, the thought of my grandmother jarred me a lot. " The hero can be humanly understood, but this resignation does not decorate him. The spiritual level of Ivan Timofeevich is not much higher than the level of Nikolai Alekseevich Buninsky, who came to the rhetorical question: "What nonsense! .. Nadezhda ... my wife, the mistress of my St. Petersburg house, the mother of my children?"

Of course, both writers are far from banal assessments, "bad" or "good" one or the other character, they say, first of all, that life is more complicated than ethical formulas, that a person's guilt and misfortune can merge into one whole. The guilt and misfortune of the characters deduced in these stories is rooted in the existence of different views on "dark alleys", nature, on man, on God himself. They are different - Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya. He is just a bad good person, she is a "sweet ideal", a bright image from the "poetic legends" that he came to collect.

The author emphasizes the originality of Olesya. The mystery of the girl's birth is not revealed. Beloved grandmother Manuilikha, aggressive, tearful, greedy, untidy, only reminds her granddaughter with a forest soul. The author decisively divorces the girl and the peasants, the people. The rough, dry speech of the villagers is contrasted with the melodious, metaphorical, "magic" speech of the sorcerers. Poor fortune-tellers anticipate unkindness ("shame ... of the lady of clubs"), but their charms are powerless to prevent the inevitable. The awakening of feelings cannot be stopped, like the onset of morning, spring.

Olesya's actions are determined by such character traits as love of freedom, self-control, pride. Even love in her did not dull all this: Ivan Timofeevich's sacrifice is not accepted. The local, the narrator notes, are always ready to "kiss ... the boots" of a master or an official. The author opposes the girl's knowledge-hungry mind to the mental laziness and stupidity of the villagers, otherwise he would hardly have paid so much attention to Yarmola's futile attempts to learn the spelling of his surname. They, hunters, farmers, eagerly take from nature everything they can, she helps nature. Olesya cannot stand the sight of a gun, on the pages of the story she appears from a song, with orphan finches in an apron. For her, everything in nature is beautiful, but the people believe that a strong wind is a sign that "the witcher was born." Nature explains Olesya's behavior, the season, the land "longing for ... motherhood", "that fresh, seductive and powerful drunken smell of spring." Nature also warns her, sends a sign of trouble: on the evening that decided her fate, the forest turned into a formidable "crimson reflection of the dying dawn ..."

Kuprin belongs to the category of artists who know how to work with a thin brush. Definition of a noun, repetition of the same expression, "accidental" mention of an extraneous detail of the interior - these and other shaded elements play an important role in its artistic whole. His paintings cannot be confused with the "pastels" of BK Zaitsev, with the "graphics" of IA Bunin.

Olesya says that she is not afraid of wolves as she is afraid of people. It is symbolic that the author named the village closest to the swamp "Wolf". Another name - "Fermented" - is associated with the word "rabble", meaning fermented wine. On the drunkenness of the villagers - "barbarians", according to Manuilikha's definition, who lived around the vast square "from church to pub" it is said more than once. The symbolism in the story is diverse. The image of "road", "path", "path", "forest corridor" is symbolic, where the author most often describes homeless lovers. The breaking of the spindle thread is symbolic when Ivan Timofeevich comes on his first date to Olesya; the meaningfully repeated mention of the "low, shaky bench" on which he sits in the "hut on chicken legs", and much more.