The most effective antibiotics for tuberculosis. What drugs are used to treat tuberculosis Tuberculosis drugs

Tuberculosis pills such as Isoniazid are first-line drugs. The drug is a bactericidal drug. Creates an effective effect on intracellular and extracellular microbes. Its exact mechanism of action is unknown. Next, we will talk in detail about anti-tuberculosis drugs of all kinds.

Anti-tuberculosis drugs such as Isoniazid are recommended for patients with all active forms of tubercle bacillus (tuberculosis of the intestines, lungs, genital organs, and others). including tuberculous meningitis. This medicine is an excellent prophylactic for people who come into contact with the infected. It is prescribed if the Mantoux test gave a positive response (the papule is more than 5 mm) and if other studies have indicated the presence of a latent or non-progressive disease. It is also recommended for children under 4 years of age with a positive tuberculin test who are prone to dissemination.


The dosage of the anti-tuberculosis medicine is determined by the attending physician. It relies in prescribing a dose on the form of the disease and its severity. In no case should the dose prescribed by the phthisiatrician be exceeded.

  1. Inside - for children and adults, 5-15 mg per day per 1 kg of weight (from 1 to 3 doses, after meals). Therapy in this case is long, and the daily rate is prescribed only individually.
  2. Intramuscularly - during active forms of tuberculosis (the patient cannot take the medicine orally). Adults and adolescents - 5-12 mg per 1 kg of weight per day of a 10% solution. The course is from two to five months.
  3. Intravenously - with frequent forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, adults and adolescents. I use a 10% solution of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. A course of 30 to 150 injections, which depends on the effectiveness of treatment and individual tolerance. After the injection, the patient must remain in bed for at least an hour.
  4. Intracavernous - 10-15 mg per kg of a 10% solution per day for adults (with cavernous and fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis). Course - from 1 to 6 months.
  5. For prophylaxis - orally from 5 to 10 mg per kg per day, in 1-2 doses. Course - 2 months.

The duration of the course is determined by phthizatr, based on the neglect of the disease and the body's response to anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Side effects

  • The central nervous system may react as follows: migraine, dizziness; in certain cases - mental disorder, euphoric state, lack of sleep.
  • Digestive organs: nausea, urge to gag reflex, drug-induced hepatitis.
  • Cardiovascular system: heart pain.
  • The endocrine system suffers extremely rarely: gynecomastia in men, menorrhagia in women.
  • Allergic manifestations: itching, skin rashes.


Isoniazid tuberculosis tablets are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  1. epileptic seizures.
  2. Seizures.
  3. History of poliomyelitis.
  4. Violation of the liver.
  5. Dysfunction in the work of the kidneys.
  6. Atherosclerosis.

The price of the drug is from 69 rubles 300 mg, 100 pcs.


Anti-tuberculosis drugs have classifications. Prothionamide is a second-line drug. It prevents the combination of mycolic acids, which are one of the most important elements of the pathogen bacteria. In large quantities, it disrupts the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms. Produces a bacteriostatic effect. Easily and quickly penetrates into the foci of the disease.



Prothionamide is taken orally after a meal.

  • An adult is recommended to take 0.25 grams 3 times a day, with a positive reaction - 0.5 grams 2 times a day.
  • In infected people over 60 years of age and in patients weighing less than fifty kilograms, the daily dosage should not exceed 0.75 grams per day. As a rule, phthisiatricians prescribe 0.25 grams per day.

The maximum dose per day for adults is 1 gram.

  • Children are prescribed 10-20 milligrams (0.01-0.02 grams) per kg of body weight 1 time per day.

Side effects

CNS reaction: migraine, dizziness, loss of attention, paresthesia, hallucinations, irritability, anxiety, drowsiness or, conversely, loss of sleep, general weakness, depression.

Side effects of these anti-tuberculosis drugs on the digestive system: taste of metal in the mouth, belching with an unpleasant odor, nausea, urge to vomit, anorexia, dry mouth, diarrhea, bloating, pain in the abdomen, drug-induced hepatitis.

Other side effects: tachycardia, menstruation disorders in the female half of the population, various allergic manifestations, hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus.


Preparations for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis have the following contraindications:

  1. High sensitivity to the drug.
  2. Acute form of gastritis and duodenal ulcer.
  3. Gastric ulcer.
  4. Ulcerative colitis.
  5. Various liver diseases during exacerbation.
  6. Alcohol abuse.
  7. Renal failure.
  8. Not to be taken by children under 14 years of age.
  9. Pregnancy, it is also worth temporarily suspending lactation, although there are no data on the penetration of the drug into milk.

Also, in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults, the drug has partial limitations: diabetes mellitus, liver failure.

The price of the drug Protionamide is from 332 rubles.

This new drug has a bacteriostatic effect. Affects only pathogenic microbes that are in an active state. Bacteria at rest are not affected. It has minimal effect on intracellular infection.

PAS is prescribed for most types and locations of inflammatory foci. Including intestinal tuberculosis. It is used only in conjunction with other medications.


PASK is administered orally half an hour to an hour after eating. The drug should be taken with water, dairy products, mineral water and 0.5-2% sodium bicarbonate.

Adults are prescribed 9-12 grams 3-4 times a day, with a weight of less than fifty kilograms - 6 grams per day.

Children - at the rate of 0.2 g per kg per day in 3-4 doses. Do not use more than 10 grams per day.

In diseases of the digestive system and at the initial stage of development of amyloidosis, more than 6 grams per day should not be used.

The duration of the course is determined by a specialist for each patient individually.

Side effects

  • Organs of the digestive system: decrease or loss of appetite, strong salivation, nausea, urge to vomit, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, pain in the abdomen, increased activity of "liver" transaminases, jaundice, in certain cases, drug-induced hepatitis (up to death ).
  • Genitourinary organs: proteinuria, hematuria, crystalluria.
  • Other negative manifestations: PAS in large quantities gives an antithyroid effect; with a prolonged course - drug-induced hypothyroidism, inflammation of the optic nerve, Loeffler's syndrome, vasculitis, decreased prothrombin.


  1. Intolerance to the components of PAS.
  2. Diseases of the advanced nature of the kidneys and liver.
  3. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  4. Intestinal tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases in the process of exacerbation.
  5. epileptic seizures.
  6. Breastfeeding.

The cost is from two thousand rubles.

Classification of drugs

  • To the 1st group belong: Isoniazid, Rifampicin.
  • 2nd: Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Amikacin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ethionamide, Prothionamide, Capreomycin, Cycloserine.
  • 3rd: aminosalicylic acid, Thioacetazone.

First-line drugs are identified as the most effective. The second row is moderately effective. The third row is inefficient. Medicines of the second and third groups are used for contraindications to the use of the first.

Antibiotics, in combination with other methods of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and, if intestinal tuberculosis is diagnosed, is a fairly effective anti-tuberculosis method of therapy. This is recognized worldwide, including by the Swiss Ministry of Health. Many believe that being treated with antibiotics means one thing to cure, another to cripple. But if you have tuberculosis of the intestine or other organs, conservative intervention is indispensable. Also, experts recommend taking pills for the prevention of various forms of tuberculosis.

The development of tuberculosis is associated with the introduction of mycobacteria (Koch's rods) into the body. Most often, the infection affects the vital part of the respiratory system - one or both lungs. The disease is dangerous, leading to death in the absence of effective measures. Correctly and timely selected medicine for tuberculosis allows you to stop the further development of a deadly infection, and restore the patient's health.

Indications for the use of tablets from tuberculosis

It is required to treat pulmonary tuberculosis with the help of tablet medications in case of the appearance of characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  1. Constantly elevated body temperature (often not falling, subfebrile).
  2. Incessant cough.
  3. Expectoration of sputum with blood impurities.
  4. Frequent headaches.
  5. Sudden, significant weight loss.
  6. Shortness of breath during activity and rest.
  7. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis (intense sweating).

Drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis are potent, and often cause side effects. This feature requires the patient to be under the strict supervision of the medical staff..

Treatment of an open form of the disease is traditionally carried out in a hospital setting. Persons suffering from closed tuberculosis are treated on an outpatient basis (at home), but must also be constantly monitored by a doctor.

Classification of anti-tuberculosis drugs

Each anti-tuberculosis drug belongs to a specific group of medicines. The classification of such drugs is based on the following characteristics of tablets:

  • clinical activity;
  • chemical composition;
  • tolerance by the human body.

Most often, therapy begins with the use of first-line drugs. Other medicines can supplement the main therapeutic course, or be prescribed in case of high bacterial resistance to the originally used medicines.

First line drugs

The drugs in this group include:

  1. Rifampicin.
  2. Isoniazid.
  3. Streptomycin.


Rifampicin contains the active ingredient of the same name. The drug in tablets or capsules is prescribed once a day, half an hour before meals. The drug is contraindicated in patients with severe forms of cardiopulmonary insufficiency, jaundice, kidney damage. The question of the possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation is decided on the basis of "vital" indications.


The active ingredient in the tablets is isoniazid. The remedy is used for all forms of active tuberculosis, as well as for the purpose of its prevention in persons who have had close contact with patients. The drug is taken orally once a day or 2-3 times a week. The use of tablets can be carried out by pregnant and lactating patients, but is prohibited in the presence of atherosclerosis, epilepsy, liver or kidney pathologies.


This antibiotic, which belongs to the group of aminoglycosides, exhibits a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The streptomycin-based medication is in the form of a powder used in the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection. The agent is also prescribed in the form of aerosols, injected into the patient's body by intrabronchial, intratracheal methods. The frequency of use of the drug is once a day, or twice or thrice during the week. Among the main contraindications are childbearing, uremia, azotemia, intolerance to aminoglycosides.

Often the therapy of an infectious disease is based on the parallel use of 2-3 drugs of the first choice.

Second line drugs

Second-line drugs become relevant in case of insufficient effectiveness of the main therapy. These medications are used in combination with first-choice medications, or alone.

Tuberculosis treatment is supplemented by:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ethionamide;
  • Ciprofloxacin.


Ofloxacin is an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones, an analogue of nalidixic acid. These tablets are taken twice a day. If intracavernous therapy is necessary, the agent is used as a solution for infusions.

A distinctive feature of Ofloxacin is its good compatibility with other anti-tuberculosis drugs.


The medicine is in the form of dragee tablets. It is prescribed for patients with various forms and stages of tuberculosis. The medication is taken after meals, 2-4 times within 24 hours, in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

This tool has a certain degree of toxicity, which is why it is not used to treat pregnant women, patients with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and hepatic insufficiency.


The duration of ciprofloxacin therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis often takes about 4 months.

Reserve drugs

If it is impossible to use drugs included in the 2 previous groups, patients are prescribed antibacterial agents with the following names:

  1. Ftivazid.
  2. Clofazimine.
  3. Florimycin.
  4. Thioacetazone.
  5. Flurenizide.
  6. Amoxicillin.

Many of these drugs are quite toxic, and require constant monitoring of the patient's condition.

Combined funds

Such medicines are represented by multicomponent tablet preparations with fixed doses of individual substances. Of the combined drugs for tuberculosis, the following are prescribed:

  • Tibinex, Rifinag, Rimactazid (these drugs contain isoniazid and rifampicin);
  • Ftisoetam, Tubovit, Isocomb (contain isoniazid, ethambutanol, rifampicin, vitamin B 6);
  • Protiocomb, Lomecomb (active ingredients - isoniazid, lomefloxacin, pyrazinamide, ethambutanol, vitamin B 6).

The advantages of using combined drugs are less likelihood of overdose, the possibility of using both in the hospital and in the outpatient treatment of tuberculosis.

Modern treatment

The most modern anti-tuberculosis drugs are:

  1. Perchlozone, which effectively suppresses the activity of mycobacteria, has minimal toxicity.
  2. Sirturo is a new generation remedy containing bedaquiline. This drug is mainly included in complex therapy.
  3. Mycobutin is an antibiotic that is effective in all forms of tuberculosis, including inactive and resistant ones.

Unlike standard pharmacological products, which lead to a cure for the patient after six months of persistent therapy, new drugs often help to defeat a serious illness in 2-3 months.

Interactions of various drugs

Although the first choice drugs are often combined with each other, the simultaneous use of Isoniazid and Streptomycin can slow down their excretion in the urine. That is why it is recommended to observe considerable intervals between the use of these drugs.

Also, the listed medicines are not prescribed for simultaneous administration with Rifampicin. If this rule is not observed, the hepatotoxicity of anti-tuberculosis drugs is significantly increased. In addition, combinations of Rifampicin and indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, antidiabetic agents are not recommended, because this medicine leads to a weakening of the therapeutic properties of these drugs.

Features of the use of drugs for tuberculosis

Treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs is based on the observance of certain principles. Important in effective infection control are:

  • early use of effective antibacterial drugs;
  • the appointment of drugs, taking into account the identified features of the pathogen;
  • complex use of funds prescribed by a doctor;
  • regular monitoring of therapy.

Tuberculosis tablets are used in the intensive care phase, and help stop the release of the pathogen into the environment. The drugs of the first choice are often combined with each other, due to which it is possible to avoid the addiction of pathogens to the active substance.

Dosages of tablets and capsules for tuberculosis are calculated individually for each patient and are determined by the intensity of the pathological process.

Storage conditions

Most anti-tuberculosis drugs should be stored in dry places, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. It is important to control the unavailability of medicines for young children.

Side effects

The appearance of side effects from the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs is associated with their ability to influence metabolic processes in the body, cause vitamin deficiency, and disturbances in redox processes. Therapy with antibacterial drugs can lead to a decrease in hearing acuity, the development of peripheral polyneuritis, allergies, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, and dysfunction of the main organs and systems.

Against the background of antibiotic therapy, the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction may develop, which is the body's response to the intensive destruction of mycobacteria. This condition is observed in the first days of therapy, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, chills, a sharp drop in blood pressure, nausea, and intoxication syndrome.

Few people know which pills for tuberculosis are the most effective. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, where Koch's bacillus acts as the causative agent, which is transmitted by airborne droplets upon contact with the patient. Most often, the disease affects the lungs, but there are cases of tuberculosis of the joints, genitourinary system, bones and other organs of the body. Symptoms are not immediately recognized, which exacerbates the problem with treatment until the late stage of the disease. The active form can not appear for a long time due to strong immunity, which can contain the disease for a long time without visible signs.

Since the disease is difficult to trace in its initial form immediately after infection from a carrier of tuberculosis, the disease may not manifest itself for a long time. The following changes in the human body can serve as a warning factor:

  1. For no reason, uncontrollable weight loss.
  2. Elevated temperature.
  3. Frequent cough, blood fragments in the sputum.
  4. Unreasonable fatigue.
  5. Increased sweating, especially during sleep.
  6. Headaches, drowsiness.

Once in the body, the infection is not always able to activate its destructive actions. The reason for this is a strong immune system, which neutralizes the pathogen, neutralizing it.

There are risk factors that contribute to the transition of the disease to a progressive phase:

  1. Nervous breakdowns, stressful situations, prolonged depression.
  2. Insufficient amount of protein food for the body.
  3. Systematic malnutrition, starvation.
  4. The presence of bad habits: the systematic intake of alcohol, smoking.
  5. Diseases that reduce the human immune system.

Previously transferred diseases in severe form can seriously disrupt the human immune system, it is this factor that is decisive whether the body can fully resist the disease, or whether the infection will enter the active phase of development.

X-ray examination is the most effective way to detect tuberculosis at an early stage of the disease. The picture shows the areas affected by the disease as a darkening on the patient's lungs. Another way to detect infection is to test for the Mantoux reaction, for three days the test allows you to make an assumption about the presence of the disease.

Polymerase chain reaction is one of the modern methods of diagnosing a disease at an early stage. The studied sputum analysis using DNA diagnostics allows you to determine the presence of the disease with high accuracy.

An infectious disease that has become chronic is more likely to affect men in middle and old age. Mycobacteria are mainly active in lung tissue damage. If the cure for tuberculosis is not detected and applied in time, the disease can fatally destroy human health.

Drugs for the treatment of the disease are divided into 3 categories. Group 1 includes drugs that provide a high effect of treatment and prevention of the disease. The most popular are pills for tuberculosis:

  1. Rifampicin.
  2. Isoniazid.
  3. Tubazid.

Group 2 provides a moderate effect:

  1. Florimycin sulfate.
  2. streptomycin sulfate.
  3. Cycloserin and others.

Group 3. The drugs are aimed at curing the disease with a moderate action.

  1. PASK.
  2. Thioacetazone.

Domestic phthisiology uses a different classification method for the treatment of the disease, which provides for a drug against tuberculosis, divided in two directions. When treating the disease with the first group, the following drugs are used:

  1. Streptomycin.
  2. Isoniazid.

The reserve group, the second, includes the following drugs against tuberculosis:

  1. Cycloserine.
  2. Kanamycin.
  3. Ethionamide and others.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with the help of the listed drugs in compliance with the basic measures is carried out strictly in medical institutions under the supervision of specialists.

The drugs listed above are drugs for pulmonary tuberculosis. The tablets contain antibiotics and synthetic agents. Below are the main drugs that, as already found in practice, most effectively cure the disease and, at the right doses, are normally tolerated by patients.

Rifampicin. The agent belongs to the antimicrobial ansamycins, which provide a wide range of applications, including tuberculosis. It has a destructive effect on manifestations in bacteria, providing a connection with RNA polymerase, a cell that cuts off reunification with DNA and suppresses transcription. The task of Rifampicin is to block the formation of poxviruses at the last stage of formation. The drug is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and then recirculated.

Long-term use of it reduces the bioavailability of the drug. During the use of the medication, it is not recommended to use foods with a high percentage of fats in food, as they complicate and slow down the resorption process. The drug is taken after the doctor prescribes a daily dose on an empty stomach, washed down with a glass of water, with poor tolerance, the dosage is divided into two parts. Rifampicin is taken in two regimens: either 3 times a week or every day. It is forbidden to give the medicine to children under the age of 1 year, and to patients who systematically consume alcohol.

Isoniazid is a drug based on isonicotinic acids used in the medical industry. Increased bacteriological activity, which is characteristic of isoniazid, helps to resist mycobacteria. The drug does not show a chemotherapeutic effect on pathogens of other infectious diseases.

Through the gastrointestinal tract, isoniazid enters the body by absorption and acts throughout the day. The highest concentration of the drug in the blood is observed in the first 4 hours after taking the required dose. The concentration that ensures the termination of the action of tuberculosis bacteria is maintained for a day after administration. The tool provides a break in the barrier of the blood-brain border, which is located between the brain tissue and blood.

The withdrawal of the drug occurs mainly through the kidneys during urination. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of newly identified foci of diseases that manifest themselves in an acute form. The drug is prescribed according to a combined scheme together with anti-tuberculosis drugs: fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, broad-spectrum antibiotics. The drug has a different form of release: it can be administered intramuscularly, by inhalation, intravenously, by taking tablets and capsules.

Pyrazinamide. The main task of the drug is to penetrate and act in a destructive way on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It freely penetrates into the foci affected by the disease. An acidic environment improves the effect of treatment.

Resistance is possible, which decreases when combined with other drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The release of the drug is established only in the form of tablets, the substance contains 250 and 500 mg of the drug.

Treatment of such serious infectious diseases as tuberculosis is out of the question. Only the constant supervision of specialists, repeated examinations, testing and general control can guarantee a complete cure for the disease. All drugs belong to the properties of chemotherapeutic substances that need to be taken for a long time without interruption.

Like any medication, tuberculosis pills have their own characteristics and limitations in taking in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

  1. Pyrazinamide. The drug is available only in the form of tablets, taken during breakfast with a small amount of liquid. At times, partial intolerance to the drug is observed, in which case the dosage should be divided by 2 or 3 times. During the reception, patients may experience an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, indigestion, nausea. Ethambutol, Rifampicin are compatible with the drug for long-term use of chronic forms of the disease. The likelihood of developing hepatotoxic effects during combination with Rifampicin increases, while Ethambutol mitigates side effects, but the effect of treatment weakens.
  2. Isoniazid. A different form of release makes it possible to widely use the drug for the treatment of chronic tuberculosis. To avoid side effects, Pyridoxine is used, which is administered intramuscularly at the same time or later, 30 minutes after ingestion. The course of treatment with the drug is prescribed by a doctor, the required period for recovery ranges from 1 month to six months.
  3. Rifampicin. The drug is taken by the patient before meals and washed down with liquid. It is administered both orally and intravenously with a dropper. In case of poor tolerance, the drug is divided into parts to receive the daily dose. In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, the drug is used in stages, divided into three regimens, combined with other drugs.

Side effects

The above drugs help to cure a serious infectious disease, but you should not be silent about their side effects. Only the direct control of medical workers is able to prevent undesirable effects of drugs on the human body during their administration and in the future.

  1. Rifampicin. It is forbidden to take with infectious hepatitis, jaundice, severe pulmonary heart disease, CRF, during lactation, in infancy, transferred less than one year ago.
  2. Isoniazid. It is forbidden to prescribe to patients who have previously had polio, with impaired liver and kidney function, with atherosclerosis, a tendency to convulsive seizures, epilepsy. Extremely carefully it is necessary to prescribe a reception during pregnancy, pulmonary heart failure. Seizures may become more frequent in patients with epilepsy. With inflammation of the veins, the drug is strictly prohibited. In rare cases, during the reception in men, gynecomastia may be observed, in women, menorrhagia. During treatment, patients may experience mild euphoria, deterioration of the sleep period, and sometimes psychosis develops.
  3. Pyrazinamide. Disorders of the digestive system were noted: diarrhea, feeling unwell, nausea, vomiting. During the reception, an unpleasant metallic taste is felt in the mouth. The drug disrupts the function of the liver, appetite worsens, hepatic ulcers become aggravated. Undesirable side effects from the side of the central nervous system are observed in the form of dizziness, headaches, nervousness, depression. Allergic manifestations on the skin of the hands are possible: redness, rash.

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis after thorough comprehensive examinations of the patient in medical institutions, any self-treatment can lead not only to undesirable results, but also to a fatal outcome.

How TVS of the lungs are treated today - we will analyze all the latest

Tuberculosis is a dangerous and very common disease. For quite a long time, the disease was practically untreatable, but now pills for tuberculosis effectively fight the disease, reduce the risk of complications and save lives.

The chronic infectious process is caused by various strains and occurs most often in the lungs of adults. Infection occurs directly through contact with an infected person. Bacteria enter a healthy body even with simple communication, by airborne droplets, through kissing and sneezing.

Today, subject to the regular intake of special pills, you can kill Koch's wand. The photo of the pathogen shows its structure - a straight and slightly curved bacterium.

They do not appear immediately, which seriously complicates the diagnosis and treatment process.

Hospitalization and medication is carried out at all stages of tuberculosis and with the following manifestations:

  • elevated body temperature up to 37-38 degrees for a long period;
  • hemoptysis;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • complaints of constant headache;
  • increased sweating, especially at night.

The duration of therapy, as well as its outcome, depends not only on the prescribed pills, but also on the body's defenses. The doctor develops an individual treatment regimen, taking into account the age, course of the disease and the patient's condition.

On average, the course lasts from 6 months to a year and a half. Most often, the infectious process is observed in middle-aged and elderly men.

Modern classification of drugs

Tablets against tuberculosis act differently on the causative agent of the disease. Successful treatment depends on the daily intake of four or more types of tablets for more than one month.

The fight against a difficult disease takes place at the international level, therefore a generally accepted classification has been created:

  1. The group of drugs with the highest efficiency.
  2. Means with medium activity against mycobacteria.
  3. Lower potency tablets or reserve group.
  4. Combined funds.

Each category consists of antibacterial and other modern chemicals, which in combination with each other create a good curative effect in tuberculosis. After a thorough examination of the patient, the doctor prescribes pills for tuberculosis. The choice of drugs is also influenced by the form of the disease, its manifestations and the individual characteristics of the person.

First line drugs

The first group has been used for a long time. Isonicotinic acid derivatives include isoniazid, as well as rifampicin, ftivazid. All medicinal substances are highly active in the fight against the infectious process.

The dosage of any kind of medicinal substance is developed and recommended by WHO:

First line drugs Basic properties
Isoniazid The bactericidal action of isoniazid against mycobacteria stops their development and reproduction. The drug is a derivative of isonicotinic acid, hence its name. The remedy is prescribed in the active phase of the disease, but it must be combined with other drugs, as the body's resistance develops. The drug has a high activity in the treatment of pathology in both children and adults. The active substance acts inside and outside the bacterial cell.
Rifampicin Semi-synthetic rifampicin tablets show good results in the treatment of a dangerous disease. Ref tuberculosis tablets are a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but have a number of limitations. Many types of mycobacteria quickly acquire resistance to the main component, which significantly reduces its use. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and syrup. Severe disorders of the internal organs occur very rarely.

Second line drugs

The second group includes the drug cilcoserine, streptomycin, kanamycin, amikacin and others. Medicines from the group reduce the inflammatory process in the patient's lungs, reduce the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

If the substances from the first row do not cope with their task, then the second group is connected. The result is achieved after about a year of continuous treatment.

Second line drugs Basic properties
cilcoserine A common drug is cilcoserine, which is one of the very first natural antimicrobials. The advantage of the substance is that there is practically no resistance to it even with prolonged therapy. Adverse reactions occur from the gastrointestinal tract, there is rarely an allergy to the drug. Depending on the dose, cilcoserine has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on tubercle bacillus.
Prothionamide The second-line drug proteonamide exhibits a bacteriostatic effect against bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly develop resistance to the active substance of the tablets, therefore they are often prescribed only when other means are prohibited. In combination with some drugs from the first group, convulsions and other pathologies often occur.
PASK (para-aminosalicylic acid) The anti-tuberculosis effect is manifested in para-aminosalicylic acid - PAS tablets for tuberculosis. The agent affects the development of bacteria. Pathogens that have penetrated inside the cell react poorly to tablets. The drug occasionally causes nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions. Most often, in the treatment of PAS, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract suffers. The drug is chosen in case of intolerance to other representatives of the second category.
Capreomycin With a low result of first-line drugs or allergic reactions of the body, antibacterial substances are chosen, among which is capreomycin. With the right combination of pills and regular examination of the kidneys during treatment, many side effects can be avoided. The medicinal substance is prescribed only in combination with other drugs.

Third line agents and combined group

Third-line agents have lower activity against pathogenic microorganisms. They are used mainly for intolerance to chemicals from groups 1 and 2.


Tablets for the treatment of tuberculosis thiocetasone are produced synthetically. The drug is very toxic and is used less and less today. Among the contraindications are diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes mellitus and disorders in the kidneys.

Combined funds

First-line drugs are combined into one combined agent. Such anti-tuberculosis tablets are convenient to use, because you do not need to drink a lot of money at a time.

Nevertheless, the disadvantage of this group is the summation of side effects. Treatment is not always prescribed if patients have problems with the heart, liver and kidneys, elderly people. They are also used as maintenance therapy.

Possible contraindications and side effects

Drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis from any group are potent substances and are dangerous to health if taken uncontrolled. High toxicity limits the intake of tablets in children.

Today, there is no data on the effect of chemicals on the fetus, so they are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

The main limitations to most anti-tuberculosis drugs are:

  • chronic and acute kidney and liver diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • lactation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heart pathology;
  • hearing aid problems
  • individual sensitivity to the active substance.

With caution, funds are used in childhood. Some tablets are not used until the age of 14. In older people, with the slightest disturbance in the work of the kidneys, the toxic effect increases. The instruction indicates possible contraindications for use.

Among the main adverse reactions of the body are:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weight loss;
  • psychical deviations;
  • allergic reaction;
  • violation of normal stool;

If at least one symptom occurs, discontinue use and seek medical attention.

Important! The side effect of any of the anti-tuberculosis drugs increases dramatically with the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

What to do to prevent the disease

The main goal of high-quality disease prevention is the timely detection of pathology.

  1. Regular medical examinations will allow treatment to begin at an early stage of tuberculosis and isolation of the patient from other people.
  2. Tablets for sure supplement with good nutrition, intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. If there is a surge in the tuberculosis epidemic, an additional examination of the population is prescribed.
  4. In children, any preventive measures are carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor. These procedures include the Mantoux test.
  5. In adults, the main diagnostic method will be fluorography (see).

The latent chronic process gradually reduces immunity, the fight against the disease becomes more and more difficult. An important step will always be the timely diagnosis of pathology.

To get the maximum result from the treatment, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and in no case skip the medication. Modern pills for tuberculosis with proper treatment save the lives of many people.

Statistics show that 100% treatment for tuberculosis is almost impossible, even though the disease is at an early stage of development.


Therapy for tuberculosis is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, both for children and adults. Taking pharmaceuticals without specialist supervision can cause Mycobacterium tuberculosis to become resistant to the effects of the pills.

Antibacterial medicines

Antibacterial drugs include in their list a number of synthetic chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics for children and adults. There may be tablets or other means for intravenous administration.

Medicines are divided into main ones, which are treated at the first symptoms and reserve ones, which are taken when the first drugs fail to treat.

The main range of antibiotics for children and adults include Rifamycin and aminoglycosides.

A number of reserve antibiotics for children and adults include:

  • Aminoglycosides
  • Antibiotics from a number of polypeptides and from a number of fluoroquinolones for children and adults.

The danger of the stick is that it can be resistant to one, several, and a range of drugs.

The reason contributing to the secondary resistance of the bacillus to anti-tuberculosis drugs is gene mutations. They occur when the pills for tuberculosis were not prescribed correctly.

Such patients are prescribed treatment after a preliminary study on the sensitivity of bacteria to pharmaceutical drugs against tuberculosis for children and adults has been carried out. The duration of treatment is 6 months.

When the disease is eliminated, one of the new drugs is taken - perchlozone, the mechanism of action of which has not been established with accuracy.

Antifungal medicines

Active and prolonged use of antibacterial agents can lead to the fact that the natural microflora will be suppressed. Thus, opportunistic microflora multiplies on the patient's mucosa, including Candida fungi. In order to suppress their vital activity, Fluconazole is prescribed.


Taking medicines against tuberculosis and against inflammation, allergies can cause a decrease in immunity. In this regard, complex treatment includes a number of immunomodulators. Accept and

New generation drugs include:

  • Leukinferon. It has an anti-inflammatory, decoxifying effect and promotes the tolerance of anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • The second new immunomodulator against tuberculosis is tuberculin and the BCG vaccine.

Tuberculosis treatment

Treatment of tuberculosis at home is not only impossible, but also unacceptable. With uncontrolled use of anti-tuberculosis drugs, Koch's bacillus may develop resistance to pharmaceuticals. After the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the patient is placed in the hospital department. He needs to stay in the hospital for about two months.

This time should be enough to stop the active release of bacteria. After the doctors find out that the patient is not a threat to others, the treatment is continued on an outpatient basis.

Medication treatment regimen

Trying to eliminate tuberculosis, it is necessary to correctly approach the treatment algorithm with the use of drugs. In a hospital setting, the attending physician prescribes medicines with the following names for patients - these can be children, as well as adults:

  1. Isoniazid

All this list of drugs must be used in combination. As for the dosage and ratio, this is set by the doctor individually for each patient - they can be both children and adults. Their reception is three months.

In order to prevent children, BCG is administered.

First line TB drugs

The first row includes drugs that are the basis for the treatment of the disease. Their use is necessary in order to suppress bacteria and achieve the transition of the disease to a closed form, which is characterized by the fact that it does not harm anyone around, that is, it is not transmitted. These include:

  • Isoniazid

second-line TB drugs

Second-order medicines are more spare and reserve. They are taken if treatment with the main drugs did not work for some reason.

  1. The second phase is the continuation of treatment. It is necessary in order to continue what was started in the first phase and consolidate its results. Also, the main task of this phase is to completely cure the patient of the disease.

When eliminating the disease, discipline in taking medicines is necessary. If there are breaks in treatment, especially unreasonable ones, then you can not count on a full-fledged treatment.

It is necessary to take drugs against tuberculosis exactly in such quantity and for such time as prescribed by the attending physician. Therefore, you need to take it seriously to prevent the disease as soon as possible.