Profession musician presentation for children. Kindergarten card file "Musicians and musical professions

Natalia Gubantseva
Musical Professions Project

MDOU "Kindergarten number 23"


« Musical professions»


Musical director

Gubantseva N.A.

Rostov, July - August, 2019

Information - practice - oriented project

« Musical professions»


My topic is relevant at the present stage. Educators in the classroom introduce children to everyone professions in general... Most children lack in-depth knowledge and understanding of professionsrelated to music, low vocabulary on this topic. Profession is laborto whom a person devotes his life. How to help a child from childhood to gain a holistic view of his beloved professionthat brings joy to himself and benefits people. Familiarization with music professions will ensure the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarization with his values, satisfaction and development of the cognitive interests of boys and girls.

goal the project:

Promote the accumulation of specific ideas about professions of peoplerelated to music

Tasks the project:


Introduce children to different music professions: composer, conductor, singer, dancer, sound engineer, teacher music, musical the leader and together with the parents at home, in the classroom, find, explain, tell about the responsibilities, importance, need for data professions.

Introduce children to musical culture


Enrich children's vocabulary, activate speech;

Improve, consolidate the skills of playing on musical instruments,

To develop dance and play creativity,

Develop musical ability when learning new songs, playing on musical instruments,

Develop the imagination and creative imagination of the child, presenting yourself in the image of the conductor of an orchestra, choir, music director, performer, vocalist - singer.


To cultivate the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other,

To bring up artistic and aesthetic taste

A type the project: collective, cognitive - creative

Participants the project: music director, educators, children, parents

Duration the project: mid-term (1 month)

Expected results:

They represent, they know which ones exist music professions,

They perform a new song "All professions are important, all professions are needed»,

Imagine, try themselves in the image of representatives of different music professions,

Enrich vocabulary, activate speech,

Strengthen your playing skills musical instruments,

Develop more musical ability,

Develop dance and play creativity,

Develop the ability to listen to an adult and each other

Implementation the project:

Implementation stages the project:

Stage 1 - motivational

Stage 2 - organizational

Stage 3 - activity

Stage 4 - creative

Stages of work:


Theme selection the project

Defining the goal the project

Defining tasks the project

Main (practical)

Performance the project

Collection, systematization and storage of information on the topic the project


Information: Internet resources, fiction, encyclopedias for children, encyclopedias and reference books for teachers, photographs, presentation;

Material and technical: projector, laptop, camera, musical instruments, easel.

Research directions

Key Questions Research Areas Products the project

I All professions are needed

1. Today we will talk about professions... A lot of them. And they are all very different and at the same time necessary for us. When you grow, choose your favorite. Now we'll listen to the song "All professions are needed» Please remember who the boys and girls wanted to be in this song?

2. Let's talk in more detail about music professions... My profession -« music director» ... Why do you think it is called that?

What can I teach you?

Is it useful for children, people? Than?

3. How can they be called profession, Related music?

Let's get to know others music professions.

We have concluded that you are amateur musicians.

We sing? Are we dancing? We play on musical instruments?

Of course we can be too musicians"So let's try ourselves in the role musicians! I'll be on profession conductor... And you orchestra musicians... Follow my hand movements (quietly, loudly, finished)

4. And now we will try ourselves as dancers.

5. Well done! Homework for you. Prepare a mini story, you can draw if your family has musicians? Do your relatives have music professions?

The song is playing "All professions are needed» sl. Gaitana

Children's answers: astronaut, football player, doctor, musician, etc.... etc.

Children's answers:

She is associated with music... You can play the piano.

Have fun, make you happy. We sing better. Listening music... We play with you. We perform on stage.

We please parents, grandmothers, grandfathers ...

Children's answers:

Drummer, singer, artist ...

Show presentation « Musical professions»

Children's answers: Yes (I play my dad's guitar at home, I play the children's piano at home, I learned to play three spoons in kindergarten. No (I don't have instruments at home)

Children are invited to choose any musical tool from the proposed.

Children are invited to come up with any dance moves and perform to a cheerful dance song.

Dance creative composition

Children listen carefully to an unfamiliar song and try to remember many professionsthat girls and boys sing about in this song.

Children look at the slides and, in the course of the adult's questions, answer which instruments they play musicians.

Children play instruments, follow the conductor, his gestures, voice.

Children perform a dance using their movements.

II. Musical professions

1. What did we talk about, talked about at the last meeting?

2. With what muses. we met professions? Who does the conductor lead? What does a singer, teacher do music at school, art school, music director?

3. I invite the children who have prepared their homework to speak.

III I musician

4. Want to try yourself as a conductor today? Then let's get started!

5. Which of you guys wants to try yourself in a role music director?

4. Today I will introduce you to Dr. professions.

5. Today we met new professions.

Homework: ask your parents about the following professions: teacher music at school, animator, choirmaster, accompanist, choreographer. What do these people do professions at work?

IV Musical professions.

2. Now we will watch a concert performance by the children's choir under the direction of the choirmaster. Accompanied by the accompanist (accompanist).

How did the children understand their teacher - the choirmaster?

3. Today we will try ourselves as performers of a children's choir. In the beginning I will be your choirmaster.

Let's listen to the song again "All professions are needed» ... And learn three verses.

Now let's repeat all three verses.

And now I invite anyone who wishes to conduct other songs in my place. And I will already be in the role "Concertmaster" (accompanist).

4. We pass to viewing the next speech musician singer or vocalist.

How many of you now want to try yourself in the role of a singer, singer?

5. At our meetings, we learned about diversity music professions... What kind music professions did you like everyone the best?

I will ask you to draw or find pictures with the help of the parents you like music profession.

V Final lesson

1. “Look, think, guess, name. I propose to present your homework. You need to tell or show your loved one, you liked music profession.

Today we will remember everyone again professionsrelated to music... In the course of the games, I will see how you remember them.

2. Surprise moment - performance of children from the art school under the guidance of teachers musicians.

Repeat, fix with kids music professions.

Children's answers: about music professions.

Children's answers: conductor, performers music - singers, instrumentalists, teacher music, music director.

Children's answers: Orchestra, performs on stage in front of the audience, performing songs, teach children to know the notes, play the muses. instruments, sing, dance ...

Children's report on the results of the family assignment.

Children's answers: Yes!

A conductor is selected with the help of a reading-count. Children are encouraged to choose any instrument and closely follow the conductor's gestures. Play "quiet" or "loudly" or at all "Stop".

The game is running "Conductor"

Children's answers:I. I.

Children are invited to play a role music director

A game « Musical director» .

Continue acquaintance with new muses. professions.

Show presentation « Profession musician»

Offer to selected children, together with parents:

find pictures and prepare mini stories about the given professions.

Children's report on the results. Providing pictures, mini-stories, prepared jointly with parents or individually.

Watching a children's choir performance with a song "Mother" (German composer Till Lindemann)

Answers of the teacher and children: The conductor - the choirmaster raises his arms high, wide movements to the sides, then the children sing louder, if the teacher's hands are down and move slightly, the children sing quietly, carefully. Hands move clearly, with short, sharp movements, then the children also sing abruptly, shortly. If the choirmaster closes the hands, then the children stop singing altogether.

Suggest to listen to the song and move on to learning 3 verses of the song »All professions are needed»

Learning a song "All professions are important» Gaitana

Children are invited to perform the learned verses of the song.

Performing familiar songs previously learned in music lessons.

Watching a video clip of contemporary singers performers

Children wishing to offer to perform any song with a microphone

Creative play "I am a singer, I am a singer"

Offer children, together with parents:

Draw yourself at home - musician or find pictures and prepare mini stories for them.

Presentation of homework.

Two games are played "Guess the profession of a musician

1 - on the screen, 2 - in a circle, 3 - choosing a picture Children call music professionspassed in the last meeting. Explain their purpose, significance, necessity.

Children speak publicly with mini stories and present their drawings, prepared together with their parents, individually at home and in a group with a teacher. Knowledge gain in children. Development of speech, enrichment of vocabulary, memory, creativity, imagination. They bring up perseverance, respect for each other.

Children closely follow the gestures of the chosen child - the conductor, play in accordance with his gestures, hand movements, and assignments.

The child shows dance moves, asks to perform any song previously familiar. Listen musical composition…

Meet new professions: customizer musical instruments, master of manufacturing and repair musical instruments, sound engineer, dj, sound engineer, music programmer, accompanist, music organizer(art - management)

Children speak publicly with mini stories, show pictures.

Consolidate knowledge about music professions

Children watch the performance of the children's choir.

Children give answers, the teacher complements the children's answers.

Children listen to the song again, learn three verses. Then they perform, and the teacher conducts.

Children are conducting the choir. The choir performs different songs. The teacher helps the child "For the choirmaster"

Children watch the performance of contemporary performers. Familiar songs sing along.

Several interested persons perform their favorite song into a microphone without phonograms.

Children speak publicly, share their impressions of those they liked music professions... Show drawings, pictures with mini-stories.

Children on the screen, they call by pictures professionrelated to music... Further, the children stand in a circle, the teacher shows the muses conceived with movements, gestures, facial expressions. profession, children guess. Further, you can offer this right to those who wish.

Consolidate knowledge about music professions... Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, memory, speech, vocabulary.

Children live watch the play of teachers and children at various musical instruments.

Slide 2

Presentation plan

About the profession The profession of a musician in Russia What a musician should be able to Professionally important qualities of a musician Medical contraindications Benefits of a profession Disadvantages of a profession Ways of getting a profession Career growth Related professions Where a musician can work Why do I choose this profession

Slide 3

About the profession

The profession of a musician is an unusual job: it is an art that presupposes creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no rigid criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, and recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and natural, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

Slide 4

The profession of a musician in Russia

At all times in Russia it was best for jesters and musicians - buffoons, because humor and music are the things on which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends much more than on financial and emotional security. But the philosophy of life, which allows one to devote oneself to the almost always unstable and low-paid profession of a musician, is rare, which is why guys and girls, men and women on the street, carrying a musical instrument in a wardrobe trunk, always force passers-by to turn around.

Slide 5

What a musician should be able to do

Perform works on musical instruments in different playing techniques Understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba piece of music and express its image and emotional depth Work individually, in an orchestra and ensemble, and so on ... ... in an orchestra

Slide 6

Professionally important qualities of a musician

Ear for music Sense of rhythm Musical memory Good coordination Purposefulness Creative and pedagogical abilities

Slide 7

Medical contraindications

Hand diseases Severe scoliosis Decreased hearing

Slide 8

Profession benefits

creative profession a musician is free to choose a job as a musician it is difficult to call boring and routine music clears the mind of a person talented musician gives joy and inspiration

Slide 9

Disadvantages of the profession

high competition among musicians, a creative crisis may come; it is difficult to achieve a stable income with music; it is difficult to earn money

Slide 10

Ways to get a profession

school of Music (School of Arts) College of Music Academy of Arts or Conservatory

Slide 11

Career growth

The usual understanding of the career ladder of the profession of a musician does not exist. Income and popularity depend on ambition, dedication and talent.

Slide 12

Related professions

singer conductor accompanist or illustrator choirmaster

Slide 13

Where can a musician work

As a teacher In an educational institution In show business In a restaurant Or cafe At weddings, birthdays and other holidays In the orchestra

Slide 14

Why do I choose this profession

Even if this profession is not so highly paid, even if it is unstable and will not provide me with a decent pension, but that is not the point. The bottom line is that every time I leave for work, I will do it with a sense of the correctness of what is happening. After all, a musician is one of the few people who are able to experience their emotions not independently, not alone, but to share them with the whole world, with everyone who hears the sound pouring from his instrument.

View all slides

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 74" Birch ", Cheboksary, Chuvashia

"Profession - Music Director"

Summary of entertainment activities for older preschool children

Goal:acquaintance of children with the profession of musical director.



expand children's ideas about the world of music,

introduce the music director to the profession,

enrich the vocabulary of children with musical terms (synthesizer, sound engineer, screenwriter, choreographer,), technical means of the music director (microphone, earpiece, synthesizer, acoustic system);


stimulate interest in the art of music.

create optimal conditions that allow preschoolers to realize their creative abilities;

to form in children ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance of professions in the life of society (music director);


foster a sense of collectivism, respect for peers;

to bring up in children a respectful attitude towards a working person;

To cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude towards music in the process of various types of musical activity: singing, dance movements, playing musical instruments.

Preliminary work:

musical and didactic games "Rhythmic Orchestra", "Guess what I'm playing", "Conductor", "Think of a Dance", "Musician", "We Play Theater", etc.

conversations about professions, words, terms characteristic of these professions;

visiting the theater;

meetings with teachers and students of the music school;

sketches "Hedgehog and Apple", "Heavy Rain", "Butterfly and Flower", etc.

excursion to "Delograd" entertainment center;

Materials and equipment:

Projector, screen, laptop, synthesizer, acoustic system, microphone, presentation with slides on the topic of the lesson, conductor's baton, musical instruments: tambourines, maracas, castanets; ribbons, snowflakes, elements of scenery and costumes.

Children enter the hall to music

1. Perform a greeting

M.R. Today I invite you to go on an unusual journey to the land of professions. Want to? Then you need to remember what professions you know? Who do you want to be when you grow up? People who professions work in kindergarten?

To find out the secrets of everything,

I invite you to speculate.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see. (list) .

M.R... Right. You have already met many professions. And today I will introduce you to my profession - music director. What can you say about the profession of a music director? What does he do? (children tell)

M.R... The musical director in kindergarten is a special, unique profession that requires special professional knowledge and skills. He must be passionate about music, capable of creativity, and most importantly, he must love children.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.

performer musician (must be able to play one or more musical instruments, sing, dance);

sound engineer;


screenwriter and director and many others. dr.

And now I suggest you visit as a musical director. Do you agree? Then we look at the screen.

2. Video recording performance of a piece of music by a musical director, on any instrument.

M.R .: Here M.R. - acts as a performer! To be a performer, you need to practice a lot on the instrument: in music school, in college and at the institute ... Do any of you go to music school? I suggest that you also become performers only on children's musical instruments. Take musical instruments. The orchestra is ready. Who runs the orchestra? (answers) Well done! I will be the conductor. Attention.

3. Musical and didactic game "Rhythmic Orchestra"

M.R. (records the performance to a special device):Well done boys! Put down musical instruments. Sit down in your seats. Let's look at the screen further ... The profession of a sound engineer is closely connected with music. What do you think he does? (children's answers) Sound operatorr is a specialist in recording and processing sounds. The main task is to make a high-quality recording, convenient for listening, performing.

Important qualities:

The profession of a sound engineer presupposes musicality, good hearing, good memory for sounds, the ability to master technical devices for recording and processing sound.

(Here you can turn on the recording of the music file with the children's orchestra, what was recorded at the lesson) Now you have listened to the music file with the recording performed by your orchestra of the melody. Here and here I had to work sound engineer, record music in your performance.

M.R .: Sound technician must be able to use special equipment.

Let's think about what is needed for sound recording? (Answers of children: laptop, microphone, headphones, sound file, performer,

Everything is correct! You can start recording only in complete silence. Pay attention to the screen, (shows) This is the audio track. Let's check our microphone. Try to say into the microphone: one, two, three! (Children speak into the microphone at the request of the sound engineer, observe the sound track on the monitor, you can put on headphones for 1-2 children, offer to listen to the sound file or the backing track of a familiar song, again watching the second sound track)

M.R.: And now I propose to perform a familiar song. ( children answer).

You are familiar with her, Dasha will be the soloist (or Liza, or Katya ...).Silence in the studio! (You can give the child a sign "Silence! Recording is in progress!") We started.

4. Song "Autumn". (MR records everything, in conclusion everyone listens to the finished recording. They applaud themselves.)

M.R. In the modern world filled with technical means, it has become much more interesting to work as a music director. Any melody can not only be performed on a certain instrument, you can set a certain program and a miracle will happen ... I suggest you go to the synthesizer. It has such a function where you can set a certain rhythm, tempo, and harmony, and you can even hear the melody performed by another instrument. Want to listen? We listen and determine which musical instrument sounds.

5. “Guess the tool»Musical and didactic game to determine the timbre

(Children come up to the MR and the synthesizer. Performing the melody on the synthesizer, and the children guess which instrument they are playing.)

M. p .:Liked? (children's answers) And we continue our journey into the profession of music director.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.

M. p .:Who do you see in the next picture? , Choreographer - a specialist in the art of dance staging. Dance is the most beloved mass art. Children are especially fond of dancing, but it is very difficult to learn to dance .. To help you develop creativity, imagination, expressiveness of movements, plasticity, a musician-choreographer is called upon to come up with a composition and drawing of a dance, select music, costumes.

Creative task.

M.R .: Look how many interesting attributes are here, I propose to turn into a choreographer and come up with a snowflake dance. (you can choose a leading choreographer; ribbons, snowflakes, etc. At the end, the children put the attributes in place and sit down)

M.R .: And now the girls will show a dance with balls, here the musical director acted as a choreographer.

7. Dance with balls

To find out the secrets of everything,

I invite you to speculate.

Look at the screen

Tell me what you see.


He runs the show
He knows all the scenes by heart.
He teaches how to play a role.
What should I call him, friends? (Producer.)

M. p .:Children, what does the director do? ( children's answers).He offers the roles of fairy-tale heroes, shows the artists how to behave in order to be like their hero, in what voice to speak - the director advises everything, conducts rehearsals. Producer - the most important person on the stage. He chooses a play, assigns roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals.

Do you think the filmmaking profession is difficult?

Is the director's profession interesting?

Would you like to become a director?

What performance would you like to stage on the stage of our kindergarten?

Who is an actor? What does he do?

M. p .: Yes work the actor is very difficult, they have to play not only positive, but also negative characters, such as Baba Yaga, Koschey, Karabas Barabas. And to turn into them, actoryou need to choose the right costume, wig, make-up.

M. p.I ask one actor to come out, put on the character's hat and portray him.

8. Background music sounds

1 etude: "Satisfied Bear" (a bear slowly walked through the forest, suddenly he felt a wonderful aroma, stopped and looked around and noticed a raspberry bush, licked his lips with pleasure)

2 etude"Fox at the chicken coop" (The fox was creeping up to the chicken coop to feast on a young cock or chicken. The cunning cheat quietly crept along the fence, covering the tracks with his tail, but suddenly she stopped, became alert, sniffed the air and smelled the presence of the yard dog. The dog barked loudly. The fox, with its tail between its legs in fright, ran away )

M. p .: Applause to our actors! There are actors, but for a full-fledged performance, you still need to arrange the scene, fill it with ... (decorations). And we will become decorators for a while, decorate our stage. (Children are arranging the scenery) So, please put on the masks ... And you're done! Let's play a play?

9. "Thumbelina" Children show a performance based on a fairy tale

M.R. Well done boys! The fairy tale turned out! Let's thank ourselves with a round of applause.

Now is the time to sum up and remember:

What profession did we meet today?

Who is a music director and what does he do?

Who Can Become a Music Director?

What does he need to work?

Who wanted to get such a profession?

You can leave your impressions of the profession in the books - reviews. Select chips (red - liked, green - disliked) Children leave their comments.

M.R .: Now is the time to say goodbye. (children stand in a circle)

All: We played, had fun

Dancing and frolicking

Now we all have to go

Say goodbye kids! Goodbye!

(children quietly leave the hall to the music)

A musician is a truly creative profession, at the same time requiring constant professional improvement and hard work. At the same time, you can do music professionally, or you can do it for yourself. The first musical instruments appeared in ancient times. Suffice it to recall the primitive tribes who used percussion instruments during the performance of rituals and ceremonies. The history of the creation and development of musical instruments and performing skills has passed through many centuries and has become one of the most important components of the art of nations.

Gradually, voice performance began to appear to give more emotional depth and richness to the melodies. Vocal art in a broad sense is the art of conveying the artistic, figurative, ideological content of a musical work in a singing voice. Vocal art, associated with the word, vividly, clearly reflects the composer's intention, the depth, strength and truth of human characters, expresses thoughts, feelings, subtle sensations.

Therefore, contemporary musicians have a huge choice of points of application of their interests - from classical music to the latest trends in show business. That is, a person can be a singer, musician (play instruments), can be a conductor, composer, as well as be a member of a musical group.

But, choosing these professions as the main one, you should understand that without special education it will be very difficult to achieve much in it. Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky Academy of Film and Show Business "STARS" Yana Rudkovskaya

For everyone, music has its own meaning in life. For some it is a reason to dance in a club, for some music is a job, someone sees their life in it, and others look for their inspiration in it. The professions of musician and singer are good because there are no clear rules here, as in algebra or geometry - two times two equals four. In music, two times two can be five or even six. This is creativity, where you can realize your ambitions, you can invent something new, compose. And it's also nice to bring people joy and enjoy it.

Material for the thematic file "Musicians and musical professions"

Kurkina Irina Sergeevna, music director of MADOU-kindergarten №106, Yekaterinburg.

The material is addressed to teachers (music directors, educators) of preschool educational institutions. Contains material for a thematic card index: poems, riddles, stories, stories, game tasks, allowing to form age-appropriate ideas about the professions of people associated with music. The author's development * of games and creative tasks for different age groups are presented.

Goal: development of children's interest in musical activity; formation of ideas about professions related to music; introducing children to the world of adults.

Tasks (younger preschool age):
- to acquaint children in an accessible form with such musical professions as "musician", "singer", "dancer", "artist";
- to form age-appropriate ideas about these professions, professional accessories and occupations.

Tasks (senior preschool age):
- to form age-appropriate ideas about such musical professions as "composer", "conductor";
- to give children the opportunity to get acquainted with the elements of the professional activity of a composer and conductor through practical activity and experimentation;
- to expand children's ideas about professions related to music (musician - pianist, violinist, etc .; performer-soloist, performer in a collective - orchestra player, chorist, ballet dancer);
- to foster interest in the work of adults, a value attitude towards it and an understanding of its social significance.

From work experience:
To form age-appropriate ideas about musical professions and musicians in direct educational activities, I use the following techniques:
- accompaniment of conversations with visual material - illustrations, video plots;
- the use of poems, riddles, stories, stories, allowing to consolidate and clarify the ideas of children about a particular profession, activity, professional accessories;
- modeling of professional activity in a playful way and creative, search tasks.

Poems and riddles about musical professions

MUSICIAN (* author Kurkina I.S.)
He goes out to speak -
People play music.
The tool in his hands
It sounds like just "ah!"

MUSICIAN (O. Emelyanova)
Loves the musician Filipka
For people to play the violin,
On the piano, on the accordion,
On a pipe, on a drum,
Guitar, trumpet
Xylophone and myself -
Opening my mouth wide
Sings in a loud voice:
"Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si!
The cat got in a taxi! "
Fillets clap their hands -
Oh, what a good concert!

Who knows everything about music
She teaches music from childhood;
Sings to us, like songs, fairy tales
And uncovered melodies of paint?
Who has this talent?
This is a musician mom!
Mom needs to work
Put notes on the music stand.
Just ask your mom -
And he will play: "Mi, salt, si!"
I will tell the guys proudly:
"Mom knows all the chords!"

I stand in front of the choir
Everyone is silent, and I sing.
Who am I? What kind of artist?
Surely, … (soloist)

Everyone wants to hear the star!
Posters are calling for the concert.
There are no empty seats in the hall,
The light gradually goes out ...
Faces disappeared in the dark
Begins to sing ... (singer)

He waves his arms smoothly
Hears every instrument
He is the most important in the orchestra,
He is in the orchestra - the president!

I'm on stage in the twilight
I will go out in an elegant tailcoat.
I will wave a thin stick -
The violins will flood
The harpist will strike the string,
The pipes will echo.
How the orchestra plays nicely!
Well, I am the most important in it!

Who is impolite:
turned his back on us,
started waving his arms
right in the hall in front of us?
He is not accustomed to order
or doing exercises?
Who does the orchestra and choir sound with?
We know this ... (conductor)

Here are the musicians gathered,
And together they all began to play,
They hum, strum, try ...
And the music doesn't work!
So that they have music -
They need notes to start.
Who can create music
And write down everything with notes? (composer)

The orchestra is a live instrument,
It is the loudest and largest.
With soul, trembling, fire
Who can play it for us? (conductor)

The orchestra is a live instrument,
It is the loudest and largest.
With soul, trembling, fire
The conductor plays on it.
He is a glorious music connoisseur,
He is the first performer of it,
He is completely devoted to music,
And heart, and soul, and body.
He has perfect hearing
And he knows how to breathe music.
He infuses the spirit into the orchestra,
He is the discoverer of their talents.

Let's meet a pit on the way -
Ready to scold her
The theater is indispensable
Without an orchestral pit.
For a long time, musicians
You should always sit.
Conductor stands behind the console
His task is difficult.
How to make the bassoon,
Cello and violin
We entered exactly their turn
Without making a mistake
The conductor is watching this
Waving his wand to everyone
On stage at this time the chorus,
The ensemble of dancers is dancing.
There is no way to be late -
Play trumpet, rather
Once the conductor suddenly gave a sign
With my wand.
So that he could conduct
And the waltz and the overture -
Of course: remember "by the teeth"
All you need is the score
Sonata, fugu, minuet
And a sad rhapsody
Big opera, ballet,
Anyone know the tunes.
We do not see his face
Only hands flicker
And pour, pour without end
Enchanting sounds.

... Here the musicians are sad,
And the tools put aside
The orchestra does not sound in any way.
What to do? How so?
To harmoniously play
Whom do they need to call? (conductor)
He runs the orchestra,
Although he himself does not play.
Conductor, stern-looking,
Stands with his back to the audience.
Waved his wand
Like a magician wizard
Indicated who starts
And when the soloist enters,
Where the drums sound
And where the strings are silent ...
The hall froze in anticipation
And then the orchestra began to play!
(S.Yu. Volkov from "All About Music")

MUSICIAN - Violinist
This young performer
I am familiar with musical notation.
He is on delicate thin strings
Leads with a small bow.
How a musician plays
How wonderful the violin sounds!
He has great talent
Skillful fingers.

"FIND THE ERROR" (Confusing riddles)
On a grand piano, a piano
The waltz will be performed by a ballerina. (correctly not a ballerina, but pianist)

Arius, opera writer
The teacher is called. (correctly not a teacher, but composer)


The trumpet is on the trumpet
Violinist on violin
And what about the balalaika?
And on spoons? ..
And on the timpani? ..
On the flute - a flutist.
Saxophone - saxophonist.
On clarinet - clarinetist.
And on the drum? ..
The organ is the organist.
The piano is a pianist.
And on the piano? ..
Bayan player - on the button accordion,
Guitarist - on guitar.
The accordion player - on the accordion,
And on a tambourine? ... (drummer)

What is this performance -
To all people surprisingly
It seems that the performance is on
But any artist sings!
That's so wonderful, wonderful -
They talk ... with songs!
Such a performance where everyone sings
In the theatre opera name is.
Opera has one law
He orders everyone to sing.
And the song in the opera is important
It is called aria.
If the artists are fun
They will sing and dance
We are such a representation
Operetta we will call.
Well, if everyone is dancing,
There are no songs at all,
Such a performance
Called ballet .

We bought a ticket at the box office -
We went to the theater yesterday.
We looked with all eyes!
The actors sang the entire performance.
The orchestra played harmoniously
I did not lag behind the singers.
We clapped our hands
Loved ... (opera)

We bought a ticket at the box office -
The orchestra is silent
Only the violin sounds
Only one word for the violin!
The orchestra is silent
Only the violin sounds
After all, the violin plays ... (solo)

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - a machinist.
He can do a lot
Because he - ... (artist)

He plays a role on stage:
Happens happy and in love.
Everything that the director conceives
In the theater will embody ... (actor)

He loves to reincarnate -
Make up, dress up.
Today he will be a jester
And tomorrow - a fabulous cat!
The king is today, tomorrow is a thief,
All the roles played ... (actor)

Today I played Babu Yaga,
And tomorrow I can play the Snow Maiden.
Who am I? (actress)

Games, creative tasks

(the * marks the games developed by I.S. Kurkina)

"We are musicians" * (younger group).
Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe elementary meaning of the concept of "musician".
Game progress: All children have “musical instruments” - rattles (or any other). Any funny music is used to accompany the game. During its sounding, children freely "perform" music on their instruments. Explain to the children: "Musicians are people who play music." The only "rule": when the music is over, their instruments should also "shut up". Then the children change their instruments. When repeating the game, children are encouraged to play “in a different way” (suggest another technique or way of playing the instruments - for example, play “very quietly” / “loudly”; “very fast” / “slow”, etc.).

"Musician - singer - dancer" * (junior, middle group).
Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bprofessional accessories and occupations of people in musical professions.
Game progress: Each playing child has a play set: a musical instrument (any), a handkerchief, a ribbon on a stick, a toy. An adult calls a "profession" and then music sounds, to which the child performs the appropriate actions ("musician" - plays a musical instrument; "dancer" - dances freely with any object, or without it; "singer" - stands still and sings arbitrarily "La-la-la ...").

"I am a famous musician" (older preschoolers).
Tasks: to model the professional activity of a musician, to consolidate ideas about instrumental musicians.
Game progress: A child-presenter ("musician") is chosen by a counting room or by agreement. He stands opposite the other children ("chorus"). To the music of the game, they sing "roll call":
MUSICIAN: I am a famous musician, I came from distant countries ...
KHOR: He is a famous musician, he came from distant countries!
MUSICIAN: I play on…. (names the tool, for example: pipe)
CHORUS: He plays the ... .. (trumpet)!
Further, preserving the melody of the music, the "musician" imitates the instrument named by him in movement and sounds, and the "chorus" repeats everything after him. Then, on a musical play, the “musician” approaches the child, whom he chooses as a new “musician” instead of himself. They change places, and the game is repeated with the condition that the “new musician” must choose another musical instrument.

"ONCE MUSICIANS" (older preschoolers).
(German folk song).
Chorus: One day the musicians gathered to perform
Everyone took their instruments and started playing.
1. I will play for you, I will play the pipe,
You repeat, don't waste time

Chorus: (same)
2. I will play for you, I will play the violin

Chorus: (same)
3. I'll play you, I'll play the drum
You repeat, don't waste time
Chorus: (same)
4. I will play for you, I will play on something
You guess, don't waste time.

"Talented conductor" (older preschoolers).
Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional skills of a conductor.
Game progress: All children receive cards with names (or pictures) of different musical instruments. One of the children is a conductor. Children depict each of their musical instruments, and the conductor guesses which instrument sounds in his orchestra.

"Music of the rain"*. (Creative task, any age).
Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe composer's professional activity, to intensify the development of creative abilities.
Content: Children are invited to compose - to perform "rain music", improvising it on a metallophone or other instrument.
Explain to children: they are composers; these are people who compose music.

"A real conductor" (older preschoolers).
Tasks: to simulate the professional activity of a conductor.
Game progress: The "conductor" is selected. The rest of the children are divided into 3-4 subgroups, located according to the groups of instruments. Music sounds (at the choice of the music director). The conductor leads his orchestra - conducts, shows which group of instruments (and which rhythm) to play, when to play together, when to the selected soloists.

"Play my music" * (Creative play simulation, senior preschool age).
Tasks: to simulate the professional activity of the conductor, to get acquainted with the difficulties of the tasks solved by the conductor in his professional activity. Enhance the development of children's creativity and communication skills.
Game progress: A “conductor” and one (or more) “musicians” are selected to receive melodic musical instruments. An adult (and then a child) plays the role of a "composer" - he "secretly" tells the conductor what and how the musicians should play (for example, a smooth melody, softly, then abrupt and loud.) The "conductor" must figure out how to show musicians what he learned from the composer. The musicians "perform" what the "conductor" shows.
After the game, children are invited to evaluate themselves in the role of a conductor - performer - composer.

"I play in the orchestra" (Creative assignment, senior preschoolers).
Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tasks and significance of the profession of a conductor.
Game progress: Children should imagine that they are playing different musical instruments and depict an orchestra. First, children “play” without a conductor, and then they choose a conductor and “play” under his direction. After that, everyone discusses when it was easier to "play". This game can be performed to the sound of symphonic music.

Musical stories and stories

The secret of singing

A forest bell grew in a forest in a clearing and rang tenderly for the whole forest. The robin heard his ringing and chirped:
- You have a beautiful chime, a bell, but it is very quiet, the forest does not hear it.
- It's a pity, but I wanted to perform a solo song at the concert in honor of the forest's birthday, - the bell saddened.
“Don’t be sad, bell,” the robin chirped. - Let's sing a song together. We will not perform solo, but as a duet.
The bell agreed, and they sang together. The bell rang gently, the robin sang sweetly, but the song did not work out.
The woodpecker heard their song and says:
- Your duet lacks volume and rhythm. If you want, I will help you. I can beat out a sonorous rhythm with my beak. We will not have a duet, but a trio.
The robin and the bell agreed, and the three of them sang together with the woodpecker. We tried our best. The bell rang gently, the robin sang sweetly, the woodpecker knocked loudly, but the song did not work out again. Then a grasshopper chirped from the grass:
- Your trio lacks chirping. Take me, I will sing to you with a chirp, and we will have not a trio, but a quartet.
The singers took the grasshopper into their group and the four of them began to learn the song for the forest, but again they did not succeed.
- Maybe we should invite other famous musicians? - offered the bell.
- Everyone was offended and began to prove that they are the most famous musicians in the forest.
- It's not about the musicians, but about some kind of secret, - the wise old spruce creaked, near which the forest singers were rehearsing. Call the Fairy Music, she knows all musical secrets.
The singers called the Fairy of Music. She immediately flew in and said:
- The secret is simple. Each of you sang his own song, and to sing in a duet or quartet, you all need to sing the same song together and listen to each other.
The singers listened to the fairy advice. First, they all sang the song of the bell together, then the robins, and then the woodpecker and the grasshopper.
- When I sang the robin song, my voice became louder; and when the woodpecker's song - the volume of the voice appeared, - the bell rejoiced.
The concert was a success. The Forest Quartet performed as many as four songs: a bell, a robin, a woodpecker and a grasshopper.
- Thank you, friends, for the songs. I have never heard such foldable and sonorous songs, - the forest rustled the branches. - And also thanks for the most important gift.
The singers were surprised because they no longer had gifts for the forest.
- The most important gift for me is that you learned to sing all together and listen to each other, - explained the forest.

Questions and tasks
Why at first did the singers fail to sing harmoniously and beautifully?
What is the greatest difficulty in singing in a duet, trio or quartet?
If you had to choose singers for a forest quartet, who would you choose and why?
Draw a forest quartet performing a music concert at a forest edge.
Try a famous children's song as a duo, trio, or quartet.

Conductor's stick

When Seryozha came to visit his grandmother, he most of all liked to look at various objects in the drawers of his grandmother's dresser. Antique jewelry boxes and jewelry, openwork hats and fans. Only one large box was never opened by my grandmother.
“This is grandfather's, there is nothing interesting for you,” said grandmother. Seryozha knew that his grandfather was a musician, but he died very early, and there were almost no things left of him in the house. Only one old photograph, in which grandfather was sitting at the piano.
This piano was still in his grandmother's room, and Seryozha learned to play it.
Once the grandmother left on business, and Seryozha was left alone in the house. He opened the chest of drawers, and his grandfather's box caught his eye. "Still wondering what is there?" - thought the boy and tried to open the lid.
Fortunately, the lid gave way easily, and the boy saw that the box was empty. Only at the bottom was a wooden stick that looked like a pointer. “Why does grandmother keep some kind of pointer in such a beautiful box,” the boy thought with bewilderment.
He took his wand in his hands. She was light and as if alive.
“What if it's a magic wand,” the boy thought with a sinking heart. He waved his wand three times and said loudly: "One, two, three, do a miracle."
Nothing has happened. Seryozha tried all the spells he had heard and could think of himself, but the wand did not work. At first Seryozha was a little upset, but then he began to gallop merrily around the room, waving his wand.
At some point, Seryozha, not knowing why, suddenly stopped, closed his eyes and began waving his wand, imagining himself a conductor.
And the wand seemed to come to life. She twitched a little, and from somewhere on the side there was a quiet, barely audible beat of drums: "tra-ta-ta". The stick moved its tip upwards, and the flute began to sing, followed by the clarinet. The wide semicircle of the stick awakened the violins. The stick floated in the air, as if on waves, and the music of the violins flew up, then fell down, meeting there with violas, cello and the bass voice of a double bass.
One by one, obedient to the movements of the stick, more and more musical instruments were included in the choir, and the music sounded louder and louder.
Suddenly, the grandmother's hand fell on the boy's shoulder, and everything instantly subsided.
- Granddaughter, what's wrong with you! I'm calling you, but you can't hear? - said the grandmother, frightened.
- Grandma is, uh, a magic wand, - from excitement Seryozha even began to stutter.
- You still got to grandfather's box, - grandmother threw up her hands. - This conductor's baton is the only thing that I have left as a memory of my grandfather. This is not a toy. I don't want her to disappear. Put it down.
- Grandma, how do you not understand! This is a truly magic wand. She can make a whole orchestra sound! the boy exclaimed.
“I know she’s magical,” Grandma replied calmly. - All conductor's sticks are magic, didn't you know, granddaughters? But now put your wand back. The Fairy of Music allows only magic conductors to hold it in their hands.
Seryozha sighed, put his wand back in the box, and then asked:
- Grandma, if I become a conductor, will you give me this stick?
- I really want you to become a real wizard, like your grandfather, the conductor, - answered the grandmother seriously.

Questions and tasks
Why does an orchestra need a conductor? Can four musicians (quartet) perform music harmoniously without a conductor? And what about the musical trio (three musicians)? And the duet (two musicians)?
When you hear the word "orchestra", what do you represent?
Do you think a conductor should be able to play different musical instruments?
Imagine that you are a conductor and you have to give your orchestra musicians some important tips to make your orchestra sound better. What advice would you give them?
What skills should a good conductor have?

"READING TOGETHER WITH MOTHER" (Leaflet for "home" reading, for children of the preparatory group)

Conductor and his baton

You have probably visited the Opera House. You came and took your places in the hall. The play hasn't started yet. But below in front of the stage, the musicians have already gathered. You can hear them tune their instruments. An unimaginable noise is coming to you! It seems that nothing beautiful will come of these sounds. And there will still be soloists and a choir! But then the curtain opens, and ... beautiful music poured out.
The conductor's merit is that all instruments sound harmoniously and clearly - he leads a huge orchestra. And everything happens with the help of a small wooden stick.
This thin wand is sometimes called magic. After all, one wave of her can cause thunder of timpani and sounds of trumpets, singing of violins and gentle trills of flutes. The magic wand becomes only in the hands of the conductor. He is needed in the opera and in the symphony orchestra, in the choir and in the ensemble - wherever a large group performs music.
In ancient Greek theater, the main figure was luminary - he conducted the choir, and the musicians obeyed him. The luminaries beat the rhythm with a sole, bound with iron, and conducted with their hands.
During the Middle Ages, church conductors were especially respected. The symbol of their musical power was a heavy, skillfully crafted staff.
In the 18th century opera, the conductor was called the "woodcutter" because he held a stick 1 meter 80 centimeters long in his hands. This stick - in Italian it was called "bututa" - during the performance beat loudly the rhythm. It was not very pleasant to listen to music with such accompaniment, because the orchestra leader pounded on the floor, beating out the rhythm.
And in the Italian opera, there were two conductors: one, the violinist, led the orchestra, the other, the harpsichordist, the singers. The place behind the harpsichord was dangerous, the author of the opera usually sat there. He often had to experience the reaction of the public to his work. If the temperamental Italians did not like music, rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs flew at the unfortunate author.
In the 19th century, the composition of the symphony orchestra increased, and it became simply impossible to simultaneously play the instrument and conduct. And then the first violinist of the orchestra, he was called the accompanist, put his violin aside and became a conductor.
The skill of playing in the orchestra developed, voices of new instruments appeared. It became more difficult to control their sound, and "quiet" conducting appeared - with hand gestures. But the musicians did not always manage to keep track of the conductor's hand movements, and in order to make the gesture more noticeable, the masters began to use various objects.

Most often, the instrument of conducting was the violin bow or several sheet music rolled into a roll. Some maestros chose larger items. For example, the composer Mendelssohn conducted a cane covered with leather, while Hector Berlioz considered an ordinary knotty branch to be an ideal subject.
However, all the conductors always stood facing the audience - it was considered indecent to show her back.
The first to break the tradition was Richard Wagner. He and his contemporaries Mendelssohn, Liszt, Berlioz were the first conductors in the modern sense. They led the orchestra.
A small wooden stick was first used for conducting by composers and conductors Karl Weber and Ludwig Spohr. They did it independently of each other. I liked the new way of conducting so much that the baton became a faithful assistant to the conductor. Development of vocal and choral skills in music lessons in kindergarten