We take birth in a cat: when it starts, how to help and how many kittens will give birth. Childbirth in cats: stages of contractions in a cat for how long

Childbirth is one of the most responsible and dangerous moments in the life of any living being. At this time, a new life is born, but in some cases, if no help is given, the birth can end in the death of either the cat or its kittens. Therefore, every owner / hostess should know about childbirth in detail.

How to prepare for childbirth

Perhaps, in the case of cats, the most important action for you will be the selection of the right and safe place for childbirth. Most often, the cat herself is able to choose a suitable place for herself, where no one will interfere with her at such a crucial moment. Such places are lockers with clean linen, beds, etc. The animal should not be allowed to arrange a maternity hospital in such places. Indeed, after the departure of the waters and at the birth of the kittens themselves, clothes in 100% of cases will get dirty with blood and other fluids.

It is best to choose a large box and put clean rags in it, which you will not be sorry to throw away later. It is also important to know that many people should not be around during childbirth, as the animal will become very nervous, which should not be allowed. If the birth is successful, then the cat will do just fine on its own. Perhaps, only before the first birth it is worth worrying about the health of the cat. The second birth and any subsequent ones go much better. Then, if you are very worried about her condition, call the veterinarian - let the professional do everything necessary.

Next to the cat should be fresh water, a couple of spare towels. And if you notice any difficulties, it will not be superfluous to keep a phone with the veterinarian's number at hand.

How to understand that a cat is preparing for childbirth

  1. She is looking for hiding places.
  2. He starts meowing all the time.
  3. Sometimes she tries to be close to the owner, as she is scared.
  4. Sometimes it requires affection.

How long does childbirth last and how does it go

Most owners are eager to know how long the birth of a cat lasts, because the information is extremely important. If you know exactly how long a normal birth should last, then you can easily notice deviations from the norm and take the necessary actions. If any births lasted faster than the current ones, it's time to call the veterinarian if you yourself do not have the necessary experience. But we note that the primogeniture suffers more in this process.

The first stage of labor usually lasts no more than 12 hours. Since cats are very attached to the owner emotionally, his presence during childbirth will greatly help the animal, as it will not worry when someone you can trust is nearby.

The first stage is contractions, during which the fetus moves along the paths to freedom. The second stage is the birth itself, in which kittens are born. If the first phase still does not end and lasts more than a day, then you should call the veterinarian - it means that there are serious problems due to which the fetus cannot move to the exit.

Usually kittens are born head first, and sometimes it happens that a kitten is born tail first. In this case, it would be reasonable to help him a little, just gently pulling on that same tail.

Interestingly, high-bred, or, in other words, elite cats, do not have certain knowledge on how to properly give birth to offspring. This is due to the fact that the breeds were bred artificially, and not naturally. These breeds include Scottish Fold cats, British women and sphinxes suffer.

Kittens should be wiped with a dry cloth, and the cat should tear the shell and bite the umbilical cord itself, if this does not apply to thoroughbreds. Then for the first time these actions should be carried out by a veterinarian, and you should carefully monitor so that in subsequent births you can act independently.

After the cat has given birth, you should start feeding the kittens, as they are still very weak, and the sooner they eat, the better. Since babies can’t even see anything yet, it’s better for them to help find their mother’s nipples on their own, although most often they are able to provide themselves with food, even when they are blind. In some cases, after the birth of the first kitten, it can take up to 12 or more hours before the second, third, and so on are born.

When you need help with childbirth

In certain situations, the cat and kittens clearly need help. The latter is required under the following circumstances:

  • if the cat itself did not free the kitten from the amniotic sac;
  • kittens do not go out for a very long time, this happens especially often in the last kitten;
  • if the animal has not gnawed through the umbilical cord;
  • part of the kitten showed up, but the rest of the body did not climb.

In such cases, as a rule, the help of a veterinarian is unnecessary, and an experienced owner is able to help on their own. But the veterinarian should be called already with the following signs:

  • an unpleasant odor and red discharge came from the vagina;
  • pregnancy lasts longer than the prescribed period - more than 70 days;
  • the temperature rose and fever began;
  • very strong contractions, and kittens are never born.

Childbirth in a cat is an exciting and responsible event that requires a certain approach from the owner of the pet in preparation for this process. To do everything right and without mistakes, you should figure out how a cat's pregnancy proceeds and when does the moment of birth of kittens come?

As the pregnancy comes to an end, the owner must carefully prepare for the delivery of the cat, especially if it is the first. At least two weeks before the expected birth, it is necessary to prepare a place where the expectant mother will take care of the kittens.

Attention: the owner must remember that from the very beginning of pregnancy, the cat should eat twice as much. It will be nice if the cat receives additional fortified supplements. Make sure that the animal is not stressed.

How to equip the "nest"?

The place in which the cat will give birth and nurse her cubs should be as spacious and comfortable as possible.

For this purpose, even a thick cardboard box is suitable, in which you need to put several layers of paper and disposable napkins. After the birth, the “nest” is equipped with something warm, but not hot, so that the kittens do not overheat.

Also for the "nest" you can use special cat houses, which are equipped according to the same principle. If you are smart, then it is not necessary to purchase such a house, you can make it yourself.

What should be on hand?

As soon as a cat goes into labor, you should definitely have the following things on hand:

  • disposable gloves;
  • antiseptic;
  • petrolatum;
  • threads;
  • clean scissors;
  • pipette;
  • number of a good veterinarian;
  • heating pad in warm water;
  • clean wipes;

Attention: all the necessary items that will be needed during childbirth, it is better to prepare in advance.

How to choose a place?

To give birth to a cat comfortably and without unnecessary fuss, it is better to choose the room that is least used. It should be dry, warm, quiet. In the future, no one should disturb the mother cat.

Therefore, walk-through rooms, as well as where children and other animals live, are excluded.

How do they start?

Signs of incipient labor are very pronounced. So that you are unlikely to notice that your pet is in labor.

You can understand that childbirth begins by the following symptoms:

  1. The cat is very excited and anxious.
  2. The animal meows and follows you around.
  3. The cat often licks its own genitals.
  4. The animal's vagina looks swollen and inflamed.
  5. There may be yellow or bloody discharge.

It is not recommended to leave the cat alone at the time of birth. This event is quite painful and the animal will be very worried. At the time of contractions, the owner can do a relaxing massage of the abdomen, stroke the cat and talk to her.

How long do they last?

Cat birth lasts from several hours to one and a half days. Both the first and second cases are considered completely normal from the point of view of the physiology of these animals. In terms of complexity, childbirth also takes place in different ways.

It depends on the characteristics of the cat's body and the number of pregnancies experienced.

The following stages of the birth process are distinguished:

  1. First stage- it is characterized by contractions that can last for quite a long time. After the contractions are over, the attempts themselves come, which contribute to the birth of kittens.
  2. Second stage- characterized by the very birth of kittens. The babies themselves are most often born head first. But it is not uncommon for a baby to be born forward with its hind legs, which is also considered absolutely normal. So, at the initial stage of the second stage, fluid from the amniotic sac first appears from the cat's vagina. Only in the future will the kittens themselves appear.
  3. Third stage- the final stage, in which the uterus is reduced to normal size. Without fail, afterbirth comes out of the cat. They should come out as many as kittens were born.

Attention: most often the cat eats afterbirth. However, it is better not to let her do this in order to avoid the occurrence of vomiting and diarrhea.

Even after the birth of the last kitten, do not rush to relax. The cat must be carefully observed and see if all the afterbirths have come out.

If the number of afterbirths does not match the number of kittens born, then this is a good reason to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. Not departed placenta can cause a serious inflammatory process.

Problems that may arise during childbirth

Childbirth is a rather complicated process. Most often they occur on the 63rd or 65th day.

Sometimes a cat needs human help, without which she or the kittens may die. In the event that it is not possible to urgently contact a veterinarian, it is worth knowing what problems your beloved pet may have and how to help her.

Kitten can't be born

The situation when a kitten cannot be born is not uncommon.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • incorrect location of the kitten;
  • too large size of the fetus;

Another problem is that a kitten is born with its hind legs forward. Usually, with a healthy delivery, the kitten comes out head first. Otherwise, the birth of the baby may be difficult.

The exit of the fetus with the hind legs forward is usually characteristic of the first kitten. All subsequent kittens are born without much difficulty.

Attention: problems with the birth of kittens can occur in cats that have previously broken pelvic bones. In this case, difficulties with the birth of a kitten can even lead to the death of the mother cat.

If the kitten comes out, but not completely and the cat cannot give birth to him on her own, it is worth helping her with Vaseline. It is required to lubricate the kitten itself and the cat's vagina well. Usually, after that, the kitten comes out without problems.

Attention: pulling the kitten by the head, paws or tail is not worth it. This can injure the baby and even lead to his death or physical abnormalities.

The cat does not release the kitten from the amniotic sac

The cat must release the kitten from the amniotic sac within 1 minute. Since this did not happen, you urgently need to cut the bubble yourself with scissors.

After that, the actions should be as follows:

  1. The baby needs to be wrapped in a soft, clean cloth and lowered with its muzzle to the floor.
  2. Holding the baby in your hands, the kitten's legs should be very slowly brought closer to the chest and straightened back.
  3. The action must be repeated about 10-15 times, after which the kitten begins to breathe.
  4. If the nose and mouth of the kitten are burdened with amniotic fluid, it is worth sucking it out with a pipette or a small syringe.
  5. It is required to wipe the baby with a rough towel and send it to the mother cat.

If the kitten did not breathe even after all the manipulations done, then only mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration can save him.

At the same time, you should not inhale air into the kitten too persistently, it should be understood that the volume of the baby’s lungs is very small and they can be damaged by an excessive amount of air.

The cat does not gnaw the umbilical cord

The problem when a cat does not gnaw through the baby's umbilical cord also occurs. Most often this is due to the fact that the cat has a lot of stress and due to childbirth, she became absent-minded. If within a few minutes the cat has not gnawed through the umbilical cord, it needs to be cut off on its own.

For this:

  1. It is necessary to tie the baby's umbilical cord with a thread at a distance of 4 cm from the tummy.
  2. With sterile scissors, you need to cut off the umbilical cord next to the thread from the side of the abdomen.
  3. The place where the umbilical cord was cut should be wiped with an antiseptic.

Attention: in no case should the umbilical cord be cut so that nothing remains of it. A piece of umbilical cord 3-3.5 cm long should remain. Over time, this small process will dry out and fall off on its own.

Doesn't come out after

If the cat’s placenta does not come out on its own, it also needs human help. It is necessary to wear gloves and carefully remove the afterbirth.

If the placenta remains in the body of a cat, this can lead to very dangerous consequences, decay of the tissues remaining inside, blood poisoning, and in the end the pet will die.

In the event that the placenta could not be removed on its own and it never came out, the cat must be delivered to a veterinary clinic in a very short time, where doctors will remove the remnants of tissues and examine the animal.

How to understand that childbirth is over?

The birth of a cat ends at the moment when she gave birth to all the kittens and all the placenta came out.

To understand whether all the kittens were born is possible only in the only right way - you need to carefully feel the cat's stomach. It is important not to confuse the kitten with the cervix, which is also clearly palpable after the birth is over.

If one or more kittens are palpable in the abdomen, but the cat is not going to give birth to them after the next 3-4 hours, you should contact the veterinary clinic.

When is it urgent to contact the veterinarian?

There may be several cases when a pregnant cat needs urgent medical attention:

  1. Pregnancy and gestation of kittens lasts more than 70 days.
  2. The cat is feverish.
  3. The first stage of labor lasts more than a day.
  4. With strong contractions, the kitten does not appear within 20 minutes.
  5. The cat has a strong and very unpleasant odor coming from the vagina.
  6. The pet has red discharge and it lasts more than 7-10 minutes.
  7. Strong contractions that last more than 2 hours, but kittens are not born.
  8. A kitten cannot be born and there is no way to help him on his own.

These cases require urgent veterinary attention. Only this can help preserve the fetus and the health of the pet.

The birth of kittens is a positive and pleasant moment. However, the owner must remember that pregnancy and childbirth are a very exhausting and painful process, which, moreover, can provoke many diseases in your pet.

Thus, after the birth and distribution of kittens, ask your attending veterinarian about further sterilization of your ward.

This procedure will not only save the cat from false estrus, but also allow her to live a longer, happier and more peaceful life.

Reproduction is no less important natural process in the life of animals than, for example, nutrition or growth. Being on guard of the health of their beloved pet, the owners often face the problem of procreation of the feline family. At the same time, when the animal is about to give birth, the whole family panics, because what if the cat needs help?

As a rule, the birth of fluffy cute creatures takes place at home. If there are no complications, and the cat is all right, then she is quite ready to give birth on her own, she does not need any outside help, even if she brings kittens for the first time. But in the case when there are even the smallest risks to the health of kittens or the expectant mother, it is better to go to the veterinary clinic, where doctors will minimize all possible threats.

An important and necessary support for the animal will be the presence of caring owners, who should always be ready. Childbirth in cats occurs approximately 60-70 days after conception, so there is plenty of time to prepare in any case.

Signs that the process of labor activity in the pet will soon become more active appear in a week. It is necessary to remain extremely attentive to a pregnant cat and constantly monitor its condition. If the animal gives birth again, then, perhaps with some experience, it is much easier to recognize the signs of prenatal behavior in a cat. But how to understand that a cat is giving birth when she has it for the first time? What does the owner need to do so that the birth of a fluffy pet goes without complications?

How many babies do cats usually have at one time?

For starters, don't panic. The harbingers of this wonderful event will help you find out about the preliminary date of birth of kittens. As a rule, contractions begin in the animal after one or two days of intense throwing and active search for a suitable place for future offspring.

Quite often, cats have from 1 to 6 kittens in one litter. Of course, everyone is different. Determining the main factor that affects the number of broods is not easy. Basically, it all depends on:

  • the state and characteristics of the animal's body;
  • hormonal balance;
  • age;
  • weight.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, fertilized eggs are attached to the uterine walls, and new cat lives go through the entire development process there. By the way, reaching 6-8 months, cats are considered sexually mature individuals. But for bearing full-fledged and healthy babies at this age, quite often animals are not ready.

How many kittens a cat can give birth to, many owners are interested. After all, often only a few owners can keep all the fluffy lumps. You will have to take care of the further shelter for the kids in advance. But if you know that for the first time a cat brings a maximum of three individuals, then it will be possible to wait with the selection of options for their subsequent place of residence.

An interesting detail is that at a more advanced age, a cat also quite often gives birth to no more than 2-3 cubs. Such childbirth in cats is difficult, and every year the interval between the next litter is reduced, gradually disappearing. At the age of over 9-10 years, furry pets generally do not bear offspring.

How is the approach of childbirth manifested?

So, the cat has been pregnant for about two months and the date of the birth of kittens is approaching, and with it the tension of the worried owners is growing. How to understand that a cat will give birth soon is absolutely easy. Paying close attention to the main signs of the appearance of labor in an animal, it is easy to notice how labor begins:

  1. The cat loses its appetite, it becomes immobile, lethargic (a clear indicator that in a few hours it will be possible to give birth to your pet).
  2. An active search for a secluded place or, conversely, arranging a visually accessible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place for reviewing the owners (meanwhile, it is better to determine the zone for a long process in advance, although there is no guarantee that the animal will approve it).
  3. Such signs as the discharge of the mucous plug, the appearance of vaginal discharge are indisputable proof that it will be possible to take birth soon, literally in two to three hours.
  4. A pet is about to give birth if her nipples are swollen and colostrum is secreted from them.

It is easy for women to imagine how cats give birth, because, for sure, they had to directly or indirectly face such a question. But when the mission of an assistant in the process of the birth of kittens is entrusted to a man, he will have to familiarize himself with some features of the physiology of caudates in order not to make mistakes if necessary.

How does this happen?

After the first contractions have happened, you need to understand that the process is nearing the end. But before active labor and direct attempts, the pet will have to endure a lot. In general, what is happening is conveniently divided into several stages:

  1. The opening of the birth canal and cervix (if the cat's water has broken, this is just an indication of the onset of labor).
  2. The birth of kittens (the interval of birth of each of the cubs of the litter is normally from 15 minutes to half an hour).
  3. Exit from the uterine cavity of the placenta.

Before you give birth to a cat, you need to prepare additionally. Definitely, you need to be prepared for the fact that additional materials and simple pharmacy products may be needed. Before the onset of childbirth, it is important to have on hand:

  • clean gauze;
  • pipette
  • petrolatum;
  • scissors;
  • heating pad;
  • towel.

Early stages of childbirth

You should not rule out the possibility that you will have to call a veterinarian if something goes wrong. Labor in cats usually lasts about 12 hours. As with women, often the first time in furry pets takes a long time and is much more painful. The initial stage can make up most of the entire period of labor activity.

Contractions cause discomfort in the animal, it begins to breathe rapidly, behave restlessly. But it is important to know that yelling at a cat in this state is absolutely impossible, no matter what she does. It is necessary, first of all, to calm the pet, to give her the opportunity to feel protected.

How to help a cat in case of weak labor activity?

When for a sufficiently long time labor activity is not activated, especially if the cat's water broke about 30 minutes ago, it is urgent to take serious action and induce labor. This should be done without much thought, however, chaotic haste can only harm the pet.

Here are some ways to help your cat:

  1. The owner's fingers should be lubricated with petroleum jelly.
  2. Gently insert your fingers into the vagina and slowly begin to pull the kittens out.
  3. The belly of the cat must be supported with the free hand.
  4. If the contraction stops, it is important to massage the back and stroke the stomach, stimulating the appearance of new attempts.
  5. In no case do not pull the kitten by the head. Otherwise, you can break his cervical vertebrae, which, of course, will lead to death.

It is not difficult to induce childbirth, but it is advisable to resort to the help of such a procedure only in exceptional cases.

Immediate birth of babies

The delivery of cats passes to the next stage at the moment of rupture of the amniotic sac. The discharge of amniotic fluid helps lubricate the vaginal passage. Between the rupture of the amnion and the birth of the first baby, usually several minutes pass. For all cats, such breaks last in completely different ways: for some, everything goes away in 5 minutes, while other animals give birth to their kittens for up to half an hour. But it is important to know that the time interval between the appearance of the rest of the cubs should not exceed a 30-minute pause.

The cat gives birth to kittens for 2-4 hours. Then a completely natural process continues, which does not require any human intervention. There is no need to do anything, because on an instinctive level, the animal must itself accept its offspring. Mom quickly licks the muzzle of each kitten as each of them is born, gnaws through the umbilical cord and removes the amniotic membranes.

The third and final stage of labor is the separation of the placenta, which comes out on its own a few minutes after the birth of the kitten. Many owners may not be aware that cats usually eat afterbirth. In addition, after such a “meal”, young cat mothers may develop a gastrointestinal upset.

Not all kittens were born: what to do?

Sometimes the process of the birth of fluffy babies is delayed for a long period. For the first time in cats, this happens often, and even more often in the case of numerous offspring. Is it possible to understand by some signs whether all the kittens were born or not? What should be done if one or more babies remain in the womb, and the cat is not going to give birth anymore? The following manifestations can become the reasons for experiences:

  • the animal behaves strangely;
  • on palpation of the cat's abdomen, a seal is palpated, resembling a kitten in size;
  • the size of the abdomen does not decrease;
  • body temperature rises to 39 degrees;
  • a greenish liquid is discharged from the vagina.

It often happens that a cat takes a "time out" after the birth of 4-5 kittens. For the time of rest, she begins her new maternal duties of caring for already born babies, and after a certain period of time, the cat cubs temporarily left in the womb will be born. In this case, you should not worry.

However, if there is one of the above signs that a kitten has remained in the womb of the pet, the owner’s actions should be unambiguous: it is necessary to urgently contact specialists. You can’t hesitate, because you will have to save not only the fetus, but also the cat.

maternal custody

As a rule, there are no special recommendations for caring for healthy, newly born kittens in the presence of a mother. The programs of maternal instincts in cats are laid at the highest level, so it is better to take care of the pet, which has given a lot of strength to the complex birth process.

Having begun to feed her cubs with milk, a cat needs a complete diet rich in proteins, vitamins and useful microelements. In the case of an acute issue of the distribution of offspring, it is possible to teach babies to eat independently from the age of three weeks.


Childbirth is an important event in the life of a cat and its owners. If we are talking about a thoroughbred animal belonging to a responsible fellinologist, mating occurred in accordance with the breeding plan, then it is not difficult to calculate the approximate date of lambing. On average, the gestation of kittens takes 63 ± 2 days. But, when a purebred murk walks in the owner’s favorites, which becomes pregnant spontaneously, then the time of lambing has to be determined by characteristic prenatal signs. If you do not prepare a maternity place for a cat in time, she, regardless of origin, will bring offspring in a closet with linen or on a sofa. In most cases, a giving birth cat needs to be left alone. But, there are situations when outside help is indispensable. Especially if this is the first birth of a cat.


A normal feline pregnancy, like a dog's and a woman's, proceeds in three stages:

  • The first 20 days after mating pass without signs of pregnancy. At the end of the period, swelling of the loop, increased drowsiness, decreased appetite are observed.
  • At the second stage, pigmentation of the nipples is noticed, acquiring a bright pink color. The cat is flattering, requires increased attention. By the six-week period, the female becomes round; when probing the abdomen, they feel the movement of the embryos. Toxicosis of pregnancy can be observed. manifested by vomiting.
  • The last trimester is characterized by an increase in the size of the cat. She sleeps more and becomes gluttonous. During sleep, you can see how kittens frolic inside the mother. The nipples swell, begin to secrete colostrum. The mucous plug that covers the cervix leaves. The cat starts nesting.

As a result of the directed selection of man, the nature of the animal has changed. Some cats have lost the ability to nest, relying on a prudent owner for everything. Such individuals are prone to nervous breakdowns, which leads to premature lambing or abandonment of kittens.


The owner of the cat is obliged to prepare for her birth. First of all, a nest with low sides is prepared, in which lambing will take place. In order not to be injured, the cat needs to freely get out of the box, without touching its edges with the mammary glands.

A prudent fellinologist is obliged to agree in advance with a veterinarian on assistance during childbirth or consultations by phone. You should have the following tools on hand:

  • Contact number of the veterinarian.
  • aseptic gloves.
  • Pipettes.
  • Sterile thread.
  • Disinfected scissors.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Box for newborns with a heating pad.
  • Gel-lubricant to facilitate the release of the fetus from the birth canal.
  • Clean cotton diapers.
  • Substitute for cat's milk.

The responsible cat owner should take the temperature of a cat about to give birth. 1…3 days before lambing, T° drops below 37° C. At this time, the cat actively licks its genitals. The expectant mother closes on her own experiences.

Arching the back signals that contractions will come in 4-8 hours. The animal is worried, meowing invitingly, calling the hostess or hiding. Appetite disappears. The cat independently chooses a place for lambing, it is impossible to convince her, therefore, you should arrange a place that your pet likes. Firstborns can be kittens anywhere, scattering kittens throughout the apartment.

Normal delivery

The following stages of lambing are distinguished:

  • First stage. It is characterized by an increase in pain. From the swollen vulva, bloody excretions appear. Fights begin. The duration of stage I is 12…24 hours.
  • The second stage is the birth of the first kitten. The amniotic sac (bubble) appears. Liquid flows out of it, the cub moves forward with its head or hind legs. The cat frees her cub from the bubble, licks, bites the umbilical cord. The kitten takes its first breath, accompanied by a meow. The mother puts it on the nipple and eats the afterbirth.
  • The third phase is manifested by a temporary cessation of contractions after the release of each kitten and placenta. It is not recommended to let a cat eat more than two placentas. After 10 ... 15 minutes, new attempts follow and the birth of the next.

It is required to count the released afterbirths. Their number should be equal to the number of kittens born. If any of the placentas did not come out, you should contact your veterinarian. In total, the second and third stages of childbirth last 2-6 hours, with an average of 3-5 kittens being born.

A delayed birth is considered a variant of the norm. The cat is busy with a kitten, and suddenly, after 1/2 ... 3/2 days, childbirth resumes.

Abnormal childbirth

It happens that a cat needs outside help. There are situations in which the owner is able to help the animal and when the immediate help of a professional is needed.

Providing obstetric care

If birth does not occur after the head or legs exit, the birth canal is lubricated with petroleum jelly or lubricant gel. When a kitten comes out in a bubble, and the mother is in no hurry to release it, it has to be done by the host.

They cut the bubble, release the kitten, wrap it in a soft cloth, turn it with its muzzle down. Bend the body so that the breast is in contact with the knees. Straighten and repeat the procedure. If there is no breath, give artificial respiration. From the nasal and oral cavity, the mucus is sucked off with a pipette and the kittens are rubbed with a terry towel. When the next kitten is born during resuscitation, the rescued one must be wrapped in cloth and placed under the lamp. Returning to resuscitation is acceptable after it is certain that the born kitten is breathing normally.

If the mother has not bitten the umbilical cord within 15 minutes, it is tied with a sterile thread four centimeters from the tummy, the stump is cut off and disinfected. In the case when the placenta does not come out for a long time, they put on a glove and take it out of the birth canal.

When to Call the Veterinarian

Professional help is needed in the following situations:

  • After mating, 10 weeks have passed, and childbirth has not occurred.
  • The first stage of lambing lasts more than a day.
  • The fetus is in the birth canal for more than half an hour.
  • More than five fights without a kitten coming out.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Vaginal discharge is dark brown or red.
  • Unpleasant smell of excreta.

If conservative treatment does not lead to the desired result, the veterinarian performs a caesarean section. The presence of the owner during lambing, his calm caring behavior have a beneficial effect on the condition of the cat.

Giving birth to a cat is an important event, not only for herself, but also for her owner. It depends on you whether your pet will give birth easily, and whether both she and her kittens will suffer in this process.

The process of childbirth in a cat lasts from several hours to a day and is divided into three stages:

Stage one - Contractions in a cat

At this time, the papillae swell with milk, ready to splash at the slightest touch; the cat's anxiety increases, she walks randomly, often meows, vomiting appears. The cat can toss and turn and fiddle endlessly in his box. Preparing for childbirth, the cat licks its genitals and nipples. She may lose her appetite.

Sometimes during this period, the cat tries to attract the attention of the owner, as if wanting to enlist his support during the upcoming birth. She does not want to become a mother alone: ​​if people are close, then she will be calmer.

Other cats, on the contrary, seek solitude, tend to hide away from people and other animals. There are reasons for this. Let the cat behave as she wants. Be sure that your pussy is in a cozy place where you can visit her discreetly without disturbing her desire for privacy.

Second phase- Birth of kittens

Usually their number ranges from three to five. In most cats, labor lasts 3 to 6 hours. In rare cases, it happens that the contractions completely stop after the birth of one or two kittens; the cat begins to lick and feed them, and it seems to you that everything is over. However, after 12 to 24 hours, labor may resume, and a second batch of offspring may be born. This break must be distinguished from complications during childbirth, which can be expressed in prolonged contractions.

Contractions are clearly visible and can be distinguished when the cat's fallopian tubes, contracting, push the kittens out. A cat during childbirth usually breathes heavily, may moan and meow plaintively, especially when the first kitten is born. She can lie on her side or on her stomach, or squat.

A problem for cats is prolonged labor. As a rule, the first kitten appears in a few minutes, in extreme cases, 1.5 hours after the strongest contractions. The rest of the kittens immediately follow the first one.

Kittens are born in the so-called bubbles - membranes containing amniotic fluid. If the integrity of the "water bag" of the first kitten is broken, then the cat begins to vigorously lick the lower part of its body. If the shell is intact, then it, shiny, can be seen when the kitten appears from the genitals. When the shell is torn when the kitten passes through the birth canal, then the head appears first, then the legs or tail of the kitten. This position is considered normal when the kitten walks forward with its head or back of the body.

As soon as the kitten comes out, the cat immediately gnaws through the umbilical cord connecting it to the placenta, and begins to lick the kitten, thereby freeing it from the shell and not allowing it to suffocate. It happens that some cats are interrupted to attend to their toilet and eat the placenta. In the event that the cat does not take care of the kitten, you yourself need to come to his aid.

Wash your hands before handling a newborn kitten. Release him from the umbilical cord and sheath, allowing him to take his first breath. The umbilical cord can be tied up at a distance of 2.5 centimeters from the kitten's body and cut off. Wipe the kitten with a clean towel or napkin, and if he has bad breath, then use a pipette to remove the liquid from his nasal openings. And keep rubbing the kitten until the breath appears.

Third stage- Excretion of the placenta in a cat

This is a brown-colored fabric that comes out with every kitten or shortly thereafter. There is no need to let the cat eat the placenta; thus you will save her from the appearance of diarrhea. In feral cats, eating the placenta allows them to stay with the kittens longer and not be away for food, and also keeps the place clean. However, in the case of postpartum complications, a veterinarian may try to determine the cause of the complications by looking at the placental remnants. If the placenta remains in the uterus, it can cause various infections.

Very often, births in cats begin at night or on weekends when veterinary clinics are closed.

Of course, you need to consult a veterinarian for advice even before mating. Cats that may have labor complications should be examined before labor begins. In other cases, see a doctor if you have serious problems.

Cats that delivered normally should be seen the next day or on Monday if the delivery was over the weekend. The cat and kittens can be brought in a closed box to the clinic. If the veterinarian himself calls you, then it's time to arrange with him about your visit.

When to call the veterinarian?

  • Pelvic fractures;
  • Excessive obesity in a cat;
  • Chronic illness or caesarean section performed on the wound;
  • Discharge from the vulva of a bright red or greenish color without the onset of contractions;
  • Long, over 68 days, pregnancy;
  • Long, over 90 minutes, contractions without the release of kittens;
  • Kittens stuck in the birth canal;
  • Weak contractions without kittens coming out;
  • The cat or kittens are very lethargic, they have white mucus on the tongue, gums, around the eyes;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • Refusal of a cat from food within a day after childbirth;
  • The presence of fetid discharge from the vulva;
  • Temperature above 39.60 degrees;
  • Lack of milk in a cat or her refusal to feed kittens.