Alkaline (alkaline) diet. Alkaline Diet Food Lists

Photo: Alkaline diet - products, menus, reviews

Alkaline diet (alkaline) - a nutrition program aimed at normalizing the acidity in the body. It was developed by nutritionists Natasha Corret And Vikoy Edgeson. The purpose of alkaline nutrition is weight loss, treatment of diseases from the digestive system. When the pH returns to normal (7.35-7.45), gastrointestinal dysfunction self-destructs.

Normalization of the diet consists in dividing food into acidic and alkaline, that is, into those that, after consumption, give the appropriate reaction. It is on this factor that the result depends - losing weight and restoring the functions of the digestive system.

Features of alkaline nutrition:

  • stabilization of appetite and improvement of the condition of the skin and hair;
  • normalization of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • the disappearance of rashes on the skin and an increase in energy;
  • weight loss (you can lose 4-5 kg ​​per month without harm to health).

Alkaline diet: basic rules

The only rule of the alkaline diet is to include 80% alkaline foods in the diet, only 20% should be acidic. It does not matter how long the diet will be followed - a day, a month, a year, the main thing is not to violate the recommended proportions.

Read more about the keto diet and menu on this page.

The diet is to the liking of lovers of vegetables, as the menu will include the main amount of plant products. There are practically no restrictions in this case. The main thing is to combine the food you eat correctly.

Among the rules of the alkaline diet should be highlighted:

  1. Various dishes should be prepared and seasoned with Extra Virgin vegetable oils.
  2. Cereals, seafood and meat are recommended to be included in the diet no more than 3 times a week.
  3. Before going to bed, you can not eat, it is only allowed to drink green or herbal tea.

An additional measure is moderate exercise and daily walking. Individuals who lead an inactive lifestyle get results from diets much more slowly.

Alkaline Nutrition Results

Table number 1. Phases of the alkaline diet, lasting 3 weeks

Phase Duration Result
1 1-7 day
  • alkalization and cleansing of the body;
  • weight loss by 5 kg;
  • fatigue and dizziness (passes in phase 2).
2 8-14 day
  • balancing alkali and acid in the body;
  • improving well-being;
  • elimination of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • slow weight loss.
3 15-21 days
  • consolidation of the achieved balance;
  • excellent health;
  • external changes in the figure in a positive direction.

Who is the alkaline diet for?

There are several ways to determine hyperacidity. The simplest is to put saliva on litmus paper. If the acidity is too high, then it will turn red. In an alkaline environment, litmus will turn blue.

  • gray-earthy complexion;
  • muscle pain and body aches;
  • jumps in blood pressure and obesity;
  • excessive fatigue and irritability;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Increased acidity gradually leads to the development of diabetes and malignant tumors. In people who practically do not consume alkaline foods, stones form in the urinary system. An excess of alkali occurs extremely rarely. Symptoms of this condition are the appearance of an allergic reaction, a violation of the digestive processes and the development of skin diseases.

Photo: Alkaline diet - menu and food table for alkaline nutrition

What foods are alkaline

Alkaline foods that dominate the diet prolong youth and improve health by ensuring the full functioning of internal organs. Thanks to the alkaline diet, the development of malignant processes can be prevented. Alkalization occurs due to the trace elements that make up the composition, such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium and iron.

Photo: Alkaline diet for weight loss, diet, products
  • berries (watermelon, cherry);
  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts);
  • sweets (raw sugar, natural honey);
  • fresh herbs (parsley, spinach);
  • root crops (carrots, beets, horseradish and pumpkin);
  • legumes (asparagus, green beans);
  • cereals (amaranth, wild rice and cilantro);
  • citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit and orange);
  • fruits (kiwi, apples, mangoes, bananas and pineapple);
  • dairy products (milk, whey, goat and sheep cheese);
  • vegetables (Brussels, white and Chinese cabbage, broccoli).

Individual representatives should be indicated cucumber, tomato, celery, garlic, pumpkin And avocado.

Prohibited Products

The list of unacceptable foods includes those foods that contribute to severe oxidation. This happens under the influence of uric and carbonic acid, which is contained in certain foods. An acidic environment is created under the influence of sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus and iodine, which is rich in some food.

Photo: Forbidden foods with an alkaline (alkaline) diet

Among the most dangerous products are:

  • berries (blueberries, cranberries);
  • dairy products (ice cream, cow's milk cheese);
  • white flour (muffin, pasta, white bread);
  • homogenized milk (from a bag or pack);
  • coffee, potatoes, alcohol and cocoa;
  • shellfish, pork and beef.

Sample menu for the days of the week

Experts from the field of nutrition recommend preparing a menu for 3 days in advance. This approach will ensure a balanced diet and eliminate the likelihood of breakdowns. The sequence of scheduled days can be reversed.

Day meal The product's name Quantity
1st Breakfast fermented baked milk 200 ml
dates 5-7 pcs.
honey 1 tsp
Lunch apple 1-2 pcs.
Dinner tomato soup 200-250 ml
salad "Brush" (white cabbage, carrots and garlic) 50-70 g
afternoon tea banana or grapefruit 1 PC.
Dinner salad (carrots, beets and raisins) 100 g
chicken breast 50 g
2nd Breakfast kefir 200 ml
omelette 80-100 g
soy cheese 50-70 g
bread 20-25 g
Lunch tomato juice/raw carrots (grated) 200 ml/100-150 g
grapefruit or orange 1 PC.
Dinner vegetable soup 200-250 ml
cauliflower salad with wheat germ 50-80 g
afternoon tea raw beets (grated) 80-100 g
ginger tea 200 ml
Dinner white fish 200 g
cabbage-cucumber salad 150-170 g
3rd Breakfast rice porridge on the water 200 g
bread 20-25 g
goat cheese 30-50 g
Lunch carrot juice/ryazhenka 200 ml
oatmeal muesli 100 g
Dinner borsch 200 ml
fresh cucumbers 2 pcs.
afternoon tea cottage cheese (1-2%) 200 g
fruit (banana, peach) 1-2 pcs.
Dinner chicken fillet 100-120 g
avocado salad with shrimp, herbs and sesame seeds 100-120 g

How to get back to normal eating?

According to nutritionists, you can “sit” on an alkaline diet for a long time. The diet is balanced in such a way that it contributes to saturation with all the necessary substances. After sitting on an alkaline diet, most people do not want to change the regime. If such a need nevertheless arises, then you should not start eating sweets or marinades on the very first day. Gradually, you need to introduce cereals and other foods, not excluding vegetables and fresh fruits from the menu.

For snacks, it is recommended to drink fermented baked milk every day, eat dried fruits, vegetable salads and juices. For dinner, only light foods are suitable: vegetables, fish, cottage cheese. By following simple rules, you can continue to lose weight and improve your health, including in the menu foods prohibited by other diets in small quantities.

It's no secret that our appearance depends on food that we are using. Everything that enters your stomach will certainly appear in the most inappropriate places. And this applies not only to cakes and soda.

Listed unwanted products turned out to be meat, eggs, coffee, cheese. But these are the usual components of the daily diet, and not just popular diets.

alkaline nutrition

Hollywood beauties Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and 50-year-old Elle MacPherson promote alkaline nutrition as ideal and balanced in terms of health and beauty. Its main principle is the use of food with a high content of alkali, because it prevents the accumulation of acid in the body - the causes of inflammation, obesity and aging.

Victoria Beckham's diet is based on the book "Honestly Healthy Alkaline Program", which was written by renowned London chef and nutritionist Natasha Corret and nutritionist Vicki Edson. The book contains not only general recommendations, but also recipes for the right dishes.

  • Theory

    As you know, the acid-base balance (pH) in the body directly affects the metabolism. Normally, the stomach is acidic for better digestion. The indicator of maximum acidity is 1 pH, neutrality, or the balance of acid and alkali, is 7 pH, the most alkaline environment is 14 pH. The blood pH should remain between 7.35 and 7.45.

    “A normal pH level is vital for the human body. This is due to the fact that the protein, which is the basis of the cell, must strictly maintain certain geometric shapes in order to function correctly, and the three-dimensional forms of the protein are highly dependent on even a small change in pH.

    If blood acidity level above, all metabolic processes are disturbed. Food is poorly digested, there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the body cannot break down fats, and they accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and organs. As a result, immunity decreases, the condition of hair and skin worsens.

    If you do not pay attention to this and do nothing, the skin becomes dull and flabby, a rash may appear or, even worse, eczema or psoriasis.

    Nutritionist Natasha Corret insists that alkaline nutrition is not a diet, it's a healthy diet that supports your body. As a reward, you will receive shiny hair, clear skin and a beautiful figure.

    The paradox is that most of the foods we eat are acid-forming. The habit of rushing, doing everything on the run, physical activity increases the level of acidity. If you actively lose weight, a lot of toxins appear in the blood, and alkaline food contribute to their removal from the body. Hence the conclusion - it is impossible to achieve a good result only with sports and exercises. Proper nutrition is 80% of success on the way to a beautiful figure!

  • Principle of alkaline nutrition

    If you seriously decide to change your diet, you will have to try hard. The diet should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. In a week you will notice the result! Remember the golden rule of any diet: 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat.

    See the list of foods that increase acidity, their use should be limited.

    The main dish on your table should be vegetables. Fruits that are only low in sugar are lemon, lime, grapefruit, avocado, and berries. Acid foods include whole grain bread, nuts, seeds, some fruits, and sheep or goat milk. If it is difficult to completely give up meat, replace pork and red meat with chicken.

    Elle MacPherson prays for an alkaline diet, especially spinach. She also eats beetroot with goat cheese and allows herself only one cup of espresso a day. The result of a 50-year-old old woman can be envied by 20-year-old models, to whom she is in no way inferior in the beauty of her figure. Elle has become so enamored with alkaline foods that she and her nutritionist are developing an anti-acid dietary supplement.

    To improve metabolic processes, you need to drink more alkaline water. Use a special filter or add the juice of a quarter of a lemon to 0.5 liters of clean water.

    Alcohol strongly oxidizes the body. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight normal, it is advisable to give it up completely, and not just for the duration of the diet.

  • Basic Rules

    Don't rely on the taste of the product. Sour lemon, citrus fruits belong to the alkaline group, you can safely use them.

    Choose meat products with a minimum amount of fat. Cook chicken or turkey without skin. Replace dairy products with soy. Do not get carried away with cereals, cereals a maximum of 2-3 times a week. Eliminate coffee, drink plenty of water with lemon, herbal tea. Forget about sugar and all products that contain it. Reduce the amount of salt to the minimum. Also banned are spices with flavor enhancers, yeast, starch.

    The alkaline diet consists of three phases that cannot be interchanged. Each one lasts one week. The first one is based on fresh, not thermally processed vegetables and fruits, berries, greens. It is allowed to stew or bake them, and carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be from a neutral food group and make up 20% of the diet. At the second stage, juices and smoothies from berries and vegetables are added to food.

    In the last week, you can eat grains, this can be a serving of porridge per day or 2 slices of whole grain yeast-free bread. It is advisable to connect physical activity to the diet - walking for more than 30 minutes a day, swimming, running.

  • Know the measure!
    Do not make a radical transition with the complete elimination of acidic foods, do it gradually. Excessive severity in such nutrition leads to "alkalinization" of the body and causes dangerous consequences.

    People with reduced secretory function of the stomach and atrophic gastritis should refrain from dieting. Also, in the presence of any cardiovascular diseases, such a diet is prohibited. Try to change your diet for 3 weeks, then increase the amount of acidic foods so as not to deprive the body of important substances.

If the desire for change is very strong, try to change your diet so that the food is healthy and brings pleasure. Alkaline and acid foods must be individually balanced. To build your own ideal diet, see the table of combinations of different products with each other.

Don't get hung up on grueling diets, always approach your limits thoughtfully, and don't forget about physical activity. Remember that dissatisfaction with yourself and obsession with losing weight do not allow you to achieve a positive result. We have a lot of tips on proper nutrition, choose the right one and get ready to conquer the world!

Show this article to your friends, for sure many of them dream of a healthy body and a beautiful figure!

The alkaline, or alkaline, diet is rapidly gaining supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Many of her fans (including the stars) are trying to prove that the new power system works flawlessly. Let's figure out what this miracle diet is and whether it always works as promised.

“Forget about feeling weak, extra pounds, bodily pain and serious illness! Rejoice in energy, improved mental abilities, a healthier and more slender body!” urges diet author Dr. Robert Young in The pH Miracle bestseller. Victoria Beckham admitted that she was introduced to the alkaline diet by Vicki Edson and Natasha Corret's recipe book Honestly Healthy Alkaline Program ("Real Healthy Alkaline Program"). “Love this healthy food cookbook,” Victoria Beckham tweeted and even included a picture of the book’s cover.

To hold balance?

“Human health depends on the balance of alkali in the blood, more precisely on whether you are able to create the optimal ratio of alkali and acid,” says Robert Young. The closer the pH of the blood to normal, that is, to the values ​​of 7.35–7.45, the better your health, which means the stronger you resist viral and bacterial infections.

Why does the body need a ph-norm. For our body, a normal pH level is vital. The protein, which is the basis of the cell, must maintain certain geometric shapes in order to function properly, and the three-dimensional forms of the protein suffer from the slightest change in pH.

When this balance is disturbed, symptoms of various diseases appear: dizziness, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, excess weight. “All regulatory mechanisms of the body (respiration, blood circulation, digestion, hormonal system) work in order to maintain this delicate acid-base balance,” emphasizes Mikhail GAVRILOV, psychotherapist, PhD, nutritionist, specialist in functional medicine Center of Doctor Gavrilov. Unfortunately, the modern human diet is dominated by acid-forming foods and fluids that upset the balance.

Teetotalers and ulcers. Excessive oxidation of the body is one of the common causes leading to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. “In case of stomach diseases, the “Table No. 1” diet is recommended, in which products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid and irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded,” comments Tatiana POLUNINA, MD, professor at Moscow State Medical University, gastroenterologist-hepatologist at the European Medical Center. "It's a shift towards alkalinization of the upper GI tract (esophagus, stomach, and duodenum)."

alkaline foods

Vegetables: tomatoes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets, cucumbers, garlic, celery, zucchini, new potatoes, green beans, leafy vegetables, onions, peas, radishes.
Berries and fruits: grapefruit, lemon, pears, watermelon.
Fats and oils: avocado, linseed and hemp oils.
Fish: fatty species (trout, salmon).
Nuts, beans, cereals: almonds, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, wheat and buckwheat, basmati rice, beans, lentils.

Oxidizing products

Animal products: all types of poultry, meat, seafood, fish (with the exception of trout and salmon).
Dairy products: all kinds.
Fats and oils: all milk and animal fats. Vegetable oils, with the exception of those indicated in the groups of alkaline products.
Sweets and semi-finished products: all kinds.
Baking: all kinds, including bread. fast food, ALCOHOL: all kinds.

Actress Kirsten Dunst leads an "alkaline" lifestyle. Her diet is 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. She avoids processed foods, instead eating fruits, vegetables and soy, and drinking green tea. “I love that this diet keeps me lean and makes my complexion glow,” shares Kirsten.

"I never thought I could have a good body," says Gwyneth Paltrow. Before the actress started sticking to an alkaline diet, she was "bony on top and heavy on the bottom." Now she does not eat pasta, bread, potatoes (sour foods). Her favorite alkalizing drinks and foods are coconut water, juices, raw almonds.

According to the press, Jennifer Aniston's stunning body and gorgeous skin are the result of following a low-carb, alkaline, high-protein diet. Jennifer's diet is based on vegetables and fruits, while it does not contain meat and processed foods.

Diet or lifestyle

Many nutritionists are skeptical about the new popular nutrition system. “The relationship between the secretory function of the stomach and the general acid-base balance of the body can theoretically exist, but in practice this has not yet been proven in any scientific study,” comments Tatyana Polunina. Therefore, some consider the alkaline diet to be a diet, i. short-term program, and others - a rational diet, which can and should be followed for many years.

Among the supporters of the system are the authors of the book "The Real Healthy Alkaline Program" Edson and Corret. “This is not a diet - this is a healthy way of eating,” writes chef Natasha CORRET. - Alkaline plan keeps your body in optimal condition. And you always have clear skin, shiny hair, plus slenderness, as a bonus.

Eat, but know the measure. "The alkaline diet doesn't have to be strict if you're not healthy enough," says Dr. Sean SCHMIDT, chiropractor and well-known American health advocate. “Eating like this can make the body too alkaline and push alkali levels out of the optimal range,” says Erin PALINSKY, an American dietitian and certified fitness and nutrition expert. "People who follow an alkaline diet, by increasing their intake of alkaline foods and cutting back on acid-forming foods, can change their body chemistry." It will be dangerous in the long run, opponents of the "alkali" say.

Victoria Beckham has time for everything, Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow are slim and positive, and Elle MacPherson at 50 has smooth skin. Because they are on an alkaline diet - and they praise it a lot. About what is the meaning of the so-called diet of Hollywood stars - we tell.

Natasha Corret

Victoria Beckham has been eating according to the book Honestly Healthy Alkaline Program for several years, which was written by the famous London chef and nutritionist Natasha Corret (sienna Miller's half-sister, her clients include Robbie Williams and Natalie Imbruglia, project website: and nutritionist Vicki Edson.

The book contains beautiful photographs and recipes, as well as general recommendations for a “new way of life”, in which food is preferred, which, once in our body, becomes alkaline (there is also acid-forming food).

Victoria Beckham

Gwyneth Paltrow

It is believed that the body works optimally if the acid-base balance is maintained (the pH level of the blood should normally be between 7.35 and 7.45 - this is a more alkaline environment, while the stomach should remain acidic). If the level of blood acidity is higher, then metabolic processes can be disturbed: food is absorbed worse, there is a deficiency of minerals and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium), fats accumulate, the amount of mucus increases, immunity decreases, the condition of hair and skin deteriorates, the level energy. Similar failures can occur when alkali jumps, but this is extremely rare for a modern person - most of the foods that we eat today are acid-forming. (Also acid rises due to the need to do everything on the run. By the way, fitness also tilts the balance in favor of acid.)

El MacPherson

Jennifer Aniston

In general, bad food is everything of animal origin (meat, poultry, fish - except for trout and salmon, seafood, all animal fats, milk, cheese, eggs), honey, everything from flour, white rice, mushrooms, ketchup, mustard , artificial sweeteners, sweets, coffee, sodas, black tea, and virtually all alcohol). Alkaline foods are many vegetables, berries and fruits, including those that have a sour taste - sour apples and apple cider vinegar, lemon, lime, tomatoes, grapefruit, pomegranate, raw spinach (it becomes acidic when cooked), - nuts, seaweed , greens, cereals (primarily oats, buckwheat, millet and quinoa), bananas, raisins and other dried fruits, fresh ginger, coconut and almond milk, olive, coconut and linseed oils, grape seed oil, avocados. Maniacs like Victoria Beckham believe that the daily diet should consist of 80% alkalizing foods and only 20% acidic foods.

Victoria Beckham

But most consultants say that if 2/3 of your food is alkalizing, that's more than enough. True, not all nutritionists consider the alkaline diet a panacea. For example, it has not been proven how much the environment in the stomach affects the overall acid-base balance. “Oxidative processes in the body occur all the time – this is how we are arranged,” says Irina Turchinskaya, a nutritionist at the Health Center “Premium Club Wellness Daily Live”. - Nature has a huge number of protective mechanisms that independently maintain the acid-base balance. Therefore, a clear bias towards alkalization can be harmful. On the other hand, if you are actively losing weight, a lot of waste products are formed in the blood, and alkaline foods can contribute to additional detox.

It is also useful to drink half a liter of warm ionized alkaline water on an empty stomach - it is easy to get it with the help of alkaline filters. The best are Japanese. But in general - it's good when the diet consists of 50% carbohydrates, 25% proteins and 25% fats - I consider this ratio the golden rule of nutrition. Any distortions can be harmful to health.

El MacPherson, 2016

Elle MacPherson prays for an alkaline diet, especially spinach. She also eats beets with goat cheese (it's not alkaline, but low acid-forming), wild salmon, and only allows herself one shot of espresso (coffee is highly acidic!) in the morning. In honor of her 50th birthday, she, along with her personal dietitian, Dr. Simone Lobscher, developed and released the alkalizing beauty supplement Super Elixir (available at, a 150mg pack costs $45). The new product contains 45 ingredients (Chinese herbs, digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins) that support the work of 11 major metabolic systems of the body, especially the hormonal and digestive ones.

Elle MacPherson, 2016

It's no secret that our appearance depends on food that we are using. Everything that enters your stomach will certainly appear in the most inappropriate places. And this applies not only to cakes and soda.

Listed unwanted products turned out to be meat, eggs, coffee, cheese. But these are the usual components of the daily diet, and not just popular diets.

alkaline nutrition

Hollywood beauties Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and 50-year-old Elle MacPherson promote alkaline nutrition as ideal and balanced in terms of health and beauty. Its main principle is the use of food with a high content of alkali, because it prevents the accumulation of acid in the body - the causes of inflammation, obesity and aging.

Victoria Beckham's diet is based on the book "Honestly Healthy Alkaline Program", which was written by renowned London chef and nutritionist Natasha Corret and nutritionist Vicki Edson. The book contains not only general recommendations, but also recipes for the right dishes.

  1. Theory

    As you know, the acid-base balance (pH) in the body directly affects the metabolism. Normally, the stomach is acidic for better digestion. The indicator of maximum acidity is 1 pH, neutrality, or the balance of acid and alkali, is 7 pH, the most alkaline environment is 14 pH. The blood pH should remain between 7.35 and 7.45.

    “A normal pH level is vital for the human body. This is due to the fact that the protein, which is the basis of the cell, must strictly maintain certain geometric shapes in order to function correctly, and the three-dimensional forms of the protein are highly dependent on even a small change in pH.

    If blood acidity level above, all metabolic processes are disturbed. Food is poorly digested, there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, the body cannot break down fats, and they accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and organs. As a result, immunity decreases, the condition of hair and skin worsens.

    If you do not pay attention to this and do nothing, the skin becomes dull and flabby, a rash may appear or, even worse, eczema or psoriasis.

    Nutritionist Natasha Corret insists that alkaline nutrition is not a diet, it's a healthy diet that supports your body. As a reward, you will receive shiny hair, clear skin and a beautiful figure.

    The paradox is that most of the foods we eat are acid-forming. The habit of rushing, doing everything on the run, physical activity increases the level of acidity. If you actively lose weight, a lot of toxins appear in the blood, and alkaline food contribute to their removal from the body. Hence the conclusion - it is impossible to achieve a good result only with sports and exercises. Proper nutrition is 80% of success on the way to a beautiful figure!

  2. Principle of alkaline nutrition

    If you seriously decide to change your diet, you will have to try hard. The diet should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. In a week you will notice the result! Remember the golden rule of any diet: 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25% fat.

    See the list of foods that increase acidity, their use should be limited.

    The main dish on your table should be vegetables. Fruits only low in sugar - lemon, lime, grapefruit, avocado and berries. Acid foods include whole grain bread, nuts, seeds, some fruits, and sheep or goat milk. If it is difficult to completely give up meat, replace pork and red meat with chicken.

    Elle MacPherson prays for an alkaline diet, especially spinach. She also eats beetroot with goat cheese and allows herself only one cup of espresso a day. The result of a 50-year-old old woman can be envied by 20-year-old models, to whom she is in no way inferior in the beauty of her figure. Elle has become so enamored with alkaline foods that she and her nutritionist are developing an anti-acid dietary supplement.

    To improve metabolic processes, you need to drink more alkaline water. Use a special filter or add the juice of a quarter of a lemon to 0.5 liters of clean water.

    Alcohol strongly oxidizes the body. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight normal, it is advisable to give it up completely, and not just for the duration of the diet.

  3. Basic Rules

    Don't rely on the taste of the product. Sour lemon, citrus fruits belong to the alkaline group, you can safely use them.

    Choose meat products with a minimum amount of fat. Cook chicken or turkey without skin. Replace dairy products with soy. Do not get carried away with cereals, cereals a maximum of 2-3 times a week. Eliminate coffee, drink plenty of water with lemon, herbal tea. Forget about sugar and all products that contain it. Reduce the amount of salt to the minimum. Also banned are spices with flavor enhancers, yeast, starch.

    The alkaline diet consists of three phases that cannot be interchanged. The duration of each is one week. The first one is based on fresh, not thermally processed vegetables and fruits, berries, greens. It is allowed to stew or bake them, and carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be from a neutral food group and make up 20% of the diet. At the second stage, juices and smoothies from berries and vegetables are added to food.

    In the last week, you can eat grains, this can be a serving of porridge per day or 2 slices of whole grain yeast-free bread. It is advisable to connect physical activity to the diet - walking for more than 30 minutes a day, swimming, running.

  4. Know the measure!
    Do not make a radical transition with the complete elimination of acidic foods, do it gradually. Excessive severity in such nutrition leads to "alkalinization" of the body and causes dangerous consequences.

    People with reduced secretory function of the stomach and atrophic gastritis should refrain from dieting. Also, in the presence of any cardiovascular diseases, such a diet is prohibited. Try to change your diet for 3 weeks, then increase the amount of acidic foods so as not to deprive the body of important substances.

If the desire for change is very strong, try to change your diet so that the food is healthy and brings pleasure. Alkaline and acid foods must be individually balanced. To build your own ideal diet, see the table of combinations of different products with each other.

Don't get hung up on grueling diets, always approach your limits thoughtfully, and don't forget about physical activity. Remember that dissatisfaction with yourself and obsession with losing weight do not allow you to achieve a positive result. We have a lot of tips on, choose the right one and get ready to conquer the world!

Show this article to your friends, for sure many of them dream of a healthy body and a beautiful figure!

Alexandra Dyachenko is perhaps the most active editor of our team. She is an active mother of two children, a tireless hostess, and Sasha also has an interesting hobby: she loves to make impressive decorations and decorate children's parties. The energy of this man cannot be put into words! Dreams of visiting the Brazilian carnival. Sasha's favorite book is "Wonderland Without Brakes" by Haruki Murakami.