Matthew's name day according to the Orthodox. Matvey: name day according to the church calendar

In church codes, the name sounds like Matthew. Hebrew name. It means "man of God" or "gifted by God". This name was given to one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.

In the common people, the name has the following variations: Matveyka, Matveyushka, Motya, Matyusha, Matyukha.

The name is common in the countries of the Catholic and Orthodox world.

Everywhere it sounds differently: Mateo, Matthew, Mat, Mateusz, Matthias, Matviy, Maciej.

Name nature: fate, talents and love relationships

Matyusha grows up as an obedient, honest boy. Since childhood, he has good health, has a core. He has a stable mind. Studying is given without difficulty, he is quite diligent, but has no passion for learning.

The young man is modest and prefers to stay in the shadows. Will not obsessively rush to career heights. May show zeal, but his fuse quickly dries up. This person is conflict-free and calm, does not like the state of confrontation, prefers to step aside.

A man rarely reaches a high position in society. Able to quit what he started. Little faith in their own abilities, prone to excessive anxiety.

Life can change drastically once you gain confidence.

Having achieved success and a high position, he shows not the best qualities: authoritarianism and unpredictability, vanity and arrogance.

A man is subject to the ups and downs of his career. In pursuit of developing a strong and courageous character, he can "go too far", becoming a cruel and risky person.

Matvey needs the support of friends and family if he wants to fulfill himself. He needs to be inspired and guided.

This man is inclined towards such professions as: astronomy, philosophy and sociology. He loves research, research, calculations. The following classes are suitable for him: banking, accounting, economic specialties.

Can make a military career, sports. Do not do business, there is a risk of loss.

Deprived of romanticism, he is looking for a reliable and faithful woman as a companion, who can be completely trusted. He considers his home and marriage a fortress, a stronghold. At home, he is inaccessible to outsiders, protected.

Revered saints named Matthew:

  1. The Holy Apostle Matthew collected taxes. Called by Christ, he began to preach the Holy Scriptures. They wrote the Gospel, it is the first in a series of revelations of the New Testament. With good news and appeals, he traveled through many countries. Accepted martyrdom in the Ethiopian lands. With God's help, he converted a huge number of pagans to the Christian faith. He built a temple in Ethiopia, where he left his companion as a bishop. At the behest of the local emperor, Matthew was burned, but his body was not touched by fire. They put the Apostle Matthew in an iron coffin and threw it into the sea. Fulvian, the emperor of this country, swore to accept Christianity if God would leave the body of the martyr unharmed. That same night, the coffin stood on the shore, and the body of the holy apostle lay intact. He kept his word. Fulvian asked Matthew for the opportunity to be baptized. When he was converted to the Christian faith, Fulvian accepted the naming of Matthew and became a bishop in these lands.
  2. Matthew Pechersky lived in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. After accomplishing many glorious deeds, the Lord gave Matthew the opportunity to see and denounce the devilish demons. During worship, he could see the unclean. They appeared, invisible to ordinary people. From this he received the name of the Perspicacious. He lived to a very advanced age.
  3. Martyr Matthew Pomerantsev. In the world. Lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He studied at the theological seminary. He was a member of the Local Council. Participated in the investigation of Metropolitan Vladimir. On the way to the Urals, along with other members of the commission, he was brutally shot. The locals buried the bodies in the ground. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

Prayer read in different situations:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Matthew, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.”

Matthew (Matthew, Matthias) - the name of Hebrew origin, which translates as "God's man" or "gifted by God." This is the meaning of the name Matthew. His name day is celebrated more than 10 times a year. We will tell you more about this and about the patron saints of the name in our article.

Matthew's name day according to the church calendar

The most famous patron saint of the name is the Apostle Levi Matthew, who is the author of the Gospel. Other patrons include presbyters, wonderworkers, new martyrs and confessors, who bore the name Matthew during their lifetime and at one time were canonized by the Orthodox Church as saints.

Matthew's name day corresponds to the day of memory of the patron saints. The following dates are indicated in the church calendar:

  • January - 18;
  • April - 25;
  • June - 1;
  • July - 13;
  • August - 22, 25, 27;
  • October - 11, 13, 18;
  • November - 12, 25, 29.

These days, you should not forget to congratulate your acquaintances Matveev on their name days. But among all the dates, the one that coincides with a person’s birthday or comes immediately after it is especially important. The saint, whose memorial day falls on this date, is the patron saint of a man named Matthew.

Name Day July 13 - Memorial Day of the Apostle Matthew

Saint Matthew (Levi Matthew) was one of the twelve apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ. Before turning to the Savior, he served as a publican, that is, a tax collector in Rome. However, having heard the voice of Christ, Matthew left the service and became his disciple. He preached in Palestine, and then in other countries. Before setting off on a long journey, Matthew, at the request of the Jews who remained in Jerusalem, wrote the Gospel, which became one of the main books of the New Testament.

Saint Matthew went around preaching to several countries: Syria, Persia, Media and others. At the age of 60, he went to Ethiopia. This region was inhabited by cannibals who worshiped idols, very far from the Christian faith. However, the apostle Matthew did not give up trying to convert them to the true faith. He founded a church here and built a temple, placing his companion Plato as bishop in it. Here in Ethiopia, Saint Matthew was executed by order of the Ethiopian prince Fulvian. After the ruler strongly repented of his actions and was even baptized by Bishop Plato with the name Matthew.

Memorial Day of the Apostle Matthew is celebrated twice a year: July 13 and November 29. On the same days, the name day of Matthew is celebrated. The saint is not only the patron of this name, but also of the city of Salerno in Italy, where, according to legend, the relics of the apostle were transferred in the 10th century, where they are kept to this day.

Matthew Caves (October 11 and 18)

In the 10th century, the Monk Matthew lived in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, having received from the Lord the gift of clairvoyance for his exploits. He told his visions to the brothers, protecting them from rash acts. In particular, Saint Matthew saw demons plotting intrigues against the monks, about which the saint told those who were being saved. Saint Matthew lived to a ripe old age, and his relics are still kept in the Anthony Caves of the Lavra.

The name day of Matthew, whose patron is this saint, is celebrated on October 11 and 18. On icons, the Monk Matthew is often depicted with other elders - Damian and Jeremiah, who also had the gift of clairvoyance.

November 29: Matthew's Day

On this day, the Christian church honors not only the name day of Matthew, the apostle who wrote the Gospel, but also the man who executed him and then converted to the true faith. As already mentioned, after the death of the apostle, the Ethiopian prince Fulvian was baptized by Bishop Plato with the name Matthew, renounced power and became a presbyter. After the death of Plato, he himself became a bishop and led the Ethiopian church.

Saint Fulvian did much to spread Christianity not only in Ethiopia, but also in other countries, tirelessly continuing the work of his heavenly patron.

The Apostle Matthew helps when he is asked for the strengthening of faith and for protection from temptations.
Prior to being called an apostle to serve the Lord, Matthew was a tax collector.
Therefore, it is believed that he became the patron of those who are related to finance. Also, the apostle Matthew can help in restoring justice in the event that you were treated unfairly by the inspection authorities.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The Apostle Matthew (called Levi) is a relative of the Apostle James of Alpheus and, until he became an apostle himself, he was a wealthy man. In Galilee, he served as a tax collector (was a publican).

When Jesus Christ preached the faith in Capernaum, He, accompanied by people, went to the sea, where he saw the publican Levi, to whom he simply said:

" Come after me!"

The publican had already heard about the new Man, who explained to people about God. Therefore, when he heard such a call, he left everything and, without hesitation, followed Jesus Christ. With all his heart, Matthew accepted the teachings of the Lord, believed in him with all sincerity, he was very glad that the publican, despised by people, was awarded such a high honor.
On this occasion, Matthew arranged a feast in his house and invited the Lord to him. It is known from the Gospel that a large number of people were invited to this feast. Together, at the same table, were Jesus Christ with His disciples and friends of Matthew, tax collectors and sinners.
Some Pharisees and scribes were also invited, who wanted to “pinch” and humiliate the Lord, pointing out that he was reclining next to those people whom no one respected - with publicans.

“How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?”

the scribes asked the disciples of Jesus.
Hearing this question, the Lord answered them:

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

After his calling, Matthew left his prosperous life and turned into a faithful disciple of Christ, no longer being separated from his Teacher.
After his union with other apostles, the future evangelist Matthew was always with the Lord. He went with Him to Galilee and Judea, listened to sermons and learned faith in God, he saw many miracles performed by Jesus Christ. He was among those apostles who saw with their own eyes how their beloved Teacher suffered on the Cross, His death on the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.

After the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on Pentecost, one of them, the Evangelist Matthew, preached the faith in Jerusalem and nearby villages. Eight years after the glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ, at the request of Christians and other apostles, it was Matthew who wrote the first Gospel, from which people could learn about the earthly life and teachings of the Savior.

The Apostle Matthew carried the good news in many countries: in Macedonia, Syria, Persia, Parthia and Media, he was in Ethiopia.
On the instructions of the Holy Spirit, the apostle ended up in the territory of the cruel black people, in the city of Mirmena. Here he built a church, in which his companion Plato became a bishop and converted several people to the faith.
Once, when Matthew and the parishioners were praying to God, unexpectedly for everyone, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared to those who were praying, gave the apostle a rod to set it up near the doors of the temple.
Wishing to fulfill the will of God, Matthew began to install the rod. And then, suddenly, in full view of all those present, the iron club turned into a tree, on which branches, leaves and huge juicy fruits immediately appeared. The inhabitants of this city immediately found out about such a miracle, began to come to the tree, taste the delicious fruits and drink clean water from the well next to the church. In addition, everyone was surprised when Apostle Matthew began to preach the gospel to them in a language they knew. After such miracles, many immediately believed in Jesus Christ, and after the baptism of the Apostle Matthew, they became Christians.

The local ruler Fulvian, when he found out about the changes that had taken place, became very angry and ordered four guards to seize and deliver to him the disturber of their peace. When the soldiers approached the church, everything suddenly plunged into darkness, it became so dark that nothing could be seen. The next day, the ruler sent another detachment, but this time the soldiers were blinded by an unusually bright light, and again the king's order was not carried out.

But still, Fulfian managed to lure Matthew to his palace, where he accused the apostle of witchcraft and sentenced him to be burned in the fire. The fire was kindled, but when they began to carry out the sentence, it died out, without damaging Matthew in the least. The executioners kindled the fire again and began to pour combustible pitch on it, which ignited, then suddenly spilled over and splashed its fire on the tormentors. This created a fire hazard. After Fulfian began to ask the saint, whom the Lord had saved this time, to spare him, the fire immediately went out.
After seeing the miracles, Fulfian set out to free apostle from torment, but by the will of God, the saint, having prayed, died.
Deciding to pay special honors to Matthew, the body of the Apostle was dressed in expensive clothes, laid on a golden bed, and solemnly carried into the palace.
The prince had not yet become an unconditional zealot of the Christian faith and, apparently, therefore, decided to arrange another test. He ordered that Matthew's body be placed in a metal ark, which was hermetically filled with tin and thrown into the sea.
Fulfian told all the courtiers that this final test was to show the true power of the Lord. That same night, when the iron ark with the relics was thrown into the water, the holy apostle appeared to Bishop Platon and revealed to him the place where the ark was discovered the next morning.
Now the prince fully believed in Christ and in His faith, confessed Him as the One true God, who worked such miracles through His holy apostle - did not let him burn in the fire and drown in the water. After the ark was delivered to the palace, the ruler fell to the holy relics of Matthew, began to ask his forgiveness, repented of his sins and wanted to be baptized.
Seeing the sincerity of Fulvian, Bishop Plato explained to him the truths of the holy faith, after which, after announcing, he baptized the ruler. While laying hands on the head of the newly baptized, a voice was heard from above, which commanded:

"Call him not Fulvian, but Matthew."

So, after baptism, the ruler took the name of the holy Apostle Matthew. In Christian life, the prince wanted to be like a saint: he also renounced worldly goods, transferred his power and wealth to other hands, he himself became an ardent prayer book for people, and for these merits he was even elevated to the rank of presbyter. Bishop Platon died three years later. In a vision of Presbyter Matthew, the holy Apostle Matthew appeared and persuaded him to become a bishop after Blessed Plato.
Having become a bishop, Matthew put many forces into the cause of the annunciation, many people, thanks to his sermons, moved away from idolatry and converted to the Christian faith.


We magnify you, the Apostle of Christ Matthew, and we honor your illnesses and labors, in the image you worked in the piety of Christ.


In recent years, the Hebrew name Matthew has become increasingly popular, which until then was common only in the monastic life of the Orthodox Church. Now it is worn by many lay people. In this article we will talk about when and in honor of whom Matthew's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar.

What you need to know about birthdays

Name days are not just a celebration of a name. This is a memorial day in honor of which a person is baptized (and not just named). Therefore, only baptized people have the prerogative to celebrate this holiday. Its other name is the day of the angel.

The day of the angel is chosen at the same time when the saint is chosen, in whose honor the person wants to be baptized. In the case of infant baptism, this is done by the parents. If later the name of the saint is forgotten, then once it is allowed to choose a patron again. Any namesake of a person canonized in the face of saints can become it. If the person himself cannot decide, then the procedure for the formal calculation of the holy patron can help him. To do this, in the calendar, the day of memory of the holy namesake of a person is sought out, which would be as close as possible to his birthday. From that moment on, it was he who became his patron, and the day of his general church memory became a personal holiday of name day.

Below we will talk about the saints in whose honor Matthew's name day is celebrated. Perhaps, in fact, there are much more of them than we can imagine in this article, but no one has yet been able to collect all the names of the saints over the past two thousand years. Another point - in the church tradition, the name Matthew sounds like "Matthew" or "Matthew". And Matthew's name day, this is their name day.

January 18th. Martyr Matthew (Gusev)

This martyr was born in 1886 in the Moscow province. During his life he was a peasant, had a family. In the church, he served as a member of the church council of his parish. On charges of anti-Soviet activities, he was sentenced in 1937 to ten years in a correctional camp. But a year later he died from severe conditions. Celebrated in 2006.

October 13th. Martyr Matthew (Soloviev)

On October 13, Matthew celebrates the name day, which is timed to coincide with the memory of this martyr. He was born in 1868 in the Tver province. He served in the army and then in the police. After the Revolution, he settled in his native village, where he began to run a household. At the same time he attended the church and in 1929 he was elected as chairman of the church council of the parish of one of the villages. In 1937 he was accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, for which he was subsequently shot. Honored in 2003.

29th of November. Apostle Matthew

Matthew the Apostle Day is the most popular angel day for Matthews. According to legend, he was a brother He came from Capernaum - a town in Galilee and served as a tax collector in favor of Rome. Hearing the call of Christ, followed him. What happened to him after the crucifixion of Christ, nothing is known. According to various versions, he was martyred in Ethiopia or Asia Minor around the year 60. He is also attributed to the first of the canonical New Testament gospels, which, however, is very conditional.

August 27th. Hieromartyr Matthew (Pomerantsev)

In honor of this saint, since 2000, the name day of Matthew has also been celebrated, since it was then that he was canonized. In the world he was called Michael, and he died in the rank of archimandrite. Born in 1881. He was a graduate of the Kyiv Academy. The last appointment was the post of rector of the Perm Theological Seminary. He was hacked to death on a train in 1918.

November 25. Hieromartyr Matthew (Aloin)

This saint was born in 1879 near Ryazan. There he graduated from the seminary and received the priesthood. Subsequently, he changed several dioceses. Like many others, he was arrested in 1937 and shot for anti-Soviet activities. Canonized in 2004. Matvey's name day in memory of him falls on the day of his execution - November 25th.

Hieromartyr Matthew (Voznesensky)

This holy martyr was one of the Belgorod priests. Shot by soldiers of the Red Army in 1919. According to the church calendar, Matthew's name day falls on the first day of summer. Canonization took place in 2000.

29th of November. Prince and Saint Matthew of Ethiopia

According to legend, this saint was a pagan ruler of Ethiopia, who executed the apostle Matthew who preached in it. But then he converted to a new faith and repented. In baptism in honor of the apostle he executed, he took the name Matthew and renounced his princely power. When the ruling bishop of Ethiopia, Plato, died, this former prince Matthew was elected to the cathedra.

22 August. Apostle Matthias

According to the Bible, he was a disciple of Christ and was one of the 70 apostles. After the ascension of Christ, by lot, he entered the number, taking the place of Judas Iscariot. There is no reliable information about what happened to him afterwards. It is believed that he died as a martyr for the preaching of Christ at the verdict of the Jewish authorities around the year 63.

Coincidence? Matthew - given by God (Hebrew). In the church tradition - Matthew. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the name was common, now it is rare. Main features: modesty. Surname: Matveevich, Matveevna. Zodiac and horoscope of the name: Scorpion. Planet: Pluto. Name color: light brown. Stone, talisman: chlastolit. Favorable plant: walnut, freesia. Name patron: scorpion. Happy day: Tuesday. Lucky season: autumn. Name day, patron saints, angel day Matthew of the Caves, the perspicacious, recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 18 (5). Matthew Ethiopian Fulvian, prince, bishop, 29 (16) November. Matthew, holy apostle and evangelist, July 13 (June 30), November 26 (13). Matthew is the son of Alpheus. His second name is Levi. By profession he was a publican, a tax collector for the Roman Empire, despised by his compatriots for his occupation. But, despite this, Christ saw in him a pure soul and called him to serve. His gospel is the earliest. It was written around the year 42 in Hebrew and was intended for Jews who believed in Christ. The Apostle Matthew proved to them that Jesus Christ is the Messiah about whom the prophets wrote. He preached the gospel in a vast area from India to Ireland. “You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world, because those who love God shine before people with a virtuous life, glorify our Heavenly Father with their good deeds,” the apostle Matthew wrote. The Apostle Matthew died as a martyr around the year 60. Folk signs, customs If violent winds blow on the day of the Apostle Matthew, then there will be blizzards and snowstorms in Holy Rus' until the winter St. Nicholas. Name and character Matyusha in childhood manifests himself as a cheerful, calm, obedient child who does not cause much trouble. At school, he is a modest, shy boy, but always ready to help a friend or protect the weak. At the same time, he does not fight with the boys, he knows how to extinguish the conflict. He does not study brilliantly, but diligently. Matvey rarely succeeds in science, he has no equal in skill to do something, fix it, build it with his own hands. He is a wonderful carpenter, turner, builder, sometimes an architect, sculptor, theater decorator. He has a very developed imagination, he is full of creative ideas and, what is especially valuable, he can bring them to life with his “golden” hands. Matvey is not bright in appearance, but a thorough, tactful person. He likes to stay in the shadows, cannot stand quarrels, seeks to reconcile everyone. He is Honest, disinterested, does not hatch any ambitious plans. Calmly and with dignity does its job. It is difficult to piss him off, but sometimes it happens, then he becomes very angry and irritable. Matvey soon calms down, never takes revenge, but remembers the offense. Matvey is very amorous, but he does not cheat on his wife, his moral principles do not allow this, especially when there are children. He loves children very much and spends a lot of time with them. He does everything in the house himself. He gets along well with his wife, although there are small quarrels, by old age they are almost a single whole, touchingly take care of each other. Name in history and art Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov (1738-1812) - an outstanding Russian architect, the creator of the architectural appearance of Moscow in the 2nd half of the 18th - early 19th centuries. Kazakov built buildings known to everyone - the Senate in the Kremlin, whose dome with the flag of the country we see every time on TV, Moscow University, the Noble Assembly with the famous Hall of Columns, from which festive concerts are broadcast, and a number of other buildings.