Factors of placement of enterprises of the metallurgical complex Russia-world. Metallurgical complex: composition, significance, placement factors geography lesson location factors metallurgical complex

We start the topic with a problem. during the lesson we solve the problem. Acquaintance with the branches of metallurgy: ferrous and non-ferrous. The composition and importance of the industry. Practical work: to determine the centers of metallurgical plants. Concepts - metallurgical plant, metallurgical base. Industry problems and development prospects.



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Metallurgical complex Set of enterprises for the extraction of ores and the manufacture of metals 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

The problem is waiting for your solution. To ensure the supply of oil and gas to Europe, more than 100 million tons of large-diameter steel pipes were laid in Russia, which form the basis of a unique pipeline system. Most of these pipes have been in operation since the 70s of the last century, when 2-3 million tons of large diameter pipes were purchased in Europe and Japan. The service life of these pipes is 30 years and is already coming to an end. We have to replace these pipes on the same scale. It is today that Russia has a chance to correct the paradoxical situation when the world's largest consumer of large-diameter pipes and at the same time one of the world's leaders in steel production does not have a modern pipe production. There was a need to build a plant for the production of large diameter pipes. Where is it more convenient and profitable for us to build it? 04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Aims and objectives of the lesson: To study the structure and significance of metallurgy. To get acquainted with the features of ferrous metallurgy. Give definitions of the concepts "combine", "metallurgical base". Describe the metallurgical bases Consider the problems of the industry. Propose a site for the construction of a plant for the production of pipes 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna


Industry value. Raw materials for mechanical engineering Structural materials Consumer goods 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna


Manufacture of the main types of ferrous metallurgy products (in million tons) products 1970 1980 1990 2009 Iron ore 66 92 107 73 cast iron 42 55 60 35 steel 64 84 90 44 Rolled products (pipes) 7 4 12 3 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Technological chain. 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna Iron ore mining Ore beneficiation (at mining and processing plants) Cast iron smelting (in blast furnaces) Steel smelting (in steel-smelting furnaces) Production of rolled products (sheets, rails, angles, pipes, etc.)

placement factors. The location of metallurgical enterprises is influenced by: Raw material Fuel Consumer Water Transport Environmental factors. A metallurgical plant is a water-intensive enterprise, therefore it is built near a large river, lake or pond. A metallurgical plant cannot work without a railway, because the flow of raw materials and fuel is very huge. Metallurgy is a "dirty" industry, so you cannot build several metallurgical plants in one city. It is impossible to exceed the "environmental ceiling", this will adversely affect the health of the population 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna Types and centers of enterprises. Type of enterprise, its features Placement factors CENTERS Full-cycle plants, combines (iron-steel-rolled products) Raw materials and fuel account for 85-90% of all costs, of which 50% - for coke, 35-40% - for iron ore 1. Near iron ore deposits 2. Near fuel sources 3. Between the areas of extraction of raw materials and fuel (for freight traffic) Steel-smelting and steel-rolling plants (convertible metallurgy) 1. At sources of secondary raw materials in large machine-building centers (on waste from machine-building plants and scrap metal) 2. At the consumer Small metallurgy (rolled steel) At sources of secondary raw materials Electrometallurgy ENERGY Work with the atlas. P.13, Determine the centers of steel plants.

Type of enterprise, its features Placement factors CENTERS Full-cycle plants, combines (iron-steel-rolled products) Raw materials and fuel account for 85-90% of all costs, of which 50% - for coke, 35-40% - for iron ore 1. Near iron ore deposits 2. Near fuel sources 3. Between areas where raw materials and fuel are extracted (for freight traffic) Lipetsk, Serov, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Novotroitsk Novokuznetsk (Kuznetsk Combine and West Siberian Plant) Cherepovets Steel-smelting and steel-rolling plants (converting metallurgy) 1. At sources of secondary raw materials in large machine-building centers (at waste from machine-building plants and scrap metal) 2. At the consumer Moscow, Elektrostal, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasny Sulin, Taganrog, Volgograd Komsomolsk-on-Amur Small metallurgy (rolled steel) At sources secondary raw materials Foundry shops of large machine-building plants Electrometallurgy ENERGY Stary Oskol Types and centers of enterprises.

Iron and Steel Works. The plant is an enterprise that, in addition to metallurgical production, has production facilities in other industries related to the main technologically and economically 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Metallurgical bases A metallurgical base is a cluster of metallurgical plants that use a common ore and fuel base and produce the country's main metal 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Metallurgical bases Textbook, page 28, atlas, page 13 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Metallurgical bases. Base name Raw materials Fuel Large centers Central Urals Siberian Far Eastern KMA, ores of the Kola Peninsula Own deposits, KMA, From Kazakhstan Tashtagol, Temirtau, Korshunovskoe Taiga

Metallurgical bases Name of the base Raw materials Fuel Large centers Central KMA, ores of the Kola Peninsula Donbass, Pechersk basin Kuzbass Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Stary Oskol, Tula Zpektrostal Uralskaya Own deposits, KMA, From Kazakhstan Kuzbass, from Kazakhstan Magnitogorsk, Novotroitsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Serov Sibirskaya Tashtagol, Temirtau, Korshunovskoye Kuzbass Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk, Belovo Far Eastern Taiga Chulman Komsamolsk-on-Amur 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Industry problems. Metallurgical bases are the largest environmental polluters. They account for 20% of all industrial emissions into the atmosphere and wastewater. 04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Development prospects. 04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

The problem is waiting for your solution. To ensure the supply of oil and gas to Europe, more than 100 million tons of large-diameter steel pipes were laid in Russia, which form the basis of a unique pipeline system. Most of these pipes have been in operation since the 70s of the last century. The service life of these pipes is 30 years and is already coming to an end. We have to replace these pipes on the same scale. It is today that Russia has a chance to correct the paradoxical situation when the world's largest consumer of large-diameter pipes and at the same time one of the world's leaders in steel production does not have a modern pipe production. There was a need to build a plant for the production of large diameter pipes. Where is it more convenient and profitable for us to build it? 04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Non-ferrous metallurgy Types of production of non-ferrous metals: 1. Extraction of non-ferrous metal ores, as well as ore dressing. 2. Smelting of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Types of non-ferrous metals: 1. Heavy (these metals include zinc, copper, lead, tin, nickel). 2. Light (this group includes aluminum, titanium, magnesium). Placement factors 1. Natural-geological factor (proximity to resource bases). 2. Economic factor (proximity to sources of fuel and electricity). 04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Non-ferrous metallurgy Non-ferrous metallurgy produces metals that have the properties of heat resistance, electrical conductivity, etc. These metals are used in the space (titanium) and nuclear (uranium) industries, electrical engineering (copper, silver, gold), etc. Russia is rich in non-ferrous metal ores. Of the world reserves in Russia is: 11% of copper reserves; 12% of lead reserves; 16% zinc reserves; 21% cobalt reserves; 27% of tin reserves; 31% of nickel reserves. 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Geography of gold mining The main gold mining in Russia is carried out in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 1st place - Magadan region (29 tons per year) 2nd place - Krasnoyarsk region (18 tons per year) 3rd place - Yakutia (13 tons per year) 4th place - Irkutsk region (12 tons per year) ) 28.04.17

04/28/17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Problems and prospects of non-ferrous metallurgy Depletion of copper and aluminum deposits Absence of large deposits of manganese, chromium, titanium High cost due to monopolies of giant plants. Prices are higher than world prices by 20-40%. Ecological problems. Metallurgy is a dirty industry. The use of new ore mining technologies that allow less pollution of the environment. Creation of automated mini-factories that operate on scrap metal, saving the country's natural resources Problems of perspective 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by industries. % Industry sectors Emissions of harmful substances Industry as a whole 100% Power industry 29% Fuel industry 21% Ferrous metallurgy 15% Non-ferrous metallurgy 22% Chemistry and petrochemistry 3% Mechanical engineering 3% Timber industry 3% Other 4% 28.04.17 Bogutskaya Galina Sergeevna

This video tutorial is aboutMetallurgical Complex: Composition, Significance, Placement Factors”. At the beginning of this lesson, we will define what structural materials are, what they are. Then we will discuss the composition of the metallurgical complex, its significance for the industry of our country, and also consider the location factors.

Topic: General characteristics of the Russian economy

Lesson:Metallurgical complex: composition, significance, placement factors

One of the main structural materials are metals. Metals are produced by the Metallurgical Complex.

The metallurgical complex is a set of industries that produce a variety of metals.

The composition of the metallurgical complex.

The metallurgical complex includes two large branches - ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Ferrous metallurgy is the production of metals based on iron (cast iron, steel, ferroalloys), as well as manganese and chromium.

Non-ferrous metallurgy - production of more than 70 metals with valuable properties (copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, etc.)

The enterprises of the metallurgical complex are engaged in the extraction and enrichment of metal ores, the smelting of various metals, the production of rolled metal, the processing of metals in various ways to obtain the desired properties, the processing of secondary raw materials, and the production of auxiliary materials.

1. The products of the metallurgical complex serve as the foundation for mechanical engineering.

2. The products are widely used in construction, transportation, electrical, nuclear and chemical industries.

3. The share of metallurgy accounts for 16% of the total industrial production in Russia, 10% of the population employed in industry.

4. The complex consumes 25% of coal mined in the country, 25% of electricity produced, 30% of rail freight.

5. Metallurgy products are one of the main export items of Russia.

6. In terms of steel export, Russia ranks 1st in the world, in steel production 4th after China, Japan, the USA

7. Metallurgy is a major polluter of nature. Its enterprises emit tens of millions of tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Large metallurgical centers are cities with an unfavorable ecological situation. Open pit mining causes great harm to nature

1. Material consumption - the cost of materials for the release of a unit of production.

A large consumption of initial ore raw materials, therefore, metallurgy enterprises are located near sources of raw materials. For example, it takes 5 tons of ore to produce 1 ton of steel, and more than 300 tons of ore is needed to produce 1 ton of tin.

2. Energy intensity - energy costs per unit of output.

Many enterprises of the complex are located near sources of cheap electrical energy, because. production requires a lot of energy. For example, for the production of 1 ton of aluminum, 17 thousand kWh of electricity is needed, and for the production of 1 ton of titanium, 30-60 thousand kWh of electricity.

1. Labor intensity - labor costs per unit of output.

On average, a metallurgical plant employs from 20 to 40 thousand people, and this is the population of a small town.

2. Concentration - the concentration of large volumes of production in one enterprise.

More than 50% of ferrous metals and 49% of non-ferrous metals are smelted by 5% of industrial enterprises. Such a high concentration helps to reduce the cost of products, but complicates the response to market changes.

3. Combination - association at one enterprise, in addition to the main production, productions related to the main technologically and economically.

In the composition of the metallurgical plant, in addition to metallurgical production, there is the production of cement and building materials, the production of nitrogen fertilizers.

4. Environmental factor - a negative impact on the environment.

About 20% of air emissions and wastewater. Ferrous metallurgy accounts for 15% of industrial emissions into the atmosphere and 22% for non-ferrous metallurgy

5. The transport factor - a modern iron and steel plant receives and sends as much cargo as a large city, so it cannot work without a railway.

It is advantageous to create metallurgical enterprises in areas where ore is mined (Ural, Norilsk), in areas where fuel is extracted (Kuzbass) or where cheap electricity is produced (Southern Siberia), at the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets), in areas where finished products are consumed (St. Moscow).


  1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: Grade 9 textbook for students of educational institutions M. Ventana-Graf. 2011.
  2. Economic and social geography. Fromberg A.E.(2011, 416s.)
  3. Atlas of economic geography Grade 9 from Drofa 2012
  4. Geography. The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables. (2007, 127p.)
  5. Geography. Student's handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. (1996, 576s.)
  6. Crib on economic geography. (To schoolchildren, applicants.) (2003, 96s.)


  1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000 - 752 pp.: ill.
  2. Rodionova I.A., Textbook on geography. Economic Geography of Russia, M., Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189p. :
  3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. Moscow, ed. "Paleotype" 2002
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography of Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A.P. Gorkin.-M.: Bol. Ros. ents., 1998.- 800s.: ill., maps.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Stat.sb./Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2002. - 690 p.
  3. Russia in numbers. 2011: Brief Statistical Collection / Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398s.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

  1. GIA-2013. Geography: typical examination options: 10 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M .: Publishing house "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. GIA-2013. Geography: thematic and typical examination options: 25 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M .: Publishing house "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. GIA-2013 Exam in a new form. Geography. Grade 9 / FIPI authors - compilers: E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova - M.: Astrel, 2012. Excellent student of the Unified State Examination. Geography. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: Ambartsumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Pyatunin V.B. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012.
  1. Geo.september.ru (). N. Mazein Metallurgical world records
  2. Geo.september.ru (). Non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia. Part three. aluminum industry
  3. Geo.september.ru (). Manganese Kuzbass
  4. Youtube.com(). metallurgy steel part 1
  5. Youtube.com(). Science 2.0 is NOT easy. Clip
  6. Youtube.com(). Science 2.0 is NOT easy. Rims
  1. Read § "Metallurgy" answer the questions:

1) What is a metallurgical complex?

2) What is the importance of the metallurgical complex in the economy of the country?

3) What factors influence the location of metallurgical enterprises?

4) Is there a metallurgical enterprise in your area. What factors do you think influenced its placement?

  1. Complete the task: Designate large metallurgical centers on the contour map.

1) Ferrous metallurgy centers: Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Stary Oskol, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk.

2) Centers of conversion metallurgy: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Zlatoust, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

3) Non-ferrous metallurgy centers: Monchegorsk, Kandalaksha, Volkhov, Mednogorsk, Kamensk-Uralsky, Orsk, Norilsk, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk

Practical work "Determination of factors for the location of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises"

Fill in the table using the textbook paragraph, lesson materials, atlas maps "Metallurgy" or "Ferrous metallurgy" and "Non-ferrous metallurgy"

Factors of placement of enterprises of the metallurgical complex. Ferrous metallurgy.

Geography teacher MBOU secondary school No. 3 Sasovo

Minaeva Valentina Georgievna

The purpose of the lesson:

To reveal factors of placement of metallurgical bases.


1. What is the Metallurgical Complex 2. What is the importance of the industry in the national economy. 3. What does the metallurgical complex produce? 4. What does the metallurgical complex consist of. 5. Common features of ferrous non-ferrous metallurgy. 6. What are combines?

Ferrous metallurgy.

Ferrous metals are called, the basis of which is iron (cast iron, steel, ferroalloys). 90% of all metals used in modern production are black. For the production of ferrous metals, iron ore, chromium, manganese, coke and other components are needed.

Ferrous metallurgy in Russia

Russia has 18% (57 billion tons)

world reserves of iron ores.

Annual production in Russia is 100 million tons (5% of the total world share).

Iron ore is mined by open pit (quarries) and closed (mines).

Most ores in Russia are mined at the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) deposit, 40% of all iron ores.

The location of metallurgical enterprises is particularly influenced by:

1. The quality of the raw materials (ore) used;

2. The type of energy used to obtain metal

3. Geography of sources

energy and raw materials.

Iron ore

When placing metallurgical enterprises, the following are also taken into account:

4. Water supply

5. Transport routes

6. The need for protection

Metallurgical enterprises are most profitable to create :

1 . In the area of ​​ore mining (Ural; Norilsk);

2. In the area of ​​coking coal mining (Kuzbass) cheap energy production (Eastern Siberia);

3. At the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets)

Main metallurgical base-

is a group of metallurgical enterprises using

general ore or fuel resources for production

a large amount of metal.

According to the map in Fig. 45 p. 101,

textbook name

basic metallurgical

bases of our country .

Main metallurgical bases

4 main


European Center

European north


Ural Metallurgical Base

Leading and oldest base of the country. Ranks first in Russia in terms of production black And non-ferrous metals. Enterprises Ural metallurgy about 52% iron and 56% steel are produced. Industrial plants and factories are forced to use imported ore because the local iron ore base is depleted. Own iron ore from Kachkanar deposits does not cover the needs of the metallurgical industry located in the Urals. Ore is brought from Kazakhstan, the Kursk magnetic anomaly and Karelia.

Large centers of black



Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil,

Novotroitsk and Yekaterinburg.

European Center

  • Produces 20% of rolled steel
  • Here are the main reserves (2/3) of iron ore in the country. Almost entirely concentrated in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA)
  • High quality ore
  • Lots of scrap metal
  • Major centers:

Lipetsk, Stary Oskol.

European North- 20% of steel and rolled metal - Ore is mined on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia (Kostomuksha) - Coking coal - in the Pechora basin. - The main center is Cherepovets.


  • 16% of the country's steel rolled
  • Uses the iron ore of the Angara and Mountain Shoria.
  • Develops on coking coal
  • Kuznetsk basin.
  • Major centers:

Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk.

Accommodation V Komsomolsk- on - Amur metallurgical The plant is explained primarily by the presence of nearby Nikolaevsko-on-Amur iron ore deposits. However, due to the low iron content in the ore, over time, it was decided to redesign the plant for recycling (scrap metal processing)

Problems of the metallurgical complex

Acute environmental problems.

Depletion of ore deposits.

Poor quality of iron and steel due to

outdated technologies and equipment.

The high cost of Russian metal.

Reducing production and consumption


Prospects for the development of the complex

The use of new technologies for mining ores, allowing to save the environment.

Application of new technologies for the production of metals.

Recycling and use of waste.

  • Use of secondary raw materials.
  • Creation of automated mini-factories instead of metallurgical giants.


§ 22 - answer the questions of paragraph p. 102

OJSC Amurmetall, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, is a modern electrometallurgical enterprise for the processing of ferrous scrap into rolled bars and sheets and roll-formed sections. The enterprise produces continuously cast billets, small sections and wire rod from low-carbon and high-carbon, low-alloy steels according to international standards.

  • OJSC Amurmetall, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, is a modern electrometallurgical enterprise for the processing of ferrous scrap into rolled bars and sheets and roll-formed sections. The enterprise produces continuously cast billets, small sections and wire rod from low-carbon and high-carbon, low-alloy steels according to international standards.
problem question
  • How can one explain the location of the conversion metallurgy plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur? Give two reasons.
Lesson plan:
  • 1. Factors of location of metallurgy enterprises;
  • 2. Types of enterprises in metallurgy;
  • 3. Metallurgical bases of Russia;
  • 4. Answer the problem question.
“Factors of placement of enterprises of the metallurgical complex. Ferrous metallurgy. »
  • Industry value:
  • Industry products -
  • foundation for the development of other industries.
  • In terms of the production of ferrous metals, Russia ranks
  • 4th place in the world.
  • Manufacture of iron and steel.
Ferrous metallurgy provides 90% of the metals used in modern production
  • Ferrous metallurgy provides 90% of the metals used in modern production
  • Ferrous metallurgy extracts and processes iron, manganese, chromite ores
Iron ore reserves - 57 billion tons (32% of global reserves - 1st place). The largest field in the world - KMA (Kursk magnetic anomaly)
  • Iron ore reserves - 57 billion tons (32% of global reserves - 1st place). The largest field in the world - KMA (Kursk magnetic anomaly)
  • 80% of iron ore is mined by open pit
  • Up to 20% of mined ore is exported
  • Not enough manganese, chromium. Manganese is imported from Ukraine and Georgia, chromium from Kazakhstan
  • Iron ore production - 71 million tons (15% of global production - 4th place), 96 million tons (2004), 102 million tons (2006)
  • 1st place - China
  • 2nd place - Brazil
  • 3rd place - Australia
China 152 Mt
  • China 152 Mt
  • Japan 103 Mt
  • USA 90 Mt
  • Russia 59 mmt
  • 60-75% of Russian steel is exported
  • Steel production
  • Industry Features
  • Huge amounts of raw materials needed
  • iron ore
  • manganese ore
  • coking coal
  • Huge volumes of water needed
Metallurgical enterprises are most profitable to create:
  • 1) In the area of ​​ore mining (Ural; Norilsk);
  • 2) In the area of ​​coking coal mining (Kuzbass);
  • 3) At the intersection of ore and coal flows (Cherepovets)
  • Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Works
  • 4. Provision of water;
  • 5. Transport ways;
  • 6. The need for nature conservation.
  • Transportation of coal by rail
  • A large amount of waste
  • "dirty" production.
  • Industry Features
  • The location of metallurgical enterprises is affected by:
  • Raw material
  • fuel
  • Consumer
  • Water
  • Transport
  • Ecological
  • Energy
  • Placement factors
Types of ferrous metallurgy enterprises
  • Full cycle (includes all technological stages)
  • Blast furnace plant (iron production)
  • Converting plant (production of steel and rolled products)
  • rolling mill
  • Which of the following cities in Russia has a large full-cycle metallurgical plant:
  • Chelyabinsk
  • Stavropol
  • Petrozavodsk
  • Magadan
  • The city in which the only electrometallurgical plant in Russia is located:
  • Cherepovets
  • Magnitogorsk
  • Stary Oskol
  • Nizhny Tagil
  • Elektrostal
  • Novosibirsk
Allatem avtsdovziorp yald ysruser eynvilpot or eyndur eishbo hiyuuzlopsi, yityairpderp hiksechigrullatem appurg - azab yaksechigrullatem Metallurgical base -
  • a group of metallurgical enterprises using common ore or fuel resources for the production of metal.
  • According to the map in Fig. 48 Page 102 Tutorials:
  • Name the main metallurgical bases of our country.
  • OJSC "Chelyabinsk
  • Iron and Steel Works
  • Symbols:
  • - coal, - iron ore deposits; - Iron and Steel Works.

Goals and objectives: To form students' knowledge about the factors of location of enterprises of the metallurgical complex; To form students' knowledge about the factors of location of enterprises of the metallurgical complex; Give the concept of ferrous metallurgy, the main metallurgical base; Give the concept of ferrous metallurgy, the main metallurgical base; * Organize work in groups: * work with the text of the textbook, * draw up diagrams, * work with thematic maps, * analyze tables, * draw conclusions

Knowledge test: 1. Choose the correct answer: How much steel can replace one ton of plastic? a) 1t, b) 2t, c) 5t, d) 10t 1. Choose the correct answer: How much steel can replace one ton of plastic? a) 1t, b) 2t, c) 5t, d) 10t 2. What is the share of rail freight traffic accounted for by metallurgy? 2. What is the proportion of freight rail transport accounted for by metallurgy? a) 10%, b) 15%, c) 30%, d) 50%. 3. In what areas is it unprofitable to create metallurgical enterprises? 3. In what areas is it unprofitable to create metallurgical enterprises? a) in areas of ore mining, b) in areas of coking coal, c) in large seaports, d) at the intersection of ore and coal cargo flows. *** What is a metallurgical complex? *** What is a metallurgical complex? *** What industries are included in the metallurgical complex? *** What industries are included in the metallurgical complex? *** What is the significance of metals? *** What is the significance of metals?

Where is it more profitable to create metallurgical enterprises? Establishment of enterprises In areas of ore mining (Ural, Norilsk) At the intersection of the flow of coal and Ore (Cherepovets) Availability of water Necessity for nature protection Provision of transport routes In areas of cheap electricity production (Eastern Siberia) In areas of coking coal (Kuzbass)

Main smelting base This is a group of smelting enterprises using common ore or fuel resources to produce a large amount of metal This is a group of smelting enterprises using common ore or fuel resources to produce a large amount of metal

Ferrous metallurgy What metals are called ferrous? What metals are called ferrous? The number of ferrous metals used in modern production. The number of ferrous metals used in modern production. What is needed for the production of ferrous metals What is needed for the production of ferrous metals Russia's share in the world's iron ore reserves and their annual production in the country. The share of Russia in the world reserves of iron ore and their annual production in the country. What metals are lacking in Russia and where do they come from? What metals are lacking in Russia and where do they come from?

Group work: 1st group Ural 1st group Ural 2nd group Central 2nd group Central 3rd group Siberian 3rd group Siberian * Work with the text of the textbook on p. Describe the main bases. In the course of the study, fill in the table Characterize the main bases. As you study, complete the table Compose questions to the text. Make questions to the text. Work with the map on page 137 "Geography of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia." Work with the map on page 137 "Geography of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia." Analysis of table 31 “Consumption of raw materials, fuel and electricity for the production of 1 ton of ferrous and non-ferrous metals” on page 136 Analysis of table 31 “Consumption of raw materials, fuel and electricity for the production of 1 ton of ferrous and non-ferrous metals” on page 136 Make a conclusion Draw a conclusion Central Central Siberian Siberian

Consumption of raw materials, fuel and electricity for the production of 1 ton of ferrous and non-ferrous metals Number of accompanying substances in ore Consumption of ore, tons metal metal Consumption of fuel and electricity Ferrous metals Ferrous metals Steel Steel 1.4 t 1.4 t Non-ferrous metals Non-ferrous metals Heavy Heavy Fuel-intensive 4 Less than 300 Less than 300 Tin Tin 1 t 1 t Less than 100 Less than 100 Copper Copper Zinc, lead Zinc, lead 2 – 3 t. kWh Lesson summary Consolidation on the questions: Consolidation on the questions: What factors have the greatest influence on the location of metallurgical enterprises? What factors have the greatest influence on the location of metallurgical enterprises? Define the main metallurgical base. Define the main metallurgical base. Name and show on the map the main bases of Russia. Name and show on the map the main bases of Russia. ***D/Z. Item 26, put the main metallurgical bases of Russia on the contour map.