How to hold Chinese chopsticks and how to eat with them correctly? How to use chopsticks: step-by-step instructions and recommendations Etiquette and taboos associated with chopsticks.

There is a funny story behind the origin of chopsticks. Allegedly, one Chinese man was so hungry, but he didn’t want to burn his fingers so much that he grabbed a piece of food with the first object that came to hand. It turned out to be a bamboo branch. There is some truth in this legend - initially, chopsticks were tongs, which later turned into two separate sticks. But jokes aside, who among us hasn’t wondered how to hold chopsticks correctly?

What types of chopsticks are there?

Not only are chopsticks made from cheap and accessible bamboo, other materials are also used:

  • sandalwood;
  • Ivory;
  • plastic;
  • precious and semi-precious metals;
  • wood.

Restaurants serve disposable wooden chopsticks. They are characterized by a fused base - to begin the meal, the sticks should be carefully separated.

How to use chopsticks

Japanese and Chinese cuisine are gaining momentum in popularity, which means the number of people wanting to learn how to use chopsticks is also growing.

What is noteworthy is that each person has their own unique way of holding chopsticks. This is as individual as the way you hold a pen or pencil, for example.


  1. Take the bottom stick in your right hand. Its thickened end is located in the area of ​​​​the articulation of the thumb and index finger, and protrudes 2-3 cm. We clamp the stick. The free edge is located at the base of the nail phalanx. If everything is done correctly, the stick will be securely fixed, and the index and ring fingers will be free.
  2. Rotate with your fingers. The lower stick should remain motionless, and the little finger should not stick out.
  3. We place the second stick on top of the middle and index fingers, pressing with the thumb.
  4. We check: the lower stick should protrude beyond the surface of the hand by literally half a centimeter. If you did everything correctly, then with practice you will be able to eat even crumbly rice with chopsticks!

Table etiquette rules

In order not to be considered ignorant, while at a common table, remember that you cannot:

  • use used chopsticks to take a piece from a common dish;
  • look for a more tasty morsel in the common plate;
  • move plates on the table with chopsticks;
  • take a piece from a common dish and put it back.

Be careful! Fingers should be down, arms parallel to the table, and chopsticks pointing vertically down.

If you still don’t understand how to hold chopsticks correctly, watch this video and don’t stop practicing, then everything will definitely work out.

Japanese cuisine has been particularly popular in Russia for several years. Not only young people, but also older people love to visit “Japanese establishments” and try interesting dishes. But not everyone knows how to hold sushi chopsticks correctly. Detailed instructions and step-by-step photos for beginners will help you figure this out.

First steps

To an inexperienced person, using hashi (better known as sushi chopsticks) seems very difficult. Your fingers get tired quickly, food falls right into the soy sauce, and this only worsens your mood and spoils your nerves.

But these feelings are wrong. One detailed lesson is enough to understand once and for all how to properly hold sushi chopsticks. After a while you get so used to them that even holding the rice won’t be difficult.

In order to become a real pro, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The ring finger and little finger of the right (leading) hand are slightly bent and pressed against each other;
  • We place the stick between the index and thumb so that it remains motionless and lies on the ring finger;
  • We take the second hashi the same way we take a pen for writing with the thumb, index and middle finger;
  • a distance of 1.5 cm should be maintained between the sushi chopsticks. During use, only the lower parts (pointed tips) are in contact to capture food;
  • To control the hashi, it is enough to bend and straighten your index and middle fingers.

You should not strain your hand and arm in general. It should move easily and naturally - this will make it much easier to “pick up” food.


Before going to a Japanese restaurant, you should practice holding hashi at home and using it to hold small foods (peas, corn, and even salted nuts or chips).

On the second hashi, the third part is also measured, after which it is applied to the index finger, closer to the knuckle. If everything is done correctly, the sushi chopsticks will fit tightly in your hands and hold food perfectly during a meal.


Even before unpacking the hashi, you should rub them against each other for several seconds. Then they will not “stick” to each other.

In addition, a detailed and understandable video is available for training, which has helped many people acquire a new skill.

What are training sticks

If you don’t have any time to train, and you don’t want to find yourself in an awkward situation, then in the restaurant itself you can ask for “training” chopsticks for sushi.

They are fastened on top with special staples that prevent them from coming apart in your hands. This is very convenient and after such experience it is much easier to switch to traditional khasi.

Before going to a Japanese restaurant, it won't hurt to familiarize yourself with some customs. They will help you show your best side and show respect to the owner of the restaurant and all the staff.

Here are the main ones:

  • women should eat rolls exclusively with chopsticks, but men have the right to take food with their hands;
  • sushi should only be dipped halfway into the sauce;
  • It is indecent to pick food on a plate with chopsticks;
  • The whole sushi is placed in the mouth; only large pieces are allowed to be “cut” into several pieces on a plate.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, it is customary to drink relaxing green or herbal tea after lunch. Sometimes guests are offered sake. Those sitting at the table do not fuss, have a peaceful conversation and always show respect to the owners of the house.

As you can see, anyone can learn how to hold sushi chopsticks correctly. Thanks to step-by-step photos and lessons for beginners, this is even easier to do. You don't even need to leave home to do this.

How to use SUSHI STICKS. Photo master class

I’m ashamed to admit, but I just recently learned how to use sushi chopsticks correctly) And when I still didn’t know how to hold these “smart” chopsticks in my hands, I smartly refused invitations to a Japanese restaurant, citing the fact that I can’t stand sushi and raw fish))) Maybe the information is still relevant for some of you, my dear readers? Then you are welcome to view the master class in photographs. In Japanese dishes, the ingredients are always finely chopped, so the knife as a cutlery becomes superfluous. However, it is difficult to pick up small pieces with a fork; in this case, chopsticks are an ideal device. Learning to use chopsticks is not as difficult as it may seem

So, let’s look at how to use “smart” sushi chopsticks correctly) By the way, in addition to chopsticks, there are also watches, also smart and quite advanced))) They were once described by science fiction writers, and you and I have a unique opportunity to use them in everyday life life. You can look at smart watches and purchase them in the online store Here you will find a catalog of the most modern, functional, high-quality and interesting watch models from different manufacturers. What can smart watches do? And they have a demonstration of SMS messages, mail and the name of the caller, support for a function in iOS 7 that provides interaction with the notification center (on the watch screen you can read notifications from any iOS software registered in the notification center) and much more.

Typically, sushi sticks are served in paper packaging like this:

Separating the sticks

And we are considering)

Please note that one end of the stick is narrower or wider than the other

The chopsticks should be held with the wide end towards the hand and the sharp end towards the sushi

The hand should be relaxed, the thumb facing toward you, the index and middle finger slightly extended forward.

First, take one stick (at a distance of one third from the upper end) between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. Hold the stick with the thumb and ring fingers so that the index, middle and thumb form a ring.

The second stick is taken, placing it parallel to the first, at a distance of 15 mm. When the middle finger straightens, the sticks move apart.

They bring the sticks together, bending the index finger, and pinch with the tips what they want to put into the mouth. In addition, if the piece is too large, you can use chopsticks to separate it, but only very carefully.

Based on materials from the site

Sushi chopsticks or hashi are special cutlery used in China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea. Learning how to hold these accessories correctly takes a lot of practice! Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. The main thing is patience, and you will definitely be able to operate Japanese devices correctly!

History of chopsticks

Sushi chopsticks originate from China. Another 3,000 years before us, a similar device came into use, thanks to the ancestor Yu. According to legend, he had to get meat from the cauldron, but was afraid of getting burned by the steam and boiling water. And so I found two dry tree branches, and then accomplished my plan.

Sushi sticks in China are made of wood, metal, bone or plastic. The instrument is called kuaytsi. The most commonly used in this country are the Weisheng Kuais: they are disposable and made of wood. The only negative is that such products are not processed, so they need to be rubbed well against each other before eating.

The Hashi came to Japan from China. At that time, the country was in the Yayoi era. First, the bamboo trunk was split in two, half of it was folded across. This is how “tongs” were formed. Modern cutlery began to be made in the Asuka and Nara eras: they acquired a separate appearance. It was difficult to use hashi, so they were used for food only in the upper classes; the rest of the people ate with their hands. Now the custom of using chopsticks has spread to all classes.

Korea countries have the most unique cutlery. Their sticks are called “chokkarak” and are made of metal. The instruments are beautifully painted, carved and decorated. Today, chopsticks in Korea are considered unique and unusual. Made from brass or stainless steel, which can be reused.

How to use chopsticks correctly

And now we are learning together to take the chopsticks correctly. It's best to do this in stages:

  1. Press your little and ring fingers towards you, and push your middle and index fingers forward. The arm is tilted and bent slightly to the side.
  2. The lower part of the cutlery should be placed between the hand (where the hollow is formed) and the thumb, with the lower part of the hashi touching the ring finger. The thickest part of the stick should protrude about ? from the hand.
  3. Place the top stick between your index and middle fingers. You can imagine that you are holding a pencil in your hand. Note! The upper hashi should be held with your thumb. That is, the upper and lower sticks form a kind of forceps between themselves.

Now you know how to use chopsticks and can eat rolls and sushi like real Asians!

Rules for handling chopsticks

Khasis, Kuais and Chakkaraks have their own rules of address and etiquette. General rules include:

  • You can’t put food on sticks;
  • Use tools only for food. Under no circumstances knock them on the table in the hope of calling the waiter, do not draw with chopsticks in the air, do not “wander” them around the food and do not try to find the best piece on your plate - be sure to take the food from above;
  • put the tools on the table if you want to ask for more;
  • do not shake the hashi if you want to cool the food;
  • there is no need to hold instruments in your mouth for a long time or lick them, this is one of the signs of bad taste;
  • Don't stick hashi into your food, just place it next to your bowl or plate. Stuck sticks are associated in China, Japan and Korea with incense jars and sticks that are left near graves;
  • touch the dishes with your hands and try to move them with chopsticks
  • choose a piece of food in advance. If you touch it, you must eat it.

But there are also differences between these countries. Japanese etiquette does not allow:

  • clenching chopsticks in a fist: the Japanese perceive this as threatening;
  • place hashi across the plate of food. Chopsticks should be left on the edge of the vessel, stand or nearby on the table;
  • accept someone else's cutlery or give hashi to another person. There is a severe taboo on this gesture because it is associated with rearranging the bones of the deceased.

But in Chinese etiquette, ordinary cutlery (forks, spoons, knives) is most often used; chopsticks are used only for traditional dishes. But here you need to be careful:

  • The sticks must be pointing downwards. Turning your hands over with your palm or wrist facing up is considered uncivil;
  • After completing the meal, place the cutlery across the bowl and with the ends to the left side. This means that you liked everything and no supplement is needed;
  • unlike the Japanese, in China you can give chopsticks to loved ones or relatives;
  • They eat rice in a special way: they bring the container to their mouth, and only then they start eating the porridge with chopsticks.

Learning how to properly hold and eat with sushi chopsticks is a fun process. We hope our article was useful to you and you will make progress!

Useful tips

Chopsticks are an integral part of Japanese culture. Therefore, in Japan they are taught to use them from a very young age.

Here it is customary to use not the usual forks and spoons, but chopsticks specially designed for this purpose, which are called Khasi.

In this country, it is believed that if a one-year-old baby can use chopsticks, this may indicate his high mental development.

Read also:Top 10 Delicious Sushi Ingredients

Eastern medical experts believe that using sticks as table utensils is very good for health, since during the procedure more than 40,000 important points on the palms are massaged. This has a very positive effect on the human body.

Residents of our country do not want to lag behind the modern trends of other nations. Eating with chopsticks requires some training and experience.

That is why it is necessary to learn how to use chopsticks correctly and comfortably. If you practice at home, then you can safely go to any Japanese restaurant without fear of appearing inept among other visitors.

There are two types of Khasi. These are metal and wooden sticks. Only one Asian people uses metal chopsticks - the Koreans. When Japanese come to Korea, they often complain about thin metal chopsticks, which initially cause severe pain in their hands.

Previously, people ate with silver chopsticks, since silver reacts with most poisons. Then poorer people who couldn't afford silver ones started using iron sticks.

The best way to start learning to eat is on wooden chopsticks., since they are less slippery and more comfortable to hold in your hand.

The thing to remember is that it's all about the training. If a person is trained, then he will completely calmly perform absolutely any action. The same applies to the ability to hold Japanese sushi chopsticks in your hand. It is only at first that it seems difficult to use them.

If you make it a rule for some time at home to catch small objects like corn or beans with chopsticks, then after a while you will achieve positive results. Because after time, the fingers will become trained and the control process will be performed automatically.

First you need to open the package. This is the first step. Never try to eat with connected chopsticks. They definitely need to be broken.

The first stick must be fixed on the middle finger, pinching it at the same time with the thumb and holding it in much the same way as a regular ballpoint pen or pencil. You have two free fingers left. You place the second stick between your ring finger and your hand, pressing its thin tip with your thumb and fixing it in the middle between them for more convenient use.

Our upper stick is constantly in motion; all basic manipulations are carried out with it. To grab a piece of sushi or some other food, you need to straighten your ring finger together with your little finger, move your chopsticks slightly apart, grab the food with them and bend your fingers again. Now you can bring food to your mouth.

In order to align our chopsticks in the palm of your hand, you need to lightly tap them on the edge of your plate.

What not to do:

When going to a Japanese restaurant, you should remember that there are rules that must be followed.

You should never stick chopsticks into a side dish or other dish. The Japanese believe that this will lead to the imminent death of one of the family members.

Do not string food onto the tips of chopsticks. This is considered impolite and uncivilized. It is better to ask for ordinary utensils to be brought to you.

Do not, under any circumstances, pass food from chopsticks to your neighbor at the table. This is usually only done at funerals.

Do not use chopsticks as a pointer and do not point them at another person at all. This is the same as pointing a finger at a person.

After finishing your meal, do not cross your chopsticks when placing them on your plate. Typically, each restaurant serves a special stand for them, which is usually placed on the left. In between meals, it is better to place the chopsticks on this stand. If such a stand is not available, simply place them so that the tips lie directly on the plate.

You should also not hold the chopsticks in a clenched fist. This signals that you are threatening.

It is not customary to move chopsticks for a long time in a common dish. Having touched a piece, as a rule, you are obliged to take it for yourself.

There are several types of chopsticks, among which preference is given mainly to five types:

1. Chopsticks made of cedar are designed for eating meat and fish. They have a special sharpening on both sides.

2. Sticks made of cryptomeria - Japanese cedar sugi and sharpened only on one edge.

3. Gong Fai, “common” sushi sticks. This device got its name because it is designed for transferring food into an individual plate from a common dish.

4. Cooking sticks, necessary for stirring, their length reaches 30 cm.

5. Waribashi - disposable chopsticks, the most common in Japan.

Now you know how to hold chopsticks correctly, so you can easily take pieces of rolls, sushi, sashimi and other Japanese food from your plate.

Even if you are not a particular fan of sushi or Japanese food in general, the ability to eat with chopsticks will not be superfluous for you, because you don’t know at what moment you might be invited to a Japanese restaurant, where you can not only show off your skills, but also have a good time time, learning a lot about Eastern culture in the process.