Presentation on the theme of spring flowers. Presentation on the topic: "First spring flowers

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First spring flowers Educator: Zvereva Ulyana Aleksandrovna GBDOU DOG “Baby”

SNOWDROP April, April! Drops are ringing in the yard. Streams run through the fields, There are puddles on the roads. The ants will soon come out after the winter cold. A bear makes his way through the dead wood. The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed. (Samuel Marshak)


Lungwort This nickname is not for nothing, A beautiful flower has a drop of juicy nectar, Both fragrant and sweet, Lungwort will help you recover from a cold. When you go into the forest, don’t forget to bow to Lungwort. /E.Kozhevnikov./

VIOLET Have you seen violets in the snow? Hot buds on white? They greeted spring joyfully. Alas, it did not warm their souls. We are waiting for spring like the first flowers And we are pulling our hearts towards the sun and hope. But pain, the cold ghost of winter, will cover the soul in white clothes.

X CODRIDATE On the forest floor At the end of March, under a pine tree, as if it were a patch, the corydalis bloomed.


FORGET-MENT They are visible and invisible, You can’t count them! And who just invented them - Cheerful, blue ones? They must have torn a piece from the sky, done a little magic and made a flower.

MOTHER AND STEPMOTHER There are lights at the edge of the forest, A whole thawed patch. Short stems and a small flower. There are no leaves - it is blooming, covered in cold. The earliest honey is given to the bees by the coltsfoot.

DANDELION The sheep smiles, grazing near the river: - You are fluffier than me! Maybe you and I are related?! Dandelion laughed... Oh... And he remained naked...


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation on the world around us "First spring flowers"

The presentation introduces children to the first spring flowers and also to the poem “Dandelion” (mnemonics)...

Presentation "First spring flowers"

This presentation introduces children in an accessible, visual form, using riddles, to the first spring flowers. It helps children develop a caring attitude towards nature....

Development of a lesson on the subject “The world of nature and man” for institutions implementing AOEP (option 1) for students with mild mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).

Class: 1

Teacher: Demenkova N.V.

Subject: First spring flowers.

The purpose of the lesson: contribute to the formation of students’ knowledge about the signs of spring in inanimate and living nature, about the first spring flowers.

Lesson objectives:

- expand children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring in inanimate and living nature, based on the picture plan;

Give an idea of ​​the first spring flowers; teach through mental operations to answer questions logically and reasonedly;

Correctional and developmental:
- correction and development of visual and auditory perception based on memorization exercises;

Improve mental operations: analysis, generalization, comparison; - enriching the vocabulary and expanding the horizons of children;
- develop students’ aesthetic ideas about the world around them.


Cultivate interest in studying the nature of the native land, caring for it; - cultivate accuracy and curiosity.

Personal BUD:

Fostering positive motivation for educational activities;

- evaluate your achievements in class and, together with the teacher, giveemotional assessment of class activities in the lesson.

Cognitive BUD:

Determine and formulate a cognitive goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

Navigate the knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher;

Find answers to questions using information received in class.

Communication BUD:

Interact with each other while completing tasks;

Formulate your thoughts orally, listen and understand others;

Formulate your own opinion and position.

Regulatory BUD:

Plan your actions in accordance with the task; be able to check for accuracy using a sample;

Give verbal reports of the action being performed.

Lesson type: lesson of discovering new knowledge.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual; verbal (conversation), visual (presentation), practical (specific actions).

Equipment: laptop, projector, presentation, cards with differentiated tasks.

During the classes.

Organizing time. Slide 1

Target: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level.

The cheerful bell rang.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Let's listen, talk,

And help each other.

Let's remember the rules for working in the lesson (children's answers based on the slide).Slide 2

Motivation for learning activities.

Today we have an unusual lesson. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen to the sounds (you can hear birds singing, the babbling of a brook, the sounds of the forest...)

When you listened to these sounds, what did you imagine? What picture?

(Children: I hear the birds singing. I imagined a summer forest, the trees are swaying. I hear the river singing... The forest is rustling)

- Let's remember the poem we learned recently.

Look, my dear friend,

What's around?

The sky is light blue,

The golden sun is shining,

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage, birds, animals and forests,

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season -

It's all around...(nature) in unison.

Man and nature are inseparable. Human life would be boring without the singing of birds, without the rustling of leaves, without animals. But nature is not always the same. It changes with the seasons.

What seasons do you know?

Updating basic knowledge.

- Tell me, what time of year is it now? (spring). Slide 3.

Guys, who can tell me the spring months? (March April May). What month is it now? (April).

What happens to nature in spring? (a slide with a picture plan appears on the screen, students take turns making sentences based on the plan).Slide 4.

1). How is the sun shining? (shines brighter; is higher than in winter; warms warmer)

2). What is the sky like in spring? (the sky is light blue, the clouds are white)

3). What kind of precipitation falls? (snow, rain).

4). What happens to the snow? (snow melts, thawed patches appear on the ground).

5). What happens to the plants? (buds swell on the trees, the first leaves appear, the first spring flowers appear)

6). What happens in the life of birds with the arrival of spring? (rooks, swallows, swifts, starlings, nightingales arrive; swallows build nests from straws, twigs, clay).

7). What do animals do? (bears, hedgehogs, bats wake up; insects appear, hares change their coats, many animals have cubs).

8). How do clothes change in spring? (we wear spring clothes: jackets, boots, shoes, raincoats)

9). Children's fun in spring. (play ball, launch paper boats, ride bicycles, scooters).

Well done, we remembered what changes happen to nature in spring.

4. Formulation of the lesson topic, goal setting .

To find out what we will talk about today, guess the riddle.


Am I colorful or white?

Always recognize me

If you go to the garden and the forest,

You'll definitely find it there.

Very pleasing to your eyes,

When both lush and elegant.


Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round. (Flowers)
- So we will talk about...What time of year is it now? So, what colors are we going to talk about? The theme of our lesson is “First spring flowers”.Slide 5

Who can formulate the purpose of our lesson? Find out...(which flowers appear first in spring).Slide 6

5.Learning new material.

In spring, many different flowers appear in nature. What spring flowers do you know? (children answer). The first spring flowers are also called primroses. (card on the board). Why do you think? (they bloom first).These plants are also called early flowering (flowers appear earlier than leaves).

Now I suggest you watch the video “The First Spring Flowers”.(watch video)

You see what a wide variety of spring flowers and of course the names of many plants are unfamiliar to you. Today in class we will get acquainted with only a few.


Hands raised and swayed

These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken

The wind blows away the dew.

Hands to the sides, wave smoothly
These are the birds flying towards us

We'll also show you how they sit down.

Hands folded back.

Riddle Slide 7.

On thawed forest patches
We see spring flowers:
White, tender
The first...(snowdrops)Slide 8.

Slide 9. Who doesn't know snowdrops? Everyone knows them. And they know what color they are: white - say some, blue - say others, yellow - say others. A lot of them. And they are all different!

Why are they called that? (Because they begin to appear from under the snow).

Slide 10. These flowers love light very much. And in the bare forest there is a lot of light. These flowers make us especially happy after a long winter. And when it seems that spring will never come, surprisingly delicate primroses bloom. April 19th was the snowdrop's birthday. (Darina recites the poem “Snowdrops”).Slide 11.

The sun has warmed the Christmas tree,

Pines and deadwood.

They entered the clearing boldly

The first snowdrops.

Straightened up, blossomed

These days are spring

Children of the tender earth -

To everyone's surprise.

They stand on a thawed patch,

They sway in the wind,

Like stars they burn,

They smile at the forest.

Sometimes it rains

And snowflakes are falling,

And the snowdrops are blooming,

They make the world happy.

Slide 12. A picture appears on the slide. Who knows what this flower is called? (children's answers).

Slide 13.This bright yellow flower on a light hairy stem appears in the spring along with snowdrops. He is in such a hurry that he does not have time to release the leaves. It blooms on slopes, near holes, in the holes themselves. But then the time of flowers passes and leaves appear. The upper side of the leaves is smooth and cold, like the evil stepmother in fairy tales. The underside is tender and warm, like a mother.

Because of the leaves, the plant got its name coltsfoot.

Slide 14. Grigory Moskalev recites a poem.


Golden petals

Fragile stem.

Bloomed by the river

Sunny flower.

Just a cloud rolled in.

The petals shrank.

On green stems -

Round lumps.

Slide 15. This plant is called a “traffic light flower” or “bouquet flower.” When it blooms, its flowers are pink. After a while they will turn crimson and then purple. And wilted flowers are blue. Since flowers on the same stem bloom at different times, you get a small bouquet.

And the name of this flower is lungwort.

Slide 16. Kyiv Svyatoslav recites a poem.


This nickname is not for nothing,

At a beautiful flower

A drop of juicy nectar,

And fragrant and sweet,

cure a cold

Lungwort will help you.

If you go to the forest, don’t forget

He will bow to the lungwort.

Slide 17.And this is a corydalis. It blooms very early, as soon as the snow has time to disappear. A small plant with wonderful flowers collected in a thick cluster. Each flower has a small tuft. It blooms only in the 4-5th year of its life.

Slide 18.

On the forest floor
At the end of March under the pine tree
It's like a patch -
The corydalis blossomed.

There is a legend that talks about an old forest witch who flew around her domain on a broom all night, and in the morning she returned to the forest hut to rest. But the trouble is - only the witch falls asleep, and the rooster greets the dawn with its cry and does not let you sleep. She got angry with the rooster and turned him into a flower - a corydalis. This may be why corydalis are popularly called cockerels or hens.

Slide 19 . Lilies of the valley -flowers are modest. You will not find them in the open; they are neither in the meadow nor in the field. You can only find lilies of the valley in the forest, where there is shade from the trees. Lily of the valley flowers look like white bells. But this plant does not bloom for long; after 10-15 days, bright berries appear in place of the flowers, which under no circumstances should be tasted. Lily of the valley berries are poisonous! (Zlata Zybenkova recites a poem).

Slide 20. Let's remember the name of primroses again.Guys, is it possible to pick flowers in large quantities? (No). And why? If everyone picks flowers, then nature will die; it is no coincidence that primroses are listed in the Red Book.Without them it won’t be so beautiful, butterflies need them, because butterflies feed on nectar and make medicines (decoctions, infusions) from flowers.

Physical exercise “Flowers”

The flower says to the flower:
Pick up your paper. (raise and lower hands)
Get on the track
Tap your foot. (high knee steps)
Shake your head
Greet the sun in the morning (head rotation)
Tilt the stem slightly -
Here is a charger for the flower. (tilts)
Now wash yourself with dew,
Shake yourself off and calm down (shaking your hands)
Finally everyone is ready
Celebrate the day in all its glory

6. Primary consolidation

Exercise “Recognize a flower from a fragment” Slides 21-25.

Goal: developing the ability to recognize the name of a flower from a separate fragment of a picture.

A picture of a flower appears on the slide, which is covered with windows.

I will open one fragment, and you will have to name what kind of flower it is (snowdrops, lilies of the valley, corydalis, lungwort, coltsfoot).

7. Independent work with verification using a sample.

Differentiated work on cards.

1 group.

Assignment: complete puzzles and learn about the medicinal properties of flowers. Slide 26

2nd group.

Task: decipher the name of the primrose.Slide 27

3rd group.

Task: assemble a picture from parts and say the name of the primrose. Slide 28

Sample check.Slide 29

Who completed the tasks of the 1st row without errors? Who made the mistakes?

Let's read what you came up with.

Slide 30. Checking the operation of the 2nd row. Who did it without mistakes? Who made the mistakes?

Slide 31 .Checking the operation of the 3rd row. Compare with the sample, have you assembled the picture correctly? What is the name of this flower?

8. Reflection on learning activities

Goal: to organize reflection and self-evaluation by students of their own educational activities.

What goal did we set for ourselves in the lesson? (get to know the first spring flowers). Have we achieved this goal? I suggest everyone evaluate their work in class using emoticons. (criteria: green - I understood everything, I didn’t make any mistakes when completing tasks; yellow - I worked in class, but made some mistakes; red - I didn’t work in class, nothing I didn’t learn anything new).Slide 32.

Slide 2

The forest wakes up after a long winter sleep. Somewhere deep in the ground, the roots are already absorbing the moisture of the first thawed earth. The first snowdrops appear in the forest.

Slide 3

Who in Russia doesn’t know snowdrops? Everyone knows them. And they know what color they are: white - say some, blue - say others, yellow - say others. Everyone is right and everyone is wrong! Because snowdrops bearing this name officially do not grow in our area. These are mountain flowers. In our country, snowdrops are considered to be any early spring flowers. A lot of them. And they are all different! Snowdrop

Slide 4

Why do snowdrops grow in winter? Why are they in a hurry to bloom? These flowers love light very much. And in the bare forest there is a lot of light. These flowers make us especially happy after a long winter. And when it seems that spring will never come, surprisingly delicate, fragile and unrealistically airy primroses bloom.

Slide 5

Early flowering plants receive food from their own “storehouses”. The “storerooms” are the thickened underground parts of plants. The reserves accumulated in them last year and were stored all winter.

Slide 6

The first to get out of the ground in a thawed patch! He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. Standing in a white cap and a green vest. Snowdrop

Slide 7

In the garden, where the birch trees crowded together, a blue eye glanced at the Snowdrop. First, little by little, Green put out his leg, Then he pulled himself up With all his little strength And quietly asked: “I see the weather is warm and clear, Tell me, is it true, That this is spring?” P. Solovyov

Slide 8

Coltsfoot On the clay slopes, in the ravines, along the roads, the yellow light appeared first.

Slide 9


Slide 10

Before the white snow had time to melt, an early, bold shoot appeared, And its flowers are all different: Purple, blue, light blue, red... They change color, following fashion, Show off in cold weather, Fragrant flowers - contain a lot of nectar, Bloom in gardens, They love oak forests very much. Lungwort

Slide 11


Slide 12

It sleeps in the earth all year round, Only in spring does it rise: On a low stalk, In a lacy leaf, The inflorescence is lilac flowers, They bloom quickly, the pods are visible, And under the ground there is a nodule, A yellow, juicy light. Corydalis Marshall's Corydalis

Slide 13


Slide 14

White and yellow sisters are modest, But these primroses are very important to us. If the flowers are closed, then wait - The evil rains will begin soon. Flowers are opened to the delight of the people - This means the weather will be beautiful. Anemone

Slide 15


Slide 16

Through the pouring snow He sent out his yellow shoot, Beautiful varnished cheeks, And under the stem there was a fist - A tight bunch of nodules. Clean

Slide 17

Scilla The sky was reflected in its flowers, Blue thickets grew in the forests. From the first days in April A flower looked out from the oak tree - Little blue eye, Green clothes, Onion leg.

Slide 18

Siberian Scilla

Slide 19

There are golden stars at the roots of the birch tree, And in the ground there are onions, A little more cranberries. His people don’t eat, Even though he’s a close brother to the onion, But if the geese come, He won’t be happy with them. Goose onion

Slide 20

Goose onion

Slide 21

Before the sun had time to appear, its bud could not sit in the ground. It opens its bluish-lilac bells and does not let its leaves into the light. The people believed that it induces sleep and foretells joy and sorrow for people. Wears a shaggy fur coat in cold weather, is not afraid of frost and decorates nature. Opened lumbago (sleep-grass)

Slide 22

Opened lumbago (dream – grass)

Slide 23

Noble liverwort, or coppice

Slide 24

Noble liverwort

Slide 25


Slide 26


Slide 27


Slide 28


Slide 29

European hoofweed

Slide 30

Swimsuit And spring is confidently coming into its own. Gradually, more and more green grass appears in the forest, in the park, and in open areas. Following the first flowering plants, lilies of the valley, lily of the valley, and then many other herbs bloom.

Slide 31


Slide 32

He was born on a May day, and the forest protects him. It seems to me that its rear will ring quietly, And this ringing will be heard by the meadow, And the birds, and the flowers. Let's listen, and suddenly you and I will hear. Lily of the valley

Slide 33

O first lily of the valley! From under the snow You ask for the sun's rays; What virginal bliss In your fragrant purity! How bright is the first ray of spring! What dreams come from it! How captivating you are, a gift from the Flaming Spring!... A. Fet

Slide 34

Slide 35

The roadside dandelion was golden like the sun. But it faded and became like fluffy white smoke. He flies over a warm meadow and over a quiet river. To the dandelion, as a friend, For a long time I wave my hand: You carry Golden seeds on the wings of the wind, So that spring will return to us with a sunny dawn. V. Stepanov

Slide 36


Slide 37

Spring primrose

Slide 38

Sochevichnik (spring rank)


Primroses or snowdrops are perennial spring herbs that bloom immediately after the snow melts and manage to bloom before the leaves bloom on the trees. The development of these plants begins under the snow in February, and the first shoots appear with already developed flowers. This happens due to the fact that they have overwintered perennial organs in the ground: rhizomes, bulbs, nodules, which are rich in nutrients. Primroses have either one flower, but large and bright, or they are small, but collected in inflorescences. Snowdrops bloom before leaves appear on the trees, as they are very light-loving and do not tolerate shade. They have quite a few leaves, this is necessary in order not to waste a lot of nutrients on their development.


SHOOTING, or DREAM-GRASS. Perhaps the most beautiful and fabulous flower. As soon as the snow melts, its petals on fluffy stems, like bright gems, a cup of a beautiful regular shape, with delicate petals of blue, light blue, violet flowers and a bright yellow center - real sunshine!

According to the legends of many peoples, dream grass got its name due to its ability to induce dreams. Hunters claim that bears, having licked the roots of a spring flower, immediately become tipsy, and people begin to doze off.

  • The first to get out of the earth, on a thawed patch, He is not afraid of frost albeit small.
  • There's a crackling sound in the forest underfoot, And the dead wood crunches. We are looking for a flower of spring, Blue...snowdrop.

In very early spring, after the snow melts, primrose flowers appear on the sun-warmed ground. They are also called primroses (“primus” is Latin for “first”).

People call them “keys.” The golden keys of spring open the doors to warmth and light.

Is this plant called “traffic light flower” or “bouquet flower”?

When Lungwort's flowers bloom, they are pink. After a while they will turn crimson and then purple. Wilted flowers are blue. Since the flowers bloom at different times, the result is a small bouquet.

Lungwort is also called sweet bouquet because its flowers contain a lot of sweet juice.

This nickname is not for nothing, At a beautiful flower A drop of juicy nectar, And fragrant and sweet, cure a cold Lungwort will help you. If you go to the forest, don’t forget He will bow to the lungwort.


Two or three weeks after the snow melts, on the soil in the oak grove you can see a small plant with yellow flowers similar to buttercup flowers. This buttercup anemone. It usually grows in whole clusters, spots of larger or smaller size.

The height of the plant is up to 60 cm. The flowers are large, up to 3 cm in diameter, made of golden-yellow leaves overlapping each other, blooming in May-June. A very fragrant bouquet of swimsuit flowers. Swimweed grows in damp meadows, forest thawed areas, and bushes. It belongs to poisonous plants.

Siberian Scilla is a typical ephemeroid. Its above-ground part lives only a few weeks. During this period, she manages to produce flowers and produce seeds. The plant then disappears until the next spring. At the beginning of April, 3-4 glossy green leaves up to 15 cm long appear from under the ground. At the same time, flower stalks (up to 20 cm high) are thrown out, which droop under the weight of blue-blue flowers. Their diameter is 2-4 cm. There are from 1 to 5 buds on the stem.

She is the first to emerge from under the snow. Its spring yellow inflorescences are on short stems. The leaves are large, green above and whitish below. The lower surface of the leaves is warm – the velvety “Mother”, and the upper surface is cold, smooth – the “Stepmother”.

Everyone knows this forest flower lily of the valley. Silvery, fragrant, attractive. Its snow-white, small, delicate flowers are delightful. It blooms when the bushes and trees are dressed in young transparent emerald foliage, when the aroma of flowers fills the air of forests, fields and meadows, and the enchanting trills of a nightingale are heard in the forest all night long.

Adonis, adonis

Adonis is called the pearl of spring. Large yellow inflorescences. This is a rare, strictly protected plant. Medicinal and poisonous. Listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan.

Goose onion is a small genus of small plants. A low-growing perennial bulbous herbaceous plant with six small yellow flowers and a small bulb from 8 to 15 cm in height. The flowers are collected in a bunch on a low stem. And next to the stem, one long and narrow leaf rises from the ground. Yellow snowdrop blooms early in spring in April. Their yellow star-shaped flowers cover mountain meadows, gravelly slopes and rock cracks in the spring; they are found in the steppe, sometimes on saline soil and on limestone, in separate clumps in deciduous forests and on lawns in parks or, like weeds, in crops.

Fragrant violet

Perennial herbaceous plant. Blooms in March-May. It grows in the shade of damp groves, along the edges of light forests, on slopes among bushes.

Fragrant violet

At the sunny edge, the violet blossomed, Lilac ears, She raised it quietly. She's buried in the grass From raking hands But someone will bow to her, And you can immediately see: friend!

/E. Serova./

Take care of the primroses!

Violets, lilies of the valley for us Happy May in store. But we won't tear them down. Let them bloom for the joy of people! Tree, flower, grass and bird, They don't always know how to defend themselves If they are destroyed, We will be alone on the planet!

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower, If you and I are together, if we pick flowers, All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty!

One of the first flowers of spring with an unusual name. But there is an explanation for it. If you pick up a leaf of this flower in your hands (but you don’t need to tear it!), you will feel how soft it is underneath and how hard and cold it is on top. So they called him “coltsfoot”.

Every spring I meet a wonderful plant, goose onion, in my clearing. Each flower has six yellow petals. The flowers are collected in a bunch on a low stem. And next to the stem, a single long and narrow leaf rises from the ground. This is goose onion. The goose onion has a small bulb in the ground that remains to overwinter. For this onion, the goose onion was called onion. Well, why was the goose onion called the goose onion?.. Once upon a time there were a lot of goose onions in the meadows and forest clearings. And old people say that flocks of wild geese always descended on these meadows and clearings in the spring to rest here after a difficult journey and nibble onion shoots, which they loved very much... This is where the full name of this early spring flower came from - goose onion. And it’s true, as soon as the first flowers of the goose onion appear, I immediately notice high, high in the sky a flock of migratory geese, flying in the spring from south to north, to their homeland.

In April, an unusually beautiful flower begins to bloom. Bumblebees and bees love this plant for its abundant nectar in early spring. For the honey tribute, this flower was named so. It cannot be confused with any other flower: pink, purple, and blue flowers flaunt on one stem.