Write how a person learned to read. How to learn to read even the most secretive people

Sooner or later, everyone comes to the idea that it would be good to know how to read a person. Because it allows you to be, if not one step ahead, then at least not one step behind. If someone is trying to deceive, and you know how to recognize a lie, then you can save yourself from the sad consequences of deception.

Example No. 1. A man asks to borrow money and promises to return it, but if you notice the gestures of lying and understand for yourself that the person is lying, then you can refuse the loan without remorse. This is not even saving, but the security of your money, which is usually obtained with difficulty.

Example No. 2. The manager offers to head the department on unfavorable terms and voices that there are no alternatives. But if you know how to read a person like a book, and you notice that the manager is nervous, you can assume that there are alternatives and begin to negotiate better terms for yourself.

Reading a person like a book is not so much a dream in modern society, but a necessity for those who communicate with people! And it doesn’t matter where you communicate: at home, on a date, at work or somewhere else. During communication, people have gestures and facial expressions that speak volumes.

Some people think that there are gestures of lies- such gestures that indicate a person is lying and, by seeing these gestures, you can find out when a person is lying and when he is telling the truth.

Others believe that there is a mimicry of lying– facial expressions and microexpressions that help recognize lies by facial expressions.

Gestures of lies

Alan Pease and several other authors have written on the topic of postures and gestures. Much has been written about lies in particular. However, they were wrong in many ways and could not give much, which has long been known in neuro-linguistic programming - NLP (at the NLP training "" you will learn to read a person like a book and understand all the mistakes of book gurus in recognizing lies).

For example, Pease has a collection of so-called “closed poses,” which supposedly indicate that a person is closed to communication or critical. However, in the above-mentioned “hidden influence” training (which is included in the “hidden influence” course on invisible influence and detecting such influence), many participants learn to use such poses to control the behavior of another person, including to control the emotions of another person. The simplest and most obvious thing that comes to mind is to use the knowledge of people reading Piz against themselves: if you close your posture, the person changes communication, thinking that you are critical.

Some people believe that touching your nose, eyes or ears during explanations indicates lying. It's a bullshit!

Touching any part of the body is not always a sign of lying. This may be a symptom of a disease (scabies, acute respiratory infections, mental illness), it may be a manipulative gesture, or simply an unconscious movement unrelated to the topic of conversation. There are many options. It's funny when people read a small book and believe that they know everything about lying, and they know everything about human gestures, including lying gestures. Not just funny - funny!

It’s even more funny when such people participate in talk shows on TV channels.

Facial expressions of lies

Paul Ekman became famous for studying facial expressions. It was his life that formed the basis of the plot of “The Theory of Lies” (according to rumors). It would seem that this is it - the whole face of a person is accessible and the question of how to read a person will no longer arise. But the first 5 minutes of communication with people show that when communicating, people’s faces move as quickly as the leaves of trees in the wind, and this is very confusing.

It seems that many micro-expressions are visible and macro-expressions too, but there are so many of them that one is disappointed that what one sees in life is not described in the book at all. By the way, the book does not describe very, very much.

For example, when a person lies because he believes in lies, or because he is in such a mood now and lies as a joke, or because of resentment, or something else. Should this be considered a lie and how to notice it at all?

How can you recognize a lie from a voice if you get acquainted with the indicators (markers) of lies from books?? No way. This can only be heard live. When a person lies, his voice changes, his voice may tremble, stumble, and in other ways give away the lie. It is useful to know what to notice, and it is even more important to be able to notice it, especially for cases of communication on the phone or Skype (Viber and so on), when you only hear the person. It's like reading people's thoughts, only you don't really read their thoughts, but rather the intentions that are hidden behind the spoken phrases. Moreover, it is important to be able to do so, and not to know! .

Whenever you want to know how, sign up for the “Hidden Impact” training.”

How to find out if a person is lying if you cannot see or hear the person? It can be done. There is a technology that allows you to find lies in the content of words (the training consists of several topics, including how to recognize a lie by its meaning). It is useful to be able to identify lies in the content of words or in text if you enter into contracts, for example. Not to mention analyzing the words of politicians, sellers and many others.

By the way, in very rare cases, lies can be determined without the meaning of words, without sounds, without seeing the person.

If you remember that people don’t always lie, then how to read people’s thoughts and feelings? People have thoughts and emotions, and they may want to hide them rather than deceive others about what they are feeling and thinking. This is not a lie!

Example No. 1. The girl was offended by her boyfriend, because he forgot that they had been dating for six months. She may not say anything to him, but her offense can be seen. If the guy notices in time, then you can talk and apologize or otherwise correct the annoying misunderstanding. And if he doesn’t notice, it already smells like the fires of scandal.

Example No. 2. The guy is not ready to actively get closer to the girl and does not want to move in together, and she talks incessantly about plans for living together, describing where the furniture will be, where the nursery will be, and so on. Perhaps in time he would agree, but not now. In such a situation, her dreamy songs about the future will repel the guy, and the tension in the beginning relationship will grow, and the negativity will be firmly associated with the girl.

Example No. 3. You need to agree with a person to do some work(issued the required document, or signed it, and so on). When there are several such people, a choice arises - who to approach? People who know how to read a person’s train of thoughts and emotions often choose those people who are more predisposed to perform the actions they need. From the outside it looks like a “good choice”, but it’s just a matter of technologically identifying the right person.

How to read a person?

You need to be able to notice what is happening with emotions, mood and everything else! Not knowing that this is possible, not knowing that some kind of lips, some kind of forehead or some pose will say about your mood and emotions! Namely, to be able to read a person!
I literally “notice that something is wrong” even from the slightest movement of a muscle on the face, imperceptible at first glance (and at the second too). easy to develop in a couple of days of training.

Situation 1. You come with a group of 5 people to a cafe to order food and you don’t have much time (an hour). The waiter offers you the dishes, mentioning the cooking speed of 20 minutes. It seems that I wasn’t lying – a fresh dish in their establishment can definitely be ready in 20 minutes, but only one of the ordered ones! The rest of the people in your friendly company will be forced to wait. As a result, someone will already finish eating, and someone will just start, and someone will swallow saliva and remain hungry.

Situation 2. You are on a date and the person you are spending time with is trying in every possible way to please you.. Or is he just pretending to be sympathetic? Until you know how to determine this, you are blind! You rely on your feelings (including intuition), and feelings can fail. Skills are more reliable, but only when they exist. Without them, dates go on in the “this seems to be it” mode, but for many they end unsuccessfully. It's a shame to waste time and money on a person who doesn't care about you, isn't it? How do you know what you like? Be able to read a person like a book – his mood, emotions, state, train of thought. Without skills, there is only the appearance of clarity - the illusion of understanding the situation.

Situation 3. Your child screams and cries sadly in every possible way.. Should the parent be worried because the child is in trouble, or is it a show-off tantrum for the sake of getting candy, toys, cartoons and everything else? A parent who does not know how to accurately identify emotions, in almost all cases goes to meet the child halfway, becoming an obedient ward of the little trainer. Then the child, as they say, “twists ropes” from the parent and “sits on the neck.” Most often, this ends in problems for the parent and the child.

Can't be overstated the ability to recognize lies and read a person, because this skill is needed every day! It insures against dangers, allows you to prevent unpleasant situations, remove enemies and scoundrels from your immediate environment, and much more.

1. You need knowledge. You need to know what to read in a person, what you read is necessary and what is unnecessary. You need the deepest knowledge of the subtleties of nonverbal (wordless) manifestations of a person. Books by the authors described in the article are the minimum.

2. You need time. A lot of! You need to spend time gaining knowledge from the point above, as well as time testing knowledge and, most importantly, training. This skill can only be acquired through practice!

3. You need motivation. When things don’t work out (and they won’t work out without a coach), then you will need to be able to motivate yourself to move on (a separate skill). Do you know how to motivate yourself to spend energy and time collecting, analyzing, studying information for several months or even years, and then spend time training (months)?

4. You need people! How do you know whether you have detected a lie or not? Who will point this out to you?

5. You need practice. Correct, professional practice. Any amateur practice is amateurism, which sends efforts down the drain.

Those who want results now need to sign up for. Do you have any doubts? Do you think this is not necessary? Do you think you can handle it yourself?

Indicate on your calendar the date when you decide to check for yourself whether you have managed to learn how to read people on your own. Post the calendar in a visible place and then try to teach yourself. On day X, look at the calendar and admit it: are you able to identify lies, emotions, and generally read a person like a book or not?

Darina Kataeva

Who hasn’t had the desire to understand what his interlocutor is thinking? Is he deceiving you? How does he really feel about your opinion? How we would like to find answers to these questions, because then we would know in advance whether we should trust this person and what to expect from him. However, everyone has such an amazing opportunity if you know the secrets of microfacial expressions. With its help you will understand how to learn to read people's thoughts in their faces!

Secrets of facial microfacial expressions

Different facial expressions on a girl

To learn how to read people's thoughts from their faces, you need to understand how a person's facial expressions and his consciousness are connected. Micromimicry is a person’s emotional reaction, which finds its manifestation in the slightest movements of our face. Nonverbal psychology studies this relationship. According to her theory, there is verbal communication, that is, real, and there is nonverbal communication - without using language, but with the help of facial expressions, gestures and voice intonation.

A person’s thoughts and his facial expressions are inextricably linked; moreover, contraction of the facial muscles occurs both voluntarily and involuntarily, so sometimes we are not able to fully control our emotions, which are clearly visible on the face. Your ability to read the thoughts and feelings of your interlocutor and the effectiveness of your communication depend on good knowledge and practice. You should be especially careful when facial expressions do not correspond to a person’s words, because this already indicates the slightest manifestation of a lie.

There is nothing supernatural or psychic about understanding a person's thoughts. The muscles around the eyes, cheeks, wrinkles near the nose, lips - these are clues through which you can understand the true attitude of another person to current events. With the help of such facial cues, we recognize 7 main types of emotions.


A person experiencing joy and satisfaction will not hide his feelings. Facial language indicates his feelings. The corners of the mouth rise, the nasolabial folds stretch towards the cheeks, and wrinkles form. It’s easy to recognize this human emotion, but sometimes doubts arise if a person’s eyes say the opposite.


Sincere surprise is expressed in the involuntary raising of the eyebrows, widening of the eyes and opening of the mouth, while the lips form an oval. Surprise is the easiest emotion to fake. However, there are secrets with which you will understand how new and amazing the thought you uttered is. Notice the wrinkles on the forehead and the appearance of shine around the pupil of the eyes. They indicate the sincerity of the interlocutor.


One of the most unpleasant emotions that people find most difficult to hide. The main indicators of anger are folds between the eyebrows, wide nostrils, raised extreme corners of the eyebrows, narrowing and straining of the eyes. Pay special attention to the mouth: it is either tightly closed, as if constrained, or open, but the lips are square and the jaw is pushed forward.


If the interlocutor or the situation itself, this will be evidenced by his narrowed eyes, raised cheeks, flared nostrils and wrinkled nose. The upper lip will involuntarily rise up, as if curled. Eyebrows droop down in disgust.


The manifestation of even the slightest fear is indicated by eyebrows that are raised, but not arched. They are rather in a horizontal position. The eyes open wider than usual, but there is no shine in them, unlike surprise. Additional clues to the presence of fear are flared nostrils and a slightly open mouth.


When a person is upset, his eyebrows remain flat, but at the same time they move down along with the skin above the eyes. The lips are compressed, the corners of the mouth move down, the lower lip moves forward and puffs out.


Contempt is indicated either by a gaze or from top to bottom. The mouth and lips are in the same position, they are constrained, but at the same time a half-smile appears. Eyebrows, eyes and wrinkles do not change position.

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions?

Scientists have proven that there are two neural connections in the brain that are responsible for microfacial expressions. When these connections begin to “fight”, as a result, different interpretations of emotions appear. The connection between gestures and facial expressions plays a special role in detecting deception.

  • Looking to the side. Averting one's eyes indicates a person's lack of interest in the events around him or the desire to hide information. Sometimes the opposite reaction appears - a gaze into the eyes. This reaction occurs when a person knows that it is not recommended to look away when being deceived.
  • Nervous lip biting. Such a movement indicates the interlocutor’s anxiety or desire to lie.
  • Frequent blinking. This reaction is a consequence of an unexpected question or a stressful situation, from which the only way out is to get out and lie.
  • Instant nose touches. Scientists say that when lying, the nose begins to itch, so the deceiver wipes it with a sharp movement.

How to apply knowledge about microfacial expressions?

Given that each emotion manifests itself differently, remembering all the features is not so easy. Practice and patience play a big role. Remember the expressions of one emotion, and look for its manifestations in the eyes of your interlocutor. To understand this science, you can even practice on a close friend or loved one. Watching him, draw a conclusion, and then ask whether you were right in your judgments.

If you want to understand a person's thoughts, start with the elementary: look into his eyes! It is this part of our face that is the mirror of the soul. It is almost impossible to fake the sparkle in the eyes, so they testify to a person’s attitude towards the events around him.

Don't forget about the connection that a person shows. The presence of sincere emotion is manifested in the complete harmony of these non-verbal signs. If an imbalance occurs, this indicates the manifestation of lies.

Possible mistakes:

  • The idea that you can understand the emotions of any person. There are people who know how to control themselves and their every move. Often these are “gamblers” or chess players, whose success directly depends on restraint and self-control.
  • Generalization. Do not forget about the mentality, culture and nationality of a person. It is difficult to make a German smile, but this does not indicate insincerity, while Americans cannot calmly react to a “stony expression” on their face.
  • Jumping to conclusions based on just one emotion. Each person is individual, so it is recommended to get to know the person better before drawing conclusions.
  • Recognition of a person’s thoughts is used when communicating with a stranger, a teenage child, a boss or subordinates, and with the opposite sex. In these situations, it is extremely important to know what the other person is thinking!
December 29, 2013, 10:25

Scientists have devoted a lot of time to searching for answers to the question of how ancient people learned to read and where printed writing came from. But it was writing that influenced the development of people; without it, there would be no reading, books and, in general, the world that we know. In this regard, we will talk about how people learned to read.

Reading and first writing

It is known that writing first appeared in Ancient Mesopotamia. It is believed that the ancient Sumerians who inhabited it were the first to learn to count and invent the first writing. It is the Sumerians who are credited with the invention of cuneiform, which consisted of signs and some semblance of drawings (pictograms). It should be noted that even though cuneiform may seem primitive to modern people, it has been formed over centuries. It was cuneiform that served as the beginning of the development of writing as such.

Cuneiform itself arose as a result of the need to transmit information from person to person at a distance. After all, earlier (before the advent of cuneiform), people were forced to transmit information using objects. Of course, the subject “letter” was distinguished by its shortcomings. The information could have been perceived in a completely different sense.

The emergence of the alphabet

Gradually, hieroglyphic writing began to take shape. It is believed that the Egyptians were one of the first inventors of this type of writing. However, hieroglyphs had a significant drawback - they were not actually associated with speech.

The solution was the alphabet. The first alphabet was created by the ancient Phoenicians in the second millennium BC. And if earlier one of the symbols could mean a whole word, then with the development of writing, one symbol began to mean one syllable, which made writing more convenient for study.

The Phoenician alphabet had 22 syllables. Later it reached Ancient Greece, where it was significantly improved. It was the Greek alphabet that served as the basis for many European languages ​​and began to be used even in the Middle East.

The emergence of printing

Printing is usually attributed to Ancient China. According to experts, book printing in Ancient China began back in 600 BC. It was necessary to promote Buddhism. Moreover, initially the printing was piecemeal. Only monks and children from the upper classes were taught to read.

In Europe, printing appeared much later. Around 1300 AD. Its development was hampered by the unavailability of paper. It was not until 1400 that it became possible to print books en masse. Moreover, as in Ancient China, books in Europe were primarily of a religious nature.

It is worth noting that throughout the world, until about the middle of the 19th century, reading was very rare among ordinary people. It was mainly the nobility and people from high strata of society who could read.

People have always strived to learn how to read the thoughts of people around them. This is still relevant in our time. For example, a jealous wife would really like to read the thoughts of her beloved husband. Many people have a desire to read the boss’s thoughts. In this case, this article will be very helpful. Every person has telepathic abilities, you just need to develop them. Some people need several months to do this, while others may need years of training. It depends on the person’s natural inclination, perseverance, and regularity of exercise. Success can be achieved through hard work.

How to learn to read other people's thoughts

There are various psychological techniques that allow you to capture a person’s mood:

  1. The eyes can tell a lot, so they need to be given the most attention if you want to learn how to read minds. Look closely at the pupils of your interlocutor. If a person is in a positive mood, when he is excited or happy, his pupils are dilated. You need to pay attention to a person's pupils if you want to know whether he likes you or not. If the pupils dilate, this is a sign that he likes the subject of conversation. This means your point of view will be received positively.
  2. To learn how to read minds, you need to study body language: the movement of arms and legs, the tilt of the head, gestures, timbre of voice, etc. If the person you are talking to agrees with you, but fidgets and twitches, he probably does not like you conversation, or he is worried about something else. You can easily understand the mood of the interlocutor during a conversation by the tone of his voice.
  3. To learn how to read minds correctly, you need to use projection. If you know your interlocutor well and his individual characteristics, you can easily predict his reaction to a situation or some objects by imagining yourself in his place. Try asking yourself what you would do if you were in his place, and you will be able to read his thoughts.

Mind reading technique

Reading thoughts at a distance or telepathy is an energetic exchange of information. People who have mastered telepathy skills have developed many training programs. If you study all the recommendations and systems, you can conclude: by mastering a few principles, you can learn to read minds. The main thing is the ability to feel the energy of the Earth’s information field or prana.

The method of training to receive prana is as follows:

  1. You need to relax, take your mind off things, forget about everything that worries you.
  2. Sit in lotus position. With this pose, internal energy is concentrated.
  3. It is necessary to imagine the energy that is floating around, then let this energy in, absorb it, merge with it. You can imagine energy in the form of heat that penetrates inside, or in the form of bright rays of the sun.

As soon as you can accept information energy, you can begin to train telepathic abilities, which will help you learn to read minds. This will require an assistant who will have to convey the thought to you, and you must accept and read it. It is necessary to enter into a telepathic connection when you are feeling well and emotionally calm. Do not consume caffeine or alcohol before your session.

Mind reading training looks like this:

  1. You and the assistant should sit opposite each other and assume the lotus position.
  2. Tune in to accept the information energy into which the assistant’s thoughts will be transformed. If you practice persistently, the energy of the assistant will easily penetrate your mind, then transform into words.

By developing insightful observation and using these techniques in practice, you can understand the psychology of people and learn to read other people's thoughts.

Interest Ask. However, what does it mean to read people? Predict their actions or see his full nature? Although this is even related.
If you think about it, a person should be inclined towards psychology, he should be interested in it, and psychology is a complex thing.
“Reading a person” means knowing what and how he will do. It's not difficult at all, but first of all, what are you like? Maybe you don't get along with someone? Or don't you like it? Maybe you even hate it? Maybe people think you're stupid? One way or another, if the answer to at least one question is “yes,” then first of all, you need to work on yourself. There are no bad people, there are people with their own character and temperament, with their own life story, in which anything could happen.
This can only mean one thing. Everyone must be treated neutrally or even positively, for greater effect. You need to take care of yourself, always be calm and friendly, and also hide your real personality. they should be interested in you. Be that as it may, you can make friends with even the darkest person, a schizo, a simple person, and even with the cattle as they are popularly called.
You need to look for an approach to everyone, watch, be an observer, it is very important to analyze every detail. Speech, words, body movements, actions, relationships with others, habits. After a thorough analysis, you need to make a similar copy of the same person, that is, so that he understands you and is interested in you. If a person is interested, ingratiate yourself and become friends, but do not forget to follow, and you cannot give yourself away, you just need to be natural. Once you have become good friends and are already joking with each other, you can personally ask absolutely any question for selfish purposes, it is provocative, and then monitor the reaction or answer, this way you can find out about the person and that’s it. Perhaps this is the concept of “reading people.” If you know a person, then you know what he will do. It's like with best friends, they both know who will act and what to do in a certain situation. But you don’t need to become best friends; you don’t have to tell anything about yourself, because often they won’t ask you about it. This is all, this is how you can learn to “read people,” but I repeat, you should be interested in this and you should understand how this mechanism works.
Naturally, there will be those who will ask something like: “What if I need to read a stranger?” In principle, everything is the same, that is, it is speech, words. actions, movements and habits, but this is only the image of this person presented by you, but sometimes this image is quite enough to “read” him.
In general, psychology is like an art, if you have a talent for it, then the path is open to you. There are people who say that they see right through people and know everything about them, but at the same time they are often unpleasant people. You cannot learn to “read people”, you need to be able to do it. It's like with mathematics or physics, great scientists discovered many laws only because they had such a mentality. And in general this is the case with any subject, be it biology or even psychology itself. I just tried to explain how I do it, it’s not nonsense or fiction, because that’s what I do and it works. Although I probably explained it very poorly and not clearly. Sorry, as best I could.
By the way, the picture shows the series “Lie to Me”, this is also psychology, but if you also want to “read people”, then you need a lot of experience in working with this, a lot of material, practice, in which there will be many mistakes. It's not that easy, you always have to learn how to do it.