Why do we fall in love with rascals. Evie eros don't fall in love with scoundrels don't fall in love with scoundrels read

When it comes to men, the word "bad" immediately begins to sound different. Bad hotel - will not go. Bad cafe - I will not dine. Bad guy - mmm, intriguing. Attracts. Addictive. And then it exhausts and ruins life. Why do we continue to love scoundrels, scoundrels, deceivers and other unworthy types?

Our expert psychologist Yevlalia Prosvetova suggests, first, to figure out why we choose the “bad guys” over and over again. And when the root cause becomes clear, it will be possible to end these exhausting relationships and create new ones that bring joy and pleasure.

So we're picking the rascals because...

Rogues are unusual

Confessions, tears, waiting-suffering are much more interesting than grocery shopping and quiet evenings. Emotions run high. Heart is beating. Statuses in social networks are a complete anguish. Almost like in a novel or a movie. But producers and screenwriters, in order to "sell" the story, the character traits of the hero exaggerate. Depression or jealousy, obsession or imbalance look good on screen. And for real relationships are of little use. Is that for a relationship with a psychotherapist. The same jealousy of a partner, for example, is not an indicator of feelings, but evidence of his self-doubt and his ability to be loved.

What to do? Understand what is missing in life. The emotional swings of "difficult relationships" are truly addictive. Either you fall into the abyss of despair, or you soar on the wings of love. The rest is simply pushed out. But do not confuse cause and effect: love passions often drag on when there is nothing more interesting in life. Work is not a joy, from a hobby - cross stitching, but here - such a gift. So, if you manage to make your life brighter, more exciting, richer, then “difficult love” will gradually lose its meaning.

Rogues are good

Hello again melodrama. In them, everything bad in the hero is the essence of husk and pretense. And under them - well, such spiritual treasures that it takes your breath away. Behaving indifferently and rudely? But the eyes say something else. Missing for a month? Understands himself and suffers. Failed? Knew you could handle it yourself. Checked. Raised. But if necessary - he is in fire and water. May be. Maybe.

What to do? Analyze facts. To understand what your novel is like, a simple way will help. You need to take and write what this person really did for the relationship. I was tormented, I thought every moment, I wanted to sow the yard with flowers - these are all guesses or words. What about actions? Real evidence of a big heart and an inquisitive mind? Care and attention? Look for answers to these questions.

Rogues are strong

The classic bad boy, at the sight of which women's hearts freeze, is a brutal and tough type. He goes to the goal ahead of him and always wins. Well, isn't he a hero? Here in the wild, the alpha male behaves something like this. You can talk about instincts for a long time, or you can think about how “natural” the model suits civilized people.

What to do? Set priorities. In the concept of "real man" everyone includes his own. But at the same time, it is important not to confuse masculinity with cruelty, restraint with indifference, and the ability to be in charge with a disregard for other people's interests. To understand yourself and him, you can make a list: what seems necessary in a relationship, what is possible, and what is unacceptable. And then compare the list with the original.

Rogues are unfortunate

Pechkin got a bicycle - and he immediately corrected himself. And with the "bad guy" it will be the same, only instead of a bicycle he needs the support of a kindred spirit. It is he who is so misunderstood and disappointed with grief, but love will perform a miracle. How many women, repeating this mantra, rushed to save, change and revive. Does the sufferer, in addition to having a bad temper, have a baggage of convictions, addictions and abandoned wives? Let's increase the dose of love! Everything ends the same way: a nervous breakdown and a destroyed self-esteem of the "savior". Because the bike has nothing to do with it. You can't change an adult. And save without his desire for it - and even more so.

What to do? Work on self-esteem. The very desire to become someone's personal mother Teresa is a dangerous symptom. Behind it lies the desire to feel your own importance or to receive guarantees. You help - it means that you do not live in vain. They need you, which means they definitely won't leave you. A dependent weak partner also protects against self-disappointment. She didn’t make a career, she gave up on herself, because she gave everything to him - it sounds! The reason, anyway. Take it away and what's left? Often people rush to protect others from those troubles that secretly disturb them. There is some substitution, but it does not bring peace. The only way out is to start with yourself, to understand your own troubles and grievances.

Rogues are habitual

The most dangerous thing is when the scenario “he turned out to be a scoundrel” is repeated. It is not fate or stars that are to blame, but the internal problems of the eternal victim. It is they who force her again and again to choose as a partner the one who does not love, does not appreciate and humiliates. Roots, as often happens, lie in childhood.

What to do? Deal with the past. We get our first relationship experience in childhood, with our parents. And then, one way or another, we involuntarily reproduce it in further relationships. If adults humiliated the child, suppressed and betrayed - he, having matured, will subconsciously seek the same. For this reason, for example, the daughters of alcoholics so often marry drinking men. And they reject good and reliable, without bad habits - it is not clear how to live and build relationships with such people?

In addition, unloved children are sure that they themselves are to blame for this attitude. After all, dad or mom can't be bad. This model also works later: people blame themselves for all troubles. They provoked a partner, they didn’t understand, they didn’t try hard - so he made a scene. He is good, I am bad. It happens that such a problem without the help of a specialist is difficult to solve. A therapist can help you accept and love yourself. It is also important to expand your horizons and social circle, learn to trust those who treat you well. At first it will not be easy - we tend to be afraid of change. But these changes are for the better. Including the best man.

Every woman at least once in her life met someone charming, attractive ... and irresponsible, and we fell in love, suffered, waited, hoped that he would change. To save us time, Ekaterina Ignatova, a psychologist, trainer and specialist in Transactional Analysis, has broken down 10 classic types of scoundrels for us and explained why we need them and how to deal with them.


Lies how he breathes. And when he doesn’t lie, he fantasizes with inspiration, invents. And the point is not that he was very guilty and is looking for an alibi - no, he simply does not know how to tell the truth. Pathologically. Moreover, if you catch him in a lie, he still does not admit that he composed, but will begin to weave an intricate tie from new notions. It is possible to restore the picture of his past or the real events of the present only with the help of his best friends, although they do not know the whole truth. Sometimes he looks a lot like a madman living in an illusory world. Although do not worry, he is quite healthy for himself, it’s just that it’s much more convenient for him to live like that.

Why is he like this: At the age of three to five years, all children have magical thinking. Their logic is very different from the logic of adults. For example, a child can be absolutely sure that the family is forced to move from one apartment to another because he did not wash his hands on time, thereby provoking such a cataclysm. In the event that adults do not help him shed light on the real chain of events, if they admire the wonderful logic of his son, do not refute it, the child retains the desire to think magically even at a later age. That is, of course, the 30-year-old marketer knows that he was late for the meeting, not because the flying carpet began to act up, but because he did not calculate the time. But the child living in it will certainly come up with a less prosaic explanation and lie from three boxes. The desire to tell a lie can also arise in an adult if he was scolded a lot in childhood, and it was possible to avoid another notation or punishment only by composing some kind of fable. But you are not his mother - do not scold the poor fellow.


The victim tracks down from the shelter, then gets closer, licks his lips and pounces in one precise movement. Satisfying hunger, he leaves. This description is not at all the story of Uncle Kolya Drozdov, but the harsh truth of the life of a well-known specialist in conquering women's hearts, which he eats for breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner. It is impossible not to succumb to his charm - after all, he knows all the points that need to be pressed. But believing him is just as pointless as believing that Santa Claus will give you a Lexus.

Why is he like this: In our culture, it is customary for boys to be told the following when they are children: “Well, why are you whining like a girl?” From which young creatures draw the following conclusion - real men do not have the right to cry, complain, as well as show tenderness, love and other feelings. They can seduce, conquer and break, but not love. There are also completely neglected cases when parents, in addition to everything, inspire the boy that he must always and everywhere, absolutely under any circumstances, be strong. A strong man who feels nothing can move mountains at work, change women like gloves, but he will never become happy in his personal life, no matter how you try to make him happy with your great and pure love for him. And it is unlikely that such a type can make a woman truly happy, unless, of course, we are talking about one night of unforgettable sex. By the way, representatives of the category of predators often like to drink, and sometimes they take something stronger, because only alcohol and other stimulants help them relax and - occasionally! - express your feelings.


Today he is here, next to you, and tomorrow he will be in Nakhodka, San Francisco or Cuba. It is impossible to get bored with him, he comes up with the best entertainment in the world. Arrange with an ambulance driver, rent this strange car and drive it to St. Petersburg? No problem. He has a million friends and acquaintances, huge plans, a sea of ​​energy. The most original ideas constantly come into his head (although to most sane people they would seem crazy), he is ready to move mountains for the sake of their implementation ... True, it happens that he loses interest in these ideas as quickly as he lights up with them. In general, he is an absolutely incredible man, the best in the world. Almost. There is only one "but" - it is absolutely impossible to count on it. At any moment, the adventurer can be called, he will utter a few lengthy phrases, kiss his girlfriend on the forehead and disappear. And when it will appear again, no one knows. Even himself.

Why is he like this: He is a wanderer who walks without considering the road. And there is no end point in this path, so the goal is to walk, or rather, to run. From what? From intimacy and coexistence. Perhaps, as a child, he was forced to run away from home to friends when his parents quarreled. This habit has become second nature to him. Or his dad was a sailor, military man, diplomat, and the family wandered from one city to another. Either dad died early, or left the family. And he, being a little boy, firmly learned that it makes no sense to become attached and get used to people, since the inevitable separation will be the more painful, the closer he gets along with them. It is also possible that his mother's pregnancy was difficult, and the reasons for the desire to run away lie in his prenatal stage of development. Be that as it may, he is not running from you, and this fugitive can only be pitied.


At first it is pleasant with him, because he knows everything and can explain. When ordering fish in a restaurant, he will tell you about its habitat. Walking around the city, he will give a lecture on the difference between Russian Art Nouveau and Art Deco. And if someone gets sick, he will act as a consultant pharmacist. True, later it turns out that the caps of the shampoos in the bathroom must be screwed all the way to the end, and the shower hose must be hung on a special hook. Buy tomatoes only from Zelenaya Dacha, and milk from Mad Cow, because it has more calcium. He will tell you what books you should read, what movies you should watch. There can be only two opinions: one is his, the other is wrong. Keep in mind - when you want to leave him, he will also give you a lecture on the psychological background of your infantile act.

Why is he like this: Most likely, he was brought up quite strictly, and the main psychological device was a ban. From the age of three, he was told that he was already an adult, which means that he should not play the fool and not play with toys, but act like a reasonable person, devoting all his time to studying and other useful activities. The boring mentor is used to listening not to his desires, but to the instructions of his mother. With age, he simply forgot about his desires. This unfortunate person lives according to once written rules, clearly knowing what is possible and what is not, what is good and what is bad. Not for him personally, but for his parents. Over time, he began to project the habit of limiting himself onto others. Well, what, really, is he walking around in a case like a fool alone? We need to dress the rest in the same. The most unpleasant thing is that he is wildly afraid to get out of the total control state. Living in a world where everything is marked and painted, where labels are stuck to everything, is simple and convenient, like in a supermarket where you go once a week. Inviting him to remember his desires is like sending a pedantic, prim Englishman to a Vietnamese market for breakfast groceries.


He is snarky. Don't put your finger in his mouth - he'll bite off his elbow. He boasts of his male hobbies - sports, hunting, motorcycles. At first glance, it seems that he is the embodiment of masculinity, because, being aggressive and assertive in conversation, he will not let either himself or his girlfriend offend. True, at home, for some reason, he also does not become white and fluffy, but continues to be rude with or without reason.

Why is he like this: Well, first of all, he's really badly brought up. And, perhaps, sincerely convinced that the ideal woman should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Secondly, he confuses the concepts of "masculinity" and "rudeness." And thirdly, he most likely did not have a father or his relationship with his dad was very difficult. Balancing on the slippery verge of irony and swearing, constantly sticking out his masculine qualities, he struggles with terrible self-doubt as a man. That is why he in bed can be emphasized inattentive to a woman, posing as a terrorist male. Although, if you carefully study his sexuality, there you can find something that he does not like at all. For example, bisexuality or latent homosexuality. You may have noticed that the most outspoken homophobes talk so much and often about how terrible gays are that their insistence on this topic betrays a subconscious interest.


Soft, sympathetic, understanding, calm - this man, it seems, could be an ideal husband. One trouble is to make an offer and in general he is in no hurry to take any steps. At first, this is not very annoying - he maintains pauses between dates, as if on purpose bringing your curiosity to the maximum critical level. He gives flowers and good things, asks the right questions and listens very carefully to the answers. However, the pleasant expectation is replaced by a tedious expectation, which turns into ... tiring. It becomes clear that, for example, he does not call, not because he adheres to some plan to seduce, but simply because of his own timidity and other complexes. By the way, he has trouble making decisions and taking concrete actions not only in the field of intimate relationships.

Why is he like this: Raised by a strong dominant mother, from childhood he was used to obeying women and not taking initiative. In his mistress, he is looking for a leader who will command him, he is waiting for orders, proposals and actions. In return, this feminine man is ready to provide his devotion and obedience. Living together with him will be pleasant, conflicts are rare ... if his mother lives in another city.

The boy who is sorry

He's good, very good. It's just that people don't understand it. At all. At first you want to feel sorry for him, and then warm and caress him, because, it seems, this is what he lacks in life for complete happiness. When he begins to talk about himself, tears well up in the eyes of the grateful listener from the injustice reigning in the world. He had a difficult childhood with many mental (and possibly physical) traumas, and an equally difficult youth. He did everything he could, but circumstances were against him. But now you are ready to do for him (or for him) everything that he asks. As the saying goes, “she fell in love with him for suffering, and he loved her for compassion for them.”

Why is he like this: Once, in childhood, this boy realized that playing with people “for pity” is much more profitable than being a good cucumber. Ask less. Think for yourself what to take from the oblique, lame and offended by life? Nothing, you can only feel sorry for him. It is possible that this man did not have to reinvent the wheel, his dad behaved in exactly the same way. Having diligently copied the model of behavior, making his own corrections, the “boy who feels sorry” has become a professional loser who not only receives the attention and care of others, but also forgives himself for laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility. He rolls like cheese in butter and does not know the real one. He breeds everyone for sympathy and manipulates loved ones, like a real charlatan. "But what am I to do?" he constantly asks. You can put this unfortunate man in his place only by answering all his questions with a question: “And what do you yourself think about this?”

Dynamo machine

It's hard not to fall in love with him. Successful in his career, well-groomed, courteous - he attracts girls like a magnet. And surprisingly, he doesn't use it very much. He could be Don Juan, but, nevertheless, remains faithful to one, maximum two women. He used to keep everything under control - including his personal life. He - and only he! - knows when to call you next time, which restaurant to go to and for how many hours-days-weeks to let you into his life. As soon as it seems to him that you are lingering in it, he immediately takes a step back. Or two. Or three.

Why is he like this: His relationship with his mother was more than complicated, and therefore he was used to not trusting women. He remembers very well how much he paid as a child when he opened up to his mother, hoping for her sympathy and support. And now, as an adult, he will not allow such a mistake. He can turn millions of transactions, take risks, engage in politics and extreme sports. He is terrified of one thing - intimacy. He may even remain an eternal bachelor or the lover of some married, bored woman who will not demand anything from him except sex once a week and gifts on holidays.


He could work as a model, and at the same time (oh happiness!) He is not gay! Obvious-incredible live! Walking with a handsome man around the city is an occupation that is both pleasant and restless. On the one hand, with it, as with an expensive accessory, you feel more confident, and on the other hand, you constantly think about how this treasure would not be taken away. And not only is he good-looking, he also dresses well. True, there is one problem: he does it for a long time. Almost as long as you. Or longer. And he spends more on clothes than you do. And most importantly - sometimes it seems to you that he is more interested in his own reflection in the mirror than you and your relationship with him.

Why is he like this: It only at first glance seems that the narcissist is crazy about himself. In fact, the constant pulling of the blanket and narcissism are associated with low self-esteem and excessive demands on oneself. And that's just part of his problem. The second is that he treats the people around him the same way he treats himself, that is, badly. And this means that no matter how much these insignificant people praise him, he will still not be enough. The narcissist, on the one hand, is dependent on someone else's opinion, and on the other hand, he does not trust him. Therefore, the guy is pathologically unhappy, like a shy child who is always looking for praise, approval and support.


He is extraordinary, educated, smart, but at one glance at him there is an intuitive feeling that something is not right here. I would listen to the inner voice, but where can I go - curiosity attracts with irresistible force. And so begins extremely strange dates, visits to closed clubs with orgies in the style of the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" and spontaneous trips to the wildest places. But most of all, it’s not even entertainment that turns on, but the fact that this mysterious person is keeping something back. Well, who can understand it better than you? Nobody! Having brought you to a white heat, seduced and made you drunk with excellent wine, he admits at the most crucial moment that he is ... a sadist, a bestialist, a lesbian in disguise or someone worse. For example, asexual.

Why is he like this: It doesn't matter how he got this perversion, it matters only to himself and his psychoanalyst. If you really want to get to the bottom of the issue, read Otto Fenichel's Psychoanalytic Theory of Neuroses and ask the Pervert if he was flogged as a child? You can also clarify who exactly - dad or mom - spanked him, and if it was mom, you will understand why on Saturday mornings he likes to walk around the apartment in stockings and a boa. However, even having understood the reasons, you will not save him from deviation. If you've come this far, maybe you should think about why YOU are so attached to him?

Why do they enter our lives?

You can endlessly disassemble a man into components, but this activity is much less rewarding than finding the answer to the question “Why do I like him?” After all, the cause of our craving for bad things should first of all be looked for in ourselves.

From childhood: Every girl has a conscious desire to love and be loved. However, it often happens that over and over again a girl finds herself more and more odious candidates for love. Most likely, such stories are explained by the fact that - no matter how absurd it may sound - she unconsciously strives to be unhappy. Why? There are several reasons for this, and all of them are related to her childhood. If the girl's mother could not build a family, then it may well be that the daughter decides to repeat her mother's story. Well, if the parents are still happy together, then it’s worth delving into what directives and instructions were broadcast in the family to children. For those who, for example, in childhood were called upon to always strive for excellence in everything, it will be difficult to find happiness in adult life - in personal relationships they will choose the most difficult, most impossible options. After all, how can you strive for perfection if everything is fine with you, if you have achieved harmony in family life? In no way, and therefore, it is necessary to bind oneself with a partner with whom you can never build harmony under any conditions.

The origins of love for the person who offends you can also be found in your relationship with your father. If he was rude, paid attention to his daughter only when she needed to be scolded, most likely she, having matured, would look for a similar relationship with her boyfriend or husband. Relationships based on negativity, suffering and masochism.

And further. You need to take care of the villains, save them, spitting on your interests, deeds and feelings. It would seem that in this occupation is fascinating? And here's the thing: when a person is completely absorbed in saving a certain drowning person, he may not take responsibility for himself. Dealing with other people's cockroaches is easier than your own. After all, even if you fail in this lesson, you can blame the other person by saying: “I did everything I could, but he did not want to change.” Saving another is a wonderful pastime for those who are too lazy or afraid to take responsibility for their own lives.

Can they change: In principle, each of them can become better. If he wants. And he can want to change only if he is aware of his problem. Under what conditions can this happen? For example, if the circumstances of his life do not turn out in the best way: he truly falls in love and / or meets a girl who will not stand on ceremony and, at the first manifestation of vice, will put him out the door. And if he has enough self-criticism, he will take certain steps, and no one knows how far he will go on the path of self-digging and solving personal problems. Except for his therapist, perhaps.

Never in my life have I fallen into a stupor. Up to this day. And I'm twenty-six, after all. Although ... stupor is probably a very censored word. Much later, already when I was standing on the street and nervously smoking cigarette after cigarette, I suddenly thought that I should deal not with boring and banal advertising, like me, but with the organization of trainings. Yes, yes, trainings on the topic: "What to do if you caught your missus in the process of betrayal." The key word is in progress. I had never seen such a thing before. Well, it didn't happen, yes. I got used to watching from the inside of the process, and not from the outside. And here - a classic of the anecdotal genre, just the opposite - the wife returned from a business trip a day earlier. A very happy wife, yes. On the way I bought salmon, champagne, a cake - everything is as it should be, to celebrate the return of my beloved. I didn’t say anything to Andrei, I wanted to surprise him. Well… well, it was a surprise. Only for me. When I ran up the stairs and opened the apartment, I even smiled when I heard loud rhythmic music coming from the large room. Five in the evening, and Andrey is at home - how wonderful! Great, huh... I've never watched porn movies, so I had no idea that the process of copulation from the outside looks so... unattractive. And when your beloved husband and younger sister are partners in sex, this process becomes not only unattractive, but truly nauseating. They, of course, did not see me, completely carried away by each other. And they did not hear - the music rumbled at full power. And I froze on the threshold, not knowing what to do next. A stupid joyful smile slipped from my lips, like a drop of water slides down the glass in the rain. Yeah… life didn’t prepare me for this… Scream? Walk up and pat your husband on the back? Like, dear, that's enough already, your wife has come, she has brought milk. That is, salmon and champagne ... Or turn around and leave? Yeah. From your own apartment? And where?! Sorry, but I had absolutely no idea what to do in such cases. I did not know, so to speak, the rules of etiquette. When you see an old lady on a bus, you have to give her your seat. What if you see your own husband having sex with another woman? What, no ideas? Who says "beat" there? No, no corpses in my apartment... But it's not just the "other woman". This woman is Sasha, my sister. Young, beloved and adored. I leaned exhaustedly against the door frame and decided to wait until the end of the performance, mentally thanking the participants in this action for turning on the music. Judging by her sister's lips, she wasn't shy about screaming with pleasure. I would not like to hear these screams ... And it's so sickening. Finally Andrei shook and a second later fell on Sasha, kissing her on the cheek. Here are the cuties. I'm about to die of embarrassment right now. Sasha herself, flushed and happy, opened her eyes, smiled ... and suddenly noticed me. All colors disappeared from the sister's face at once, as if someone had run a sponge over a painting that had not yet dried. She said something, and Andrei, immediately opening his eyes, jumped up from her, for some reason covering the causal place with his hands. And what didn't I see? I rushed to the music center and knocked it out with one sharp movement. And then he immediately exclaimed: - Light, this is not what you are ... Well, I say - a classic of the genre. I giggled stupidly and clapped my hands, feeling a smile bloom on my lips again. Only now she was not at all the smile with which I entered the apartment. - Bravo! - I said, and surprisingly - even my voice did not tremble! - It was great. I like it. Almost a porn movie, only with the effect of presence. Indescribable feelings. Amazing. Very nice. Amazing. It seems that I was carried away ... I picked up all the synonyms that I could. Although ... rather, antonyms. How “cute” and “delightful” is it if, in front of your eyes, in thirty seconds, two of the most dear and beloved people completely and completely destroyed your life? - Light ... - Sasha began to get up from the sofa, but I waved my hands at her. - No, no, what are you! Lie down. You must be tired. And I'll probably go. I will not bother you. I rushed into the corridor. Bags with festive products stood forlornly near the door, and I kicked them out of anger, put on boots, a jacket, rattled my keys. And then Andrei jumped out of the room, pulling on his pants. - Stop, Sveta! - His voice sounded so pathetic and pleading that I felt even worse and wanted to hit someone. Although... why is it anyone? I grinned, turned to my now almost ex-husband, swung - and with all my foolishness I slammed my fist right into his nose. There was a crunch and a wild scream. Andrei flew about a meter away from me, and I, continuing to grin, shook my aching hand and left the apartment. The street met me with a light frost and a little snow. What a sweet and serene world. It is strange that he did not collapse in those five minutes. I'm all broken. She squinted like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Although ... squinted - it's still too weak a word. I should have left, I guess. I had to kick them out, the apartment is mine. But the Christmas trees are green, the lemons are yellow ... Honestly, a little more - and the truth would have killed. Both. I walked thoughtfully down the street, wondering what to do now. I even began to sing with confusion. - Where to go, where to go ... Whom to find, whom to surrender to ... On the third time, I choked and coughed, thinking: why not? Andrey cheated on me, I'll find a man for myself - and I'll change too. No, after that I'll get a divorce anyway, of course. But suddenly it won't be so boring, will it? Come on, Sveta. Even more nauseating. All your friends and more or less handsome men have been married for a long time and firmly, and you could not fuck with strangers even in the best years of your life. This is aerobatics, and you are an amateur pilot, you know. I sighed and looked around. Shop "Products". Let's go buy something. It's… disgusting. Chocolate, from which you will then itch even in the most unexpected places. Or chips. In general, it does not matter - in any case, you, Svetka, will itch. You always itch when you're nervous. But why be nervous now? Everything has already happened. Apparently this isn't their first time. Luboff, huh. As the heroine of the film “Love and Doves” said: “What is such a love?” Like this ... The phone in the bag rang piercingly. Whoever you are, unknown caller - go to the bathhouse. Not up to you now. In the store, two men bought vodka and sprats, the aunt followed them - chicken, potatoes and tomatoes. Hmm. You can immediately see who plans to do what on Friday evening. And you, Svetka, what will you do? - Give me that cognac, - I nodded at a bottle higher and more expensive. - And cigarettes. “Show me your passport,” the cashier mumbled and stared at me with an x-ray superman look. More specifically, superwomenshi. In our country, this is normal - when at the checkout they ask you the age almost to retirement. It doesn't even bother me anymore. I showed my passport, the cashier nodded and raised her majestic ass from the chair to get me a cognac. She came back and asked a reasonable question: - What kind of cigarettes? - Uh-uh ... - I thought. - Some stronger ones. - "Parliament" will go? - lazily asked the aunt. Yes, even the "Congress", if only it was pinned. So I nodded, took my nasty things and went outside. Well, now what? Who to surrender to, we swept aside from the list of cases, but where to go, where to go - no. I have two close friends. But one is on a protracted vacation on the other side of the planet, and the second gave birth three weeks ago and, to put it mildly, is not up to her friends now. The last option remains. Stomp you, Svetka, to the office. It's dark and quiet there on Friday, and the flies don't bite. You sit quietly in your corner, get drunk, and then go to bed in the negotiation room. There, just such a comfortable sofa was recently installed ... And the morning is wiser than the evening. In the morning it will be necessary to think about what to do next and how to live. For now, back to the office. How is it ... In any incomprehensible situation, go to work? That's right.
* * *
Only in the subway did I realize that my hand was not just aching - it seemed that it would now fall off in figs. How did I hit Andrei in the nose? Maybe his nose fell off as well? But it would be nice ... I went to the pharmacy next to the office, bought an ointment for bruises and bruises. I will come to my native place - I will anoint my hand. A working tool, after all. The guards looked at me, wide-eyed, when I was all so important (and diligently clutching a bag of cognac to myself so as not to rattle) went into the office. The clock was at the beginning of eight. Evenings, of course. Have you ever come to work at seven in the evening? Here. I didn't come either. Well, there's always a first time for everything. Coming out of the elevator on our native sixteenth floor, I involuntarily thought. You, of course, Sveta, well done. I bought cognac, cigarettes too (I smoked half a pack on the street in a row - now my head is splitting ...) And a snack, a snack?! What is there for cognac? Lemons? I stomped to the machine with chocolates and other dregs. Friday evening… During the working week, the assortment of machine guns has thinned considerably. So the chewing gum, the bounty and the Lays chips with onions and sour cream looked at me sadly. What a bastard. I don't like onions. Limonov, of course, did not offer office workers an automatic machine. So I had to be content with the bounty. The office was mercilessly empty. Of course, it's Friday after all... There are no fools, hanging around here overtime, the working day is up to six. Eh, not even IT people. And I was hoping to share cognac with them. Means no luck. The phone once again began to explode, and I irritatedly glanced at the bag, took it out, looked at the screen - well, for sure, Andrey. He probably wants to know if I've already drowned myself or if I'm just about to. No, honey, don't wait. I quietly scurried back to my workspace. It was in a secluded nook, not far from the general's office. But there, of course, there is no longer any general - our Maxim Ivanovich usually leaves at five in the evening. First, I anointed Andrey's nose-damaged hand, then I opened the cognac, poured a little bit into a plastic cup that had been stashed for a long time, and rustled with chocolate. We live. To be honest, I have always been not a very good alkonaut. With my gastritis... At about the third glass, I realized that I urgently needed another chocolate bar. Better two. Or three. Or maybe five. In general, everything that is - everything will be mine. Oh, and it was great to stagger me ... Thanks to the open offices - there are tables everywhere, there is something to rely on. True, I destroyed several folders with documents and cups with pens, but nothing. Let's assume this is such an office poltergeist. Or brownie. Hm. office? Office? Wow, exactly! Office. Grunting drunkenly, I still made it to the exit to the corridor. She pushed the door ... and almost plowed the floor with her forehead, starting to fall either down or sideways. But shamefully I was not allowed to collapse with an oak felled in the color of years. - What are you doing here? - a menacing voice sounded above my ear, and strong hands grabbed my shoulders. Not at the waist - alas. I'm still too small, a rare man will reach my waist. - I drink ... - I answered honestly, already thinking after the fact that honesty is not always in place. Especially in my case… - What-what? The voice seemed to think he misheard. Y-s-s! The voice was misheard. The gingerbread man hung up. The Negro sunbathes. I started to shake and grunted again. - Yes, what's the matter?! The voice was outraged again. - Are you drunk? And then I suddenly became not laughing. Ma-m-ma darling! It's not a voice. I mean, a voice, but not just a voice, but the voice of the CEO! That's it, Svetka, you've drunk yourself ... only not to the green devils, but to Yuryevsky Maxim Ivanovich. Damn… hey… where are you? Honestly, I would choose you ... Well, or in extreme cases - a squirrel ... - Y-ah-ah-ah, - I bleated indistinctly and raised my head. “Yaaah…” The general looked at me with squeamish contempt, and for a moment annoyance flared inside with a bright flash. To myself. On him. For the entire male gender. Reptiles! - Don't look at me like that! - I said suddenly firmly and even almost without stammering. - Well, drunk! Think! It happens to everyone? He seems to be in a hurry. Thought I'd be guilty? Yeah of course! - Here you are, - I jabbed Yuryevsky with my finger in the chest, and he even shuddered a little, - do you really never feel like ... how is it ... to drink, yes! Sometimes ... hic! .. so bad! At least, damn it, die ... I dug my fingers into his jacket, and the general again frowned in disgust, trying to unhook my claws. “Damn, die, this is wonderful,” he muttered, nevertheless tearing my hands away from him. He took a step back and looked me up and down. “But I don’t understand why you do things like this at work. - Where else? I asked, and Yuryevsky froze for a moment. I took advantage of this and continued: - And then, not at work, but after work! - It doesn't matter, in the office... - Important, - I drawled and again tried to poke him with my finger, but he didn't give. - The working day is over! And there's no one here! Nobody will see. - And I mean - no one? The general twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. - No! That is, yes! That is, no! Damn... I'm confused. "I'm glad you had the courage to admit it," Yuryevsky said coldly. - I think that there is no point in continuing the discussion. You're fired. Here is the number! I even sobered up. And then she got angry. - Well, please, - I said offendedly and even sniffed my nose. - It will be worse for you. She turned around and stomped to her workplace, forgetting about the chocolate bar. The general followed. - Will you collect things? - did it seem, or was there malice in his voice? - No, - I proudly turned up my nose - and because of this, I swayed a little. I had to shamefully grab the table so as not to fall. I don't have anything special here. I want to drink cognac. - What-oh-oh?! - I want to drink cognac! I barked, thinking that Yuryevsky had not heard. - In vain I bought it, or what? By the way, would you like a drink? It's good, five stars. I don't have an extra plastic cup. - A glass ... - echoed the general. At that moment, I reached my workplace, poured myself another cognac - and drank it in one fell swoop, trying to drown out the annoyance and pain tearing me from the inside. It became a little easier, only his head was spinning and his eyes darkened. “I don’t remember such impudence in my lifetime ...” Yuryevsky muttered, and I could not resist the sarcastic question: “And what, has it already been a century for you?” He didn't seem to hear. “Maybe I should call security?” “Call me,” I nodded graciously. - I have brandy and enough for them. But it's better not to. Less people - more oxygen ... That is, cognac. ABOUT! Still, there is one more glass. Would you like a pour? Yuryevsky suddenly came closer and took the bottle from me. I thought it was over. But no - he poured himself a little cognac into the second glass and sipped a little, carefully looking at me. - Something happened to you. I don't even know if this is a question or a statement. She saluted the boss with a plastic bowl, grinned and answered: - Cap! This, as they say, is a no brainer. And you must have more brains than a hedgehog. The general choked, and I quite indelicately slapped his back with my hand. - Be careful! I don't know how to do artificial respiration. - But you know how to be rude. - Slander, and impudent. I'm just not completely sane. And besides, you fired me anyway. So I can do whatever I want. I want to eat halva, I want to drink cognac *. (* Distorted quote from the film "Girls": "I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread.") - Halva? - Yurievsky looked around my exemplary clean table. Except for the bottles, of course. - Do you have halva? - No. I don't have anything. Only cognac. Pour more? - Well, pour it. I poured myself and him. They drank without clinking glasses. - And what happened to you? I twitched my lip. My business trip ended a day early. You know, like a joke. The husband came, and the wife had a lover. In the closet or on the balcony. Here I have almost the same thing. Only not on the balcony, but on the couch ... and my own sister. I poured and drank again. Yuryevsky was silent, and I continued: - We've been together for five years. I didn’t even think… But Sasha used to live with us. Three years ago I gave her an apartment… Yes, an apartment. And why didn't they go there, why do we? - We didn't plan to. Broke, - said the general in some colorless voice. - May be. I don't know what to do now. - Well, right now you are doing the fact that the coffin of your liver. “Yes,” I sighed. - But do you think about the liver when your heart was broken and your soul was taken out? What kind of liver is this? You still say - spleen. Or gallbladder. Or even the intestines. Yuryevsky chuckled indistinctly. - I have no one but them. And now it turns out that they don't exist either. I poured more. To myself and to him. The boss listened silently. - She ran out of the house and thought - maybe I, too ... cheat on him? Guess I was seriously thinking about this. - I represent. - Here you go. And then I realized that it was not easy for me. It wasn't easy before, but it's even harder now. Therefore, I bought cognac ... and came here. Nowhere else. I took another sip, wincing. - No, I won't become an alkonaut. A third of the bottle did not even persuade, weakling. - You don't need more. And then you don't remember anything. - So maybe it's good? - I turned to the boss and almost spilled the remaining cognac from the glass. - I drank and forgot. Like medicine. - Alas, - he suddenly smiled, and I caught myself on a not very sober thought that our general had a very nice smile. - Drugs don't cause hangovers. In general, Yuryevsky is a handsome man. True, he is already over forty, but how stately ... And this dark hair, to the shoulders, and his eyes - gray as steel ... And a gray strand ... Oh, romantic. - Why are you looking at me like that? the general asked suspiciously, and I laughed. I was not even embarrassed when I answered: - I just realized that with you, perhaps, I would have cheated on my husband. You are so ... like from a book. Romantic villain. Bad boy. Girls always love these. - I'm afraid to cheat with me - not a very good idea - said Yuryevsky impassively. “An idea is an idea,” I shrugged. - No worse and no better than any other idea that can come into a drunken head. It's up to you. - In my? He frowned in bewilderment. - In you, yeah. Fuck, you're flattered by me. - And why is that? I thought. - Well... I'm drunk. I'm not sober right now either. - Well ... I'm your employee. - I just fired you. - Well ... I'm small. He thought for a second. - I'll raise it. Or put it on the table. Fixable. - Well ... I'm unlikely to seem so pretty to you that ... - You are quite cute, - said Yuryevsky, once again looking at me all over. I don't see any crime. Arms, legs, head. I think that you don’t have a tail and everything is as it should be between the legs. I've already thought about it. - So you... it's... well... - What? It seemed to me, or is he mocking? - Well, you ... this ... offer ... - Yes, yes? - Well ... the same ... with you? “So you yourself wanted it,” the general shrugged. - And change your husband, and it's not disgusting. But like I said, it's a bad idea. Just not because you listed. - Yes? And why? Are you married? - No. - You are gay? Yuryevsky even shuddered. - God forbid. No. - Hm. - I thought. - Do you have any special passions? Belts, whips, dildo... - So, stop. It's not about that. I'm just not a gentle lover. And I can't guarantee that you will enjoy sex with me. So... it's better to look for someone else. Lord, Light. It's nine o'clock in the evening, it's dark in the office, even gouge out your eyes, and you are standing at your desk and seriously discussing the issue of joint intimacy with the CEO. Today, magnetic storms, not otherwise ... - And where to look for something? There is no one else here. Therefore... I agree. - Do you agree? - Yuryevsky repeated as if in syllables. - Well, yes. Unless, of course, you were joking. You can…uh…fuck me. Fuck. Or whatever you call it. He frowned slightly. - Listen, I explained ... you are unlikely to be pleased. - But why? Do you rape women? - No. - So why? The General sighed, rolled his eyes. - Okay, it's easier to show. Come on. And walked to his office. - Cognac take? I called after him. Yuryevsky stopped, thought a little. - Take it. And glasses too. - It goes without saying.
* * *
The office was dark, even darker than the rest of the office. The General, it seems, was about to turn on the light, but I barked: - Are you out of your mind? The sixteenth floor and opposite a bunch of houses. They will see us! - Are you shy? He seemed to smile. - No. But in such cases, yes. He nodded, came close to me, took away the cognac and glasses, put them on his table. Somewhere deep inside me - probably in the liver or spleen - a sober Light was beating. She screamed heart-rendingly that it was necessary to urgently carry her legs. But drunk, as you know, all the oceans are knee-deep ... - Take off your clothes. I stupidly closed my eyes. - Uh-uh ... I do not understand ... - What's incomprehensible? Undress completely. I love taking naked women. I was momentarily taken aback by such a request. - What, have you already changed your mind? - in his voice could be heard malice. - Do not wait - I shook my head ... and began to undress. Maybe it happened because I was drunk. Don't know. But when I gradually took off every element of clothing, and Yuryevsky just stood by and watched ... in general, I have never been so excited in my life. Although he didn't say anything. Didn't touch. Just looked. - Not bad, - nodded, when I took off the last thing that was left - panties. - Turn around. Turned around. Didn't know that a look can feel like a touch... - Nice ass. Walk closer to the table. I took a few steps forward until the table top was against my stomach. - Bend over. She bent down. Yuryevsky came closer and pressed me with his palm to the table so that I almost smeared on the surface. She was cool - I especially felt it with her breasts and nipples - and I got even more aroused ... How does he do it ?! Or is it not him, but cognac? - Spread your legs, - the general's voice is slightly hoarse. - Stronger. I heard the sound of a condom pack being torn open, then the zipper of trousers being unzipped. A second, another ... and a warm, even hot hand touched my clitoris. She ran it over her labia, touched the entrance to me ... - Wow ... How wet ... - Yuryevsky whispered, and a second later I screamed from a sharp and even almost painful pleasure when he filled me completely. He pressed his palm back on the table and moved. Fast, sweeping and strong. Now I understand what he meant. It wasn't sex or even fucking. He just tore me like a whore. Used like a thing. But why, then, with each of his movements, I felt a burning pleasure? My skin seemed to be on fire, and the cool surface of the table, into which Yuryevsky pressed me so roughly, turned out to be a real pleasure for my body, heated with desire. He didn't say anything more, just pushed into me very quickly and deeply, groaning hoarsely and sometimes squeezing hard one or the other buttock. Then he suddenly came out, turned me over like a doll, lifted my legs nowhere higher, pressed me against the table again - and entered me even sharper and deeper than before. - Ah-ah-ah! - I screamed from a bright, dazzling orgasm, jerking my legs and arms like a butterfly pinned to the table. - Oh-oh-oh ... But Yuryevsky, most likely, would not have paid attention, even if I suddenly began to recite Pushkin's poems to him. I saw it in his eyes and concentrated face - he was all in himself, in his feelings. My orgasm was just my orgasm. Before finishing, he accelerated so much that I could not stand the pace and, yelling, dug into the general’s shoulder with all my teeth. Yuryevsky groaned hoarsely and, frozen in me at the maximum depth, trembled with his own pleasure. That's how I cheated on my husband, yes. Drunk, on the table, with the CEO who fired me half an hour ago. Well, it's just a dream, right? But still, it’s a pity that I didn’t persuade the whole bottle ... So, I will remember this sex, and the expression on Yuryevsky’s face when he came out of me, straightened his pants and thanked me for a pleasant time, as if it was not about sex, but about social events. Or a mushroom hunt. He's weird, of course. However, Svetka ... who would say, huh? ..
* * *
- Can I give you a lift? the general asked, buttoning up his pants as I tried to put on one thing after another. It’s convenient for him - he unfastened the zipper and drove it, and for me, you see, completely undress. Now get fully dressed. To be honest, it's not very convenient when you're so drunk. - Yes, I somehow do not want to go home. I'd rather spend the night here. And tomorrow morning already ... Yuryevsky watched with interest my hands, which I put behind my back to fasten my bra. At the bottom of my stomach, something immediately tightened up. Surprisingly, I never considered myself a spoiled girl. And then ... I flow from one of his glances. Nonsense. This is definitely a special cognac I got. Viagra, apparently. - You know, you can, of course, not listen to me. But... better come back now. Pulling with such things is only torturing yourself. You won't sleep tonight anyway. - Do you think if I go home, I'll sleep? - she asked ironically, trying to find a collar by the sweater to pull on herself. - Of course you won't. But home is still better than anywhere else. Trust my experience. I did not understand what kind of experience they were talking about, and only wanted to ask how Yuryevsky continued: - Well, or I can offer you to come to me. - I rolled my eyes. Just don't expect special treatment. Or any relationship at all. - Do I look like a fool? I chuckled, picking up my jeans from the floor. She swayed slightly, but kept her feet. - I already understood that you only need from a woman, I'm sorry, her hole. But! I buttoned up my jeans and straightened up. - That's the difference between us. I don't need anything from you at all, including even your penis. I can get by on the sofa in the meeting room. The general was silent for a while, looked me all over from head to toe. It even became hot… - You are right. I really want to fuck you one more time. No, I'm just freaking out. He admits such things so frankly and rudely... - But if you don't want, I'll leave you in the office or take you home. Choose yourself. I sighed. No, Yuryevsky, of course, is a cool man. But I am more than sure that when the cognac vapors dissipate, I will be embarrassed and ashamed. It's one thing to cheat on your husband when you're drunk, but it's quite another when you're sober… - No, sorry. I'm better off home. Really, you shouldn’t put off this conversation with your husband ... I’ll be exhausted faster. All the same, after all, nothing will change. The general didn't seem to be upset at all. - Fine. Then let's go. And he made his way out of his office.
* * *
Already in the car, when I sobered up a little under the air conditioner, I had a great idea. Does Yuryevsky know my name at all? Hm. Hardly. Why would he know this? The general cannot remember all his employees by name. However, for him, this is most likely in the order of things. What is called - sex is not a reason for dating. I looked around the interior of the car thoughtfully. Well, at least it was worth it to fuck him just to get here. I have never seen such luxury. It is immediately obvious that Yuryevsky loves his car (unlike women), caresses and cherishes it. Everything is leather, clean, no dust anywhere. Just like on my desktop ... already the former, however. - I apologize for the stupid question, - curiosity is still stuck. “You… don’t know my name?” The general looked at me with frank surprise. Of course, he took a big risk when he got behind the wheel after cognac ... however, I suspected that these two drunk sips were like a pellet to an elephant. - Why, have you already forgotten your name? - asked with malice. How well did I treat you? Or is it the brandy's fault? Vulgar. - No. I'm just wondering if you know the name of the woman you just... processed. “Ah,” Yuryevsky nodded. - In this sense. No, I do not know. I grinned. - It's clear. He paused a little. - Would you like to introduce yourself? - Nope. For what? - Sex is not a reason for dating? the general repeated my own thought, and I nodded. He did not insist, so we drove on in silence. We were at my house in about half an hour. Yuryevsky dropped me off near the entrance, said "Good luck" - and set off. For some reason, I just felt offended for a moment. Although I absolutely had no right to be offended by him. But ... try to explain this to my vanity.
* * *
It's strange, but the fear of the upcoming conversation with Andrei - and maybe with Sasha - receded somewhere. As if I forgot it at Yuryevsky's in the car. I went up to our floor, opened the door with the key and entered the corridor. The bags that I brought a few hours ago were still lying on the threshold. Oh, Andrey ... And Sasha too. You always and in everything hoped only for me alone. Sveta didn't make it, so you don't need it either. I flipped the switch and started undressing. Something crashed in the room, and then stomped on the floor into the corridor. It was Andrew, of course. Already in some shorts, with a plastered nose. Even through the band-aid, I could see how swollen he was. Well done I. Although still it was necessary to beat in the groin. - Svetka ... - whispered her husband and took a step forward towards me. “Stay where you are,” I said coldly, continuing to take off my outer clothing. Andrey froze on the spot, but, apparently, he was not going to be silent. - Where were you? We… I was so worried… I grunted. Yes, they were worried. If she and her sister were worried about anyone, it certainly wasn't about me. - I went to work. - I took off the last detail - a scarf - and turned to my hubby. - I'll be brief. I don't want to see you anymore. Pack your things and get out. Sasha has her own apartment, she will shelter you. Andrei darkened. - Light ... let's talk, huh? "Speak," I shrugged. - Let's go then ... to the kitchen. I'll make some tea... To be honest, I'd like not tea, but a trite meal. After drinking cognac almost on an empty stomach and frenzied sex with the CEO, I really wanted to eat. Just brutal. But let there be tea. I sat down at the table, Andrey took two mugs, put a bag there, poured boiling water over it. The kitchen smelled sweetly of Sasha's perfume. Previously, I would not have paid attention to this smell, because she visited us quite often. Before... but not now. "Sasha has already left," Andrey said quietly. - She decided that you would come only in the morning ... He stopped talking, as if he was waiting for my answer. But I wasn't going to explain anything. - I wanted to tell you for a long time. It all started a year ago… A year! They've been fooling me for a whole year. - Then you also went on a business trip ... And I was after a corporate party, I drank heavily ... Sasha came to visit, and I didn’t even notice how ... We decided that this was an accident and that we would be silent. They held on for two months, and then again ... Honestly, Light, I wanted to stop it. But Sasha seduced me on purpose. And today… Light, she said she was pregnant. From me. Hmm. I don't even know what it can be compared to. They didn't just hurt me and hit me. They killed me... - Light... - Shut up, I beg you, - I said softly and somehow colorless. - Please. Just leave. I'll give you a divorce, things too, and take the car. I still don't need it. Just leave and never come back. I got up from the stool and poured the tea into the sink. Andrei, who never took a sip from his cup, looked at me like a wounded wild beast. He opened his mouth again, and I hastened to say: - Go away. If you have even a shred of respect for me, leave. He nodded, sighed, got up and walked into the room. Andrew was going for about twenty minutes. And then I heard the front door slam softly. Only then did I put my head in my hands and finally began to cry. ...