Name day of the novel according to the church Orthodox calendar. Roman's name day

Name days or Angel Day are called the day of memory of one or another saint who patronizes his namesake - a baptized person with the same name.

If your name is Roman and you want to know when Roman's name day should be celebrated for you, then you will find the answer to this question and other useful information about your name in this article.

Roman's name day according to the church calendar

According to the calendar, Roman's day of the angel falls on the following days of the calendar:

  • January 18 and February 11, 16;
  • March 2 and 29, as well as May 15;
  • 5, 13 June, as well as 1, 6, 11, 15, 23 August;
  • September 8, 16, 24, October 8, 14 and November 13, as well as in winter December 1, 10.

Roman's name day is celebrated either when the church honors the saint in whose honor the man was named, or on the next day following his birthday.

If, for example, Roman's birthday is November 3, then the name day is celebrated on November 13, the day of memory of the righteous Roman.

Name origin

The name Roman is of Latin origin, it comes from the word romanus, which translates as "Roman" or "Roman". Translated from Greek, Roman means "strong, strong."

The name of the flower "chamomile" is also associated with the name Roman: they have a common origin, because chamomile is derived from the word "Roman".

In other languages, there are also names similar to this name: Italian Romano, Spanish Roman, French Romen. It is also curious that the male name Roman has a female paired version of the name - Roman.

In Rus', the name became widespread after the adoption of Christianity, coming to us from Byzantium. This name was received at baptism by the holy prince Boris, who, together with his brother Gleb, became the first Russian saint to be canonized by the Russian Church.

Roman patron saints in Orthodoxy

Each Orthodox person at baptism receives a name that is borne by one or more of his heavenly patrons.

The patron saints of the Romanovs are:

  • Venerable Martyr Roman of Karpenissia;
  • Hieromartyrs Roman Lakedemovets, Roman Pariyskiy, Roman Kysariyskiy;
  • Martyrs Roman of Rome, Roman of Samosata, Roman, Prince Roman of Ryazan, Roman of Nicomedia;
  • Roman Uglichsky, noble prince;
  • Rev. Roman Tyrnovsky, Roman Kirzhachsky, Roman Sladkopevets, Roman the Syrian; Passion-bearer Roman (in the world - Prince Boris);
  • Righteous Roman;
  • New Martyrs Roman Marchenko, Roman Medved.

Good to know: if a person was baptized before 2000 (before the glorification of the new martyrs), then the new martyr bearing the name of this person is not considered his heavenly patron. The New Martyr can be considered the patron saint of a person baptized after 2000.

Information about some saints who bore the name Roman

The most famous and revered saints in Russia bearing this name are Roman of Kisariysky, Roman the Melodist and the hermit Roman the Syrian.

Romanus of Cysaria served as a deacon in the church of Caesarea Palistina. He lived in Antioch during the Christian persecution, where he was captured and hanged for his beliefs. According to tradition, the martyr Roman of Antioch is prayed for infertility and the inability to have children.

Roman the Melodist, who lived in the second half of the 5th century, was a native of the city of Emesa (Syria). At one time he was a sexton in the city of Berita, then a clergyman in the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Through prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, he received the gift of singing and composing church songs, which he had not previously had.

He is considered the first creator of kodak and the author of the famous kodak for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Roman the Melodist died peacefully in 556 in the rank of deacon, having taken tonsure. Believers pray to this saint, asking for help in singing art and the development of creative abilities, as well as protection from ill-wishers and envious people.

The hermit Roman Syrian, like the previous saint, lived in the 5th century. He lived in Antioch, near the city of Ros, where he was born. He became famous as a recluse, strictly observing fasts and wearing heavy chains until his death at a very advanced age.

He had the gift of healing many diseases, and is especially revered by women who suffer from infertility, because to this day, through prayers to this saint, they get the opportunity to give birth to children.

Name day celebration

If the name day coincides with fasting, then the table should be fast, and if Angel Day falls on Great Lent, then it is transferred from weekdays to one of the weekends.

If you want to give a gift to a birthday person, then it would be appropriate to present an icon of a saint, for example, Roman - the saint he honors on this day, spiritual literature - the life of a saint or a prayer book, with a prayer to St. Roman, candles or a vessel for holy water.

Turn to your saints for help, asking them for intercession, and honor them not only on the name day.

Name day is an important holiday for every Orthodox believer. It is similar to a birthday, because it is associated with baptism - a spiritual birth into eternal life according to the teachings of the church. When a person passes, he is called by some name, necessarily in honor of one or another saint. From this moment on, the newly baptized has in the person of this saint God's heavenly patron, with whom he will be spiritually connected throughout his life. Therefore, an unbaptized person, in general, does not have the right to celebrate name days, because he bears his name without reference to the personality of the heavenly patron.

For those who are initiated into the name and the patron is chosen by the parents (if the baby is baptized), or the person himself. The day on which, according to the church calendar, the memory of the chosen saint is honored, becomes the name day. If someone was baptized in childhood, but there are no records and no memory left about which of the saints was chosen as the patron of the baptized, then the saint is determined as follows: the holy calendar is taken and it is calculated which day of memory of which of the saints of the same name is closest to his birthday. He turns out to be a patron. They act in the same way when a person chooses a name for himself at baptism, but does not know which of the saints to prefer. In all other cases, the patron can be chosen regardless of the date of birth, based only on intuition and a sense of special spiritual connection and sympathy. It could be any day on the calendar.

Roman, whose name day can fall in one of ten months of the year, has a fairly wide choice in this regard. Of course, once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. Below we give the main list of dates that Roman's name day falls on.


June 13 is the name day of Roman, named after the martyr of the same name, who suffered for his faith in Christ. It was in a place called Nicomedia.


On the day of August 1, the name day of those who have Prince Roman of Ryazan, glorified as a martyr for faith in Christ, is celebrated. He was tortured and killed at the Khan's court on charges of blaspheming the pagan faith of the Tatar ruler. This was done on the basis of a slanderous denunciation of the khan's tax collectors, from whose arbitrariness Prince Roman defended his subjects.


September 8 - Confessor Roman. Orthodox believers with the name Roman celebrate this day in honor of the holy confessor, who reposed in the Lord in 1937, after many years of repression by the Soviet government. During his lifetime, he was a priest, and shortly before his death, he also became a monk with the name Joseph.



November 13 is the name day of Roman, whose life, however, is unknown. There are many such cases in church history.


December 1 is the name day of Roman, named after the Hieromartyr of Caesarea (executed by pagans at the beginning of the fourth century for preaching the Gospel).


January 18 - the memory of Roman the Hieromartyr. All that is known about him is that he was martyred for the work of preaching.

On the same day, the memory of the homonymous martyr, who died at the end of the seventeenth century, is venerated. During his lifetime, he was one of the monks on Mount Athos. Once in Constantinople, he was forced by Muslims to accept Islam. For his determined refusal to do so, he was killed.


On February 11, the church commemorates the martyr Roman from the city of Samosata. He was killed there by pagans during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian at the end of the third century.


On March 2, the venerable disciple of St. Theodosius the Bulgarian is remembered. When the teacher died in the monastery he had founded, Saint Roman became its rector, in whose rank he ended his life.


On the 15th of May, the day of memory of the holy prince Roman (Boris), the faithful martyr, is celebrated. He was the brother of Prince Gleb, the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince. He suffered in Rostov from assassins sent on the orders of his other brother, Svyatopolk. Together with Prince Gleb, they are considered the first

According to the Orthodox calendar, Roman's name day falls on 22 days. You must select the date that is closest to the baby's birthday. After baptism, the child will have a guardian angel. He will accompany him all his life, protect and protect. On his day named after Roman, he must definitely visit the temple, pray before the face of the saint.

Name origin

Roma is translated from Latin as "Roman". According to another version, the name came from the ancient Greek language, means "strong", "strong". They consider the option of origin from the goddess Rima, revered in the Roman Empire. In honor of her, coins were produced, magnificent and solemn events were organized annually. The church name Roman came to the territory of Rus' from Byzantium. In the XII century, this was the name given to Russian princes at baptism.

Roman Angel Day

According to the church calendar, name days fall on several dates. All these saints in the history of Orthodoxy were distinguished by their true faith in God.

name day datePatrons
18.01 venerable martyr, holy martyr
11.02 Martyr R. Samosata
16.02 Prince R. Uglich
02.03 venerable martyr
29.03 martyr R. Pariah
05.05 Prince R. Uglich
13.06 Martyr R. Nicomedia
01.08 prince, martyr R. Ryazan
03.08 confessor R. Medved
06.08 Passion-bearer Boris (baptized Roman)
11.09 holy preacher R. Kirzhachsky
15.08 Saint Roman (unknown)
23.08 martyr R. Rimsky
08.09 confessor R. Medved
16.09 Hieromartyr R. Marchenko
24.09 martyr
08.10 martyr
14.10 Deacon R. Sladkopevets, Constantinople
13.11 Saint Roman (unknown)
01.12 Deacon R. of Caesarea, Antioch
10.12 miracle worker Roman of Antioch (Syria),

According to the church calendar, the day of the angel Roman will correspond to only one number - the closest to the birthday or baptism. The remaining days in the Saints are usually called small name days.

Qualities of a little boy

Roman is often sick as a child. For this reason, he gets used to loneliness. He needs constant parental care. Has trouble communicating with peers during adolescence, although he really likes to talk for a long time. The boy prefers to avoid problems. When faced with difficulties, Roma gives up and abstracts from a difficult situation.

The boy has no authority, so it is difficult to influence him. He likes to play sports. Can humiliate children who are weaker than him. But he himself will not endure ridicule: if this was done to him, then it is necessary to wait for the right opportunity and take revenge on the offender.

Character traits of a man

How a person is revealed only by the age of 30. The novel is capable of self-organization, has logic and the gift of persuasion. The man is self-confident, objective, does not give in to other people's influence. An excellent politician, a fair judge, a worthy law enforcement officer grows out of him.

The main features of an adult with this name include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • diligence;
  • prudence;
  • willpower.

Sometimes a man looks mysterious and patient, and sometimes he seems like a big bore.

The young man is saddened by troubles, but he does nothing to rectify the situation. He calls his attitude to problems optimism, the belief that everything will work out. Over the years, he develops his own philosophy that justifies his inaction.

The novel does not lack attention from the opposite sex. After all, he is educated, seductive, elegant and charming. He will take care of the girl he likes for a very long time, while determining her housekeeping and collecting information about the pedigree.

Women in a man are attracted to qualities:

  • impulsiveness;
  • passion;
  • temperament.

But due to his selfishness, a young man, even in the sexual sphere, takes into account only his own interests. The desires of his partner are of little interest to him.

Relationship in the family

It is important for a man to feel like a leader in his relationship with his wife. Only a wise woman with cunning and natural wisdom can save a marriage maintaining an atmosphere of care and trust. The wife must have angelic patience.

A man can hardly be called a good family man. Household and routine make him sad. But with the birth of children, he reconsiders his values: he becomes an economic spouse and a caring father.

Roman likes to receive guests, he is cheerful and generous with them. However, he pays too little attention to his wife. This situation can lead to quarrels and conflicts.

Roman is an objective, but vulnerable, quick-tempered and touchy person. His self-confidence causes problems. He should be more responsible, bring things to the end.

Attention, only TODAY!

Roman is a male name that came into the Russian language from Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire) along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Roman (Ρωμαϊκή) is translated from Greek as Roman or Roman. Recall that not all inhabitants of the Roman Empire had the right to be called citizens of Rome, and therefore Romans. Calling oneself a Roman is one way to emphasize one's own position in ancient society. After a while, the name Roman (Roman) became a proper name.

The meaning of the name Roman for a child

Little Roma will not make you bored. His curiosity and search for answers to questions will make any adult nervous. He is persistent in his thirst for knowledge and you will not get off with meaningless phrases. His perseverance is perceived by some as stubbornness, but this is not so. A boy from a young age takes assignments very seriously. If he promised to do it, then he certainly will try. But remember - this will be all until the moment when it is important to him. As soon as he loses motivation, this is where the problems begin. This usually happens in high school. If you fail to sufficiently motivate Roman to study, then education can be covered with a copper basin. He needs to be the leader in the class and at this age leadership and learning are a little different. In this case, martial arts sections will help best of all, in which the boy's character will be even more tempered. Try to explain to him that being versatile is the coolest thing. Studies and sports will make him a real leader in life.

Little Roman's health usually wants the best. Greater susceptibility to respiratory diseases. Know that prevention and proper treatment can help avoid unwanted health effects.

Abbreviated name Roman

Roma, Romka, Romych, Romishche.

Diminutive names

Romochka, Romushka, Romchik, Romakhi, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romasha.

Patronymic of children

Romanovna and Romanovich. Sometimes among the people Romanovich is shortened to Romanych.

Name Roman in English

A novel in English is written as Roman. This name is also spelled in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and some other countries.

Name Roman for Russian passport according to the rules of machine transliteration, it is written like this - Roman.

Translation of the name Roman into other languages

in Arabic - رومان‎‎
in Belarusian - Raman
in Bulgarian - Roman
in Hungarian - Roman
in Greek - Ρωμανός
in Hebrew - רומן
Spanish - Romanos
in Italian - Romano
in Chinese - 罗曼
in Korean - 소설
in Latin - Romanus
in German - Roman
in Polish - Roman
in Romanian - Roman
in Ukrainian - Roman
in French - Romain
in Czech - Roman
in Japanese - ロマン

Church name Roman remains unchanged. Most of the names that came into the Russian language along with Orthodoxy do not change.

Characteristics of the name Roman

Roman is energetic and devotes his entire independent life to achieving his life goals. Although Roman's focus on personal growth is visible from his youth, it does not bear fruit immediately. Only in the region of 30 years, perseverance and diligence finally bear fruit. Roman, as a rational person, often chooses in life not what he likes, but what has a good prospect. Roma is a responsible worker and a good leader. Roman, if he becomes a leader, requires only feasible and important results. The invisibility of managing people can also be called a strength of Roman. Many do not even suspect that they are doing everything as he needs. The ability to bring things to the end is another plus in Roman's characteristics.

But if you think that Roman is some kind of result-oriented robot, then you are greatly mistaken. This is a person in whom passion and temperament are hidden from prying eyes. Roman shows these character traits only to the elite. He loves art, and especially theater.

The ardent temperament of Roman can still be seen by an ordinary person, but we will not envy him. Only in anger can one see the whole volcano of passions hidden in this person. Better not bring Roman to such a state.

In family life, Roman does not change much. If the beloved half of Roman in marriage understands the rules of life with him, then she will be exactly like behind a stone wall. The main thing is to understand his focus on results and the importance of success in Roman's life. Families with men named Roman either collapse almost immediately, or become strong for many years.

The mystery of the name Roman

One of the main secrets of Roman is probably the power of persuasion. As we already wrote, you will do what he needs without even knowing it. Another secret can be called a good memory for offenders. The novel is not vindictive, as they say, he will take revenge and forget, so it’s better not to cross his path. Given the nature of Roman, he is very good at feeling falsehood and it is unlikely that he will be pushed into something by fraudulent means. Given these features and good intuition, he is often asked to judge a conflict or a controversial situation that has arisen.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Roman totem animal- Lan.

Name color- Red or even red-purple.

Tree- Poplar and cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel named after Roman and his patron depends primarily on the date of birth. If you know Roman's date of birth, we recommend the article "Roman's Patron". There you will find a list of revered saints and much more.

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

When is Roman's name day in 2019?

In order to prepare worthy congratulations for Roman's name day, you need to know about his preferences and character traits, which his name can tell about.

Its meaning can be interpreted in two ways: for example, from Latin this name is translated as Roman, and from ancient Greek it means "strong, strong."

Despite this interpretation, Roma cannot boast of either good health or willpower. At the same time, he has a lively mind, perseverance and is an addictive nature.

He is lucky in life, because he is open, generous, interesting and active, happy to communicate and always tuned in to a wave of optimism.

It is desirable to make wishes for Roman on the occasion of his name day in an original way, the gift should either be very bright or benefit his health.

You can deal with the name days of all the Romanovs by following the Orthodox Christmas calendar. So in 2019, the owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day in almost every month.

But the main date for each of them is determined relative to the birthday - you need to choose the nearest one and mark it as a name day.

The patron saint of men, so named, is the Reverend Cleric Roman, a Syrian of Greek origin. With his diligence in church service, kindness and humility, he won the sympathy of the Syrian ruler.

To save him from the intrigues of envious people, the Most Holy Theotokos, who appeared to him after long prayers, endowed him with an unusually beautiful voice. Thanks to this, he went down in history as the Sweet Singer.

If you know when Roman celebrates his name day, do not miss the opportunity to congratulate him on such a day. And it is not necessary to look for grandiose presents, a beautiful wish in verse or prose, sent by SMS, will become a worthy sign of attention.

Moreover, these congratulations are unique and inimitable, they will help you make an unforgettable impression and will definitely cheer up the hero of the occasion.