Presentation on the topic Letter E. The history of the letter Y Letter e is the history of occurrence for children presentation

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MKOU Semiluk secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects Scientific and practical conference "Intellectuals of the XXI century" Birthday of the letter Yo Konoplina Natalia Petrovna teacher of additional education in Semiluki 2013

Who is she

Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova - friend and associate of the future Empress Catherine II, one of the prominent personalities of the Russian Enlightenment, director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin - poet, member of the St. Petersburg Academy, statesman. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - - Russian writer of the Catherine era, the most famous work is the comedy "Undergrowth".


Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev "And my trinkets"

N.M. Karamzin

E \u003d Y ’ + O

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The alphabet of the Russian language, in its current form with 33 letters, has actually existed since 1918

Alexander Alexandrovich Reformatsky

Joseph Stalin


Let's take a break Yo



Kozma Prutkov: “It’s better not to joke with letters. You never know what word they will gather into. ”

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There are 16 presentations in total in the topic

There is a special letter in the Russian alphabet - this is the letter Y!

"What is its uniqueness?" - you ask.

In order to answer this question, let's turn to the history of this letter ...

The letter Yo is a very young letter of the Russian alphabet. It was proposed as a letter denoting the sound [yo] at the end of the 18th century. It is assumed that "yo" was borrowed from French. N.M. began to actively use it in his works. Karamzin. From here, there is still a version in science that this particular Russian writer is the creator of this letter.

Note that the new letter did not take root very easily in the Russian alphabet, which, according to linguists, can be called quite conservative.

So, despite the fact that this letter was used in book speech, venerable linguists refused to consider it a full-fledged letter of the alphabet.

This was due to the fact that the traditional “yoking pronunciation” was considered in those years to be the lot of the low mob, while people of noble birth considered it necessary for themselves to pronounce “e” instead of “ё”.

By the way, the Church Slavonic language has not recognized the letter “ё” to this day, using the usual “e” instead.

The first Russian alphabet, in which the letter “ё” we were studying, was in many respects an advanced textbook of that time: the alphabet for peasant children of Count L.N. Tolstoy.

After the revolution of 1917-1918. the Bolsheviks, represented by their People's Commissar of Education A.V. Lunacharsky gave the green light to the letter "ё", allowing its use in any printed literature. And in 1942, "ё" officially entered as a mandatory letter in all Soviet textbooks of the Russian language.

At the beginning of our century, the controversy around the letter "ё" does not stop. Some linguists consider its use necessary (for example, A. Sokolov, etc.), while others (M. Potashev, A. Lebedev) call this letter the “ballast” of the Russian alphabet.

In any case, today there is a norm according to which this sign must be used in surnames and proper names.

As for the sound content of this letter, it conveys the stressed sound [o], and also indicates the softness of the consonant immediately before the vowel “ё”.

The letter "e" is placed after the consonants "x", "g" and "k" only in foreign words, for example: liquor, Goethe, Cologne and others.

Also, this letter has clear rules for its spelling. This letter is used in several main cases:

in the absolute beginning of the word: hedgehog, tree;

after vowels: forges, her, sings;

after dividing hard and soft signs: underwear, viet, volume.

In primordially Russian words, this letter occurs only as a stressed sound, but in an unstressed position, “e” is pronounced: honey, but on honey, etc.

Despite the fact that the letter “ё” is not used so often in our speech and occupies a special position in the Russian language, its significance cannot be underestimated. This is the same important part of our speech as all other Cyrillic letters that have passed the real test of time for strength and moral strength.

On whose initiative did the letter "Ё" appear in Russian? first version There are two versions of the appearance of the letter "Ё". According to the most common version, this letter was introduced by Nikolai Karamzin, the great Russian scientist and poet, in 1797. When preparing one of his poems for publication, he decided to replace two letters in the word "sliozy" with one - "ё". And since then, the combination of the letters "io" has been replaced by a single character "yo".

The introduction of the letter "Yo" into the Russian alphabet, the second version On November 18, 1783, one of the first meetings of the Academy of Literature took place at the house of the director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova, at which her proposal to introduce the letter "Yo" was approved.

The appearance of the letter "Ё" in print For 12 years, the letter Е occasionally appeared only in handwritten form and, in particular, in the letters of G. R. Derzhavin. Replication of the letter "Ё" by the printing press took place in 1795 at the Moscow University Printing House with Ridiger and Claudius during the publication of the book "And my trinkets" by Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev. The first word printed with "Yo" was the word "everything". Then followed the words: light, stump, cornflower.

Further steps of the letter "Yo" through the pages of books In 1796, in the same printing house, N. M. Karamzin in the first book "Aonid" with the letter "Yo" prints: dawn, eagle, moth, tears and the first verb with Yo "drip" . In 1797, the first unfortunate typo in the word with Y. The proofreader did not see through, and the circulation was published with “garnished” instead of “faceted”. And in 1798, G. R. Derzhavin used the first surname with the letter “Yo” Potemkin.

Have cultural figures adopted the letter "Yo"? Yes, following Karamzin, Derzhavin and Dmitriev, Pushkin also used the letter “e”. Here is an epigram to “Lev Sergeevich Pushkin”: Our friend Pushkin Lev Is not devoid of reason, But fat pilaf with champagne And duck with milk mushrooms ... Lyovushka, Lev, this name was pronounced and written in the 19th century, and Pushkin considered it necessary, despite typographical difficulties, to use "yo".

How one letter changed the name of the hero But another giant of our literature, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, due to the unwillingness of the printing house to bother with the production of the letter “ё”, could not defend the correct spelling of the name of his positive hero of the novel “Anna Karenina”. Tolstoy called him Levin, using his own name for this, and instead the printing house typed a completely different and clearly not Russian surname Levin.

The use of the letter "e" by Nekrasov Our great poet Nekrasov in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" uses the word birch bark, which is now almost universally pronounced birch bark. Two ran for vodka. And the rest pokudova Made a glass, Birch bark pulled. Try to read this quatrain using the modern pronunciation of the word birch bark. Nothing will come of it.

Who and when inserted the letter "ё" into the alphabet? It has not yet been established exactly when and who was the first to insert the letter Yo into the Russian alphabet, but Lev Nikolayevich did this in his New Alphabet in 1875. In it, “ё” occupies the 31st cell and stands after the yat and before the letter E. And even earlier, in the years, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, in the first edition of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, placed “ё” along with the letter E and introduced into the dictionary "a fair amount" of words with the letter Y.

The place of the letter "Ё" in the modern alphabet In the latest editions of the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova, the letter "ё" received its own vocabulary, leaving the yoke of the letter "e". It contains 12 words: hedgehog, hedgehog, huddle, yokat, tree, herringbone, capacious, capacity, fidget, yernik, scoff and ruff. But there are many more words that begin with the letter Yo. In the dictionary of the use of letters, placed in the book "Two centuries of the Russian letter ё", 50 words are given.

Meanings of the introduction of the letter "Ё" One of the most important aspects of the existence of the letter "ё" in personal names is the legal aspect. There is no doubt that any official documents, both personal (passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) and public, up to the highest legislation, must be legally unambiguous. It should be especially noted that the absence of the letter "ё" leads to a significant increase in the time of reading and comprehending the text. The reader, as it were, stumbles while reading in order to understand whether the letter “ё” is needed here or not.

Legal determination of the place of the letter “ё” in Russian There are “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” of the State Standard of Russia, in which paragraph 10 states: “The letter ё is written in the following cases: 1. When it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of the word, for example: everything unlike everything; perfect (participle) as opposed to perfect (adjective), etc. 2. When it is necessary to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word, for example: Olekma river. 3. In special texts: primers, school textbooks of the Russian language, orthoepy textbooks, etc., as well as in dictionaries to indicate the place of stress and correct pronunciation.

The fate of the letter "Yo" at the present time In our time, the letter "Yo" wants to be excluded from use. This is explained by saving printing ink when printing, as well as saving time when typing. But there are also opponents of the exclusion of the letter "ё" from use.

Arguments of opponents of the exclusion of the letter "ё" The non-use of the letter "Ё" in writing generates erroneous information, leads to distortion and disfigurement of the Russian language. The absence of the letter "Ё" leads to a significant increase in the time of reading and understanding the text. Our alphabet is the foundation of our entire culture. This is the fundamental principle of the existence of Russia and all peoples speaking the Russian language. And therefore, discrimination of at least one letter leads to sad, devastating consequences for the Russian language, for our entire culture.

Literature Efimov A. The article “On whose initiative the letter YO appeared in the Russian language: book. R. Dashkova, N. M. Karamzin or G. R. Derzhavin?” "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", Electronic sources Encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius"