New Year at home in a warm family circle: ideas, competitions and scenarios. New Year's competitions for the family New Year's games for the family at home

Family New Year: games for children and adults, competitions, script, free materials for printing.

Family New Year

For our family, New Year is not only a feast under the tree, but also pleasant moments of communication with each other. And without interesting competitions, riddles and various unexpected magical surprises and inventions, the New Year holidays lose their charm. And in creativity, the family unites and inspiration and new ideas are born!

We usually prepare the holiday very quickly - literally in a few hours in the last days before New Year. We cook along the way, discussing it on the way to the store or in transport, as well as at night, so that no one hears anything from our surprises. And costumes are born from various improvised things. Baba Yaga appears from an ordinary robe, a scarf on her head and a broom or mop in her hands. The snowman is made from a sheet stretched over a gymnastics hoop, onto which snowflakes are sewn. Koschey - from a tracksuit, a swimming cap on his head and a couple of lines of makeup on his face. Such characters are not scary and are very funny, making everyone laugh.

This is not a fictional script, this is a sincere humorous family holiday in the home circle or with guests. It is conducted without rehearsals and is based on improvisation.

Family New Year Scenario No. 1.

We played out this scenario in the coming New Year 2015. But you can use it not only on New Year's Eve, but also on any day when guests with children come to your house.

Let's start like this.

Act 1. New Year's letter from Koshchei.

When the New Year comes and it's time to find gifts under the tree, guests find a very beautiful festive envelope under the tree. Joyful, they open the envelope and read the message. And there!!! No, it’s not a Happy New Year greeting! In the envelope, instead of congratulations, there is a letter from Koshchei the Immortal!

Here it is: “Happy New Year! Hahaha! Did you want gifts?! Ha! You won't have a happy new year! I stole Santa Claus and hid New Year's happiness in a hot country. Soon Santa Claus will melt! You'll never find it! Koschey." (You can download this letter by clicking on the link and print it on a printer on a sheet of A4 paper) -

Act 2. New Year's trip around the countries.

We need to go save Santa Claus and we set off on a journey to look for a hot country, Santa Claus and New Year's happiness. Along the way we find ourselves in different countries and in games we learn a lot of interesting and funny things about them.

The first game. Let's all play together first. "Guess what." Questions are asked about how the new year is celebrated in different countries. In the game you need to guess if it's true or not. If it's a lie, then you need to correct it to the truth. You can come up with similar questions about Christmas.

Examples of tasks for the game:

— In Italy, there is a tradition at the very last minute before the New Year to throw broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture out of the window. Is this true or not?

— In Germany, Santa Claus comes to children on an elephant. Is this true or not? If not on an elephant, then on what? Guess it :-).

Tasks for this game at the holiday (questions and correct answers to them) You can download for free

With small children, during this game, you can depict how we are either flying on an airplane, or riding a train, or sailing on a ship from one country to another. And the adults will guess. So we will entertain both children and adults in this game.

Second game. Nonsense. In the game you have to guess the meaning of words. As a linguodidact by profession (i.e., a person involved in language teaching methods), I could not help but include humorous language puzzles for adults in the script. Almost all the adult guests asked to give them tasks from this game so that they could play with their guests later :). Therefore, be prepared - and print out several copies of the tasks for the game in advance.

Examples of tasks for this game. Guess what it is?

- What is "toadstool" in Czech: a) poisonous mushroom, b) buckwheat, c) an unpleasant incident?

- What is "bun" in translation from Bulgarian: a) homemade cakes, b) fat woman, c) bride, d) cake?

Want to know the answers? Then download the questions and answers from the links below:

You can play this game not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any family holiday.

While we are guessing these 12 questions, we are moving through the fairy forest to the fairy hut. The journey map helps us with this. The correct answer to one question of the game of nonsense is our one step forward to the hut. We move the chip across the field.

Action No. 3. Baba-Yaga's tasks.

We find ourselves in Baba Yaga's hut. Yes, this is exactly what was drawn on our travel map. We remember how to get into the hut and all together we ask the hut to turn "back to the forest, and front to me."

Baba Yaga greets us very politely and in a fairy-tale way: “You are my killer whales, where did you come from? On what business did the boyars and merchants pass by my hut?”

She agrees to help us in the search for Santa Claus and New Year's happiness, but only if we complete her tasks.

Baba Yaga gives separate tasks to adults and children.

The task for children is riddles - deceptions. They are structured in such a way that some of the riddles require an answer in rhyme, and some - not in rhyme. You need to be careful and not make mistakes! Not only children, but also their mothers and even fathers are happy to guess deceptions. And adults make mistakes no less often than children!

You can give chips for correct answers in this game (if even 7 people answered correctly at the same time, we give each of them a chip). At the end of the game, we count the chips and give small surprises to everyone who has at least one chip.

Riddles - rhyming tricks alternate with regular riddles to confuse players. You can deliberately pronounce out loud the first syllable of an incorrect word in deception.


"Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.
The kids are sleeping, it's too late,
The moon in the sky is a horn,
A little white thing fell... (snowball)

Well, the dresses are all needles -
They wear it all the time... (Christmas trees)

Many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is Day... (this is the New Year holiday)

Sticky needles
At the elegant... (Christmas tree)

Down the street with grandpa
Rushing in a sleigh... (Snow Maiden)

Who is he with the white beard?
Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
He is better and kinder than everyone else!
Guessed? -...Barma... (lei?!) (No. Santa Claus)

Who came from afar

Is it slightly covered in snow?

Who brought us gifts?

All the guys like it

Green beauty.

Balls, needles

January starts
We need a new ... (calendar)

Come join us for a ball!
So that no one recognizes you
Let your mothers sew for you
Carnival… Pi — …? Zhamy? (no, costumes!)

We looked out the window,
I can’t believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (blizzard)

Bright glitter of silver
Glittered ... (tinsel)

Forget the whims
Candy for everyone, surprises for everyone!
There is no need to cry on New Year's Day,
There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?!!! (no, gifts!)

Comes to visit us
Leads round dances,
Celebrates the New Year
Helps grandfather.
Thin figure -
Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).

To make the night bright,
We need to help Grandfather.
All children say on holiday
In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... go out?” (no, Christmas tree, burn!)

Bang! Papers like from a cannon
Flying out of... (crackers)

I love skating on ice.
Hooray! Winter is getting closer!
I'll go to the skating rink with friends
And there I’ll put on… skis? (no, skates)

Flew, spun,

I fell onto the path,

And sparkles like a piece of ice

Soars up with a roar
Multi-colored... (fireworks)

We can do it without mistakes
Name all the months of winter.
Let's call first.
Of course, this month is... May? (no, December)

New Year! There's no better day
For Bengal... (fire)

The snow woman has a funny nose
It's a long, bright vegetable!
Now we need to think together,
Which vegetable should we choose?
Who guessed it - well done!
Of course it's... a cucumber? (no, carrot)

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
Children lead... (round dance)

Get into a round dance,

Santa Claus will come soon!

He is walking along a quiet street

With granddaughter... (Snow Maiden)

Are you my friend or not,
Get into the circle quickly!
Hand in hand, kids
They drive together...? by the nose of the bear? (no, they dance in a circle)

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him,
The nose was attached and in an instant
It turned out... (Snowman)

We will start a “war” in winter,
Let's build a snow fortress!
What are we going to “fight” with?
Every “warrior” should know!
Guess quickly, my friend,
Round ball - ... (snowball)

Santa Claus came to us,
He brought his young granddaughter.
The children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is...a mermaid?! (no, this is Snegurochka).

Who is Santa Claus' helper?
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? -...Leshy? (No, Snowman)

Look through the crack of the door -
You will see our Christmas tree.
Our tree is tall
Reaches to the ceiling.
From stand to crown
Hanging on the branches... (Toys.)

Here she is, beauty
Everything is overflowing!
They brought her from the cold,
This tree is... Birch? (no, Christmas tree)

Houses and parks are covered

Everything became white,

Outside the window it's snowing

The river hid under... (ice)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their names are... (skis)

We eat this fruit on New Year's Eve,

A magical smell comes into the house with it.

Santa Claus eats with gusto

Orange and round... apricot? (mandarin)

Bouquets of roses on the window
Draws for us...
(Father Frost)

gray beard
Good old …
(Father Frost)

Paints the nose red
To all the guys...
(Father Frost)

Pulled girls to tears
For the pigtails...
(not Santa Claus, but a bully)

The shawl shines silver on the branches of birch trees,
This outfit gave...
(Father Frost)

Who brought us gifts?
Well, of course, …
(Father Frost)

Electric locomotive on New Year's Day
Gave me...
(Father Frost)

He grew up in hot Africa
(not Santa Claus, but a black man)

Plucked us all seriously
Winter morning…
(Father Frost)

In the cold, the fierce did not freeze,
The cold is only happy ...
(Father Frost)

In the school of "twos" a whole cart
(not Santa Claus, but ...)

Bouquet of mimosas on women's day
Gives to mom...
(not Santa Claus, but dad or son)"

The task for adults is a question-answer game. You need to tell the whole truth about yourself in this game.

You will need:

- printed tickets with questions and answers for the game (download them from the link below, print them on a printer and cut them so that there is only one question or one answer on one narrow strip),

- two opaque gift bags. Put the questions in one bag and the answers in the other.

How to play:

The first player draws one question strip from the question bag and reads it out loud to the player to his left. The second player pulls out his answer to this question from the answer bag.

The result is often very funny combinations. We have this game going around for several rounds because everyone really likes it.

In this game, children can help adults by pulling strips from bags. Many kids do this with great pleasure.

Act 4. The riddle of Baba-Yaga.

For completing tasks we receive help from Baba Yaga. Like this:

In our case, we hid the letter under the largest flower in the house (a rose). Under the flower there is a trolley - a gurney. There was a note under the gurney. So we came up with this riddle:

“Find the largest tree in the whole area (meaning in the apartment). Under the tree is a magical object. It contains 4 skewers, 2 sticks and 1 bed. Today he is here, and tomorrow he is there. Under this object you will find an assistant.”

And you can come up with your own riddle. Here riddle form, in which you can fill out the frame yourself -

Action 5. We receive an assistant and a hint.

In our appointed place in the apartment (under our cart with a large rose) we find a helper - a hint. There is another mystery in it. And it contains the answer to where Koshchei hides Father Frost and our happiness in the coming year.

The riddle is complicated: “There are blue flowers on an iron flower bed - they help to cook any food.” If the players do not guess, then below there is a riddle - a hint, from which it is immediately clear that the hot country is ... in our kitchen! Next to the stove or in the stove! Let's go there!

(My husband and I thought for a long time where to hide the gifts - and decided that the hot country is clearly only a stove, more precisely, an oven. We came up with the riddle ourselves).

Act 6. Save Santa Claus and find New Year's happiness.

We come to the kitchen and find another sheet with tasks there. It turns out that Santa Claus is protected by security. And we need to speak her teeth to save them. We play tongue twisters - “we speak the teeth of the guard”, at the same time we find out and discuss what this expression of the Russian language means (to distract the interlocutor with extraneous conversations). You can use any tongue twisters for this game. We had these this year.

Having passed through security, we find ourselves at the stove. And we find in it a bag with a toy Santa Claus and gifts, as well as another bag called "New Year's Happiness".

What is this bag of happiness - I’ll tell you more. It contains New Year's wishes. Each wish is printed on a piece of paper. A sheet of paper is wrapped several times (the result is a dense lump 2-3 cm in size) and packed in corrugated colored paper (like a bag). The bag is tied with a narrow gold ribbon. Everyone pulls out their bag, unties it and reads out what their wish is for the New Year.

Wishes can be different - you can find them on the Internet and change them a little - rhyme them to suit your family.

For example:

Wish 1. “Many incidents await you
And interesting travels -
For courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate will decide!

Wish 2. “You will, my friend, continue to
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!”

Wish 3. “Your hairstyle, appearance
It will pleasantly surprise us all.
Since then you will continue
Keep getting prettier and younger!”

Family New Year Scenario No. 2.

If you are going on a visit, it will be difficult to fully implement the first scenario without prior preparation. But this does not mean that the games are cancelled. You can play different games right at the table.

What you can do at a home party as a guest:

- play game "Question and answer"(see description and download file above).

- And also play the games described above: “Nonsense”, “Guess It: A Journey Through Countries” and “Riddles - Tricks”. For the correct answer in each of these games, we give chips to each player who said the correct answer. If five people answered correctly, then we give an incentive chip to each of the five. At the end of the game we count the chips. Whoever collects the most chips gets the right to be the first to take the bag of happiness and read the wish out loud from it so that it comes true.

- play a game Activity (ready-made board and printed game).

- play games “Bundle”, “Changes”, “Win-Win Lottery”. We played these games last New Year, so we didn’t repeat them. And you can read about these and other fun games with guests at a family holiday in the article

I wish everyone a happy New Year and Christmas holidays! And let the games on family New Year's holiday bring joy and creative ideas to your home, unite your family and strengthen it!

You will find a complete collection of games for a family holiday, medals, certificates, chips for game winners, masks for staging in the book

You will find more games for the family New Year in the site article


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New Year's games for children and adults at home

Home New Year's holiday is a long-standing good tradition. The older members of the family want to give the younger ones a fairy tale, miracles, joy... On New Year's Day, the younger members of the family have a wonderful opportunity to learn folk customs, try themselves as a host (after all, you need to welcome guests and come up with an interesting program together with the adults), and also - this is the birth of family traditions.

Mysterious flags

Prepare a garland of flags, write a riddle on the back of each flag (if the guys are familiar with rebuses, then draw a rebus). During the holiday, remove the garland, distribute flags to the children and conduct a “Guess-Ku” (if the children cannot read, read the riddle). The guys can take turns reading riddles out loud; you can hold this competition before lighting the Christmas tree: after the last riddle guessed, the Christmas tree is lit.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking. When does this happen? (In winter.)

I am small like a grain of sand, but I cover the earth. (Snow.)

The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow.)

Who builds a bridge on a river without an axe, without nails, without wedges and without planks? (Freezing.)

They go into the forest and lay down canvases; they come out of the forest and re-lay them. (Skis.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

I spin, I growl, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

There is a tree, this tree has twelve shoots, twelve shoots have four twigs, a twig has six tassels, the seventh is golden. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week.) Walks in summer, rests in winter. (Bear.)

The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white cow raised it. (Day and night.)

It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water. (Ice.)

White, but not sugar, no legs, but it goes. (Snow.)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The mother is angry, but she covered the children with a duvet until the red day. (Winter.)

Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood. (Sled.)

Two Broadswords run into the woods with their toes turned up. (Skis.) The errands run, the crawlers crawl. (Horse and sleigh.) Three brothers live: one loves winter, the other loves summer, and the third does not care. (Sleigh, cart and horse.)


Santa Claus suggests putting your hand into a bag in which various small objects are hidden, feeling for one of them and, without removing it from the bag, say what it is. If the item is named correctly, the player takes it for himself. You can put a chocolate bar, a wrapped gingerbread, a pencil candy, a lollipop, an eraser, a coin, a pencil sharpener, a calendar, a tennis ball, an apple, etc. in the bag.

Circle of wishes and predictions

Turn off the lights and light the candles. Sit your guests in a circle and place a chair in the middle of the circle. Guests take turns sitting on a chair. The presenter blindfolds them. The rest of the participants say New Year's wishes to the person sitting in the center. This exchange of wishes creates a friendly atmosphere and adds a little magic to the New Year celebrations.

Inversions of proverbs and sayings

Invite the participants in the game to decipher the inversions of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess three shifters (one of each type). Points are awarded for the correct answer. Time to think is limited - 10-20 seconds.

Happiness moves in heaps

Misfortune never comes alone

Walk away from a new washing machine

Stay with nothing

Baldness is a male disgrace

Braid - girlish beauty

The back of the head is small from courage

Fear has big eyes

Other people's shoes are closer to their feet

Your shirt is closer to your body

The policeman's felt boots are getting wet

The thief's hat is on fire

You won't go lower than your heels

You can't jump over your head

If you hide that it’s algae, get out of the aquarium

Gruzdev called himself get in the body

Chicken boar friend

The goose is not a friend to the pig

You can fix borscht with sauce

You can't spoil porridge with oil

Glowing ball

Show the audience a table tennis ball. Count to three and light will appear inside the ball. The light is moving!

Achieving this effect is very simple. There should be a light source three meters from the ball, for example, a simple electric light bulb. And in the ball there is a round hole with a diameter of up to one centimeter. When you show the ball to the audience, you cover the hole with your finger. Counting to three, turn the ball with the hole towards the bulb and, removing your finger, open it. This is where the audience gets the impression that light has appeared in the ball. And in order for the light to move, you just need to move the ball up and down and left and right, but do not rotate it.

Five seconds to think

This game can be played in different ways. The main rule: you have five seconds to answer. The number of correct answers is the number of bonus points.

Option 1. Prepare the required number of question cards and invite the player to take any of his choice (agree in advance on how many cards to take). And then - according to the rules.

Option 2. Ask, for example, five questions to the first player, five to the second, etc.

Option 3. You can ask questions one at a time to several players at once. You just need to make sure that all players answer the same number of questions.

Note. If several participants score an equal number of points, you can offer them a final round.

Girl's daughter

Doesn't have bad weather

The green one that kills flies

Jacket for diaper

Baby vest

Letters lined up for roll call

Grandma's audio system

Bagel epicenter

Hunter of other people's furs

A fairground device that makes your head spin


Folklore intelligence test

New building for the brooding ram

A word for which there is no judgment

Back of the head

The part of the leg that baldness is often compared to

Sheepskin coat, which figure skaters often have a triple coat

Five seconds to think (continued)

Part of the face that is sometimes hung

Horse Dormitory

Unit of account in autumn


A note that is a sin to pour on a wound

Lover of skating in oil

Anniversary, it's round

It's time, which is Indian in September

Wise time of day

Favorite atmospheric phenomenon of playwright Ostrovsky

Light after the bath

Cool way to roll Sivka

Bedroom for Chicken Ryaba

Damnation scientifically


Sausage unit

Firewood house

Own Bingo

Prepare cards for each guest or for a couple, three, etc.

Offer to remove any items from purses and pockets and put one item at a time on empty cells, just in case, prepare a bag with small items. Agree in advance which cells should remain empty: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. And now - in a circle... Each player (or a player from each two or three) takes one item from his card, raises it up and loudly says the name of the item to those present, for example, “telephone”. All players who have a phone on a cell remove it from their cards. The next player repeats everything again, and so on. This continues until someone with certain squares left shouts, “Bingo!”


Game "Identity"

Ask guests in advance to bring a photo of themselves as a baby (preferably no more than one year old).

Prepare pencils, paper and labels (you can use name tags).

Before the game, all photographs must be collected, numbered and placed on the wall or table (this must be done in the absence of guests). Guests are required to pin name tags or pins to their clothing.

Guests are invited into a room where photographs are hung or laid out. They must “identify” each guest from a photograph and write down the photo number and the guest’s name on a piece of paper. No more than eight minutes are allotted for “identification”. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

The most family holiday in our country is getting closer and closer. And if so, then the time has come to prepare for it, and there is still a lot that needs to be done. The following stand out from the to-do list: gifts for relatives, treats for the festive table and home decoration. But what about entertainment? And we will take care of them. A new interesting scenario for the new year 2019 is perfect for a holiday with your family. Games, competitions, a lot of ideas - you will remember this New Year's Eve forever.

Let's say right away that this is not the scenario you imagine. There are no words from the leader, no order of actions. We simply wrote down our thoughts and ideas for games and competitions that you could use for the New Year at home. Like it - we're happy. If you don’t like it, offer something of your own.

Idea 1

First you need to spend the outgoing year. Let's do it this way: each member of seven will write on a piece of paper the three best events that happened to him or his family in 2018. Then we open the champagne, pour it, and put the leaves into the empty bottle. The bottle needs to be capped and the whole family needs to hide it somewhere away. But when to open it - decide for yourself. Maybe in a year, or maybe in ten years.
And on the leaves you can write down the desires that you want. To be fulfilled with you in the future. Then such a bottle should be opened after ten years and checked - is it fulfilled?!

Idea 2

Well, everyone is at the table and the TV is on in the room. And what goes along it? That's right - Soviet New Year's comedies! This means that you can play a game on this topic.
Show guests a video where still images appear. The video shows a still from the film, and the rest must guess what kind of New Year's film it is. The one who guesses correctly gets one point. And whoever scores the most points has the right to choose the channel and what to watch on TV all night long!
And here is the video for the game:

Idea 3

Continuing the theme about New Year's films. In this competition you also need to guess films about the New Year, only without videos. The leader, or whoever is in charge of him, reads the riddles, and the rest guess them. It's simple, but fun.
And here are the riddles:

Idea 4

Everyone is looking forward to the chimes and the beginning of the new 2019. Do you want to know what the coming year has in store for you? Then play a funny game for your guests - a comic horoscope for the year of the pig.
This can be done in the form of a skit or simply read all the horoscopes about the zodiac signs.

Idea 5

Does everyone remember the cartoon about the three construction pigs? We choose three heroes who will be builder pigs.
And so, our heroes must build a high tower, and the higher and stronger it is, the greater the chance of victory. We will build from different materials: first from empty plastic cups, then from apples, and then from grapes or corn. Let's see who can create the most reliable house.

Idea 6.

It's time to play forfeits. This is a fun game that is suitable for the whole family. Its essence is simple: you write down tasks on separate pieces of paper, and then the guests take turns taking out cards for themselves and doing what is written there.
Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:
- show a happy pig
- show the pig who saw people making barbecue
- you need to sing a New Year's song as if you were a rapper
- without using your hands you need to eat salad with mayonnaise from a flat plate
- you need to come up with an advertising slogan for your grandfather (grandmother)
- dip your nose in mayonnaise and write with your nose: 2019
- quickly list all the significant holidays in Russia

There are many questions and you, knowing your relatives, can come up with others.

Idea 7

Who am I? Usually this question is asked to oneself on January 1, but we will get ahead of things a little. To play the game you will need these masks:

Although you can choose any. If there are no masks, then just leaves with inscriptions. When the masks are put on the guests, they take turns asking questions about themselves, that is, about their mask. And based on the answers of others, they try to guess what kind of mask they have.

Idea 8

Well, let's get back to the topic of New Year's films. This time, guests will have to guess not the name of the film, but what is hidden behind the gift. Everything seems easy, but remembering such little things is not very easy.
Watch the video for the game:

Idea 9

Everyone remembers the game from childhood - pin the tail. This time this game is very relevant. Prepare some cardboard and draw a pig and a place for the tail on it. Make a tail and let guests take turns blindfolded and try their hand at it. Whoever manages to find the right place for the tail receives a piece of meat as a gift!

Idea 10

The chimes are just around the corner and it's time to sing. Let the guests perform New Year's and simply popular songs, but do not sing them, but grunt. And the rest must guess what kind of song it is.

Interesting competitions help to diversify New Year's Eve, make it festive and fun. We offer entertainment options suitable for adults, children and young people.

For the whole family

Some New Year's competitions are suitable for guests of different age categories. Their goal is to unite family and friends for a common fun activity.

Remembering pleasant events

Prepare a symbolic baton - any thing to pass on to each other.

The presenter, with a “stick” in his hands, talks about the best event that happened in the past year and passes the baton to the participants of the evening. Those who fail to remember the joyful event are awarded the "Fortune's Favorite - 2019" award.

The festive relay race is a spiritual competition that allows you to defuse an awkward situation and spend the outgoing year with gratitude.

Game "Pig"

A fun activity suitable for a noisy company. At the beginning of the competition, the presenter secretly names an animal to the participants. Then the guests stand in a circle and join hands.

Now the presenter says the names of the animals out loud. The one whose animal was named quickly sits down. Neighbors, right and left, are trying to stop him.

When the names of the animals are pronounced, the presenter declares: “We’ve trained, now we’re playing at full strength,” and again secretly gives the players the names of the animals. True, now it is the same for everyone - a piglet.

As a result, the guests, having heard the cherished word, simultaneously sit down abruptly and cannot stand on their feet. Entertainment perfectly improves the mood and is suitable for the middle of a festive evening.

Get a wish

The competition will require preliminary preparation. Wishes for guests are written in advance on paper and placed in balloons. Separately, the names of parts of the human body (chin, foot, jaw, etc.) are indicated on pieces of paper and notes are placed in the hat.

At the party, those gathered take their favorite balloons with wishes. To read the note, you will have to burst the balloon using the body part indicated on the sticker he pulled out of his headdress.

Charging Santa Claus

A game for a large number of players. Santa Claus or a guest in a suit performs exercises. The rules are simple: “Guests must repeat the movements, but vice versa. If the “grandfather” leans to the right, the rest - to the left, etc. You can show an example, together with the presenter.

Anyone who makes just one wrong move is eliminated. The pace gradually becomes faster and Santa Claus tries to confuse the participants.

As a result, players are awarded places and awards with funny titles are presented.

Best Actor

The competition is an excellent opportunity for guests to demonstrate their acting skills by playing the symbol of the coming year - a pig. Everyone has their own image - “sad little pig”, “mysterious Khavronya”, “disgruntled pig”, etc. Guests are given pig ears and snouts prepared in advance. Some of the invitees are given the honorable mission of judging the “actors” as a jury.

Having started the competition, guests communicate with each other in the manner assigned to them. After the appointed time, the “jury members” determine the winner by secret ballot. The most artistic guest, in a solemn atmosphere, receives an Oscar.

Entertainment for children

Kids should also have fun at the New Year's party. Offer them active and fun competitions.

Snowball game

Participants are divided into two teams. They make snowballs from old newspapers and compete to see who is the most accurate. Members of both teams are placed one behind the other. On the floor, colored tape marks where you can’t step.

Baskets are installed behind the line, where participants will throw “snow shells”. Children take turns throwing snowballs, and the team that hits the most times wins.

Competition "balls"

A table is placed in the center of the hall, especially for the competition. A light ball is placed in the middle of it. Participants stand at different ends of the table - two people. They need to blow on the ball, moving it towards the opponent.

The competition lasts until the goal is achieved. The winner receives an honorary prize. The competition can also be a team competition, where several guys participate, taking turns sending balls to the opponent.

We decorate the Christmas tree

For the competition, prepare a couple of small real or artificial Christmas trees. There is an option, take two kids and make them New Year's trees.

Participants are divided into two groups and take plastic New Year's toys on strings. The goal is to decorate the Christmas trees with the largest number of New Year's attributes in 2 minutes.

To complicate the task, “Christmas trees” are installed a couple of meters from the participants. Children, one after another, run up to the “tree” to hang the decoration on it.

New Year's tinsel

Two teams take part in the competition. They stand opposite each other, and each of the guys is given tinsel in their hands.

The competition takes place to the accompaniment of a cheerful holiday song. The first team member wraps tinsel around the hand of the child next to him. And so - along the chain.

The last player’s task is to run up to the first and tie his hand with tinsel. When everything is done, the team raises their hands. The children who complete the task first are recognized as winners and receive prizes.

Table competitions

For those who want to have fun without leaving the New Year's table, many competitions have also been invented. They are able to provide those gathered with a wonderful mood without requiring them to waste their energy.

Let's remember the alphabet

The Alphabet is a competition suitable for that part of the party when the guests have had time to try the treats and festive drinks and are ready to take an active part in the event. Champagne-filled glasses and a positive attitude from the participants will come in handy.

The host complains that during the party he forgot the alphabet. Dear guests can help you remember the letters. They take turns making festive toasts.

The first one's words begin with the letter "A". The second one makes a speech with “B”, etc. For example:

  • “Shouldn’t we raise our glasses to the happiness of those gathered?”
  • “Be happy in the coming 2019!”,
  • “I wish everyone good health, good luck and more money.”

The participant who makes the most interesting and sincere wish wins.

Concert from a hat

For the competition, write New Year's themed words (blizzard, snowman, Santa Claus, piece of ice, etc.) in advance on notepads. These pieces of paper are put into a “magic” Santa Claus hat.

Everyone takes out a note and sings a song with the given word. It's a good idea to include an arrangement found on the web.

Gift bag

For the competition, you will need a package filled with holiday favors. The presenter turns to the person sitting to his right: “I’ve been meaning to give it for a long time, but I couldn’t…”. And he gives a funny reason - “he was kidnapped by aliens”, “greed got in the way”, etc.

Afterwards, without peeking, he takes a gift out of the bag and hands it over. The person who receives the item takes the package in his hands and says similar words to the neighbor on the right. The funnier the reason that prevented you from giving a gift earlier, the better.

For adults

Adult entertainment at a New Year's party often involves drinking alcohol. But for those who prefer to have fun without alcoholic drinks, many wonderful competitions have been invented.

Drink - have a snack

Those invited are given two small sheets of paper. The word “drink” is written on the first one, and the word “snack” is written on the second one. Each guest adds a phrase, for example - “Drink from a vase”, “snack with pepper.” Afterwards, the notes are hidden in two caps and taken out without looking, one by one.

Guess who?

New Year's cocktail

One of the guests is blindfolded with thick cloth. Then, another participant in the competition prepares a drink from what is on the festive table. The potion is given to the guest blindfolded to drink. His task is to guess what his holiday cocktail is made from.

Those gathered record how many ingredients have been guessed. "Masha - 4 out of 7", etc. The guest who guesses the largest number of components wins.

New Year's lottery

A win-win lottery will also delight those gathered at the festive table. Prepare in advance the number of gifts corresponding to the number of guests. Or better yet, two or three more.

You will also need lottery tickets for the competition. An interesting idea is to take a picture of a pig from the Internet, print copies and draw serial numbers on them. Hand them over to your party guests upon entering.

There is another option - invite everyone to the center of the room and give them a task - to sing a New Year's song, read a poem, remember an interesting joke. The reward is the ability to put your hand into a box of lottery tickets and get one.

Any interesting souvenir is suitable as a prize - ginger cookies, chocolate in a festive wrapper, a figurine of the symbol of the year. It would be nice to prepare a small funny poem for the presentation of the prize. For example: “You will be glad to receive gifts from fate - take a bar of chocolate.”

Entertainment for schoolchildren

It is possible to prepare interesting competitions for children of all ages. Both first-graders and high school students will rejoice at the opportunity to have fun.

Don't miss the place

An ageless competition is a game with chairs, interesting for both children and adults.

During the competition, schoolchildren run around them to a festive tune. After the music stops playing, they must immediately take the empty seats. The child is left without a chair - his participation in the competition ends.

Leap into the future

The tradition of jumping from a chair on New Year's Eve came from Germany. According to her, the further the guest jumps, the better he will live in the New Year. True, you should be careful, which is why some refuse the attribute in the form of a chair. The winner is the guest who jumped the farthest.

Shoulder to shoulder

Participants are divided into two people. A festive tune comes on and the children dance and jump to it. As a result, the couples are separated and the participants “mix with each other.”

The music stops and the host of the competition says: “shoulder to shoulder!” At a signal, children from pairs run up to each other and touch their shoulders. The last person to find a partner stops participating in the competition. Then the presenter sets another task: “nose to nose”, “back to back, etc.”

The competition is conducted in a different way. You will need New Year's themed props - cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees, candies in holiday wrapping, etc. Place them in the room where you are celebrating the holiday. The presenter gives the signal: “Christmas tree to Christmas tree,” and the children each take a Christmas tree and run up to their pair.

Entertainment for young people

Young people also love New Year's competitions. Below are a few ideas on how to have fun for people in this age category.

Unload the Christmas tree

Take two guests and blindfold them. Their task is to remove toys and candies from Christmas trees. The New Year's tree will be other invitees, placed one after another. New Year's attributes are hung on them using ordinary clothespins.

Volunteers are given boxes in their hands and, blindfolded, are led from different sides to an impromptu “Christmas tree”. At the leader’s command, they begin to unload the Christmas trees and put toys with candies into the box.

When the guests meet each other, the competition is over. The participant who collects the most holiday attributes wins.

Firecrackers for girls

At the very beginning of the evening, male guests are given firecrackers. When the guests have gathered, the rules of the competition are announced. On New Year's Eve, the guys, one by one, explode “shells.” And the girls’ task is to immediately jump into the arms of the young man standing next to them.

The girl, who forgot to jump on her hands or was confused, carries out the task of the celebrants.

Pass the tangerine

For the competition, participants are divided into two groups and stand one after another. The presenter’s task is to prepare in advance two large cups of washed tangerines and two more empty ones. The guest standing first must grab the tangerine with his teeth and pass it to another participant without using his hands. He also takes it with his teeth and gives it further.

The one who stands last puts the fruit on the plate. The winners are the team members who collect the most tangerines within the agreed time.

Contests for corporate parties

At work, New Year's entertainment can also be both table-based and active.

We decorate the Christmas tree

The guests are given the task of decorating the Christmas tree blindfolded. We need to find the New Year's tree. The host of the competition places those who wish to do so in the center of the room and gives them a toy each. Their eyes are covered with a bandage and rotated several times.

The man walks forward all the way. When he meets an object or another participant on the way, he hangs a decoration on this “Christmas tree”.

The winner is the one who managed to hang the toy on a real Christmas tree. The prize for second place goes to the player who finds the most original “tree” for his decoration.

Dancing dancing

Prepare several musical selections of different topics in advance. At the beginning of the competition, participants are divided into pairs. Each moves to the music, but it does not match the nature of the dance.

For example, the presenter says: “Couple number one is slow dancing.” And it sounds like “Lezginka”. It will be original if you give the participants the task of dancing in old forgotten genres - waltz, paso doble.

Solemn oath

Guests are given pieces of paper where they must write three things they must do in the new year - skydive, go to the mountains, join a gym, etc.

The notes are put into a headdress and mixed. Participants randomly pull out notes with promises and read aloud what they got. Ask the person who reads the promise to guess who wrote it.

Fun activities

There are competitions where each of the guests will have to show resourcefulness and artistry. Their goal is to amuse guests and make themselves happy.

Game of Crocodile

For the competition, prepare stickers in advance where you write the names of famous paintings about New Year and Christmas - “Sorcerers”, “Home Alone”, “Irony of Fate”, etc.

One of the participants takes out any sticker and pantomimes its plot. The task of the others is to understand what picture he has in mind. The first one to guess also takes out a piece of paper and depicts a movie. Based on the results of the competition, the presenter awards the most artistic player a reward.

"The coolest"

Men participate in the game - about five people. The host puts boiled eggs in the cup, in accordance with the number of heroes, and says that one of them is raw. Participants take turns hitting them on their foreheads.

The competition turns out to be exciting, and gradually the tension between the guests grows. Nobody wants to get dirty with a raw egg.

Frozen T-shirt

For the competition, prepare three voluminous men's T-shirts. They need to be rolled up in advance and left in the freezer. Select three male participants for the evening. They are given a difficult task - to put on the T-shirts. The one who completes it first wins.

Read lips

Two competitors put on headphones, where fairly loud music is playing. Players should not hear each other. One receives cards with questions. For example: “How much champagne do you need to be happy?”, “What do you put red caviar on?”

The second one’s task is to understand what is being asked and answer. Then the cards with questions end up in the hands of others. The winner is the participant who answers the maximum number of questions asked.

Quiet entertainment

Not everyone likes active, noisy competitions. If guests prefer to celebrate the New Year in a relaxed atmosphere, prepare competitions that suit their temperament.

New Year fortune telling

The next fun will not require guests to leave the table. You will need small sheets of paper and pens. Those gathered write a positive prediction on stickers. They are folded and placed in a magic bag.

Then the host distributes new pieces of paper to the guests, where they have to write when the wish comes true. For example: “Very soon everything will come true” or “wait a couple of years.” They are placed in the second bag.

One after another, those gathered pull out stickers from both bags and read aloud the prediction they received. The more original the forecasts, the better.

Christmas story

Another original entertainment is making up a New Year's story. For this, guests are given 10-12 stickers on which they will write various words. Half of them should be related to New Year's celebrations, and the other half at their discretion. Afterwards, the stickers are placed in a box and mixed.

The first guest takes out two or three pieces of paper. He says the words: “Somehow on New Year’s Eve...”. And he comes up with the beginning of a story using the words he comes across.

The second guest also pulls out some stickers. He continues the story, adding to it the words that fell to him. A fairy tale is a very interesting and exciting task that guests will not remain indifferent to.

New Year's news

Prepare cards for the game by writing 5 words on them that are far from each other in meaning. For example: “Snow Maiden, bus, parrot, castle, subway.” Guests take turns drawing a card at random. The task is to compose a sensation close in theme to the New Year.

Every word on the card is used. And at the end of the competition, a present is awarded for the most interesting news, and a toast is made to pleasant events in the coming year.


To prevent guests invited to the New Year's party from getting bored, invite them to take part in competitions. There is suitable entertainment for both adults and children.

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