An apology to the guy in your own words in a letter. Beautiful apologies to a girl or beloved guy in your own words

It’s always difficult, but when you have to apologize to your loved one, whom you care about and whom you love, it’s ten times more difficult.

Today we will not consider the case when it is enough to simply say “sorry.” This often happens if you accidentally push someone or step on their foot, but if your words and behavior inflicted severe emotional wounds and cut like a sharp blade through the heart of the person you love, a simple “sorry” is no longer enough.

It is very difficult to ask for forgiveness while looking into your eyes. Due to anxiety, thoughts become confused, it is impossible to speak clearly and express your feelings. There is another obstacle - he may not want to date you and may not want to listen to you. Therefore, there is only one thing left to do - write an apology letter.
Words are a double-edged sword. Without understanding this, many people use the same words that caused the pain to apologize!
An apology letter meant for your boyfriend is not easy to write because you cannot afford to lose your loved one. Usually, it is difficult to find the right words and in the end, everything that can be written comes down to one phrase - “excuse me,” only written using a large number of words and sentences, often chaotic and inconsistent.

In the heat of the moment, you can say things that can destroy your relationship and leave scars on the heart of your loved one forever. What good does it do if you don’t actually think so, as everyone has expressed it. “The word is not a sparrow...” and no explanations work anymore, it is useless to make excuses. After such an incident, there comes a moment when there is nothing left to do but write a letter of apology. This is, in fact, what I am going to help you with.

How to write an apology letter to your boyfriend

Remember, now we are proceeding from the fact that you want to return the guy, and not to prove that you are right.

Before jumping directly into the body of the letter, I will give some very important tips that you should definitely consider before you start writing the letter. If you don't take these tips into account, you won't succeed, i.e. - you won’t return him.

  • Start writing a letter as soon as possible, before he starts to think that you don't care.
  • Admit your mistake and your guilt, even if you think it is only partly your fault and partly your fault. And under no circumstances write about it - because now is the wrong time for mutual accusations, especially if it is important for you to maintain your relationship with your guy at all costs.
  • There is no need to write too briefly or fill the entire sheet with one word “sorry”, 10 pieces in each line and end the letter there!
  • Do not mention past quarrels and grievances, as this can only worsen the situation.
  • Let him know that he really means a lot to you and that your action was a ridiculous accident because you simply lost control of yourself.
  • Many people believe that a person is angry and says what is on his mind. Your boyfriend may feel the same way, so it's important that he understands that this is not the case and that you truly love him.
  • The most important thing is to write a letter from the heart. Don't write just for the sake of beautiful written expression of your thoughts.
  • There is no point in “crying over a broken vase,” so don’t talk about, analyze, or “suck up” the incident itself that caused everything to happen.
  • If possible, write the letter by hand, this will allow every word you say to be more personal. You can even use paper dyed in his favorite color (or fountain pen ink). It may look naive and childish, but don’t you want to get him back by hook or by crook?

Example of an apology letter from a girl to a guy

This sample letter is based on the most common situation - a jealous outburst! When the sense of ownership is limited to sighs and frowning eyebrows, then it is still tolerable. But if jealousy overflows and spills out in the form of words, insults and unacceptable behavior, it already goes beyond the bounds and can cause a major quarrel. The following letter is based on one such incident.

My beloved ________, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for my terrible action last night. It was completely my mistake and my fault, please give me just one chance to explain myself and read this letter to the end.

I love you very much, and the only thing I live for is our relationship with you and your love, which protects me and allows me to feel protected. Yesterday I was in seventh heaven until Tanya appeared. Before that, I knew nothing about her existence and had absolutely no idea that you had nothing in common with her other than friendship!

When I saw the way you looked at her, I ignored it at first, but you looked again and again. From your eyes it seemed to me that you had some kind of feeling for her, and I was furious!

I'm very hot-tempered, you know that well. At that moment, everything turned upside down inside me, my emotions were raging, I lost control of myself and could not think soberly and rationally. All I saw was that you looked at her and stopped noticing me!

I know that I didn’t want to listen to you right away, but I was still in a state of emotional shock and therefore could not perceive your words normally. And then, later, when you called after I ran away, I know that I should have at least given you the opportunity to explain everything, and not turn off the phone.

Yesterday, when I saw Tanya, it seemed to me that I was losing you forever. I felt scared, because I don’t want to lose you and I’m very afraid of it. It felt like I was about to fall into the abyss and everything would come to an end. You mean so much to me, you gave me everything - happiness, love and so much more... much more than I deserve.

I have nothing against your friendship with Tanya. I really didn't know that you were just good friends. You know that I have always been good to your friends, both boys and girls. But I really don’t understand what came over me yesterday, and why I behaved so badly, although this does not justify what I did.

Please forgive me, I promise that this will never happen again. And also, please convey my sincere apologies to Tanya. I hope she will forgive me. I really will always be glad to see her.

Forgive me my beloved!

Forever Yours ____________.

This is roughly what it should look like. It is not necessary to adhere to the text letter by letter. I’ll even say it differently – be sure not to adhere to it. Your boyfriend should see and feel that it was you who wrote the letter, with your characteristic speech patterns and phrases. Only then will he believe in your sincerity.

You can also add quotes (no more than one or two) or even photos of your happiest moments. Also try not to overdo it, so as not to distract from the text. One small photo - no more!

There are a million ways to ask for forgiveness, but a handwritten apology works best. I hope this article helps you restore your relationship.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of an individual and not the advice of a specialist. I’m trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, and do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many people do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but solely of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified help, please seek advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

I want to offer my sincere apologies for everything that I did and said, for everything that upset you so much. I didn’t want everything to happen exactly like this, but what happened cannot be corrected, and only an apology can somehow smooth out the course of those events. Sorry, forgive me, please, that you had to experience all those annoying emotions and feelings that definitely raised a number of doubts about my person. Honestly, I didn’t do it on purpose, everything somehow happened on its own, and it’s stupid to make excuses, but I’ll try anyway. Probably the weather is to blame, or maybe some changes in the atmosphere... In general, I sincerely regret what happened and hope to receive your forgiveness. I understand that it’s stupid to blame the weather, but it’s a little easier than blaming yourself, although I blame myself no less. I hope for your good nature and that you will still be able to forgive me.

I'm sorry. I’m sorry that this happened, I can’t find a place for myself while you’re angry and harboring a grudge. I am sincerely sorry, believe me, I don’t want a wall of anger and misunderstanding to stand between us. I'm sorry, please, forgive me.

I want to apologize. I do not renounce my wrongness and ask for your forgiveness. I didn’t want it to turn out like this, and I especially didn’t want to offend you. I needed to take into account your suspiciousness and vulnerability. Apparently the weather had an effect, or maybe there was some kind of shift in the atmosphere, in general, forgive me. I will try to improve, and I will certainly stop offending you. Your silence is the best punishment for me, but I think it needs to be canceled. Let's do it like a child, make up on little fingers, and promise each other not to quarrel anymore. I love you, and you know it, so stop frowning, and let’s make peace, and then the world will regain its colors.

I feel terrible, please forgive me. I promise this won’t happen again, I’m sincerely sorry, believe me. Don’t be angry with me, let’s let this incident go and everything will be as before, I beg you.

I had enough time to think to understand my mistake and guilt. I sincerely apologize and hope that your heart will be able to melt the ice of a stupid insult. I promise that this will not happen again, because it is very important to me that everything is fine with us again.

Forgive me, please, I feel bad that I learned this way and I am sincerely sorry. Please forgive me and do not harbor resentment in your heart. Let's make peace and everything will be as before. I promise, this won’t happen again, just forgive me, don’t turn away and don’t get angry, give me the warmth of your smile and everything will be fine.

From the bottom of my heart and soul I want to apologize for my hot temper! Even though my actions and words are not always positive, and my promises do not correspond to deeds, I apologize and ask you to forgive me! I promise to rethink everything, draw conclusions and not make these mistakes in the future.

Sometimes there are so few words to make amends. And sometimes a simple “sorry” touches the heart. I want to say exactly this “sorry” to you, and it really is from the heart and soul. Let everything bad between us be erased so that previous mistakes are not repeated. A person should be given a second chance, and here I am asking you for this chance. Please give me an attempt to correct what I have done.

I want to apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am very sorry that this upset and upset you.

Excuse me please. I am sincerely sorry that this happened, but I also sincerely want to remove this offense from your heart. Please don't be angry with me and forgive me. Smile and let everything be fine again. With all my heart I wish you only happiness.

Very often, guided by emotions, we do not notice how we hurt loved ones; just one word spoken in a fit of anger can hit much harder than we wanted. Undoubtedly, emotions play a huge role in everyday life, but sometimes it is thanks to them that conflicts occur. Often, after a certain time, the fervor subsides, the mood improves, but the relationship with your soul mate has only worsened.

There is only one way to correct a mistake - an apology. But it is not enough to simply admit your guilt; it is important to correctly express words of regret so that they are heard and accepted.

An apology to a guy in your own words

In general, there are an infinite number of reasons for quarrels, these can be banal, minor disputes over trifles, or there can be much more serious reasons, for example, betrayal. This means that you need to approach the moment of apology in different ways, and yet there are basic rules that are suitable for any conditions.

  1. As a rule, when there is a quarrel between a man and a woman, it is extremely rare that the blame lies with one partner, and therefore admitting that you were wrong is the first step to correcting the situation. Therefore, having decided to apologize, you should not generalize, for example, “if we …” or “it was you …” and so on, focus on your mistakes: “I could not restrain myself …” or “my fault …”.
  2. Of course, your young man must see your repentance. Show that you are really upset and are ready to correct the situation in any way possible. The words must be sincere, the man should not have even a shadow of doubt that everything said comes from the depths of his heart, and the repentance is genuine.
  3. To ensure that everything you say reaches your interlocutor correctly, choose a suitable setting, and if possible, prepare it in advance. The necessary atmosphere will give a deeper meaning to your words, which means mutual understanding will be achieved faster.

The question that worries the vast majority of girls is: is it even worth asking for forgiveness from your beloved guy? Absolutely - yes! Despite the fact that apologizing is very difficult, it is a necessary condition for the development of warm, long-term relationships. In addition, they will introduce you as a responsible and fair person, and it will be clear to the young man that you value the relationship.

Another very important point is that no man will appreciate, much less believe, your words if you ask for forgiveness via SMS or letter. Of course, there are life situations when it is simply not possible to talk in person, but still “live communication” is many times better and more practical.

Words of forgiveness in prose

Darling, I am infinitely ashamed of my behavior! I'm sorry that in a fit of emotion I said a lot of unnecessary things. I understand that I will not be able to take back everything I said, but let me try to make things right. Every word spoken in anger did not come from the heart; it is now shrinking from the pain it brought you. Darling, let's try to forget this stupid moment and enjoy each other as before. I promise that I will make every effort to avoid similar situations in the future.

Never before have I felt so alone and broken. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, but I can’t fall asleep either, and if only you knew how unpleasant it is to look at yourself in the mirror. It feels like every word I said to you is tearing me to pieces. I can’t imagine how hard it is for you, my love, forgive me, forgive every word, every gesture that offended you. Let's not quarrel anymore, just love.

Every day I thank the Universe for the opportunity to hug you, cuddle with your strong body, hold your courageous hand. If you disappear from my life, it will only take on gray colors. I hate myself for everything I said to you, but I hope you know that this is not my opinion, but just stupid words. Sorry honey.

Today, despite the weather outside, the sky is crying in my soul, because you have become more than just a person to me. Having become my universe, you have subordinated my entire world to your laws, I am unable to fight the gravity of your charm and charm. The reason for our disagreement is insignificant compared to the feelings for you, accepting all my wrongness, I promise to try to avoid a repetition of such a situation in the future. Love you.

The love of my life, I don’t know what touching words will help melt the ice of misunderstanding between us. Why should one stupid word spoken in anger separate us?! Without trying to justify everything that was said, I can say that I am incredibly sorry. Please listen to your inner voice, look back at how wonderful everything was with us. Is it really possible that a small quarrel can destroy the huge world that we have built on mutual understanding and trust?! Let's just forget. And instead of resentment, in spite of all the obstacles, let's build another bridge connecting our hearts.

I apologize, beloved, for all the bad things I did to you - for every thoughtless word uttered during an argument, for every action committed out of spite. Now I understand how stupid I looked, how naive my attempts were to prove something. Let's make peace and try not to quarrel anymore.

I'm sorry! Kitten, in these short words, I put all my grief and regret from realizing how hard it was for you to listen to me. I pray you take a step forward, throwing away all resentment against me. You know how important it is to me, like air, I’m suffocating without your presence and approval, come back and everything will be fine with us.

My boy, today I woke up without you and realized how hopelessly self-confident and stupid I was. I want to ask - will you give me one more chance to return everything to its original place? If yes, then for my part I promise to reconsider my opinion on many issues. The point is, I love you baby.

After our disagreement, for a minute it seemed to me that the heavens had collapsed, burying everything that brought us so close. Just imagine how much I love you, if a small quarrel had a similar effect in me! But still, I never stop believing that everything will work out, and we will remember this situation with a smile, many years later. Sorry kitten.

(name), all the time we are apart, because of a stupid quarrel, I cannot find a place for myself. We have put so much effort into building an ideal relationship and suddenly, overnight, we can lose everything. Just the thought of this can bring the most resilient person to tears, break the strongest. Of course, I’m to blame, but I’m ready to fix everything and move on, my dear.

You are the strongest and smartest guy in the world! Can't you forgive your little girl?! After all, heaven allowed us to meet so that you would instruct me like a child, teach me how to cope with difficulties, hold my hand so that I would not fall. What to do without you, in a world full of evil and temptations? Who, if not you, will help you go through life’s journey without getting dirty?! I believe that you, like the wise Solomon, will make the only right decision, because I completely trust you. Sorry, my love.

My favorite person in the world, please don’t be angry. Your indifference is killing me, I can neither breathe nor live. If you could look into the depths of my heart, you would certainly see a sea filled with the water of regret. Really, I'm really sorry, sorry honey.

Baby, I spent an insanely long time choosing some beautiful words to justify myself, trying to justify myself in my and your eyes. But nothing happened, I understand that it is extremely stupid to look for a reason, you just need to accept the whole truth. And the truth is that I was wrong. I can only hope for your generosity, because you are a man, the man of my whole life.

(name of loved one), it's time to talk seriously. After all, we both understand perfectly well that this cannot continue. Can you imagine, everything that we have built so long and hard is on the verge of destruction. Having analyzed my behavior and everything I said, I can say that I was wrong in many ways, and now I sincerely apologize. I hope for you, beloved, for your understanding, for limitless patience. Sorry.

Lately, it seems to me that I am among huge snowdrifts and eternal ice, and the reason for everything is our quarrel. At first it seemed small to me, even insignificant, but after cooling down a little and thinking about it, I was horrified! It’s terrible how I could say so many stupid things, how I had the intelligence to commit such actions. I’m even ashamed, despite the depth of our relationship, for everything we’ve done. All that remains is to forgive you, forgive me.

Kitten, what if we just forget about everything that happened and start writing the history of our relationship from a new, still unstained sheet.

My little one, I am very sorry that we cannot meet and discuss the current situation. But I will be waiting for you, remember my love.

Now, after some time, it is absolutely clear to me that I was wildly wrong when I threw stupid, unfounded accusations in your face. It’s all because of my love for you, I became scared that I could lose you and that’s why I created such a scandal. Now I’m terribly ashamed and I apologize for him, but it turned out even worse. Darling, forgive me, I’m just madly in love, it’s very difficult to restrain my emotions.

Today, preparing for the conversation, I tried to find from the classics how they asked for forgiveness from their loved ones. I read a lot of things, but nothing struck a chord with me, so I decided that whatever happens, I’ll say it in my own words. But now, being alone with you, there are simply no words. I want to cry, like a little girl who has done something wrong to her parents. Forgive your girl, take her hand and kiss her as before.

Remember girls - for this. For your chosen one to understand and forgive you, the main thing is to be sincere. But in addition to apologies, it is necessary to give an explanation for your words and actions. Also show your regret for what you did and your willingness to change for the better.

Of course, when it comes to betrayal, everything is somewhat more complicated, but with the right approach and choice of words, you can correctly describe the reason for the action.

Of course, you can recite Yesenin’s poems by heart or read Tatyana’s monologue, but all this will not have the desired effect, since these are the words of strangers, albeit famous people. But if you formulate the situation in your own words, focus on mistakes and show your vision of a way out of the current situation, we assure you that you will certainly be heard.

With our actions and phrases, we can unwittingly cause serious offense to our loved one. This usually happens in a fit of emotion or due to a bad mood.

Of course, this is a very common situation, but this problem must be solved wisely so as not to turn the quarrel into a final break.

Since the girl is to blame for the disagreement, it is she who needs to take the first step towards reconciliation. But how to ask a guy for forgiveness?

Expert advice will tell you how to do this without moral losses for yourself and, most importantly, correctly.

To ask for forgiveness from your loved one, it is important not to hide your remorse and feelings. In this case, he will guess that you have realized that you are wrong, and will try to change your anger to mercy. However, not all men immediately make contact, although the stronger sex calms down faster, unlike lovely ladies.

Wait a little, let the emotions subside and the seething passions subside. Otherwise, you, as the guilty party, risk hearing such negative expressions in response that you will have to make a decision to forgive your boyfriend. That is, the reconciliation process will be significantly delayed.

In addition, there are different opinions about whether a girl should apologize if she is confident that she is right. On the one hand, someone needs to go to peace, otherwise a break in relations is possible, on the other hand, your apologies in this case will sound false, and it won’t take long for you to lose respect for yourself.

The optimal solution is to compromise with your beloved young man, try to reduce your and his complaints to a common denominator and decide that both were to blame for the disagreement. This way you will show your readiness for mutual concessions (which is extremely important in family life) and at the same time demonstrate self-respect. He will appreciate it.

Girls know their favorite men better, so they themselves must choose the ideal time to apologize. One guy is ready to listen to you after a couple of hours (he’s almost not angry anymore), while the other is full of anger for a week.

Wait for a better time, but you should not delay reconciliation, as it risks becoming unnecessary. How to properly apologize to your loved one?

  1. The situation must be successful and appropriate to the moment. Of course, it is important to think through all the nuances: words, gestures, place. It is best to be left alone with your lover so that strangers cannot spoil the solemn moment. A public apology is suitable for a brave and assertive young lady, and it’s still not worth “spoiling” a guy with such attention because of minor grievances.
  2. Don't forget to look while apologizing. The eyes will say what words cannot express - your feelings, the degree of repentance and hope for forgiveness (this is why a personal meeting is better than SMS). Try to withstand the reciprocal gaze of your beloved guy so that he understands that you are a confident young lady who values ​​relationships and that is why he asks for forgiveness for his offense.
  3. If you can't hold back your tears, cry. Some women resort to this argument in any situation, believing that no man can resist a woman’s wet eyes. Perhaps they are right in some ways, but there are two interesting points. Firstly, your chosen one may think that you are manipulating with the help of tears. Secondly, eyes in a “wet spot” only cause irritation. A young man should observe your tears in emergency situations, then the attitude towards them will be appropriate.
  4. During a conversation, call your lover by name. It is a psychologically proven fact that a person concentrates as much as possible on the information conveyed to him if he is addressed by name.
  5. Don't go overboard with excuses. Emotionality in this matter is not always a good helper, so it is important to stop in time. You need to take a break after you have apologized and explained to your loved one, and asked if he will forgive you. Let the guy think it over carefully and make a “verdict.”
  6. Do not mention his sins in the conversation and do not say words such as: “I am guilty, but...” Such phrases neutralize all previous excuses and regrets. He will immediately understand that you are not admitting to mistakes, but are shielding yourself.
  7. Bring joy to your lover. What it will be is up to you to decide. For example, cook his favorite dish and arrange a romantic evening, buy tickets to hockey or football, invite his friends home, give him a night of love, etc.

Regardless of the method you choose, after apologizing, go to your chosen one, snuggle up to him and be sure to share your feelings - love and tenderness.

Apologizing with the help of modern technology also needs to be done correctly. Your main task is to ask for a personal meeting, and social networks, telephone and SMS are just a preparatory stage. We offer the following recommendations.

  1. To ensure that your apology hits home, don’t impose yourself, don’t tire your loved one with calls, messages and SMS immediately after the scandal. The guy is still seething with anger, so you won’t get a positive result.
  2. Wait a little, because a flurry of messages and calls can force a man to abandon his previously made decision to make peace with you.
  3. If the quarrel was minor, the SMS can be made humorous. In case of serious offense, the content of the message should be approached thoughtfully. Formulate your feelings in SMS, your attitude towards what happened, write that you repent and feel pain from this disagreement.
  4. Do not invent excuses and various heart-warming stories, do not blame him for what happened, do not indicate that you are waiting for changes in his behavior. Oaths of love to the grave and various overly embellished phrases are also not the best option.

Let us repeat once again that your goal is to meet a man. Therefore, do not reveal all your tricks and secrets in SMS and messages on social networks. Just mention that you would like to apologize to him personally.

If the disagreement is serious enough, and your boyfriend has a good sense of humor, be original and unique, even asking him for forgiveness. But before you organize various “performances,” try to talk and find out his attitude towards you personally and your action.

And to finally melt the chill that has arisen, apologize beautifully!

  1. For example, ask your friends to send him an SMS saying that you ask him for forgiveness, you miss him terribly and “cry your eyes out.” For example: “Katya is repentant and really, really wants you to listen to her. Pick up the phone".
  2. Act like... a man. Write under his balcony and a request for forgiveness. Such an unusual way of apologizing will make him convinced of the sincerity of your feelings.
  3. If your chosen one regularly listens to a particular radio station, call it and admit to an audience of millions that you are wrong. Believe me, it's very beautiful.

Betrayal is perhaps the only thing that is extremely difficult to forgive a loved one. Everything else, even offensive words, barbs uttered during a scandal or an attack of jealousy, a loving man can forgive.

If your words of repentance do not reach the heart or soul of your chosen one, perhaps he already loves you so much, and the offense has become only a reason to end the relationship. After all, as the famous psychologist V. Levi said, love can be measured by the measure of forgiveness.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Looking for ways to apologize to your loved one, be it a guy or a girl? Then read a beautiful apology to a girl or guy written in your own words. These original apologies can be sent to a person via SMS, social network or in the form of a postcard, which will definitely make the person to whom they are addressed smile.

Sometimes it's hard to admit when we make a mistake, especially when it hurts someone we love. But admitting your mistake and apologizing is the best thing you can do to prove your sincere regret.

Therefore, we want you to read and enjoy the phrases we have collected specifically for reconciliation with a loved one whom you might have offended or disappointed in some way.

Choose the most appropriate apology template for your situation. And if it is not too late, then let the words testify to your regret for you.

So what are you waiting for? Read these phrases about forgiveness carefully right now. And then, with words of sincere regret, ask for an apology from your loved one.

Beautiful apologies to a girl

  • My lies may have been the dark clouds, but your forgiveness will be the stars and the sun in our relationship. I beg your pardon.
  • If you don’t see the tears in my eyes, then I beg you to at least feel the pain in my heart. I am sorry.
  • It's sad that your love so kind was spoiled by my selfish mind. It's sad that your so selfless love had to deal with all this mess. And now, ironically, my regret and grief are seen as fake. Tell me, what do I need to do to make you believe in the sincerity of my apology? I'm ready to do it.
  • My dishonest mind made the mistake of lying to you. But my heart and soul are forever devoted to love only for you. Therefore, I ask for your forgiveness.

Apologizing to a girl in your own words

When you say your apologies, speak in your own words, but sincerely, from the heart, and then such words are more readily believed. Below you will find several examples of such apologies. (You can read more about that by following the link).

  • I never wanted to be indifferent and remain on the sidelines. I'm sorry that my behavior has made you feel like we're drifting apart. My behavior was stupid, but my love for you is the greatest proof of my bitter regret about what happened. Please, if you can forgive me, please forgive me.
  • I know that you want to leave because you are tired of me. But I won't rest until I finally see you. I understand that you want to live separately, because after our quarrels you feel sick. But I won't rest until I do everything right. And I won’t make amends so that you can forgive me.

  • Forgiveness is an integral part of being in a relationship as intimate as ours. Please accept my apology, bringing an end to these painful hours for both of us. I beg your pardon.
  • I repent of my mistakes and howl in pain. Because I’m worried that if you don’t forgive me, my whole life will be in vain.
  • I remember you once said that you would do anything for me. All I ask today is that you accept my apology. I made a mistake, but I promise not to let this happen to you again, please forgive me.

SMS apology to the girl for the offense caused

  • I'm sorry about what happened. I fully admit that this is only my fault, so I want to do everything to correct my mistake. Because I love you! And the last thing I want to see is you suffering because of me.
  • I have never forgotten you, but now I apologize for the harm I did to you. I want to light up your smile again where I turned it off. Allow yourself to restore your heart.
  • I really don't want our story to end in a misunderstanding. Therefore, I am ready to compensate for my apologies not only with words, but also to shower you with kisses. Because I love you too much to lose you.
  • Life is like a book, where every day is one page, clearly different from the other. Each of us has pages that he would like to tear up and throw away, but this is prohibited! Instead, we can take the pen of the heart and the power of love to begin to write a new chapter together, if you forgive me. (I recommend reading).

  • I know that when you hurt the person you love most, there are hardly words that can correct this mistake. That's why I'm not going to apologize just for the words, but I want to apologize for the facts. Little everyday facts, if you give me the opportunity to apologize to you.
  • Forgive me for the harm I brought to your heart. I hope you will forgive me and erase from your memory the day when I offended you, even if it is marked with indelible ink. Of course, there is no excuse for my actions, but I will continue to hope for your forgiveness.
  • I can't forget you, it's too difficult for me. I should hate myself for the evil I did to you, but I hate even more that I don’t know how to write a beautiful apology to the girl I love in my own words. Sorry to write to you about this, but it's true. Please don't hate me, but understand!!!

An apology to the girl in your own words for rudeness and pain caused

In this part of the article you will find the right words to ask for reconciliation in front of a girl! Among them, undoubtedly, there will be the most suitable phrase that can break the tension that was created by your rudeness and insult to your beloved girl.

  • For me, you will forever remain the only person I love. Can you excuse me for being rude to you? Now I realized that my behavior was stupid and unworthy of your good attitude towards me. Despite this, I managed to offend you, for which I apologize.
  • I had no intention of hurting you. But it seems that circumstances intended to make you feel that I did it. Please forgive me for hurting you with my rash actions. I really regret this.
  • I know that I offended you when I spoke rudely and showered your love with insults. But I will do everything to make amends and bring back your smile. I beg you to just sit down with me, look at me, and listen to my apologies. It seems to me that as soon as you see my repentance, you will forgive me. I apologize to you.

  • I feel bad because you're sad. I feel guilty for the pain I caused you, after which you began to doubt me. I'm sorry, please forgive me. (I'm sure you'll like the tips, How can you quickly cheer yourself up? when does sadness make you feel bad?)
  • I hurt you with my actions. And you hurt me by not forgiving me. Please, let's start all over again and, first of all, with my apology to you.
  • I'm sorry I cursed so much. Unfortunately, I didn’t think that it could cause you such pain and hurt your feelings. Now this mistake is costing me dearly. But I assure you that love for you is all I tried to show from the very beginning.
  • I was a little drunk when I said all those nasty words. I'm sorry, but my judgment was completely blurred. I hope you can forgive my senseless outburst. I never wanted to appear before you like this. Please excuse me.

Apologies to my girlfriend

With one of the listed apologies that you will read in this section, you will be able to not only show your feelings, but also succeed in your apology in the best possible way.

  • If you can't forgive me, at least give me one last dance. Then you will be able to feel the pain of my heart and the torment of my soul. I want to apologize for what I did. And to assure you that for me you are the only and desired one!
  • I am sure that you have never deceived and will never deceive me, but possessiveness got the better of me. Please, my love, forgive me.
  • I don't expect the situation to immediately become normal. But until this happens, I will continue to ask my beloved girl for an apology every day, giving her flowers.

  • My apology to you feels like suicide - brutally honest and direct in your face. Please forgive me and stop being angry. I miss the real you.
  • Please forgive me and I promise that from now on I will no longer consider you as some kind of my property. But that doesn't mean that if another guy tries to make advances or flirt with you, I won't care. Therefore, I will apologize in advance, my love.
  • To say that I will never be angry or argue with you again would be a false promise. But I assure you that I will try to do this as little as possible so that you are less sad. Please forgive me by accepting my apology!

Apologies to a guy in your own words

Are you looking for a beautiful phrase that can express your feelings? Are you thinking about apologizing to your beloved boyfriend or man, but have not yet found the right words? Then you don't need to look any further because below you will find samples of such apologies that you can send to your boyfriend.

  • Since we started dating, you've done everything I've asked of you. As a final favor, please excuse me so that I can now also begin to fulfill your requests.
  • I cried while I still had tears. Then she sobbed until her head began to throb. And then I screamed until my voice disappeared. I was heartbroken because you turned your back on me and we stopped talking. I am very guilty before you. Please accept my apologies.

Apologies to a man in your own words

  • To you, so kind, generous, beloved and merciful, I cry out in tears for forgiveness. You and only you can certainly forgive me. Please believe my feelings and how bitterly I regret the circumstances that happened. Darling, please excuse me.
  • I'm very sorry for doubting your honesty. I thought you were deceiving me. After all, for me you are hotter than fire and sweeter than honey and this is my problem. Therefore, when I see other girls hovering around you, I start to feel jealous. But now I promise to try to control my jealousy.
  • I long to see the smile on your face. I long to be in your arms - that’s my favorite place. I know I did completely wrong things. But please, I beg your forgiveness. Sorry if you can!
  • I apologize for my craziness the other day. I swear that I didn’t behave this way on purpose, my hormonal changes and mood swings were to blame. Because of them, I annoyed you in every possible way. But I promise that I will fight this because I don’t want to lose you.

  • Take me back into your arms, holding me tightly to you. Feel my heavy breathing with sadness for having offended you. Look into my eyes, hearing the apology, and hug me with a kiss. Forgive me my love!
  • I know that because of my character, I am not the girl you deserve. But I promise you that I will never stop trying to become her. Forgive me and forgive me, please.
  • Sorry darling! I long to rest my head on your strong shoulders again. I'm sorry and I really want you to hug me again. I'm sorry and I hope you can love me again. I'm sorry... I just hope you can make me smile again.
  • I look ugly when I cry and howl in pain. Now it's in your hands to forgive me and make me look beautiful again. Please, darling, I'm sorry!


Look your loved one in the eyes when you apologize before you say beautiful words. Of course, it is difficult to expect a sincere apology from the innocent party if you are apologizing for something unpleasant - a lie, deceit, grief or betrayal. Fixing a broken relationship isn't easy, but don't give up.

Write a letter or SMS, or try to talk in person with the person you intend to apologize to. Open your heart to him, showing sincere regret, which can become the basis for forgiveness. I hope you found in this list beautiful apologies to a girl or guy, a man, that will help you reconcile and improve your relationship.