Day of teachers and all preschool workers in Russia. Day of the teacher and all preschool workers

In our country, the Day of Teachers and all employees of preschool institutions is celebrated annually on September 27. The holiday is young, appeared thanks to pedagogical publications. According to a sociological survey, the majority of residents are unanimous in the opinion that the teaching profession is very important. After all, kindergarten is the first step in the formation of a person as an individual. Therefore, it is simply necessary to honor educators.

Journalists from the publications “Preschool Education”, “Kindergarten from All Sides” and “Obruch” appealed to citizens to pay attention to kindergartens due to the fact that teachers of preschool educational institutions deserve no less honors than school teachers.

This idea was fully supported by society, and President Vladimir Putin signed a corresponding decree. The holiday was established on September 27, 2004. The date was not chosen by chance, because it was on this day, back in 1863, that the first kindergarten opened in St. Petersburg.

In Russia, the development of preschool education has been slow. At first, the nobles preferred to cope with children on their own, and the poor did not have enough money to take their children to special institutions.

And only after the October Revolution of 1917, kindergartens were opened en masse and they were on the balance sheet of the state. Children from 3 to 5 years old were accepted into kindergartens. They were taught sewing, speech and motor skills development, and general developmental disciplines.

Traditions of Teacher's Day

On September 27, it is customary to congratulate all workers related to preschool education - head teachers and nannies. After all, a lot in the formation of children’s consciousness depends on their wisdom, patience and perseverance.

Often the main characters at the holiday are the children themselves, who have prepared concerts, performances, and performances in order to fully express their gratitude to the teachers. You could say this is like a final performance, showing what the children have learned from their mentors over the year.

Parents also take part in the congratulations. Most often, led by the parent committee, they decide in what format the congratulations will take place. On this day, many people want to celebrate the participation of teachers in the lives of their children with a bouquet of flowers or a memorable gift.

Which countries celebrate Teacher's Day?

Unlike Russia, such an official holiday does not exist in Belarus and Kazakhstan. But this does not prevent preschool education workers from getting together on September 27 for tea or organizing a concert, so to speak, as a sign of solidarity with fraternal peoples.

In many countries, Teacher's Day is celebrated together with Teacher's Day. For example, in the UK, Germany and Lithuania - October 5, in Poland - October 14, in the United States - on Tuesday of the first full week of May, in Spain - January 29, and in the Czech Republic - March 28.

On September 27, Russia recently began to celebrate a new holiday - the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers. And it was established in 2004; the initiators of the creation of the holiday were several all-Russian pedagogical publications. They conducted a survey about the need for such a day, which showed that the Day of Teachers and all preschool workers is really needed.

Holiday goals

The main idea of ​​the holiday “Teacher and Preschool Worker Day” is for our society to finally pay attention to kindergartens and other preschool institutions. Moreover, it should be noted that in recent years more and more such institutions have appeared. This is due to the increasing demands of modern schools, where children must arrive in first grade already sufficiently prepared. In addition, not all children today attend kindergartens. This is due to the difficult situation that has arisen due to the shortage of these institutions throughout the country. Numerous private early development schools are now opening, some of which even accept one-year-old children.

On the Day of the Teacher and all preschool workers, ceremonial events are held. All employees of preschool educational institutions receive congratulations on their professional holiday.

Date selection, history of kindergartens

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is a great occasion to look at a page of history.

It should be noted that the choice of this date was not random. If we look into history, we find out that it was timed to coincide with the opening of the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire. This event took place on September 27, 1863 in St. Petersburg, the kindergarten was located on Vasilyevsky Island. The initiators of the opening of the first kindergarten were Adelaida Semenovna Simonovich and her husband. This first preschool accepted children from 3 to 8 years old. The educational program of this institution included design, sewing lessons, outdoor games, as well as a special course dedicated to Russia.

Simonovich was also involved in the publication of a special magazine “Kindergarten”, entirely dedicated to the problems of preschool education. K.D. Ushinsky also took part in the work on it.

Somewhat later, private kindergartens began to appear in other cities of Russia. The fates of these institutions developed differently.

In St. Petersburg, the first free kindergarten was opened in 1866. It operated under a charitable society. Children of lower-class citizens were accepted there.

As for world practice, the very first kindergarten in the world was opened in Germany in 1837. Its founder was the German teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He worked for Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, who was a classic of scientific pedagogy.

In 1871, the Society for Promoting the Initial Education of Preschool Children, which was located in St. Petersburg, began its work. It trained teachers in courses and held lectures on the principles of preschool education.

By 1914, there were already dozens of kindergartens throughout the country. For some time, the Society for the Promotion of Preschool Education was headed by Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheyeva, a famous Russian teacher.

On November 20, 1917, the USSR adopted the “Declaration on Preschool Education.” The basic principles of the Soviet state system of preschool education were that it was free and accessible to all.

Workers in the preschool education system began to be trained at the preschool department of the pedagogical faculty of the Second Moscow State University.

In 1919, the first All-Russian Congress was held in the capital, dedicated to the problems of development of upbringing and education of preschool children. In 1934, the “Program of Work for the Kindergarten” was published, and in 1938, the “Charter of the Kindergarten” was published. This document defined the structure, main tasks and operating principles of preschool institutions. The “Guide for Kindergarten Teachers,” published at the same time, contained methodological instructions for working with children.

In 1928, the publication of a monthly scientific and methodological magazine called “Preschool Education” began. In 1959, a nursery-kindergarten appeared in our country, where children were accepted from as early as two months.

In the early 60s of the 20th century, a unified comprehensive education program in kindergarten was developed in our country. In 1978, changes were made to it, the program was called Standard.

Then the reform of the education system led to the emergence of the “Concept of Preschool Education,” the authors of which were Vasily Davydov and V. A. Petrovsky. The main principles of preschool education were: humanization, the developmental nature of education, individualization of upbringing and training, and deideologization of preschool education. Today in Russia there are not only state, but also private kindergartens.

It is very good that our country finally has the Day of Teachers and all preschool workers, when we congratulate teachers, educators, methodologists and support staff of kindergartens and thank them for their difficult, but such important work.

They are largely responsible for shaping the personality of our children. We must not forget that preschool age is an extremely important stage in the development of a child. At this age, personality formation occurs and the foundations of health are laid. Teachers help preschoolers explore the world around them, learn the first skills of drawing, modeling, reading, etc. At the same time, great attention must be paid not only to the development of abilities, but also to the inner world of each child. It is very difficult to combine all this, but those who really succeed are real educators, professionals in their field. The teachers themselves call their work very difficult, but also very interesting.

Therefore, preschool institutions should employ people who really love children and know how to find a common language with them. They must be able to interest the child and contribute to the development of his talents and abilities. It is also important to raise a full-fledged citizen of your country.

We sincerely congratulate the heroes of the occasion on their holiday, Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers!

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Every September, on the 27th, all parents of preschool children congratulate teachers on their holiday in verse and in their own words.

In kindergartens, children lovingly give crafts, read short funny poems and congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2018 at matinees, and make wall newspapers with pictures. Colleagues in preschool institutions also congratulate each other.

The work of preschool workers is varied, ranging from intellectual work to hard physical work. The main thing is that it involves great responsibility, because the health of children depends on it. In gratitude to dear teachers, you can read funny short congratulations at the concert.

Someone says something

Someone is listening.

Someone broke a toy

In a quiet hour I tore the pillow...

You need to smile

Don't take it out on the kids!

Raise them with love!

We wish not to know troubles!

A teacher is like a second mother,

He stubbornly hurries to go to bed,

Keeps a vigilant eye on order -

But the baby does not comply with it.

If you are sad, the teacher will regret it,

He, like a mother, knows how to console.

We congratulate you today,

And we wish you happiness and love!

We go to kindergarten with pleasure,

After all, we feel comfortable and happy with you!

For being attentive, very kind -

Thank you from us, from dads and moms!

Health and great success ahead

And may your dream come true as soon as possible!

And we will try to behave quietly,

We make a promise - to obey you!

The teacher has a job -

This is such a concern!

We need to wipe the snot,

Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,

Feed and rock.

He laughs, he cries,

This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow

Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,

And you can’t even count them.

How many eyes do you need?

And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children

For your pencils.

Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart

And bow to you to the ground!

The kids will say in unison:

“Congratulations, teacher.”

We will add from the heart

A couple of wishes for you by inserting

Them between our good zeal,

As kind as you yourself,

This is our congratulations

Let's write in modest verses.

Love your children just as much,

It’s impossible not to love them!

They are the wealth of our life,

And you must keep it.

Just recently, some 20 years ago, there was no special day dedicated to kindergarten workers. But in 2004, the government decided to celebrate Teacher’s Day on September 27, the date of the creation of the very first preschool institution. Since then, in all kindergartens on this day, parents and children honor teachers and their assistants, saying congratulations in verse and in their own words.

Happy Teacher's Day to our caring and attentive nanny and all preschool workers! We wish you warmth, attention, care and love. Let your trembling and kind heart be filled with sincerity and smiles. Thank you for all the good you give to the kids. For your open soul, love for every child and help in their children's affairs. Happy holiday to you!

We congratulate the wonderful nanny on her holiday, Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. We wish you inexhaustible strength and inspiration, children's obedience and understanding, respect from others and family well-being, eternal beauty, kindness and generosity.

You have a difficult job, that's for sure! Wash everything, put it away, dress the kids, feed them, wash them. And so from morning to evening. Thank you for your warmth, comfort, and care. We greatly appreciate your incredible work!

Dear nanny, happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. Let the children obey, let loved ones please, let work give only positive emotions, let life count only successful, happy and good days.

Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday, Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. May the gift of kindness, attention, comfort, warmth, and tenderness return threefold. May your hard work and caring for your little hidden creatures be rewarded, honored, and filled with gratitude. Love, keep, take care of your soul and the souls of your children.

The work of a teacher is difficult and rewarding at the same time. During a working day, you have to resolve dozens of conflicts, come up with many games, and look for the key to each child. Beautiful congratulations for the teacher on his professional day in pictures can be used to make wall newspapers for kindergarten as a thank you.

A preschool teacher is an important person. The well-being of the child depends on how their relationship develops. Children remember many nannies all their lives, because these are the teachers who teach them to overcome the first difficulties of life, find friends, and interact with the outside world. It is especially pleasant for educators when children, with respect and love, read by heart short congratulations and poems for the professional day of a preschool worker.

Who will pour compote into a glass,

And will he go to bed at lunchtime?

Walk, play,

Give the correct answer!

Well, of course, teacher,

Nanny, cook, nurse.

Congratulations to you today

The whole huge country!

Dear teachers,

Preschool master's affairs,

Be happy, rich,

Never get sick!

Educator - what a word!

It contains light, goodness, warmth.

Who will make the children happy with the game?

Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,

Knowing how to behave and live.

Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!

We wish you to be happy!

We remember the first snowflake on the window.

Bouquet of golden leaves, flowers in hand.

We also remember the kind look.

The one who made us fall in love with kindergarten.

We send thanks through the years

For warmth and love in our hearts!

Let the traitor years thin out the memory.

We will not forget you, dear teachers!

Children, bows, counting rhymes,

Matinees and jump ropes,

Sleepy hour and fairy tale,

Hint and coloring book.

She cares about everything

And she has countless worries,

The teacher will be able to do a lot -

He will set the way for the kids.

You, looking at the fruits of your efforts,

You should be proud of yourself!

And spending years on children,

You appreciate your work!

Patience and understanding to you,

After all, the teacher is the one

Who, having put in their efforts,

Gives children a way into life!

Kindness and sensitivity are the main spiritual qualities of kindergarten workers. It is not surprising that special relationships develop within the preschool team. Often nannies and teachers become good friends. You can convey congratulations to colleagues in kindergarten on Teacher’s Day using beautiful poems from colleagues or in your own words.

Happy Teacher's Day!

Congratulations from me!

May every day be like a clear ray

He comes, ringing with joy.

Let parents and children

They respect you and honor your work.

Let the sun of happiness shine brightly,

New successes are calling!

According to the common man,

It’s great that teachers have a holiday too.

Those who educate with words, and not with shouts and belts.

And I congratulate you with all my heart on this day.

I wish you undeniable luck in all your affairs,

So that happiness will certainly settle in your home.

Kindergarten is your home,

Even though it's difficult at times,

For little children

You give, loving!

We cordially congratulate you,

We wish you a joyful life,

So that there is no stress,

May you succeed in everything!

So that the kids love you,

To be valued

So that you have love,

She led herself all her life!

All people have worthy professions,

But you are especially important to us.

There is no time for boredom and depression,

After all, you are babysitting the children of the country.

Today, September 27, Russia celebrates a holiday - Day of the teacher and all preschool workers.

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is a professional holiday in the Russian Federation. It is celebrated annually on September 27th.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general.
At the moment, on September 27 it is celebrated in all regions of the Russian Federation. Its celebration also takes place at the official level.
The date, September 27, was not chosen in vain - it is timed to coincide with the opening of the first kindergarten in the city of St. Petersburg. It was opened on Vasilievsky in the fall of 1863.
Interesting Facts
It is sometimes claimed that the first kindergarten in Russia was opened by Adelaide Simonovich. This is not true - her kindergarten opened in 1866.
S. Lugebiel's kindergarten was indeed the first on the territory of modern Russia, but not on the territory of the Russian Empire: the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire was opened in Helsingfors in 1859.
In the fall of 2003, Teachers' Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in honor of the 140th anniversary of the city's first kindergarten. After this, a letter was sent to all regions of the Russian Federation with a proposal to make the holiday national.

In 2008, the Moscow College of Sociology conducted a sociological study - “Do you consider it necessary to include a professional holiday in the calendar for preschool workers?” 81.6% of teachers were in favor. Representatives of other professions - 66.7%.

Teacher's Day is also celebrated at the state level. The administration of localities usually organizes a reporting concert, a round table or a gala evening where outstanding employees of preschool institutions are awarded. Teachers, kindergarten directors, assistants, administrators, and children's coaches are awarded diplomas, certificates of honor, and letters of gratitude, often accompanied by valuable gifts. Well, for the professional holiday, the management of kindergartens, as a rule, issues a cash bonus to all employees of the institution...

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers was established by corresponding decree of President Vladimir Putin in 2004. The idea was put forward by influential publications (Preschool Education, Hoop and others) covering the problems of pedagogy.

In Russia and Ukraine the celebration is on the same day. In Kazakhstan and Belarus it is also the 27th, but since the holiday here is unofficial, it is not of particular scope. In the near and far abroad, they do not separate Teacher’s Day and Teacher’s Day, celebrating it as a common holiday:

  • Lithuania, Germany, UK – October 5;
  • Poland – October 14;
  • USA – Tuesday of the 1st full week of May;
  • Spain – January 29;
  • Czech Republic – March 28.

History of kindergartens

Kindergarten is the first basic link in the education system, with the exception of parental education. The emergence of preschool institutions is associated with the need to solve the problem of employment of parents of young children. Also, the most important functions of a kindergarten are preparation for school and socialization of the child.

1837 Opening of the first kindergarten in history (Kindergarten) by the German teacher and theorist of preschool education Friedrich Froebel. It was he who coined the term “kindergarten”
1859 Opening of the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire in the city of Helsingfors (modern Helsinki, Finland)
1863 Opening of the first kindergarten on the territory of modern Russia in St. Petersburg. The first Russian orphanages were private institutions, paid and available only to wealthy people
1866 Opening of the first free public kindergarten in St. Petersburg
1866 Opening by Adelaide Semenovna Simonovich of a paid private kindergarten for children of the intelligentsia. Simonovich also published the “Kindergarten” magazine, dedicated to the problems of education and training of children aged 3-6 years.
November 20, 1917, RSFSR Adoption of the official “Declaration on Early Childhood Education”, guaranteeing free education and training for preschool children
1938 Publication of the “Kindergarten Charter” and “Guidelines for Kindergarten Teachers”; documents that defined the tasks of preschool institutions, as well as recommendations for the education of preschool children
1973 Adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the “Fundamentals of USSR Legislation on Public Education”

The wonderful time of childhood leaves behind good memories, starting from kindergarten. And everyone who attended a preschool remembers the name of their teacher. Working with children, educators teach them to explore the world and answer a variety of immediate questions. The work of a teacher rightfully has its own day - Teacher's Day.


If you look at the history of the development of kindergartens in Russia, the conclusions are that until the mid-19th century, kindergartens were considered unnecessary and parents, especially nobles, believed that they could give their children a fairly good early education on their own.

The first kindergarten in the country appeared in Tula in 1872. A year later, adopting the experience of the opened kindergarten, a kindergarten began operating in St. Petersburg. Its opening date is considered to be September 27. Since St. Petersburg was the capital, the kindergarten is considered the first in Russia.

After the revolution, kindergartens were already a necessity. In the Soviet Union, everyone worked, and the children went to kindergartens. The education system in preschool institutions of the USSR was adopted all over the world, as it was considered the most optimal and competent.

This day was officially recognized and approved in 2004. The initiators of Teacher's Day were numerous pedagogical publications, which were supported by the authors of programs for preschool education.


Teacher's Day becomes more significant every year, and the job becomes more prestigious. A teacher is a person who sees other people’s children more than their parents, spends time with them, lays down the basics of morality, ethics, teaches self-care skills, and forms a healthy lifestyle. The role of a teacher in a person’s life is important.

On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate teachers and thank them for their hard work. Often, at the local level, teaching teams are convened, where they present gratitude and certificates to teachers.

Traditionally, kindergartens hold matinees where pupils thank their teachers, nannies, cooks and nurses for their care and attention. Children prepare holiday numbers and crafts with their own hands. Schoolchildren also come to kindergartens to congratulate their former teachers.

On this day, the working staff and management of kindergartens actively discuss new programs, plans and ideas for the further development of their institutions. In local newspapers you can read congratulations, as well as photographs of the best teachers.