How to creatively write a letter to Santa Claus. Letter to Santa Claus - letter templates

As children, we all sincerely believe in miracles. Wizards, witches, dragons, fairies, mermaids seem as real as the neighbors behind the wall. For children, a fairy tale is alive, it does not live in books, but is happening before our eyes. You can verify this for the New Year by sending a good wizard a story about your deepest desires and receiving a wonderful gift in return. What can you write to Santa Claus in a letter so that he will definitely answer and come to the holiday? Let's talk about it.

Message to the North Pole: what does it mean for the baby?

Writing a letter to a magical character is not just empty fun. It teaches children:

  • Choose gifts responsibly. After all, a grandfather cannot bring a bag of toys to one child - he has many charges, so there should be enough surprises for everyone. In addition, the order cannot be changed. It forces you to think about what you really need.
  • Know yourself. Telling their grandfather about their family, hobbies, friends, achievements over the year, life’s difficulties, children are looking for the answer to the question: “What am I?”
  • Get ready for the holiday wave. After sending the letter, you can begin to prepare for the meeting with the good wizard: learn poems, draw pictures, make New Year's crafts as a return gift. This is how we teach children to think that for the sake of a happy future it is worth trying today.

For those parents and children who find it difficult to write the text of the message, sample letters to Santa Claus will come to the rescue. You can get interesting ideas and necessary inspiration from them.

Letter template to Santa Claus

First you need a beautiful form. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself by decorating a sheet of paper with snowflakes, snowmen, a Christmas tree and others. Now let's move directly to the text.

  1. You should start with a greeting. Santa Claus loves polite kids, so be sure to ask about his health (after all, he is already old), tell us how you are preparing for his arrival.
  2. Write a short story about the child: what is his name, how old is he, what family does he live in, what is his hobby, what has he achieved in a year.
  3. Ask politely for a gift. You can tell why it is so important for the baby. It is acceptable to indicate a list of several gifts so that Santa Claus himself can choose which one to bring under the tree. Promise something in return: to be obedient, to eat porridge, not to fight in kindergarten, to read books every day.
  4. Thank the wizard for last year's gift. End the letter with New Year's wishes. You can attach a beautiful drawing, because grandpa also loves surprises.

What to ask from Santa Claus in a letter?

Sometimes it is difficult to identify the most intimate among your desires. You can ask a good wizard for anything. Kids have to choose what they want more: a remote control car, a fairy with wings, real wings, a new sister or a live puppy.

Most often, grandfather is asked:

  • toys;
  • carnival costumes;
  • outfits and children's cosmetics;
  • various electronic gadgets (tablets, laptops, game consoles, players, cell phones);
  • sports equipment (balls, skates, skis, rollerblades, bicycles);
  • decorations;
  • items for practicing your favorite hobby (felt pens, easel, guitar, beads);
  • vouchers or tickets to the desired place;
  • pets;
  • (health, happiness).

Real letters from children

For a message to be truly sincere, it should be written from the heart. But what if writing is not your thing? For these purposes, we offer you samples of letters to Santa Claus. Of course, they can and should be changed at your discretion. We present them only so that you understand what the approximate text of the letter should be.

  • Santa Claus, I missed you! How are you doing? My name is Ann. I'm already 6 years old. Recently my brother Zhenya was born. I go to kindergarten. I have many friends there. I'm good at drawing. This year I learned to read and roller skate. I want Vadik to stop fighting in kindergarten. And also a tent so that it would stand in my room, and I would hide there. Thank you very much.
  • Dear santa claus! Congratulate you with Holliday! My name is Misha, I am 8 years old. At school we are already preparing for the holiday, I am participating in a skit. I will finish this quarter without any C grades. Bring me a touchscreen phone under the Christmas tree so I can download racing games there. I promise I won't break it or lose it. Don't get tired. Goodbye.
  • Hello, Santa Claus! My name is Victoria. I am 9 years old. There are many of us in the family: grandmother, mother, father, 2 brothers and a sister. I love to dance and weave beads. I help my mother cook, wash the floor and go to the store. I want perfume and a set of cosmetics as a gift. And also so that no one in our family quarrels or gets sick. Happy New Year! Thank you in advance.

How not to write

Unfortunately, among the samples of letters to Santa Claus there are the following:

  • Hello, grandpa! Give me a live horse, an interactive pony, gold earrings and an Apple laptop like my dad's.
  • I want the 7th iPhone. Golden color. It costs 37 thousand rubles in our store. It has a lot of memory so you can download any games.

Such letters are more like a demand than a request. Santa Claus doesn't like greedy children. Explain to your child that the wizard must prepare surprises for all the children on the planet, but they cannot be too expensive. He also carefully chooses gifts, so he will not give a third tablet or a pistol with bullets, from which the owner will shoot his younger brother.

But Santa Claus loves to surprise children. Therefore, under the tree you can sometimes find something completely different from what was ordered. The wizard selects unexpected surprises especially carefully, taking into account the interests of a particular child.

To what address should I send the letter?

Some people are used to putting New Year's messages in the refrigerator, others - under the Christmas tree. But in order for the message to reach the real Santa Claus, it must be sent by mail. To do this, purchase a beautiful New Year's envelope with stamps. Indicate the address on the letter:

  • Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus, index 162390.

An easier option is to send an email.

Letter to grandfather from adults

It's not just kids who send New Year's messages. For adults, this ritual helps them understand themselves, set goals for the year, and set themselves up for success. You can use the following letter template to Santa Claus:

  • Greetings.
  • A story about yourself. Don't forget to write what you have achieved over the past year and what you are proud of.
  • Ask Santa Claus to make your cherished dream come true. Someone orders a new apartment, repays all loans. Others ask for health, a meeting with a loved one, the opportunity to become a mother or father, or promotion at work.
  • Promise something in return: quit smoking, go to the gym, become a volunteer, spend more time with your parents. Be sure to do this.
  • End the letter with good wishes to your grandfather.

We hope that the sample letters to Santa Claus will inspire you to create your own. It doesn't matter how old you are. Faith in fairy tales and miracles should live in the soul of every person. Happy New Year to you and all your wishes come true!

November 9, 2018

New Year. For hundreds of years now, it has remained the most fabulous and long-awaited holiday on the entire planet. Children all over the world write letters to Santa Claus in the hope of receiving a cherished gift. Usually these letters are read by parents and they themselves give the gift stated in the letter because they do not believe that Santa Claus exists, but he really exists and actually answers children’s letters.

Even if you are a little late with the letter and did not write it before the New Year, you can do it after, since the post office is open all year round. And all year round Grandfather answers letters. In this article, I will talk about how to correctly write a letter to Santa Claus in order to at least receive a response letter from him, and maybe even a gift.

By the way, you can send letters not only to Veliky Ustyug, where the residence of the Russian Father Frost is located, you can also write to his other colleagues, for example: the Finnish Yollopuki, the French Pierre Noel, the American Santa Claus or the Belarusian Dzed Maroz, and maybe even the Tatar Kysh-Babay. And I have their real real addresses. You can even write to everyone to increase your chances of receiving a gift.

And so, in order to get an answer, you need to correctly format and write that very cherished letter, and in order to do this correctly, you need to adhere to the letter plan.
First of all, at the beginning of the letter you need to congratulate Grandfather on the upcoming New Year, wish him health and strength.

If you want to write a letter to all Santa Clauses, then it is better to write it in English. Ideally, of course, it is better to write in the wizard’s native language. Here are a few phrases to start your letter with. In Russian it will be like this: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

In French Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

In Finnish Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

In German Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein schönes Neues Jahr!

In English Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In Tatar Rashtua һәm Yңa ate belen.

After the greeting, you will need to write about who you are, where you live, what you love most and what gift you want to receive. And it's better to do it in a polite manner.

Before the holiday, wizards receive thousands of letters from all over the world. And you need to write such a letter that he would definitely choose it from a thousand, read it and respond. But here, of course, you need to try.

When writing a letter, you should not ask or demand a gift in a rude manner, as you may never receive an answer. You need to put a piece of your soul into this letter, write with love and respect. And then the chances of a response letter will really increase.

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with a short plan for writing a letter to Santa Claus.

  • Greetings.
  • Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden on the upcoming or New Year.
  • Briefly tell us about yourself and your family.
  • Be sure to tell us about what you have achieved this year.
  • Now you can tell and describe your desired gift.
  • Tell him how much you love and respect Santa Claus, wish him long life and politely say goodbye.
  • Include a self-addressed envelope.

The greeting should not be long and drawn out. 2-3 lines will be enough for a greeting. In it you need to say hello to the wizard himself and his assistants. And also wish everyone a Happy New Year.

In this paragraph, briefly about yourself. Tell us what your name is, where you live, what kind of family you have, what class you go to or where you work, what you like to do. If you additionally go to a music or sports school, be sure to mention this.
Tell us what goals you set for the past year and what results you got. Santa Claus loves purposeful children and adults who try to achieve their goals and results. You can also talk at this point about what you want to achieve next year. Share your dreams and secrets.

Now that you are practically familiar, you can begin describing your desired gift. Describe it in all possible colors and of course about why you need it and why exactly you need this gift.

Next, thank Grandfather for sending you gifts last year. Wish him and his huge team of assistants good health. Happy New Year and say goodbye.
You can also include a drawing in the letter or write poems about the New Year and Santa Claus or about his helpers.
In order to receive a response, be sure to include a self-addressed envelope. What exactly would he answer you?

This is, of course, an approximate plan for writing a letter and one hundred percent does not need to be followed. A plan is like a recommendation. You can write only 2-3 lines and receive a gift, or you can write 2-3 sheets and receive nothing. The most important thing is that the letter is written with love and warmth.

Samples of letters to grandfather from children 6-11 years old

Below I attach several real letters that children and adults sent and received answers to their letters.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Lena is writing to you. I am 10 years old. I live in the Krasnodar region in the village. Ilsk. We have a big family, we have an aunt and uncle and grandparents, but they are very old. I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish you more health, happiness and lots of sweets next year. Thank you for the gifts you brought me before. I love to draw, play board games and sing. I dream of getting a new microphone and synthesizer since my old synthesizer is broken. I promise to be an obedient girl for a whole year and obey my parents and adults. I look forward to meeting you Lena S.

Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Kolenka is writing to you from Krasnodar. I am 10 years old. This year I moved to fifth grade, I study well and obey my mom and dad. I like to play hockey and run. In the summer I play hockey with my dad on Sony Playstation. Please send me a new console and a brother. I hope you make my dream come true. I promise that in the coming year I will also behave diligently and study with straight A’s. Goodbye!

Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Alena is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to third grade, I try to study well and listen to my parents. I like to play volleyball. For the New Year holidays I really want to get a new volleyball and phone. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave diligently in the coming year and study excellently. I wish you good health and happy new year. Goodbye!

Santa Claus, I missed you! How are you doing? My name is Sveta. I'm already 16 years old. Recently my brother Zhenya was born. I am going to school. I have many friends there. I'm good at drawing. This year I learned to roller skate. I want Vadik Petrov to pay attention to me at school and we start dating. And I also want dad to quickly measure up with mom and they start living together again. if you are a real wizard, make sure they never fight again and always live together. I love you very much and wish you a happy new year.

Templates and forms of letters to Santa Claus

In order for your letter to stand out from the crowd of others, you need to write it so that it is noticeable from afar. You can write it in red ink or on a colorful piece of paper. Decorate it somehow unusual. Below are templates that you can download and print. Or you can leave me an email in the comments and I will send you a selection of beautiful envelopes.

Of course, ideally, it is best to draw up the letter with your own hands, since all wizards are very fond of such letters. But if you can’t do anything yourself, then you can, of course, take our secret templates and write a letter on them.

Official address of Santa Claus

Well, now you know how to correctly and beautifully format your message. Next, you need to seal it in an envelope and sign the address. Many children believe that Santa Claus lives in the north or in Moscow, but this is not so; the real wizard lives in the Volgograd region in Veliky Ustyug. There he has a real mansion and a whole kingdom where all the sent letters end up.

162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus post office. You can also send an email to Dedshka, where they will definitely read and respond to it.
Well, if you want to write a letter to other Santa Clauses, here are the addresses of several of his brothers from other countries.

USA Santa Claus Two branches: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK 99530-9998,
USA | Santa Claus House, 101 St. Nicholas Drive, North Pole, Alaska 99705, USA
Finland Joulupukki 01001, Santa Claus, Post office Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.
France Père Noël (Pierre Noel) Père Noël, Rue des nuages, Pole Nord, 33500 Libourne, France.
Belarus. Father Frost Residence of Father Frost, 225063, p. Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus.

And now a little parting word for adults. Dear adults, you and your child can also write your letter to Santa Claus. It is possible that he will read your letter and fulfill your deepest desire. Over time, many people stop believing in miracles, since work almost completely absorbs you. But everyone knows that at heart we are still the same children, only our desires and toys are completely different. Try writing a letter with your child.

No matter how old you are or what position you hold, it is important to believe in miracles. After all, anyone will be pleased to find their small gift under the tree. And it doesn’t matter who will play the role of the wizard, he or someone else. The main thing is to maintain faith in miracles for our children and for ourselves. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year and wish everyone more peace, kindness and positivity. Happy New Year to everyone and fulfillment of all your cherished wishes.

New Year is the most magical holiday, which all children and even, needless to say, adults look forward to with such impatience. We are all waiting and preparing for the arrival of a miracle, making our deepest wishes. Children's faith in fairy tales is especially strong. So let's support her and help her write a letter to Santa Claus - the main sorcerer and granter of wishes.

After all, this is such a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your child, find out what he dreams of and fulfill this childhood dream by becoming a wizard yourself. You can make it a family tradition and keep these letters. How great it will be to re-read them to your grown-up child!

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly, when to write a letter, how to format it, how and where to send it, a letter template to Santa Claus - our advice will help you answer all these questions.

New Year's letter to Santa Claus from children

You can start writing a letter to Grandfather Frost with your child from a very early age. It doesn’t matter if the child doesn’t know the letters yet - after all, you can draw it, and the mother will write down the text.

Children of primary school age already know well how to write a letter to Santa Claus. Here it is very important to tell the child that in the letter it is worth asking for a gift not only for himself, but also to mention his younger brother or sister, parents, and grandparents. This will be a wonderful lesson in kindness for your baby.

Preparing to write a letter to Santa Claus

It's time to write a letter to Santa Claus, because 2019 is just around the corner. Don’t put off such an important matter until the very end of December. After all, it’s better to find out in advance about your child’s dream and make it come true by placing it under the tree on New Year’s Eve. If the gift your child has planned is not part of your plans (unfortunately, not everything in this world is within our control) - you will have time to gently correct this and direct the child’s thoughts in a different direction.

And in order for the writing process itself to captivate the child and remember him for a long time, it is worth following some simple tips.

  • Be sure to discuss with your child in advance who you are writing the letter to and why. With very young children you can watch a cartoon about the kind Grandfather Frost; older children will probably remember many fairy tales about him.
  • We can discuss where exactly Santa Claus lives, with whom, how does he manage to visit all the children on New Year’s Eve, who are his helpers? Don’t hold back your imagination, together come up with a story about how Grandfather himself celebrates the holiday, what dishes he puts on the table, who are his guests?
  • The child will be interested to know that Santa Claus speaks different languages ​​and has many names: for French children he is Papa Noel, for English children he is Santa Claus, for Italian children he is Babbo Natale.
  • Often children want not only to receive a gift, but also to catch the very moment of the arrival of the good wizard. If inviting a costumed Santa Claus was not part of your plans, explain to your child that Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit all the children and he doesn’t have any time.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly. What to write about in a letter

What should a letter to the main children's wizard look like? A letter to Santa Claus can be written according to a sample found on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to repeat it word for word, you can simply take them as a basis to give the child an idea. Don’t limit your child’s imagination – after all, such letters will be the most touching and sincere. But it is still worth adhering to some recommendations.

  • No matter how much your child would like to immediately start talking about gifts, explain to him that it is extremely impolite to do so. First, you must say hello to the wizard and write your name so that Santa Claus does not confuse him with anyone, because he receives a huge number of letters.
  • Remember all the good deeds that the child did during the year, his achievements and successes (he studied with excellent marks, learned to skate, began to take out the trash on his own, learned his letters). But remember that this is not an educational hour: you should not focus on bad deeds, so as not to spoil the magical expectation of a miracle.
  • It would be good form to ask Grandfather about his health, congratulate him on the upcoming holiday, and thank him for the gifts he gave the child last year.
  • Remind your child that Santa Claus will be very pleased to receive a beautifully designed letter, without strikeouts, erasures or obvious errors. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering exactly how your message will look.
  • If there are younger brothers and sisters in the family, it would be good for the older child to mention their wishes and dreams in the letter. The messages in which children ask not only for material gifts for themselves, but also for health for their grandparents, for example, do not forget about mom and dad, look so touching.
  • It's time to move on to the most pleasant part - asking for a gift. Remind your child that this should be a polite request, not a demand. Don't forget about words like “please”, “I would like”.
  • At this stage, many parents are faced with the fact that a child may ask for a gift that is too expensive or something that cannot be given for some other reason (for example, the child dreams of a cat, but this is impossible for health reasons). Here you will have to use all your imagination to direct the child’s dream in a different direction.
  • A good solution would be to invite your son or daughter to write several options for the desired gift, and Santa Claus himself will choose the most suitable one, in his opinion.
  • At the end of the message, you need to say goodbye, wish the New Year's wizard happy holidays and sign the letter.

Text of a letter to Santa Claus. Sample letters

Examples of messages to Santa Claus may look like this:

Example 1

Maxim Petrov is writing to you, I am 3 years old and go to kindergarten.

Mom told me a lot about you, read winter fairy tales and showed me pictures in a book. I know that you are kind and love children. I love the New Year very much and I’m really looking forward to your visit. I'm already learning a beautiful poem for you. And for your horse, mom and I will prepare a sweet carrot as a gift. I really love playing with fire trucks and would love to get a big red fire truck as a gift.

Happy New Year!

Maxim Petrov.

Example 2

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Happy New Year! My name is Katya Vasilyeva, I am 4 years old. I go to dances and for the holiday we are learning a new dance in the group, which I will dance on the New Year tree. You will definitely like him. I really love dolls and would like to get a new princess Cinderella in a beautiful dress and glass slippers.

I don’t know all the letters yet, so my mother writes the letter for me, and I drew you a picture. I'm really looking forward to your visit.

Katya Vasilyeva.

Example 3

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

My name is Artem Malyshev, I am 6 years old. This is my first time writing a letter to you. My mother used to do this for me. But this year I learned to write and I am very glad that I can write you a letter myself. In a year I will already go to school, so I really want to receive a real school backpack and a pencil case with a racing car as a gift.

Congratulations on your holiday and wish you good health!

Artem Malyshev

Example 4

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

Timur Semenov is writing to you, I am 8 years old and I study in 2nd grade. I try to study well, with B's and A's. I really like to read, especially encyclopedias. They write so many interesting things about you too. For example, that you live in the city of Veliky Ustyug, far in the north. And I live in the city of Rostov-on-Don, which is very far from you. But I'm still waiting for you to visit. I have a younger brother Vanya, he is 3 years old, he cannot write yet, so this letter is from the two of us. We would like to receive a big track with cars as a gift so that we can play it together.

Happy New Year to you, Grandfather! Happy holidays to you!

Timur and Vanya Semenov

You can use ready-made templates for letters to Santa Claus. There are a lot of them on the Internet. You only need to print them on a color printer, fill out the template itself and send it by mail.

How to write a letter to Grandfather Frost in verse

Or maybe you and your child will like this unusual way of addressing the New Year's magician? Of course, rhyming your gift can be difficult. But it doesn’t matter - you can start in poetic form and end in prose.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I'm waiting for you very much.
And I want you to bring
New Year's Eve
Delicious holiday candies,
Sweet tangerines
And my dream is a tablet,
To watch cartoons
Good books to read,
Learn new things
And play a little
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I will try to be
Polite, obedient,
Don't be lazy, don't be naughty
And study better.
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Come soon,
So that I grow up happy,
Believing in a magical world.

Grandfather Frost, I know -
You are already preparing the sleigh,
So that all children are obedient,
The kindest, the best,
Come visit on New Year's Day,
Bring them gifts.

Grandfather Frost, I confess,
What always didn't work out
Be obedient and diligent
But I'll tell you honestly,
That I tried every moment
Be good to your family.

I sincerely apologize
For bad behavior
I promise not to be lazy
Listen to mom, study.
Just getting ready to go,
Don't forget about me.

And your big dream
I'll draw beautifully
To make you happy with me
And on New Year's Day
You came to my home
And he brought my gift.

Santa Claus has been my friend since childhood,
Since birth.
I'm in Veliky grad Ustyug
Sent congratulations.

Yes, I didn’t ask in the letter
Give me something
And I wished you health
Grandfather has three boxes!

And he only asked one thing:
“Santa Claus, dear,
I want you to live
In our refrigerator!

How to make a letter to Santa Claus with your own hands and how to decorate the letter

Of course, a good wizard will be very pleased to receive a creative message made by the hands of a child. All you need is paints, pencils, colored paper, plasticine and a creative spirit. Here are the options we can offer you:

  • write a letter on a homemade postcard. Let the child draw a picture on a New Year's theme himself.
  • create a collage from magazine pictures (for example, a photo of the desired gift, and next to Santa Claus, who is presenting it).
  • make an applique of Santa Claus himself, the Snow Maiden, a snowman from colored paper or plasticine.
  • Make a “glitter” letter by covering the paper with clear nail polish and sprinkling it with glitter cut from foil.

Where to send a letter to Santa Claus

And now the letter is ready, it’s time to send it. There are several ways to do this. Very young children can put the message in the freezer with their own hands, from where their parents will slowly take it out on behalf of Santa Claus. Older children will find it interesting to send the signed form to the address.

In Russia, this ancient Russian city is considered the birthplace of the New Year's sorcerer. There, Santa Claus lives at the address:

Santa Claus's mail address


Moscow residence of Grandfather Frost (letters from the capital will arrive here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost

Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Or you don’t have to send letters. Put them under the Christmas tree. Surely Santa Claus will hear everything and fulfill the children’s wishes.

How to receive a personalized letter from Santa Claus

Santa Claus loves not only to receive letters, but also to answer them. Just imagine how much delight there will be in the baby’s eyes when he receives an answer to his message! But it’s not at all difficult to do this.

You can write a letter from Grandfather Frost yourself, print a template from the Internet, or you can apply for this service to special organizations that can offer many options for congratulations.

Hello, Grandfather Frost! We need “magnetic resonance imaging”
Happy New Year to you, Grandfather! Happy holidays to you!

Galina Zhidkova

Santa Claus's mail address
Official postal address of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost
Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will arrive here much faster): 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, Father Frost

And may all your deepest desires come true! Let's believe in a fairy tale. After all, miracles happen only to those who believe in them.


New Year is the time of the most cherished desires. Children write various letters in the hope of receiving their dream gift. Different children have different desires and hopes. Each child has unique letters. Here are some examples of letters. Some children care not only about themselves, but also about everyone close to them. There are also those who do not ask for surprises in the hope that another baby, perhaps one who is on the other side of the Earth, will be happy.

Letter to Santa Claus - sample text

Hello Dedushka Moroz. My name is Vasya. I go to kindergarten and am already preparing for school. I've heard so much about you and read in books. My deepest desire is to see you on our Christmas tree, and I also want you to come to our home. We will decorate the most beautiful Christmas tree and celebrate the New Year. Please give me skis and a phone and candy. I want to learn to ski fast like my brother. He is the city champion in cross-country skiing.

See you soon, I wish you health and happiness.

“The best Grandfather Frost, my name is Maria. I'm 7 years old. You can bring me chess, a touchscreen phone with a case for it, and sandals. And for my mother, the most beautiful bracelet made of gold and diamonds. And dad, and dad has a mom. He is already the happiest. I also promise to continue to obey my parents and study straight A's. By giving us all this, you will make the world a little happier. I wish you all the best, especially undying love, generosity, kindness and strength. With love, Maria!

Dear Grandfather Frost, I am really looking forward to your arrival. Before the New Year, together with my parents, I will decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a surprise for you and learn a poem. Next year I promise to study well, be polite and kind. I really want you to please me with sweets and a radio-controlled car. Dima.

“Dear and kind Grandfather Frost! You are the best. My name is Katya. I dream of learning to snowboard, but my parents can’t buy me one. Frost, please give me a snowboard. I don't swear and do all the assigned homework and even more. I, like you, love snow. But this year we don't have it. And if it’s not so difficult for you, grab a little snow too, so that the best holiday can pass like the most wonderful time. I really hope that the letter has reached you and am looking forward to seeing you. I wish you lots and lots of strength. Sincerely, Ekaterina!”

Greetings, Grandfather Frost! Nastenka is writing to you from Moscow. This year I moved to the fourth grade, I study well and obey my mom and dad. I like dancing. I really want to get a kitten for the New Year, my parents don’t mind, I asked. I hope you make my dream come true. I promise that in the coming year I will behave diligently and study with straight A's. Goodbye!

“Grandfather Frost, hello. My name is Lenya. I love collecting different parts. Please give me a big construction set for the holiday. Otherwise, I don’t have one, only in kindergarten and at a friend’s. And I want mine. I also have a sister, she is 3 years old. Her name is Masha. Bring a gift for her too, a handbag. Otherwise, mom has a bag, but Masha doesn’t. Maybe I can come and visit you in the north sometime. Ride reindeer together. I also love to sing, come quickly, I will tell you a poem and sing a song. Dear Grandfather Frost, we are waiting for you very much. With love and respect, Leonid!”

“Beloved and beautiful Grandfather Frost! My name is Seryozha. I've been waiting for the holiday for a very long time. I spent a whole year preparing. I'm really looking forward to you. You are the kindest in the world and can fulfill your deepest desire. I won't keep you long. I’ll just tell you a poem, you’ll give me a gift and that’s it. You will have time to visit other children and give them happiness. I want us to have a sister. Can you please make my mother pregnant? And I will have a sister. I will love her very much, just like my parents. I will protect her from all bullies and make sure that she is always happy. I don't ask for anything more. I will share all my toys, even my favorite ones. Just give it to us. We will write letters to you together and tell you how we live. Sincerely, your Sergey. We are waiting for you!"

Hello, Grandfather Frost! Hello, Snow Maiden, snowmen and bunnies!

Happy holiday to you. May your year be successful and happy.

This year I behaved well, didn't fight with the boys, didn't offend my parents, and helped wash the dishes. I also cleaned up my toys and clothes on my own. Grandpa, please give me a dog. I will love her very much. I promise to feed her and walk her. Thank you in advance. I believe that you will help me fulfill my cherished desire.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Nastenka, I am 7 years old. My parents and I live in St. Petersburg.

I really like this city because it is beautiful and interesting. This year I moved to second grade, I study well, and my parents often praise me.

I really like dancing and playing the piano. I also weave beaded baubles. This New Year, I would really like to receive a small fluffy kitten as a gift from you, I will take care of it and love it! Mom and Dad don’t mind, so I want to ask you to make my dream come true! I’m really looking forward to your answer, with respect Nastya.”

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost! Sasha is writing to you from Moscow. I'm 9 years old, I'm in third grade, I get good grades and always obey my mom and dad. I love mathematics, drawing and study at a music school. This year I helped my mother take care of her little sister. I dream that you will give me a teddy bear and a beautiful doll. I am very grateful to you for the gift you brought me last year. I'm really looking forward to meeting you! Best regards, Alexandra.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz. My name is Kirill. I am 8 years old. I love my parents, as well as football and walking. I know that you have a lot to do on New Year’s Eve, so if you can’t come to me with a gift and bring what I want, then it’s okay. Just know that this is who I am and I wish you a lot of strength to deliver gifts to the whole world in 6 hours. I hope that you will have time to please all the children. If you happen to come to me in time, I’ll be glad, and if not, I won’t be offended. I will know that the other baby got what he wanted. Merry Christmas! P.s., Kirill.”

“Good Grandfather Frost! My name is Vasya. I'm approaching my 5th year. We don't have a dad yet. I don’t ask you for a dad, because my mom is wonderful and will find us the best dad in the world later. And now I want a typewriter. I don’t ask my mother, because I’m a man and I shouldn’t ask my mother for such things. When I grow up, I’ll buy us cars – real ones. And now I find out the device of the machine. Therefore, please give me a machine that is controlled by remote control. P.s., Vasily.”

"Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Tolya. I'm 6 years old. This year I went to first grade. I really hope it's not too cold in your north. My dad and mom and I will soon rush to you, we will live next door. My parents are the coolest, so I don’t need gifts. I want to ask you just one thing. Can you give me a warm fur coat? I love snow and skating rinks, but I get cold very quickly. And my mother rarely lets me go outside. And all the guys are hanging out there. And I want to join them too. Please help me. I promise to study well and obey my parents, just to go out with friends. I wish you a lot of strength to distribute gifts to everyone. With respect, Tolik!”

Letters can be written on different papers, different colors of markers, pens and pencils. The letters are also decorated with homemade drawings and appliqués.

112 144 1 Hello, dear readers of our site. On the eve of the New Year, I would like to talk about miracles. Surely something happened in your life as if by magic. Of course, negative memories always linger longer in the memory and it is so difficult to immediately remember something truly good and wonderful. But try!

You tell me “Here, I won’t engage in foolishness and write any letters. I'm 30 years old in some century. I’ve known for a long time that there are no miracles in life, and everything comes only through hard work.”. But if you don’t want to believe in miracles, then at least prolong these wonderful moments with your child. After all, he will have to be upset more than once in his life, so let his childhood last longer. Sit with him near the decorated Christmas tree and write a letter to Santa Claus together. You can write yours, and your child can write theirs, and then read them to each other. By doing this interesting and creative activity, you will feel better for a moment and perhaps believe in a fairy tale. But to do this, you need to know some rules on how to write letters to Santa Claus.

Why write a letter to Santa Claus

On New Year's Day, we are used to making wishes and believing that next year will be better than last year. By putting your thoughts in writing, you will take a different look at the year you have lived and the events that have happened. This will help you more accurately formulate what you want from the new year.

You can tell your child a story about Grandfather Frost, where he lives and what he does.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus correctly - 5 important rules!

  1. Say hello. It would be rude and rude not to greet the old man. After all, he is clearly older than you. Don't forget to tell your baby about this.
  • “Hello, dear Grandfather Frost.” or
  • “Hello, Santa Claus, Katya Smirnova writes to you from the northern capital of our country, St. Petersburg.”
  1. It would be impolite to ask for a gift right away. First, thank Frost for all the gifts that he has already given you (for all the good things that happened to you this year).
  • “Thank you grandfather for last year’s bicycle and Bethman”
  • “Thank you grandpa for helping me with a new job and a good boss.”
  1. Then ask about his well-being and show respect for his work and his busy schedule ahead of the New Year.
  • “I know you are very busy on New Year's Eve. Surely a lot of people from all over the country are writing to you.”
  1. Politeness is good, but don't get carried away with a big introduction and gradually get to the point.

Ask Santa Claus for the most valuable thing you would like to receive. But don't get carried away by the 50-item list. 1-3 positions are enough. “3” is a magic number; in fairy tales it is endowed with magical properties. Depending on how old you are and your desires, you can write:

  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like a new two-wheeled bicycle” or
  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like to pass all exams with flying colors next year” or
  • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I would like/would like to meet my love in the New Year and receive a decent job offer”
  1. It is important to end the letter correctly.

Thank Moroz for taking the time to read your letter. Promise something in return for what you asked Grandfather. For example:

  • I promise to listen to mom and dad;
  • I promise to wash the dishes and help my parents;
  • I promise never to tease my younger sister/brother;
  • I promise to help my younger sister/brother with homework;
  • I promise to call my parents more often;
  • I promise to sign up for yoga;
  • I promise not to gossip behind others’ backs;
  • I promise to quit smoking;
  • I promise to go on a diet;

The main thing is that your promise is commensurate with what you ask! It would be ridiculous to ask for an expensive bicycle or snowboard and promise in return only to wash the dishes or not tease your younger brother.

Or ask to meet true love, while promising only to sign up for a fitness club, but not “promise to go there regularly.” Do you feel the difference? :)

Don't forget to say goodbye to Frost.

If you have a creative urge, draw a picture of a gift (draw up your wish in the form of a picture, give it a shape) or simply make a collage.

Remember! The more soul you put into the letter, the more likely it is that everything will come true! So don't skimp on creativity.

Sample text of letters to Santa Claus.

How to send a letter to Santa Claus - 3 ways!

  1. Place the letter under the tree or in the mailbox. After all, Santa Claus is a magical character, he will certainly find your letter, no matter where it is.
  2. Send the letter by mail. Here is his address in Veliky Ustyug:

If you or your child believes in Santa Claus more, then you can send a letter to him at this address:

  1. Santa Claus is modern and also has an email, so you can write him a letter on the Internet: [email protected]

To make your letter colorful, you can save and print the following letterheads and mailing envelopes.

Remember, you can believe in miracles at any age. By writing down your thoughts and dreams, you give them form, thereby taking the first steps towards their materialization.

Everything will come true, the main thing is to believe!

The main Father Frost of Russia told how to write letters to him correctly.

Psychologist, 16 years of practical experience. Olga works in the following areas: Gestalt therapy, Psychodrama, Systemic family therapy, Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.