Should I send my child to a nursery or kindergarten, and if so, when? How to choose the right kindergarten. How to enroll a child in kindergarten: step-by-step instructions and life hacks from an experienced mother Positive and negative aspects of kindergarten

You are busy preparing your child for kindergarten, where he will go in a few weeks: you have synchronized the routine, thought about adaptation to kindergarten. But in your heart you still doubt: should you send your child to kindergarten? What if he refuses to go there? Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is a categorical opponent of nurseries, but is more loyal to kindergartens. If you need “one more opinion” about the need for kindergarten, here it is.

At the age of 18, I waved a broom in a kindergarten under the KGB of the USSR. There was also a five-day nursery here. Now, probably, not everyone knows what it is. This is when a one-and-a-half-year-old child is taken to the nursery on Monday morning and picked up on Friday evening. It is not surprising that children's crying was constantly heard from this department.

An additional nightmare of the situation was that the parents of the crying children lived right in the next entrance. 30 years have passed, and I still hear these terrible children’s screams, and the following scene pops up before my eyes: organ workers in long leather coats are walking to their home; Seeing one of the parents in the yard, the nanny runs out of the nursery and shouts: “Well, at least take a bath!” And people in leather coats turn and answer: “We’ll pick it up on Saturday, there’s a lot of work.”

Another story. In the United States, Congress has been receiving requests for funds for the creation of government agencies for many years. And for many years, congressmen have rejected this request. They believe that once you have given birth to a child, all responsibility for it should lie with you, and not with the state. And that raising children in official conditions means harming them. And in some ways they are certainly right.

In our country, kindergartens appeared as a “means of emancipation for working women and mothers” and have always been considered a blessing. Although there are many disadvantages to staying in these institutions, the advantage is the same: they allow a woman (who does not have money for a nanny) to go to work.

And when a mother drags her child to the kindergarten and hands her over to the teacher, she sometimes feels like an evil stepmother who throws her stepdaughter into the forest to be devoured by the wolves. And for good reason. Kindergarten is not the best place for a child, especially if he doesn’t want to go there.

So what to do, if the child does not want to go to kindergarten? And no “at least for an hour” or “mom will pick you up soon” doesn’t work. There is only one correct answer - do not take him to kindergarten.

And this could be the end of the story.

If not for the question: why doesn't he want to go to kindergarten?? Millions of children run there, skipping, and when their mother comes for them at the end of the day, they chase her away with the words “I’ll still run.” And it was your child who disliked the kindergarten. There is reason to think and find out the reason.

Why does a child not want to go to kindergarten?

There are several options.

  1. The child has something like social phobia. He avoids new places, new people, does not make contact with children, and is afraid of new territories.
  2. Perhaps the problem is more serious: the child has autistic problems. The child is self-absorbed and, in principle, afraid of any change.
  3. There is an unhealthy, even pathological attachment to the mother. To the point that when parents go far away, the child’s temperature rises. Such children, as they say, sleep with their mother in the same bed before school and hold her hand.
  4. The child has a developmental delay. It is believed that it is better to send children to kindergarten no earlier than three years old. And at the age of five, in many countries this is considered mandatory. We can say that parents are persistently, to the point of coercion, recommended to send their child to kindergarten, and then they are not even allowed to go to school without this. So, a 4-5 year old (“according to the passport”) child may well have the psyche of a three year old. Hence the problems with socialization. After all, very young children, for example, may easily not have friends - in order to make friends, start relationships, or communicate at least somehow, you need to be psychologically mature for this.
  5. The child is very anxious, dependent, and prone to fears. He is not only afraid, but also does not know how to behave in an unfamiliar environment. The reason for this may be the hyperprotection with which he was surrounded in the family, where everything is done for him, and he himself cannot even tie his own shoelaces.
  6. Some children, due to anxiety, have such a weak immune system that they may not even cry when they are woken up for kindergarten - they immediately get sick.

What to do about it?

Firstly, don’t assume that today the child is crying and doesn’t want to go to the garden, but tomorrow he will “bear it, fall in love” and “everything will work out.” I don't like these expressions. Since a child has a problem, since his psyche resists, it means that this problem can be solved either by turning to a specialist (a child neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapist), or by breaking his psyche.

And if he no longer cries, but obediently gets dressed and trudges to the kindergarten, this does not mean that he is used to it. This means that he does not have the strength to fight circumstances. He is practically hostage to his parents and has simply lost the ability to resist them.

So I strongly advise: if you notice one of the alarming symptoms, contact a professional psychologist. Some cases require attention, study and treatment. And it is likely that after the intervention of a specialist, having sorted out his problems, the child will be happy to go to kindergarten. But in any case, you need to help him.

How to send your child to kindergarten: instructions for parents

What you need to do if before your first trip to kindergarten everything is more or less normal, but there is slight anxiety:

  • take a vacation for two weeks (as a last resort, hire a nanny or involve a grandmother);
  • arrange in the kindergarten so that for the first time (let’s say, the first week) you have the opportunity to stay on the territory of the kindergarten, and as soon as your child begins to look around forlornly, the mother immediately comes around the corner;
  • During the second week of the child’s stay in kindergarten, it is also better not to go far from him - not to sit in the kindergarten, but to be somewhere very close;
  • At first (from a week to two), leave the child in the garden only until lunch, during this period he will fully adapt.

And always, and not just the first two weeks, please remember that children perceive the world through adults and their assessment. And kindergarten is no exception. As soon as you start to twitch, the kindergarten begins to be associated with your tension and “nerves”.

And if in the morning the house is a living hell, if every time you yell something like: “You overslept again! Get up quickly! We’re late! Get dressed! Where are the tights? Can you hurry up or do you want me to be kicked out of work for being late?” In this case, the child, of course, will perceive the kindergarten as something problematic and terrible.

I don’t think it’s worth reminding about how important it is to prepare clothes in advance and get up on time.

But also try to have a positive attitude and, when getting ready for kindergarten and on the way there, radiate calm and love. Tell us how you envy him that he goes to the garden, but you, like a sucker, cannot go there, because you have already grown up and therefore have to go to work. (And under no circumstances should we say that going to kindergarten is his job. It’s not work at all! It’s playing, walking, singing, dancing, etc.)

Yes, and don’t forget to pick up your child from kindergarten on time. Because, even if he spent the day there safely, if everyone has already been taken away and no one comes for him, he will still think about whether to go there tomorrow.

Well, the last thing is about the reasons why children don’t want to go to kindergarten, and ways to deal with it. If your child is healthy, cheerful, curious, cheerful, but does not want to go to kindergarten, leave him alone: ​​he simply does not want to go there.

Come up with something. Find a way to avoid making your child's childhood a stressful time. After all, if he resists so much, and you, taking advantage of his dependence on you, break his will and spit on his desires, you are already forming an inferior psyche in him at an early age.

And what’s more: you lay down the likelihood of developing neuroses and psychoses, fears and anxiety, enuresis and asthma, tics and diathesis.

Although, of course, it may work out. Do you want to check?

Comment on the article "Should I send my child to kindergarten"

More on the topic “Child Adaptation to Kindergarten”:

Please tell us, how is/was your adaptation to kindergarten going? push them into a group and let them yell? or sit with your child in the locker room, waiting for him to get used to it and come in? Mine doesn’t join the group, but she enjoys walking with the children on the playground. We tried to push him into a group, but it only turned out worse.

I wrote here some time ago about my daughter’s difficult adaptation to kindergarten; the process is underway, now a new question - for those whose children first went to kindergarten until bedtime, and then for the full day. How did you manage to persuade your child to stay in the garden for a quiet hour?

My 3-year-old son doesn’t want to go to kindergarten; he starts crying at home when we get together. We tried walking together and sitting in a group, they left him alone for 1-1.5 hours. We’ve been going this way since July 20 and there’s no improvement yet. What's wrong or not a kindergarten child?

Kindergartens and preschool education: speech development, speech therapist, teacher, preparation for school. My grandson is growing up and I don’t know whether to send him to kindergarten or is it better to leave work and sit with him?

According to parents, it is impossible to send their child to preparatory courses now. The matter is nearing its end. Write an official request to your education department - did you understand correctly that in March next year your child will be expelled from kindergarten.

Please tell me who has gone through or is going through the period of adaptation to kindergarten. Someone has a similar reaction to kindergarten: we go for a week, the child is 2.5 years old. He began to cry in his sleep, and often after waking up for about 30 minutes it was impossible to calm him down, sobbing. doesn’t let you in, doesn’t let you wipe away tears/snot, makes you even more wound up.

Should I go to kindergarten at 2.6? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Kindergartens and preschool education. Question: should I give it away at 2 and 6 or wait a year? but then there is no guarantee that we will even get into kindergarten... I’m not going to go to work, in the winter...

Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses and Girls, I’m completely confused with this registration for kindergartens - tell me, save me :) December children, I enrolled them in kindergarten for 2013 year.

My daughter (3.5) enjoys going to kindergarten. Always singing and skipping. She herself says that she likes me very much, she never cried when parting with me, although she is a very domestic child. I pick it up after afternoon tea at 4 p.m. Naturally, we didn’t come to this right away, but gradually. So in the garden she gets overexcited, and the last 3 nights have been generally unbearable: in the middle of the night she screams wildly AAAAAAAAAAAAA. And in a dream, it seems, because... doesn't cry afterwards and doesn't say anything.

To give or not? Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Is it necessary to send your child to kindergarten at all? Of course, we are not talking about those who have nowhere to go. But if the mother does not work (and does not intend to), the child is not burdened by upbringing anyway...

By sending a child to kindergarten, we speed up this process, so it would be wrong. Therefore, sometimes it is especially difficult for parents to choose at what age to send their child to kindergarten. They have not been given a ticket to kindergarten. Unexpectedly. We planned to give the child away at 3 years old, but...

We went to the garden for the 3rd time on September 1st. Today we have been in kindergarten for 2 weeks. The scheme is still the same: 5 (no longer 4!) days in the garden -... Snot - laryngitis/tracheitis/otitis media. Croup almost happened, but I’m already an experienced mother, I prevent it. She used to go to kindergarten in tears, but now she likes it. I will decide to leave the garden only for very serious reasons, because... I think kindergarten is necessary for my daughter’s development.

My daughter is 2 years and 4 months old. My daughter has been going to nursery for a month now. However, every morning when we arrive at the kindergarten, she begins to vomit while undressing!!! According to the teachers, then my daughter quickly calms down, eats, plays... When I ask her, she tells me that kindergarten is fun, that she will go there again. Tell me how we can cope with this vomiting, will such a reaction harm our mental and physical health???

Foster children - kindergarten. Psychological and pedagogical aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in Dear Mommies, present and future! Share your thoughts on the topic - whether or not to send an adopted child to kindergarten...

Before kindergarten, my son suffered from acute respiratory infections once. He is now 2 years and 3 months old. The first week in the garden ended with green snot and cough. Advise your methods of preventing colds. Thank you.

Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers Everyone argues that a child should not be sent to kindergarten, but for a number of reasons - due to moving, we are already in the third kindergarten, the child is 4 ,4 g...

Adaptation to kindergarten. Kindergarten. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. How long did it take for your children to get used to being without their mother/nanny all day?) Adaptation to kindergarten.

Section: (is it worth sending a one-year-old child to a private kindergarten). If you have no other choice, then it’s better to go to kindergarten, where there are groups of five people, I don’t know if you have such. Usually sick children are not taken to kindergarten, you should talk about this too!

Is it possible to send a child who stutters to kindergarten? We wanted to go to kindergarten in September, but our daughter suddenly began to stutter (I already wrote a little earlier). Stuttering. Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. my child stuttered at the age of 5, we are in...

I ask parents, teachers, child psychology specialists, preschool pediatricians to respond with advice on how best to adapt a child to kindergarten, and tell us about your experience. The child is 3 years old, a girl, started going to kindergarten for the first time, went for three weeks and completely refuses to attend.

First, let's think together about the question: what do we ourselves expect from kindergarten? Every caring parent understands that a successful visit to a preschool institution consists not only in the fact that the child goes there without tears and does not get sick, but also in the fact that this institution has created favorable conditions for the development of children that are suitable for your child and consistent with your parents opportunities. And of course, the baby in the garden should be comfortable, fun and interesting.

Advantages of kindergarten

What's good about visiting kindergarten?

1. The baby has the opportunity to communicate regularly and for a long time with peers. The fact is that starting from the age of 3 (and absolutely from the age of 4!) a child needs to communicate with other children. Peers become necessary at least in order to organize joint role-playing games with them.

2. In the kindergarten, the baby gains experience communicating with teachers, which will later help him avoid problems with teachers at school. The baby learns that in addition to his mother, there are other adults with different characters and requirements.

3. Adults in kindergarten indulge the child less, and he quickly becomes familiar with the rules of behavior and discipline. The behavior of other children is also educational for the child.

Children happily respond to the kindness of classmates

Such experience forms such an important quality for life as decentration - the ability to look at oneself from the outside, and later to look at the world through the eyes of another person. In other words, the baby understands that he is not the center of the earth at all.

Many parents may object to this that children also bring rude words and stupid games from kindergarten. But here your help is needed: a child cannot figure out what is good and what is bad without an adult. The benefits of being in kindergarten depend on the composition of the group, on the personal qualities of the teachers, and on the participation of the child’s parents in the kindergarten life.

A relative advantage of the kindergarten is the opportunity for the intellectual development of children. Why relative? Because kindergarten education alone is not enough for a child to fully develop his abilities. In kindergarten, the baby has the opportunity to participate in drawing, modeling, music, and physical education classes several times a week. There might even be a theater there. The rest of the time, children are given the opportunity to play spontaneously, in which teachers do not participate in any way. But in no other activity does a child learn as quickly as in play.

Music, drawing, modeling will be more beneficial if the little ones get to know them in the game. It’s one thing to simply mold a house out of plasticine, and quite another to build a house in which fairy-tale characters live and act.

When to send your child to kindergarten

Ideal age

Most preschool institutions are ready to accept children starting from 1.5 years old. This is the age when many mothers get tired of breastfeeding, the baby’s disorganized activity, his inability to follow the rules and the eternal desire to play. Often parents are at a loss when faced with new tasks - potty training, falling asleep on their own, cleaning up toys. If problems of this kind exist, then sending the child to a nursery seems like just a magical solution: “They will quickly teach him what he needs to do.”

The one and a half year old baby is still too dependent on his mother, and it is difficult for him to part with her for a long time

If the baby does not have the opportunity to have daily interesting communication with other close people (father, grandparents, older brothers and sisters), then overcoming dependence on mother takes longer and is more difficult. Any breakup can be very painful.

Yes, a child in a nursery really learns self-service skills and discipline more easily. But at what price does this ease come, it’s worth thinking about.

Most children become psychologically ready for kindergarten at 3-4 years of age. By this age, the child already has self-care skills, can explain himself in a way that others can understand, is not afraid to be left without his mother for a while, shows interest in peers, has a stable and trained immune system and therefore gets sick less often.

The period of adaptation to kindergarten passes quickly and easily for some children, while for others it drags on and even causes long-term stress. What should I do?

To help the child smooth out this difficult period, let's figure out what the reasons for the complicated adaptation are. They can be internal (depending on the child and his family situation) and external (depending on the conditions in which the baby finds himself).

What does “I don’t want” mean?

If the following symptoms appear and do not go away for more than 2-3 weeks, then we can say that addiction stress takes a pathological form and becomes harmful to the child:

frequent colds;

unstable body temperature in the absence of diseases;

decreased appetite;

restless sleep and crying at night;

irritable mood, hysterics;

increase or occurrence of enuresis, stuttering, tics;

“sticking” or, conversely, distrust of parents;

regressive behavior (acting small);

shyness and fears;

neurotic movements (swinging, finger sucking, auto-aggression, etc.);

motor storm (the child runs around after kindergarten, screams, brawls);

lack of contacts in the group.

Why is prolonged adaptation to new conditions dangerous for a child? The consequences depend on the causes, as well as on how the parents feel about the situation. For example, a frequently ill child’s immunity decreases, an image of a “weak” appears, and psychosomatic prerequisites arise to run away from life’s difficulties into illness. The “pushing” tactics of parents (“It’s okay, he’ll get hurt and he’ll stop,” “Everyone gets used to it, and he’ll get used to it”) can lead to a loss of trust between parents and the baby.

An unsuccessful first experience of socialization can subsequently spread to other areas: school, clubs and sections, camps.

Readiness number one

First, it’s worth analyzing the situation.

Find out the opinion of parents whose children attend the kindergarten you have chosen (this information can be obtained on forums or during personal meetings at the end of the day at the kindergarten).

Talk to the director about methods and programs for child development, about illnesses in the kindergarten, tell us about your child’s character and ask for recommendations on choosing a group.

Ask a psychologist about the characteristics of the group.

♦ Ask the teachers about the children in the group, ask them how best to prepare the child for kindergarten.

Preparing a child should begin no later than a month before entering kindergarten (nursery).

In order to orient the baby on what and how will happen in the new team, nothing better has yet been invented than playing kindergarten at home.

Play out both positive (holiday, walk) and problematic situations

To relieve unnecessary reasons for stress, it is useful to teach your child self-care skills and to follow the simple rules of the institution he goes to: wash your hands before eating, hang clothes on a high chair, speak polite words to teachers, and clean up toys after yourself.

If parents, before entering kindergarten, can create conditions for the child to communicate with peers, it will be easier for him to establish relationships with children, which means that adaptation will be more successful. To do this, you can take your little fidget to early development groups, sports clubs, and visit relatives and friends who have children.

It is important for a child of any age that his parents explain to him the reasons for their actions. The baby doesn’t understand what “mom went to work” means, so it’s important to tell him about your work and that people need you. A story about how you will spend your evenings and weekends together can comfort your baby on the way to kindergarten more than instilling in him attitudes like “Everyone goes there and no one cries.”

It is useful to introduce your child to the kindergarten in advance: with the consent of the teacher, you can walk with the group for several days, or attend a kindergarten party.

A good start

During the first few weeks of your baby’s stay in kindergarten, be more attentive to his well-being and mood. Some children do not need special conditions for relaxation after kindergarten, while others simply need to be provided with this opportunity. For such babies, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the load on the nervous system. Don’t play loud music in front of your child, don’t read scary fairy tales, and don’t take them to noisy events. It’s even better not to leave him alone with his relatives, because in kindergarten he misses his mom and dad, and not his grandparents.

To smooth out this melancholy, full evening communication with parents is very important. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your baby, play, walk together, read a book, lie next to him.

If in the evening the baby does not show signs of resentment towards his mother, then this option may be a good solution for many families.

Protests against kindergarten may appear as early as the second or third day, so it’s good when the child has the opportunity to have a flexible schedule for visiting kindergarten: “Let’s go to kindergarten today, and tomorrow you will definitely have a day off.” The mother manages to gently help the child adapt, without suppressing his will and taking into account his desires. Screams, tears, isolation or fear of teachers and classmates should not become a reason for ridicule and lectures for parents: this is not the child’s fault - this is his misfortune.

The baby cries when he is brought into the garden. and doesn't want to let you go? You shouldn’t go to extremes: cry with your baby or strictly send him to a group. It’s better to talk to him about the events that will happen during the day, about the upcoming meeting and plans for the evening.

The condition of the parents and their attitude greatly influence the baby, so it is important not to be afraid, not to feel guilty, and not to consider the child weak and helpless. When parting, it is important for the baby to know where the mother is going, when she comes, to be sure that nothing will happen to the mother.

And further. Not all conditions are worth getting used to (for example, rude teachers, problem children in a group). Sometimes it's better to just change them. And your baby will cope with the rest of the difficulties! Overcoming crises, the baby grows up, becomes stronger, more stable, independent and self-reliant.

Internal and external reasons for difficult adaptation to the garden


Frequent and long separations from mother, difficult experience of hospitalization.

Individual health characteristics (complicated anamnesis): increased nervous excitability, hyperactivity, retardation

in development, weak immunity.

Unpreparedness for separation from mother (symbiotic dependence).

Unconstructive features of the style of mother-child relationships: overprotection, hypoprotection, hypercontrol.

Intrafamily conflicts.

Inability to adapt to other people, excessive greed, touchiness.

Unprepared for a new way of life. For example, the discrepancy between the family regime and the kindergarten regime, the child’s inability to use self-care skills, the lack of the habit of fulfilling the requests of adults, enuresis and other individual problems.

Objective, external

Incorrect behavior of teachers (shouts, punishments).

Difficult children in the group. Sometimes all it takes is a couple of aggressive rude people to put the whole group under stress.

Discrepancy between the level of development of the child and the average level of children in the group. Both being behind (no one wants to play with the baby) and being ahead (the “smart guy” is bored) can have a bad effect.

Pedagogical methods that do not meet the standards and development needs. For example, teachers' enthusiasm for the lesson form of classes can cause boredom or even active protest of some children.

Poverty of play material, lack of exciting activities, opportunities to run, play active, outdoor games in a group or on the playground during a walk

23.04.19 37 064 44

The adventures of one child, two officials and the Constitution of the Russian Federation

In September 2017, my sister moved to another city and wanted to send her child to kindergarten.

Vladislav Kultaev

lawyer and uncle

The owner of the rented apartment refused to provide temporary registration to the sister, husband and daughter, and they did not want to admit the child to kindergarten without it. But we managed to insist on our own.

How to register your child for kindergarten

First, I’ll tell you how everything works in theory. In order for a child to be added to the queue, a corresponding application must be submitted. This can be done in person or online.

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. A copy of your passport.
  2. A copy of the child's birth certificate or other document confirming the relationship.
  3. A copy of the certificate of registration at the place of residence, if available.

This is a closed list of documents - they cannot demand any more.

In the application, you can indicate the numbers of kindergartens where it is more convenient for the child to go, and officials will try to ensure that he is enrolled in one of them. But if there are no places there, they will sign him up wherever they can.

If you want your child to go to a certain kindergarten, you can try to apply directly there. But in order for the application to be accepted, there must be free places in this garden at the time of submitting the application, and this rarely happens. An ordinary person will not be able to check the occupancy of the groups - they can only see their place in the general queue if the child is enrolled in it. Therefore, if the kindergarten is refused, you will have to submit an application to the MFC or the education department.

An application template is provided on the spot, and sometimes they even help you fill it out. You can also download it from the Internet in advance and fill it out. There is no strict form for the template in the law, so they may vary slightly locally.

In response to the application, a receipt of its receipt is issued. Then you need to get a document about placing your child on a waiting list for kindergarten. If you submit an application through the MFC, you can usually receive notification of being placed in a queue within three days, in some MFCs it is longer. The main thing in this document is the application registration number. Using it, you can find out the child’s place in the queue on the website of government services or municipal educational services.

A typical application template for adding a child to the kindergarten queue. Make a copy of the document, fill it out and print

Apply online You can visit the website of government services or municipal educational services. It’s easier because you don’t have to fill out an application and argue with government officials if they don’t like something. All you have to do is go through the steps and attach scans of documents. After submitting an application, your registration number will appear on the website, by which you can track your child’s place in the queue.

To submit an application through the government services website, you will first have to confirm your account. This can be done at service centers - the nearest ones are shown on the website. Clients of Tinkoff Bank, Sberbank and Pochta Bank can also confirm their identity through their personal account on the bank’s website or mobile application.

Municipal websites operate differently. In some cities, applications are accepted through the electronic reception of the mayor's website, in others - on a single regional website, in others - on the websites of the local education department. In my opinion, government services are more convenient. It only makes sense to bother with other sites if your region does not yet accept electronic applications through government services. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer such regions.

The processing time for an electronic application through government services depends on the region. For example, in Moscow they promise to do this in one day, and in Krasnodar - in 45. The answer appears in your personal account, and a notification letter is sent to your email.

If a refusal comes, it must indicate the reason. If there are errors in the documents or something is missing, the easiest way is to correct everything and resubmit the application. But if you disagree with the reason for the refusal, you can appeal it. The complaint must be written in free form addressed to the head of the government agency that processed the application: usually this is the local education department. You can file a complaint in person, directly at the department, or through the MFC, or by email or through the government services website. Available options also vary by region.

How we enrolled a child in kindergarten through the MFC

When my sister registered her child on the waiting list, she did not yet know that this could be done via the Internet. Therefore, she first tried to do this at the local MFC. The employee looked at the documents and refused to accept the application due to lack of registration. This was strange in itself: MFC employees do not evaluate the situation from a legal point of view, they should simply accept the application - or not accept it if something is formatted incorrectly or there are not enough documents. But a registration certificate is not included in the list of required documents for adding a child to the kindergarten queue. Therefore, they had no right to refuse their sister.

When the sister pointed out this fact, her application was nevertheless accepted. But they added that they would still be refused, because local kindergartens only accept children of local residents.

The arguments of the MFC employees seemed logical. It became scary: the child would have to be sent to a private kindergarten or hired a nanny, and in Anapa, where my sister moved, they ask for at least 10-20 thousand a month.

Therefore, we set out to study what the law says about registration.

When they may not be accepted into kindergarten

Education in kindergarten - preschool level of education. And according to the Constitution in Russia, everyone has the right to free preschool education. The law also gives the right to freedom of movement and prohibits restrictions on the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution due to lack of registration.

The admission of children to state or municipal educational organizations is regulated by the Law “On Education”. The list of reasons why a child may not be accepted into kindergarten is listed in paragraph 4 of Article 67:

  1. There are no places in kindergarten.
  2. In kindergarten, certain subjects are studied in depth, so children are accepted through a competition.
  3. Kindergarten is a special educational institution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The list is closed - you cannot add other reasons to it. It turns out that the MFC employee was wrong: according to the law, due to lack of registration, they have no right to refuse a person in line for a kindergarten. And for illegal refusal, the responsible persons are punished with fines from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

As for the lack of places in kindergartens, an application is submitted to be placed on a waiting list. There are no places now - okay, let me know when they become available.

Recently, the lack of places in kindergarten is the problem of local authorities, not parents. The administration must make sure that all children of appropriate age have enough places in the kindergarten. Moreover, within reach of the family’s place of residence, and not at the other end of the city. Maybe there are no places in a particular kindergarten - okay, then offer it in another, but somewhere nearby. Then refusal to enroll in this particular kindergarten will be legal, but the child’s rights will not be violated.

It’s clear that most often there are not enough places for everyone. It happens that local courts say that this does not violate anyone’s rights. But the latest findings of the Supreme Court will help those families who really need to get into kindergarten get justice. You may have to go to court. Or maybe the confident mention of arguments will solve everything.

To speak correctly with officials and know how to insist on your own, you can also watch the video. Lawyer Dmitry Grits explains what rights parents have and how to achieve results without conflict.

How we submitted documents to the education department

Since the MFC still accepted our application to add a child to the queue, we could calmly wait for the result. But we decided to play it safe and submit the same application to the municipal department: the law does not prohibit submitting it to two authorities. We armed ourselves with our newfound knowledge of preschool education laws and went to meet with officials.

But the deputy head of the department still refused to help us. She stated that it is impossible to admit a child to kindergarten without registration at the place of residence: they say, the law binds children and their parents to the place of registration. And the administrative regulations for placing a child on a waiting list for kindergarten do not, in any way, allow you to bypass this restriction.

This seemed strange to me. An administrative regulation is a normative legal act that describes the procedure and standards for the provision of state or municipal services. But this is a by-law - it cannot contradict the law, and if there is a contradiction, then the law is more important. But the law is on our side - the deputy chief is wrong.

Regarding kindergartens and registration, there is even a ready-made decision of the Supreme Court. In 2016, a resident of Rostov-on-Don appealed in court the provision of local regulations, which tied the queue for kindergarten to registration. The court sided with her and declared that this provision of the regulations was discriminatory.

I asked to show us the regulations. They are published on the websites of the relevant government agencies, but according to the rules, officials are also required to show them upon request. Nothing similar to linking the kindergarten to the parents’ place of registration was found there.

After these disputes, our application was finally accepted - but, as in the MFC, they warned that it would not be approved without registration.

How it all ended

Five days after the visit to the education department, the sister went to the municipal website of the Krasnodar Territory and logged in using the number issued by the MFC. There she found a child - in the 99th position in the queue for a place in kindergarten.

Eight months later, the turn came, and the education department gave the child a ticket to a specific kindergarten - in the area where the sister lives. The responsible people there also tried to refer to the fact that we did not have registration. We had to organize a legal education again: we talked about our rights and showed them directions to kindergarten. This turned out to be enough. I am writing an article, and the child is studying in his kindergarten group.


  1. Lack of registration at the place of residence does not prevent a child from receiving free preschool education - and this is just about kindergarten.

It's time to enroll your child in a preschool educational institution, but you don't know where to start? Do not panic. Prepare yourself a cup of aromatic tea, take a sip, exhale and read the detailed instructions from the website.

Step 1. Prepare documents.

Explanation for young parents: as soon as you are discharged from the maternity hospital, immediately go to your local Multifunctional center (MFC) at your place of stay. There you will receive all the necessary documents: birth certificate, registration certificate (form No. 8) and SNILS.

If your city or region does not yet have such an institution, then you will have to run around a little: at the registry office you will receive a birth certificate, at the department of the Federal Migration Service - a document on permanent registration, and SNILS can be obtained at the branch of the pension fund. The approximate total processing time for documents is two weeks.

You will need to provide all these documents in originals upon admission to the desired preschool educational institution.

A complete list of MFCs with addresses and telephone numbers can be found

Step 2. Register on the State Services portal.

In the meantime, the documents are being prepared, it’s time to create your profile on the State Services website. The site is not complicated - you just need to fill in your data and wait a while for it to be confirmed. The only catch is the final confirmation of your account (after all the virtual verifications). In order to confirm your account, you must:

  • contact the Service Center (SC);
  • receive an identity verification code by mail;
  • use an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a Universal Electronic Card (UEC).

Since the last two options are not entirely convenient, we suggest using the list of COs - .

Step 3. Apply for a Sberbank debit card (if you don’t have one).

You need to contact the nearest Sberbank branch and ask to issue you a regular debit card. For registration you will only need a passport. In the future, you will need this card to receive compensation for paying for kindergarten (Article 52.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”).

The card processing time is two weeks. And don’t forget to ask the bank employee for your account details.

Step 4. Fill out an electronic application on the State Services website.

And again we return to the State Services website. You can find the treasured button by scrolling down the main page, or by clicking on the “Get a service” button and selecting the desired service from the list. Next, you will need to calmly and carefully fill out a voluminous application. When filling out the application, do not forget to note whether you have benefits, if any.

Be careful - when filling out, enter the desired admission code correctly, have a minimum idea of ​​the location and number of the nearest kindergartens and schools assigned to them.

Also pay attention to sections with a choice of options, for example, “Desired year of admission.” Today, to enroll a child in a short-term stay group, he must be at least 1 year 6 months old at the time of September 1 of the expected year of admission, and for a full-time stay group - 2 years 8 months. Based on these calculations, you need to enter the date.

Step 5. Submit documents.

After reviewing your application, you will be assigned a number in the queue for enrollment. Today this number does not have any priority for admission, but! what is important is that when the child reaches 3 years old, you are required to provide a place in a preschool educational institution or compensation.

Children's groups begin to be filled in the spring (around April-May), and then you may be asked to come and submit original documents. The notification usually comes by email or SMS.

Do not neglect photocopies and do not forget the originals - value your time and the time of the distribution group employees.

Step 6. Apply for a medical card.

The last push. You are great if you have done all the work described above and there is only one last step left.

After submitting the documents, you will have about a month to obtain a medical card for your child, which is necessary for admission to kindergarten. The local pediatrician will assign you specialists that you will need to see. Do not hesitate after receiving the necessary directions; as a rule, it takes at least 1-2 weeks to issue a card.

With the finished card, you will again need to return to the distribution center or take it yourself on September 1 to the nurse of the kindergarten you will go to (it is better to clarify this point when submitting documents).

Also, do not forget that in addition to a beautiful bouquet for the teacher, you will need to bring a certificate from the children's clinic about the absence of illness. It is valid for 5 days from the date of receipt and is issued by a local pediatrician.

Olesya Mayevskaya

Mom goes to work, it’s time for the baby to go to kindergarten. Help your child have a positive attitude towards kindergarten and learn the rules of life outside the home. It will be easier for him to get used to it if you prepare the soil in advance.

Our sons and daughters are growing up, and the time comes for decisions: who will raise the preschooler. Only parents can decide what is best for the baby - to stay at home with a housewife mother, grandmother, nanny, or go to kindergarten.

"Pros and cons"

Communication with peers instills adaptation skills in a team, teaches you to take into account the opinions of others and protect your interests. It is easier for “kindergarten” children to get used to the school atmosphere. They are able to regulate behavior, form self-esteem and evaluate the actions of friends.

The garden teaches self-care. At home, the baby is sometimes too lazy to button up, take a spoon, or wash his face. In kindergarten, watching independent peers, he will want to do these difficult tasks himself. An unkempt appearance of a child is a temporary difficulty, but the benefits of such study are obvious.

Many people consider constant illnesses to be a disadvantage of kindergarten. The question is controversial. The child’s body, encountering “foreign” viruses, actively trains the immune system. Every cold is a building block in strengthening the immune system. This does not apply to serious illnesses with complications.

Moms are not always satisfied with the menu. It doesn't always taste good for children. It is worth noting that the hated cereals are very useful for developing organisms. The sanitary condition of the kitchen and products is strictly controlled. You can feed your baby delicious cutlets for dinner.

Attending kindergarten disciplines both children and adults

Let's start from afar

    Plan to transfer your baby to kindergarten several months in advance. Walk with the children and their mothers, go for a visit. Let the child understand that there are many kind adults and children in the world with whom you can be friends.

    We get used to the daily routine, bringing it closer to the kindergarten one. Get up at seven, walk after breakfast, quiet time after twelve, don’t stay up late in the evening.

    Start to harden yourself, improve your health, this will prevent colds.

    Teach your child to keep order. Otherwise, he cannot avoid stress when the teacher begins to demand the impossible: put things in a locker, collect toys.

    Go to a playgroup where mothers and babies have classes. The baby will get used to working in a team, learn to listen to the teacher, and his mother will be nearby for his peace of mind.

    Explain to your child that sometimes his actions may not please others. Set an example of constructive behavior in a conflict situation, without shouting, insults or fighting.

Emotional mood

    Tell your child about the garden, how fun and interesting it is. Explain in a few days that he will soon go there and play with new toys with wonderful friends.

    Do not show your child anxiety, he will immediately “put it on” himself. On the way to kindergarten, you are the very calm and poise. Don't prolong your farewell. Let me know when you pick it up.