Children's nursery rhymes for children 2 3 years old. Nursery games for developing fine motor skills


From Toptushkino station,

To Bed station

We need to get there quickly!

And - get some sleep!

At Vstavaikino station

Wake up and go out on your own!

And you will run to Igraikino,

To friends and miracles!

Well, until we arrived

To the Bed station!

It's so sweet to fall asleep at this sleepy station...

Here they are in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running,
They'll pinch your heels.
Hide quickly, don’t yawn,
Cover with a blanket!

Bye, bye, bye, bye,

You little dog, don't bark

And don't blow your horn

Don't wake our children.

Our children will sleep

Yes, grow big.

They'll sleep longer

They will grow bigger.

Sleep, sleep, baby Andryushenka.

All the swallows are sleeping

All the killer whales are sleeping,

To our Andryushenka

They tell me to go to sleep.

A dream walks on the bench

In a red shirt,

And Soniaha - on the other hand -

Blue sarafan.

They walk together

They are carrying the dream to Katenka.

Tales, tales,

The bunnies galloped

They began to rock the cradle,

Induce a sweet slumber.

They began to play the pipes,

Misha began to fall asleep.


Let's buy the child some felt boots.

Let's put it on your feet,

Let's go along the path.

The baby will walk

He will wear felt boots.

Oh, you little gray cat,

Your tail is white

Scram, cat, don't go!

Don't wake our children.

Eyelashes droop

The eyes close.

We rest peacefully

We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply...

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest...

They rest, fall asleep...

The neck is not tense

And she is relaxed.

Lips part slightly

Everything is wonderfully relaxing.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The tension has flown away


Eat your porridge, girl
Little girl
Eat porridge, grow up,
Grow up for everyone's joy!

So the afternoon tea has arrived,

The children all sat down at the table.

So that there is no trouble,

Let's remember the rules of food:

Our feet don't knock

Our tongues are silent.

Don't litter at lunch

If you make a mess, clean it up.

And we have spoons

A little bit magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food.

There will be no trace left.

On my plate

Red squirrel,

So that she can be seen

I eat everything to the bottom.

Deep and shallow

Ships in a plate

Here the boat is sailing,

Swims right into your mouth.

“I don’t want to eat semolina porridge!”

The girl Masha screamed.

“That’s right,” thought the porridge,

Good girl Masha."

Let's put it on a spoon

Cabbage, potatoes - and hide them!

Try to find it!

Not visible on the spoon

Cabbages, potatoes.

And it’s not on the plate - look!

Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys

Everyone went to kindergarten.

Everyone sat down to lunch

Everyone ate a hundred cutlets.

Everyone then went to bed.

Goyda, goyda, lyulenki,

The little ones have arrived,

The ghouls began to talk

What should I feed Vanyusha?

One will say - porridge,

The other is yogurt,

The third one will say - milk

And a rosy pie.

Clever girl, Katenka,

Eat some sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy,

Soft, fragrant.

What a mess!
It just begs to be put into your mouth!
The nose and cheeks were full.
The chin got it too.
And little finger
I tried a little.
Ate a little
Forehead with crown,
The ears finished the rest!

This is a good girl.
This girl's name is Masha.
And this is her plate.
And in this plate...
No, not porridge

No, not porridge
And you didn’t guess:
Masha sat down, ate porridge -
All they gave!

The cat went to market,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.
Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Mashenka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, and I’ll demolish Mashenka.

Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes
I poured oil on it,
I gave it to the kids.
Dasha is two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two,
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two,
Masha is two,
The pancakes are good
Our good grandmother!

Ay, okay, okay, okay,

We are not afraid of water,

We wash ourselves clean,

We smile at each other.

Silver water

Flows from the tap.

And there is fragrant soap,

Just like in our bathroom.

“Silver water,

How did you get here?

"Through the dewy meadows

I ran to kindergarten"

“Silver water,

Why did you run to us?”

"May you all be clean,

So that everything around sparkles"

Let's roll up our sleeves,

Open the tap - water.

Wash your eyes, wash your cheeks,

Wash your ears and palms!

  • Look, little ones,
  • On your palms.
  • Oh, what palms!
  • Clean palms!

Water flows in a stream

Water splashes in the river.

We will wash ourselves under the tap,

We are nowhere without water.

Wash your hands, wash your faces

Soap, brush and water.

If you don't like to wash,

Don't sing this song.

Clean water

He will wash Sasha’s face,

To Anechka - palms,

And the fingers are for Antoshka.

Don't wash, don't drink without water,

A leaf cannot bloom without water,

And therefore always

Everyone, everywhere needs water.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water splashing here?

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves!

Lean on your palms

According to him, a knife,

No, not a little - be bolder,

Let's wash ourselves more cheerfully.

Chicken from the well

I brought some water.

And the chickens in droves

Let's run to wash ourselves.

Faucet, open

Nose, wash your face!

Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears, wash your neck!

Neck, wash yourself thoroughly!

Wash, wash, bathe yourself,

Dirt, wash away!

Dirt, give up!

Leisya, clean water,

Wash my face clean

Wash your neck and hands,

Don't forget anything!

Wash clean with soap, soap,

Don't worry about anything.

The soap doesn't bite, it just washes off.

Who doesn't wash their hands with soap?

From Wednesday to Wednesday.

On a shaggy towel

Traces are printed.

Every day I wash my soap

Under hot water.

Wash yourself, soap, don’t be lazy,

Don't slip out, don't get angry.

So it didn't fall

We don't wash it first.

Ah, it fell again

We'll wash it first.

We wash ourselves quickly

We wipe ourselves clean

So neat, neat,

Everyone enjoys looking at us.

Wash yourself cleanly, don’t waste water.

Your palms will be whiter than snow.

I'm early this morning

I washed my face from the tap.

I can do it myself now

Wash your face and neck.

Cleaning, cleaning the chimney sweep

Clean clean, clean clean

There will be a chimney sweep

clean clean clean clean.

Open up!

Wash yourself!

Take a bath!

Give up!

We will take soap in our hands,
And we'll pour some water,
Wash your hands quickly, quickly, quickly.
Mine is clean, clean, clean!
And then they washed their face,
We also washed our eyes,
They wiped themselves with a towel,
We admired ourselves!

Let's start our lesson .
What is this worth? Pot!
One two three four five -
We'll take off our pants!

Let's sit down carefully.
All the kids know:
Very unpleasant
Pee in your pants!

We will do everything right.
Tanya will be very happy!

Tema, little Tema!
You sit down on the potty,
Don't go gloomy
Sit and think!

What's your name, buddy?
And my name is “Potty”!
I save all the children
From various troubles.
If we are friends,
You will walk dry!
You walk, play, read,
But don't forget about me!
Sit down, take your time,
Make it a surprise, baby!

You and I will go for a walk
We will jump and play.
What have you forgotten, my friend?
Sit on Mishenka's potty.
Well done, hurry up now
We ran to the door.

The pot is our green friend.

Your color always tells us:

“Sit down quickly,

After all, the way is open!”

Grow your braid to your waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused,

Adults, baby, listen.

I scratch, I scratch my hair,

I'm combing my braids!

What do we do with a comb?

We're doing Tanya's hair.

Even though I quarrel with you often,

Toothed comb


My sister can't live without you

Braid your hair.

Without you I would have to make a mess

Walk around with shaggy hair all day.

Who's good?

Who is our handsome one?

Vanechka is good!

Vanechka is handsome


Levushka? Not Levushka...

Howler? Not a roar...

So where does the “Woo-hoo!!”

It sounds - I don’t understand.

We don't have any roars,

Who's been crying for an hour?

Whose wet fist is this?

Oh, the man will get wet.

It won't get wet, chick-chok!

Look into your fist

Leva hides her tears -

He doesn't cry anymore.




Where did you come from?

By bus or train

Have you reached Nastya?

Noooo, spoil the mood

Nobody asked you!

Maybe you didn't cry,

Was it drizzling?

Who's crying here?


They say Andryushka is mine?

No, our friend is not crying,

You shouldn't say that!

Smiling already -



She frowned, frowned,

Here you go! Not Yana at all!

Or maybe she came to visit us

Princess Nesmeyana?

He'll start acting up again,

The ocean will cry!

Well, the tearful rain is coming -

We know Nesmeyan.

Now I would like to dream of a boat,

And get some oars,

And across this ocean

Sail away somewhere.

Where the sun lives,

And where do bananas grow?

And where the Nesmeyan Princesses never cry!


And our Peter

No mood in the morning!

I whine and cry, I whine and cry,

Doctors won't help!

Well, what if the doctor is Melon?

Doctor Peach? Grape?

Let them come, let them fly!

Both home and to kindergarten!


Chick-chick, chick-chick,

Where are you, Grandpa Molchok?

Come to us, let's sit, be silent...

Do you hear, good old man?

Silence! Silence has arrived!

Don't scare him away, look

Do not say anything.


Can you imagine?!

On Sunday

It was Cat's birthday!

The cat played with its tail -

I had fun and laughed!

Rolled the ball on the floor -

I had fun and laughed!

And she jumped around the room -

I had fun and laughed!

And then the Cat got tired and cried a little: meow!


(on the knees)

We'll jump, we'll jump, we'll jump,

Let's ride a horse!

We don't cry at all anymore

Everything is fine with us.

Now let's go for a walk.
Let's play with the kids.
But so that my Nastenka
Never frozen.
We'll put on a hat
To hide your ears
On top of Nastya's head.
And a warm scarf on your neck,
Very soft and big.
Well, now the overalls
Nastenkin's beloved.
You will become like a gnome
My little flower, darling!
I'll put you in a stroller
I'll tell you an interesting tale.

Tanya put on a mitten,
Oh, where am I going?
No finger, gone,
I didn’t get to my little house,
Tanya took off her mitten
Look, I found it.
You search, you search and you will find! Hello, little finger!
How are you?


To the village of Poteryaevo

Let's go for a walk, tights.

Let's go and get lost there

Oh, poor orphans!

They are sitting under a bush,

They don't cry, they roar!

Hostess, hostess,

The hostess's name is.

And the hostess remembered

Where were you this evening?

I went to Poteryaevo and found tights.

One two three four five -

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied it up

The scarf is striped.

Put it on your feet

Felt boots, boots...

And let's quickly go for a walk,

Jump, run and play.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!

Don't sit on the path.

Our baby will go

It will fall through the pussy.

Get out of the way, cat

Our Tanya is coming.

Top-top, top-top-top!

Our Tanya is coming!

There's no way he'll fall.

Top-top, top-top-top!

Here they are, the boots:

This one is from the left leg,

This one is from the right leg.

If it rains,

Let's put on boots:

This one is from the right leg,

This one is from the left leg.

That's so good!

Big feet walked along the road:

Top, top, top, top, top, top.

Little feet

Running along the path:

Top, top, top, top, top,

Top, top, top, top, top.

Stomp-stomp on the ground

After all, the land is ours.

And for us they grow on it

Pies and porridge!

Now let's go for a walk.
Let's play with the kids.
But so that my Nastenka
Never frozen.
We'll put on a hat
To hide your ears
On top of Nastya's head.
And a warm scarf on your neck,
Very soft and big.
Well, now the overalls
Nastenkin's beloved.
You will become like a gnome, small and beautiful!

Nursery rhymes for 2-3 year old children in kindergarten were invented by the youngest in Rus'. These are not just poems, but a whole world of Russian (folk) creativity, which helped in those days to educate and develop children.

Even now, nursery rhymes for the little ones are a lifesaver for modern parents in raising their tomboys. Reading nursery rhymes with your 2-3 year old child accompanies movement. This means that Russian nursery rhyme poems for kids are aimed at developing speech, fine motor skills, and even physical development.

  1. Nursery rhymes for little ones with movements are suitable for toddlers even from birth. While a newborn baby cannot yet control the movement of his arms and legs. Singing folk nursery rhymes for children, you can give your little one a massage and have fun.
  2. This strengthens the physical tone of the baby’s muscles and, listening to you pronounce Russian sayings and tongue twisters, they are stored in his memory. You can start learning nursery rhymes at any age, at least one year old, even three years old.

Which nursery rhyme to choose is up to you. The topic of such poetry lessons can be anything. For example, nursery rhymes about animals help in the study of fauna; in the form of a game, it is easier for a child to understand how cats meow, how dogs bark, etc.

Today's poems are different from those of past years. This creativity among the people in Rus' saved and helped almost all women. The difference from modern poems is that they use many words that have already fallen out of use in modern literature.

Many people believe that since such words are not used, then these nursery rhymes will not teach anything good. But this is not entirely true, if you don’t like some words, just replace them with the words that seem most correct to you. It is correct to start learning and develop speech in a baby from infancy. Therefore, replace the words “What” with words that are currently used, for example, the word “What”.

Instead of showing your baby cartoons, buy your baby illustration books. There is a lot of useful information in such literature. Firstly, there are colorful illustrations, there may even be cartoons, which attracts little ones, and these books also contain nursery rhymes. In pure tongues, the same sounds are repeated, for example, the nursery rhyme "Cockerel".

  • If these are purely spoken nursery rhymes, they should use repeated sounds (for example, “Ko-ko-ko”, “Ku-ka-re-Ku”, “Be-be-be”, etc.). The educational nursery rhyme book Cockerel contains colorful illustrations (famous cartoons) and you don’t have to memorize them, you just need to read with expression and interesting intonation, and the baby can just look at the pictures and listen.
  • In the future, try to teach your toddler to read using these books. Pure tongues are especially useful. Firstly, it will be easier for the baby due to the repetition of syllables, and secondly, diction will develop, and you will not need the services of a speech therapist.

Russian folk nursery rhymes (Collection). Children from 0 to 3 years old

Nursery rhyme games

All children, without exception, love to play games; in kindergarten, children are taken for walks and morning exercises. In a variety of ways, educators are trying to attract tomboys to children's physical education; for such purposes, the well-known nursery rhymes, okay, and any counting rhyme during tag or hide-and-seek are suitable.

While at home, you can play active games with your baby and recite funny rhymes and songs. The best nursery rhymes develop little ones as a whole; they learn about the world around them faster. The kid who listens to nursery rhymes and proverbs will begin to speak much earlier than his peers.

A cool game for little people on their parents' laps. They put the baby on their lap and begin to “ride” while saying:

  • We drove, we drove,
  • To the forest for nuts,
  • Over the bumps, over the bumps,
  • Through wondrous forests,
  • Got stuck in a traffic jam
  • The buzzer was pressed, Beep-Beep! (or into the hole Booh!)

With this last action, the parent can spread his knees so that the baby falls slightly “into the hole” or pretend to be a horn by lightly pinching the side. Children of 2-3 years old and in kindergarten really like these games.

In kindergarten or at home you can do exercises with toddlers. For exercise, a nursery rhyme about the sun or about a cockerel is suitable, in general, anything related to the morning and children. You should do exercises with the kids, while doing physical activities. For example, “the crimson sun has come out” - everyone together from a sitting position raises their arms and rises smoothly, “we will bow to the sun” - everyone bends down, lowering their hands, etc.

Before bedtime

Nursery rhymes before bedtime are especially memorable for the little one. Sleep is a carefree moment that parents are waiting for when they put their little happiness to bed. To make the bedtime process more interesting and useful, lullabies were invented a long time ago.

Nursery rhymes for sweet sleep were invented a long time ago; with the help of such lullabies, parents calm a baby who does not want to sleep, is naughty or cries. The main thing is to choose a calming and soothing intonation. A musical approach to bedtime is the best option; the baby listens and gradually falls asleep from the intonation.

  1. When you put your baby to bed, you can turn short rhymes into a whole lullaby, the main thing is to sing them soothingly. There is no need to tell them with expression and high intonation; the main task is to lull them to sleep.
  2. Everyone’s favorite lullaby “Bayu-bayushki-bayu” helps with this. Everyone knows her. And you will agree that even in adulthood, although not in its entirety, you remember some excerpts from this song. So the kids listen, slowly fall asleep, and the words you sing are deposited somewhere deep in the subconscious.
  3. All you need to do is remember a lullaby and sing it to your baby every day, every night. Let us remind you of its text, it can simply be repeated from one verse or you can add something new yourself. You can make up a lullaby from several poems that seem best to you.

Nursery rhymes for the development of speech and fine motor skills

Reading nursery rhymes can develop a child’s speech skills well. Nursery rhymes for speech development can be learned at any time of the day. This could be a simple counting rhyme (rhyme counting rhymes) that the baby will use while playing in the yard with his peers.

While playing, you can teach nursery rhymes to your little one. First, you show and move his arms and fingers, and then after a while you ask the baby to continue the action you started. When the little one has memorized the finger nursery rhymes, ask him to pronounce them and show them, already in your hands, independently without your prompting.

Here is an example of a well-known game with palms and fingers:

  • Magpie white-sided
  • I cooked porridge,
  • She fed the kids. (Mom draws a circle with her finger on the baby’s palm, as if stirring porridge)
  • (Then the mother bends the baby’s fingers one by one towards her palm)
  • I gave it to the first one (bends his thumb)
  • I gave it to the second one (bends index finger)
  • I gave it to the third one, (bends middle finger)
  • I gave it to the fourth one, (bends ring finger)
  • But I didn’t give it to the fifth one. (takes the little finger and swings it in different directions)
  • And you haven’t grown a finger yet!
  • You didn't bring water,
  • You didn't go to the forest
  • You didn't chop wood
  • Your porridge is on a stick
  • In a mitten.

This small and short rhyme develops not only fine motor skills in the baby, but also speech and prepares the child for the basics of counting. It will be easier for your child to count on his fingers in the future if he knows which finger is which. The most important thing is that “The White-sided Magpie” accustoms children to work; the little one, from an early age, in the form of play, understands that whoever works, eats.

Rhymes during meals

Nursery rhymes about food are needed when parents have problems feeding their little ones. The child may be capricious and refuse to even try a spoonful of the food you have prepared. For such cases, we came up with nursery rhymes during meals.

The most popular and famous, as we all remember, are the poems with the help that our mothers persuaded us to eat. In them they asked to eat a spoon for mom, for dad, etc. In general, they tried in every possible way to deceive him so that the baby would eat at least a spoonful of porridge.

Nursery rhymes for children 2-3 years old

A nursery rhyme is a genre of oral folk art. A nursery rhyme helps teach a little person to understand human speech and perform various movements guided by the word. And the word in the nursery rhyme is directly related to the gesture. That is why even the smallest newborns can and should be taught nursery rhymes. They can help them get to know their body, their activities during the day, mom, dad and the rest of the family through play and communication. Nursery rhymes about food are especially popular; when eating with a nursery rhyme, your baby will definitely surprise you with his good mood and appetite! The names used in nursery rhymes must be replaced with the name of the child to whom you are addressing this nursery rhyme.

Rhymes for getting to know the body

Nursery rhyme No. 1

(We bend our fingers one by one)

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

nursery rhyme No. 2

This finger went into the forest,

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger has taken its place

This finger will lie tightly,

This finger has eaten a lot

That's why I got fat.

nursery rhyme No. 3

(Running the child’s finger over the named parts of the body):

Nose, nose, forehead,

Cheeks, chin.

Ears, eyes,

Mishenka's fairy tales (tickle at this moment).

nursery rhyme No. 4

My mouth can eat,

Breathe your nose and listen to your ears,

Little eyes blink, blink,

Handles - grab and grab everything.

nursery rhyme No. 5

Where are our ears?

The pestles are listening!

Where are the eyes?

Watching fairy tales!

Where are the teeth?

They're hiding their lips!

Well, keep your mouth shut!

nursery rhyme No. 6

Here they are in the crib

Pink heels.

Whose heels are these?

Soft and sweet?

The goslings will come running,

They'll pinch your heels.

Hide quickly, don’t yawn,

Cover with a blanket!

nursery rhyme No. 7

Where are our pens?

Here are our pens!

Where are our legs?

Here are our legs!

And this is Liza’s nose

It's all overgrown with goats.

And these are the eyes, ears,

Cheeks are thick pillows,

What is this? Tummy!

But this is Liza’s mouth!

Show me your tongue

Let's tickle your side

Let's tickle your side.

nursery rhyme No. 8

Spider, spider,

Grab Anya by the side.

Frog, frog,

Grab Anya by the ear.

Deer, deer,

Grab Anya by the knees.

Doggie, doggie,

Grab Anya by the nose.

Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,

Grab Anya by the stomach.

Grab Anya by the hair.

Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,

Grab Anya by the shoulders.

Swimming with fun

nursery rhyme No. 9


Silver bottom,

Golden Coast,

Drive the shavings across the waves!

Light boat

Golden bottom,

Silver merry,

mousey tree,

Green trawls.

Sail away, little boat!

nursery rhyme No. 10

Ay, okay, okay,

We are not afraid of water,

We wash ourselves clean,

We smile at mom.

nursery rhyme No. 11

The bunny began to wash himself

Apparently he was going to visit

Wash my mouth

Washed my nose

Washed my ear

It's dry

nursery rhyme No. 12

We'll go swimming

And splash in the water,

Splash, frolic,

Nastya will wash herself.

We'll wash your feet

To our sweet baby,

Let's wash our hands

Little Nastenka,

Back and tummy

Face and mouth -

How clean

Dear daughter!

nursery rhyme No. 13

Glug, glug, glug, crucian carp.

We wash in a basin.

There are frogs, fish and ducklings nearby.

nursery rhyme No. 14

The water is flowing,

The child is growing.

Water off a duck's back,

Dasha is thin.

Water down

And Dashenka is up!

nursery rhyme No. 15

Who will be there koop-kup,

Is the water squelch-squish?

To the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bathtub with your foot - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt will go somewhere.

Nursery rhymes for tears

nursery rhyme No. 16

One clove, two cloves -

Dashenka is soon to be one year old!

My daughter is whining again,

We will console Dasha:

Grow your teeth

Little by little, little by little -

Don't disturb your daughter's sleep!

Don't stop her from playing!

We will jump and gallop,

Hugging mom tenderly!

nursery rhyme No. 17

Don't cry, don't cry

I'll buy a roll.

Don't whine, don't whine,

I'll buy another one.

Wipe away your tears

I'll give you three.

nursery rhyme No. 18

Pussy hurts

The dog is in pain

And my baby

Live, live, live.

nursery rhyme No. 19

The pussy will come slowly

And pet the baby

Meow-meow - the pussy will say

Our baby is good.

nursery rhyme No. 20

Oh, the little one,

Little eyes got wet.

Who will hurt the baby?

The goat will gore him.

Massage with a nursery rhyme

nursery rhyme No. 21

Stretchers, stretchers (stroke from head to toes)

Across the fat girl

And there are walkers in the legs, (move our legs)

And in the hands there are little grabbers, (clench and unclench fists)

And in my ears I hear little sounds, (press the ears gently)

And there are peepers in the eyes, (press the eyes gently)

And my nose has sniffles, (press the spout gently)

And in the mouth - a talk, (press gently on mouth)

And in the head - reason! (press gently on forehead)

nursery rhyme No. 22

Let's stroke the hand with our hand,

Let's rub our finger with our finger,

Let's take a little rest,

And then we'll start again.

nursery rhyme No. 23

We stroke the back.

There's a fight going up the wall,

Carrying bast shoes on his back,

Children in huts,

Gives bast shoes...

nursery rhyme No. 24

They beat flax, they beat (knock on the back with our fists)

Stoked, drowned (rubber with palms)

They pounded, they pounded (clap)

Crushed, crushed (stretch with fingers)

They were shaking, they were shaking (shaking shoulders)

White tablecloths were woven (draw with the edges of the palms)

The tables were set (stroke with palms)

nursery rhyme No. 25

Like this week

Two grouse flew in:

We walked around and pinched

They walked around and pecked.

We sat and sat

And they flew back.

They'll arrive at the end of the week

Our dear aunts.

We will wait for the grouse -

Let's give them some crumbs to peck.

We accompany the words with stroking, pinching and rocking the back.

nursery rhyme No. 26

Rails, rails (draw one, then another line along the spine)

Sleepers, sleepers (draw transverse lines)

The train was late (“we ride” with our palm on the back)

From the last carriage

Suddenly millet began to fall (knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)

The chickens came and pecked (knock with index fingers)

The geese came and nibbled (pinching the back)

The fox came (we stroke the back)

She waved her tail

An elephant passed (“we walk” along the back with the backs of our fists)

The elephant passed by (“let’s go” with our fists, but with less effort)

A little elephant passed by. (“let’s go” with three fingers folded into a pinch)

The store manager came (“walk” along the back with two fingers)

I smoothed everything out, cleared everything out. (stroke your back with your palms up and down)

I set up a table (depict a table with a fist)

Chair, (chair - with a pinch)

Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)

Started typing: (“print” on the back with fingers)

Wife and daughter

Ding dot. (with these words we tickle the side every time)

I'm sending you stockings

Ding dot.

I read it (move your finger as if reading)

Wrinkled, smoothed, ( we pinch and then stroke the back)

I read it

Wrinkled it, smoothed it out,

Sent. (“put the letter” behind the collar)

Rhymes about food

nursery rhyme No. 27

The soup is thin,

But nutritious!

You'll be skinny

But pot-bellied!

nursery rhyme No. 28

Mom cooked vegetables in a saucepan.

I put the most delicious things there.

Meat, eggs, potatoes, dill

They really want to get into Nastya’s mouth.

Let's not offend them

And we will eat everything on the plate.

nursery rhyme No. 29

This is a spoon

This is a cup.

There is buckwheat porridge in the cup.

The spoon has been in the cup -

The buckwheat porridge is gone!

nursery rhyme No. 30

The water here is cold,

It's warm here,

It's hot here

And here - boiling water, boiling water!

nursery rhyme No. 31

What a mess! It just begs to be put into your mouth!

The nose and cheeks were full.

The chin got it too.

And the little finger tried a little.

They ate a little of the forehead and top of the head.

The rest was eaten up by the ears!

nursery rhyme No. 32

The horned goat is coming

For the little guys

Legs top top,

Eyes clap-clap,

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Who doesn't drink milk -




nursery rhyme No. 33

Jacob's wife

Baked Kalachi:

The rolls are hot

Swords out the window.

The rooks have arrived

The rolls were praised.

nursery rhyme No. 34

The delicious porridge is steaming,

Lesha sits down to eat porridge,

The porridge is very good

We ate the porridge leisurely.

Spoon by spoon

We ate a little.

nursery rhyme No. 35

Duck duckling,

kitten cat,

Little mouse

Calling for lunch.

The ducks have eaten

The cats have eaten

The mice have eaten.

Have you not yet?

Where's your spoon?

Eat at least a little!

nursery rhyme No. 36

Clever girl, Katenka,

Eat some sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy,

Soft, fragrant

nursery rhyme No. 37

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma.

What did you eat?

What did you drink?

Butter porridge,

Sweet mash,

Grandma is kind,

We drank, ate,

Home, let's fly! (we wave our arms and then put them on the head)

They sat on their heads!

The little girls began to sing.

nursery rhyme No. 38

This is a good girl.

This girl's name is Masha.

And this is her plate.

And in this plate...

No, not porridge

No, not porridge

And you didn’t guess:

Masha village,

Ate porridge -

How much they gave!

nursery rhyme No. 39

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,

The little ones have arrived,

The ghouls began to say:

“What should we feed Mashenka?”

One will say: “porridge”

The other - “yogurt”

The third will say - “milk,

And a rosy pie."

nursery rhyme No. 40

Vanechka, Vanyusha,

Eat all the porridge.

Hit the spoon

Stomp your foot.

Clap your hands

And pet the cat.

nursery rhyme No. 41

The kitten has it in a cup

There was a lot of porridge.

Two grouse have arrived

Two grouse ate the porridge.

And they shout to the kitten:

You're a rotten one, you're a rotten one!

If they gave you porridge,

I need to eat it quickly!

nursery rhyme No. 42

Magpie Crow

I cooked porridge,

I jumped on the threshold,

Called guests.

There were no guests

Didn't eat porridge

All my porridge

Magpie Crow

I gave it to the kids. (we bend our fingers)

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this:

Why didn't you cut wood?

Why didn't you carry water?

nursery rhyme No. 43

Donut, flatbread

She was sitting in the oven,

She looked at us

I wanted it in my mouth.

nursery rhyme No. 44

Shirt, shirt,

white-sided white-sided,

I jumped on the threshold,

Called guests.

Guests, into the yard -

Porridge, on the table,

Guests from the yard -

Porridge from the table.

nursery rhyme No. 45

Our Seryozha is restless,

He won't finish his lunch.

They sat down, stood up, sat down again,

And then they ate all the porridge.

nursery rhyme No. 46

The cat went to market,

The cat bought a pie

The cat went to the street,

The cat bought a bun.

Do you have it yourself?

Or demolish Mashenka?

I'll bite myself

Yes, and I’ll demolish Mashenka.

nursery rhyme No. 47

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Ships sailed on the sea,

They brought porridge for Nastya.

Milk kashenka

For my beloved daughter.

Nastya, open your mouth,

Swallow the sweet porridge.

And who eats porridge?

Listens to mom and dad

Grows strong

Healthy and beautiful.

nursery rhyme No. 48

Deep - not shallow

Ships in saucers.

Onion head -

red carrot,

Parsley, potatoes,

A little grains

Here the boat is sailing,

Swims right into your mouth!

nursery rhyme No. 49

Cunning saucepan

I cooked porridge for Slava

Covered it with a handkerchief.

And waits, waits,

Will glory come first?

nursery rhyme No. 50

There are rolls in the oven,

Hot as fire.

For whom are they baked?

Rolls for Mashenka,

They are hot for Mashenka.

nursery rhyme No. 51

Tilly-hour, Tilly-hour

we're having lunch now

Let's eat a spoon for mom,

Let's eat a spoon for dad,

For the dog and for the cat,

a sparrow knocks on the window,

give me a spoon too...

Lunch is over.

Nursery rhymes with actions for children under 3 years old

Finger game for children from one to two years old “Worms”

Raise your arms, bending your elbow so that your palms are at shoulder level. We clench and unclench our fists to the rhythm of the music.

One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.

We make rotational movements with our palms “flashlights”

One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.

We make a “crow’s head” from our palms: we connect all the fingers together, moving the thumb away we depict a croaking crow????

Suddenly a crow runs up
She nods her head
Croaks: “Here comes lunch!”
Lo and behold, there are no worms!

The worms are hiding! We hide our hands behind our backs.

Goal: to develop auditory perception of the surrounding world.

We develop the ability to listen to the voice of an adult

  • "Oh, you little kitten"
Bend over and move away from the baby's face, singing:
Oh you little kitten
You are my little gray one
White tail!
How can I not love you!

Play with your baby: tickle him behind the ears, touch his neck and chest, smiling, humming.
  • "Sound: high and low"
Place your baby on your chest so that your faces are opposite each other.
Run your hand from his neck to his hips, applying gentle pressure to the muscles on either side of his spine. This encourages you to raise your head.
While stroking the back, legs, and arms, say the baby's name in a high voice and then in a low voice. Do this repeatedly.
While playing, the baby will hear a change in the intonation of the voice.

Developing the ability to listen to sounds

  • "Bells"
Ring the bells at a distance of 60-70 cm away from the baby so that he can see.
Wait until the sound ends.
Look at the child’s reaction: does he listen or not.
Repeat the game while watching your baby.
After a few days, replace the bells with other musical toys.

Developing the ability to turn your head towards the adult’s voice

  • "Looking for Mom"
While out of sight of the baby, call him by name, observing his reaction.
If the child is quiet and listens to the voice, but does not try to find it, show yourself to him.
Say the baby's name.
In the future, alternate the sound: call in a normal voice, and then in a low voice.
  • "Let's have fun and work"
When you can’t play with your baby, try to talk to him or sing your favorite tunes, for example:
Like ours at the gate
The fly sings a song.
Ay, Lyuli is singing,
Ay, Lyuli, here he is singing!
  • “Where does the melody come from?”
Turn on a music box or toy. Observe the baby's reaction.
If he listens and does not try to find the source of the sound, show him the toy.
Repeat the game, only so that it is in the baby's field of vision.
As you move the toy to different places, encourage him to rotate his head. Repeat the game several times.
It is important to remember: the game should bring pleasure, not tears!

We stimulate individual hooting sounds in response to an adult’s call

  • "Sounds"
Take the baby in your arms, clicking your tongue, attract his attention by singing: “Agu-gu, agy-gy...”.
If the baby gurgles, repeat after him, supporting him.
  • "Humming, stroking"
Using a piece of cotton wool or a feather, stroke the baby’s neck, face, arms, tummy, legs, while singing:
La la la la la
La la la la la
Yes, yes, yes, I sing
A little song for your baby,
Yes, yes, yes, I sing
A little song for the baby.

If the baby starts to gurgle, repeat after him, supporting him.

We stimulate the repeated utterance of hooting sounds in response to an adult’s request

  • « Roll call with the sounds of humming"
When playing with your baby, hum with different intonations - from loud to quiet, vowel sounds: a, u, i, o or agygy, agu-gu...
While humming, pause to encourage sound imitation.

Stimulating the buzz

  • "Repeater"

Sit comfortably on the floor or rug, place your baby on your chest so that your faces are opposite each other.
By attracting the baby’s attention with your tongue, you can “chat.” Humming the sounds “a-o-u”, stretch your lips with a straw.
Puff out your cheeks and snort.
Your baby will love watching you and will want to imitate your actions.
  • "Guli-guli-darlings"
While working with your baby, take his hands and wave them like wings, singing:
The ghouls have arrived
Place the handles on the head:
Sat on the head
On the head of my daughter (son).
Drive away the birds with your baby's hand, singing:
You, my daughter,
Wave your hand:
Shoo, hoo, hoo!

Exercises and games that develop motor activity

Raising and holding the head in the “prone” position

Goal: stimulation of movement development


  • tries to lift and hold his head from a position lying on his stomach (1 month)
  • from a prone position on his stomach, lifts and holds his head for a long time (2 months)
  • leaning on his forearms, raising his head high, in a position on his stomach (3 months)
  • while in the arms of an adult, holds his head in an upright position (3 months)
  • rests firmly on a support with support under the arms (3 months)
  • "Head Raising"

Place the baby on your tummy.
Place your palm under his chest and help him lift his head.
This technique helps to raise and hold the head.
  • "Wiggle"
Supporting the baby face down with one hand on the chest and the other on the thigh, rock him, alternately raising and lowering first his head, then his pelvis.
When the head drops, the child will try to hold it.
Read nursery rhymes:
Oh, swing, swing, swing,
Traders will come to us,
They will buy a baby
We won't sell
We will not give up baby (name),
We need baby (name) ourselves.
It is important to remember: comment on your every action with an emotionally charged speech.
  • "Funny Ball"
Place your baby in a prone position on an exercise ball.
Dad holds the baby's pelvis and legs, and mom holds the outstretched arms by the hands.
Make slight movements on the ball back and forth.
We train the support of the legs.
  • "Kicking"
Sit on the floor and place your baby on your legs so that he rests against your stomach.
Stroking the legs, move them, pushing into the stomach.
Read nursery rhymes:
Stomp, stomp, stomp!
Legs are dancing
Hands are dancing,
Horns and tails are dancing!
Why are you lying there?
Dance too!

Exercises and games that develop finger and hand movements

Purpose: to stimulate the development of finger and hand movements


  • Works with a fist - opens, closes (3 months)
  • Bumps into toys with hands that hang above the chest. (3 months)

We stimulate the opening of the fist and spreading of the fingers

  • "Finger Games"
Place your baby on your lap, facing you.
Stroke the arms from fist to shoulder, and then, taking the fists in your hands, rub them together.
When your fingers open, stroke them while reading nursery rhymes:
One two three four five!
All the fingers want to sleep.
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep.
Hush, hush, don't make noise,
You won't wake your fingers.
  • "Mom's palm"
Rub your baby's fists together. Then pat your baby’s hand on your hand, saying:
The girl can clap so well
He doesn’t spare his hands.
Like this, like this, like this.
He doesn’t spare his hands.

The game encourages you to open your fists and spread your fingers.

Stimulating the grasping reflex

  • "Mom's fingers"

By stroking the baby's fists and arms, we help activate the spreading of the fingers.
Place your finger in his palm, awakening the grasping reflex. While singing:
Gulya, little dove,
Little blue Gulya,
Cute to all of us.
  • "The Glove"
Take a knitted glove. You can sew pieces of fabric of different textures, various buttons or large beads on it.
Putting it on your hand, stroke the baby’s arms and fingers, then place each finger in his palm.
At the same time, the baby will feel the texture of the glove material.
Important to remember! The little man needs your support. Use a pleasant intonation of the timbre of your voice to encourage your baby during games and exercises.

Yu.A. Razenkova I.A. Vydorova Games with infants - M.: School Press, 2011 - 192 p.