A fairy tale about good deeds. Students' work "composing a fairy tale"

A fairy tale about goodness for children 4-7 years old "Ezhinka's Journey".

Mikhailova Olesya Evgenievna, teacher, MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 60", Voronezh.
Description: This fairy tale teaches children to be kind and sympathetic. The fairy tale tells how Ezhinka, without thinking about her misfortune, helped the girls. It will be useful for reading to teachers of children and for parents to read at home.
Target: children's awareness that kindness is one of the main qualities of a person, that goodness must be answered with kindness.
to form moral qualities in preschoolers, in the process of reading fairy tales, the desire to do good to everyone;
develop sensitivity to literary words, memory, coherent speech, attention.
to cultivate in children an interest in reading fairy tales, faith in goodness and miracles, and the ability to come to the rescue in difficult times.
This amazing story happened in our magical forest. Old man Lesovichok told it to me and he definitely asked me to tell it to you, so listen.
Ezhikha’s mother and her daughter Ezhinka live in his forest. One day Ezhinka decided to take a walk, seeing a meadow of flowers, she went towards it, thinking: “I’ll pick some flowers now and give it to my mother, then she’ll be happy.” The bouquet turned out very beautiful and Ezhinka ran home quickly to make her mother happy.
And this had to happen - a strong wind blew in and began to tear the bouquet out of my hands.
-Apparently the wind liked my bouquet? No, I won’t give it back, I tore it for my mother! - said Ezhinka. And with these words she rose into the air and flew.
“It’s okay,” thought Ezhinka, “now he’ll play with me and bring me back.”
But the wind did not even think of doing this, he was angry that Ezhinka did not give him the bouquet and he carried her far from her forest, and dropped her into another forest.
Ezhinka looked around: the forest was unusual, the trees were strange, she had never seen anything like them. Seeing a path, she wandered along it.
She walks and sees a girl sitting and crying near an apple tree.
- Hello, girl! “What happened?” asks Ezhinka.
- Hello! Yes, the priest said, pick the apples from the apple tree by evening, there’s just a little left until the evening, but apparently there are no apples on the tree yet, how can I not cry, I won’t have time, my father will punish her,” the girl answers her.
-Don't cry, honey, I'll help you. You shake the apple tree, and I will carry them on my needles.
That's what they did.

- Thank you! How did you get into our forest? How can I thank you? - asks the girl.
Ezhinka told her her story.
“I’d be glad to help you, but I don’t know how,” the girl answered her, “but I’ll definitely think of something.”
“Okay,” answered Ezhinka, “and I’ll move on.”
She goes, she goes, she sees another girl sitting on a stone and crying.
“Hello, girl, why are you crying?” asks Ezhinka.
- Hello. Yes, the priest said to sew up his shirt, but my needle broke, how can I not cry,” the girl answers her.
“I found something to cry about, look how many of them I have, choose any,” and Ezhinka offered her needles.

The girl took the needle and happily got to work. Having finished it, she asks:
- Thank you. How can I thank you?
And Ezhinka told her her story. And she also promised to help her.
And Ezhinka went further. The girl is still sitting and crying.
- Hello. “Why are you sad, dear,” asks Ezhinka, “how can I help you?”
-Hello. How can you help me? My father sent me into the forest to pick mushrooms, and I searched everything, but couldn’t find any mushrooms.
- I’ll help you, I have a nose for everyone, and you follow me and pick mushrooms.

They did so, not even an hour had passed, and the girl already had a full basket of mushrooms.
- Thank you, Ezhinka. “How did you get here, I haven’t seen you here before,” the girl asks.
And Ezhinka told her about her journey.
“How can I help you,” the girl thought, “I came up with an idea, let’s go to my father, he’ll help us.”
The girl took Ezhinka in her arms and went to her house.
And so, in the meantime, the two sisters got together. So the priest arrived.
When he saw that all his orders had been fulfilled, he was delighted, kissed his daughters and said to them:
- Ask me whatever gifts you want, I won’t regret anything!

The sisters looked at each other and told who helped them cope with their father’s orders.
“Well,” said the father, “the debt is good enough to pay, I will help Ezhinka too.” And I won’t leave you, for what you asked not for yourself, but for Ezhinka, without gifts.
The father came out onto the porch and shouted:
- The wind is a breeze, my friend, come quickly and help out the Ezhinka!
Immediately the forest rustled and a breeze flew in; it picked up Hedgehog, along with the bouquet, and carried it to his native land.
- Goodbye, thank you! - Yezhinka shouted.
“Goodbye, Ezhinka,” came to her.
Meanwhile, in the forest, Jerzykh’s mother finds no place for herself, waiting for her daughter to disappear. I went into the hole to see if it was there. She came out, and Ezhinka was already standing near the hole and holding out a bouquet to her mother.
“This is for you, dear mother,” with these words, she hugged her mother.
“Where have you been for so long and you’re already worried?” Mom asked.
-I wanted to surprise you, but then.....And Ezhinka told her mother everything that happened to her.
Mom stroked her daughter’s thorns and said:
-I'm proud of you! Know: you have to do good and it will definitely come back to you.

This amazing story happened in our magical forest. Old man Lesovichok told it to me, I will tell it to you, and you will certainly tell it to others.

Maria Druzhkova
A tale of good and evil.

I hope this the fairy tale will be useful to you, dear colleagues, in your moral and ethical education of preschool children.

A tale of good and evil.

Lived once Good and evil. Good always helped people, but Evil hindered. They always followed each other. Good was white, and Evil is black.

An old man was walking along the path. He walks, leaning on a cane. The traveler is tired, his journey is long, long. He walks, wipes the sweat from his forehead, and can barely move his legs. Saw him Good, he felt sorry for the old man, turned around Good to the good young man on horseback and offers the old man to take him to the nearest grove. The old man happily agreed. And along the way told the good fellow, where the path leads. It turned out that the old man’s daughter was ill; she had not been able to walk for 10 years after her illness. And the old man heard from good people There is a miracle tree behind the mountains, behind the forests, the leaves on it are white and have great healing power. So the old man went to look for this tree. Good fellow said that he is ready to help the old man. The old man was happy while talking and didn’t notice how got to the grove, sat down to rest in the shade of the trees. Old man speaks: “I’m tired, I’d like to have a drink now”. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a jug of water appears. The old man was happy and drank plenty of water. And he doesn’t know what it is Kind The fellow blinked his eye, and water appeared. Let's ride on horseback Good fellow and old man. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a swamp in front of them. Yes, such that you can’t even grasp its width and length with the eye. The old man was sad. He had no idea that this Evil was blocking their path. A Kind well done, calmed me down his: “Nothing, we’ll think of something now”. He blinked once, twice, and his horse’s wings grew. He and the old man mounted a horse and flew across the swamp. As soon as they flew to the other side, the swamp disappeared, turned into a black raven and flew after them. The crow overtook the winged horse, and made a mountain on their way.

The mountain was so high that even a horse could not fly over it. Our travelers stopped, and the old man began to cry again. “Don’t cry, we’ll figure something out now”- says to the old man Good fellow. Good said Well done, he said magic words to himself and turned into a Bogatyr of unprecedented power. The hero hit the mountain with his fist and it crumbled into pebbles. The old man was happy, but Evil did not subside. The hero and the old man sat down on a faithful horse and rode on, and Evil flew ahead of them. Evil turned into an ocean of immense length and width. Our travelers stopped in front of him and did not know what to do. "I figured it out",-Bogatyr said. He clapped his hands three times and a whole lot of horses appeared in front of them. They began to drink water, drank and drank, and drank almost all of it. The hero and the old man got on the horse and rode on. Evil again turned into a black raven and flew ahead of them. Our travelers galloped and galloped on horseback, and finally arrived at the place where the grove with the miracle tree should be. They look, and there is only ashes around, there are no trees, no grass, no bushes. The old man sat down and burst into tears. Bogatyr also became sad. He put his hand to his forehead, looked around, and saw that far beyond the river there was another miracle tree. The light coming from it is white-white. Said Bogatyr told the old man about this and they mounted a horse and rode into this world. They flew across the river and began to tear leaves from the miracle tree. But Evil does not subside. It turned into black, menacing clouds. It became a terrible thunderstorm on the travelers. And the travelers picked leaves, mounted a horse and flew off. They are ahead-clouds-behind. Bogatyr blew as hard as he could on the clouds. The distance between them is getting bigger and bigger. Finally they flew away from Evil and it did not catch up with them. The old man and Bogatyr entered the hut where the old man’s sick daughter lay. The daughter ate a few leaves from the miracle tree and got out of bed. She hugged the old man and cried. The old man says to her: “I went through a difficult road, but this one helped me along the way Good fellow." The old man turned around, and there was no one in the hut. "Gone,"- said the old man. “Thank him, if not Good fellow“I didn’t get the miracle leaves.” And then the old man realized that Good fellow - it was good, and Evil put all the obstacles in their way. "If it weren't for Good-the old man said to his daughter, “I cannot defeat Evil alone.”

When we say that this fairy tale is about kindness, people begin to smile and remember something good. Rays of goodness have magical powers. There is no path to kindness; kindness is the way.

A Tale of Kindness and the Cockerel

Once upon a time there lived a Cockerel. His home was a nice chicken coop on the outskirts of the poultry yard. The cockerel was kind and sympathetic. He always took care of the younger ones, bringing them lost grains.

In the morning the Cockerel went to work. As soon as the huge golden sun appeared on the horizon, the cockerel cried loudly:

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

Everyone was glad that the Cockerel took his duties responsibly. “Oversleep”—there was no such word for a rooster. If the cheerful “Ku-ka-re-ku!” sounded, then the inhabitants of the poultry yard knew for sure that it was early morning, a new day was ahead and there was still a lot of things to do.

But then one day the Cockerel went for an evening walk to the fence. And suddenly he saw someone floundering in a ditch. He looked down carefully and saw a small gosling that had inexplicably climbed up here and ended up in a ditch. The cockerel tried to save the poor guy, but it didn’t work out.

It was getting dark. The bird brethren were actively preparing for bed. No one seemed to remember about the gosling. And then the Cockerel made a decision - he had to crow. And so he began.

An old goose found him near the fence and asked why the crowing was happening at such an inopportune hour? The rooster showed a baby floundering in the ditch. The old goose, experienced and wise, immediately helped the poor fellow.

And in the poultry yard they grumbled dissatisfiedly:

— The cockerel is arrogant, he screams when he wants. We don't like it. Wow, night is just around the corner - and he decided to crow!

And in the morning at the bird meeting, the old goose thanked the savior:

- You did a good deed, Cockerel. Well done, friend, don’t get confused!

The old goose talked for a long time about goodness, about good deeds.

The cockerel was modestly silent. Those who just recently grumbled at him were also silent...

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What kind of pet are we talking about in the fairy tale?

What was Cockerel's job?

How are the rooster and the sun related?

Where did the Cockerel find the gosling?

Why did the Cockerel crow at an inopportune time?

Who saved the gosling?

Why do we say that this fairy tale is about kindness?

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Kindness is worth the light.
Timely help is valuable.
Good is welcome everywhere.

Main meaning fairy tale is that saving the life of a living being is more important than following established procedures.

Children often hear words like “good” and “kindness” from adults. At a certain point, they begin to think about what these concepts mean?

What is kindness? Who is called a good person? And why do you need to be kind? From infancy, the child is surrounded by the care and attention of parents, loved ones, and relatives. This kindness shown to him seems completely natural to the child. And if you don’t explain to your child in time that you must not only accept kind attitude from others, but also be able to show good feelings yourself, he may grow up to be an egoist, unable to show good feelings. To prevent this from happening, it is important to tell your child what kindness is and why you need to be kind.

What is kindness?

Kindness is a person’s sincere desire to help other people and do good deeds for them. Even in ancient times, people understood one simple truth, which became the main rule of a good person. This truth says: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” If a person treats the people around him poorly, he will never achieve a good attitude towards himself. But if you treat people kindly, then people will treat you kindly.

People also realized that the ability to be kind makes a person happy. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato said this: “By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” Indeed, a person who shows sincere kind feelings towards those with whom he communicates is much happier in life than selfish individuals who are only concerned with attracting the attention and care of others.

Kindness is a sign of strength

The fact that kind people are happier in life is also explained by the fact that kindness is a sign of a person’s spiritual strength. And a strong-willed person is so independent in his actions that he is able not only to ensure his own well-being, but also to help the people around him and show kindness to them.

What feelings are characteristic of a kind person? First of all it is love. Love for parents, for loved ones, for friends. A kind person is also characterized by a feeling of gratitude. It is customary to give thanks for good deeds. And gratitude can be expressed not only with words, but also with reciprocal good deeds. A kind person is also capable of showing such feelings as empathy, compassion, and mercy. It is thanks to kind people that those who need it most receive help - the elderly, the disabled, people with serious illnesses and those who simply find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The path to kindness

How to teach a child kindness? Kindness can only be cultivated by kindness. Since childhood, the child’s parents, close relatives, educators, and teachers have been with him. By showing a child what a kind attitude towards others is, adults set an example for the child and give him a model of correct behavior in society. At the same time, it is also important to show the child that sincere kindness is characterized by modesty. A truly kind person will never demand anything in return for a good deed done and will not boast to others about his good deeds.

It is important to distinguish a kind person from a “kind” one. It is customary to call a kind person a person who shows only ostentatious kindness and at the same time does not experience sincere good feelings for those whom he helps. Such fake “kindness” will not really help a person become a truly strong spirit and independent person.

Kindness and community

Kindness is important not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole. If there are many truly good people in a society, such a society will develop and prosper. After all, where people unselfishly and sincerely help each other, work progresses and all tasks are successfully completed. Therefore, kindness is important both for the development of any society and for the progress of humanity as a whole.

A Tale of Kindness “The Ant and the Moth”
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived an ant and a moth. They lived without grieving, enjoying the sunny days and the green hum of the forest.

One day an ant and a moth met in a clearing.

- What should we do today? - they thought.

“Let’s do some good deeds,” suggested the ant.

And they went through the forest to do good deeds. We helped fix the ladybug's roof, fixed the dragonfly's porch, sent the centipede's shoes in for repair. She had so many shoes that her friends went to the shoemaker several times.

We visited an old butterfly that lived near a gnarled stump and made beautiful shelves for it in the pantry.

In the evening, friends gathered home. They had already reached the old birch tree, when suddenly it got dark and it began to rain heavily.

- Where can I hide, where can I take refuge? - they thought.

And suddenly they heard someone calling them. It was a firefly. He directed the light of his flashlight at the ant and the moth so that they could see where to move in the dark.

...And here they are on the threshold of the firefly's house.

What happiness, what joy to be in the warm, cozy home of a firefly! The owner put tea and sweet bagels on the table.

“You have a kind heart,” the guests said to the firefly.

Tom was happy to hear good words.

“It’s nice to hear kind words from good friends,” said the firefly and smiled.

The main meaning of the fairy tale is that it is very important that good relationships reign in this world. Kindness, goodness is undoubtedly better than indifference, indifference, indifference. Life is more interesting with goodness.

Remember that wonderful time when you, comfortably settled in bed, fell asleep sweetly, listening to a bedtime story? Did all fairy tales bring a sense of the just triumph of good?

A fairy tale is an invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for every child. Thanks to her, children understand the world, learn to distinguish between good and evil, and know that good always wins. But there are also fairy tales where good sometimes loses. Famous and not so famous. All of them are certainly interesting and deserve our attention. We invite you to recall some of them.

1. Kolobok

Kolobok is one of those fairy tales that is read to a child first. This is a very instructive story about how a grandmother baked a bun, and he just ran away. And everything would have been fine if not for his naive gullibility. The cunning Fox deceived Kolobok and ate him. This is such a sad ending. The good Kolobok was defeated by the cunning Fox.

2. Chicken Ryaba

Who among us in childhood did not hear the fairy tale about the Ryaba Hen, who laid a golden egg for her grandparents? And that gold did not bring them happiness, but only tears. This is a very short tale about how wealth does not always bring happiness. A simple egg is better than a golden one, if you don't have enough intelligence.


Such a cute fairy tale about kind little animals who found a little mansion in the forest and began to live in it. But the tower turned out to be too small for such a large company and fell apart. As they say, we wanted the best. The kind little animals let everyone who passed by into the tower, without thinking about the consequences. As a result, they were left homeless.

4. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

This tale is about how in the battle against greed and stupidity, good always loses. The kind old man took pity on the Golden Fish that had fallen into his net and let her go. The fish reciprocated his kindness by promising to fulfill his three wishes. But the greedy old woman wanted too much. Everyone knows the ending of this fairy tale. Because of the old woman’s greed, the old man suffered, because they were both left with nothing.

5. The Little Mermaid

The work of the famous storyteller H.H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid” is a kind and sad story about the endless love of the Little Mermaid for the prince. Delicate and almost transparent, like a rose petal, with blue eyes, the Little Mermaid has become the favorite heroine of girls all over the world. She once saved the life of a prince and truly fell in love with him. To stay with her lover, she sacrificed her immortality and her gentle voice, and throughout her short life she suffered from unbearable physical pain when the sorceress turned her from a mermaid into a girl. But the selfish prince did not take her seriously and married another princess. The little mermaid died, turning into sea foam. And again beauty and kindness lost in the battle with selfishness.

6. Snow Maiden

This Russian folk tale is about the tender and fragile Snow Maiden. One snowy winter, an old man and an old woman decided to make a “daughter” out of snow for themselves. And she turned out to be so beautiful and hard-working that the old people couldn’t be happier. But spring came, and summer followed. The Snow Maiden became sad and silent. But no one understood her. Grandma sent Snegurochka for a walk with her friends in the forest. In the evening, they lit a fire in the forest and started jumping over it. The Snow Maiden also jumped and... Melted, turning into a light cloud.

7. Sunshine and snow men

This Romanian folk tale about snowmen is somewhat similar to the Russian "Snow Maiden". Kind and brave snow men set off on their journey. Along the way, they gave their carrot noses to the hungry animals, and gave brooms to the birds so that they could build nests. But then spring came, and the snow men saw the sun they had heard so much about. They were very happy about him, but under his warm rays they turned into streams of clean water.

8. The Tale of the Steadfast Tin Soldier

Another sad story by H.H. Andersen about the selfless love of a little toy for a beautiful ballerina. The soldier, who stood firmly on one leg because there was not enough tin for the other, turned out to be the most remarkable of all his 25 brothers. By chance, he many times found himself in dangerous misadventures, but always got out of them. Until, one day, an evil boy, out of nowhere, threw him straight into the stove. The tin soldier stood engulfed in flames: he was terribly hot, from the fire or from love - he himself did not know. It is also sad that the ballerina he loved burned with him when a gust of wind blew her from the table into the stove.

9. The Tale of the Stupid Mouse

This fairy tale was written in verse by the famous Russian writer S.Ya. Marshak. It has become one of the most beloved fairy tales that parents read to their children, despite the sad ending. This is a very funny and instructive story about a stupid little mouse who “chose” a cunning cat as his nanny. Everyone knows what came of it. True, there is another fairy tale, about a smart mouse. In it, good took its rightful revenge.

10. Piggy Bank

Another very instructive story by H.H. Andersen about stupidity and greed for money. This is a fairy tale about how dolls and things decided to play at people. One of them, the piggy bank, was so carried away by her role that she decided to mention in her “will” the one she liked the most. The idea doesn’t seem to be a bad one, but all the heroes were trying so hard to please their benefactress that they didn’t notice how the piggy bank fell from the cabinet and broke into pieces. That's how the story ended.

11. Crow and fox

How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

This well-known fable by I.A. Krylov is about a stupid crow, who was lucky in the form of a piece of cheese, which she was about to have for breakfast. But the cunning fox managed to take this “trophy” for herself, saying a bunch of flattering words to the gullible crow. And the crow, praised as a beauty and a singer, “croaked at the top of her crow’s throat.” And the cheese went to the sly fox.

12. Three bears

The Russian folk tale “The Three Bears” tells the story of how a little naughty girl got lost in the forest and accidentally ended up in a clean and cozy house where three bears lived. The girl ate from every bowl, drank from every cup, managed to break a high chair and decided to lie down on each of the beds. This greatly angered the innocent bears, who returned home and saw complete devastation. The girl miraculously managed to escape punishment. And the poor bears had to put their homes in order.

A fairy tale is a fairy tale, to teach something, to remind you of something. Let everything in your life be like in a fairy tale with a happy ending: “And they lived happily ever after...”