Stories and fairy tales about kindness for children. Short tales about good and evil

BEDTIME TALE. A fairy tale about goodness: how to make the world a better place
There once lived a little girl who loved to read fairy tales and dream of miracles. Her favorite story was the tale of good and evil. The girl really enjoyed reading about the victory and triumph of good forces and imagining that one day the same thing would happen in the real world.
Unfortunately, so far everything has been completely different. She saw many people who did not have enough food, and did not understand how others could spend money on fashionable clothes and entertainment at the same time. She also felt very sorry for the boy from her school. Last year his father died and things were very bad for the family. Petya’s mother, that was the boy’s name, worked almost around the clock, but there was still not enough money. Therefore, after school, Petya, while all the children were playing, sold newspapers to help his mother.

Our heroine also sympathized with her classmate Ksyusha, at whom the other guys laughed. Ksyusha wore funny eyepieces, which was the reason for the ridicule. Even Petya, who was actually a kind and sensitive boy, did not miss the opportunity to say something offensive to her.
Everywhere the little girl saw a lot of anger and rage: people quarreled among themselves, were rude on buses and in queues, and remained indifferent to the misfortune of others. She really wanted to change the world for the better, but didn't know where to start. Feeling my own powerlessness was very painful and unpleasant. But one day she came up with a wonderful solution that radically changed the situation.
Once in her dreams, a little girl was visited by a fairy-sorceress. She knew about her experiences and desire to improve the world, so she decided to help.
- Lovely girl! Don’t think that you can’t change the world for the better, because anyone who wants to can can do it.
- Really? I really, really want this, but I have no idea where to start. Good Fairy, tell me what should I do? - asked the girl, delighted at the chance to overcome evil throughout the world.
— In order for the world to become different, you just need to compose a fairy tale about goodness. - the sorceress smiled.
- Invent it yourself? But my imagination is so bad, I can’t write at all. And if my fairy tale about goodness is short and a little stupid, will it work too? - the girl was confused.
- It will work, it will work. The main thing is that the desire to change the world comes from the heart. - the fairy assured her and disappeared.
Without wasting a minute, the girl began to compose a fairy tale. Despite her worries, it turned out to be interesting and instructive. The girl was very happy and froze in anticipation of changes. But nothing happened either that day, or tomorrow, or in a month. The world continued to be evil and selfish.
As usual, she was returning from school and saw poor Petya with a bag of newspapers. And suddenly the girl realized: it’s not enough to compose a fairy tale about goodness, you need to start putting it into practice. Only decisive good actions can change the world for the better. Without hesitation, she ran up to Petya and offered help.
“The two of us will get it done faster and you’ll still have time to rest and play.” Besides, it’s more interesting together! - she explained her action to the surprised boy.
The next day, Petya did not laugh at Ksyusha, but offered her a beautiful, tasty apple and protected her from other offenders. Seeing this, the girl smiled: she realized that she had started a very important thing that could change the world and make it kinder.
Just think how wonderful the world would be if everyone acted like this little girl! Anger, poverty and unhappiness would disappear forever. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to do even a tiny act of kindness - may the chain reaction of kindness never stop.

Once upon a time, Good and Evil argued.
“It’s only in fairy tales that you defeat me,” said Evil, but in life everything
on the contrary, I am stronger than you. Look how much evil there is around: wars, theft,
quarrels, illnesses.
-Do not brag! What would it have been worth if it weren’t for me,” said Envy to Evil. –
It's only thanks to me that you are so strong. I'm the one who pushes people to do all sorts of things
unseemly actions!
“Not only you,” Greed joined the conversation. I also help Evil.
After all, it is thanks to me that people are so insatiable. There's always something for them
not enough, even if they have everything. That's why they fight. You and I
reliable friends. And then there is Hate. She's also very strong, really.
you never know whether she will show up or not. But if it appears, it will destroy
all around.
“No matter what you say, I’m stronger than you,” Dobro objected to them. “If only
There was more Evil in the world than Good, people would have destroyed each other long ago. AND
nothing would happen in this world. And all wars still end
Look around how many miracles I create. Here you are, Envy, sometimes
you say that you are “white” and not so bad. And you, Greed,
you even pretend to be useful and insist that greed for knowledge,
for example, that's good. And Hatred generally says that from it to Love
one step. That is, you all want to seem good.
But I also have helpers, such as Compassion, Generosity,
Love. And many more. They don't have to pretend like you, they do
good ones.
“Yes,” said Compassion, “I always feel sorry for everyone.” If I were
omnipotent, I would warm everyone and help everyone. But I already do a lot.
It is thanks to me that people do not lose faith in themselves and support each other.
friend and get out of the most difficult situations.
“I also help Good,” responded Generosity. That's a lot of money and effort
people give to good deeds! And when necessary, they give away the last thing they have
There is! And all thanks to me!
“And I actually rule the world,” Lyubov said quietly. That's what everyone says. I am this
the best thing in the world. A person without love is not a person at all. After all
only love reveals all the best that is in him, gives him strength and
inspires good deeds.
Envy, Greed, Hatred quieted down; they had nothing to object to Good.
So now judge who won this dispute.

good and evil

In one beautiful city there lived a princess
Kindness. She was very beautiful and smart. Kindness created only good things
actions, she helped the residents of the city. Everyone really liked the princess. IN
Queen Evil lived in another city.
Evil was ugly and only did
bad things and nasty things. Nobody loved her for this. Evil was very jealous
because Kindness was very beautiful. One day Evil said that she wanted
arrange competitions in different deeds: good and evil. Who will they reach out to?
people, he won. The day of the competition has arrived. Evil began to cause mischief
everyone. She thought that people would be afraid of her and for this they would respect and love her.
Kindness did good things and people liked it. Kindness won.
Evil was very upset, but Kindness took pity on her and taught her to do good. WITH
Since then the queen's name is not Evil, but Zlata. And she does only good.

Svetlana Novokovskaya, 4th grade student of the Kuibyshevskaya secondary educational institution, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
Supervisor: Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, primary school teacher MCOU Kuibyshevskaya secondary school Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
Description: The presented fairy tale was written by a 4th grade student. This work can be used both by primary school teachers when studying literary fairy tales, when organizing creative activities for students, and by kindergarten teachers when conducting classes with children. The fairy tale will also be interesting to parents of children who instill in their children a love of reading, oral folk art, and literary fairy tales.
Cultivating interest in literary fairy tales.
- Form a special perception of the world, relationships between people.
- Develop children's oral speech, imagination, and creative abilities.
- Instill a love of books, a desire to read and write fairy tales on their own.
- To cultivate a sense of tolerance, a kind and cordial attitude towards people, a sense of compassion, the desire to always come to the rescue, to be a loyal friend, a sensitive comrade.

I’ll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe just a fairy-tale story that happened to one very capricious boy...
It was not about a fairy-tale kingdom, not about an overseas state, but about an ordinary small town that you couldn’t find on a map.

Once upon a time there was a family: a mother and her son. Mom loved her son very much, read him good stories at night, often played with him, and walked around the city.

But the boy grew up spoiled and capricious. He constantly cried, screamed, puffed out his cheeks and lips when he didn’t like something.

The boy loved to have all his whims fulfilled. Mom had a very difficult time with him. She worked hard to raise her son. All the neighbors said about the boy’s mother that she was a very good, hardworking, polite woman, and they also said that she was friends with the Kind Word. A kind word never left a woman alone.

It was always there, giving advice, supporting. And when the mother tried to calm her capricious son, a kind word encouraged the mother and helped her. And my little son really didn’t like it when someone bothers him.

He was jealous of his mother for the Good Word and did not want it to come into his room. The boy expected that his mother would only listen to him, always admire him and fulfill all his wishes.
One day, late in the evening, when ordinary children were already having magical dreams, our boy became capricious again. This time he really wanted a real star to burn in his room, on the top of the Christmas tree, which was now looking out the window of his room with a condemning look.

The boy cried, threw toys around the room, screamed, and then sat down on the floor and moved his feet on the carpet for a long time. Mom patiently looked at her son’s next whim and said: “It must be very beautiful when a real Christmas star is shining on the Christmas tree. But she can’t go down to everyone, son. Stars fall from the sky for good luck. And our happiness lies in doing good to others.” Kind Word stood next to his mother and nodded his head in agreement. And the baby continued to scream, not hearing his mother’s words.

Mom wished her son good night, kissed his tear-stained eyes and went to her room. As soon as mother and Good Word left the room, the boy stopped crying. Why cry if no one hears you? He moved a chair to the window and looked into the sky, at a bright star. She seemed to be winking at him. The boy waved his hand at her and went to bed. In the morning he woke up, but no one came to kiss him or greet him. He lay down for a while and got out of bed. I wanted to eat and the boy went into the kitchen. But mom wasn't in the kitchen.

There was nothing on the stove. The boy could not understand why his mother did not prepare his favorite breakfast for him. But there was a very frightening silence around - mom was nowhere to be found.
Then he himself decided to go up to his mother’s room. When the son opened the door to the room, he saw his mother lying in bed. She had a fever. She moaned. And Good Word sat next to her and encouraged her mother, telling her that she had to hold on, that she was strong and would definitely overcome the disease, because her son really needed her.

And how we need kind words!
We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,
Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.
And the boy stood there and didn’t know what to do. He really did not like the Good Word, which constantly accompanied his mother. The boy wanted his mother to be his only. He came closer and leaned over his mother.
“Drink,” Mom whispered quietly.
“Please bring mom some water and some medicine, it’s in the refrigerator,” said the Good Word.
“Bring it yourself,” the boy answered rudely.
“Unfortunately, I can only talk, give advice, support, but I can’t bring anything,” answered Good Word with sadness in his voice.
The boy puffed out his lips capriciously and stood silently near the bed of his sick mother. She moaned softly again, she had a high fever. Then the boy reluctantly wandered downstairs, poured water into a glass and took the medicine from the refrigerator. He went up to his mother’s room and helped her drink the mixture.

“Thank you, son,” my mother whispered barely audibly. For the first time, the boy was told “thank you.” He had never heard such words. His heart began to beat and his eyes lit up. He took his mother's hand and kissed her.
“The good deed you did will definitely help your mother,” said the Good Word.

No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.
Now the boy began every new day with a good deed: he warmed the kettle and brought hot tea to his mother. For several days, the baby and Good Word treated a sick woman. And the magic star illuminated my mother’s room every night with a very bright blue color.

Mom soon recovered. The son continued to help her, washed the dishes, put his toys in their places himself and did not act up. The good deed did not leave him now. They became such friends that the boy could no longer live a day without doing a good deed.
And on Christmas night, when the mother went into her son’s room, they saw an extraordinary sight together - at the top of the Christmas tree a star was burning in bright blue. She seemed to be smiling at mother and son.

- You see, son, the star found you herself. And tonight is an unusual, fabulous night. This star will always fulfill all your desires if you yourself try to fulfill the desires of others, help people, and be friends with Good Deeds.
-Mom, I liked giving you joy and helping you so much that now I will always listen to the advice of a Good Word, be friends with a Good Deed and try to live in such a way that a star will always descend on my Christmas tree on Christmas night.
Since then, the baby and Good Deed have become inseparable friends. Already everyone in the town began to call the boy Good Deed. This is how mother, Good Word and Good Deed live in this small town.

Today, every child knows the fairy tale “Cinderella” or “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” which their parents read to them. In these fairy tales, good triumphs over evil, and the main characters find true love and live happily ever after.

Kindergarten teachers guide their students in the right direction and constantly talk about being a kind and compassionate person. All children love to listen to fairy tales before bed or in their free time. , where good defeats evil, kids perceive it with special interest and, together with fairy-tale characters, experience all the events that take place. Fairy tales from the site help children to be kind, sincere, to love people and the world around them. Fairy tales about goodness provide a unique opportunity to understand other people’s suffering, pain and to be caring towards them.

Numerous studies show that fairy tales, where all its pages are permeated with kindness, are excellent role models and children in most cases want to be like their favorite fairy-tale characters. These fairy tales are distinguished by their purposefulness, and each of them is capable of solving certain problems in the lives of fairy-tale characters. A fairy-tale atmosphere and a positive attitude help the child find his way to solve some problems and difficulties.

Thanks to good fairy tales, children strive to follow the example of a positive fairy-tale hero who devotes himself to the fight against cruelty and evil.

Many fairy tales about goodness are dedicated to animals, where small and defenseless animals are protected by their strong brothers. Children especially love such fairy tales, because small animals evoke compassion in them and a desire to take care of them.

Doctors and psychologists have recognized the healing effect of a good fairy tale on the psyche and nervous system of a child. Every adult can come up with a fairy tale himself, where kindness and joy walk side by side, and fairy-tale characters lead your child to a bright and interesting land of incredible events and magic.

Fairy tales about kind people and their noble deeds are instructive stories that instill in children responsiveness and hard work, mercy, the ability to be friends and love each other. A short or long bedtime story about kindness and spiritual beauty will help your baby learn to cope with whims, be kind and treat the whole world around him with love. A good fairy tale always ends well, and this helps the child to believe in the miracle and power of good deeds, thanks to which fairy-tale heroes always defeat evil!

Children often hear words like “good” and “kindness” from adults. At a certain point, they begin to think about what these concepts mean?

What is kindness? Who is called a good person? And why do you need to be kind? From infancy, the child is surrounded by the care and attention of parents, loved ones, and relatives. This kindness shown to him seems completely natural to the child. And if you don’t explain to your child in time that you must not only accept kind attitude from others, but also be able to show good feelings yourself, he may grow up to be an egoist, unable to show good feelings. To prevent this from happening, it is important to tell your child what kindness is and why you need to be kind.

What is kindness?

Kindness is a person’s sincere desire to help other people and do good deeds for them. Even in ancient times, people understood one simple truth, which became the main rule of a good person. This truth says: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” If a person treats the people around him poorly, he will never achieve a good attitude towards himself. But if you treat people kindly, then people will treat you kindly.

People also realized that the ability to be kind makes a person happy. The famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato said this: “By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” Indeed, a person who shows sincere kind feelings towards those with whom he communicates is much happier in life than selfish individuals who are only concerned with attracting the attention and care of others.

Kindness is a sign of strength

The fact that kind people are happier in life is also explained by the fact that kindness is a sign of a person’s spiritual strength. And a strong-willed person is so independent in his actions that he is able not only to ensure his own well-being, but also to help the people around him and show kindness to them.

What feelings are characteristic of a kind person? First of all it is love. Love for parents, for loved ones, for friends. A kind person is also characterized by a feeling of gratitude. It is customary to give thanks for good deeds. And gratitude can be expressed not only with words, but also with reciprocal good deeds. A kind person is also capable of showing such feelings as empathy, compassion, and mercy. It is thanks to kind people that those who need it most receive help - the elderly, the disabled, people with serious illnesses and those who simply find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The path to kindness

How to teach a child kindness? Kindness can only be cultivated by kindness. Since childhood, the child’s parents, close relatives, educators, and teachers have been with him. By showing a child what a kind attitude towards others is, adults set an example for the child and give him a model of correct behavior in society. At the same time, it is also important to show the child that sincere kindness is characterized by modesty. A truly kind person will never demand anything in return for a good deed done and will not boast to others about his good deeds.

It is important to distinguish a kind person from a “kind” one. It is customary to call a kind person a person who shows only ostentatious kindness and at the same time does not experience sincere good feelings for those whom he helps. Such fake “kindness” will not really help a person become a truly strong spirit and independent person.

Kindness and community

Kindness is important not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole. If there are many truly good people in a society, such a society will develop and prosper. After all, where people unselfishly and sincerely help each other, work progresses and all tasks are successfully completed. Therefore, kindness is important both for the development of any society and for the progress of humanity as a whole.

A Tale of Kindness “The Ant and the Moth”
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived an ant and a moth. They lived without grieving, enjoying the sunny days and the green hum of the forest.

One day an ant and a moth met in a clearing.

- What should we do today? - they thought.

“Let’s do some good deeds,” suggested the ant.

And they went through the forest to do good deeds. We helped fix the ladybug's roof, fixed the dragonfly's porch, sent the centipede's shoes in for repair. She had so many shoes that her friends went to the shoemaker several times.

We visited an old butterfly that lived near a gnarled stump and made beautiful shelves for it in the pantry.

In the evening, friends gathered home. They had already reached the old birch tree, when suddenly it got dark and it began to rain heavily.

- Where can I hide, where can I take refuge? - they thought.

And suddenly they heard someone calling them. It was a firefly. He directed the light of his flashlight at the ant and the moth so that they could see where to move in the dark.

...And here they are on the threshold of the firefly's house.

What happiness, what joy to be in the warm, cozy home of a firefly! The owner put tea and sweet bagels on the table.

“You have a kind heart,” the guests said to the firefly.

Tom was happy to hear good words.

“It’s nice to hear kind words from good friends,” said the firefly and smiled.

The main meaning of the fairy tale is that it is very important that good relationships reign in this world. Kindness, goodness is undoubtedly better than indifference, indifference, indifference. Life is more interesting with goodness.