Questions for children 8-10 years old. Funny birthday quizzes

1. Part of the house, ideal for potatoes and revolutionaries. (Underground.)
2. A girl's daughter. (Doll.)
3. Not having bad weather. (Nature.)
4. Green, which kills flies. (Yearning.)
5. Jacket for diaper. (Vest.)
6. Epicenter of the donut. (Hole.)
7. Part of the body that is offered complete with a heart. (Hand.)
8. Office wit. (Button.)
9. An institution where illiterate people are admitted. (School.)
10. Home porthole. (Window.)
11. Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (Nose.)
12. Rubber nurse. (Pacifier.)
13. A reason to publicly hug your or someone else’s gentleman. (Dance.)
14. Photographing in which only the ribs stick out in the photo. (Fluorography.)
15. Unit of measurement of sausage. (Stick.)
16. Dormitory for horses. (Stable.)
17. Cow salad. (Silage.)
18. Monkey swing. (Lianas.)
19. Bedroom for the Ryaba chicken. (Perch.)
20. House for firewood. (Barn.)

Part 2.

1. Why was Solomon the wisest man on earth? (Because he had many wives and he consulted with everyone.)
2. Why do monkeys have big nostrils? (Because the fingers are thick.)
3. All covered with greenery, absolutely all... (New Russian.)
4. All around is water, and in the middle is law. What it is? (The prosecutor is bathing.)
5. Who is the founder of shipbuilding? (Noah.)
6. The world's first surgical operation with anesthesia? (When God put Adam to sleep and made Eve from his rib.)
7. Who was the first advertising agent in the world? (The devil, when he offered Eve an apple.)
8. It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer. (Vodka.)
9. One color in winter and summer. (Crocodile.)
10. What is the arithmetic mean between a bicycle and a motorcycle? (Moped.)
11. A pear is hanging - you can’t eat it. Why? (Boxers can beat.)
12. The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes.)
13. What is: 90/60/90? (This is how the speed of movement changes next to a traffic cop.)
14. Which word always sounds wrong? (The word “wrong.”)

Part 3. “The very best.”

1. Part of speech to which the word “most” refers. (Pronoun.)
2. The state with the most star-studded flag. (USA.)
3. If you believe the TV advertising, the girl becomes “the most beautiful” in clothes from this company. (“Gloria Jeans.”)
4. He says about himself: “I am the best pampering specialist in the world.” (Carlson.)
5. The most civilized packaging. (Aluminum can.)
6. His motto is: “Give the best.” (Tchibo coffee.)
7. The very first candy to go into space. ("Chupa Chups".)
8. The most important human food product. (Rice.)
9. Animals are the most avid alcoholics. (Elephants.)
10. The most popular sport. (Football.)
11. The most popular drink. ("Coca Cola".)
12. The most celebrated holiday on the planet. (New Year.)
13. The most delicious protection against caries. (“Orbit.”)
14. The most populous country. (China.)
15. The cartoon is called “A Gift for the Most...” (The Weak.)
16. The most sold book in the world. (Bible.)
17. The oldest toy. (Beanbag.)
18. This country has the highest life expectancy. (Japan.)
19. The most ancient sport. (Gymnastics.)
20. The very first domesticated animal. (Dog.)
21. The largest animal on the planet. (Blue whale.)
22. The most ancient sports “toys”. (Checkers and chess.)

Part 4. Quiz “On the contrary”.

To correctly answer the quiz questions, you need to name a word that is opposite in meaning to the one that is obvious, or find a catch in the question itself.
1. The lowest paid person in the enterprise. (Boss.)
2. Swimming season for “walruses”. (Summer.)
3. Descendant of the animal that barked at the pug. (Mammoth.)
4. By adding it, extinguish the fire. (Oil.)
5. In the morning he hangs around a woman for hours. (Mirror.)
6. A place in the carriage where passengers are not allowed by conductors. (Coupe.)
7. A disease for which it is recommended to eat ice cream. (Angina.)
8. A delicacy that is spread on black caviar. (Bread.)
9. Grandma picking up New Year's gifts. (Father Frost.)
10. A high-flying bird that, in case of danger, takes its head out of the sand. (Ostrich.)
11. Member of the Temperance Society, supporter of Prohibition. (Alcoholic.)
12. The place from where garbage is taken to the city. (Dump.)
13. For violation of this rule, the soldier is entitled to leave. (Charter)
14. Rest time between breaks. (Lesson.)
15. They hit the finger. (Sky.)
16. There they experience pleasure with their sweetheart in the hut. (Hell.)
17. Crying for Tanya who fell into the water. (Ball.)
18. A drop of it revives a horse. (Nicotine.)

Quiz on the topic “Nosov's Tales”

1. In which fairy-tale city did the little ones live?

a) in Green +

b) in Yellow

c) in Krasnoe

d) in Blue

2. The house of Dunno and his friends was located...

a) on Gladiolus Avenue

b) on Kolokolchikov Street +

c) on the Alley of Daisies

d) on Vasilkov Boulevard

3. State Syrupchik’s first and patronymic.

a) Syrup Siropych

b) Sakharin Sakharinich +

c) Syrup Sakharinich

d) Sakharin Siropych

4. Who invented the hot air balloon?

a) Dunno

b) Znayka +

c) Cog

d) Shpuntik

5. The little guy tied the balloon to a basket woven...

a) from birch bark +

b) from vine branches

c) from willow stems

d) from rowan twigs

6. Which little guy didn’t fly in a hot air balloon?

a) Donut

b) Flower

c) Bullet

d) Gunka +

7. With whom did Dunno dance at the ball in the Flower City?

a) with Sineglazka +

b) with Kisonka

c) with Swallow

d) with Lungwort

8. What did Dunno and his friends take to Sunny City?

a) by car +

b) in a hot air balloon

c) on a ship

d) on a rocket

9. Who did Dunno turn into a donkey with the help of a magic wand?

a) Krykun

b) Pegasica

c) Chubchik +

d) Caligula

10. Znayka discovered that weightlessness appears if two minerals are placed at a certain distance - moonstone and...

a) rock crystal

b) magnetic iron ore +

c) copper pyrite

d) feldspar

Quiz on the theme “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

1. At what age did P. P. Ershov write the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?

a) at 18 years old +

b) at 22 years old

c) at 26 years old

d) at 30 years old

2. What words begin the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?

a) “Once upon a time...”

b) “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”

c) “In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”

d) “Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests, beyond the wide seas...” +

3. What was the name of the old man who had three sons?

a) Danilo

b) Tavrilo

4. What did the brothers sow in the field?

c) wheat +

d) corn

5. The growth of the Little Humpbacked Horse is...

a) two inches

b) three inches +

c) four inches

d) five vershoks

6. Ivan received from the king for two golden-maned horses... a) five caps of silver

The Little Humpbacked Horse

b) ten caps of silver +

c) five caps of gold

d) ten caps of gold

7. How many days did Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse get to the clearing where the Firebirds flew?

8. “Okay, okay! For a friend

And an earring from my ear!..”

Who said that?

a) The Little Humpbacked Horse

b) Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale +

c) a tricky sleeping bag

d) Tsar Maiden

9. How old was the Tsar Maiden, whom the 70-year-old Tsar was going to marry?

10. What did you have to get from the ocean for the Tsar Maiden?

a) ring +

c) chain

d) tiara

Quiz on the topic “Tell me who is your friend?”

1. Who was the onion boy’s friend?

a) with orange

b) with lemon

c) with Tomato

d) with Pumpkin +

2. What is the name of Samodelkin’s friend?

b) Brush

c) Pencil +

d) Felt pen

3. Friend of Muff and Moss Beard -

a) Half boot

b) Half shoe +

c) Half a shoe

d) Half sandal

4. Dunno’s friend’s name was...

a) Gunka +

b) Bobbin

c) Venka

d) Senka

5. Crocodile Gena is the best friend...

a) Cheburashki +

b) Totos

c) old women Shapoklyak

d) Lariska rats

6. Who was Winnie the Pooh's friends?

a) with a kitten

b) with a puppy

c) with a pig +

d) with a monkey

7. Vitya Maleev was a friend...

a) with Vasya Peshkin

b) with Kolya Shashkin

c) with Misha Repkin

d) with Kostya Shishkin +

8. Pippi's best friends were...

a) Tommy and Annika +

b) Johnny and Angelica

c) Bobby and Marika

d) Willie and Janika

9. What is the last name of Mishka, Deniska Korablev’s friend?

a) Ivanov

b) Elephants +

c) Vasiliev

d) Golubev

10. Yura Barankin - friend...

a) Petit Kalinina

b) Bones of Malinin +

c) Bori Pustynina

d) Grisha Kulibina

Quiz on the topic “Finish the proverb”

1. “No matter how you swing the swing, the time will come -...”

a) will break

b) you will fall

c) stop +

d) your head will spin

2. “It’s better to go bad than good...”

a) stand in the corner

b) lie on the beach

c) crawl

3. “What fell from the cart, then...”

a) crashed

b) got lost

c) missing +

d) stuck

4. “Little children - their hands hurt, big children

a) head

b) heart +

d) nothing hurts

5. “We are not proud people: there is no bread - ...”

a) no need

b) we’ll bake it ourselves

c) serve the pies +

d) let's turn around and leave

6. “Often he takes his hat by the hand -...”

a) will fight soon

b) afraid that they will steal

c) that’s what the song says

d) will not leave soon +

7. “On someone else’s side I’m happy with my own...”

a) cow

b) crow +

c) swan

d) neighbor

8. “It’s woeful with the guys, but without them it’s …”

a) twice +

c) especially

d) beauty

9. “Young - with toys, old - ...”

a) with pillows +

b) with rattles

c) with cheesecakes

d) with buns

10. “Father talks about hiking, and mother...”

a) about income

b) about expenses +

c) about children

d) to myself

Quiz on the topic “Quotes”

1. Which quote is taken from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief”?

a) “I’m for the candle, the candle goes into the stove!..”

b) “So the teapot runs after the coffee pot...” +

c) “Everything is spinning, and spinning, and rushing...”

d) “And now the trousers, the trousers, just jumped into my hands...”

2. “Red-haired, red-haired, freckled, he killed grandfather with a shovel!” - This...

a) saying

b) counting rhyme

c) tease +

d) tongue twister

3. “But a wife is not a mitten:

You can't shake off the white pen

You can’t put it under your belt.”

What fairy tale is this quote from?

a) “The Tale of the Goldfish”

b) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” +

c) “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”

d) “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

4. “To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary.”

a) G. Oster

b) D. Kharms

c) E. Schwartz

d) E. Uspensky +

5. Which quote is not from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” by A. S. Pushkin?

a) “There is a princess beyond the sea that you can’t take your eyes off...”

b) “Know that your destiny is close, because this princess is me...”

c) “The guests see: in the palace the king sits in his crown...”

d) “And the queen suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened at all...” +

6. Which quote is taken from I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Elephant and the Pug”?

a) “It is known that elephants are a curiosity among us...” +

b) “Even though the Elephant’s ears are really big...”

c) “Well, that’s it,” the Elephant tells them: look!..”

d) “The phone rang. Who's speaking? Elephant..."

7. “Let them not even laugh,

We still can’t get married. —

Flowers do not grow in winter:

I’m beautiful, and you?..”

Which fairy tale is the quote from?

a) “The Little Humpbacked Horse” +

b) “Sivka-Burka”

c) "Beauty and the Beast"

d) "Cinderella"

8. “Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:

The ball won’t drown in the river.”

What does Agnia Barto call this poem?

a) "Tanya"

b) “Ball” +

c) “On the river”

d) "Don't cry"

9. “Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Instead of felt boots, gloves

He pulled it over his heels.

That's how absent-minded

a) V. Berestov

b) S. Mikhalkov

c) S. Marshak +

d) K. Chukovsky

10. “You kept singing, that’s the point, so come and dance!” - said to the dragonfly...

a) grasshopper

b) ant +

d) cockchafer

Quiz on the topic “Relatives”

1. G. H. Andersen’s father was...

a) shoemaker +

b) tailor

c) baker

d) blacksmith

2. How many brothers did the steadfast tin soldier from the fairy tale of the same name have?

3. What was the name of the brother of the Tsar Maiden from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?

d) Sunny +

4. What profession did Uncle Styopa’s son choose?

a) conductor

b) astronaut +

c) policeman

d) programmer

5. Is your brother-in-law’s nephew like a relative to your son-in-law?

6. What was the name of Odysseus’s grandfather?

a) Autolycus +

c) Hyperion

7. Which of these women would fit the expression “faithful wife”?

a) Antigone

b) Jocasta

c) Vixen

d) Penelope +

8. Genghis Khan belonged to Batu...

c) grandfather +

9. Who was involved in raising M. Yu. Lermontov after the early death of his mother?

d) grandmother +

10. How many children did the writer Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov have?

Quiz on the theme “Travelers”

1. Captain Vrungel sailed the sea...

a) on a yacht +

b) on a schooner

c) by ferry

d) on a boat

2. How did Kai arrive at the palace of the Snow Queen?

a) on a sleigh +

b) on deer

c) on dogs

d) on an all-terrain vehicle

3. What did the robbers take from Gerda?

a) carriage +

c) horse

4. What did old man Hottabych use to move quickly?

a) flying carpet +

b) walking boots

c) magic shoes

5. What did Cinderella's carriage turn into after the clock struck midnight?

a) into a pumpkin +

b) into the zucchini

c) into squash

d) in cabbage

6. Where did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to buy a train ticket?

a) to the cashier +

c) to the buffet

d) to the store

7. Who lived on a desert island for a long time after a shipwreck?

a) Baron Munchausen

b) Robinson Crusoe

c) Gulliver

d) Captain Nemo +

8. How did Emelya go to the king’s palace?

a) on a sleigh

b) on the stove

c) in the cart +

d) on foot

9. Who took Thumbelina to warmer lands?

c) swallow

d) crow +

10. How did Ellie return to Kansas?

a) with the help of Goodwin's magic

b) with the help of Stella's magic

c) using Gingema's silver shoes

d) with the help of a golden hat and Flying Monkeys +

Math Quiz

1. Solve the problem. Piglet picked a bouquet of daisies in the meadow. He gave half of all the flowers to the Owl, and half of the remaining ones to Winnie the Pooh. Now Piglet only has 6 daisies. How many flowers were in the bouquet initially? (24 daisies)

2. For her birthday, Pippi invited as many guests as she was old. Each guest gave the birthday girl a balloon along with a gift. After 5 balloons burst, there are 3 more intact balloons left than burst ones. How old is Pippi? (13 years old)

3. Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, walking in the forest, collected the same number of mushrooms. If Gena gives Cheburashka 30 mushrooms, how many fewer mushrooms will he have? (by 20)

4. The gates to the Emerald City will open if Ellie enters a password in the combination lock, consisting of the difference of two numbers. The first number is the largest of the four-digit numbers that can be made from the digits 1, 2, 3 and 0, and the second is the smallest, with each digit in the number being used only once. Help Ellie find these numbers and the password. (The largest number is 3210, the smallest is 1023, the password is 2187 (3210-1023)

5. Little Red Riding Hood brought grandma a basket containing 5 pies with cabbage and 5 pies with jam that looked identical. What is the minimum number of pies that grandma needs to take so that one of them must include a pie with jam? (6 pies)

6. The hare and the wolf took part in a long-distance race. While the wolf made 1 jump, the hare managed to make 3, but the wolf's jump is 2 times longer than the hare's jump. Who reached the finish line first? (Hare)

7. Dunno decided to walk in a new way: 1 step forward, 2 back, 1 step forward, 2 back and so on. In what direction and how many steps did he move away from the starting point when he took 30 steps? (back 10 steps)

8. Znayka multiplied the smallest two-digit number by the largest one-digit number and added the smallest three-digit number to the product. What number did he get? (1000(10x9+100))

9. Buratino, Chipollino, Pencil, Samodelkin and Petrushka shook hands. How many handshakes were there in total? (10 handshakes)

10. On the first day, old man Hottabych flew 600 km on a magic carpet, on the second day - 2/3 of this distance, on the third day - 3/4 of the distance covered on the second day. How many kilometers did he fly in three days? (1300 km.)

Quiz on the topic “Dunno, or Everything is the other way around-1”

The questions in the following quizzes must be answered INCORRECTLY, since it is the incorrect answer that counts.

1. What was the name of the hero of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”?

a) Nif-Nif

b) Naf-Naf

c) Nof-Nof +

d) Nuf-Nuf

2. What petal does the Seven-flowered Flower have?

a) yellow

b) green

c) pink +

d) blue

3. Who worked at the Karabas-Barabas Theater?

a) Harlequin

b) Pinocchio +

c) Malvina

4. Who is the hero of the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”?

a) bear

b) hippopotamus +

c) crocodile

5. Who came running to pull the turnip later than the granddaughter?

d) grandma +

6. What did you give Eeyore for his birthday?

a) a balloon

b) a pot without honey

d) an armful of hay +

7. Which of these animals is the hero of the fairy tale “Teremok”?

b) bunny

c) squirrel +

d) fox

8. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother?

b) pies

c) a pot of butter

d) box of chocolates +

9. Who did the smart mouse run away from in S. Marshak’s fairy tale?

b) from a cat

c) from an owl +

d) from a ferret

10. What fairy tale did A. S. Pushkin write?

a) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”

b) “The Tale of the Goldfish”

c) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” +

d) “The Tale of Lost Time”

Quiz on the topic “Dunno, or Everything to the contrary-2”

1. What fairy tale did Korney Chukovsky write?

a) "Doctor Aibolit"

b) “Fedorino’s grief”

c) “Uncle Styopa” +

d) “Stolen Sun”

2. Which country was not in the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City?”

a) Turquoise

b) Raspberry

c) Lilac

d) Violet +

3. What was the name of the gnome, Snow White's friend?

a) Grumpy +

b) Veselchak

c) Silent

d) Sleepyhead

4. Who did the Tsokotukha Fly invite to visit?

a) butterfly

b) grasshopper

d) spider +

5. Uncle Styopa was not hired to serve in the army...

a) tank driver

b) a pilot

c) cavalryman

d) sailor +

6. In which cauldron did Ivan bathe in the fairy tale about the Little Humpbacked Horse?

a) in a cauldron with cold water

b) in a cauldron with boiled water

c) in a cauldron with milk

d) in a cauldron with jelly +

7. Who wanted to marry Thumbelina?

b) cockchafer

d) ant +

8. Who did Kolobok run away from?

a) from grandma

b) from a hare

c) from the fox +

d) from a bear

9. Who rocked the stupid mouse from S. Marshak’s fairy tale before going to bed?

a) horse

10. Which fairy tale does the mouse involve?

a) “Chicken Ryaba”

b) "Turnip"

c) “Kolobok” +

d) "Teremok"

Quiz on the topic “Dunno, or Everything is the other way around-3”

1. What did it take for Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse to catch the Firebird?

a) two troughs

b) rope +

2. What did Emelya ask the pike for?

a) so that the buckets go home on their own

b) so that the stove itself cooks the porridge +

c) so that the wood can be cut by itself

d) so that the sleigh moves on its own

3. What fairy tale did Charles Perrault write?

a) "Cinderella"

b) “Little Red Riding Hood”

c) "Sleeping Beauty"

d) “The Princess and the Pea” +

4. What was the name of the sorceress from A. Volkov’s fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”?

a) Bastinda

b) Cruella +

c) Gingema

d) Villina

5. Who helped Dr. Aibolit get to Limpopo?

c) bear +

6. What did Mr. Twister own?

b) motor ships +

c) factories

d) steamships

7. According to the famous “Orange Song,” what was the color orange?

d) greens

8. In the fairy tale “Moidodyr” she ran away from the boy...

a) sheet

b) pillow

c) pipe +

d) book

9. What was Uncle Styopa’s nickname?

b) Kalancha

c) Traffic light

d) Tower +

10. Who didn’t help Gerda find the Snow Queen’s palace?

a) Chinese

b) Laplander +

c) Swedish


To everyone celebrating their birthday! Today is declared the day of test riddles and mysterious tests. After passing a series of tests, you have the opportunity to receive souvenirs. Each player who answered correctly receives a card that must be kept. At the end of the holiday, whoever has as many cards as he can will receive as many souvenirs. (or commands)

1. The code word is encrypted in the secret script of the pirates. For a while. The first one wins.
Here is a piece of paper with the "Pirate Secret Book":

2. Solve puzzles against time. A total of 15 minutes is given.

Answers to children's puzzles:

Paris. Carpenter. Age
Austria. Magpie. Motherland
Point. Task. Showcase
Knitwear. Hare. Beans
Family. Fashion. Wall

3. Guess who scattered the letters (isograph drawing).

4. I believe it or not.
For each correct answer we put a + on whoever has the most + card.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush with colored ink? (Yes)
2.Does Australia use disposable school boards? (No)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in Ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)
6.Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)
7.Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
10. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (No)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12.If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
13.Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before battle. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up and become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15.Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa)
16.Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17.Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid)
18.Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19.Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20.Can bats receive radio signals? (No)
21.Can't owls roll their eyes? (Yes)
22.Is moose a type of deer? (Yes)
23. At night, do giraffes use echoes to find the leaves they feed on? (No)
24. Are dolphins small whales? (Yes)
25. Does rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (No)
26. In some countries, fireflies are used as lighting devices? (Yes)
27.A monkey is usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin worth 10 cents? (Yes)
29.Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31.Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting an unfamiliar relative, greets in the following way - puts its trunk in its mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? 36. (No, such a diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
37.The height of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (No, three)
38. First place among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995. borrowed high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women died from falling from high heels)

5.Ribbon competition

The presenter invites an equal number of boys and girls to go on stage. They stand around him. The presenter has as many ribbons in his fist as there are participants. The ends of the ribbons hang freely in different directions, but their middles are mixed up. A bow is tied at one end of each ribbon. The presenter invites all participants to take hold of these ends; the girls need to choose those ends on which bows are tied. On the count of “One, two, three,” the presenter unclenches his fist, and all participants disperse around the hall. The first couple to unravel wins. Thus, each ribbon “tied” the pair with its ends. (They have cards).

6. CHAIN ​​OF WORDS - for a while - who has more

Let's name a word. At the same time, we begin to write a verbal chain in which each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example: table - spoon - watermelon - tooth...

The one who writes the most words in 3 minutes wins.

7. Intellectual (comic questions). 3 minutes (+) whoever has more and who answers faster and correctly wins +

1. Which note is needed for compote? (Salt)
2. Which composer's name resembles a hunter's shot? (Bach)
3. Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can have a piece of ice)
4. Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (Spare)
5. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
6. What fabric should you use to make a shirt? (From the railway station)
7. Which wing never flies? (car fender)
8. Equilateral rectangle? (Square)
9. What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (Alphabet)
10. Paper bag? (Envelope)
11. Why do village children like to walk barefoot? (On the ground)
12. What happens to the crow when it turns 7 years old? (The eighth will go)
13. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
14. How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
15. Which clock shows the correct time twice a day? (Faulty)

8. DISCOVERER for speed and more

First, the competition participants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw little figures of people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

9. Compose the correct poem command speed and correctness


10 Who else can you see?

11. “Pass the orange” 5 minutes
This is a very famous game. For those who haven’t played, try it, it’s very interesting!
The guys line up and pass an orange or an apple, not with their hands, but with their chins. Whoever drops the orange is out, and the game starts over. And so on until there is only one winner left.

12 Bilboke up to 5 points, once - and pass it around. Whoever scores 5 points first wins.

Several people play. You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. For this - one point. They catch the ball one at a time until they miss. The one who misses passes the ball to the next player. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

14 Each table is given an envelope in which a beautiful card is cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can “restore” a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer). 10 minutes


Under the dictation of the presenter, we write in a column:

The player fills out the task

Title of a literary work
Poetic line

After this, the presenter names a letter (let’s say m), and each player must write the writer’s surname, the name of the city, etc. next to it. with the letter m. The one who completes it first wins.


This game is played by two or two teams. Each player (or team) writes ten words of five letters on a piece of paper, but not the whole word, but only its three middle letters. After this, the players exchange pieces of paper and everyone must add a letter to the left and to the right, so that they get a word.

For example: -tva- decoction, -ate- kater. The one who manages it first wins.


In this game, one of you will take on the role of leader. The presenter writes 20 words on a piece of paper in advance - singular common nouns in the nominative case. Let him prepare two or three of these twenty: experience shows that they will like this game and will want to repeat it, especially since the first round will be like a test.
When the game time comes, the presenter will give everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pencil and say something like this: “Draw the sheet into twenty cells. I have a list of twenty words. I will name the first word and count to three. During this time, you must be in the first cell, make a drawing symbolizing the concept contained in this word.
The game is that based on your drawings you will then have to, when you fill in all 20 cells, reproduce the very words that these drawings mean. It is clear that a quick reaction is needed here: in three seconds, find and capture some characteristic detail. So, if the word hare is named, it is enough to draw two long ears; a few stripes will tell you that I named the tiger. When all the cells are filled with drawings, write captions for them. Whoever can reproduce the most words is the winner."
As players become more comfortable with the game, you need to introduce them to more difficult tins to graphically depict.

For example: laziness, health, braggart.

The most interesting thing in this game is looking at the drawings of other players.

18.Number of players: any. Optional: ribbon, ring

Thread a ribbon into the ring and tie the ends. Participants in the game stand in a circle and pick up a circular ribbon with a ring so that it is inside. The driver stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes.
Participants begin passing the ring along the ribbon. On command, the driver opens his eyes and tries to guess whose hand the ring is in. If you didn't guess correctly - a penalty point. At this time, the players imitate passing the ring, all at once. The participant whose ring was found stands in the center and the game continues again. At the end the results are summed up.
The driver with the fewest penalty points wins.

"We all sang songs"
The host reads the definition of the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.

- a song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
- a song about a heavenly-colored vehicle (“Blue Car”);
- a song about how bad weather conditions cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);
- a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbathing (“I’m lying in the sun”)
- a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
- a song about how fun it is to march with a group (“It’s fun to walk together”);
- a song about a small creature whose color resembles a certain vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”).

20. Competition "The Big Picture"

Teams participate in the competition. For the competition you will need whatman paper, there should be as many of them as there are teams. You also need to prepare markers (one marker per participant). Teams stand along one line, at a distance of 3-4 meters from it there is a Whatman paper on the table, each team has its own table. Each participant is given one felt-tip pen, everyone has a different color. At the presenter’s signal, the first participants run to the Whatman paper and within 30 seconds begin to draw a picture. When 30 seconds have passed, the presenter says change, and the players change, the second participant runs. Thus, all participants take turns drawing a picture. The team with the most beautiful picture wins.

21. Game "Smile of the Cheshire Cat"

This game is similar to the famous games "What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring". The name of the game was given due to its resemblance to the Cheshire Cat, which disappeared in parts. The game involves two teams with the same number of players. Each team is asked one question. If the players answer correctly, then one of them leaves the game (“disappears”), if the team cannot answer, the turn passes to the other team. The winner is the team that was the first to “disappear” completely. The winning team can be given small toy cats as a prize.

22. Competition "Attentiveness will not hurt"

Up to 20 people can participate in the competition. Participants must complete the leader’s tasks in reverse. For example, if the presenter says that you need to raise your hands, you need to lower them. The participant who does what the leader says, and not the opposite action, is eliminated. Thus, the number of participants is gradually decreasing. The most attentive participant remains. Examples of presenter tasks: raise your arms, jump, lean to the left, sit down, raise your left arm, cross your arms, raise your head, bend forward. The number and options of tasks are selected individually.

23. Competition "Trace in History"

You will need: sheets of paper, markers. Two teams are recruited. Each team is given a sheet and markers and chooses a captain. Both captains leave or are blindfolded. the remaining team members are given half a minute to leave their “mark” on a piece of paper - make a fingerprint, sign, leave an imprint of lipstick, even a sole, anything, the main thing is that each participant takes part in this (except for the captains). After half a minute, the captains are given these “creations” and they must guess where the footprint of each member of their team is. For every mistake there is a penalty point. The team that scores fewer penalties wins.

Anna Gladkova
Quiz for minors 14–18 years old “Through the pages of your favorite books”

State government institution

social services of the Krasnodar region

"Otradnensky social rehabilitation center for minors»

Subject: "By the pages of your favorite books»

Form of conduct: quiz.

The target audience: minors 14-18 years old.

Form and methods of work: quiz, exercise "Greetings", conversation on the topic.

Target book is a source of knowledge.


Introduce children to books

Nurture feeling compassion for the heroes

a book and treat it with care.

Expected Result: knowledge will expand minors about some fairy tales.

Equipment: books.


5. Introductory part: greeting, exercise "Greetings".

6. Start of class: conversation on the topic.

7. Main part: holding quizzes.

8. Final part: reflection, summing up, reading a poem.

Quiz"By the pages of your favorite books»

Target: to promote understanding that book is a source of knowledge.


Develop children's cognitive interest;

Correction of skills in partnerships, analytical thinking, basic emotions, interest;

Introduce children to books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity;

identify children’s knowledge about fairy tales;

Nurture feeling compassion for the heroes, consolidate the ability to listen carefully, answer questions, briefly convey the content of works;

Cultivate a desire to communicate with a book and treat it with care.

Progress of the lesson.

Start of class.


Exercise "Greeting"

Purpose of the exercise: warming up, greeting each other.

Participants are asked to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: "Europeans", "Japanese" and "Africans". Then each of the participants walks in a circle and greets everyone “in their own way”: “Europeans” shake hands, “Japanese” bow, “Africans” rub noses.

Introductory part.

Educator: today, guys, we will take a trip around pages of your favorite books. Somebody likes to read fairy tales, some fantasy and adventure, and some books about animals. We will visit yours favorite heroes. So, sit down comfortably, we're off.

Main part.

I.competition "Fairytale warm-up"

Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way (Princess Frog)

What is the name of the aircraft on which a woman first flew into the air? (broom, mortar)

What is the name of the fairy tale that tells the story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer? (gingerbread man)

Remember the storyteller who had his own hobby? (P. Ershov)

What is the most reliable tool in fairy tales that replaces a compass to find your way? (clew)

What is the name of the fairy table on which delicious food appears? (self-assembled tablecloth)

Name a fairy-tale character who burst at the sight of an unskilled bridge being built. (bubble)

Which Russian folk tale describes the life of a large communal apartment. (Teremok)

What starting product is needed to cook fabulous cabbage soup and porridge? (axe)

What is the name of a king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it? (peas)

Which king had income from nut shells? (Dodon)

What are the names of the parts of a woman's dress in which the objects are placed? (sleeves)

II. Contest "Who is bigger"

Word on the card "WORK". What words can be made from this word.

III. Competition: Complete the name of a literary hero"

Dad--- (carlo)

Brownie--- (kuzya)

Postman--- (Pechkin)

Signor--- (tomato)

Dwarf--- (nose)

Princess--- (swan)

Iron--- (woodcutter)

Old man--- (hotabych)

The bull is walking and swaying

Sighs as he walks

Oh, the board is shaking,

Now I'm falling (4) Agniya Barto

Which writer made the onion boy the main character?(2 (Rodari)

To whom does he owe the birth of D. Styopa? (6) (S. Mikhalkov)

Who wrote the fairy tale Thumbelina7 (1) (H. H. Andersen)

5. Heroes of this writer loved to fantasize. That's what they were called - dreamers? (3) (I. Nosov)

6. Which of these writers is named Samuel? (5) (Marshak)

7. Which writer has animals talking on the phone? (Chukovsky)

8. Who came up with the theme, Cheburashka, friends from Prostokvashino? (8) (Uspensky)

1. Andersen 4. Barto

2. Rodari 5. Smarshak

3. N. Nosov 6. S. Mikhalkov

7. Chukovsky 8. Uspensky.

V. Competition "Fans"

1. Sing a kolobok song.

2. Sing the Goat’s song, which she sang to the little goats.

3. Call Sivka - Burka.

4. Call my sister Alyonushka.

VI. Competition “Insert the missing word into the text of the fairy tale.

Balda lives in the priest's house, sleeps on ___ (straw) Eats for ___ (four) Works for ___ (seven). Until he brought everything together, he danced and harnessed the horse. the strip will be plowed. He will light the oven, prepare everything, buy everything. Popodya Balda does not boast enough Popovna only grieves about Balda. Butterfly calls him ___ (aunts) He makes porridge and babysits the kids.

Only pop one Baldu___ (Not loves) Never ___ (takes a sip)

He often thinks about retribution;

Time passes, and the deadline is already ___ (close)

Pop him in advance ___ (cracking)

VII. Contest "Captains"

How would you console fairy-tale characters in such situations?

A) grandfather - after they pulled out the turnips, and they turned out to be rotten.

B) a wolf with its tail torn off after being beaten because of a fox.

C) a hare after the rooster drove the fox out of the hut, and a lot of garbage and dirt remained in the hut.

D) the girl Zhenya, who had all the petals are wasted"Tsvetika-seven-tsvetika"

VIII. Contest "Cat house"

1 person from each team leaves. Spectators shouting: Tili bom, tili bom, the cat's house caught fire - participants put on clothes prepared on chairs, who is faster.

IX. Contest. Guess and draw

Magic objects in fairy tales there are:

Come on, try it too, my friend.

Collect a box of magical objects.

I remember, don't yawn

Invent this thing.

Exactly seven petals

There are no more colorful flowers

Tear off a petal -

He will fly to the east,

Both north and south

And he will suddenly return to us.

Make a wish

Expect fulfillment

What kind of flower is this

Buttercup? lily of the valley? light?

Many miles ahead

How can I get through them faster?

You try their way -

You will overcome the path in an instant.

If you wear it,

You can go anywhere,

And at the same time inconspicuous

He won't be able to find you in it.

Granny baked for grandpa

Grandfather was left without lunch

The boy ran into the forest

It hit the fox on the toe.

X. Competition "Who is faster"

Which literary hero spent 28 years on a desert island? (Robinson Crusoe)

The fidgety little guy from Flower City? (Dunno)

In what work did S. Mikhalkov talk about a man of enormous stature? (Uncle Styopa)

Toy-protagonist books, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table? (Cheburashka)

In what story does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? (12 months)

Heir to three fat men? (tutti)

Queen with a cold heart? (The Snow Queen)

Fairytale child kidnappers? (Swan geese)

Who went from ugly to handsome? (Ugly duck)

What was the name of the bride who ran away from her blind and greedy groom? (Thumbelina)

The dad who removed shavings from his son (father-Carlo)

The wolf's tail served as a bell cord (Eeyore)

A veterinarian who visited Africa? (Aibolit)

A fairy tale where shoes are lost? (Cinderella)

Name a fairy tale in which the inhabitant of the river fulfills all the whims of the main character? ( "At the behest of the pike", tales about a fisherman and a fish.

4. Final part.

Our journey has ended "By the pages of your favorite books» We are used to book, we rarely think of it as a wonderful treasure, and it happens that we don’t always appreciate and take care of it.

But think about it. After all book is a reliable means of transmitting knowledge from generation to generation. Books not only introduce us to the past, but also allow us to understand the present and... like wings, they carry us into the future. This is the only thing "Time Machine", with which you can make exciting trips, book– allows you to visit any part of the globe and get acquainted with the lives of wonderful people.

Comes a book for anyone's home.

Touch her pages-

She will talk to you

About the life of animals and birds.

You will see the rivers flooding,

You will hear a horse stomping.

Both Chuk and Gek will come to you

Timur and Uncle Styopa.

Well, when he suddenly gets sad,

Don't be too upset:

Like the best, most faithful friend.

A book will relieve boredom.


Announcement of the winners.

All kids love to solve riddles, but when they become schoolchildren, especially from the age of 10, they are no longer interested in simple riddles. To captivate children, they must be packaged in a new form that involves a competitive element.

Trick riddles and intellectual questions are part of competitions and quizzes that are held at birthdays and other children's parties, at class events and school lessons. A quiz is a list of prepared questions with answers known only to the host, united by a topic or a certain principle, and with prizes for the winners.

Quizzes for children 10-13 years old with questions and answers are developed on a variety of topics - sports, literature, fairy tales, Russian language or mathematics, about animals or plants. The main principle for choosing a topic is that it should already be familiar to the children. Questions for a quiz can be united not only by topic, but also by the principle of their construction.

For example, for competitions at school for a thematic week on the Russian language, the questions will be intellectual, to test knowledge. And for a birthday, the questions in the quiz will be funny, such riddles with a trick, because this is a holiday, not a lesson.

Quizzes for schoolchildren can also vary in form. By correspondence, when everyone is familiar with the list of questions in advance and children have time to find answers in order to submit them to the competition. This quiz involves fairly complex questions on a topic that requires participants to have information search skills.

But the prizes in such a quiz should be serious enough to interest the participants. These quizzes require written answers. If a complex intellectual quiz is conducted without prior preparation, it may offer answer options arranged in alphabetical order, from which the participant must choose the correct answer.

Oral quizzes always include an element of competition. They can be held in the form of a competition, where each participant plays for himself, demonstrating intelligence and intelligence. Or the quiz may be part of a competition for teams, where answers are given collectively or by a team representative.

Today, thanks to the availability of information technology, a quiz can be packaged in the shell of popular television games, for example, “Custom Game” or “Brain Ring”, but in any case, the main thing in this is skillfully selected questions. This is exactly what we offer you.

Educational cartoons – Quiz for children

An intellectual quiz for schoolchildren aged 10–13 years is unlikely to be appropriate for a child’s birthday, but at school holidays, erudite competitions are often used. In order for it not to turn into a boring lesson, you need to take into account several things when preparing it.

  1. The topics chosen should be familiar to children.
  2. The complexity of the questions must be carefully calculated. The questions should vary in difficulty level, but there should be no age-appropriate questions among them.
  3. Intellectual questions that require knowledge should be replaced by tricky riddles, the answers to which require ingenuity and a sense of humor.
  4. They require careful consideration of game design. For example, simple questions on knowledge of a topic are performed at speed. Complex questions can be offered with ready-made answers, where you need to choose the correct one from the proposed options, etc.

Music quiz

A musical quiz for children over 10 years old requires a little more support from the organizers than simple riddle-solving competitions, because it needs to be accompanied by musical accompaniment.

Music quizzes can be intellectual, requiring children to demonstrate their knowledge of musical terms and instruments, names of composers and titles of musical works. For children from 10 to 13 years old, in this case, it is better to guide them through musical fairy tales or works related to fairy-tale characters. Such competitions include both verbal questions and listening to musical excerpts for 3-5 minutes.

A music quiz held for children on a birthday or holiday will, of course, be completely different in the chosen topic and level of difficulty of the questions. It is worth including riddles with a trick about musical instruments, for example, and excerpts from children’s favorite songs that they will have to learn.

If they have to sing the answers, this will only add to the fun and allow the children to show their talents. Such competitions create a particularly festive mood for any birthday. At the same time, they develop an ear for music and introduce children to musical culture.

Ecological quiz

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, which means that environmental quizzes will be especially in demand. Environmental competitions may include questions:

  • About animals, fish, insects and plants.
  • About natural phenomena (rain, fog) and objects (mountains, sea, etc.).
  • About literary works dedicated to nature.
  • About substances and objects harmful to nature.
  • About the correct behavior of a child in nature and much more.

For children aged 8–10 years, an environmental quiz may include questions on fairy tales about animals, humorous in form, but with serious answers. Some of these funny questions may also be included in competitions for a child’s birthday.

Who is this?

A quiz may include tasks of the same type. For example, based on the description of a person, a literary character, or an animal, participants need to answer the question “Who is this?” This could be a passage describing the hero or questions in the form of a funny riddle with a trick. The main thing for children aged 10–13 years is to choose the right characters for the tasks so that they can recognize them and give answers.


Sport is not only agility, strength, speed, but also knowledge about this side of human life. Many schoolchildren aged 10–13 already attend sports clubs and are seriously interested in various sports. A quiz on this topic will help you check how well they know the sport. Questions about sports may include:

  • Riddles about sports equipment (ball, jump rope, etc.).
  • Tasks like “Who is this” are serious about famous athletes or humorous about characters from fairy tales and stories who distinguished themselves in running, jumping, etc.
  • Competitions for scholars to test their knowledge of sports rules or the history of sports.
  • About numbers related to sports. For example, the number of Olympic rings, the number of players on a football team, etc.

Of course, questions on knowledge of sports and athletes for children 10 years old should not be too difficult. If the quiz questions are supplemented with fun sports competitions, I believe that the result will be a real holiday program - “Merry Starts” or a birthday.


The topic of animals in popularity for quizzes can probably only compete with fairy tales. Children, including those aged 10–12 years, already know a lot about animals, and it will not be difficult for them to answer questions about them.

And quiz compilers can find a variety of materials on this topic - poetic riddles about animals, interesting facts, films, cartoons about them. All this will allow you to turn the quiz, if desired, adding, for example, drawing and other competitions, into a full-fledged holiday, celebrating Bird Day, Cat Day or Tiger Day, which are on the calendar.

Fairy tales

Fairy tale quizzes are held for a variety of ages - from preschoolers to pensioners, since everyone knows and loves fairy tales. It’s just that questions for such different age categories are also composed differently. For kids, their knowledge of folk tales will be seriously tested, and for older ones there will be trick questions.

For children aged 10 – 13 years old, the quiz will consist of serious questions about original fairy tales and funny questions about Russian folklore. Such competitions awaken a love for the Russian language and reading, and the opportunity to feel like an erudite by giving the correct answers brings joy to the child both at school and on his birthday.

Fairy tale quiz