Canon of Kyiv saints. Canon 1 to Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir

Council of All Reverend Fathers of Kiev-Pechersk, holiday of the Russian Orthodox Church

In modern times, the tradition established by Sirig’s creation has also developed, in which not only the Kiev-Pechersk monks were honored, but also “all the saints who shone in Little Russia.” In the so-called green Menaion, published by the Moscow Patriarchate in - years and later reprinted several times, the service with the canon of Siriga was published as the service for the feast of the Council of all the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk in the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent, under the title “The Venerable Father of the Pechersk and All Saints who shone in Little Russia." No later than the 1990s, cases of its liturgical use are known. Also, at the end of the century, there are indications of the celebration of the “Cathedral of Saints in Little Russia” in the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent. IN Orthodox Encyclopedia, which began to be published in the same period, two different celebrations are often indicated dedicated to the 2nd Week of Lent: “The Council of all Kiev-Pechersk Reverend Fathers” and “The Council of all saints who shone in Little Russia,” although sometimes the practice is also reflected talking about a single “Council of all the venerable fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk and all the saints who shone in Little Russia.”

The Cathedral celebrates:

  • Prpp. Fathers in the Near Caves (September 28)
  • Prpp. Fathers in the Far Caves (August 28)
  • St. Pachomius Romansky (+ 1724, commemorated April 1 (Ukr.), April 14 (Romanian))


Troparion, tone 2

When you have gone down into graves and imprisoned yourself, / then, having mortified the passions of the flesh, / buried Christ, the God-bearing, / and the devil in the underground, destroying the fence, / / ​​for this sake of the Angels crowns are being given to you from Heaven.

Kontakion, tone 8(Similar to: Taken:)

Fathers of all honour,/ personified by the Red God,/ the springs of many miracles, flowing myrrh,/ the red-rich treasures of the Lord, in the hidden land,/ do not cease, we pray, to pray for us to God of the Lord, let us call you: Rejoice, lamps of the whole world.

Used materials

  • Plyakin Maxim, priest, "Review of trends in writing liturgical sequences for cathedral memories", 3rd conference of the Scientific Center for the Study of the Church Slavonic Language "Modern Orthodox Hymnography", December 13-14, 2011:
  • "Metropolitan Peter Mogila," website of the Mgar Transfiguration Monastery:
  • "On the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent. Service to the Council of the Reverend and God-bearing Fathers of our Pechersk" / Minea of ​​Pechersk. - K.: Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, 2007. - T. 2, p. 7, 26 (prayers).

The division into two Councils is enshrined in the rubricator of the electronic version of the encyclopedia. See "Category: Hagiography / ... / Council of all saints who shone in Little Russia (2nd Sunday of Lent)", Orthodox Encyclopedia, In the text of the encyclopedia, both approaches are found - both combining into one Council and dividing into two.

We celebrate the memory on September 30
(October 13)

Troparion, tone 4

Today the prophecy of the First-Called Apostles has been fulfilled, behold, grace has risen on these mountains and faith has multiplied. And even through unbelief, the Divine font, which had become dilapidated, was born and became a people of renewal, a royal priesthood, a holy language, the flock of Christ. To whom you, the first shepherd, appeared, as if you were the first to serve with Baptism. And now, standing before the Master Christ God, pray to all Russian sons to be saved: for you have boldness as a hierarch of God and a clergyman.

Canon, tone 6

Song 1

Irmos: As Israel walked across the abyss on dry ground, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out.


As God's hierarch and servant of the Most High Throne standing before the face of the saints in Heaven, pray for us, who serve with God-inspired songs, to appear with you, where the joy of the righteous is.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

As the Lord was chosen to serve His glory for the work of the Gospel of Christ, for those gathered in your memory, Saint Michael, pray that we may work in the commandments of the Gospel and receive the reward of the joy of the saints.

Glory: Like standing on the candlestick, you shone with the light of good deeds far away, like unfaithful people, with your instruction, Father, they saw the Light of the Vision of God, and the country rejoices, enlightened by you.

And now: As the true Light from Her lies revealed to the world, enlighten us in the darkness of passions walking and guide us on the path, the path that gave birth to the Christian race, Mary the Bride of God.

Song 3

Irmos: There is no one holy like You, O Lord my God, who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

It was not faith that was implanted in Russia, nor piety that was rooted, until you, Saint Michael, like a wise worker, destroyed the scourge of polytheism, and deepened the firm confession of God.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Illuminated by the light from above, the great Vladimir, like the dawn, will receive you, God’s hierarch, into the Russian land darkened by idolatry, so that even there the people will be sanctified by your coming and the firm faith will be enlightened by confession.

Glory: The Sun of Truth, Christ God, like a luminous show to you, Michael, of the Russian land, which you illuminated with the birth of the font baths, you brought to the Lady a new people, renewed by the good faith by confession.

And now: The Sun of Truth, Our True God, having borrowed flesh from You, has shone forth to the world, O Virgin Mary, and the aphid of polytheism has perished to the end. With light, Virgin Mary, enlighten me, darkened by despondency, and guide me on the path of good deeds.

Lord have mercy ( three times).

Sedalen, voice 8th

With the slaughter of the Gospel teaching you cut down an idol’s image, you overthrew the temples on the ground and planted piety. Even while flaunting itself, the city of Kyiv calls to you with love: Rejoice, Michael, the first-throne bishop of Russia.

Glory, even now: To those who sing, Rejoice, Deliverer of barbaric service, remove the work of others and, having crushed idolatry in your thoughts, instill the wisdom of the fear of God. For you are the Wine, the First Fruit and the Fulfillment of all good.

Song 4

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying, pure in meaning, celebrating in the Lord.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Christ's servant and pious builder, you, the saint, felt the idols, and sobbed the mountaineer of your destruction. People are renewed through Baptism, rejoicing, the holiday is bright in the Lord, celebrating.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

For you, father, I will come to the mountains of Kiev, the first idol of Perun is overthrown, dragged by horses, and the rest of the idols shake from fear. People celebrate the day of renewal in the Lord.

Glory: Every gender and age of people, previously darkened, came to the Pochainya River for enlightenment, and there became a countless regiment, you who had a leader. Having served him with the bath of Baptism, you instructed the bishop to the understanding of God, Michael.

And now: All generations bless Thee, Mary the Queen, and we worship Thy face depicted on the icon with songs of bliss, the holiday is bright in the memory of Thy saint, celebrating.

Song 5

Irmos: With Thy God's light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the true God, crying out from the darkness of sin.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Illuminated by God's Light through newly baptized people, I cry out with you, Michael: Christ our God, grant to You the One and only message of the Word of God, taking us away from the darkness of idolatry.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

The fall of the walls of Jericho, Joshua surrounded the ark: the fall and idols, with the cross, I will come to you, hierarch. People glorify the Word of God, You Christ, who takes people away from the darkness of unbelief.

Glory: The city of Kyiv is beautiful to this day, with the bath of Baptism robes from you, the saint. And he wears, like a hryvnia in gold, on his neck the honest Gospel of Christ. Even as we kiss and glorify the Words of God, they take us away from the darkness of sin.

And now: We all flaunt Your kindness, Mary Bride of God, for You are truly red. And the Most High, having desired Thy beauty, united with Thy flesh: and Man became God and deified us, fallen into ashes, for Thy sake, Pure Virgin.

Song 6

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Stinking idolatry, like Moses, with the Rod of the Cross, you cut off the sea, Bishop Michael, and having washed the people of the vision of God with water, you brought them to the refuge, singing: Glory to Thee, O Most Merciful Christ.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

The Russian land, which had first gone astray and was not established, has now been guided by you, Hierarch Michael, and has come to the vision of God. And having accepted the ring of adoption, they rejoice, calling: Glory to Thee, my Christ, Most merciful.

Glory: Having tamed the people raging with unbelief in the Russian land and placed the yoke of the Church of obedience on her, you, Michael, brought many workers into the grapes of the Heavenly Master. Make us, holy ones, wise workers, as if we bring praise to you today.

And now: Tame the ferocious passions within me and lay the yoke of humility on me, Mother of God, so that I may work the rest of the time and find mercy on the Day of Judgment.

Lord have mercy ( three times). Glory, and now:

Kontakion, voice 2

The second Moses appeared to Russia, Father, bringing mental grapes from Egyptian idolatry to the land foreseen by prophecy. The affirmation of faith will be spoken on earth, and on the tops of the Kyiv mountains the fruit that nourishes the whole world will be exalted more than Lebanon. Having tasted something worthless, let us please you, Michael, hierarch of God.


Having gathered the wasted people into a single mind of the vision of God and washed away the ignorance of the Russian land with Baptism, you enlightened them with the Cross. And, having taught to glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Most Holy Spirit, create a rational flock of Christ God, who has stood by faith to this day, crying out: Deliver the city and the people who please you from all evil conditions, Michael, hierarch of God.

Song 7

Irmos: The angel made the venerable cave into the venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, exhorted the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

With cooling grace from you, saint, Russia is washed with water, the scales of rational hairs cast down in the holy font. And the knowledge of the One Creator calls us by faith: blessed be God our father.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

To you, the city of Kyiv, rejoicing at Baptism, the desecration of the idols weeps, from them we drag the first idol of Perun to the crying mountaineer. From there the people, having realized their first error, cried out to you, Michael: Blessed be God our father.

Glory: The golden ring of new grace, placed on the hand of Bishop Michael of Russia, betrothed the pure bride of Christ, even the Church of the world. Even to this day, spiritually joyful, she calls: Blessed is God our father.

And now: The Golden Ring we call Thee, the Pure Virgin, is decorated like a precious adamant, the union of the flesh of Christ. By this love we call: Blessed are You alone, Your Son and God our father.

Song 8

Irmos: You poured out dew from the flames of the saints, and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water, for you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Withdrew from the flames of idolatrous flattery, O wise one, you cooled the Russian land with the dew of Baptism, and you are no longer burned by your return to the first, exalting Christ, and you, your shepherd, forever.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Having dealt with all the good things, even concerning the newly chosen people, you appointed shepherds and teachers according to the grades: and having thus ruined the newly chosen flock, you yourself departed as Shepherds to the Chief, Christ God, to reign for ever.

Glory: The city of Kyiv had much weeping and weeping because of your departure to God, Father; but the Highest Jerusalem, receiving you into its bosom, rejoiced. Wherever you live, do not forget your flock, and pray that he may dwell with you forever.

And now: I do many joyful things with evil demons and joy, but to my guardian there is sadness everywhere. O Pure Mary, Mother of Christ God, guide me to repentance, so that there may be no crying, but joy to my Angel, and to me with him forever.

Song 9

Irmos: It is impossible for a man to see God; the angels do not dare to look at him; By You, O All-Pure One, the Word incarnate as man, Who magnifies Him, with the Heavenly Ones we please You.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

As the date blossomed, Father, in the house of God, and you showed the fruits of the incorruption of your relics to everyone: from this people realized that you stand before Christ, we magnify you with songs.

Our Saint Michael, pray to God for us.

Like a fragrant cypress, you smell sweetly to the saint, and delight those who worship you and fill us with the fragrance of your prayers, as we magnify your memory with songs.

Glory: We magnify the face of the Russian saints and holy cathedrals: flock to the holy cave, shepherds of the First Shepherd, and people honor their father with songs, today we magnify his memory.

And now: All creation sings praises to You, the Virgin, as if you have passed through all the gates of Heaven and become the Fiery right hand of the Throne. At your right hand, make us worthy of Your Son, as with the songs Who were born from You, and You are magnified

Song 1

Irmos: Let us sing a song, people, to our wonderful God, who freed Israel from work, a song of victory, singing and crying, we sing to You, the One Master.

In memory of Thy saints, grant, O my Christ, help from above, and teach me, by making wise with Thy Holy Paraclete, that I may bring songful praise to Thee, the Only Master.

Council of the God-bearing Fathers in God, gather together, people, come to worship, bringing with you animated sacrifices, for we call upon ourselves, so that we may bring glory to the King of all, the One Master.

The East and the Russian land brought them out and the Pechersk Mountain grew, like a God-planted tree, these fruits are abundant, people, come together to honor, and we will bring a song to the Lady.

Thou art a mental paradise, the Pechersk holy mountain, which has multiplied the intelligent trees, blessed fathers, who cannot be destroyed one by one: for all together we bring praise and song to Thee, the One Sovereign.

The fruitful tree and the olive branch, brought from Athos to this mountain, great Anthony, whose fruits delight our souls, we offer a song to You, Christ, the Master of all.

Stefan, full of faith and piety, the perfecter of the Church founded by God, and Nikon, adorned with icons, like a great luminary that shone forth, and we honor them more, we offer a hymn to the One You, Christ, the Master of all.

Glory: Bringing glory to You, Most Holy Trinity, I bring the wonderful prayer book of Varlaam, who despised the glory of the Bolyar family: for his sake they set my glory in this world into the dust, so that there I will find glory in You, the Lord of all.

And now: Who brought the human race into first nobility with Thy holy Nativity, dishonored me by demonic barking, bring me to glory more intelligently, and I will sing to Thee: Rejoice, Glory to the Orthodox, Pure Mother of the Virgin.

Song 3

Irmos: There is nothing holy, like the Lord, and nothing is righteous, like our God, Whom all creation sings: There is nothing righteous, more than You, Lord.

Even if there is no red singing in my mouth, I still bring it to you, Ephraim the God-Bearer, for you, leaving your work to an earthly prince, served the Heavenly King, and received a reward from the hand of the Lord.

I honor Isaiah with a wonderful gift, and I sing this as he who held the Rostov bishopric, praying to the Most High Shepherd of the flock to receive me, a lost sheep, and bring me to His fence with your prayers, Reverend.

Presbyter of beauty and healer, I praise the blessed Damian. For with love for all grief, healing with oil and prayer, heal him with medicine and me, Master Lord.

Jeremiah, the venerable one is honored with praises from above for the gift of insight, and the seer of the secrets of the human heart in oblivion, remember my innumerable sins, blessed one, and you will be a teacher of my repentance.

Matthew, who saw the demonic entrances in reality, and corrected the one who gives guilt with a passionate excuse, as if he knew with my mental eyes my non-correction, punish, and I exalt you, reverend.

Lamp I judge, Simon the shepherd, be with him and Nikita the recluse, as a lover of the great Lavra and a zealot for monastic correction, having fallen, guide me with your, fathers, punishment.

Glory: Thy Glory, Holy Trinity, having preserved in this venerable life in my soul, thus having been granted from You the ever-present glory, May we not be deprived of it, for we present their council to You today in prayer.

And now: The unspoken word is the joy of the existence of the saints, create joy for me as a partaker and do not deprive me of the glory of the saints, for everything is possible for You and you do whatever you want, Mary Bride of God.

Sedan, voice 8th

The mental stars illuminating the Russian land, I dare to honor the God-bearing cathedral of the Fathers, but my soul is darkened by passions, my mind is perplexed, kindle the darkness of fickle thoughts and honestly sing a song to you, blessed fathers.

Glory, and now:
Stars of the Never-Setting Mother and the dawn of the mysterious day, rejoice, for through You I see the light and the sun of true truth, illuminated by its rays, I sing to You, O Blessed Youth.

Song 4

Irmos: From the shadowed mountain, the Word, the prophet, the one Mother of God, desiring to be incarnate, behold Godlike, and with fear glorify Your power.

From the mountain, according to the foreknowledge of God, the luminary appeared on the land of the God-bearing fathers, and enlightened the Russian land with the lordship of his life: we are amazed and praised, O Christ, Thy power.

We are surprised that being in the flesh, having accepted a feat higher than nature, has become like an Angel, for our souls have flown into the love of God, and have preferred nothing in the world more than that, having received Your power from the infirmity of our weak flesh, Christ.

Stefan, strong in fasting, and Anastasius, who had boldness towards God, accepted everything in his petition: I honor their hard work, I praise, my Christ, Your power.

Isaac, deceived by darkness in the light, and deceived by the light of correction of darkness, as even now the sons of darkness fear his name, deliver us from such temptation, O Christ, Thy venerable one prays, that we may ever glorify Thy power.

I dare to honor the invincible warrior Elijah of Murom, who has a wound in his hand from a weapon, but in his heart love for You, my Christ, create the deepest wound for him, and this is why he is crowned, glorifying Your power.

We glorify Nikonov’s strength in temptation, for he endured much from the infidels. But through patience we gain humility and salvation, through whose prayers we too may be saved, O Almighty Christ, we glorify Your power.

Glory: In the One Trihypostatic Being we glorify the Divinity, the Father and the Son, and the Most Holy Spirit, the One God and, bowing in memory of our venerable fathers, we glorify Your power.

And now: Having my trust in You, I am not afraid of demonic attacks, and having acquired boldness in You, I resist the fears of Satan, leading, as You are, O Lady, the terrifying thunder of enemies.

Song 5

Irmos: Deliver me from the darkness of passion, as if from deep night, grant my spirit to be strengthened, I pray, in the light of the day of Your commandments, O Christ.

The darkness of all passions and harmful lusts are put aside, with patience you are drawn to the task ahead of Your venerable Lord, Lord. I was also illuminated by You with grace, walking in the light of Your commandments, O Savior.

We glorify the memory of Titus the priest, who trampled the wrathful demon with humility, and Lawrence the recluse, who had boldness against evil spirits: for these have kept Thy commandments, and are glorified in Thy light, O Savior.

Sisoya, who shone forth in fasting, I bring to praise on Wednesday, but because of his wealth I cannot, as if I were ignorant, I prostrate myself to this. Trust in You, Most Holy Paraclete, Imam and You give me from Your gifts, Holy One.

Theophilus is sung in graceful miracles, because even in this life he surprised many with miracles, but now he has received a greater gift, helping others, as if he had preserved Thy commandments, O Savior.

We honor Vasily and Theodore as martyrs, as if they were slandered by a demon, who suffered guiltless torment from the prince, who died with an arrow, and with fire and smoke: but together with You they are glorified, O Savior.

We praise Prokhor for his miracles and labors, like a bird feeding on unsown potions, but for others the bread is light from the loboda, and the salt turned from ashes is given, for this sake we please him.

Glory: We are led by the Spirit, he was called the son of the Most High, John was enlightened by fasting, for he fed on the word of God more than meat, so this life flowed easily, like a bird, from You I received Your strength, Savior.

And now: All the glory of the Daughter of the Tsar, inside, clothed and adorned, stands before the Trinity Throne. From here it shines more than the sun, with the rays of Your goodness, look upon us and sing, Mother of the Virgin, I will take out Your power.

Song 6

Irmos: Accept me, O Lover of mankind, from my many sins, and fall into Thy bounty, as a prophet, O Lord, and save me.

I am obsessed with love to praise your Council, God-Bearing Fathers, for you are naturally praised by God and man, for in this life you have despised the glory of this world, so that you may fulfill the commandments of Christ.

Your tongue will utter your glory, O venerable one, what you have acquired through many labors, but achieved through grace. And these signs reveal miracles of beneficence and healing, so do not despise us who are weak, so that we may be able to fulfill the commandments of Christ.

Agapita, who is many-wonderful, gives healings in abundance, and Reverend Helladia, with the other Abraham, for having much boldness towards the Lady of all, do not despise your servants, but pray, to be delivered from all sorrow, to those who honor you, blessed.

John was abounding in love, and after death he showed love to his brother by moving his body, and Theophilus, who washed away the desecration of his love with tears, as if he were inseparable here and there, do not separate our prayers from those who praise you.

Damian, healing passions with prayer and oil with Savva the wonderworker, do not despise us who are exhausted by spiritual passions, but from your healing gift anoint our spiritual scabs, as if praising you.

Nectarius, obedient with Sergius, one of one and the same, as having given up his souls under the yoke of obedience of Christ, with your prayer bend our disobedience under the yoke of the obedient Jesus, to fulfill what was commanded to us.

Glory: Glory to the city of Smolensk, Mercury the shepherd, who tends his chief shepherds kindly, but with a spirit of grief I will take it out to be inseparable from the face of the monks of Pechersk. Moreover, after death, the miraculous one floated in the treasure, and in the cave of the saints his body rested, while his soul rejoiced with the saints on the bed.

And now: Having no rise from the works of the venerable village, I resort to You, Lady Theotokos, for You are the Door of Heaven, and the ladder seen by the prophet. By grace, grant me rise in my heart and open the doors of Your mercy.

Kontakion, voice 2


Whoever is able to praise Thy saints one by one, O Good One, I will honor them and multiply more than the sand. But You, Lord Christ, count the multitude of stars, and give names to everyone, show them our prayers and those for the sake of showing Your generosity to Your people. We know that we have much boldness towards Your Majesty, and we intercede to You, like ever-present prayer books for our souls.

Song 7

Irmos: You who watered the youths in the cave and preserved the Virgin who gave birth to Thee at Christmas, blessed art thou, O God of our father.

Help me to bring the song of adolescence, O God-red Father of the Pechersks, so that with your instruction I will drive away despondency and dispassionately sing with Christ-loving people: blessed is God our father.

I have been much painful, having passed this life with gratitude in illness, but otherwise give prayer to cure illnesses, you are now in painless peace, from illness I have been relieved, so that I can sing: blessed is God our father.

Pure gold and silver with the sevenfold talents are skilled, Eustathius the righteous, even a former doer of righteousness, but from here he came to do mental virtues, and with these adorning his soul, imagine it pure, like gold, and sing: Blessed is God our father.

The time and years of many wonderful things for the Church, the life and virtues of the original father revealed to us in writing, and their zealot in deed, being the glorious Nestor, whom we glorify, singing: Blessed is God our father.

Eustratius is a martyr of kindness, the second Elijah the charioteer. But he is taken to heaven, and he is taken into the very fiery chariot of the heavenly door, with a voice calling him from the magnificent Glory, where with a voice of joy they sing: blessed is God our father.

Blessed Helladius is glorified in miracles of gratitude, and Luke is also credited with him, as a good doer of the commandments of the Lords, now having received retribution with a stream of sweetness and joyfully singing: blessed is God our father.

Glory: The Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son obeys your spirit, God-bearing fathers, for you are the children of God and joint heirs of Christ, and you work with Him and are glorified with Him, singing: Blessed is God our father.

And now: the Holy Spirit was found on Thee, and the power of the Most High fell, showing Thee the Pure Mother and at Christmas. Having freed ourselves from the work of others, we all bless Thee, for the blessed God of our father has blessed Thee.

Song 8

Irmos: Glorified on the mountain of saints, and in the bush of fire of the Ever-Virgin Moses, sing and exalt the mystery of the Lord who appeared to all ages.

You, the great luminary of the God-bearing fathers, appeared on the holy mountain of Pechersk, from nowhere the rays of grace, and enlightened the entire Russian land with miracles. Thus we sing to the Lord and exalt him forever.

Not a stormy sea, but a holy cave reveals your relics, like precious beads, saints of God, and you enrich the miracles of the outpouring of all who come to you with faith, as from here they extol the Lord with praises forever.

Matthew, a seer of the future, and John in many ways, the brightest suffering, more than any other, with Moses, a mirror of purity, like an honest stone hidden in a cave, but they are miracles to all who extol the praises of the Lord forever.

Ephraim the eunuch, the intelligent dove, brought the olive branch of the Studian charter to the holy monastery, and Aretha, adorned with old-age morals, with the perspicacious Jeremiah they are more famous than hard adamant, whose glory is forever.

Marco is a grave digger, a mirror of hard work, a resurrector of the dead, a mentor to the repentant. I listened to His words, like the voice of a lion, with fear, but now I am afraid of the devil, as if he lives with the Lord forever.

Gregory, not from Caesarea, but from the Pechersk Lavra, the miracle worker, appeared, holding the motionless thieves with prayer for three days and three nights, ending his life with water, and now rejoices with St. Sergius on the calm water, singing to the Lord forever.

Glory: Glory be to Erasmus, who decorated the Pechersk Church with icons, and to the famous Onesimus, who is credited with the wondrous prophetic gift of Matthew. And in these three the Trinity Name is glorified forever.

And now: Whoever does not want to glorify You, Pure Virgin, is a stranger to his own salvation: for Your glory is extended to all who glorify You, Mary, Bride of God.

Song 9

Irmos: Manifested on the mountain of the lawgiver in lights and bushes, the Nativity of the Ever-Virgin in our faithful, salvation, we magnify with silent songs.

In the mountain of saints, in a dark cave, you set up your tabernacles, blessed fathers, who created God’s paradise, and enriched you with virtues and miracles, like fruitful trees, from which those who come faithfully receive healing fruits, and magnify you with praises.

Spyridon, the gentle soul, and Nicodemus the victorious, both holy prosphora sheets, pure bread as a gift to God, and to themselves as a fragrant sacrifice. Anatoly is also counted among these, and everyone calls them the same.

Angelically wise Alypius with Gregory of Byzantium, most skillful icon painters, correct our unskillful deeds with your good deeds, and present them to Christ in a bright image; we magnify you with glory.

Pimen, the fasting fragrant flower, and Ephraim the priest, this is the essence of good oil, anointed with the gift of grace, they depart with faith and glorify all the Creator.

Onuphrius is a lover of silence, and Isaiah, the desert-loving dove, with the blessed Sylvester, a triple-braided branch on demons, their chicks of passionate admonishments having been strangled to the end, have the gift of helping others in temptations, that’s what they all call them.

Equal to the Apostles Vladimir, with the God-wise Roman and David, with them and St. Nicholas the Svyatosha, the quartet of Russian princes is sung, and on those, as if God rested on the wise chariot, that’s how they all call them.

Glory: Glory to the luminous martyrs Barbara, and Euphrosyne from Polotsk, radiance to the virgins, and Juliana, giving the oil of grace to the weak for healing. For the sake of these three virgins, save everyone, Holy Trinity, who magnify You with worship.

And now: Rejoice, Glory of the saints, Most Pure Virgin, Rejoice, the Ship in this stormy life of those who want to be saved, Rejoice, the Stone, which gave water to those thirsty for eternal blessings. Everyone brings this rejoice to You and magnifies You with songs.

Prayers and troparia to the Kiev Pechersk fathers

The fiery pillar and the luminous sun that shone on Mount Pechersk, we bring the great Anthony with the entire Council of God-bearing Fathers to You, Christ, in prayer, for their sake we pray, grant grace to our monastery and great mercy to our souls.


When you are buried in graves and imprison yourself, then the passions of the flesh, having mortified, are buried in Christ, the God-bearing, and the devil in the underground, destroying the fence. For this reason, the Angels are giving you crowns from Heaven.


Gathering the fasting face with your mind, with your mental eyes, come, people, honor them with praises, worshiping their power, bring gifts of love, for these are intercessors and prayer books for our souls to God.



The Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves, is celebrated separately on September 28/October 11. Previously, this general memory was celebrated on the first Saturday after the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross, that is, after September 21/October 4. The establishment of the celebration of the common memory of the saints who rested in Anthony's Cave on Saturday after the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross dates back to 1670. During the restoration of caves damaged by the earthquake, several relics of ancient ascetics were discovered and a temple was built in honor of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross.

In 1760, a stone church was built over the caves in honor of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross. In 1886, under the Kiev Metropolitan Platon, the celebration of the memory of the Council of the Venerable Near Caves was moved to September 28/October 11 in accordance with the celebration of the memory of the Council of the Venerable Far Caves on August 28/10. It is believed that the canon for the venerable fathers resting in the Near Caves was compiled by St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov. It is known that he owns the 2nd canon of the service to Saints Anthony and Theodosius on September 2/15.

The Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Near Caves includes: St. Anthony the First († 1073; commemorated July 10/23 and September 2/15), Venerable. Prokhor the Wonderworker, called Lebednik († 1107; commemorated February 10/23), St. John the Faster (XII century; commemorated December 7/20), Venerable. Juliana the Virgin, Princess of Olshanskaya († c. 1550; commemorated July 6/19), prmchch. Theodore and Vasily († 1098; commemorated August 11/24), St. Polycarp, Archimandrite of Pechersk († 1182; commemorated July 24/August 6), St. Varlaam, abbot of Pechersk († 1065; commemorated November 19/December 2), Venerable. Damian the presbyter, healer († 1071; commemorated October 5/18), St. Nicodemus prosphora (XII century; commemorated October 31), St. Lawrence the recluse, Bishop of Turov († 1194; commemorated January 29/February 11), Venerable. Athanasius the Recluse († c. 1176; commemorated December 2/15), Venerable. Erasmus the Monk (XII century; commemorated February 24/March 8), St. Luke, steward of Pechersk (XIII century; memory 6/19 November), Venerable. Agapit, free doctor († c. 1095; commemorated June 1/14), Venerable. Theophilus the Tearful and John the Pious, resting in a single shrine (XII century; commemorated December 29/January 11), St. Nektary the Obedient (XII century; commemorated November 29/December 12), St. Gregory the icon painter (XII century; commemorated August 8/21), hieromartyr Kuksha, educator of the Vyatichi (XII century; commemorated August 27/September 9), Venerable. Alexy the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated April 24/May 7), Venerable. Savva the God-pleaser (XIII century; commemorated April 24/May 7), Venerable. Sergius the Obedient (XIII century; commemorated October 7/20), Venerable. Mercury, Bishop of Smolensk († 1239; commemorated August 7/20), Venerable. Pimen the Many-Sick († 1110; commemorated August 7/20), Venerable. Nestor the Chronicler († 1114; commemorated October 27/November 9), prom. Eustratius († 1097; commemorated March 28/April 10), Venerable. Helladius the Recluse (XII–XIII centuries; commemorated October 4/17), Venerable. Jeremiah the Farsighted († c. 1070; commemorated October 5/18), martyr. Moses Ugrin († c. 1043, commemorated July 26/August 8), Venerable. John the Long-Suffering († 1160; commemorated July 18/31), Venerable. Mark the Grave Digger (XII century; commemorated December 29/January 11), Venerable. Nikola Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov († 1143; commemorated October 14/27), martyr. Gregory the Wonderworker († 1093; commemorated January 8/21), St. Onesimus the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 4/17 and July 21/August 3), St. Matthew the Visionary († c. 1085; commemorated October 5/18), Venerable. Isaiah the Wonderworker († 1115; commemorated May 15/28), St. Abraham the Hardworking (XII-XIII; commemorated August 21/September 3), Venerable. Niphon, Bishop of Novgorod († 1156; commemorated April 8/21), Venerable. Sylvester the Wonderworker (XII century; commemorated January 2/15), St. Pimen the Faster (XII century; commemorated August 27/September 9), Venerable. Onuphrius the Silent (XII century; commemorated July 21/August 3), Venerable. Anatoly the recluse (XII century; commemorated July 3/16), Venerable. Alipius the icon painter († 1114; commemorated August 17/30), Venerable. Sisoy the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 24/November 6), St. Theophilus the Recluse (XII–XIII centuries; commemorated October 24/November 6), St. Arefa the recluse († c. 1195; commemorated October 24/November 6), St. Spyridon prosphora (XII century; commemorated October 31/November 13), St. Onesiphorus the Confessor († 1148; commemorated November 9/22), St. Simon, Bishop of Suzdal († 1226; commemorated May 10/23), Venerable. Nikon, abbot of Pechersk († 1088; commemorated March 23/April 5), Venerable. Theophan the Faster (12th century, commemorated October 11/24), St. Macarius (XII century; commemorated January 19/March 1), martyr. Anastasius the deacon (XII century; commemorated January 22/March 4), 12 Greek masters, architects of the Kiev-Pechersk Great Church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (XI century; commemorated February 14/27), Venerable. Abraham the Recluse (XII-XIII; commemorated October 29/November 11), St. Isaac the Recluse († c. 1090; commemorated February 14/27), Martyr John the Child (common commemoration with 14 thousand infants killed by Herod in Bethlehem, December 29/January 11), St. Ilia Muromets († c. 1188; commemorated December 19/January 1), Venerable. Nikon Sukhoi (XII century; commemorated December 11/24), Venerable. Ephraim, Bishop of Pereyaslavl († c. 1098; commemorated January 28/February 10), Venerable. Titus the hieromonk († 1190; commemorated February 27/March 11).

In addition to the saints listed, among the Pechersk saints there are known 30 saints of God, from whom myrrh-streaming heads have been preserved. In the service to the venerable fathers of the Near Caves on September 28/October 11, the venerable Ephraim the priest is also mentioned (canto 9, troparion 4), about whom Hieromonk Athanasius of Kalpofiysky wrote in 1638 that his incorrupt body, dressed in priestly robes, lies opposite the holy relics of St. Ilia Muromets; St. Eustathius, who was a goldsmith in the world (song 7, troparion 3).

In the “Description of Hieromonk Athanasius of Kalpothia” of 1638, more saints were indicated whose relics rested openly: St. Jerome, recluse and wonderworker, St. Meladius, holy elder and wonderworker, St. Pergius, holy elder, St. Pavel, a wonderfully obedient monk. In ancient handwritten calendars the names of the priests were preserved: St. Meletia, St. Serapion, St. Philareta, St. Petra. In one of the branches of the Near Caves, on May 24, 1853, inscriptions from the 11th century were found on the vaults: “Lord, help Your servant Theodosius and Feofilov, Amen, many years”; “Ivanov’s coffin of the cave dweller - Ivan the sinner lived and is”; on an oak plank: “Ivan the caver.” Thus, new names of the Pechersk fathers were revealed: Theophilus, Theodosius and John.

The Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, resting in the Far Caves, celebrates the saints of God, who labored mainly in the 13th–15th centuries. In addition to the general memory of August 28/September 10, each saint has his own memory: St. Theodosius the great († 1074; commemorated May 3/16, August 14/27 and September 2/15), Venerable. Moses the Wonderworker (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated July 28/August 10), St. Lawrence the Recluse (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated January 20/February 2), St. Hilarion the schema-monk († 1066; commemorated October 21/November 3), Venerable. Paphnutius the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated February 15/28), St. Martyrius the Deacon (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated October 25/November 7), Venerable. Theodore, Prince of Ostrog († c. 1438; commemorated August 11/24), Venerable. Athanasius the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated December 2/15), St. Dionysius hieromonk, recluse (XV century; commemorated October 3/16), Venerable. Theophilus, Archbishop of Novgorod († ca. 1482; commemorated October 26/November 8), Venerable. Zinon the faster (XIV century; commemorated January 30/February 12), St. Gregory the Wonderworker (XIV century; commemorated January 8/21), St. Hypatius the healer (XIV century; commemorated March 31/April 13), schmch. Lucian († 1243; commemorated October 15/28), Venerable. Joseph the Many-Sick (XIV century; commemorated April 4/17), Venerable. Paul the Obedient (XIII century; commemorated September 10/23), St. Sisoi the schema-monk (XIII century; commemorated July 6/19), Venerable. Nestor the Neknizhny (XIV century; commemorated October 27/November 9), Venerable. Pamva the recluse († 1241; commemorated July 18/31), St. Theodore the Silent (XIII century; commemorated February 17/March 1), Venerable. Sophronius the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated March 11/24), Venerable. Pancras the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated February 9/22), St. Anatoly the recluse (XIII century; commemorated July 3/16), Venerable. Ammon the recluse (XIII century; commemorated October 4/17), St. Mardari the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated December 13/27), St. Pior the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated October 4/17), St. Martyrius the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated October 25/November 7), St. Rufus the recluse (XIV century; commemorated April 8/21), St. Benjamin the Recluse (XIV century; commemorated October 13/26), St. Cassian the Recluse (XIII-XIV; commemorated August 28/September 10), Venerable. Arseny the Hardworking (XIV century; commemorated May 8/21), Venerable. Euthymius the schema-monk (XIV century; commemorated January 20/February 2), Venerable. Titus the warrior (XIV century; commemorated February 27/March 11), St. Akhila the deacon (XIV century; commemorated January 4/17), Venerable. Paisius the God-pleaser (XIV century; commemorated July 19/August 1), St. Mercury the Faster (XIV century; commemorated November 24/December 7), St. Macarius the deacon (XIII-XIV centuries; commemorated January 19/February 1), Venerable. Pimen the Faster (XII century; commemorated May 8/21), St. Leontius Canonarch (XIV century. ; memory June 18/July 1), St. Gerontius the Canonarch (XIV century; commemorated April 1/14), Venerable. Zechariah the faster (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated March 24/April 6), Venerable. Silouan the schema-monk (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated June 10/23), Venerable. Agathon the Wonderworker (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated February 20/March 4), St. Ignatius Archimandrite († 1435; commemorated December 20/January 2), Venerable. Longinus the goalkeeper (XIII–XIV centuries; commemorated October 16/29).

In the canon of Hieromonk Meletios Siriga for services during the 2nd week of Great Lent, many other saints are mentioned. These are the high priests of the Russian land: Michael, first Metropolitan of Kiev († 992; commemorated September 30/October 13); Hilarion, Metropolitan of Kiev, the first Russian to be awarded the rank of primate († c. 1053; commemorated October 21/November 3); Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow (Kiev) and All Russia († 1326; commemorated December 21/January 3); Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (Kiev) († 1378; commemorated February 12/25); Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow († 1461; commemorated March 31/April 13), Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow († 1569; commemorated January 9/22); Photius, Metropolitan of Moscow († 1431; commemorated July 2/15); Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow († 1406; commemorated September 16/29); Ephraim, in all likelihood, Bishop of Pereyaslavl († 1098; commemorated January 28/February 10); Nicholas (in Ancient Russia, three saints were known with the name Nicholas: the first was Nicholas the Greek, Metropolitan of Kiev (1098–1101); the second was Nicholas, Bishop of Pereyaslavl, who was in the 11th century (see P. Stroev. “Lists of hierarchs and abbots of monasteries Russian Church". St. Petersburg. 1877) and the third Nicholas - Bishop of Tmutarakan. They think that the Monk of Pechersk mentioned in the canon is Nicholas, Bishop of Tmutarakan); Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod († 1108; commemorated January 31/February 13); Isaiah, Bishop of Rostov († 1090; commemorated May 15/28); Mina, no one knows which diocese has a bishop; Luke, or Novgorod († 1060; commemorated October 15/28), or Belgorod bishop († 1088); Feoktist, Bishop of Chernigov; he was elected to the cathedral department from the Kiev-Pechersk abbots († 1123; commemorated August 6/19). In the canon of Hieromonk Meletius Sirig, these saints are sung in the 1st troparion of the 9th canto.

In the 2nd troparion of the 9th song of the canon of Hieromonk Meletius Sirig, the following saints are mentioned: Leonty, Bishop of Rostov (discovery of relics in 1164; commemorated May 23/June 5); Stephen, Bishop of Volyn († 1094; commemorated April 27/May 10); Herman, Bishop of Novgorod (1078–1096, commemorated February 10/23); Niphon, Bishop of Novgorod († 1156; commemorated April 8/21); Marin, probably Bishop of Yuryevsky (1091–1095); Euthymius and Lawrence - it is unknown which bishops; Simon, or Simeon (in the luminary service for September 28/October 11, Simeon, not Simon, is mentioned between the hierarchs), not the Bishop of Suzdal, but the Bishop of Pereyaslavl, who ended his life as a martyr, as can be seen from the canon of Hieromonk Meletius Sirig (canto 9 , Troparion 3).

The ancient icon of the Pechersk saints depicts “Saint Simeon, Bishop of Pereyaslavl” in holy robes. According to the chronicles, Saint Simon ended his days suffering during the Tatar attack on Pereyaslavl in 1339; Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal († 1385; commemorated June 26/July 9).

Hieromartyr Macarius, Metropolitan of Kiev († 1497; commemorated May 1/14) (canon of Hieromonk Meletius Sirig, canto 9, troparion 4). His relics rest in the cathedral in honor of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

Holy Martyrs Anthony, John, Eustathius, Vilna Martyrs († 1347; commemorated April 14/27) (canon of Hieromonk Meletios Sirig, canto 7, Slavnik).

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga (in holy baptism Helen) († 969; commemorated July 11/24); Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir (baptized Vasily) († 1015; commemorated July 15/28) and his holy children Boris (baptized Roman), Prince of Rostov († 1015; commemorated July 24/August 6), and Gleb (in Holy baptism David), Prince of Murom († 1015; commemorated September 5/18). (Canon of Hieromonk Meletius Sirig, hymn 1, Slavnik). They are also mentioned in the canon for September 28/October 11 (canto 9, troparion 6). In service books and other church books printed in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra printing house, together with Saints Boris and Gleb, the holy noble Grand Duke Igor of Kiev and Chernigov († September 19, 1147; transfer of relics June 5, 1150) is remembered, but in both canons His name is not found among the Pechersk saints.

The Holy Great Martyr Barbara († c. 306; commemorated December 4/17), whose venerable relics rest in the Kiev Cathedral in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, is glorified in the service on September 28/October 11 along with St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk († 1173; commemorated May 23/June 5) and the righteous virgin Juliania of Olshansk (discovery of relics in the 16th century, commemorated July 6/19) (canto 9, glory).

There is no doubt that not all the names of the venerable fathers of the Kiev Caves are known. In the ikos of the service for September 28/October 11, it is said this way: “Praise one by one who can Thy saints, O Good One, I will honor them and they will multiply more than the sand. But Lord Christ Himself, count the multitude of stars and give names to everyone, show them our prayers.”


Troparion to the Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, in the Near Caves

The fiery pillar and the luminous sun that shone on Mount Pechersk, / we bring the great Anthony with the entire council of God-bearing fathers to You, Christ, in prayer, / for their sake we pray, grant grace to our monastery and great mercy to our souls.


Akathist to the Reverend Fathers of Kiev-Pechersk

Kontakion 1

God-chosen army and God-red person, our venerable fathers of Pecherstia, sources of many miracles, monastic, fasting community in Rus', first teachers and mentors, we dare to bring this praise singing to you from our spiritual desire. But you, as you have great boldness towards the heroic hero Christ our God, pray to Him, we pray, to deliver us from all troubles and evils, and with thanksgiving we call to you: Rejoice, all our reverend Fathers of the Pechersty, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Ikos 1

You will desire an angel-like life, fathers of God-wisdom, avoid the world's many rebellious rumors, dwell in cramped and dark caves, where you have experienced great labors and exploits, so that you may gain Christ; In the same way, you hear these hymns from our weak and sinners: Rejoice, Anthony, the mirror of abstinence, humility, obedience and silence; Rejoice, the Orthodox faith has been strong. Rejoice, Theodosius, monastic praise; Rejoice, glorious glory of your abode. Rejoice Michael, our first archpastor and teacher; Rejoice, zealous planter of the faith of Christ and eradicator of idolatry. Rejoice, Prokhora, all-blessed wonderworker, who has soaked the people of the melting world with bread from the past and salt from the ashes. Rejoice, John, who shone with indescribable fasting. Rejoice, Theodora and Vasily, who in their temporary life bound themselves together in the mutual love of Christ; Rejoice, you who suffered greatly from the selfish Prince Mstislav. Rejoice, for after your blessed death you will rest in a friendly manner in one race; Rejoice, for in one hour you have appeared before the throne of God. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of Pecherstia; universal luminaries, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Christ the Lord, as if in His name He was deigned to live in abundance, He was found in your midst, helping you in various labors, especially in the battle against the spirits of wickedness in high places, and enriching you with the grace of the Most Holy Spirit: giving to one the gift of prophecy, to another the gifts of healing, to another the power to cast out spirits of evil spirits, you received this grace, not being lifted up in your spirit, but in the simplicity of your soul and heart, with humility and gratitude to the Benefactor God, you sang the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind is unwavering and armed with strong faith in God, holding on to the path of salvation, the fathers of the highest praise, which you will accomplish gloriously with the help of Christ and His Most Pure Mother; Ask the throne of the Most High for this help for us, who want to imitate your godly life, so that we may sing to you with gratitude: Rejoice, Polycarpe, most luminous head, who, of course, copied the lives of the saints and collected them together; Rejoice, for you appear with them at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, Varlaam, blessed mind, who preferred dark and cramped caves to light and spacious chambers; Rejoice, you who exchanged gold-woven garments for monastic rubles. Rejoice, Damian, merciless healer, who healed the sick with prayers and holy oil; Rejoice, having asked the Lord for abundance in heaven with the Monk Theodosius. Rejoice, Nicodemus, who labored in baking the sacred bread for thirty years. Rejoice, Lavrentiy, who labored in close seclusion for many years. Rejoice, Athanasius, you who received the gift of tears and tenderness from the Lord. Rejoice, Erasmus, for the decoration of the temple of God Matera, the chamber of indescribable beauty in the Kingdom of Heaven, acquired from Christ. Rejoice, Luke, diligent worker of God’s commandments. Rejoice, Nektarios, obedience to the unslothful performer. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 3

By the power and grace given to you from above, in your belly, blessed Agapit, healed various illnesses. This grace and power are still inherent in you, and even more so, they will multiply. We also pray to you: heal our ailments, heal the passions of the soul and body, and give health to your soul and body, let us sing to Christ who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

If you have faith, love and zeal for you, you will be intercessors for eternal life, fathers of acceptance of God! Your prayers are powerful at the throne of God; For this reason, we resort to you, as our great helpers and intercessors, glorifying you: Rejoice, John, for you showed obedience even after your death; Rejoice, for you gave up your deathbed to your elder brother. Rejoice, Theophilus, for through brotherly obedience you were healed from anger; Rejoice, for instead of anger you received tenderness and unceasing tears. Rejoice, Hieromartyr Kuksho, for you brought many pagans to the faith of Christ: Rejoice, for for Christ and your disciple you were truncated at the head. Rejoice, Alexie, wise and good worker of prayers. Rejoice, Gregory, reverent writer of icons of saints. Rejoice, Savvo, creator of great miracles. Rejoice, Sergius, obedience to the most praiseworthy zealot. Rejoice, Mercury, admirer of the life of the bodiless. Rejoice, much-sick Pimen, strong truster in God. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 4

Having hated the stormy and broad life of the worldly path, wholeheartedly love the narrow and sorrowful path of the monastic life and sow diligently, fathers of God-wisdom; Likewise, the Lord, seeing your good will, commanded His Angel to help you and strengthen you. For this reason, for Christ, who desires to be saved by all mankind, we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that the Lord has glorified your body with holy incorruption and has given you the grace to heal ailments and illnesses, those moved by faith flow to you from the East, West, North and South, praising you with such greetings: Rejoice Nestore, the first Russian writer of everyday life; Rejoice in the lives of the holy fathers of Pechersk, the narrator and zealous imitator of them in everything. Rejoice, Eustratie, worthy martyr and faster, who suffered like Christ himself; Rejoice, you who bore all the wounds of the Lord Jesus on your body. Rejoice, Helladiye, praise to the hermits. Rejoice, Jeremiah, glory to the seers. Rejoice, Moses, the shining light of chastity. Rejoice, John, victory of virginity. Rejoice, Marco, for with his honest hand he dug the coffins of the saints; Rejoice, you listened to his dead voice. Rejoice, Prince Nikolo, who devoted himself entirely to obedience to the brethren of the Pechers. Rejoice, Gregory, who experienced his blessed death by drowning in the river, and whose most venerable body was miraculously found in his cell. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 5

Seeing God-wise Dionysius, your body resting in holy splendor in the tombs, even as you went down to worship on the day of Easter, out of an abundance of love and reverence he cried out to you: “Holy fathers and brothers, now is a great day: Christ is risen!” And, lo and behold! He hears from you loudly: “Truly he is risen!” Marveling at this glorious miracle, we sing to the risen and abiding Christ God forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

You are the wise stars of the cave heaven, fathers of praise, illuminating the path of monastic life and shining brightly on the circle of the Russian Orthodox Church. The glory of your all-honorable deeds has flowed throughout the entire world, but the confession of your holy faith has covered the entire Universe: for this reason we dare to bring you this wretched song of ours: Rejoice, Onesimus, for through the closeness of the cave gate you passed into the vast village of paradise; Rejoice, for through hunger and thirst you have seen the endless satiation of the sight of God. Rejoice, Matthew, for for the purity of your soul and body you have been granted the gift of prophecy; Rejoice, for through meekness and gentleness you have achieved high virtues. Rejoice, Isaiah, deep well of humility; Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles. Rejoice, Abraham, son of holy diligence. Rejoice, Saint Nifonte, champion of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, Sylvester, most honorable bead. Rejoice, Pimen, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Onuphrie, silent with your tongue, praising God with your mind. Rejoice, Anatoly, patient in soul, chaste in mind. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 6

Our preacher is your honorable right hand, the God-pleasing Spyridon, with whom you teach your Orthodox children how to place fingers in the image of the Holy Cross on the forehead, and you stop the mouths of the schism teachers, clearly denouncing their wrong teaching about putting the finger; In this way, having made the sign of the cross, you went to Christ, standing before Him, praying that He might quench the immeasurably burning furnace of our passions, that He might grant us true zeal to praise Him unceasingly in psalms and spiritual songs in this life and in the future, that He might vouchsafe us to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Your God-famous monastery has risen like a bright luminary, O reverend fathers and the whole Russian land, enlighten with the grace of God: you have raised up the sweat of your blood and the grace from above with your prayers and holy exploits, being jealous of the prophecy that said: “On these mountains the grace of God will shine and faith will increase." The same to you, as we call him the culprit of the prophecy: Rejoice, Aretho, for the Lord has surprised you with His mercy; Rejoice, for the Lord has given your stolen wealth to you as alms. Rejoice, Theophilus, the earth became his bed, his hair shirt his clothing. Rejoice, Sisoye, for his vigils will become sleep, and his tears will become calm. Rejoice, Alypius, for he was helped by Angels in the labors of holy icon painting. Rejoice, Saint Simon, for whose holy hands you wrote the lives of the saints and gave them to us for the benefit of our souls. Rejoice, Nikon, Anthony's first reverent disciple; Rejoice, Theodosius, a diligent collaborator in monastic affairs and a zealous participant in soul-saving labors. Rejoice, Theophanes, for you have killed the body by fasting. Rejoice, Onesiphorus, for you have revived the soul with vigil prayers. Rejoice, Macarius, for through the destruction of your body you were honored by the Lord for your holy life. Rejoice, Anastasia, reverent deacon and wonderful sufferer. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 7

Although the most good Lord enriched our country with His grace and gave an image to those who want to be saved, he moved you with the Holy Spirit to a great sorrowful and godly life, he surprised not only people on earth, but also Angels in heaven: you, oh God-bearing fathers, are in the caves enclosed, as if in coffins, diligently in the warmth of the heart and soul, serving the One God, singing the song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New lives of monastic fathers and teachers and appeared, even as in Rus' they were called lower when, this you planted and rooted well. Moreover, countless multitudes of monastics who follow your soul-saving paths sing gratefully to you: Rejoice, Abraham, for you have loved Christ the Lord with all your soul and heart; Rejoice, for for His sake you lifted up the great labors of the cave shutter. Rejoice, you too, twelve beautiful brothers, for you have adorned the Church of God with the Mother of Heaven like nature; Rejoice, for for your labors you received a denarius from Her Son Christ God, the Kingdom of Heaven in nature. Rejoice, Isaac, for through many sufferings you have overthrown the delusion of the devil. Rejoice, Elijah, for you have been enriched by grace through abstinence, deeds and dispassion. Rejoice, infant martyr John, for you shed your holy blood innocently for Christ; Rejoice, Nikon, for on the cross you pleased the great one who stretched out his hand to Christ with patience and kindness. Rejoice to Saint Ephraim, like a bee of hundreds of sweets, you brought the Charter of the Studio to the Pechersk monastery. Rejoice, blessed Titus, for thou hast trampled upon the wrathful demon with humility; Rejoice, for you drive away the darkness of evil demons far from us. Rejoice, for you have shed light on us, so that we should not be angry with our neighbor. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 8

A strange and glorious miracle of heavenly grace appeared before the eyes of all the faithful: the cave of thieves became the temple of God: where sin abounded, there grace multiplied, where the thorns of iniquity took root, where the cedars of Christ's paradise grew, where the stinking bliss of sin was, there the springs of immortality boiled up, where death reigns, there the Lord reigns. Marveling at the change in the right hand of the Most High, we call: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All yours, blessed fathers, diligence, desire and care, let the all-evil generation of the Christian enemy trample and erase the proud head, and magnify and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in your souls and bodies; For this reason, we also greet you here: Rejoice, Holy Martyr Lucian, for a heavenly dwelling has been prepared for you; Rejoice, as a sufferer, you have been granted endless heavenly rest. Rejoice, Lawrence, for you have escaped the vanity of the world; Rejoice, for you have entered into fellowship with the angelic world. Rejoice, Paphnutius, for, remembering the hour of death, you continually wept; Rejoice, for at your death you were granted consolation from the Angels. Rejoice, Martyrie, for for your great purity and fasting deeds you were granted the gift of healing illness. Rejoice, Hierarch Hilarion, for you have well shepherded the flock of Christ’s verbal sheep in the pastures of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, Prince Theodora, for you have worked hard for the honor and glory of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, Dionysius, for you heard “truly the Lord is risen” from the venerable fathers on Easter Day. Rejoice, Athanasius, for having despised the red of this world, you have imputed it to cronyism. Rejoice, Saint Theophilus, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your life for those you flock. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 9

To all of you, Reverend Fathers, you offer us heavenly medicines, and you call all of us to your free treatments, not by human cunning, nor by obligations, but by the action of the Holy Spirit, spiritual and physical healings, you unnaturally bestow, accepting abundantly, every generation and age to the Benefactor and Provider calls gratefully: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

With their writhing rhetorical tongues they will not be able to adequately sing your shrine, especially since I am poor in word and in mind, with which songs I will praise you, O fathers, with angelic equal honor, both prompted by zeal and love for you, I dare to crown you with these unworthy praises of mine: Rejoice, Zinone, through fasting and many other feats of monastic life, brightly shone; Rejoice, having inherited the land of the meek through humility, meekness and obedience. Rejoice, Gregory, as you fed on potions, teaching health to the sick. Rejoice, Hypatia, who served the holy father in sickness with all diligence and for this grace of the Spirit received the healing of illnesses. Rejoice, reverend fathers, their heads exude myrrh for the health of our souls and bodies; Rejoice, their holy souls stand before the throne of God in the ineffable glory. Rejoice, Moses, for through prayers, fasting and chains of passion you have put to death. Rejoice, Joseph, for through the gates of humble and zealous obedience you entered into eternal rest. Rejoice, Paul, for you have never been able to endure a time of idleness, and you have also settled down with those who labor and are burdened. Rejoice, Siso, for with your excessive feats of fasting you surprised not only men, but also the Angels. Rejoice, Leontius and Gerontius, for from the infancy of Christ they naturally loved; Rejoice, for in adolescence in ascetic labors you became equal to nature as a mentor. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 10

The most merciful Christ our God, the other fathers of Egypt, Thebaid and Palestine, mercifully seek to save many, all conversions and salvation, show Rus', so that he may enlighten many of you and show by your life the path to salvation, in which, having labored, you will succeed well, in ignorance teaching the truth of the existing Gospels without laziness, leading to orthodoxy and keeping God's commandments and a godly and pure life in word and deed, constantly stirring up the song of God the Helper: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You will be a solid wall and a strong fence for us, all-validated fathers, who come running to you with warm faith, zeal and love, protecting us against our sensory and mental enemies, so that we may not fear them, but may we overcome them with your prayers to Christ God, calling with thanksgiving to to you: Rejoice, Nestore, who despised the lower ones and loved the ones above; Rejoice, for before the death of the Lord Jesus Christ himself you were deemed worthy to see the Angels. Rejoice, Theodora, for you have laid down guardianship with your mouth. Rejoice, confessor of Pamvo, cursed by the pagan gods, who confessed the name of the Lord to heaven and earth. Rejoice, Sophronie, you who are constrained by a strong shutter and an iron body, but whose soul and mind are constantly soaring to heaven with psalmody. Rejoice, Pankratius, for you exude healing to those who are sick with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Anthony, for you drive away the evil spirits from those who come to you in faith. Rejoice, Mardaria, lover of poverty and non-covetousness. Rejoice, O Ammon, all-zealous imitator of the ancient holy father in his labors. Rejoice, Piore, who burned the passions of the body with the fire of abstinence. Rejoice, Martyrie, who enlightened the soul with a virtuous disposition. Rejoice at Rufa, who was an example of your life for your fasters and ascetics. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 11

All singing of praise is overcome by the multitude of your glorious deeds and excessive labors, surpassing human life, but similar to the angels: and praises from angels, rather than from people, brought to you to be worthy, both seeing our zealous will, with faith and love, accept the singing brought by us and ask us for forgiveness of sins, and may we end this temporary life of ours in good correction and repentance, and may we be worthy through your prayers to sing to God in eternity: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

An unstoppable light has arisen for you who have hated the darkness of passions, God's servants of glory; but endless joy has been received by you, a good deed has ended with diligence. In the same way, standing before the throne of Christ, remember us who sing to you this: Rejoice, Euphrosyne, most honorable daughter of the heavenly Jerusalem; Rejoice, O daughter of Jerusalem, our city of Kyiv, blessed mother. Rejoice, Juliana, virgin, beautiful lily, growing in the earthly garden of Christ; Rejoice, you who flourished in His heavenly garden. Rejoice, Hieromartyr Macarius, for you were a faithful shepherd to death; Rejoice, for before you accepted the throne on the sensual earth, you were sent to the thrones of thought. Rejoice, Cassian, wondrous recluse. Rejoice, Arseny, for for God’s temporary sake you are given rest forever by Christ. Rejoice, Euthymie, for through fasting, for the sake of your great and silent praise to God, you are satisfied with the sweets of heaven and eat with the Angels. Rejoice, Benjamin, for having distributed your possessions, you rest in the bosom of Abraham. Rejoice, Tita, for you have left the army of the earthly king, so that you will be the bravest warrior for the Heavenly King. Rejoice, Achilo, for from your youth you were crucified by life and passion, so that you, crucified by will on the cross, received Christ. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 12

By the grace of the All-Merciful and All-Generous God, live like the angels, you fathers of the spirit, you have performed many miracles, you will create a most wonderful temple of the Most Pure Lady Virgin Theotokos, and you will decorate Christ God like a beautiful bride with gold, silver and precious stones, to whom people from all over the Universe come, praising Christ God for you, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your silent life, we praise your deeds - fasting, prayers, tears, genuflections, all-night vigils, mortification of the flesh, contrition of the spirit, longevity, humility, meekness, silence, patience, poverty, non-covetousness and all that we honor, even the love for the sake of Christ was born, thus chanting: Rejoice, Paisios and Mercury, for in inseparable life and unanimous brotherly love you lived on earth; Rejoice, for you enjoy one life and joy together with Christ in heaven. Rejoice, Macarius, for at a young age Samuel was destined to serve the Lord. Rejoice, Pimen, for as the wheat of Christ’s threshing floor, you were predestined into the heavenly granaries. Rejoice, Silouan, for you flew to God on the flight of fasting and prayer. Rejoice, Agathon, for you were lifted up into the mountains on the lashes of high virtues. Rejoice, Zechariah, for you were afraid of a demon, and you appeared as an angel to your interlocutor, and with them you soared to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. Rejoice, Ignatius, bright prince of the cave city; Rejoice, reverend shepherd of God's chosen flock. Rejoice, child martyr, for you drank the cup of death for Christ from the inhuman Herod; Rejoice, you who sanctified the land of the East with your blood and blessed our country with your coming. Rejoice, Longine, for you walked along the narrow right path, and through it you reached the Paradise of God. Rejoice, all our reverend fathers of the Pecherstia, world-lamp, great and glorious wonderworkers.

Kontakion 13

O All-Blessedness and all exalted praises, our reverend Fathers of the Pecherstia, accept this small offering to you, just as the Lord accepted two mites of a widow: and do not disdain our prayer, as Christ did not disdain the kiss of a harlot, and make us worthy of your intercession to the Lord in good correction and end this life with repentance and with prayer in your mouth, in your heart and soul, depart from this temporary life to the eternal, and present yourself to the throne of the Most High, where you stand with the Archangels and Angels and with all the saints, singing the song: Alleluia.

This kontakion reads three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1...

Prayer to all the saints of Kiev-Pechersk

Second prayer

O saints of Christ, our venerable fathers Anthony and Theodosius and all the saints of the Kiev-Pecherstia, bright lamps, the first to shine with the holiness of monastic life on the Russian land, patrons of the city of Kyiv and our entire fatherland! We earnestly flock to you, warm prayer books and unashamed intercessors, asking for consolation and help in our needs and sorrows. Help us, servants of God (names), our intercessors! Confirm us in the holy faith, save the Church of God from destructive heresies and schisms, teach us to always keep the commandments of God and all the traditions of the Church, commanded to us from the Father, awaken to us compassionate fathers and warm prayer books, so that we glorify the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Council of All Reverend Fathers of Kiev-Pechersk

(rolling celebration during the 2nd week of Lent)

In the 2nd week of Great Lent, the Council of all the venerable fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, resting in the Near (Rev. Anthony) and Far (Rev. Theodosius) caves, is celebrated. The canon included in the service of this holiday was compiled by Hieromonk Meletius Sirig in the second half of the 17th century.
The Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves, is celebrated separately on September 28/October 11. Previously, this general memory was celebrated on the first Saturday after the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross, that is, after September 21/October 4. The establishment of the celebration of the common memory of the saints who rested in Anthony's Cave on Saturday after the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross dates back to 1670. During the restoration of caves damaged by the earthquake, several relics of ancient ascetics were discovered and a temple was built in honor of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross.
In 1760, a stone church was built over the caves in honor of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross. In 1886, under the Kiev Metropolitan Platon, the celebration of the memory of the Council of the Venerable Near Caves was moved to September 28/October 11 in accordance with the celebration of the memory of the Council of the Venerable Far Caves on August 28/10. It is believed that the canon for the venerable fathers resting in the Near Caves was compiled by St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov. It is known that he owns the 2nd canon of the service to Saints Anthony and Theodosius on September 2/15.
The Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Near Caves includes: St. Anthony the First (+ 1073; commemorated July 10/23 and September 2/15), Venerable. Prokhor the Wonderworker, called Lebednik (+ 1107; commemorated February 10/23), St. John the Faster (XII century; commemorated December 7/20), Venerable. Juliana the Maiden, Princess Olshanskaya (+ c. 1550; commemorated July 6/19), prmchch. Theodore and Vasily (+ 1098; commemorated August 11/24), St. Polycarp, Archimandrite of Pechersk (+ 1182; commemorated July 24/August 6), Venerable. Varlaam, abbot of Pechersk (+ 1065; commemorated November 19/December 2), Venerable. Damian the presbyter, healer (+ 1071; commemorated October 5/18), Venerable. Nicodemus prosphora (XII century; commemorated October 31), St. Lawrence the recluse, Bishop of Turov (+ 1194; commemorated January 29/February 11), Venerable. Athanasius the Recluse (+ c. 1176; commemorated December 2/15), Venerable. Erasmus the Monk (XII century; commemorated February 24/March 8), St. Luke, steward of Pechersk (XIII century; memory 6/19 November), Venerable. Agapit, free doctor (+ c. 1095; commemorated June 1/14), Venerable. Theophilus the Tearful and John the Pious, resting in a single shrine (XII century; commemorated December 29/January 11), St. Nektary the Obedient (XII century; commemorated November 29/December 12), St. Gregory the icon painter (XII century; commemorated August 8/21), hieromartyr Kuksha, educator of the Vyatichi (XII century; commemorated August 27/September 9), Venerable. Alexy the Recluse (XIII century; commemorated April 24/May 7), Venerable. Savva the God-pleaser (XIII century; commemorated April 24/May 7), Venerable. Sergius the Obedient (XIII century; commemorated October 7/20), Venerable. Mercury, Bishop of Smolensk (+ 1239; commemorated August 7/20), Venerable. Pimen the Many-Sick (+ 1110; commemorated August 7/20), Venerable. Nestor the Chronicler (+ 1114; commemorated October 27/November 9), St. Eustratius (+ 1097; commemorated March 28/April 10), St. Helladius the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 4/17), Venerable. Jeremiah the Visionary (+ c. 1070; commemorated October 5/18), Holy Martyr Moses Ugrin (+ c. 1043, commemorated July 26/August 8), St. John the Long-Suffering (+ 1160; commemorated July 18/31), Venerable. Mark the Grave Digger (XII century; commemorated December 29/January 11), Venerable. Nikola Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov (+ 1143; commemorated October 14/27), martyr. Gregory the Wonderworker (+ 1093; commemorated January 8/21), St. Onesimus the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 4/17 and July 21/August 3), St. Matthew the Visionary (+ c. 1085; commemorated October 5/18), Venerable. Isaiah the Wonderworker (+ 1115; commemorated May 15/28), St. Abraham the Hardworking (XII-XIII; commemorated August 21/September 3), Venerable. Niphon, Bishop of Novgorod (+ 1156; commemorated April 8/21), Venerable. Sylvester the Wonderworker (XII century; commemorated January 2/15), St. Pimen the Faster (XII century; commemorated August 27/September 9), Venerable. Onuphrius the Silent (XII century; commemorated July 21/August 3), Venerable. Anatoly the recluse (XII century; commemorated July 3/16), Venerable. Alipius the icon painter (+ 1114; commemorated August 17/30), Venerable. Sisoy the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 24/November 6), St. Theophilus the Recluse (XII-XIII centuries; commemorated October 24/November 6), St. Arefa the recluse (+ c. 1195; commemorated October 24/November 6), Venerable. Spyridon prosphora (XII century; commemorated October 31/November 13), St. Onesiphorus the Confessor (+ 1148; commemorated November 9/22), St. Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (+ 1226; commemorated May 10/23), Venerable. Nikon, abbot of Pechersk (+ 1088; commemorated March 23/April 5), Venerable. Theophan the Faster (12th century, commemorated October 11/24), St. Macarius (XII century; commemorated January 19/March 1), martyr. Anastasius the deacon (XII century; commemorated January 22/March 4), 12 Greek masters, architects of the Kiev-Pechersk Great Church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (XI century; commemorated February 14/27), Venerable. Abraham the Recluse (XII-XIII; commemorated October 29/November 11), St. Isaac the Recluse (+ c. 1090; commemorated February 14/27), Martyr John the Child (common commemoration with 14 thousand infants killed by Herod in Bethlehem, December 29/January 11), St. Ilia Muromets (+ c. 1188; commemorated December 19/January 1), Venerable. Nikon Sukhoi (XII century; commemorated December 11/24), Venerable. Ephraim, Bishop of Pereyaslavl (+ c. 1098; commemorated January 28/February 10), Venerable. Titus hieromonk (+ 1190; commemorated February 27/March 11).

Council of All Kiev-Pechersk Reverend Fathers- a holiday of the Russian Orthodox Church in honor of the saints associated with the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (unites saints from two Councils: the reverend fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk Near Caves and the reverend fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk Far Caves. The celebration of the Council takes place on the second week (Sunday) of Lent. This year the holiday falls on March 11th.

The Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra are the patrons of monastics and helpers of all Orthodox Christians in sorrows and circumstances. People resort to them for healing in serious illnesses, for help during times of famine and disaster, for protection in the fight against passions, for support in various matters.
The host of Russian Kiev-Pechersk elders from different centuries amazes with its abundance. This is truly a spiritual army, our heavenly defenders, who, after their earthly death, continue to spiritually stand for Rus' in Heaven.

The Kyiv saints as locally revered ones were glorified in 1643 by Metropolitan Peter (Mogila). On his instructions, the proto-syncellus of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Meletius Sirig, wrote a service to “the reverend fathers of Kiev-Pechersk and all the saints who shone in Little Russia.” In the 18th century, the question of church-wide veneration of the Kyiv saints was raised. The Holy Governing Synod in 1762, by its decree (this decision was confirmed by the decrees of 1775 and 1784), allowed the names of Kiev saints and the seal of their services in the monthly Menaions to be included in the general church monthly calendars. However, the decree of the Synod was not fully implemented - the names of the Kyiv saints were not included into the normative monthly books published in the Typikon and the Followed Psalter. The names of the Kyiv saints were included in the monthly books of the priestly Prayer Book, Trebnik (preference was given to the saints whose services were published in the Kyiv Minea).

The cradle of Russian monastic life, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, founded in 1051 by the Monks Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk, spread the radiance of great spiritual exploits throughout the Russian land. The monks of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery became the first workers of Russian monastic asceticism. Their prayerful exploits inspired subsequent generations to great spiritual works.

This monastery, according to the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon, was established “with tears, fasting, prayer, vigil.” St. Anthony, says one of the authors of the Patericon, “had neither gold nor silver, but acquired everything through tears and fasting.” When the Monk Theodosius was abbot, the Lavra lived on alms, which it received in abundance from the prince and from the laity, attracted by the piety and holiness of the life of the monastic community.

Having taken the monastery into his care with the blessing of St. Anthony, St. Theodosius intensified abstinence in it, “great fasting and prayer with tears”; when the number of brethren exceeded 100 people, he began to look for a suitable monastic charter for organizing the internal life of the monastery. The Monk Theodosius chose the Studite Rule, which was later borrowed from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra by other Russian monasteries.

In conditions of strict monastic life and daily ascetic deeds, the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, like “luminaries, shone in Russia.” “Some were strong fasters, others labored in vigil, others in prostrations; some fasted for a day or two, others ate bread with water, others only boiled greens or one raw,” testifies the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon.

Much attention was paid to obedience in the monastery: “The younger ones submitted to the elders and did not dare to speak in front of them; but they did everything with humility and
with great obedience."

Truly Christian love reigned in the monastery in relations between the brethren. The Patericon especially notes the mutual care of the monks for each other, the care for the younger ones on the part of the older monks, who “taught the younger ones and consoled them as beloved children. If a brother fell into some sin, others consoled him and, out of their great love, three or four shared the penance... If a brother left the monastery, all the brethren were greatly saddened about it; they sent for the departed and, calling him to the monastery, went to the abbot, bowed, asked for him and received him into the monastery with joy. These were the loving, abstinent fasters!” - exclaims the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, St. Nestor the Chronicler.

Living on the alms of the world, the monastery itself sought to help the orphan, hungry and poor people from its surplus. Not far from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Monk Theodosius built a hospice for the poor and sick, who received all possible assistance. Every Saturday, the monastery sent a cart of bread to the city, intended for prisoners in prisons. There were cases when alms were given even to robbers caught attempting to rob a monastery, against whom no prosecution was brought in the spirit of great Christian love.

Of all the ascetic deeds, seclusion became especially widespread among the monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Having endured great temptations, the ascetics emerged victorious thanks to deepest faith, long-suffering, boundless loyalty to God, diligent unceasing prayer and severe feat.

As part of the Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk in the Near Caves, the following saints are venerated:

Venerable Anthony of Pechersk (July 10),
Venerable Prokhor the Wonderworker, called Lebednik (February 10),
Venerable John the Faster (December 7),
Venerable Juliana the Virgin, Princess of Olshanskaya (July 6),
Venerable Martyrs Theodore and Vasily (August 11),
Venerable Polycarp, Archimandrite of Pechersk (July 24),
Venerable Varlaam, abbot of Pechersk (November 19),
Venerable Damian the Presbyter, Healer (October 5),
Venerable Nicodemus Prosphoran (October 31),
Venerable Lawrence the Recluse, Bishop of Turov (January 29),
Venerable Erasmus Chernorizets (February 24),
Venerable Luke, steward of Pechersk (November 6),
Venerable Agapit, free physician (June 1),
Saints Theophilus the Tearful and John the Pious, relics in a single shrine (December 29),
Venerable Nektarios the Obedient (November 29),
Venerable Gregory the Iconographer (August 8),
Hieromartyr Kuksha, enlightener of the Vyatichi (August 27),
Venerable Alexy the Recluse (April 24),
Venerable Savva the Pious (April 24),
Venerable Sergius the Obedient (October 7),
Venerable Mercury, Bishop of Smolensk (August 7),
Venerable Pimen the Many-Sick (August 7),
Venerable Nestor the Chronicler (October 27),
Venerable Martyr Eustratius (March 28),
Venerable Helladius the Recluse (October 4),
Venerable Jeremiah the Visionary (October 5),
Venerable Martyr Moses Ugrin (July 26),
Venerable John the Long-Suffering (July 18),
Rev. Mark the Grave Digger (December 29),
Venerable Nicholas Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov (October 14),
Martyr Gregory the Wonderworker (January 8),
Venerable Onesimus the Recluse (October 4 and July 21),
Venerable Matthew the Visionary (October 5),
Venerable Isaiah the Wonderworker (May 15),
Venerable Abraham the Hardworking (August 21),
Venerable Nifont, Bishop of Novgorod (April 8),
Venerable Sylvester the Wonderworker (January 2),
Venerable Pimen the Faster (August 27),
Venerable Onuphrius the Silent (July 21),
Venerable Alipius the Iconographer (August 17),
Venerable Sisoes the Recluse (October 24),
Venerable Theophilus the Recluse (October 24),
Venerable Arefa the Recluse (October 24),
Venerable Spyridon Prosphoran (October 31),
Venerable Onesiphorus the Confessor (November 9),
Venerable Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (May 10),
Venerable Nikon, Abbot of Pechersk (March 23),
Venerable Theophan the Faster (October 11),
Venerable Macarius (January 19),
Venerable Martyr Anastasius the Deacon (January 22),
twelve Greek masters, architects of the Kiev-Pechersk Great Church in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (February 14),
Venerable Abraham the Recluse (October 29),
Venerable Isaac the Recluse (February 14),
Martyr John the Child (common memory with 14,000 infants killed by Herod in Bethlehem, December 29),
Venerable Elijah of Muromets (December 19),
Venerable Nikon Sukhoi (December 11),
Venerable Ephraim of Pereyaslavl (January 28),
Venerable Titus Hieromonk (February 27).
The general commemoration of the Council of all saints who rest in the Near Caves takes place on September 28, Art. Art.

Additionally, a number of names of saints venerated as part of the Council of Fathers of the Near Caves are known from church services written in their honor:

Reverend Ephraim priest,
Saint Eustathius, who was a goldsmith in the world,
Saint Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal (June 26, October 15),
Venerable Jerome, Recluse and Wonderworker,
Venerable Meladius, holy elder and wonderworker,
Venerable Pergius, holy elder,
Reverend Paul, a wonderfully obedient monk.

The following names are additionally known from ancient handwritten calendars:

Venerable Meletios,
Venerable Serapion,
Reverend Philaret,
Reverend Peter.

As part of the Council of the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk in the Far Caves, the following saints are venerated:

Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk (May 3, August 14 and September 2),
Venerable Moses the Wonderworker (July 28),
Venerable Lawrence the Recluse (January 20),
Venerable Hilarion the Schema-monk (October 21),
Venerable Paphnutius the Recluse (February 15),
Venerable Martyrius the Deacon (October 25),
Venerable Theodore, Prince of Ostrog (August 11),
Venerable Athanasius the Recluse (December 2),
Rev. Dionysius hieromonk, recluse commemorated October 3),
Venerable Theophilus, Bishop of Novgorod (October 26),
Venerable Zinon the Faster (January 30),
Venerable Gregory the Wonderworker (January 8),
Venerable Hypatius the Healer (March 31),
Hieromartyr Lucian (October 15),
Venerable Joseph the Much-Sick (April 4)
Venerable Paul the Obedient (September 10),
Venerable Sisoi the schema-monk (July 6),
Venerable Nestor the Neknizhny (October 27),
Venerable Pamva the Recluse (July 18),
Venerable Theodore the Silent (February 17),
Venerable Sophronius the Recluse (March 11),
Venerable Pankraty hieromonk, recluse (February 9),
Venerable Anatoly the Recluse (July 3),
Venerable Ammon the Recluse (October 4),
Venerable Mardari the Recluse (December 13),
Venerable Pior the Recluse (October 4),
Venerable Martyri the Recluse (October 25),
Venerable Rufus the Recluse (April 8),
Venerable Benjamin of Pechersk (October 13),
Venerable Cassian the Recluse (May 8),
Venerable Arseny the Hardworking (May 8),
Venerable Euthymius the schema-monk (January 20),
Venerable Titus the Warrior (February 27),
Venerable Achilas the Deacon (January 4),
Venerable Paisius (July 19),
Venerable Mercury the Faster (November 24),
Venerable Macarius the Deacon (January 19),
Venerable Pimen the Faster (May 8),
Venerable Leontius (June 8) and Gerontius Canonarchs (April 1),
Venerable Zechariah the Faster (March 24),
Venerable Silouan the schema-monk (June 10),
Venerable Agathon the Wonderworker (February 20),
Venerable Ignatius Archimandrite (December 20),
Venerable Longinus the Goalkeeper (October 16),
Rev. Akindinus Archimandrite.

In addition to the saints listed above, the Council commemorates thirty nameless saints, whose heads are revered as myrrh-streaming ones and are kept in the Far Caves. In the Far Caves, whose memory the Church celebrates on August 28/September 10, more than half became famous for their seclusion and great fasting.

Canon with prayer service to the venerable fathers of Kiev-Pechersk

Troparion. Council of all the reverend fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk.
When you have been buried in the graves / and have imprisoned yourself, / then, having mortified the passions of the flesh, / buried Christ, the God-bearing One, / and the devil in the underground, destroying the fence, / for this sake the Angels will give you crowns from Heaven

Prayers to all saints of Kiev-Pechersk

First prayer

Our venerable and God-bearing fathers Anthony and Theodosius, and all the venerable Pecherstia, the bright earthly luminary, from the dark places of caves in the Russian land, gloriously shone, and with these many luminous angels equal to your life, the stars of your life enraged, and surprised the entire Universe of high virtues with the lordships and divine miracles of the brilliance, and now the mortal West has carnally entered the grave for a time, souls with Christ the Sun of Truth, being a righteous woman, you are enlightened, like the sun in the Kingdom of Heaven: where your prayer to God the Light extends rays for your Fatherland, do not forget us, your everlasting prayer books, in the night abiding passions and sorrows, looking upon the illumination with grace from above; for in the light of your virtuous life we ​​walk in the right way, let us be worthy to see the light of the inviolable glory of God, praising Him together with you for endless ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O saints of Christ, our venerable fathers Anthony and Theodosius and all the saints of the Kiev-Pecherstia, bright lamps, the first to shine with the holiness of monastic life on the Russian land, patrons of the city of Kyiv and our entire fatherland! We earnestly flock to you, warm prayer books and unashamed intercessors, asking for consolation and help in our needs and sorrows. Help us, servants of God (names), our intercessors! Confirm us in the holy faith, save the Church of God from destructive heresies and schisms, teach us to always keep the commandments of God and all the church traditions commanded to us from our father, awaken us
compassionate fathers and warm prayer books, for let us glorify the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Praise to our venerable and God-bearing father Anthony of Pechersk

Praise to our venerable and God-bearing father Theodosius of Pechersk

Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Sacred silence of the Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra

Distant caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Many miracles accompanied the life of these great ascetics of the Russian Church, and many miracles shone forth even after their death. The story of the Monk Dionysius, nicknamed Shchepa, is striking, who was charged with caring for the honest relics of the saints resting in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. One day on Easter, entering the caves with a censer, the monk Dionysius exclaimed: “Christ is risen!” and suddenly received from various underground nooks, where the relics of the holy fathers rested, a response due to the rank: “Truly he is risen!” Our contemporary ends this amazing story like this:

And again the silence of silence spilled into the underground - a crown of silence.
Dionysius bowed to the living coffins with excitement in his veins
and shut his mouth - right up to the days of death,
because he was unable to add a single word.

And let us think, brethren: indeed, it is absurd to say,
since you have perceived with your hearing the glory of the Lord with your sight...
This, says the Paterik, was awarded with wisdom
in the holy mountain of Kyiv, Father Dionysius Shchepa,
that he then hid in a seclusion, so that later he would die there,
without saying a word to anyone.
It was in the summer of one thousand four hundred and fifty-three
after the Nativity of Christ.

Honoring the memory of the saints of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Orthodox Christians sing:

Not a stormy sea,
but the holy cave reveals your relics,
like precious beads, pleasers of God,
and enrich the miracles of the outpouring of all who come to you in faith,
for from here they exalt the Lord with praise forever...

The Legend of the Holy Fathers of Kiev-Pechersk

Through the prayers of your holy saints Anthony and Theodosius and other miracle workers of Pechersk, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy and save us. Amen

Canon 1 to Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir

Memory: July 15 / 28

Saints Vladimir, Boris and Gleb with the life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Icon, middle - 3rd quarter of the 16th century. Vologda

Voice 8

Song 1

Irmos: The insect was cut off, and the sun saw the earth, no longer visible; The waters will flood the fierce enemy, and Israel will pass through the impassable. The song was sung: We will sing to the Lord, gloriously we will be glorified.


The co-original Word of God, Who of ancient times was the Creator of the four elements and created the whole world with them, release my soul bound by passions, so that I may sing, rejoicing, to the glorious Prince Vasily.

From above you descended, O Master, immaterially onto the spiritual mountain, and from above, those souls asking from You for abundant grace, duly praised the wonderful Prince Vasily.


Praise be to mothers and virgins, O Lady, who gave birth to Life, the Creator of the world; you did not feel maternal illnesses, but you remained Mother and the Virgin. Moreover, praising Thee, rejoice, we cry out to Thee.

Song 3

Irmos: My heart is established in the Lord, my horn is exalted in my God, my mouth is enlarged against my enemies, I rejoice in Your salvation.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

Like a trumpet of God, shout your blessed, spiritual tongue, proclaiming to the whole end of the Russian land Christ's orthodox Baptism, by which you were enlightened, you enlightened the whole world.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Today, Vasily, your glorious memory shines, even as people celebrate the names of Christ, praising you, their forefather, whom you led to the light of reason.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Theotokos:

The shadow of the law has passed through Thy Nativity, O Mother of God, grace having come, the Word of the Father, Christ our God, Whom the glorious prince has come to know, has brightly adorned Thy Church.

Lord, have mercy, three times.

Sedalen, voice 2

In your prayers, always watch with a joyful soul, Vasily, for this reason you have drawn the Spirit of wisdom from a source descending from above. Thus, having shone with faith like the sun, praying to Christ unceasingly, speed up, O Generous One, and strive to save the world from sins.

Song 4

Irmos: The prophet Habakkuk saw with wise eyes, Lord, Your coming, and thus he cried out: God will come from the south. Glory to Your power, glory to Your condescension.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

It was light and sweet across the cloud that covered the Heavenly sun; spring is cheerful and joyful after winter's sorrow; Through the cloud of idolatrous darkness, through Baptism, you, like the bright sun, shone for us, Vasily.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Paul the Pharisee, coming to Damascus, was blinded by the small shine of the great Light, but was enlightened by Baptism, to whom you were like, glorious, you reached Korsun, you drove away the darkness of the face.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Theotokos:

You have appeared, O Virgin, a root without water, a vegetative absolution, giving birth to a luminous fruit, Christ our God; Enlighten my soul, decrepit by passions, and ask for remission of sins.

Song 6

Irmos: Lord our God, give us peace, Lord our God, gain us, Lord, do we know no other than You, we call Your name.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

Rejoice and glory in spirit, Tsar Vasily of Russia, for you brought considerable branches of God’s garden to Christ, your God-size fruit, the glorious Boris and the pious Gleb, with whom you stood before Christ, praying for us.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The wondrous prophecy of Isaiah against Jerusalem: The mountain of the Lord will appear, and the house will be on the top of the mountains. The grace of the Spirit is more righteous on you: you have created a house for the Master on the top of the mountains.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos: The wondrous Isaiah preaches about You through the Spirit, a virgin who wants to give birth to Christ without seed, and David, Your great-grandfather, wondrously proclaims Your majesty: save us, for He is merciful.

Song 6

Irmos: Like the waters of the sea, Lover of mankind, I am overwhelmed by the waves of life. In the same way, like Jonah, I cry to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Compassionate Lord.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

You were a zealot of piety for the glorious Tsar Constantine, Vasily, who enlightened the Hellenic race with Baptism, but you refreshed your people with spiritual bathing.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Having delighted the soul of Christ with the love of Christ and the reasonable reception of the creature, you flew away from the darkness of idols and drove away the darkness of evil, blessedly, having settled into the palace of God, the Savior of all.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos: The Russian Church is blessed today and gather the faithful in memory of the blessed Basil, blessed by Your seedless Nativity, O Virgin, and diligently praying to Your Son, they call: We magnify You.

Lord, have mercy, three times. Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 8

Having resembled the great Apostle Paul, in his gray hairs, the all-glorious Vladimir, all, like a child, wisdom, even diligence about idols, leaving, like a perfect man, you were adorned with the scarlet scarlet of Divine Baptism, and now, standing before the Savior Christ in joy, pray to be saved by the Russian powers, the ruler and to many owners.


Having enlightened ancient Israel with the Mosaic Law, You have enlightened the world with the manifestation of Your coming, O Christ God, You have sent Your God-honored disciples to preach throughout the countries from the Virgin Your seedless Nativity, and You have commanded them to baptize in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Seeing the Russian country decayed by sin, You sent Your Spirit into the strong-minded soul of the glorious Vladimir, to know You, the One Christ God of the Trinity, and with Your Baptism to enlighten Your chosen ones and the people entrusted to Him by You, and to bring to You those who cry out in faith: deliver Your wealth from resistant bastards, Russian bosses and many rulers.

Song 7

Irmos: The Chaldean caves, having extinguished the all-destructive power in the image of the Angel who descended, cried out to the Creator of the youth: Blessed and praiseworthy art thou, O God of our fathers.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

The enemy, the murderer, exposed the forefathers' god-worn garments, but Jesus, the Beginningless One, appeared in the flesh, having cleansed the Spirit with water, and again gave it to me, having come to know Him, glorious Vladimir, rejoicing, crying out: blessed is God our father.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Having preserved the law of Moses, Daniel was granted the vision of God; You have trampled down the idols of your forefathers, not as if in darkness, but in greater glory, you have intelligently seen Christ with the Father and the Spirit, you have been enlightened by Baptism, rejoicing, crying out: blessed is God our father.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos: The enemy stripped the Divine garments, having deceived Thy pristine great-grandfather, O Virgin, from Thy side, pure and unadulterated, came the Savior, my sweet Jesus, who flowed on the Worthless One, like on Adam, but was likened to God and lamented with fierceness. We call to Your Son: Blessed be God our father.

Song 8

Irmos: Cover Your most exalted waters, set the limit of the sea with sand and contain everything, The sun sings of You, the moon glorifies You, All creation brings song to You, as the Creator of all forever.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

The race of the righteous will be blessed, the Divine prophecy of the mouth will come true on you, blessed one: for you brought holy and God-chosen seed to Christ, invincible martyrs, in whose image you enlightened the Russian land, and with them, praising them, we exalt Christ forever.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The mother of all cities, truly your kingdom, the city of Kiev appeared, in which Christ was first glorified with the Father and the Spirit by your primordial matter and by you, blessed one, where your courageous body lies bright in the Church of the Lady, we, your people, praise Christ forever.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos: The beginningless radiance and the Word of the Father preached without false prophecy say, from You who wants to be born without aphids, Emmanuel, God and Man, a strong aspiration of tongues, to whom we pray like a Mother to save us.

Song 9

Irmos: Heaven and the ends of the earth were terrified at this, for God had appeared as a man in the flesh, and Your womb was the most spacious of Heaven. Thus Thea, the Mother of God, the Angels and the people of the ranks are magnified.

Chorus: Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, pray to God for us.

David first became a sovereign king for Israel and saved people, having overthrown foreign gods, preaching the Son of God by the Spirit; You have known God in the Trinity, blessed Vasily, whom we magnify.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

May your holy memory joyfully triumph today in the Church of the Mother of God, the chosen people of God, whom you have kindly adorned, in eternal memory of your repose, the earthly sky, resting in it, awaiting the all-terrible trumpets of the Archangel, blessed one. Thus we magnify you forever.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Theotokos: We are inflamed with the Divine Spirit, give birth to all of us, and bless You with love, Mother of God: You have destroyed your oath to your foremother. We diligently sing the Word of God, Whom, unburned in Your womb, You gave birth to in the flesh. Pray to the Unmanly One to deliver Your faithful flock from all need and sorrow.


Lamps, having enlightened the entire universe with piety and faith, you truly appeared, God-crowned Vladimir with the glorious primordial Helen. We also glorify you, who loved Christ, who is wondrous among the saints.