What goes into experience? Work experience: concept, types, calculation procedure

Trud experts gave answers to particularly pressing questions

At what point does the seniority count begin?

Issues of calculating length of service when assigning labor pensions are regulated by the norms of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” as well as by-laws.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 30 of this law, for the purpose of assessing the pension rights of insured persons, total length of service is understood as the total duration of labor activity and other socially useful activities until 01/01/2002, taken into account in calendar order.

According to the current labor legislation, the work book is the main document confirming the periods of work of a person before his registration as an insured person with the Pension Fund.

Thus, the date from which the calculation of the employee’s length of service begins is the date of commencement of work in accordance with the entry in the employee’s work book.

Does service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia count towards length of service?

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, when calculating the total length of service for calculating the pension, service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Armed Forces of the former The USSR is counted in calendar order according to actual duration.

Does full-time university education count toward work experience?

According to the pension legislation that was in force before the new pension laws came into force, the period of study in higher educational institutions was subject to inclusion in the total length of service on the same basis as work.

But in accordance with Art. 10 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, periods of work and (or) other activities are included in the insurance period, provided that these must be periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed on territory of the Russian Federation by persons insured in the compulsory pension insurance system, and at the same time, for the specified periods, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance must be paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Thus, since periods of full-time study at a university are not work and cannot be classified as periods of other activities, and insurance premiums are not paid for them, these periods are not subject to inclusion in the length of service.

Reader: I worked from the age of 17. Then I served in the army for two years, then I studied at the workers' school for a year, then I studied full-time for a year, then I went to work at the age of 22. From what point is work experience calculated?

As noted earlier, the date from which the calculation of an employee’s length of service begins is the date of commencement of work in accordance with the entry in the employee’s work book.

In the absence of a work book, as well as in the case where it contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records about individual periods of work, the following are accepted to confirm the periods of work:

  • written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force at that time;
  • certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies;
  • extracts from orders;
  • personal accounts;
  • payroll statements.

Thus, the reader’s labor period is calculated from the date of start of work at 17 years old, indicated in the work book or in other documents mentioned earlier.

What state awards and titles provide an increase in pension?

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 4, 2002 No. 21-FZ “On additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation,” citizens of the Russian Federation who receive a pension and have outstanding achievements, as well as special services to the Russian Federation. These citizens include:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called;
  • citizens awarded the Order of Lenin;
  • citizens awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I, II, III and IV degrees;
  • citizens awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;
  • laureates of the Lenin Prize, laureates of state prizes of the USSR and laureates of state prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR);
  • citizens awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” of three degrees;
  • champions of the Olympic Games, champions of the Paralympic Games, champions of the Deaflympics.

What documents are needed to apply for a pension?

To apply for a pension, citizens must submit an application (in person or through a representative) for the assignment of a pension to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence (either at the place of stay, place of actual residence, or in their absence - directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

The list of documents required to receive a pension depends on the specific type of pension being issued. Due to the fact that citizens most often apply for an old-age labor pension, we provide a list of necessary documents for this type of pension.

Along with the application filled out according to the approved form (a sample is presented on the official website of the Pension Fund: http://www.pfrf.ru/how_to_make_a_pension/15338.html), the applicant must submit the following documents:

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Work record book or documents issued by employers confirming the applicant’s work experience.

In addition, if necessary, the following documents are attached:

  • Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002 during employment.
  • Documents confirming the presence of disabled family members.
  • A certificate confirming that disabled family members are dependent.
  • A document confirming the place of residence, stay or actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A document confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Documents on changing the last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Certificate of disability and the degree of limitation of ability to work.

What is the difference between public pension funds and private ones?

In the compulsory pension insurance system, the insurer can be the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), a state fund or a non-state pension fund (NPF). The insured person can choose which insurer will form the accumulative part of his labor pension and which person will manage his pension assets.

Russian Pension Fund (state fund): invests pension savings through a state management company (GMC) or, at your request, transfers funds to a private management company.

GUK adheres to a fairly conservative investment strategy and invests in the most reliable government securities, mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by the state, and deposits in authorized banks. This ensures the greatest reliability of savings with potentially lower returns.

Non-state pension fund: maintains an individual pension account for the accumulative part of the labor pension; invests funds through private management companies (NPF can invest pension savings not through one, but through several private management companies); at the same time, the level of reliability of savings is much lower than in the state pension fund (this is due to the types of investments that are made by NPFs in relation to pension assets - they are more risky in nature: for example, investments in foreign securities, other foreign assets, in addition, Due to less control by the state, cases of misuse of pension funds cannot be excluded) with potentially higher profitability.

The insured person can transfer the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund (NPF) at any time. By default, pension savings are located in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and are transferred to the management of a state management company; transfer of funds to a non-state pension fund is possible only if you express your will. However, there are cases of unauthorized (without the knowledge of the insured person) transfer of funds to NPFs.

Is there a guarantee that money in a private pension fund will not be lost?

Chapter 5 of the Federal Law of 05/07/1998 No. 75-FZ “On Non-State Pension Funds” provides for measures to protect the rights of participants and insured persons, as well as pension assets - these are:

  • mandatory requirements for the size of the total contribution of the founders of the fund - at least 30 million rubles;
  • independent control of government agencies over the activities of non-state pension funds: annual submission of activity reports to the authorized body; licensing the activities of all companies that serve non-state pension funds; periodic reporting and mandatory publication of information on the activities of the fund (information on the formation and financial results of the placement of pension reserves);
  • annual independent audit of NPF activities;
  • internal control measures: separation of functions and allocation of funds of participants.

However, it is hardly possible to talk about a 100% guarantee of the safety of pension funds held in non-state pension funds, due to the fact that these funds make more risky investments (for example, investments in foreign assets); In addition, due to less control by the state, cases of misuse of funds cannot be excluded.

Can a citizen of the Russian Federation use foreign pension funds? What needs to be done for this?

According to the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation,” the insurer (the one who provides insurance) is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, and also, along with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds can act as insurers.

A non-state pension fund is a special legal entity that is created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds”), i.e. the legislation does not provide for the possibility of participating in the pension insurance system as an insurer of a foreign pension fund.

As part of this issue, it is necessary to remember that any pension system of any state is a certain part of the budget. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is subsidized from the federal budget of the Russian Federation, and often from the regional budget. In addition, the state bears additional responsibility for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and pension provision (since it is guaranteed by Article 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation); in the event of a potential transfer of funds to a foreign pension fund, the state will not be able to fulfill its obligations.

What to do in this case: the work book containing records of work during the USSR period in a number of republics of the former USSR (before 1991) has been lost. Do I need to restore it and how?

Since the work book is the main document about the employee’s work activity and length of service (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), if it is lost, it certainly needs to be restored.

The procedure for restoring a lost work book is regulated by clauses 31 - 32 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”.

In accordance with these rules, a person who has lost his work book is obliged to immediately notify the employer at his last place of work. The employer issues a duplicate work book to the employee no later than 15 days from the date the employee submits the application.

In this case, when registering a duplicate work book, the following is entered into it:

  • information about the employee’s total and (or) continuous work experience before joining this employer, confirmed by relevant documents;
  • information about work and rewards (promotions) that were entered into the work book at the last place of work.

The total length of service is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying the employer, periods of work and positions of the employee.

If the documents on the basis of which entries were made in the work book do not contain complete information about work in the past, only the information available in these documents is entered into the duplicate work book.

Total length of service is a value that becomes important for determining the amount of the accrued pension, taking into account periods of work before 01/01/2002. Let's look at what periods are included in the length of service, what documents can be used to confirm it, and also tell you how it is calculated correctly.

The concept of total work experience

The total length of service, which includes all periods of work, as well as socially useful activities of a citizen, plays a special role in taking into account the periods of work before 01/01/2002 in the calculation of pensions. After this date, in connection with the entry into force of the Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, this concept is replaced by the definition of “insurance period”, information about which begins to accumulate directly in the Pension Fund.

Fundamentally, these 2 types of length of service are distinguished by the fact that in the general work experience the periods of labor and socially useful activities carried out by the citizen are taken into account, and in the insurance period - the periods of payment of contributions from his income to the Pension Fund. With the introduction of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, the size of the pension began to depend on different values ​​depending on the period of labor activity:

  • for the period before 01/01/2002 - on the duration of the total length of service and the amount of average monthly earnings;
  • for the period from 01/01/2002 - from the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund and the presence of a minimum insurance period.

The new and old algorithms for calculating pensions turned out to be incomparable. Pension rights earned by a citizen before 01/01/2002 could not be taken into account when applying the new rules without appropriate data linking. For this purpose, paragraph 1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 provided for the possibility of recalculating these rights into an amount comparable to the new rules: the estimated pension capital accumulated on the date of the change in legislation. The formula for calculating this capital includes the value of the estimated size of the labor pension, which can be determined by one of 2 algorithms given, respectively, in clause 3 or clause 4 of Art. 30 of the law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ.

Types of total length of service that affect the calculation of pensions

Differences in establishing the estimated size of a labor pension are not limited to the difference in the formulas for their calculation: the lists of periods that form the total length of service involved in them also differ.

For calculations according to clause 3 of Art. 30 of the law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the total length of service consists of the periods:

  • any types of work (including creative activities) in the Russian Federation or abroad;
  • military service;
  • illness that occurred during work, or disability of 1-2 groups related to work;
  • unjustified excessive detention;
  • registration with the employment service in connection with unemployment.

For calculations according to clause 4 of Art. 30 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, the total length of service, in addition to the above periods, additionally includes the time:

  • vocational training;
  • caring for a disabled person;
  • maternity leave and child care up to 3 years (but not more than 9 years);
  • lack of opportunity to work for the wives of military personnel staying with their husbands at the place of service, and the wives of persons sent to work abroad. In the latter case, this period should not exceed 10 years;
  • being in the occupied territories, in concentration camps or in besieged Leningrad during the Second World War.

What is included in the length of service and how to calculate the periods?

The periods included in the total length of service are taken into account in this calculation according to their actual calendar duration by summation (clauses 3-4 of Article 30 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001). However, there are a number of exceptions, according to which the corresponding intervals are taken into account in an increased amount. For example, for both options for determining the total length of service for a full year, the time worked during a full season in seasonal industries is taken.

In calculating the length of service under clause 4 of Art. 30 of the Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ additionally increases the time:

  • work in the Far North, in areas equivalent to it, in the zone of the Chernobyl accident - 1.5 times;
  • conscript service in the army, work in leper colonies, anti-plague institutions, work during the Second World War (except for areas of occupation), living in besieged Leningrad, being in a concentration camp - 2 times;
  • participation in hostilities and service in the zone of the Chernobyl accident, treatment of war injuries, work in besieged Leningrad, unjustified detention in places of detention - 3 times.

The right to choose a calculation formula and, accordingly, to evaluate the total length of service is reserved by law to the insured person. However, in practice, such a calculation is made by the Pension Fund based on the documents it has, choosing from 2 options the most profitable for the pensioner.

The length of service is assessed in years, months and days. In this case, 30 calendar days are taken for a full month, and 12 months for a year (clause 47 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 1015 of October 2, 2014 and clause 35 of the previous Government Resolution of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 555).

The total length of service consists of periods of employment and periods of time when the person was unemployed. The concept of total work experience is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for calculating the duration of work is also determined by labor legislation.

Correct calculation allows you to accurately determine the time of entry into a general pension, including a preferential pension. This concept is important for the payment of temporary disability benefits, as well as for payment of time spent on maternity leave and child care. Thus, the correct calculation of the specified value is important for each employee (since, among other things, it affects the vacation reserve for him). It is a guarantee for the observance of their rights and legitimate interests.

What is included in the total length of service?

The duration of this period includes all the time during which the employee carried out official activities. The relevant entries must be included in the work book. It is this document that is the main one on which HR department employees make the necessary calculations.

The general period includes the following segments:

  • work under contract. Its duration is calculated based on the start date of the performance of one’s professional duties and until their end. This is the main time that is taken into account for all categories of workers;
  • time spent serving in the Russian Armed Forces. This time is included in the total duration, as well as in the preferential length of service when serving in the army or law enforcement agencies;
  • in some cases, half of the training is credited. This rule applies only to full-time studies at accredited higher education institutions. Correspondence training is not included in the experience. The specified time is taken into account when calculating preferential length of service;
  • being on maternity leave and maternity leave. According to the law, a woman has the right to be on such leave until the child reaches 3 years of return. Accordingly, the entire specified period is counted as working;
  • the time elapsed from the moment of dismissal until new employment is counted under certain conditions. If absence from work occurs for 1 – 3 months, then the calculation of time is not interrupted.

Thus, this concept includes not only the time actually worked under the contract, but also some other periods. You need to know this in order to be able to defend your rights.

Is part-time work included in the total length of service?

When working part-time, an employee, in addition to his main place, performs other duties in the same organization or in another. In this case, there is no double calculation of the duration of the working period.

For calculations, the actual days worked are taken, as well as the time spent on sick leave. Thus, part-time work is taken into account in any case. However, double counting does not occur.

By the way, it is written about whether parental leave for up to 3 years (for retirement) is included in the length of service.

Does studying at a technical school count towards your total work experience?

During the period of study at a secondary specialized educational institution, a person has the right to find a job and begin a professional activity. However, during employment, it will be the performance of the work that will be taken into account, and not the completion of training. Therefore, the duration of study at a college or technical school does not count.

How to find a length of service calculator and where to calculate it using your work book is described in the following article.

Is maternity leave included in seniority?

During maternity leave, the employee has the same rights as during the actual implementation of professional activities. Moreover, at this time the employer is obliged to provide a whole range of guarantees for the employee.

One of them is the inclusion of this vacation in the general working period. In all cases it is included in the specified value.

What is included in the insurance period

This concept has significant differences from the labor period. The fact is that the work experience includes the above-mentioned periods of time. And the insurance time includes only the period when transfers were made to the Social Insurance Fund for the employee from his employer.

The insurance period only includes the time when the employee worked under an employment contract and received an official salary.

After all, when undergoing training or serving in the army, deductions to the Social Insurance Fund are not made. Accordingly, these periods cannot be included in the insurance time.

What length of service is taken to calculate sick leave 2018 - total or continuous?

The calculation of sick leave and payments for it directly depend on the period of work of the person. If he has been practicing professionally for more than 8 years, he is entitled to 100% of the payment.
They are carried out based on the calculation of average daily earnings for the previous 2 years. As a basic value, the continuous work time (continuous length of service) is taken.

If a person has worked in an organization for less than 2 years, then the length of service at the previous place of work is taken into account. After all, sick leave payments are made from the Social Insurance Fund. The employer only pays for the first 3 days.

How to calculate length of service using a work book

This can be done by adding up the duration of work, based on the marks in the book. Moreover, if the time between the old and new work did not exceed 1 month, then this month should be included. If a company is downsized or liquidated, you are given 3 months to find a new job. Therefore, they must also be taken into account.

What is the minimum length of service required to calculate a pension?

The total insurance time is taken into account. For a pension assigned on a general basis, such a period must be at least 8 years in 2018. If this is not the case, then the person will receive the minimum social pension in connection with reaching this age.

To calculate, you need to find out how long insurance payments were made for the employee. They are transferred to the Social Insurance Fund monthly, during the entire period of work on the basis of the contract.

In its absence, the reliability of the terms of work can be confirmed with the help of certificates from the previous employer and employment contracts. If the organizations no longer exist, the citizen will have to contact the city or municipal archive. In some cases, if documents are lost, the law allows you to confirm the duration of work based on the testimony of two or more witnesses. This opportunity applies only to cases of loss of a work record through no fault of the employee. That is, in case of intentional destruction or damage due to careless storage, it is impossible to prove your experience with the help of witnesses. This ban is necessary to prevent citizens from deliberately exaggerating the duration of work periods. Also, from the testimony of these persons, it is impossible to confirm the nature of the work, the harmfulness and danger of the activity.

What periods are deducted from the total length of service when calculating a pension?

What is insurance experience? Work experience when calculating insurance. Other periods of time counted in insurance experience. Calculation of insurance experience. What is insurance experience? - a concept in accordance with the pension law. The insurance period is the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension, during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period established by pension legislation. Thus, the insurance period, in contrast to the work experience, consists not only of periods of work on the basis of employment contracts (agreements), but also of other “non-working” periods of time included in the insurance period in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” .
Insurance experience is required to assign an old-age insurance pension.

Experience for calculating pensions: general, labor, insurance

The following truth is well known: for a good old-age pension you need a good salary, received as long as possible in youth and maturity. But how many years do you need to work in order to be guaranteed a pension? In other words, how long should the length of service be for calculating a pension? Necessary conditions Since 2015, working Russians have a new pension system, consisting of two separate components: an insurance pension and pension savings. The second of them is not working yet, so all that remains is to earn the first - insurance pensions.

In order to obtain the right to them, you must:
  • For men - to reach the age of 60, for women - to reach 55 years of age.

Insurance experience - what it includes, how it is calculated

Federal law, the total length of service consists of the following periods:

  • any types of work (including creative activities) in the Russian Federation or abroad;
  • military service;
  • illness that occurred during work, or disability of 1-2 groups related to work;
  • unjustified excessive detention;
  • registration with the employment service in connection with unemployment.

For calculations according to clause 4 of Art. 30 of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, the total length of service, in addition to the above periods, additionally includes the time:

  • vocational training;
  • caring for a disabled person;
  • maternity leave and child care up to 3 years (but not more than 9 years);
  • lack of opportunity to work for the wives of military personnel staying with their husbands at the place of service, and the wives of persons sent to work abroad.

Total length of service - what is included and how to calculate?

    The most popular questions and answers to them regarding insurance experience

  • List of laws
  • Conclusion
  • The total period of professional activity for which the corresponding contributions were calculated is called the insurance period. This concept is disclosed by Federal Law No. 27 of 01.04. 96 (ed. 12/28/16). According to the standard, the term labor activity means the performance of work:
  • According to the relevant agreement.
  • Author's orientation.
  • As an individual entrepreneur.

There are certain types of experience: Attention, promotion! Free consultation! +7 499 350 44 07 Moscow +7 812 627 17 49 St. Petersburg +7 800 511 81 06 Russia

  1. General.
  2. Special or professional.

The first characterizes work on the territory of Russia when contributions were calculated or which is documented.

What is insurance experience

If the amount exceeds a fixed amount, then 1 calendar year is included in the length of service. How is the length of service calculated and confirmed for calculating a pension? On April 1, 1996, Federal Law No. 27 “On individual (personalized) accounting...” came into force, and from that moment on, the calculation of the insurance period is divided into two intervals: before the introduction of this law, and after it came into force. To confirm work experience for the period of work before 1996, certificates from employers are required. Time of employment after 1996 is confirmed using a system of universal personalized accounting, which is carried out by employees of the Pension Fund.
What to do if documents confirming employment before 1996 are lost or there is no way to obtain them from the employer? In this case, several options are possible:

  • Apply to the court for restoration of your work record.

Length of work for calculating old-age pension


The most popular questions and answers to them regarding insurance experience Question: Hello. My name is Valentina. Recently a fifth child was born in our family. According to the law, the time spent caring for a child up to one and a half years is counted as work experience.

How many additional years will be added to my actual working life? Answer: Hello, Valentina. According to Art. 12 Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013 (as amended on December 19, 2016) the period of time caring for a child until he reaches one and a half years is counted in the total length of service. At the same time, a limit has been set - six years.

That is, the maximum you can add is only six years for your first four children. For the fifth person, the concession in question is not granted. If you are recognized as a non-working mother: before and after the birth of the child there is no actual work experience, the specified period is extended to nine years.

Insurance experience

That is, the year of insurance experience is not calculated over the actual calendar period, but from the sum of real working days.

  • Work activity is taken into account on the day preceding the day of applying for a pension. For applicants for an insurance pension for old age, disability and loss of a survivor, if they submitted an application within the time established by law* - the length of service is taken into account on the day the payments are assigned.* - for old age: within 30 days after dismissal, for others: up to one year after the grounds for obtaining benefits arise.
  • The insurance period for an old-age pension, formed for citizens who are already receiving state payments for disability or long service, is made up of working time that is not taken into account when assigning state payments.

Work experience for calculating pensions in 2018

The Pension Fund also includes periods when such payments could not be made and the citizen did not officially work (for example, the time when he received unemployment benefits). What is the difference between the insurance component of the labor pension under Federal Law No. 173 and the insurance pension under Federal Law No. 400? The changes affected the principle of calculation and conditions for providing pensions. For labor pensions, the total pension capital was calculated, expressed in rubles.


For an insurance pension, pension capital is accumulated in the form of points (pension coefficients) with a value in rubles increased annually by the state. To receive a labor pension, you only had to accumulate work experience. An insurance pension will require a minimum length of service for calculating a pension (in fact, a minimum insurance period) and the sum of individual pension points (coefficients) at a level of at least six years and a value of 6.6 points, respectively, for the current year.

Also excluded from it is the time used to establish payments under the laws of foreign countries. Calculation of insurance length of service The length of service is determined in calendar order. If some included periods overlap each other in time interval, one is taken into account at the request of the citizen.

The insurance period until January 2002 is calculated based on its actual duration. After this period, working time for which insurance premiums were paid is taken into account. The specifics of the calculation are regulated by GD No. 1015 of 10/02/14.

According to the resolution:

  1. Continuous experience consists of time periods. Months of 30 days actually worked, years of 12 such months.

Employee insurance length: what is it and how to calculate it

The period counted towards the insurance period in connection with the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from payments and other remunerations under these contracts, if there are periods of work and (or) other activities in the corresponding calendar year, other periods are taken into account in such a way that the insurance period for the corresponding calendar year did not exceed one year (12 months). The procedure for confirming insurance experience When calculating the insurance experience before registering a citizen as an insured person and receiving a pension certificate, the experience is confirmed on the basis of information from individual (personalized) records for the specified period and (or) documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies. For documents that can be used to confirm insurance experience in the absence of information in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, see the article at the link.

Far North, the duration of work should be 20 and 25 years. There are individual cases where persons working in the Far North or adjacent areas may retire earlier:

  • Women who are raising two or more children and have worked for 12 to 17 years can retire after reaching the age of 50. If they were employed in areas equivalent to the Far North, then 20 years of experience are required.
  • Citizens working in the hunting field can retire at 50 (men) and 45 years (women), if the experience is 25 and 20 years.

Insurance pension and insurance experience: what is it? In accordance with current legislation, the insurance period represents the total duration of a citizen’s working activity, during which insurance accruals were made to the Pension Fund.

  • Army service in 1979-1981 is not counted towards 42 years of service.
  • The father does not count 9 years of service on his work book for the pension supplement.
  • Why is work after January 1, 2001 not counted in the total length of service?
  • Service in the Armed Forces is counted as length of service
  • The length of service is not counted since there were no contributions to the pension fund.
  • If an enterprise does not pay contributions to the pension fund, is the length of service counted?
  • Why is studying at a paramilitary nautical school not counted towards work experience?
  • Work experience without working
  • Work experience not less
  • Work record without working
  • Get work experience without working
  • I have no work experience


1. Army service in 1979-1981 is not counted towards 42 years of service.

1.1. YES. Service in the USSR Armed Forces is certainly included in the total length of service...

2. The father does not count 9 years of service according to his work book for the pension supplement.

2.1. You can try through the court, proving that he worked at this enterprise.

3.2. Hello.
Make a request from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a table

4. Armed Forces service is not included in the length of service.

4.1. Hello, Sergey!

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013, as amended on June 4, 2014) “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” in order to determine the estimated size of the labor pension of the insured of persons in accordance with this paragraph, the total length of service is understood as the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities until January 1, 2002, which includes:
service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,
Must count.

5. Work experience is not counted since there were no contributions to the pension fund.

5.1. Hello!
According to the law

6. If an enterprise does not pay contributions to the pension fund, is the length of service counted?

6.1. Doesn't count.

But in court you can force the PF to take this length of service into account when calculating your pension.
There is a corresponding resolution on this by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

7. Why is studying at a paramilitary nautical school not counted towards work experience?

7.1. Years of study do not count towards work experience. If you worked part-time somewhere during your studies, be sure to include this in your work book.
There are two ways to calculate a pension - 1) according to the old pension legislation, taking into account periods of study and 2) according to the new law without taking into account these periods. In practice, it is often more profitable to calculate the pension using the second option, since the first option has a limit on the maximum pension amount.
There is an insurance period (this is when taxes are paid for the employee), this was not done during study.

8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781
The work of a nurse is NOT included in the preferential length of service, but I worked as a nurse in 1985! - when this decree of 2002 did not exist! Why is it not counted towards seniority?

8.1. Dear Valentina! In this situation, you should thoroughly understand and assess the prospects for a legal dispute, since such issues are usually resolved only in court. We deal with this category of disputes; before that, we need to assess the sufficiency and completeness of the documents you have.

9. Is length of service counted according to lists No. 2 in the MKS before 2002 in 1.5 times the time period and is only the length of service of at least 6 years and 3 months or possibly 5 years counted in 1.5 times the amount - 7.5 years in insurance length of service?

9.1. --- Hello dear site visitor, a consultation needs to be prepared! Raise the Federal Law and give an answer, and this is a paid service. You can contact a lawyer personally, and we will prepare a consultation for you on a paid basis, based on the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2016) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 779. We will prepare a consultation after receipt of payment. E-mail adress [email protected] Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

9.2. Calculation of the duration of periods of labor and other socially useful activities before January 1, 2002, included in the total length of service, is carried out in calendar order according to their actual duration, with the exception of periods of work during the full navigation period on water transport and periods of work during the full season in organizations of seasonal industries (included in the total length of service as a full year of work, regardless of the actual duration of these periods). The list of seasonal work and seasonal industries, work in enterprises and organizations of which, regardless of their departmental affiliation, for a full season is counted towards the pension for a year of work, was approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated July 4, 1991 No. 381.

9.3. In this case, work experience according to list No. 2 in the ISS until 2002 is counted in 1.5 times the time period. According to actual duration. That is, if 5 years, then using a coefficient of 1.5, the total experience on lists No. 2 in the ISS will be 7.5 years
Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (latest edition) Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers dated January 26, 1991 N 10 (as amended on October 2, 1991) "On approval of Lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators , giving the right to preferential pension provision"

10. I am 56 years old. Worked as an electric and gas welder for 25 years. From 90 to 2000, an entry was made on the collective farm to become a welder. And now these 10 years are not counted toward my preferential length of service. What should I do.

10.1. Nikolay, hello, thank you for the question, the answer is to contact the court and the prosecutor’s office so that they check whether the 10 years of experience were legally removed, after the prosecutor’s office then go to court to prove your case in court.

10.2. Hello, Nikolay! To have the right to early assignment of an insurance pension according to List No. 2, you need 12 years and 6 months of preferential service. As you write, you have 25 years of experience as an electric and gas welder. Even if you subtract 10 years of work on a collective farm, 15 years of preferential service remain, i.e. enough to grant a preferential pension. Or were there problems with the other periods too? Has the pension fund already made a decision on your application?
Sincerely, A.D. Ruslin.

11. The PF calculated the length of service at the time of retirement (32 years) in 1994. I continued to work until 2001 officially, paying page contributions (there is an extract, but in 2002 the Pension Fund counts the length of service determined for 1994, refusing me that I did not write an Application in 2002 for the recalculation of work experience. I wrote an application in 1998 for recalculation of the pension based on the rehabilitation certificate, but they say that you did not write an application for recalculation of your work experience.

11.1. Good evening
If your experience is not counted, then you can do it in court, i.e. The decision regarding the refusal to count periods of work into the insurance period as illegal and oblige them to recalculate.
If you need the help of a lawyer, contact us, since we have both practice and experience in this category of cases (positive).

12. I am a medical worker, in the work book it is written that I am a nurse in the neonatal ward in the obstetric department, on the education portal of the Russian Federation, my position is ward m/s, job descriptions are also for a ward nurse, which is counted as 1 in the list of preferential pensions a year for 1.5, how to prove that we are ward nurses, and not those who are recorded in the work book?

12.1. Hello.
What is stated in the employment contract and employment order?
If your positions changed their names after the special assessment process, for example, then this should have been formalized in the form of a change in the terms of the employment contract. That is, changes are also made to all work documents.

13. Are years of work in Estonia before 1992 counted towards the length of service when assigning a pension to a citizen currently residing in the Russian Federation? The Pension Fund refused, citing the fact that Russia does not cooperate with Estonia.

13.1. Good afternoon

The pension for years of work in Estonia, according to the agreement concluded between Russia and Estonia, is paid directly by the Republic of Estonia.
Those. if you were told that Russia does not pay a pension for working in Estonia, this is correct, but regarding cooperation between states in terms of social security, this is incorrect!
You should contact the regional office of the Pension Fund and submit a corresponding application, which the Fund will forward to the Estonian Social Security Department. He, in turn, will check your length of service in Estonia and, if this length of service is confirmed, will award you the appropriate pension.

14. I was denied full exercise of my legally acquired pension rights. In particular, when assigning a pension, according to the option I chose for calculating the pension in terms of calculating pension rights received during the existence of the USSR. The calculation of the pension is carried out according to the previously valid formula of the law, Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173, paragraph 4, Article 30 in accordance with the current legislation of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013, Article 13, paragraph 8. When calculating the insurance period in order to determine the right to an insurance pension, periods of work and (or) other activities that took place before the entry into force of this Federal Law and were counted towards the length of service when assigning a pension in accordance with the legislation in force during the period of performance of the work (activity), may be included in the specified length of service using the rules for calculating the relevant length of service provided for by the specified legislation (including taking into account the preferential procedure for calculating length of service), at the choice of the insured person.
Which is what I chose based on the corresponding application to the Pension Fund office.
When calculating the pension under this option, on the basis of the act “on modernization of wages,” the amount of my average salary for calculating the pension was incorrectly determined.

The size of my average salary according to the provided certificate for the selected period of 60 months from 01/01/1986 to 12/30/1990 for the period of calculation under clause 4 of article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 was 498.60 rubles. With an average salary in the country of 243.94 rubles. which is 2.04 times higher than the average salary in the country, which at the time the pension was assigned was determined in the amount of 1,671 rubles. Accordingly, my average salary with a given coefficient of 2.04 should have been determined at 3,408 rubles. 84 kopecks.
However, when calculating my pension according to the calculation option I chose, my average salary was determined (based on the so-called modernization of wages) and was determined to be 1104.76 rubles, which is significantly lower than the average salary in the country and is only 0.6 in the coefficient
Essentially, having updated my average salary in this way, while forgetting to update the average salary in the country, when calculating the pension, the wage ratio was changed, which led to an underestimation of the size of the Individual Pension Capital (IPC) and, as a consequence, a decrease in the size of the pension.
Moreover, the pension assigned to me under clause 3 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173 and indicated in the calculation (supposedly the most profitable) turned out to be calculated in violation of the elementary laws of mathematics. Since, with a given wage ratio, the coefficient cannot be higher than 0.6, and when calculating my pension according to clause 3.Article 30 of Federal Law 173, it is indicated in the amount of 1.4. Which made me an unwitting accomplice in deceiving the state.
All these circumstances led to the fact that the amount of my legally acquired pension rights was significantly underestimated. In particular, the period for taking into account preferential length of service was excluded; for this reason, my working experience was underestimated by one third from 29 years to 19.
Are there lawyers who could resolve this situation in line with legal legislation?

14.1. Hello. There are lawyers, but the service will be paid.

14.2. --- Hello dear site visitor, a consultation needs to be prepared! Raise the Federal Law and give an answer, and this is a paid service. You can contact ANY lawyer personally, and we will prepare a consultation for you on a paid basis, based on the “Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)” dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2016) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 779. consultation We will prepare after receipt of payment. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

15. From 1983 to 1985, he served in military service in unit 03308, which was located in a remote area of ​​the Far North - about. Novaya Zemlya After the end of service, when applying for a job, the northern polar women immediately began to pay, Question: Why now does the Pension Fund of Murmansk not count this time into the northern work experience? Is this legal? Thank you.

15.1. No, it's not legal. The issue is easily resolved in court.

16. The work book contains a record of hiring and dismissal, documented in accordance with the law. The Pension Fund excludes several periods from the length of service, because there was no salary and, accordingly, no contributions to the Pension Fund. As I understand it. They may not count the insurance period. But not labor. Why were they excluded?

16.1. Good afternoon
This period was excluded precisely because there were no contributions to the Pension Fund from the employer. You can resolve your issue in court. The court will find out the circumstances and determine who is to blame, whether to count this period or not.

The PF calculated the length of service at the time of retirement (32 years) in 1994. I continued to work until 2001 officially, paying page contributions (there is an extract, but in 2002 the Pension Fund counts the length of service determined for 1994, refusing me that I did not write an Application in 2002 for the recalculation of work experience. I wrote an application in 1998 for recalculation of pension based on a rehabilitation certificate, but they say that you did not write an application for recalculation of work experience. Read answers (1)

17. The employer has the right, at the request of an employee, to grant her leave without pay for any period agreed upon by the parties.

From January 1, 2014, changes were made to subparagraph. 3 p. 1 art. 11 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

It says that the insurance period includes the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but no more than three years in total (now no more than 4.5 years in total). That is, the law proposes an increase from 3 to 4.5 years in the maximum period for child care, which is included in the insurance period for calculating the pension.

Previously, a parent’s insurance period included up to 1.5 years of parental leave for each child, but a total of no more than 3 years. With the amendments provided for by law, this period has been increased to four and a half years.

17.1. What is your question? Yes, leave without pay is provided on the basis of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duration of such leave is determined by agreement with the employer. This leave and parental leave, Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are different leaves not related to each other.

18. I work at a school for disabled children. I plan to switch to part-time (the main job is based on the work book).
Tell me, is part-time work taken into account when calculating teaching experience? Total experience? And length of service that gives the right to receive a preferential pension?
Indicate, if possible, documents on which to rely.
The employer claims that part-time work does not count towards teaching experience.

18.1. Hello! For teaching experience, you now need to work full-time. This rule does not apply to primary school teachers and teachers of rural secondary schools.

Periods of work performed before September 1, 2000 in positions in institutions specified in the list are counted towards the length of service, regardless of the condition of fulfilling the standard working hours (teaching or educational load) during these periods, and starting from September 1, 2000 - provided fulfillment (in total for the main and other places of work) of the standard working time (teaching or educational load) established for the wage rate (official salary), except for the cases specified in these Rules.

Work as a teacher of primary classes in general education institutions specified in paragraph 1.1 of the section “Name of Institutions” of the list, teachers of general education schools of all names located in rural areas (except for evening (shift) and open (shift) general education schools) is included in the work experience regardless of volume of the educational load performed ((clauses 4, 6 of the Rules for calculating periods of work, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out teaching activities in institutions for children, in accordance with subparagraph 19 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781)).

19. Today my husband received a refusal from the Pension Fund to grant him a preferential pension. We were from Sakhalin and flew there specifically to collect information and found almost everything except one. My husband has experience on the 2nd scale, he is a gas-electric welder, he has enough work experience, but since there is no certificate from his last place, and he worked there for 5 months. They said that they do not count this period and in total 3 months are missing.
Ready to go to court. Everything in the labor document is clear, both printed and recorded.

19.1. The PF writes a lot of refusals, if the documents are in order, then the chances of winning are high!

20. Is study included in the length of service (37...) in order to retire? I’m 35 years old, turning 55 in January, but my studies don’t count towards me.

20.1. Hello,
Accounting is not included in the length of service. During this period you did not work and did not receive wages.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

I am a medical worker, in the work book there is an entry that I am a nurse in the neonatal ward in the obstetric department, on the education portal of the Russian Federation, my position is ward m/s, job descriptions are also for a ward nurse, which is in the list of preferential pensions to count the experience as 1 year per 1.5, how to prove that we are ward nurses, and not those who are recorded in the work book? Read answers (1)

21. I have this problem: my work experience as a medical brother is not counted, since I am a foreign citizen (Kyrgyzstan citizenship), where should I apply?

21.1. Hello! Contact the labor inspectorate.

21.2. You receive a refusal from the Pension Fund of Russia and appeal it in court, and the court will oblige you to include these years in your watch list. If you need help, choose a lawyer and contact us. If you do everything correctly, then the chance is 99%.

22. I ask you to provide me with legal assistance in obtaining an early pension for working in hazardous working conditions. In October 2018, I had to retire early due to hazardous working conditions in hot shops (foundry and smelter in metallurgical production). But I couldn’t do this, because the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation refused me, citing the fact that my proven work experience was 4 years and 5 months, and in my work book I had more than 10 years of experience as a metallurgist. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Vladikavkaz did not provide me with a written refusal.
Unproven experience is:
01/10/1991 I went to work at Spartak as a cupola worker, this work is harmful, according to List No. 1, I quit on 05/15/1995, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation refuses to count this work experience as harmful, since this plant was private and closed long ago , the plant management did not provide any information about the workers to the city archive (submitted a request). I also sent a request to “SU-2 SEVOSETINGRAZHDANSTROYA”, since CHIP “Spartak”, according to PF employees, handed them their documents from the personnel department, but there was no feedback.
In 1996, I went to work at the Electrozinc plant as a 3rd category cathode operator, this work is hazardous, spec. 1, 2, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10, metallurgical production (non-ferrous metals), according to List No. 1, I quit 04/28/2000 The plant confirmed my harmful work experience. At the moment, after the rallies in North Ossetia-Alania, the plant has closed.
I also worked at VMUP UPTK from July 13, 2001 as a 1st category foundry worker, this job also belongs to List No. 1, I quit on May 17, 2001, having actually worked for 10 months, but according to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for North Ossetia-Alania, this company only provided information about 5 months of work. I sent registered letters to the management of the enterprise, but there was no feedback.
I also worked as a foundry foreman at IP Doev G.R. more than 5 years, the Pension Fund also refuses to count the length of service in this work.
This is not a complete list of my work activities, but if there is even the slightest chance of proving at least this harmful work experience, it will be enough for me to receive a well-deserved insurance pension early. All records with seals, as well as indications of positions, are available in my work book. I can provide you with all the documents, as well as an extract of information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person.

22.1. Vyacheslav, for specific assistance, you can contact any lawyer in private messages or via the contacts specified in the lawyer’s profile. Documents are not attached in chat. And in messages or email. You can safely attach all documents by mail.

23. I have registered to provide care for a pensioner over 80 years old, I know that the length of service must be completed, but the Pension Fund employee has not entered anything into my work book, will the length of service be counted towards me?

23.1. Good afternoon You are absolutely right about the length of service. At the same time, the pension fund employee is not obliged to enter any information into your work book. It is enough to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with supporting documents attached. In addition, in the coming years, work books will most likely be canceled and all information about work experience will be taken into account only in electronic form. Congratulations, lawyer A.S. Mukhachev! tel. 89026455134.

24. All the lawyers answered me that if I studied at the institute from an enterprise and received a scholarship from the enterprise that sent me to study, then the years spent studying are included in the length of service for calculating a pension. I addressed this question to our pension fund, where they told me that if the company had paid me a salary during my studies, then this would have been included in the length of service, but if they paid a stipend, then the length of service would not be counted. Where can I find the regulations or law on length of service and are the social security workers right in kicking me out?

24.1. The Pension Fund must give you a written answer with reference to the law.

24.2. They can tell you anything, you need to demand a written response from the UPF.

25. I gave birth to a child on 06/01/1992, for some reason my maternity leave is not counted towards my length of service for retirement, are they right?

25.1. Guzel, no, no, and again. There are plenty of reasons not to trust the Pension Fund authorities and this is not hidden information. They try to fool every pensioner, including those with seniority. So... study, military service, maternity leave - are included in the length of service by virtue of Articles 90,91,92 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 340-1...this was told to you at the Ordzhonikidze UPFR in Ufa?

26. They refused to take into account 5 years of experience that was spent studying at a university.
In 2018, I submitted an application to provide me with social support measures in the category “pensioners who have worked in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) for at least 20 years and have a long work experience (in calendar terms) of at least 45 years for men and 40 years for women.” .
After considering my application, the social services department. defense refused me, the refusal was motivated by the fact that from 1975 to 1980. I studied at a university, and therefore these five years are not included in my work experience.
In the statement of claim, I referred to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 3, 197, number 950, paragraph 109. subparagraph I, which states the following: the total length of service also includes:
i) training in higher educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, pedagogical and medical schools, etc.), party schools, Soviet party schools, trade union schools, workers' faculties; stay in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency;
The court refused to satisfy my claims, taking as the basis for a reasoned decision the Defendant’s objection, which stated that the study period is not taken into account in the total length of service.
In the decision, the court did not evaluate my references and objections.
Is it legal to deny my claims? What can I refer to when writing an appeal?
Thank you.

26.1. Social support is provided to pensioners, who have worked in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) for at least 20 years and have a work experience (in calendar terms) of at least 45 years for men and 40 years for women, excluding periods of work performed by convicts held in correctional institutions and prisons. That is, when calculating length of service, only work is counted. This is established by the Social Code of St. Petersburg (Law of St. Petersburg dated November 22, 2011 No. 728-132).
For some reason, you decided to be guided by another normative legal act - the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 03.08.197... The court did not evaluate your arguments, but in fact everything is simple: you based the claim on a rule of law that is not subject to application.

27. In 1998, I was fired from work due to staff reduction, I did not receive a work book because illegally and in violation of the law under Article 34 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I continued to work, two months later I was fired again, but under Article 33, paragraph 1 of the Labor Code RF but the entry is made with the same number. I went to court, the court decided to reinstate me in my position, count all days as working days, and pay my salary according to the staffing schedule. The company complied with the court decision. In the work book, reinstatement was noted according to the date of the court decision. Currently, the Pension Fund does not count this period into the insurance period, I presented a Personal Account showing the days worked, a salary certificate, they require confirmation that I worked, the company changed its owner, the archive burned down. What to do, how to establish justice? Thank you!

27.1. Hello.

In this case, appeal the PF’s refusal. To begin with, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

28. Will the time spent registering at the Employment Center be counted as work experience after two and a half years of being registered there? I mean, only the first year, the period of payment of benefits, is counted towards the length of service (I was paid for a total of two years) or? Is it worth deregistering? I was told that now they will not pay me any benefits at all. Will the internship continue?

28.1. Work experience will be counted benefit periods on unemployment. (Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On Insurance Pensions”, Article 12.

From 1983 to 1985, he served in military service in unit 03308, which was located in a remote area of ​​the Far North - about. Novaya Zemlya After the end of service, when applying for a job, the northern polar women immediately began to pay, Question: Why now does the Pension Fund of Murmansk not count this time into the northern work experience? Is this legal? Thank you. Read answers (1)

29. My husband has work experience in his work book, but it is not counted because the employer did not pay contributions to the Pension Fund.

29.1. If the court proves the existence of an employment relationship with this employer, the Pension Fund of Russia will count this period into the insurance period.

30. My husband’s work record shows work experience in the Pension Fund; he is not counted because the employer did not pay contributions. Is this legal?

30.1. Rightful!
According to clause 2, part 1, art. 3 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ
(ed. dated 03/06/2019) "About insurance pensions"
2)insurance experience- the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities taken into account when determining the right to an insurance pension and its amount, for which insurance contributions were calculated and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance period;

30.2. Hello! They will count it in court, you need to file a lawsuit.